sex education - grade 9

Post on 27-May-2015






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  • 1. So much more than a three letter word. Prepared by Miss Naugle Fall 2010

2. Where and why do they exist? 3. Heterosexual: someone attracted to the opposite sex Homosexual: someone attracted to the same sex Bi-Sexual: someone attracted to both sexes A-Sexual: someone not attracted to anyone 4. Can these vary from relationship to relationships? Emotional Physical 5. 1 in 4 individuals will become infected with an STD by the age of 24. 6. Parasitic Easily cured with creams and shampoos No long term problems Bacterial Cured/treated with antibiotics If untreated, can cause long term problems Viral Cannot be cured Symptoms treated 7. HIV/AIDS Hepatitis Herpes Human Papilloma Virus Viral Chlamydia Gonorrhea Syphilis Bacteri al Pubic Lice Scabies Trichomoniasis Parasitic 8. Infected seminal fluid Infected vaginal fluid Infected blood Pregnancy Contact with an open sore Genital contact 9. HIV is a virus that weakens the immune system HIV is the virus that causes AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 10. HIV will lower a persons T-Cell count T-cells are WBC that fight infections There are 3 phases of HIV/AIDS Phase I Asymptomatic Phase II HIV Begin to have problems due to a weakened immune system Phase III AIDS Less T-Cells Opportunistic Infections Overall, general health failure 11. Publicity for the disease and patients rights have increased over the past couple of years. One of the big providers has been the ONE organization. 12. 13. There are several types of birth control including barrier, hormonal, non-hormonal, emergency, and permanent. 14. Not engaging in sexual activity that puts you at risk for disease transmission and pregnancy It is a conscious decision not to participate in sexual activity If a person has been sexually active, they also can make the decision to be abstinent, by refraining from further sexual activity 15. Prevents the sperm from contacting the egg Vary in protection levels for unplanned pregnancy and STD transmission 16. Check the expiration date Rip the package at the corner Place on penis after obtaining a full erection Hold the top to create a reservoir tip Roll the condom down to the base of the penis Hold the base of condom when removing from penetration Discard condom (do not flush!) 17. This is one of the most common hormonal methods. It works in a variety of ways and can cause SIDE EFFECTS on your health.

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