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Spring 2018 Vol. 8, Issue 2

Seventh Street Sailor News for kids by kids

7 T H S T R E E T E L E M E N T A R Y S C H O O L

Inside this issue:

A t the REACH Symposi-

um for Kids, I learned a

lot about USC. It was so fun,

because I also learned a lot

about technology. Ashok

Deb taught us about Cyber

Security. I was really inter-

ested in the subject and

asked a lot of questions.

We also went to a

presentation by Gabby Fer-

nandez, who taught us

REACH Symposium at USC

Learning from NOAA

S ome things we learned

from Dr. Rosalie del

Rosario’s visit to the 7th

Street Sailor were about

endangered marine spe-


We learned about the

Artic Sea Lion and the Cali-

fornia Seal. The fur of the

California Seal is softer

than the Artic Sea Lion. I

also thought that they

would be without the fur,

just skin.

We also learned about

the Hawksbill Turtle. I

By Raedyn S.

By Amber M. USC STEM workshop 3

Cyber Security articles 4

Healthy Eating articles 5

SoCal VoCals 6

Fake News articles 7

NOAA presentation 8

Baleen whales 8

Baleen 8

Sea turtle articles 9

Hawksbill Sea Turtle 10

Sea Creatures articles 10

Endangered species 11

Sperm Whale 11

Science experiments 11

Chinchillas 12

Koalas 12

TV Review: Friends 12

Pusheen the Cat 13

Money Hungry 13

One and Only Ivan 13

Artastic 13

School Starting Time 14

Six Flags 14

Learning 15

Drawing and Sketching 15

Shrek the Musical 16

Shrek the Musical 17

Photo Album 18

Photo Album 19

about ethics, journalism,

fake news, technology, and


Allen Huang taught us

about eating healthy and

tips on being healthy. We

learned that fat stores long-

term energy. We learned

that we should never skip

breakfast, because if we

don’t have breakfast, we

eat more than we should

later in the day.

After lunch, the SoCal

VoCals sang Attention.

They threw rubber stress

balls into the crowd too.

In conclusion, I would

like to go to USC, because

it is very fun, and the kids

there are nice. I would

want to study Engineering,

and I would like to be a

part of the SoCal VoCals.

learned that they made

leather boots out of their

skin and shell. Looking at

the boots didn’t remind you

of the turtle so it is im-

portant to remind yourself

that it was once a turtle.

I also learned that the

beak looked like an eagle

or hawk’s beak, which is

why it is called a Hawksbill


We also learned about

Whale teeth. They are heav-

ing and big. Dr. de Rosario

brought a whale tooth for

us to see, and it was

smooth. Whales without

teeth are named Baleen

Whales. The bottom of the

baleen looks like my finger-


Lastly, I learned the life

cycle of the salmon. We

learned how it gets very

big, but it takes a lot of

days to grow.

I’m very happy that we

had Dr. del Rosario come

as a guest speaker be-

cause I got to learn a lot of

cool things.

7th Street Sailor Editorial Crew

Amber M. Anastasia R. Abrielle B.

Ashley M.


Ariana A. Cierra

Chris S.

Ashling N. Ave

Dahlia M. Dolly S.

Esmerelda P.

Delilah M.

Juliette M.

Delilah G.

Isabella L.

Lisa L. Mason M.

Leah O.

Michael H.

Leia E.

Megan P.

Precious Richard J.

Nathan P.

Sofia K. Phoebe K. Sabrina G. Suzanah S.

David J.

Keira B.


Ava H.

Aiden M. Alejo S.

Page 3

Vol. 8, Issue 2

USC Eng ineer ing F i e ld Tr ip

W e went on a field trip

to the USC Engineer-

ing School. I learned about

fake news with Gabby Fer-

nandez. A lot of people

create hoax web sites with

fake news.

Another thing we did

was interview the SoCal

Vocals. Tehillah’s favorite

song is “Attention.” Her

favorite color is blue. She is

nineteen-years-old. Her

favorite restaurant is Oliver

Garden, and her favorite

holiday is Christmas.

Another SoCal VoCal is

Aaron. Aaron’s favorite food

is pizza. His favorite game

is Monopoly. His favorite

thing to do is read. He is a

senior, and he is 21 years

old. His favorite comic

book is “X-Men.”

I learned a lot today

and had a lot of fun.

By Leia E.

Seventh Street Sailor

Page 4

Pro te c t ing Yourse l f on the In te rne t


Ashok was my favorite

speaker at the REACH

Symposium for Kids, be-

cause he talked about

there being two internets,

and one is harder to get

to for hackers.

By Avelardo


At the REACH Symposium,

Ashok Deb came to teach

us about technology and

coding. He showed us

how he forecasts trends.

He watches what people

do on the internet and the

dark internet. He knows

what you are going to eat

for breakfast tomorrow,

and he also knows your

grades – so technically he

knows your future.

