seventh d.a.yb~'ptist directory · 268 are" the ,great ·essential parts, with...

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SEVENTH D.A.YB~'PTIST DIRECTORY ; . . ." • .... '.," .-' . ,- - . -, " - • . - . ~ .' -." >,~ - >' '.. ,


Pre~ft1&'-. Jay W.Crofoot.· MlltOil".Wis. Vice~Pre.rideft'-D. Nelson Inglis, Milton. Wis. R«ord'tt& S«rnary--Paul C.' Saunders, Alfred. N. Y. Corresjlo"tJDi& Secrn~ Courtland V. Davia. PlaiD-

field, N. J. Tt:eG$ttarn: of GftWnIl COtIfft"ft&c....-)ame8 H. Coon.

Milton, Wis. ' TretUtlrer of the DetIOHIi~ Btldget-Harold R.

Crandall, Westerly, R.I. COK1l1SSl0N OP 'I's. OBMBaAL COlfFBUMC&

Term _sl'iriflg itt 1~34-Geotp B. Sbawl Salem, W. Va. Term eX~fI. its 1935-C1aude L Hill, Farina. IU. T.",. expm,.. s. 1936-)ay W. Crofoot. Milton. Wla. Tnm. espirir&g itl 1937-Loyal F. Hurley, Riverside,

Calif. TerM upiritlg •• 1938-Harold O. Burdick, Alfred. N. Y. R#tre$fttlGtitle of ,A_ M~ SoeMty-WDliam L. Ashaway, R.I. ...

RelWuefttotit1e of the Tnu:t S~ru.. F. Ran-dolPh. Maplewood. N. I.

Retr,'$eJlttJtitle 01 'M ScafllHaIA Scuo' BoonJ-A. Lovetle Burdtck, Milton. Wi ..

COKMITTEB ON l\BLIGIOUS LlFB , Alva L. Davis, Verona N. Y.. Chairman; Herbert L.

Polau, Brookfield, N. ~.; Theodore J .. Van Horn. DeRuyterJ N. Y. \ Paul S. BurdiCK, LeonardSville. N. Y.; pastor ot the Aaams Center Church. COKMnTU TO 1"1lOMOTt THE FINANCIAL 1"1lOGllAJoI OF THB

GBNERAL CONFEllBNCB N., Ol~e'y Moore, Chairman; W. Ray Rood Loyal F.

Hurley, Miss Bernice A. Brewer, Perley B. HurteL _all of Riverside. Calif., and Ben R. Crandall, Wasco, Calif.

NEW VOCATIONAL COMMITTEE J. Nelson Norwood, Alfred. N .• Y.; Waltel' L. Greene,

Andover. N. Y.; Harold O. Burdick, Alfred. N. Y.

AMERICAN SABBATH TRACT· SOCIETY Pre.rid~tst-d,rUas F. Raadolpb1 Ma~ewood. N. J. Re~i.., Courtlana V. Davia. P1ahifield.

N. J. . A.s.rirlGtd Recordifl. Secrn~ A-. F Randolph. Platn-field, N. J. '

CorreS1JoJltJa.g SecrelGrie.s--Herbert C. Van Horn. Plain· field. N. J.; Neal D. Mil1s~ Dunellen., N. J.

T ... G.Sttur-Mrs. ·WiDiam M. Stillman. Seventh Day Ba.ptist Buildi~. Plainfield.N. J ..

Regular meeting of the BoU"4. at P1aiD&e1d. N. J.. the second Fir;st Day of each mouth. at 2. Po m.

MISSIONARY SOCIETY Pr~wn1ard D .. Burdick. Rockvi11~ R. 1. Pr • .ri4nd Stflftitu-ClaytOD -A., Burdick. Wester17. R. L Recortliag B. Utter. Westerb. R. 1. C ..... ~~0t&4 .. g ,S~William L. Burdick. Asha-

way.. R.. L . . Tr~o.narn--Karl G. StillllUlll. Westerly, R. 1. The ~. meetings of the Board of Manqen ate

held the third SUndQ' ,ill JanulU"7. April. July. and October. at 2 p. m.. •. at Westerly. R. L

EDUCATION SOCIETY PreritJetll--Edpr D. Van Hoi'll. Alfred Station. N. Y. R~cordi •• Secr~ CIII4 Treoftlr..-L. Ra7' Polan.

Alfred. N. Y. -CornoflloJUlia. Secrntlr, Walter L. Greene. Aodover.

N. Y. . The regular m~ of the Board are held OD. the

aecond SundJ!Y of )an1l&l7. April. July and October. at Alfred. N. V. .

SABBATH SCHOOL BOARD P"sideflt-D. Nelaon ~ MiltoD. Wia. Secr"or, A. LoveUe BUrdick.· J~neaviU~. Wia. TreCLrtlrn--Louia A. Babcock, Milto~ Wis. Director of ReliVotu B4~ErlO E. Sutton, Mil·

ton Junction. Wis. . . .St;ated ~~DP 8r'e held OIl the third Firat Dq of the

week'. ill ,the mootU of· ~ber. December and . March. and. ,oil' the first First Day of .the week. iD the moDth of .hailD~ .. m. Wth!l Whitford Memorial ~ .of Milton CoUeae. 14: ~n. ta. . -

VOL. liS NOVEMBER 13. 1933 No'- 12

IS THY CRUSE FAUJNG? Long ago a prophet of God came footsore and w humb w~ere lived a poor widow and her only son. Famine h~~d~ed he Ie home

~berr.hfi:~l~~~. 80ur and a few drops of oil, which she was about to ;r::ri:

p ''F;rt dake a littl!; ca!ce of it for me her~. and then make something for ?ourse an "your son, .~d the s~nger. Was it a selfish request? Was the man of God unsympathe~c 'of the wtdow and 'I:ter need.s? She heeded the a peal

and,. perhaps to. ~er surpnse. the meal was not exhausted and the oil ke ~ on

~~::.';f"he;t~e':d":f:h =: :r~ ~e ~d ~. =ew~ he~inJ:!~ei::;.r:; ""Is thy cruse of comfort faillng? Rise and share it with another: " And through all the years of famine - . It sball serve thee and t.hy brother.·:

. The .Committee to Promote Denominational finances . calls attention in this lssue to lID.portant matters. See. back cover and an article following edit rials..

$5TrOOO~ortCra.nm' ~ts~rtOushow~. t!te ~omindationat Budget October 31 i~ over , . --.l"" r DllSSlonanes· an workers are gettin at God knows how, without salaries fa!," weeks and months. Some are torr~~ ili; 1 Y on. Is your cI,,,!,ch one wttha blank ,pter it, showing nothing paid g /0

s year? Are you saymg our '"crus.e" has but enougbJeft for our own finaJ ~~~ ShaJl we turn away empty ~ose who are promoting' the Lord·s work for tiS? Th~ stranger at, OU! back door. IS. not turned away empty. Is thy cruse failin ?' H

. we put 011 aOtng our part? . . g. ave

Let us share our meal and oll-NOW.

, Contents

Edl*ftr:::s ~~n~c:.~M:OOked.---conterence Oftlcers.-Russlan Recognition?-.Jesus. Addltlon. 0 ................ " " 0 ........................ • ............. 266-Z68 _ ' • • ...............•• . -6 _,,,eI_- :"!I!IO~ Board ..... eetl·."..e:.·:,:.··m;··· :'aal' ••••• '.' ••••••••••••••• '. • •• It;< 8

Tre~~"'~" ..&11&' -e. ..El'Anan~. CondItlon ot Kisslon&T¥ Colo~~:~r-~ .~e~ber 1. - A Good Beglnntng. - Work In Western

... ,~"""",,, .;-. •• • .... • • • • • • • .. • 1069 . Dengm., Q ;:~ Budget. • 0 • 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Q -273 'W . , .. ,ccJi'iii:~A· Cb.8.lleng:eo .......... -.......... --•..••. 0 - ...... 0 0 o· • • • .. • • • • .• 273 c~n:~~ Gon..... Home .. " ..• 0

0' ••••• 0 ••••••••••••• 0 ••••••••••••••• " 274

....- . , ... ~ ._.'_ ~_. _~ .. , _,'V',. " ••••••••••••• ,~ . "fPr ~ ~~,..~~'...~:. __ , ., <, : •••• M. _ eeUng '. ~ ...•....•... '.. ... . ..... ,. .......... !' ......... e e.... • . • • • • .... .Q I iJ . Yi .. ~. : . . . 'WedLi--It Is to-~lnk . . .• 'y' •••• - ., ...... '. ; • '.' •••• " - " • - • • • •• 275

;'" :M:eet1~,. .. . - oung People: B Pre-Conference . . '~Wii ea,,""'#U'\'~ (j;aiitude ·and -P.r&i •• ·':':Tii . ·8· • in-........ -•• -•• , .. -_ .. e·~· ... ' ...... ~ • - 276

