shaolin temple (少林寺)

Post on 19-Aug-2015






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Shaolin Temple少林寺


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Shaolin Temple 少林寺(The birth place of Chinese Zen 中國禪宗的發源地 )

Shaolin Monastery or Shaolin Temple is a Zen Buddhist temple on Mount Song, near Dengfeng, Zhengzhou, Henan province, China. Founded in the fifth century, the monastery is long famous for its association with Chinese martial arts and particularly with Shaolin Kung Fu, and it is the best known Mahayana Buddhist monastery to the Western world.少林寺在中國河南鄭州登封的嵩山附近,是一個禪宗佛教寺廟。建立於五世紀,寺院一直與著名的中國武術有關,特別是少林功夫,它是以大乘佛教寺院聞名於西方世界。

Shaolin Monastery and its famed Pagoda Forest were inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in.在 2010 年,少林寺和有名的塔林被列為聯合國教科文組織世界遺產名錄中。

Shaolin Temple is not only the ancient and mysterious Buddhist temple, it's also more famous for its exquisite Shaolin Kung Fu in the world.少林寺不但是古老而神秘的佛教寺院,更以其精湛的少林功夫聞名於世。

Shaolin warrior monks receive international guests to train, students will gain unique insight into life training in the temple and have the opportunity to live, study and eat meals with the Shaolin monks. 少林寺武僧接受國際客人來訓練,學生將獲得獨特的生命體驗,在寺廟培訓,並有與少林武僧生活,學習,吃飯的機會。

Songshan Shaolin Scenic Introduction嵩山少林景區簡介

Shaolin culture, Human heritage少林文化,人類遺產

Ready for martial arts show 預備功夫表演

Kung Fu Performance 功夫表演

Kung Fu Performance 功夫表演


Shaolin Temple scenic entrance archway少林寺景區入口牌樓

Many kids wear red clothes on the playground were practicing martial arts. They were all students from Shaolin Martial Arts School.很多穿紅色衣服的孩子正在操場上練武,他們都是少林寺武術學校的學生。

There is electric car service to transport you from one area to the next.有電動車的服務,將您從一個景區送到下一個景區。

山門 Shanmen,

天王殿 Hall of Heavenly God

大雄寶殿 Mahavira Hall

藏經閣 Sutras Hall

方丈室 Abbot Court

立雪亭 Snow Pavilion

千佛殿 Thousand Buddha Hall

少林寺常住院 ( 少林寺 )Shaolin Temple permanent residence courtyard

(Shaolin Temple)

Shaolin Temple permanent residence courtyard is the core of Shaolin Temple scenic area and is the place where the deacon monks and priests carry out Buddhist religious ceremonies. It has 7 rows of rooms, covering more than 30,000 square meters.

少林寺常住院是少林寺的核心,是住持和尚和執事僧進行佛事活動的地方,總面積 3 萬多平方米,為七進建築。

One of the original archway原來的牌樓之一

Shanmen Hall 山門大廳The main entrance into Shaolin Temple. Two lions beside the entrance were made in the Ming Dynasty. They are vertically engraved in Buddhist style to symbolize good fortune.少林寺的正門。山門殿臺階下兩側的石獅是明代刻立的,既顯示了佛門的氣派,又象徵著鎮邪與吉祥。

Shanmen Hall 山門大廳Hung on the top is a Chinese characters tablet reading 'Shaolin Temple'. The tablet was handwritten by the Emperor Kangxi (1669 - 1722) during the Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911).懸掛在上面的牌匾「少林寺」是清朝( 1644 年至 1911 年)康熙皇帝所題寫( 1669-1722 )。

Step by step on lotus bricks


碑林 Stele ForestThere are many stele carvings along the entrance both sides of corridor. This is the Shaolin Temple stele forest.山門和天王殿之間甬道兩側有很多碑刻,人稱少林寺碑林。這裡共有 20 多通歷代石碑。在道路東側有一長廊,廊內陳列有從唐代到清代的名碑 100 多通,有碑廊之稱。

Ancient maidenhair tree 千年銀杏

The holes on the ancient maidenhair tree were relics of their practicing the famous “one finger Zen” (a kind of martial arts using one finger's strength).古銀杏樹上「一指禪」的窟窿

天王殿 Hall of Heavenly God 位於碑林的盡頭,以供奉象徵「風、調、雨、順」的四大天王而得名。該殿紅牆綠瓦,斗拱彩繪,門內隔屏前左右各有一尊金剛塑像。

Bell Tower 鐘樓Drum Tower 鼓樓

On both sides in front of the Mahavira Hall stand the Bell and Drum Towers. the bell is rung every hour during the morning , while a drum is beaten every hour during the afternoon. Hence, the saying “morning bell and afternoon drum”.




Steles in front of the M

ahavira Hall


大雄寶殿 Mahavira Hall (Main Hall)是寺院佛事活動的中心場所,與天王殿、藏經閣並稱為三大佛殿。殿內供釋迦牟尼、藥師佛、阿彌陀佛的神像,殿堂正中懸掛康熙皇帝御筆親書的「寶樹芳蓮」 四個大字,屏牆後壁有觀音塑像,兩側塑有十八羅漢像。

The setout of the hall was no different from the other temples elsewhere and Sakyamuni Amitabha, Medicine Buddha and 18 Arhats were worshipped here.大廳的陳列和其他地方寺廟沒有什麼不同,這裡祭拜釋迦牟尼,阿彌陀佛,藥師佛和十八羅漢。

In the hall there is a stone Kirin Statue under the pillar , about one meter (about 3.33 feet) high, was said if touched the Kirin's head will bring you good luck.