Ashok also knows a lot

about coding, and he also

does a lot of coding. Cod-

ing is when you tell the

computer what to do, and

the computer will do it for


By Esmerelda P.


When we were listening to

all the presenters at the

REACH Symposium for

Kids, my favorite one was

Ashok Deb, because he is

so talented. He talked to

us about Cyber hacking

for good reason – to basi-

cally save the world from


Ashok monitors text

messages and social me-

dia to find out what peo-

ple are going to do, such

as rob a bank. His com-

puter tells him all the im-

portant bad stuff that

someone is going to do.

He sends out his army to

go stop them, as his com-

puter collects data from

social media.

Keeping our world safe

from harm, let’s go Ashok!

By Ashley M.


Did you know that Face-

book bought Instagram

for one billion dollars?

There is an app call Hack-

Forums for hackers, and

it is an illegal forum for

hackers. When a hospital

was hacked, people al-

most died.

USC has the USC

Viterbi Startup Garage in

Marina del Rey for tech-

nology startup companies

by Lisa Lopez


My favorite presenter at

the REACH Symposium

Ashok Deb, a PhD candidate in the USC Viterbi School of Engineering, talked to 7th Street Sailor reporters

about Sentiment Analysis for Cyber Security. Sentiment Analysis. Sentiment Analysis looks at written and

spoken word—like tweets on Twitter—to determine opinions and behavior.

was Ashok Deb. He talked

about sentiment analysis,

and I got sooo much in-

formation from him be-

cause he was funny. He

talked about hackers and

how they go into people’s

privacy. I asked a ques-

tion about how or who

came up with hacking. He

said that it started when

we had telephones and

they found out that it has

a rhythm and they would

not pay and the mishin

will give them free calls.

By Abrielle


My favorite presentation

was the topic Cyber Secu-

rity. It was really interest-

ing how the process went.

It was cool when Ashok

Deb told us about how

the computer is smart

enough to tell and investi-

gate if someone is doing

something bad. It was

cool how he could see if

people were posting bad

things and could see

what they posted. Stu-

dents had a lot of ques-

tions that were really in-

teresting. The whole trip

was really mind-blowing

and amazing. It really was

a great trip.

By Sabrina G.

Vol. 8, Issue 2

Page 5

Hea l thy Ea t ing


At the REACH Symposi-

um, we learned from Al-

len Huang about how to

eat healthy or healthy

eating habits. The reason

we need to eat is be-

cause we need energy

since almost everything

we do takes at least a

little energy.

Our bodies also need

food to grow, so when

you’re little or when

you’re a teenager, you

need to eat more food.

When you’re older, you

can eat less.

Our bodies need food

from food groups such as

fat, protein, water, and

sugar. The good sugar

that helps you grow is

called carbohydrates.

The main food groups are

grains, fruits and vegeta-

bles, dairy, meat and

beans, and fats. Some

examples are rice (grains),

salad (vegetables), apples

(fruits), chicken (meats

and beans), milk (dairy),

and French fries (fats).

We also learned about

vitamins and minerals.

Some examples are Vita-

min A (in carrots), Vitamin

C (in citrus), and Vitamin

D (made by the sun).

Some helpful advice

and facts are to avoid

becoming overweight and

to exercise to get strong-

er muscles and bones

and to live longer. It can

also help you get good


I had lots of fun at

USC, and I hope to come


By Megan P.


It is important to eat

healthy. The sessions at

the REACH Symposium

about eating healthy was

interesting, because we

learned that carrots can

give you Vitamin A and

the sun can give you Vita-

min D. We also learned

that salt helps your blood.

The presenter gave us an

easy quiz. He also made a

heart that tells what food

group you need more –

first are grains, then vege-

tables and fruit, dairy,

meat and beans, and

then fat (what you need

the least of).

The REACH Symposi-

um was super fun and


By David J.


My favorite presentation

was about eating healthy.

The reason why I liked it

was because the present-

er, Allen Huang, talked

about energy that was

important to our body. He

also told us that our bod-

ies don’t function without

energy. He also talked

about fruits and veggies

being different because of

the different vitamins.

by Suzanah


Allen Huang is a student

at USC who taught us to

be healthy.

Your body needs the

sun to get Vitamin D. Our

body is mainly protein.

You need to eat food to


Eating carrots can

help your vision. Break-

fast is important, be-

cause if you don’t eat

breakfast, you will be


Also, if you eat

healthy, you’ll live longer.

If you eat healthy, it will

also help you focus and

you’ll get better grades in

school, and it will help

you be more active.

By Precious L.

Allen Huang is a rising senior at USC, studying Human Biology, and outside of USC,

he is a registered EMT. Allen hopes to one day become a doctor.

Seventh Street Sailor

Page 6

The Fabu lous SoCa l VoCa l s

A aron Jung is a mem-

ber of the SoCal Vo-

Cals. His favorite food is

pizza. He is a college sen-

ior. His favorite board

game is Monopoly. His

favorite color is blue. His

favorite song is Havana.