" '.. . tel\.,"~ch __ ftge i " ' '" " see e P tot. Chrlatma.s.--our Lat-. Southern' ~nSiii1 : ...... ",_ ........... ,0 ....... - •• - .... o •• 0 _ ••••••• " ................. aT8-280 .. .--... - ........ 2' ... ~"T.:. 6~=CII." ,', -1· • :..:.:.: .. - ••• t' • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • 0 • • • • • • oDSA

. • ____ &' -........,-.~~ e ~pera. I ' . . . . . . . . .. . .. ~ v • r~ .Denomln~Onal· , nokhi1'. ves . . ".' .... : .............. : .... o •••••• "280':'ZR

.; ~J"'iI?*p·#~~·;r; .¥eltiDli oi' sab~th ·sch~i -Bwd - .... : .' .... - .. - ....... -... ,%84,. ,', _,~." , ".;' , , . ' .... " ••••••••••• __ • __ :ISS A .' ':'0

0 ..... , _ • :,~, ... , ........... : •••• -.' •• _, •• , ............. 0 ..... ' •••• ;. .'. ~:;. • .', • ,'G86

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266' . . ,

m,~1;.~ oppressed,. with :.bjgh~P.~i~~~~what tHo . BiJ and low . rices~,fOr: 4ma.t!:t:~~ha to~nr ! Th ,,;btira~~~1ive a iiLre . ~ .. ,.... ,"".' ey.", , '.' .5~. YAi-, . '"" pnuu fiye life if ta'xes~_~d ~l1nit.~One can

, $&reely drive·m,.~y.~ffi~&n wiliout com .. A S ,'. '. ing into touch with some strik~~ .. ~H8e of

Pa.IIII1aet1 ~.'t.e ' injustice and, poverty in the _~ast"Q1f~lenty. ~,~hatJt~yllact "',PIaid~ N~ J._,;:,;W,!lat h<~J:~.~ppene~;i.!q".this pl~~t~· pros .. ¥"~'~j;~'N <{, . '. '~.:;.. :~'~iw ··t~ .• ,>·"·"-~· ,,~::". . ;-:;" pet9w;~.coun~, ., by·~"'a.U~~e who

OL. I·,?;' o':~'1il2..-..".;:,~ ./,-~ HOLB N():,'~ 619:" u ,-':-- kin'-''''coa~''?',,0Ur troUIif .~J.,,-,'l. h ,~;; .".,. ,.~;~~;; .. ~~:;~' "'i:';~: _ :--> s . "1 .. f;g,,:~~; ·Th~~·.~~ortei~~~I:" d:

TllBO.DORIIl(;;,~" . G •• D ... I~.... . D. .... ' . cl ....... · ·1."Man~·' ..• ' chi'·'f..;;,~·"'.·:en;·; d""····;··-,·:,:to:· g1'.:":!if'y" God ~. . .... " Editor __ .it... . . ,. 'ltL&es, S .::r,., - IS - O~·

HBRaIDRT C.' VA.N nORN. O. 0... ....... . ana Cenjoy '}unf ·forever.'t" God~·~~·:to be L. IL- PlOR ..... a..taz_. ~ eliminated entirely and his wo~~have

CONTRIBUTING 'EDITbRS put self in his place. It seelDstO read-now, William L Burdick, D.; D •• ' ~ .... M~ .. $ quef·end is to glorify himself and en .. :: ~~EIJe ~: ::~i: joy himSelf forever. n· God is dropped out of Mrs. Walter L. Greene man"s thought and life. ,As':a whole we have Rev. Erlo E. Sutton . left off seeking ~ and set 'go~ 'in his place.

Entered as second-claSs matter at Plainfield. This natioR no longer is-, a God"fea:ring ~ .. K~ . ~

. T.erms of Subscription pIe, a people to whom is a~pted a -govern' Per Year •..••.•.•..•.•••••.••••••••••••••• ,S.60 ment to .... insure. do, 'm .. esti.'~ ·ctraOquillity. etc. .... Six· Months •••••••. • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • •• • •• "1.26 _.

Papers to foreign countries Including Canada.. Our irreligio~ our godlessness, was·bolllld to :til~o~ia~~~r~ed 50 cents additional. on account throw things. out of.· jo~""for whatsoever

All communications. whether on business or a man soweth that sb,al1.Iie·· ~ reap."" tor publication. should be addressed to the Sab- Codes may help- ... t..L ·country~.,.,ps-bath Recorder. Plainfield. N. J. UW:t -~&.\Q.

Subscriptions will be discontinued at date of but all the codes that may be formulated are expiration when so requested.

All subscriptions will be discontinued one futile to remedy spiritual defection. .. .. Righ, year after date to which payment Is made un- teousness exalteth a nation but sin is are .. less expressly ren.ewed. proach to any people. '" ~The,':moral law yet

operates. "'PlowiJ;lg ~der.' Whea.t-and cotton God Dot Mocked Some years ago a Visitor and 'sacrificing pigs ire a. poor substitute for from th~ United States sat with a high digni.. getting right withGOd."" tary of a great South American republic. We quite ap with a. wi#er in the PTes .. Why, asked the latter~ is North America so byterian. Advance' who.:.SayB; uIn common prosperous and the countries of her ,sister with other nationS We'have'flouted the law continent so much less so? We have greater of life, the deverith'ooD;mandm~ the sub.­prairiess greater forests~ riv~ mineral and stance of the ~ When applied to the bank, other re.sources than you, yet we are far out.. . the_ farm and~. the. _ S@~:-:.#: . .m~=cw..~~~ • .justice stripped. Then before the rather embar.. and brotherhood. For dlat -love of God and rassed . Visitor could reply the southerngen.. . man we have substituted 'love of gold. 't't And deman answered his own question - U~'he gold has failed-to hringwhatlits searchers ever men who settled South America 'came seeking- hoped- ~.. .., ~ -:, ). ~ .' gold.· The early settlers of North America We need ~'~.req.ll;tIie"-wOtda·of_Jg, came seeking God..... . raers great leader,-Mo~~/~ in his farel

This na~y is pleasing to ~e complacent .~.·ad~ ~ !M9al('~~~~;-;ringing down northern citizen. But -what can be said now through the·centuri~!.,:~:'~':thou for' of conditions as they have existedhete, for the .getnot the Lord~ thy'~~:"~:;~f~~tbou last fout~?, ,We; _.~¥.be .... iqlp~llY. - ~. ~~ )lIl4, :.~:,fql_J~~;~;~::tb~t~~8and t.he loftj:''''~djngs marking our .skY .•. ~Jines.; ·but . , herds -mul~ply. ~~::~~Y,f}~~l,~~~~thy~!:;;gold beneath,·\their,.sbadoWs ·arec~squalor •. ,~", .' an;_iliuIti~~~,~~~~;t1lOU ... ,:·~::JjaarJjiiijUlf;iRti.ed,

d starVa6 OUr broad .. ' "... ," ·th'b-~ 'th 'tb-lieartclJefJifc:ea~"h~~and"t1d:f"(qrget :r~fiJasi1~arid:.el~~~~~-';:::'the~';tlly,~~~j~':.irl;~~~.g~~ce& herds of. ;~h.ttened. ~white 'faces'" 'ot~.>- . ·ateted· .. ;of~f(' ·e&iD··,,·God;;,Jsriet._~~fJia1rilea~t,~ ~.5D)i1kerst~···.th~._·,~:,_Q~:,.Jj\¢;.~~~~;~~~:~~.;~-;y-:.,.~q~~';~tp~:;~Ji~~~~.~~~~

268 are" the ,great ·essential parts, with the-omission of such. ,books as;Chronicles arulSong· of Songs. A rearrangement of the books,' w.e understand, U! made, Gen~s yielding. its place to Antos and'· beeoIning 'seventeenth.:"·' Ar~o rangement· is made iri. the order- of . the . sup'" posed dates of Writing. Titus closes the' -vol .. ume. -The book rp.ayhave value for some as a help . for study :or to stimulate interest and study. 1 The -danger, feared by some, may not inhere sO 'much in UShort Bible"" forms as in Shortened Bible living and practice.

From our Young People's Board comes a' fine numb~~ October, of 't~News .. Bits." Ten good suggestions for Christian Endeavor work are noted. . Number 9 especially brings cheer to . the . workers. at the Seventh Day Baptist Building. We give it here: uEach society take at least one copy of the SABBATH . ·RE'" CORDER. • ~ ." A snappy department carries a list ·'Of some of the things societies did last year--such as, for this year ~"You can do." Under notes on a weekly topic for discussion, Io"What should a present day church be do .. ing?" we read, "loA dentist· said he thought one was .justified in not keeping up his church pledges during the . hard times. Are pledges as • binding as' bills? In one church the man receiving the highest salary of any church member did not give anything for church work" Nor did he· do anything. Everywhere are the: signs 'NRA.· We Do Our Part.' Does it apply to your church?"" Accompany .. ing the uNews ... Bits"" came a. copy of· a certi .. ficate furnished societies to' award to' those taking -out one or more shares in the Denomi' national Budget,. of $10. each. Yes, our· young people can be depended upon to do their part.