大殿中的柱子下有一個石麒麟雕像,約一米多高(約為 3.33英尺)。據說摸 了麒麟的頭會給你帶來好運。

Large iron pot in front of Cangjingge, minted in the Ming Dynasty, which is Shaolin monks cooking pot In the ancient days.藏經閣前面有一口大鐵鍋,明代萬曆年間鑄造,這是古代少林寺和尚炒菜用的鍋子。

藏經閣 (Sutras Hall) Rare books concerning secrets of martial arts are kept here. All books was burned at 1928.珍貴書籍包括武術秘笈都保存在這裡。所藏經書已於 1928 年大火付之一炬!


Shaolin Abbot Court 方丈室Abbot court is where the abbots live. Emperor Qianlong once stayed here when traveling to Mt. Songshan. 寺中方丈起居與理事的地方。清朝乾隆皇帝遊少林寺時的行宮,故又稱「龍庭」。


The famous Snow Pavilion was here and it was the very site where the well-known story of “shedding blood on the snow” happened. It was said that once Dharma was cultivating himself on Buddhism at this place. Dharma's disciple Huike wanted to be instructed by him and he stood outside of the pavilion for several days. It happened to snow one day when Dharma told him, “I will teach you only if the red snow appeared.” Huike then cut one of his arms. His blood dropped on the snow. It was completely red. Dharma was touched by his determination and sincerity and made him the inheritor of his teaching.著名的「立雪亭」就在這裡,「斷臂立雪」的典故即出於此地。傳說達摩曾 在此亭中修行,弟子惠可為求其真傳,立亭外數日不去。時逢 天降大雪,達摩謂其曰:「欲得真傳,除非天雨紅血」。惠可即引刀自斷一臂,血瀝雪上,一片鮮紅。達摩感其誠,即授其衣缽。

Dharma Pavilion or Snow Pavilion達摩亭又稱立雪亭






千佛殿 Thousand Buddha Hall 又名毘盧殿,是寺內最後一進大殿。殿內的壁畫非常有名,是少林寺壁畫中的珍品。大殿背面及東、西兩牆壁上都繪有彩色壁畫,最著名的有「十三棍僧救唐王」、「五百羅漢毘盧圖」,色彩艷麗、構圖和諧,衣袂飄飄,展示了唐代壁畫的極高水準。殿內正中還供有毘盧佛銅像 和白玉釋迦牟尼像。

Pilu Hall, also called the Thousand Buddha Hall, was built during the Ming Dynasty. that is main highlight and the largest Buddhist hall in Shaolin Temple. It consecrates the Pilu Buddha in the center of the palace.


Mural paintings 壁畫

Look at the floor of Thousand Buddha Hall (Training Hall). There are 48 pits in 4 rows on the brick floor, those pits are called “Zhan zhuang keng” in Chinese,it is said that they are the footprints left by monks when they practiced Shaolin Martial Arts. We can know how wonderful they were from these foot pits.細看千佛殿 ( 訓練館 ) 的地上,磚鋪地面上有 4排 48 個「站樁坑」,它們是少林寺僧人練拳習武所留下的腳坑,這些腳坑見證了少林功夫非同一般。

“All kinds of People Tablet”, its top quarter is a pictorial depiction of Buddhism, Daoism and Confucianism. The tablet reflects Mt. Songshan’s importance as a common meeting place for Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism and underscores the confluence between the three major religions.

《混元三 教九流圖贊碑》,上方圖案描述佛、道、儒三教混元圖像 ,此碑反映了嵩山是佛、道、儒三教薈萃之地,體現了三教合流的重要思想。

“Qianlong Imperial Tablet”, which was engraved during the 15th year (1750 A.D.) of the Qing Dynasty.

《乾隆御碑》清乾隆 15 年(西元1750 年)刻立的。

The big stomach Maitreya is the Buddha that welcomes guests. His benign smiling countenance greets you always as you arrive.大肚彌勒佛是迎賓佛,他慈眉善目,笑迎大家的到來。

Shaolin Drugstore 少林藥局

Shaolin Drugstore main entrance door少林藥局前大門

Another one original archway另一座老牌樓

The Shaolin Temple’s Pagoda Forest is the oldest and largest one in China.少林寺塔林是我國現存規模最大、數量最多的古塔群。

Pagoda Forest 塔林

The Pagoda Forest 塔林

A graveyard for Buddhist dignitaries through the ages. On average, the pagodas are less than 15 meters (about 49 feet) high. The layer and the shape of a pagoda depend on many factors, such as one's Buddhist status, attainment and prestige during his lifetime. The Pagoda Forest here is the largest of China's pagoda complexes.

歷來佛教要人墓地。平均而言,在寶塔高度低於 15 米(約 49英尺)。寶塔的層數和形狀取決於許多因素,諸如生前的佛教地位,成就和威望。這裡的塔林是中國最大的寶塔集中地。

There are nearly 250 stone and brick pagodas ranging from the Tang, Song, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties (618-1911).從唐,宋,金,元,明,清代 (618 – 1911) 以來,有近 250座石磚塔。

The Pagoda forest (close view), located about 300 meters west of the Shaolin Monastery.塔林(近觀),位於少林寺西邊約 300 米處。

The automobile and camera sculptures on the pagoda, display technology to catch up with the modern era.寶塔上的汽車,攝影機雕刻,顯示能夠趕上現代的科技時代。

Music : Chinese Music 三寶佛

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