His favorite hobbies are

eating, shopping and

reading. Aaron’s favorite

movie is X-Men: Days of

Future Past.

By Isabella l.

W e met two of the

SoCal VoCals at the

REACH Symposium.

Aaron Jung loves pizza

and sushi, and he loves

playing Monopoly. His

favorite color is blue. He

loves the song Havana,

and he loves reading in

his free time. His favorite

movie is X-Men, and he is

20 years old.

The other SoCal VoCal

we interviewed was Tehil-

lah Alphonso. Her favorite

song is Attention, and her

favorite movie is Hidden

Figures. She is 19. Her

favorite person in the

group is Aaron. Tehillah

loves the show The Fos-

ters, and she loves The


By Ariana

A t the REACH Symposi-

um for Kids, we inter-

viewed two members of

the USC’s premiere a cap-

pella group, Aaron Jung

and Tehillah Alphonso,

the SoCal VoCals.

I learned that Aaron’s

favorite food is pizza and

his favorite board game is

Monopoly. His favorite

color is blue. Additionally,

his favorite song is

“Havana.” He likes to

read in his free time. And

his favorite song to sing

with the SoCal VoCals is

“Attention.” He is 20.

I also learned that

Tehillah Alphonso is 19.

Her favorite person in the

group is Aaron.

Tehillah said her favor-

ite movie is “Hidden Fig-

ures.” He favorite televi-

sion show is “The Fos-

ters.” Her favorite football

team is the Philadelphia

Eagles. And her favorite

USC’s premiere a cappella group, the SoCal VoCals, performed at the REACH Symposium for Kids.

Seventh Street Sailor reporters interviewed two of its members, Aaron Jung and Tehillah Alphonso.

Congratulations to the SoCal VoCals, the 2018 International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella (ICCA).

This was their fifth win, and continues their position as having the most wins of college a cappella group.

food is Eba (a staple food

of West Africa made of


By Persephanie S.

W e interviewed two

of the SoCal VoCals

at the REACH Symposi-


Aaron Jung’s favorite

food is sushi, and his fa-

vorite color is blue. His

favorite movie is X-Men.

Aaron loves shopping and

he is 21.

Tehillah Alphonso’s

favorite color is blue, and

she likes the movie Hid-

den Figures. Tehillah is

19 years old, and she told

us that her favorite food

is Eba.

By Dahlia M.

Vol. 8, Issue 2

Page 7

News— Fake o r Rea l

W e learned about

fake news at the

REACH Symposium at

USC. Gabby Fernando

gave the presentation.

We learned that fake

news articles normally

are hard to believe and

are posted large web-

sites like ABC News.

We also learned how

to avoid false news, us-

ing critical thinking and

observation. We even

learned about how new

technology like drones

are used in news and

how they sometimes

breach privacy.

Another thing to do to

avoid fake news is to

check for original web-

sites, other people’s

opinions and check for

original works.

Gabby also told us

about investigative news

articles that exploit irre-

sponsible news creators

and websites. They also

show the truth about bad

or fishy websites that

seem to be too good to

be true.

By Phoebe K.

I n my opinion, the fake

news presentation at

the REACH Symposium

for Kids was my favorite

topic. Why? Because it

was interesting to know

how people come up with

these stories and why.

How to know if it is a fake

article: look up the per-

son who wrote it, and, if it

is blank, you know it is

probably fake.

Another way to spot a

fake article is to look at

the name of the website.

If it is says or

something strange like

this you know it is proba-

bly fake.

By Alexa M.

M y favorite mentor/

speaker at the

REACH Symposium was

Gabby Fernandez. She

talked about fake news

which is news that isn’t

real. It usually comes

from the internet.

Sometimes, people

post fake news to ruin

people’s reputations. A

good tip is to check previ-

ous works.

By Juliette A.

A t the REACH Sympo-

sium for Kids, we

learned that we need to

eat less sweets and more

fiber. We need protein

and water too. To be

healthy, eat fruit, vegeta-

bles, breads, and meats.

My favorite fruits are wa-

termelon and bananas.

We also learned about

fake news that isn’t real

and how to spot fake

news. One example is

that pet rescues may not

be charities.

By Dolly M.

I learned a lot of things

at the REACH Symposi-

um for Kids. One of the

things I learned is that

people can hack you

through a light bulb and

flash drive.

I also learned that you

should eat healthy foods

such as fruits, vegeta-

bles, and grains. It is also

not good to eat a lot of


I learned a lot at the

REACH Symposium at

USC and had a lot of fun.

By Nathan P

Gabby Fernandez graduated from Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism in May 2018.

She was the President of the USC Chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists.

Seventh Street Sailor

Page 8

Ba leen Wha les

O ne type of baleen is

the Blue Whale.