. . Doctor Charles G. Abbott, in. an annual report to ,the SmiUtsonian -InstitutiQD,. accord' ing ·to· ~e . Associated PresS, holds that the wodd is, ;witbin'Qn~ ·eighth of an ,inch of, ruin b th 't ~"death, 'tot An "·wall't" _ y, e .. ~s· ............. , rays. ;_Q~one, .. ' " we read, ·"lies' forty~ miles aboN~~ the. earth" in Ut~' E\J:R~;rea~es,.·oftAe.stm1;Q8ph~:, It-is ~p{ea~t .. thrQugh ,~n~d~hl~~~p~~4; b~t· if :.~p ... CE$~tea~, would ~be: 1~;Ith.~n:,'QJi~~gh..~ ~Qf aI).

inch thick.""'· The; ···short",Wave ul~ viol~;~my,s~ known as ··beriefiCial tohea1~ 'if not absOrbed

~,~~~:~~~t:!t~ life~~'<} "~It $ ~a.stOD:iShin:gJ·anc:t:even tetrifying~""

We .. rea~ ~·~tO,.Q>ritemplate the-:narrow· ',margin of-safety ;ori.<which orir.JiVeS~depend.(i;~ Were this r trifling ·quaritity-;of! atDiOspheric:ozone,;re ..

_.:._..J' . sh .... ld all _~e~ n ; H ch moveu, ~e Ow. '':: : ~.IQU..- ';'-;'.' •• q'WEVer.-au is our: faith in ;the GOd ~who :created 'and hblds things ~ balance. we refuse to'·be ~cited· by the declaration even of such terrifying ·phe .. nomena~

~... . .

Sleeping sickn~ is ·decla.r¢d to be the out .. growth of other diseases. by two phyS(cians, Dr. Ray EJ;lglish .of Newark, N. J~. an~t Dr. Otterbein Dressler, who ~~ve been .maprig,ob .. servations and, ~g on experim,etitations ~ the Pathology ; Laboratqry . of th~ 'Osteo, pathic . Hospital in Philadelphia, aCcording to a news release' o( . N:ovember 4. ,Explaurlng their theory that the malady is ~ tnairlfesta .. tion of several diseases, they point put: 'that uthe ultimctte outcome of a case of sleeping sickness dependS largely upon the location and the extent of d~~ge done to the brain substance."" This damage 4-4-iS .caU$edbya new growth of cells about th, blood' vessels in the brain. This new growth: interferes with the nutrition to, the brain cells an~· they. 'undergo degenerative processes. If the part of the ·brain affected controls . ~e heart or'- respiration, death is sudden. If the. piUt affected Supplies certain muscles of the body, these'muscles are paraly~ed .. ' .. Because there are so-many dif .. ferent parts. to the b~, each supplying a diHerent part of the body, there eanbe so many different forms and mclnifestations of this disease." "


UWhot doth" the Lord ,equif"e '. of theel ht to do jwtlYI ·and ·to 10ve'merCYI and to w(JIIl humbly with thy Godrl Micah 6: -8. .

In this brief question Micah· summed up the. -religion of. the prophets of Israel. . And a marvelously comprehensive·sllmmary:!t~. Wh~er anyone had.,~·seen'.the trutlibe, fore or: not,; it ,~)AmOs. with 'crystal: . cleameu. , ;~t.: ;Jehovah;, Gdcl was whony,jUst,:and~Itha.t;if<m~-)Wer.e to/be,God's chil..J~- th -.' be" ,. H -. uu:ll ey:.too·~m~~ ",JUSt;.it.wa.s.:~,

whoSe'Jlove; led;::liinl"to .fo~~:land:,,)take~jback agairi, a:·prodiga.bwife;·fwhoj-~~tdn~g ~gure·.tha.t·~.G9d :~o:V~' andt~forgi~~·~d~~ .. tbat if men---are{wibe~;GOd.8.·c.hiJ,qren: ~,t;(:)Q.;tnust love;:anclit.· '~waS '(prODably,:,~Is3iabJwho)-;,first made' ,foreyer plairi~.that:~,ivorsliip\ ia:.iiot

.THB-!SABBAlISFlmeaRDEll 269 ~o~y:·.:~d:, .. ~()~ ::but sincerity·: and- ~faitb, not: :~u~ . activity~:!so: -mUCh~ as>',inner:·';attitude.. Andr ituwas ,tibestlm {,of aD:these 1.which-Micah said~<WculitrUe'.re1igiOil.'·i "~o~do, justly't~-4hat is,' to be honest; U to lovemercyn~iiSs· to be ;"kind;, ,4-4-and, to·walk·.h~ly ··with:Gocr'­that is..._tolWOrsbip in sip~ity;c.:'this"tqJ:Micah was;truefdjgion.,_ To ~.a ~ wii ... verse.: by . ethical . a>ndQ.ct; , . to ~"_ the b~erhocxl··of- man .hy, loving ,kindness; ,.to ~. the J;athe,rhOOf;lof, God by. reverent ado~pon; this 'sum'med up what uthe Lord reqwres ~f, th~ 't't :'. .

Pig ;Jes~ a.dd· aJlytbing to this conception of ~e, n;ligio.Q,? He, ,too, .believed in a.·moral uni~: ;wh~. ·~qot .Qne jot or one -, tittle should -p.~"''' .£ th ,I . 't't~ H L._1.:eved _ ".~ "~ rom .. ,~ aw/ . e. ,~,. ~ ~ a brotherhood so exacting that uif ye, .. for ..,qo~,,_m~~ th~. ~I?~~ neith~ will y.our Fa~~_!"YQur. tresPasSes.n He, too, be .. lievegrin.spiri,~. ~~,.~~GQd ~a.Spirit: and:. tliey ~t .. ,wOiship' hi#l must Worship him in . si>~~and in ~th.~' Pid Jesus add any .. thing to all that? Honesty, kindness, fellow .. ship. with God-what more did)esus require?

Whether one cans it a new element- or a new emphasis, Jesus added sacrifice to· the req~~ts., Both by. WQrdand ~ exainple our Lora. taught ·that· we must be' moral even if we sUffer for it; we .~ust carry -brotherhood to the, point of sa.critice;· and we must be So devoted --to·· GOd that we offer our lives in complete" surrender, to'-him~ _ The .·cioss ··is more than a symbol.·· It -'is the Vel 'I' heart· of the Cb¥an goSpeL . 4-~And . whosoever doth . not bear Lhis':cross,and ,come' after me, cannot be my' disciple. 't~ Voluntary.;sa.crifice ,is Jesus' ad .. clition to Micah'ts definition of religion. .

TJi'ese . days Will: 'show whether we are' fol .. lowers; :'of:JeSuS ot,: oAly discipl~-/. of Micah. The needs are so great ano' tberesoutces· of ~any: are so; small that it is~on1Y' Jlygreat!8ac" rmce on the part of· '. us'.c aU 'that·· the' work of the.~~4qm caI!-~'~ed on. The' only hopeiof,'~our:; denorrijnational;Hife,.,.lO£~our.~·JDiS.. sions in :Cbmai~andDJam8iat;~ib)H01la.nd and

. ~YiirJll)d.. ~.:~ou,t; :~'.~~~'.P{J(lbris.. ~r ...• :~~Ai:aP99~a:~~~ of :Jf1" ~ . ..•... .. ··~yiff~9~tiii!

:iiBc:in,~+~~~:'i'I'!~":" . . . 'J~1t

MlSS10'NS', ":. ,"_ MISSIoNARy' BOAab ~jgEi1NG

. -. /. .

(A shortened form o~ ~e report -turnished by Georg6 B. Utter.·· recordblg secreta.:r:y)

Theregular~ly'mP9tiRg 'of the ·Boam o! ~ of tbe···SeventhDay Baptist Mi& Blona.ty Society was· held October 22.' 1933 at the 'PawcatPck' cliUJ.1:h. ' . - .The monthly -~d_ quarterly reports and a 8tatement, of condition as of Septe:m6er, 30, 1933, of Karl G. Stillman, the treasurer. were accepted and. the ~ly report and the ~~ent of condition were ordered ~ SEVENTH DAY ~.fST MISSIONARY SOCIETY

Sta~ent of condition as of SepteIDber 30.' 1933 ... The .society owns: ~--.:.. •• . • • • . . . . . . . . ....••..•. $ 2.806.14

~enta: stncb. bonda and

Reall1ote1i1 • ,: ................. , ••••• 84 .. 441.81

estate ..• ~ •• . • . . . • . . . . • • • •. 65.329.86 The .oc:i~ owes: $1,52.5ia..<fl

~otea payabi:n ............... -... $21 ~500.00 . ~ent d ac:count

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • 4...628.53 32 .. 128.53

E..'Te811 of assets owned over amoURt owed $120' .... n 88 The above excess is ap licable f tt __ • .~. Funds' ~ p as o~. Bo ... . F: amounts: G~·· SehoOl' r d : ............. $ 1,393.22 P . und. • • • . . .. . . . . 1.148.S5 ~.Fif~ .................. 88.200.47 -H. CCc.' ·'Dr ... ~ ~ X~ .;..... 3 .. 480.00

".. UUUUl!!D 8te MJDJ'lteriaJ ' Relief Fund : Ed ...... •• • •• • ... ..... • • . .. 425.00

F .'' F 'D_~on Fund ••••• 1'2'" 36 - Z;!ridl.' . ,~dDIph Memorial ~. A. ] p. • • ..... - ••• ~ ...... '- • .... •• . .. . • 38.24

~ . ~ MJD-teda! .

SecRel!eftt- F~:fit ~.. • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • 1.000.00 .. un ea. ~ _" _ ' .. and Loss' Fund .• 166.10 •

Funds: .UD~l1ded meome: 96.585.94 f ... c:tl!~r ,:!~~ .............. $ 41.15 D11DI~a&I ~ Funds 419.40 Mjitistt;ri81. Education Fund':::::: 9.85

Funds: -Other: 47i.oo Gifts for • special purposes ..••• ~ • . . ...•. ~ 15.61

$ 97.132.55 Real estate equities • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . . 58,,329.86

Less· General Fund deli' - $155;;462.41 N~' ~ 'of, abcwefund ~:«iaiii; .';';J:':"~' . 35.012.53 . equal ,to eX' ES! of &!I8ets oWDed over

amount owed,. .' .,-.... . ~ r····· .. ". ~;, ., .... - ... : e,. - .. :- ........ ,_ ......... 120.44-~..88

'. . ,' .. ' .. ' Cr. '. . . . : ,.. "~~:Dg s-'reta~' and ... -....... .. - .. ' ••• ,": •• $ ·~13.01 ,"""orr_--~ ...... OJ . ~~... ~'397 SO 'General :::miSsiona,rid' and" eXpenses • ':. ••••• .; • .... ' ': : .Cbh~h,~,~ ~d· ~l'S; ~:"~ •••• ~ •• ~ ••••••• ~ ......... i ji~~J HoJrana'~ ~ , ~ ~... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J:aiJmiCa .. : .... : ;:.:: :,::2: :::~:.,.~; ............... ~ ..... ;:, .. ,s:-gg Treasurer's ~nses •• ",. ...•.• :.~ ..•• ~, ••• ., ••..• ~", ...... ~ '204~1' Audit of treasurer's accoUDt&, ........ ~', " " • " • '". .27'5:72 l~~ .on.., .. ~l~ .~.~ ....... ~-:~.., ~, .... ~::~ ~-...., ...... ~:.>~! .',.~'! ~. 1',\, "91' 7"00 • .,.~ _ .}.... .~ •• "'" J ' • •

-Chiiia .... ., .:'. ~'~.'.'~-- ~ .• ~;. ............ .•.• -0-· ..... ~...... - -4530 paym~l)t& ,iQr.~ificall!:,' d~g1latW'-· purposes ... ;. : .' . ," • 34 Pri~nl{,-, '.. .• ';,-,'" •• ~ • :"., ~ ':.' ,"~ ... ~ •• ~ ~. ~~ ... ~ • • • ~:12 Taxes and 'servIce charges .•••••••••••••••••••• Franklin .F. ~n~Dh MeJIt~ria1 Fun~. (TQ. .' . "separate thiS' from the GeD~rat Fund) •••...• .' 37.~0

. $3.798.85 ......


Net' ind~btedn~ .. J~Y, 1, 1933 ••••••••••••• " .$26.860.90 Net indebtedness October 1, 1933 ••••• " •••••• 3~912.~3

Increase • ' ..• " ..... ': ~ ~. ~ .. ~ . .; ~ ••••.••. '.: .• ~ .. ~ ~ ~ ••• ,.lsi.63


evenmRfatHthe-,.ooIIift{umtSdCliurCh WitB '~an at .. ten,dan~e of ClS9.W'l~f9rt:y.,·, S~ef.~ptiCQP! sli4es were \l~ed .. to .h.elp, pr~J;)tthe g~p~l, ~~ge. Icalleclilso '. at'" the 'homedr:Mr. "~H3.ljison, who iJ:~ 'Christian:; man ':and ii' be1ie~rih' the' ~ve~~ :'~Y' ·~Sabbath~·; '-There':'. ·:~e·' :splendl~ Christi~, ,'young 'people in each.' of th~' ~o Qomes I visited.' I was very'much interested

, .'r - ~ - - . . . • • f • ~

to hear of the' souls that have been saveddur .. i~g:Mr. Clark's meetings~nd ,alsq' of the in .. crea.sedinterest in the chUrch 'and decreased i~terest .in the danCe h~l, which had" nece8si,

. tatedthe closing' of the latter. The .next day I drove' for a few hours down

the:' Colorado river and went north ·over the moimt3.ins . to the Y ~pa River and then down .. that valley to. Craig. The: mud over Gore Pass on this. route was axle deep for several, ~les, but persistence finally con" quered., At Craig I had· a ~plendid visit with Mr .. Eqgene D~ and family. They ~per .. ate. the best cottage camp in Craig. Mrs. Dresser is a member of the Boulder Church. talsO spent Some time. 'in the home of Mr. and Mrs. La.Jlcaster. She· is also a member of the Boulder Church. There are tWo children in eaCh ot these families. . The ~vening of the next day we had a meeting .of the two fami .. lies and some . friends in ~y camp 'cottage, again pr~nting the gospel ~ pictures and using a .chemical illustration. The next morn .. ing I drove out to Mr. Lawton"s ranCh. He ~as two married childl-en, liVing in and near Craig, both of whom I was glad to meet. Mr. Lawton. is a relative of the' Denver Davises and fom;terly from North ~up.

On the same day I drove nearly one hun .. dredmiles over· the hills and mountains and through the valleys· ·.back·, to· the ,Colorado River at Rile., Here l ,found· ;Mrs.: . Worrell, a . sister of Mrs. Erferd ,'Sweet. . 'Then I went fourteen. miles farther, climbing up on a mesa bighabove ·the . , . 'river, ~ where' Mr. Ralph. Van.Hom ; and Jamil}t" live. : On the next ,days which was the: Sabba~we had .reg'" war.Sabbath school and in .the home. '. Mr. Leon' Van. Horn,: ,:Ra.lph~s brother, and Doris. Van;: 'Hom, his :daughtet', 'and,. his gta,ndsO .. ;,' Donald Van.· ,Hom, .Were ,with ·us· in ..,.Le·""~..uices· .' -. ,' .. S,.,,:r.dav, ri_ c. t . ""","",n.:.o d Ul!"~;,L F""~ 'I , __ ~:w.en"Vi .~e:"an,

then"2to!::New.,Qastle, ,wher¢'w¢'}had .ax1splertdid .......... , ~1.. B tb ·Ch ..... -1 "'8 """1 -L A-"-':..J ~1.. .v~; W.J;I;U,': '.m ,e.rLcq:,les" ;;iY~ a$& cuI.u "~", a~J.famjl~~{Q£r;f~Wwhd~thad (~been·Jieaclied "for the~j'l.ord:1uf his ."Newl Gastle~;!m . ~.. ~ When we~ed,<we?ftook~iMts~:Wo-~' "'-:upon,·the

meSa~so/"slie( coufd 'attend, ~our. :.meetings",there. Her daugQtert~j:"Mrs~ ~GorJ.eyr~liYes -m+:that:~Vi .. ~ty~:. "r W~ )h~4.;1l)leg9pg~:~fo~ ~j~~bin successioreat ,a· doalhouse, rabout ):nve', , , es t~m·~.~;~Van·H9rn~'iPl~~·~:l,4(~~i,p(·~ese· meetings:;one.fine, .la<;l tQpk, 9~t as,' :·J;Us.;Sa, vi9r ,: m;i'P.1)g,~ first .pu~u.c,. p)n.f~~; .. W"ith a~l Y~,Hort,l for Cl:'~#' ~s~t .. ,9~ :~y going.over l,llesa8,.dqWA, ~ug~ ,Va1198, and eveq:up .ipto the, moW)w~~"ca1Jjng Qn1;~e people, telling. of ~.p'\U ; ~~gs, .:,talk?~g , of Christ, and leaving Sabbath tracts as we felt led. Francis, and"~iliQd ;haVe~~:since had the opportunity 'to ViSit·:' ~qlder'- 'and Den~ at which time they were bap~d and joined the Boul~~r.O~~ch... ,. . .

On Thursday, J~e l, I packed up .and went on down the Colorado river., I called on,Mr. and Mrs. York who had been'inter' ested in gaspel andScU,bath messages at' .the schoolhouse . meetings .. last YeiU'. . SinCe 'then they haVe moved to Clifton. TheY will hear from. :QoUIder each week, now,·. through Paul Hummers extension Sabbath school elm. I request yoUr prayerS (or th~ ·fine folks who are so near a decision. for ChriSt and the Sab, bath, and for the little ones ~. the home.

That night I made. the· acquaintan~ of )4r. M. Mackintosh; who. has spent· most 'of his long life .as an' evangelist working with the Adventists, but is more· in sympathy with our position than theirs. '. He lives on a farm west 'ofMack, ·the Utah line. His knowledge and love of the Bible were an in' spiration to me.