People killed the whale

because back then peo-

ple didn’t have plastic,

they used the whale’s

teeth like plastic. Their

teeth were the same

thing as our finger nails,

but it was 1000000

times the size. So the

baleen was used to make

many items that might

now be made from plas-


Sperm Whales are

toothed whales, and they

were also killed for the

wax in their brains. They

used the wax because

back then people also

didn’t have candles.

Artic seals have the

coloring grey and white

so that they could blend

in with their surroundings

so that predators don’t

eat them.

Sea turtles lay eggs on

land in the sand. Turtles

are amphibians. People

also killed the Hawksbill

Sea Turtle for their leath-

er! They used it to make

boots and coats. It is now

illegal to kill them if and

anything made with them

it will be confiscated.

By Juliette A.

Ba leen

B aleen is a Keratin

that resides in a

whale’s mouth and acts

like a teeth filter. It filters

out microscopic food and

catches it for the whale

to eat in bulk, such as

microscopic food like

plankton. but the whale

also drinks the water so

it’s pretty much a win-win

situation. Keratin is what

are nails are made from,

so you can imagine what

baleen would feel like.

Baleen looks like a giant

broom that filters water

and acts kind of like

teeth in a whale’s mouth.

By Phoebe K.

Vis i t f r om NOAA

Dr. Rosalie del Rosario, who works with the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

visited the Seventh Street Sailor to talk to us about endangered marine species.

Vol. 8, Issue 2

Page 9

Al l Abou t Tu r t l e s

T urtles lay there eggs

in the sand and cover

them to keep them safe

and sound.

It is very sad that evil

men murdered turtles for

their skin to make boots.

When baby turtles

hatch, they run to the

water to stay away from

predators. Then they

grow and grow in the wa-

ter and their life cycle

happens over and over.

It is sad that turtles

are killed for food or to

make boots, but hopeful-

ly some day, people will

understand that it is bad

to kill turtles.

By Dahlia M.

Sea Tur t l e s and O ther An ima l s

S ea Turtles are my

favorite animals be-

cause they are so cute

and adorable.

I think the sperm

whale is also very cool

because it is bigger than

a person.

One of my favorite

things about the sea tur-

tles are their bright col-


Seal and sea lion skins

were used for clothing.

Now all of these sea crea-

tures are endangered and

we need to protect them.

By Dolly

Sea Tur t l e s

W hen Dr. Rosalie del

Rosario came to

speak to the Seventh

Street Sailor staff, she

told us that humans used

turtles’ leather for cowboy

boots, jackets, belts, and


I think its very sad that

humans kill turtles just

for their leather.

Dr. del Rosario also

told us about the sperm

whale and she showed us

a very big tooth and she

let us hold it. It was kind

of heavy for a tooth. I

thought that it was really

interesting that they used

turtles’ leather and whale

teeth for to make all of

those things !

By Persephanie

Tur t l e s

I t is sad because some

animals are endan-

gered, because some

people kill animals like

turtles .The turtles lay

their eggs in the sand.

And the baby turtles need

to be quick to go to the

water or else they can get

eaten by seagulls and

crabs. And people make

boots made out of turtle

skin. Clothes made out of

animals are so expensive

because most of it is ille-

gal. Maybe turtles will not

be endangered someday.

By Leah O.

Seventh Street Sailor

Page 10

Sea An imals

O ne of the animals is

a turtle. Their skin is

used for boots. Another

animal is a sea lion it is

used for jackets. Another

animal is a whale its ba-

leen. Tips are used plas-

tic. Also the biggest ani-

mal is a blue whale.

When there is a ship it is

bad because it can run

into a whale and kill it. It

is important to not kill


By Lilia G.

Mar ine L i f e

A t the presentation

given by Dr. Rosalie

del Rosario, I learned that

the California Sea Lion

has soft fur that feels like

a blanket. I also liked the

Artic Sea lion because it

has more fur than the

California Sea Lion.

The Hawksbill Sea

Turtle is sometimes made

into boots or other acces-

sories. Its beak looks like

an eagle’s beak, which is

why it is called a Hawks-

bill Sea Turtle.

We learned that whale

teeth are heavy; they feel

like a rock, and they are

heavier than a big rock.

The baleen feels like your

finger nail. Salmon look

like a worm and are small

when they are babies.

By Esmerelda P.

Al l Abou t Sea L i f e

A 40 day old salmon

looks like little baby

orange slices. The older

salmon looks just little

worms. A baleen whale

keeps the water come

out of a whales mouth

but keeps the fish from

escaping from the

whales mouth. It’s so

funny what a hawks bill

turtles skin is turned into

it’s cowboy boots! Crabs

and Crows both like to

eat baby turtles. Baby

turtles curl into balls and

try to dig into sand to be

protected from predators.

Adult turtles lay white tiny

eggs underground. The

Arctic seal is used for a

sweater or a fluffy, hairy,


By Aiden M.