The next· afternoon I reached·· Montrose on my way back up the Gunnison . River, headed toward the .high ·mountains.again. Here I spent three. nights·" with .. Mr.· Irving Webb .and called on his brother Bllis, <·and. on Mm.' Oscar Riclia.rds. ,This year" I really tame to ,know these folks and,.·their famjlies of nine,nve, and three.·cbildren· ·respectiVely. Evening meetings :were held in' ~ each~Jhe Webb homes. :'~ Mrs,-i 'Nora ,Webb; i . .rn.othet:;of Irving' and Ellis;" ':. and f another. -80Ils.-,·€la:u~ were also there. Some of these folks -attend th~,>Ba.ptist ~ch~ and::I,~}gladtO.~gQ~\vith thein;;~; ... "Sunday .and -;ni~~:thefr ·fine,;;~ pastor~ "" .",:" i .~ ':, ,~i. -;. ~., !~ -P"\:·:'~;JL.· f:~. ;:~'" ._~:

-' ,~·The .:next 6top._' ~was.~,,· atGunnjso~i,~~~ I hatl"a . ,fine, 'Visit with '·,Mr. a.\,a'·JfClari ···~~his . _ ..•. ".- , .. :yi .. - " "'.'" " -W",,"~, family .. ~:dI'heDrE If' ·;~t' ~~Jl:"rij,p:~ ~~~t·~I(t;1j"n River..·· .. icrosSed.',the-rdi: .. ·~~~·~.;.:;an.'-·".d.· !'\drt)' '~.' ""." .l'-~"':.".'-.n , , ~.' _Y1~."" .' .... P~.~" to':' Salida" right 'm:: 'the::qli&i.e:z of ·· .. tlleif1i~


18.79 m9~tajnB ,of the "state. Here I visited Mr. and~ -Mrs. ! Steel who have since moved· to Bou1de(~ '--One ··hunched. thirty more miles ~ugh ·ttQe, ,mountaiN brought me totbe plain. near Denver~ and I reached Boulder that afternoon.

. In. the two weeks' I was gone I drove 1.225 miles, made forty" ,ClUS and visits, distributed eight hundred pages of literature, held nine services, and presented Christ to nve hitch hike:ra.


Receipts July I,

to October. 0c:tDber.

1933 1933 A~s Center . . ............. $ 80.00 $193.00 AlbIon". • .................... 10.00 10.00 Alfred, First ........ ,. . . . . . . . . 58.03 330.93 Alfred, Second . ...•......... 29.55 29.55 Andover . . ..........•........ Atta.1l.a • . ................... . Battle Creek . ................ . Berlin... . ..................... . Boulder . . .................. . Brookfield, First ............ . Brookfield, Second . . ....... . Carkon Sabbath School ...... . Chi.cago • • .................... . Daytona Beach . ... ......... . Denver . . ................... . De Ruyter . . ................ . Detroit. . . . .•................ Dodge Center . . . ............. $

Sabbath school, special .... .

$ Edi.nburg . . ...•...•..•....... F . . . ....•............... Fouke ...............•...... F· 'dshi nen p.. ................ . Gen.esee, First •..•.•..... ~ ... . Gegtry.. . ..................... $

pecial . . ........ :: ....... .

$ Hammond . . . •............... ~artsyi11e ... ••...•.......•••..

ebron,. FIrst ............... . Helli-on.· Second . . . ..........• H<lPIcint·, F· Suecia on,.: lrst· . . ........... $

~';,~d~~~;·~~~tY:· . ~' .. ~ ............... .

~ ~..,.


5.00 5.00 5.00

3225 48.00

7.SO 28.10

5.00 5.00

5.00 2-50

100.00 160.00

. 75 7.76

8.51 28.51 2.75 1525

100.00 100.00


LBO 2.00



31.00 10.00


55.00 21.55



-------_ 1 ': - . ~- :. J ;I-!. ~ ~. ~ , $ ·44.00 50.00 Hq>I'::_tlV'l" ,,' ,Second ld~~ ....... '.. . ••••••••• ~ ..... ~~~c~-; ~.' •. ~ ~ .. ~.c.~ ....•.. _ .... . Li.CkSci. ~.,:.n~:~.~tei: ........ : ... 0· ......... . tt)u, , .•.• ' .... , . T .::...~-" e. ,,'.. ,Jr.aJne .. ".· -' .••.• ' • ~' •••••.••• ~ '. ·::a: ............. ~est' : ., , .

,_ ""'-~ 1.-. ~ . " •• '~ ' •• ~ •• ' ••• ' •••••

Lost, Creek • • ~ ~ .... :'··~:.-I •• e .•••• _ ••••

6.SO, 9.50 17.00 17.00

5.12 5.12 . '10:00

10:13 :10.;13

Marlboro . . • ................. . Middle Island . . ............. . Milton . • . ...................... $

S • J 75.98 5.00 ~a • ~. • •••••••••••••••••

$ 80.98 Miltt> J. . n UIlction. • . . . . . . . . . . . 78.03 New Auburn . . ............. . New York City .............. $ 29.24

Special • • ••.••.••••••.••..• 49.00

290.24 78.03



$ 7824 16(l33 North Loop . . ............... . Nortonville . . ............... . Pawcatuck . . ................ $

Christian Endeavor society. special . . •..•.••••.•••..



13.00 10.00

$ 254.00 1.012.00 Piscataway . . ................ 3425 69.75 PJainfield . . ................. 167.50 457.75 Portville . . ................. . Richburg . . ................. . Ri chi t e.. ................... . Ri ·d verSl e . . .................. $

Special . . ................. .

$ Roanoke . . ................. . Rockville . • .•..............•. $ Chris~ Endeavor society,

special.. • ••••••• - ......... . J uruor Christian Endeavor

society. special. . . .' •.••• • . • .

$ Salem . . .................... . Salemville . . ................ .

. Scio . . ...................... . Scott . . ..................... . Shiloh . . ..................... $ Sabbath school . . ............ .

Christian Endeavor society .. Junior ChriStian Endeavor so-

ciety . . .................. .

- $ Stonefort . . . ................ . Syracuse . . ................. . Verona . . ................... . Walworth . . . ........... ,..,. .• Washington . . •••...••.•••..• Waterford Junior Christian En-

deavor society . . •.......... We11svil1e . . ..•.............. Welton • _. • ........... _ ....... . West .Edmeston . • ••.••••.•.. White Ooud . . .......•...... Indi'Vi.dttal.s • -. • ....... lit ............. .

W' As·· estern $()CIation.. ••. ,. •... ' SouthQste~ A.s:sociation . • .. Conference collection ...,. .. _ .• ,.

MiSS1 .. ' . "S~

40.00 10.00





3.00 28.25

42.60 39.00







50.00 10.00

36.40 22825


102.60 1.00


; 18.50

36.93 25.00 14,.7$ 80.50 18..79


~~Cb~'D'D<l!L~ -,D:~n ~'VD~ :&O~:4.~~ ..... ~~.&:~~ 3&.~~

Tra~ Society . ~! ~ •• ~ • , ~ • ~ ~ ~ • ! $. 144.04 . Special . . .....: .. --; ~ . . . . . . . . 8.00. '.

" ' :' . , " " " 152.04 . Sabbath 1'School Board ......... --lt2~19 Young People's -Board ........ 28.08 Woman"s','~'Board . ............ 7.02 ¥i~tc:rial' ,R.elief .' .•... ••... _ $ 42.12 ,,~peC1a1 • • •.......•.. . •. •. • 10.00


Education Society . ~. ~. ~ ....... $ Special . . ................. .

Historical Society . . ......... . Scholarships and Fellowships .. General Conference . . ....... .

50.96 16.00


66.96 ·1-1.70 21.06


$1,393.76 Required amount for four '1Ilonths .... $9.266.66 Amount re¢eived in four months ...... 4,205.42

. Anlount in arrears .................. $5;061.24


118 }.rfain' Street, 1rVesterly, R. I.,

November 1, 1933.




Our Father., we pray fOT a more sim­ple faith, and for a more childlike trust in thee..' Help us to be happy and holy,

,;~ven though in adversity. Amen. t_~~ ______ ~____ _______ _ _ __


Oh, say, did you read -the RECORDER for Octoberthirtieth? You do not take it? Wen this is a' beautiful day, JUSt walk. oyer to the parsonage, and ask Mrs. Pastor to see her RECORDER.

, . Turn to,' page 251. Read report. of the Woman"s Exectltive Board. You will. notice t9ey are, ~bHshing a.' circulating hbr.lry ,for the ,women"s ·organizations. . Read ; carefully the- names of the)ooks.,· .~ect. the :one you .w~d ~e most' to read arid',yOur secretarY and she' wm. order it foryou~ '. ,Then l~ at, the worship program" -worked 9ut' '(qt the~~use of your Aid, . Dorcas ":or'-Missi~ ~. Use ituhl~- 'ou' ha~e;',~etiiin' . ..'. , ., .,. " y ',. .' ",",<,.,., '.", g better, which would. be fine, ,o£;COun;e.:'ir,rThen g,an.ce at the report ;of~the'iSalePt La:dies~':!Ai~ fof:theyear. Tell' your Ald~'sOcietYttlie 7 anI ~l:Ct~f;t,~e Woman"s Page'wants~and"J1eeds a r.cepo. ",:'rt.' I.m .. m, }7i.,ou, ,J9.t.·.ftt:.,;.,!jM .. , ,~a.n.' "~:,',Pag.e~.' .Now. do ,.oU:", -. . wish' .- ' '. . ~littl.e,_ ' .. , ~ Yi J-~'.". . ,.:=".,.~,.,;. __ ... ~ -c:omin:mte '~:Ut ~home?~ ~yes; :1)ut '~e,dO, not ' g"," ~ ". . yo , , - . . . ' ,. , - . - . '''''' . , ,.~ .'. . -, ., -ha9~t~: .. money.

'.wen,~go home and ou~-:to'«e tbe;hlmS'~ltell theni,·how. much" youj,Wishf'for.;~t?~ioBa. I:hat. .you~ will 'give: :them.1 ;a fnlce ~:Iitd~,: p~;;to sleep",·a!ong wi.n.gdodIUtsdf.!'they£ make a3 penny; a day-, ;untili- you( Caa~:buy · the SABBATH REcoRDER. .,', ,.;"::,;"! " ,J

'Then',invite your neighbor, in to see' it;: ten her ~ how- 'pleased. you ,are 1 and' howthe~ chick .. ens helped you~:get:it. "

·AlI of you read i the··ChaIlenge.... 'in the current issue. ,Watch for the names of new books and what is said about :them.-

A aIA.;i~N~~/'-·~~~ ?:i' ~ ,- ~ ,.' ._,.




There -is something in the spirit .of youth which riseS.. with a joyous thrill to, meet a, chaI~ lenge. How many boys have I>E#'anned" ~~ agreeable, di1ficult, or dangerolisfeats, :Jjiere, ly because someone .... dared .. ", them to do" so. There is an exhilaration ,in overoottiing:. oJ" stacles, an immense, satisfaction' and sense of power, for the one who, is' nei~er a ~ ~k.ljDg nor a coward, in breasting. the tide and prov; ing to one's self that. it 'can·-be 'done:, . <_

The old command, ·4.~ember, (:he ~oath day to keep it holy;.· when -considered:in the light· of modem· conditions in home-and ~husi~ ness, presents a distinct· challenge . ~ ua' to prove our mettle. When ~-.:wdtei~"was a child, church going on the Sabba1:h was an event; and when detained at home, the q~et f~y circl~ was fine· for-· 'readingtog~~, for memorizing' Scriptun;Cl!td ',theilike.--£:;~~ut now there ,are s9 IP:citiy C9\Jllte( '~~0Il8': to church going, so' much :,reading ~aiter ~des ' the Bible - the . SABBATH ~ -REcoRDER; .oiflbe Christia'.fi~'Herald.· ~ Sh~l, we Yield' to 'ther~, rent and.. seek·-our own .pleasure and follow our own ways? No!,. Let :oU8 . .set ourt.f~}un' !;Ompronll.l\ingly· towaro . God.. ~4.~ that' the· 'Sabbathis 'his ,001" &. :. ,_tr'~O e~iieed not spend,lQng~~.m ~t1n:Wh~«t, is permissible' : to do ~: or· ,ro-gQ: At;h~;,;~;i:he Sabbath.;fwith ,full;;li~d:, 'la~Y~<ftg~i;!tude toward. _~oi1r . GOd ' . _Sa:Vior1~jUSt:," '~;!our soJi}s. 'anti} minds in the thought that thiS. his L. ..... ltT_ ..J-v-; ,,1-..:_- .hol'" ,..J-v .•. ~-.;oI'u-,..:.~"I.,, .., '.T;ua.T"' ~:.uu;.,_. '.7""~.T • ....... ~~'7'!'!:~.:"'.~~'"!~ ~:" andt 00- -glad· in- it.L· ~d·~7'r~~tiJl{~l";t.he ~g8 which':w.akJ~~~<;ia(:~m-~~_ ~t..ful·to> otb .. ','/andi;tDat:~ WiJb,:~~'~~<,lhe ~~.H···i·~ ..... ~,. ... _~ . .." ......... ".,._ ..... _ .... -'_ .. "' .......... ~:._~ ... ~ ... '.. f- ... 1.:-", L"'t_~ of the C!' h"'''' . llaiJie 0 ;',UII: uuu,- .;. .UiU1~.. h:~~:'~,,_r::;~~

• ' • ". -''; -'. ~,_~,,,, ~'r . _ • •• •

, .

, '

r.·., TRAC1':BQAItJ),:'MF,EllIIG .' (~Ded ,. -'-" . -, . .. . RePort>

The BOa:ro' Of '.y.~. ': ';' f 'the, • t . '. - . '. J. rustees. 0 Amencan

Sabbath. ,Tract, ~~. met in '~,session.. ,at~ :2, :p.Bl;, October 8, 1933, in the Seventh Day,J;b.ptist Building" Plainfield, N. J-, fifteen members pne:seJIts with Alexander W. Vam "Vice-presi~~ .presiding in <the absence -of -th~ presi~ Cor:liss'~F'': Randolph, who has not ~ ~~f~'O!ii E~ ,

The, report of the . COrresponding seX:retary, Herbert C. Van Horn (who is absent visiting our <:h~ and interests 'in t:4e N:ortbw-est, also m - Ohio, Pennsylvania" and West --Vir ... ginja on. ·,his·· ~ trip)., was read by the se:cretary, and accepted. . -The:t:rea.surer, Mrs. Ethel T. Stillman pre ... sented and ~ her report. ,

. SUMMARy OF TREASURER'S REPORT F~ the' 41IaIter ending ~ 30. 1933

Ethel T. StiUm~ Treaswer, In account with the

American Sabbath Tract Society

To balance on hand July ;:ri933: =~F~ord debt·' ~ •••••••••••••••.. $1787773.49 ne:ii" CIU ~, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 50 !If .ominatioua) Building Fund ...... 272:02.

amtenance Fund ., .. ~ ••••••.... , 645.:21'

To ~ received since -~ follows; ----$ 2~868.22


~= :-~~r.:""'ent -~$ Inc. ,f ... V1 ••••••••

ReeS-~. "'~n :~=, iiOD.,~~" ••.. abbath R---..I- '. .' &S"He1· u;;.,~ .......... ·e ....... - ••• - -

PIng d. " ..•......... Other h1" tj Special C::idb'7ili~ -~ .,- ":.-~ Oa; • - -d' Movemerit~;~"";3~' war . To • .. ......." ~UI:' .' ••.• " ~ ••••

'D-~d '~f,e''"at~~ae~ . .; •. -~, ·0 amount' '. toWard expense$,; of 'youngpeoiJ1e's -camp at ~vew: e, ........ _ ........ _ ..... ..

293.03 17.00 9:1.98

732.21, 359.58 65 .. 11

3.46 5.00

3Q-OO .. _ " l,.561..51

DENOMINATIONAL 'BUILDING - FUND Income 'from' investment, ..••.... _ ........ ' : .. .

, : ~A.N.q: FUND 21.00

Rent trom ubli' M ' .. ~;.,:.~' .' r

;, - ~:: ,8:::: .,g, .~~ ..... ~. -_ •• ,_.~. 15o:.~ ,--,.: PERM.A:NENTF-UNn'

.Bequest or· ~n1eJj~.;Potter,., 'Wcstedy., R.. L. ~ _ ._ of ':l~Pnv.:e-ds.of sale:of real ~te ~ 6i3Q1.44 . , ,

\ ~ . '.

" : : Cr. By cash paid olrt as follom:

- ~" . ~' ,' ..

:, )~~<fi~~:::~:--c-,._"r ,;",. . ~ '-~;-bf:" ati~--~ .",;}~--?~,~ ~~: -,-,.,:" ••• ~$" ,.116.63 '.

-, '~~ "f.~"''''''"'' ·"'it.·,,, ,- ',.'~~Coi; .. ~_.eJt4-~05_.. . ... It' . '" . .' ", .~:~~~:~.I~; :. _~' :~c -~';~"3:::~,~~:~":r

276 THE ·SABBATH RECORD:BR Life Annuity payments. •••••••••••• 430.00 Account principal of notes - Trust

Company • ....................... 500.00 Interest on notes - Trust Company ~ 103.66 Cb.eck tax. • .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 ~ t 0 Mrs. Newton Mitchel, Nady, Ark., . contribution toward church stove S.OO




Janitor service. repairs. etc. ••••••.• . . • . . • 41.49

PERMANENT FUND Transfer to Plainfield Savings Bank amount

of Amelia Potter Bequest ••••••••.....•• 6.301.44

$10.435.34 By balance on band:

Denominational Building Fund •... $ 293.02 Maintenance Fund .............••. 153.72

$1.046.14 Less overdraft of General Fun~ •• 567.85



Indebtedness. General Fund $9.000.00

E. &_ O. E.

Plainfield. N. J .• October 1. 1933.


Examined, compared with books and vouchers. and found correct.