Hawksb i l l Sea Tur t l e

H awksbill Sea turtles

are a species of en-

dangered sea turtles that

have a hawk looking beak,

and were used to make

leather cowboy boots. The

boots that were made

from them are thick and

firm, but are also slightly

squishy from the ankle

and up.

A Hawksbill Sea turtle

has a very slick shell.

Hawksbill Sea turtles (like

most sea turtles) come to

land to lay eggs. When

the eggs hatch, the baby

turtles make their way

toward the sun, which is

where the ocean is. Sad-

ly, now that people have

made cities next to

beaches, the poor baby

turtles might end up fol-

lowing city lights instead

of natural sunlight.

By Phoebe K.

Vol. 8, Issue 2

Page 11

Sperm Wha le

T he sperm whale is my

favorite whale, be-

cause it has a funny look

to its body. It has a funny

name too. It’s a toothed

whale. Its head is 1/3 of

its body. The sperm

whale gets its common

name from the massive

spermaceti organ located

in the forehead region.

By Chris S.

Save Sea An imals

E ndangered animals

are having trouble

living, since they are acci-

dentally eating trash in

the ocean.

Here are some exam-

ples. Sea turtles are one

of the most endangered

animals in the world.

They are hunted for their

skin to use for clothes

and just for hanging as a


Whales are endan-

gered too. The sperm

whale is hunted in places

like the United States and

on islands like Maui. They

use the whales’ teeth for

display and they carve


Sea lions and seals

are also hunted. Sea li-

ons are used for clothes

with their fur and same

with seas.

Salmon is about at the

bottom of the food chain,

so they are getting close

to being extinct. It takes a

long time to get to their

grown-up state – almost

120 days.

It makes me so sad,

and if we cannot litter

then these animals can

stay alive and healthy.

By Megan P..

Coo l Exper imen ts

I t was really cool when

we did this one science

experiment when we

dipped half a penny in

salt and vinegar for 15

seconds. Then after that

we put a nail in salt and

vinegar overnight.

The next day when we

came back, one half of

the nail was covered with

a layer of rust and cop-

per, but when I scraped

the nail some of the cop-

per was in my nail and

the nail was clean.

Then we did a vocab

and memory test about

what we did and how

many solutions we did—

like salt and vinegar,

soapy water, vinegar,

and bean water, etc.

On the test, one ques-

tion was, “ what worked

out the most for your

group.’’ Then when we

had to turn in the test to

the teacher, and she said

to do the test over again,

so I had to do it over and

miss my recess, but I still

love science.

By Cierra.

Seventh Street Sailor

Page 12

Ch in ch i l l as

M y favorite animal is

the chinchilla be-

cause when they are

newborns they look so

cute and their fur is so

soft. They even love food

as much as we do. Chin-

chillas can’t bathe in wa-

ter; they have to bathe in

a special dust. There is a

sad truth to the cute cud-

dly little animals, people

are making coats out of

chinchilla fur and they are

defenseless against this

attack. Help save the

chinchillas! One time on

the show “That’s So Ra-

ven”, Raven was working

for a famous designer

and they wanted her to

create a fashion piece

made out of real chinchil-

la fur. Her friend in the

show is an animal and

nature activist, she was

mad that Raven was us-

ing animal fur for the

fashion piece. At the end

Chelsea and the group of

activists protest outside

the work place of raven’s

boss. And then they did-

n’t use the fur anymore.

As humans we should

continue to protect these

cute creatures.

By Amber M.

Koa las

K oalas are herbivore

marsupials that live

in the trees. They choose

to eat a leaf called euca-

lyptus. Eucalyptus is

found in Australia, thus

Koalas are known in Aus-

tralia. Koala’s closest

living relatives are wom-

bats; wombats are a bur-

rowing marsupial, herbi-

vore bear with short stub-

by legs and big noses.

Koala babies straddle

their mommas, and that’s

basically how baby koalas

get around, it’s very cute

and if they fall off their

momma will just pick

them back up and plop

them back on their back.

They do this because,

unlike kangaroos, they

don’t have pouches to

carry their babies in, and

their climbing 100% of

the time so they can’t

carry or just place their

babies in a nest, so they

have their babies strad-

dle them making it way

easier to climb around,

take power naps and eat

eucalypts leaves.

By Phoebe K.

Fr i ends Rev iew

T he characters of

Friends are Rachel,

Ross, Chandler, Monica,

Phoebe, and Joey. My

two favorite characters

are Phoebe and Joey

because they are both

really hilarious.

Joey loves jam, girls,

pizza, and sandwiches.

Phoebe loves to play gui-

tar and make weird com-


The type of TV show is

comedy. My favorite epi-

sode is the one where

Monica tells Rachel that

she is not helping enough

around the house be-

cause Monica loves to be

super neat and organized.

Then Rachel moves the

green ottoman, which no

one has moved it before.

If you haven’t watched

Friends, give it a try!