Plainfield, N. J., October 1, 1933.

J. w. mEBELER. Auditor.

The treasurer~ s report was received and adopted.

The report of the Committee on Distribu .. tion of Literature was presented and read by Jesse G. Burdick, chairman. /


A meeting of the committee was held in the office of the corresponding secr-etary, Sunday, October 1, at which time plans were formulated concerning the work of the committee the bal­ance of the -Conf.erence year. Mr. North, by invitation, -met with us. The matters discussed were: the recommendation from the Confer­ence regarding the RE:coBDER: (a) re~toring the

- REcoRDER to a weekly Issue; (b) appointment of agents in the churches to sell the REa»mER w-eekly at· ten cents per week to those who do not feel they can spare the full subscription price at one time. this work to be done by the young- people's societies; a commission of five cents per copy wHI be given those who do the work.

Another line of work has been launched and will' be done' by -the Christian Endeavor socie­tie's under' the direction of the president. . Miss Marjorie Burdick.. This work win 'be anactu~l survey~f{ all our Sabbath tracts' as to -t~elr

-valw; -to t1)¢-_'youngp~ople o! ·~he present. time. The"- Christian Endeavor societies have, pledged their hearty supPort -_to -the' plan. The ,-"com­mittee f~ti this would be of --great value to the ,Tract Society.

We recommend that the board approve- this line of work.-

The matter of printing and 'distribution of tracts was pretty thoroughly, ,discussed -and we shall keep withil) the budget for this work. Number tracts 'sentout ................. 957 N umber RECORDERS • •••••••••••••••••••• 6S N umbe r Calendars 1933 •••.• • . . • . . • • • • • 15

1.037 (About six hundred of these were distributed

by the editor during his trip west.) REcoRDERS discontinued August and

September . ........................... 15 REcoRDER new subscriptions ••............ 5

Net loss ................................. 10

The foregoing report including the recom' mendation contained therein was adopted.

Mr. Alexander W. Vars, chairman of the Supervisory Committee, made verbal report, that the business at the publishing house shows a net loss of $523.65 for September, and· of $987 for the past three months. For the like three months of last year the loss was $2,700. He also reported that $125 will need now to be expended to make necessary repairs to the roof of the publishing house building.

The minutes were read and approved. The meeting adjourned.

ALEXANDER W. VARS .. Vice"'P'Tesident ..


Assis't4nt Recording SecretiJ.'TY.



In times of darkness and confusion the su­preme need is light. The light of great ideals has been the saving fore:e througq all the cen­turies - richer in -vitalitY. than any race, more abiding than empires, more ~during _ than monu­ments of stone. , Ideals are practical. Like the beacons that guide men' through the seas ,and !!I.e air, they are most needed in times -of stoim-and difficulty. _'

Some nin~teen liundred ,years ago.Jesu~ Christ gave toinankind thegreate~t" bo4yof idealism the world has known. -'WitH-no-oe: of the 'trap­pings' of classrOOlilj' 'curriCtiltun.giades, -or·· d~ ~e~; _ in _an ,~' -,crus~ed;:w.i,th~,,!gn9raDce;;super­stItion, brutality, and corrupti~y .~the .. ;lDere force of living and'teacliin~~nst ~<Jstarted a new 'epoch, an epoch'":s6:~Significant->;thattbe ca1-end.~r:,,~dat~~" .Jr()~ L~Js::bjrtJl.ESo ~JtOwuful,,";~J.iat it bas, .eha.JIg~d. ~e, _~noIe~;c(1Urse .of ~gman\,events, -so-beneficetlt' that "wtota; -minions 'ot"' men have been 'lifted- higher -iri;tht'-seaIe ~(jf 'life., '" ~ . -'

Is it not plain that what the world needS just now is a new devotion to· great ideals? In, state­craft, in busm, • ess, in indu~~- in law~in the church, in S:cience, or in t~g can anything be more intenSely fruitful and practical than a renewed, faith in the· bigher ... and . finer thhigs? Hour -after hour, day after day. we -are all fac­ing situa:tions where there is choice between the bigh~r and the lower. It takes but a little com­mOD sense and a- will to choose the bigher path -to change the whole course of a life. a- school. a nation, or an age. A ,little more faith, a little more idealism, and the confusion of today may give way to the fairest dawn the world bas seen. ~rom .the JOIWnDl of the NGtimstJJ EdtI-CaHOII Association, By J D7 Elmer M orgtm, Editor.


Setting-A beautiful day, the sun, sky and ~ grass and the Lake (Koshkonong) all radiated the love of God to mao. Youth. nearly one hundred strong, active, alert, gath ... ered on the' ~ for -f~ fellowship, and foresight, eager to look ahead in plans for the year to consider how best to render love to God.

Time-9.30, Tuesday, August 22, 1933. Opening Quiet Talks-The Spirit of the

Milwaukee International Christian Endeavor Conyention was brought to the group by Rev. J. F. Randolph and - Rev. Carroll L. Hill. These talks introduced the theme of the new two ... year program for Christian Endeavor in an inspirational' way and led up to the d.isctJs... sion groups.



I Win Be Christian. Witnessing tOT ChriSt in ~Y IndividU41 Life.

This first part of our discussion was brought -to us by Pastor Sutton in a clear manner. We~ went .. down .the list of ways to do this (as list.ed on· the pampblet sent out by the International . Society of _ Christian En .. deavor) -and ~ each one to quite an extent.. These were some of the tbjngs we talked about: - ,

,A - personal: ,deciSion to accept Christ as Savior and to follow bim

GroWth:· iD~7 'C~;jn. "J~vm.g- ·throUgh a fa er~l1f~ 't11~ug1fJ~:rtO tbe'Ch~;'ana ib~b '-8tUdYing-'+- ,~psi" ____ . ,m leade:r8bip . ~._ r-:- , groups and-in the Bible school.

277 . W~g through sharing our faith ·~th

others and in our -individual efforts to lead others to Christ. .

Wi-tnessing tOT Christ: 'I1n-ough My Chu"ch.. We disctJssed how we could witness for

Christ: By becoming a member in our chUt'ch and

by making it and our Christian Endeavor 80'

cieties interesting and instructive. Other ways are the Christian use of our time, tal ... ents, and money, the churches in their SUp' port of mjssionS and church c&operation.

Second Period-Pnlfessor Leland Shaw, lead ... 'er of the djscussion.

We talked about the theme, I Will Be C!uistian. The _theme which we have taken represents much. It is a high ideal and when taken seriously involves everything done con'" scientiously. I Will Be .. . the foUr words the meaning is as follows:"I­not others, but I myself. WiII--deteuiiine to be not just to listen. Be to act and talk as a Christian Christian--follower of Christ and his ideals and teachings.

Witnessing to!' Christ in Social/ustice-There is a lot of. unfairness in the world

today. One example of it is in the court. Rich people get out of their crimes which they have committed because of their wealth; whereas the J>09r~ whether innocent or guilty, often have to serve .... stilr sentences. Cbrises ideals were and still are &1:Iongly against in ... justice of any sort.

Witnessing fO'l' Christ in I!,ten1ationd.l Good .. will and PetJ.Ce.

No one should look down upon other races from his own. We are on an equal footing; one is no better than the other. Christ looked upon Negroes, Chinese, etc.:. with the same kind of love he did upon us. ~

I Will Be Christian. Not a single one of us can be a good Christian without fonow .. ing Christ's enmple as closely as possible..

In his delightful artd in$ruCtive way PJO.. fessor Leland Shaw led:us in t:bese ideas

• ;" ~ l' <

Sign~ by the tW9 sea:etari@ of, BEllY DAloANDANi>' VlC'roll SJCAGGS.

11!e'deOOminatron; Whi~,~-einp1Oys tbecu--- . nat SWOidis' ·df:noininatm -·~ .. the '~'" of Satan~ ,in the .Apoc:alypae:. ...

.278 , .

.Junior C~8tliul EDdeavor': Topic ~or Sabbau.. - . Day. DeeeDtber 2. I833


28Q 1HB : SABBATH , RtiCORDER. ';"_. ~ _" _ ~ .s.._.",,,, -'.-, < ~ "",. ~ '. "-_~. _, _ _ __ ....

give:a favorable r~po~. ~cause of, all these reasOns he seemed like the only man who was able to su~ceed Moses, al~ough. JoShua. him ... self had not even considered this.

When Moses died he left a gap equaled only by 'Paul"s death,' fourteen centuries later; but- Joshua very ably took over M6ses"s work and led the people into the' promised land against the inhabitants, of Jericho. With God"s help he captured and divid~d the land among the tribes. Joshu~"s work was nearly done as far as anything important is con .. cerne.d .. when he divided the promised land to his followers.

The struggle -had been long"'and wearisomes but what. worth while reward do we gain without hard' work? 'And after we have

. fought a good fight and wons are we not com .. pletely. rested and glad we went ahead with the labor?