By Cierra

Vol. 8, Issue 2

Page 13

I Am Pusheen the Ca t Rev i ew

T his book is easy to

read and is fun to


In the beginning of the

book, you learn a little

about Pusheen, like

when was her birthday

and info like that.

This book is almost all

about Pusheen it says

stuff about what she does

over the years and has

little sections about spe-

cial holidays or events

and it has a lot of funny

mottos too. Like a list

about how friendly she

can get and the benefits

of a cat.

If you think about it

Pusheen the cat is kind of

like Grumpy Cat but nicer

and friendlier.

By Megan P.

Money Hungr y Rev iew

M oney Hungry is a

book about a girl

named Raspberry, who

is basically hungry for


An example of this is

that she sells candy from

last year’s valentines in

school, and gets in trou-

ble. She gets sent to the

principal’s office every-

day for the same thing,

so the principal tells her


By Sabrina G.

The One and On ly I van Rev iew

T he One And Only

Ivan was written by

Katherine Applegate. The

main character is Ivan,

who is a silver back goril-

la. He is also a caring

character. What makes

him caring is that he

promised Stella that he

would take care of Ruby

and get her to the zoo.

The main Idea is to keep

Ruby safe.

The One And Only Ivan

takes place in a mall

called the Big Top Mall.

By Abrielle B.

Ar tas t i c

A rt is the most calm

and relaxing thing to

do. It helps me concen-

trate, builds my imagina-

tion, and helps me get

better at it. The first rea-

son is that it helps me

concentrate. It helps me

concentrate by focusing

on what I am drawing

right in front of me.

The second reason is

that it helps build up my

imagination. How it helps

is by drawing things that

don’t exist to get me

more ideas for the next


The last reason is that

it is practice for me/

helping me get better at

it. It is practice for me

because when I am draw-

ing I sometimes can’t do

the second eye (when I

draw the first eye it is

perfect then when I draw

the second eye it is slop-

py) so I keep trying to get

it right. That is why I like


By Abrielle B.

Seventh Street Sailor

Page 14

When Shou ld S choo l A c tua l l y S ta r t?

H ave you ever noticed

that you can’t work

because you are so tired?

It didn’t seem the teacher

said anything till last mi-

nute? I used to think

coming to school early is

a good thing, but now I

strongly disagree. I think

school should start later

in the morning. Three

reasons for this is are you

get more time for home-

work, pupils won’t fall

asleep in class, and you

have more family time.

My first reason is that

there won’t be any stu-

dents falling asleep in

class, because they don’t

get enough bedtime. Ac-

cording to masterofart-,

“Teenagers need at least

8.5 to 9.5 hours of sleep

based on their biological

clocks.” When thy fall

asleep during class time,

they don’t learn the les-

son, which would affect

their grade.

My second reason is

when you have a sport,

chore, hobby, etc. then

you can do your home-

work in the morning in-

stead of spending long,

tiring hours doing home-

work. One example is,

Megan Graff has girl

scouts at 7:30 pm; her

mom picks her up from

school at 7 pm. She has

no time to do her home-

work! What could she do?

Thankfully her school

starts at 9 am, so she

has lots of time to do her


My last reason is you

can have more family

time. If your parents

leave early, no worries!

We should have all the

afterschool programs be

in the morning too.

School should begin

later because there won’t

be kids falling asleep in

class, you would be able

to have more homework

time, and you would have

more family time. Imag-

ine a school that has all

these things available to

you. Please let school

start later.

By Nathan P.

S ix F lags F i e l d Tr ip

H ave you ever wanted

to go to Six Flags for

a field trip? First have you

gone to Six Flag? We

should go to Six Flags for

a field trip. The reasons

are because kid will be

happy come to school, an

you will not need to pay

attention you will not be

sacred of the home work

after the field trip. And

kids will learn how to be


The first reason is that

is that kids will be happy

to come to school be-

cause they will have

some thing to look for-

wards to doing. A

A other reason is on

this field trip need to pay

attention to ever thing

you see like other field

trips. And will not need to

do homework after you

get back from the field

trip, and will not need to

do homework after you

get back from the field

trip. A lot of forget what

they sow on the field trip,

and what they hear be-

cause they all was say a

lot of stuff.

Someone said in my

class that Six Flags was

daggers and that why he

does not want to go, but

the Six Flags we will go

no one has died there is

Magic Manton.

We should go to Six

Flags for a field trip. Kids

will be very happy to

come to school also need

pay attention to ever

thing, and the kids will

have fun. 28 out of 29

people say we should go

to Six Flags for a Field

trip. This all shows we

should go to Six Flags for

a field trip.

By Ave H.

Vol. 8, Issue 2

Page 15

Learn ing

C an you imagine a

world where not one

kid learned! Well knows,

one day that could be a

possibility because a lot of

kids don’t pay attention

anymore. Learning can

affect your future, help

you to stop doing bad

things, and can help you

share ideas and learn hoe

to talk in front of people.

So start paying attention

in school and one day, you

can become a billionaire

because you learned, and

paid attention in class.

Learning could affect

anything you do, it could

even affect your future. A

lot of famous or wealthy

people are in that position

because they learned at

school an actually paid

attention to the teacher!

Also, because of learning

and paying attention in

class you can become

anything you want to, like

a doctor or fireman/

woman. Lastly, learning

can help you get a full

scholarship and could

help buy a good house

and clothes for yourself.

So, if you want to be im-

portant in the world, you

need to pay attention in

class, and take learning

more seriously, because if

you don’t you wont

achieve those dreams.

Paying attention and

learning could help you

with anything, even your

life choices. A lot of peo-

ple who didn’t go to col-

lege, or didn’t pay atten-

tion in class often turned

out to do bad things like

drugs. But if you go to col-

lege and you DO pay at-

tention in class, none of

this would happen to you.

Also a lot of people you

see on the street usually

didn’t go to school and

didn’t pay attention so

they ended up like that

and di bad things. So

now, because of what

they decided to do they

had serious consequenc-

es for their action.

Last but not least,

having a good education

could help you think and

share opinions with oth-

ers. Also, it can help you

feel more confident to

talk in front of others, so

that in the future, you will

be able to speak in front

of your co-workers. When

you get a job one day you

will have to know how to

share an opinion and

think. Getting a good

education will help you to

think and share opin-

ions/ talk in front of oth-

ers, which will help you in

the future to find a good

job and help your future

to progress.

By Chiara G.

M y favorite hobby is

to draw because

you can use your imagina-

tion to draw what you

want. I say this because in

class you have to wait 5

days just to draw. And

plus when it IS Friday then

you have to have an as-

signed artwork. It’s very

annoying that you have to

waste 6-7 hours drawing.

Compare and contrast

The difference be-

tween drawing and

sketching is that drawing

uses cheap supplies such

as a pencil, an eraser, and

a paper. On the other

hand sketching uses sup-

plies like calligraphy pen,

a notebook, etc. I recom-

mend drawing and

sketching even if it’s dif-

ferent because even

though they are, they are

2 fun strategies…of art.

By Suzanah S.

Drawing and Ske t ch ing

Seventh Street Sailor

Page 16

Shrek the Mus i ca l

S hrek the Musical was

cool and very funny. I

think the musical was

very funny because

whenever Donkey was in

a scene, he tried to make

Shrek his friend.

I loved when Shrek

and all the other fairytale

characters stormed the


My favorite character

is Princess Fiona. She

has a great singing voice

and is quite funny. It was

a great musical.

Some of my other

friends said that their

favorite part of the musi-

cal was when Shrek was

roasting Lord Farquaad

at the wedding.

By Amber

M y favorite part was

when Fiona was

reading fairytales and

fantasizing about her

prince. I liked this scene

because it gave backsto-

ry on Fiona and show-

cased her personality a

lot. I also liked the scene

because I had heard and

watched that scene

online and wanted to see

it in person, and here we

got a chance to watch the

WHOLE musical.

Finally I liked that sce-

ne because it showed a

castle piece and it was

fun to see a new set

piece and how detailed it


I interviewed a few of

my friends in why they

could of like that scene.

Raedyn said, “ I liked that

scene because it showed

different stages of her life

and that she was there

for a LONG time.”

Nathan said, “ I liked

it because it had a lot of

singing and music.”

Abrielle said, ”I liked

that scene because Fiona

told the stories in a funny


I would recommend

this to families and

friends since it’s funny

and teaches a lesson.

By Phoebe K.

I n the musical, the cast

was Fiona, Shrek, Don-

key, Gingerbread Man,

and others. My favorite

character was Donkey,

because he was funny.

In one scene, Shrek

saved the princess, but

Fiona didn't really like

him, so she almost mar-

ried the "Knight in Shin-

ing Armor," Lord Far-

quaad. At the end, she


I liked it because of

the cast, the sets, and

the seating in the thea-

ter was cool.

Phoebe thought it was

fun to see a musical for

the first time and is in-

spired to see more!

Nathan thought it had

lots of humor and Anasta-

sia said she liked the


I would recommend

this to friends and family

because it's "child" hu-

morous and it will keep

you busy!

By Raedyn S.

M y favorite scene

was the ending

and the Dragon scene. I

like the Dragoon scene,

because the dragon pup-

pet looked cool and the

eyes were glowing.

I liked the ending too

when you got to see al-

most all the characters.

All of the characters were

in both scenes.

My favorite characters

were the donkey, ginger

bread person, and baby


By Megan P.

Seventh Street Sailor reporters joined other PressFriends schools at the

Armstrong Theatre in Torrance to watch the production of Shrek the Musical.

Cont. on next page/...

I n the movie there were

lots of characters but in

the musical, there were

only some of the charac-

ters from the movie. They

were Shrek, Fiona, Don-

key, Lord Farquaad, and


My favorite character

was Fiona because every

time she hit so many high

notes. My favorite scene

was when Fiona was fart-

ing and burping with

Shrek because: 1) me

and my friend Sabrina

were laughing so hard; 2)

it reminded me of all my

best four brothers doing

that "fart wars" (yuck);

and 3) it makes me feel

like my brothers are home

with me.

By Ashley M.

S ome of the charac-

ters in my favorite

scene were Fiona, Shrek,

Donkey, Gingerbread

Man, and Lord Farquaad.

I liked the scene when

Vol. 8, Issue 2

Page 17

Shrek the Mus i ca l

One person said that it

was also funny. Another

person agreed.

By Chris S.

T he characters were

Shrek, Fiona, Lord

Farquaad, Donkey, fair-

ytale creatures, knights,

and the puppet lady.

In my favorite scene,

Shrek was angry and he

tripped. Everybody was

laughing at him and that

was my favorite part.

By Persephanie

T he characters in my

favorite scene were

Shrek, Fiona, Lord Far-

quaad, Donkey, the fair-

ytale creatures, Knights,

and the puppet lady. The

characters I liked the best

were Shrek and Fiona. In

this scene, Shrek saves

Fiona and falls in love with

her. I liked the scene be-

cause Shrek saved the

princess. I also liked it

because he falls in love

with Fiona. Additionally,

Donkey was really funny.

My friend Persephanie

liked when Shrek was sad

and tripped over the flow-

ers. My other friend Ariana

liked when Donkey saw

Fiona turn into an ogre. My

other friend Juliette also

liked when Shrek almost

fell over the flowers.

I would recommend

this play to other stu-

dents and families be-

cause it was really sweet

and funny for kids to


By Esmerelda P.

I liked when Shrek first

met Princess Fiona.

The scene was funny

when Shrek woke up


I would recommend

this play to other people,

because there was lots

of humor in it. It also had

a lot of good singing.

Phoebe said she liked

that there was different

age groups. Dolly and

Bella also thought it was


By Nathan P.

M y favorite scene

was when Shrek

slipped on the flowers

and almost fell, and it

was not a part of the

play. My favorite charac-

ter was Donkey.

By Avelardo R.

S hrek is a funny mov-

ie to watch. I would

recommend families to

watch this. My favorite

character would be Lord

Farquaad because he

was really funny. He was

also into his character.

I asked 3 students

about the musical. One

said “It was ok!” Another

said “It was amazing!” The

last one said “It was very


The scene I liked was

the scene where Shrek

was talking about Lord

Farquaad and how short

he was.

By Abrielle B.

I liked the character’s

princess Fiona and the

dragon I liked the dragon

because its eyes glowed.

In the scene that Shrek

almost fell on the flowers it

was so funny

By Leah O.

I like the part where

Shrek saved Fiona and

took off the helmet and

Fiona stopped liking

Shrek. Then Shrek said, "I

don't want you, Farquaad

does" and then Shrek

starts roasting him.

By Aiden M.

The field trip to Shrek the Musical was part of PressFriends’

9th Annual Conference for Elementary Student Newspapers

…/Cont. from page 16

Shrek saved Fiona from

marrying Lord Farquaad.

One reason why I liked

the musical is that it is

funny. Another reason

why I liked the musical is

the characters.

By Isabella L.

M y favorite part was

when Shrek fell

because he was giving

Fiona flowers. Then, he

threw them on the floor

and tripped over them. It

was the funniest part of

the play.

By Juliette A.

F irst, I was on a bus.

Then, I got to the

park and had lunch.

Then, I came to the musi-

cal and met a cool girl.

Then, we waited for the

musical to begin.

My favorite part was

when Shrek roasted King

Farquaad. My favorite

characters were King

Farquaad, Shrek, and


I would recommend

this to others. I think King

Farquaad is a jerk. How-

ever, he is cool when his

dad comes. Shrek roast-

ing King Farquaad is my

favorite part because it’s

funny and he gets im-


Seventh Street Sailor

Page 18

Pho to A lbum

Seventh Street Sailor reporters are honored with trophies for their writing achievements. The awards

ceremony was held at Wilderness Park in Redondo Beach, followed by a scavenger hunt and lunch.

Vol. 8, Issue 2

Page 19

Pho to A lbum

Seventh Street Sailor reporters joined five other PressFriends schools at Shrek the Musical at the Armstrong

Theatre in Torrance. The production of Shrek the Musical was put on by MET2 theatre company.

7 T H S T R E E T E L E M E N T A R Y S C H O O L

Seventh Street Sailor





would like to thank





for their support


for the Be Fearless Be Kind grant

and a special shout out to our faculty advisors,

Kelly Miller and Kathy Yoshida, and to

your principal, Wendy Sanchez,

for all their help with our program

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