The quarterly meeting of the southern Wis ... consin . and Chicago churches met with the Mbion Church on October 13 and 14. Friday eVening the Albion choir furnished the vesper program of 6010ss duetss and -,congregational singing. Rev. Carroll· Hill then preached a sermon on. the ""Abundant Life,.... which was followed by a.conference meeting led by Rev. JohnP.Randolph. Sabbatl.t mornings Rev. E. A. Witter preached a sermon, on the subject of· loyalty.·' . Miss E~beth Randolph led in prayer~' At· noon, dinner was served in the church basement. . We also· enjoyed a beau .. tiM-autumn day 'and the beauties displayed in the fall colors on the old academy campus. "., The two o"clock session was in charge of Dr.H. L. ;Hulett; the chaUmanof. the camp committee. The ~ructors in the' camp as". sisted. in tqe .program. i G. H. Crandall read a statement made to -Mrs~ Crandall concerning the seIVing of the 'meals~' themenuss and the 1P:4beh: ,duqes -of-;the:campers. Ji~e~, :spoke c()JI~iDg-"lthe . regul~ .. .daily; ,i PI'.ogta.m.· <<>f "the ~;Hnp~;' dl~,~m~rjt: system.,an,d-, the-pl1ySic;al3.Ad r$~ti()<~~i.of'-'~PfJlife1i; ,:J:.-.;; Cit ~yt spij~fo;ilbQ. -: ~ ~~Po1':\3-lf{ljf.e tof. ~~ tgJ}ing:,<Qf£tbe icla..esJitt ~ hiqlQgy.· ~4:'ft:i~4Ship CJ.nil:~~ eduqJdoP,:{tge b9.ltst~~edrijl:gmf~~l~. ~.~i)4~}~\.":D4ms2lQId~~~~x~r,~~::~p~~ Q£".cm_er~Wt} ~p; :~t~tJd~pljLY-~;/$eY-~_~?~ k-ets'{W(I;ld> silb~~ttis wnidt, ih~d:~:c:ma'4~ :ID

. , ~. - '., - :

camp. < Rev. Carroll. Hill spoke of: the ;class in fundamental principles of ~enth _ Day Baptists which· _~e .conrlucted each' .day_ of camp •. DoctoJ; liulettthen gave· a financial report of the Camp., .. .

At threE; o~clOck . (the young people~~ h~) Dorothy. Bah:ock .Sayre condu~ a service of worship. and song. The 'pro~ consisted of instrumentai music as . piano "solos by Gladys Sutton Randolph and Edward ~; a ~ce110 solo 'by Sara Davis; a saw:. so.lo by ,Robert Randolph; two selections by' a male quartet, consisting Of Maurice Sayre. Robert: Randolph, K~eth Babcock, and' Loyal Todd; vocal 60108 by Leta Crandall and Kenneth Babcock. Selections of Scripture were interspersed throughout the program. .

At the ,busineSs session in the evening~ the quarterly meeting adopted a resolution pre .. senteel and thereby .... looks 'With favor upon a movement to set up suitable markers to indi­cate the 'locations of the church- buildings"once owned and use<;! by the Utica and the Rock River Seventh Day Baptist churches~ now ex .. tinct, bu~ once members of· this quarterly meeting."" Greetings and best wishes were sent to Miss Susie Burdick in the hospital.

The evening sermon was given by Miss Elizabeth Randolph of Chicago on the theme, .... That We May Grow .....

VERA SHAW" Secretary.


'~' '7 ' '\ .' , • ' , -... ~ - -,.



, ,

The -seventh commandment :uThou sbalt'not commjt adultery ..... -Exodus 20: 14. '

Gods the Father-, having finis~ his- creation began his :~or~"wi~ia n:t~g~. r~]~ Christ, begipning his work, mad!; _ ~-fiI:st ~p'~lic._~ peaia.nce at a wedding.· -:- ThlS' ;~nim~!l}dm¢nt forbids murder: aimed .. at the "collectiVerlife; of

'the·-:famjJy~ , . P.ollowmg . the-: :commandment which safegtiatds~· persOnal;! 'inaiviaual "~:Jifes jit suggests ·tbat:next Jto human.,lif~ dtse1f,- the marrlage~-telation.l'is ,:the:.: :inoSt' impOrtant., ":JJ

Th¢.·Old T~-;at< ·~tin;.es,~llOld8: :up i ail

~~!.QglYa~ ~~ ~.t;t~-'7m:1.t~~ Ji~~:- jpf men" ~d >womeri. ~JoY-etthe~"Same)~freCOid cOn": taf~-;<; . '.l~~ ~<ifl ·-:;·z.·"'--·-~jD~,';j,:who' ;': "~ .. ,.~~~.----. <-, .-. ~""i--";~"h~" " ..... ~. ,~.~~

Qf.: :gI:~j;·~jWp¥>~.i~~ 1 Zi~~-: ~.six. g~~li~

A brief 'bjst0ty. of womanhood -down through the; ages;j8~necessary-,to : understand· the -preVa" lence .o£:the ancient evil which this command ... meo.t -fOl"hide-.. _ '; As l<mg'as woman was regarded as: -property; ~,of ·;personality,· ,adulte1y. was w.ide!sp~.·The~Yelyessence-of adultery is >~~"g:'~ctnaJj~:y/as .4. dung •. But adul, tery. ie. JnOfe,· .tban a sin .. against. a ,personality; it .is, ·a~.$n:aga.inst:<the,_finest-.things ,in. life..It isa corruptiQn:· _0£. two, individuals, a sin that mwders.·two.souls ~at ,once. .

, id.eai of,'--mattiag~a.:~~an~t'~~EQrgan!' istns' thefoimda~anA ojB,~~j:1~DiH1t'~:l)nf;the J.a..w,.o£,:GoQ~ r~y~g, ;~~"Qy.~rof God. ~' .;'~~f' tf~Jtte ,o( qoo.".~~, d,~~(~~i ,Cf,ea~ve wor~ 0 'Ou\..I " ' , ,--, " -

" ·,:to,.gi!e·~~~ttation: ~ ,the fcuh~Y~ '~ -~;~rea.~ Uze: the'aspitations" of' :'the, 'ia,inilY.' is' 'not' the taski>f,eitllu-:the: nusband' or the" wife: alone. Th~' -dove' that would By" to \ n&ven" With,· one Wlilg'~'crippled"an(t uSeleSS:":wowd have ;.bad ,'going' ',~~ ,',' It -tieedS both :WiltgS.c.~, ~Tlie famjJyr~" ~:'its 'en:ds when' bbtli: ~fat1l¢£ aha:, mother lend" -tllett 'ketvices to' >the~bwirig-' 6£ thek 0: ~wn '.~ Pa~ence is" req~ " . : uired~. Jove '~is ~-req' 'utted. __ ,..w; .. te."

There'ai-e"iji3.1sand gallirig'burdens .. ' ·~But 'be tlldu..lfa.1thfUl'unto'death and I Will give 'thee a crown of life.'" C~B~tt~r it~'weave. ill the web of life , :A. ,~righ~ ~ ~nd golden' filling, ,

And 'to db' GOd·s' will' with a' ready heart .... 'And 5 hands ~that ate" swift and willing, ' '\than to snap _ the ,delicat~, slender -threads ':; .. :Of."ouJ", cllriou$ lives, aSl1nder~ " ' .,',; ','. ' Ap.:.;t' )~~~ < lilam'e ~h-~yen. {opI- ,1lie tangled ends, ~'-A:na-sif alid '-griev~--'and 'w,oh'der.'''' '-'

" : ' , -.:' ' '-' Mrs.' Bertha Davidson .. . , . )

. - -. _... ~. ~

. . ' WHITB'. CLOUD •. MICH •. ; ·;,-On·theevening of October lOs the Young J.leople's. > Auxiliary _ of. the, Church served a wafBe. :supper, and are -'plannfp,g, a, Thapks .. . givmg"gupper for some o£the,Jone and-needy 'ones, pf.-tne ;town. Twent)r;one-'of thiS church attended' · the ,semi:"annual ,meeting ::0£ ,.the :MiclUga1n:.,and OhiO<iChurches; at ,Battle "Creek, :(§)ctOber;:'20 .. 22. : Much ·good, WaS-' receiv~ , and the ':lloSpitality; ~f .the,Battle Creek people was ~eatly appreciated~! ':::. ': '<?ORRESPONDENT.

~:~ :~: £ _"'~;~,/ ..; (: -_ .~- -~ :....-i .", < '---':-'. :--:.: ::.,. :"', I", • "

.< ; ::,;.'X],::; r~'t -,~~-;,CAJtF~ ,: ," " -:~~)T~<.'Ri~9~~~}lwch_,~--:jrejQicing jJ) ,t4e ,1()n~~~Wa.i~~,am~ ~Qf:R.ev~,:Lo~~t ~._ H~~~y ~g~·tf.aroj1Y4' ~~ta;b.e t~kt~~:;qf})~~, .:,7 ,~W¥ ·~~~.-;"second ;l1lJeOl1r, nur:1-.. Dut.;at. tha~-tune",the ~""'''_ .... ~ __ .?~ _ ..... <.' __ 1' ... _~~ ~' ... ~"""" ....... "''''_'"'-..'..,. .... ' or ... .!

-~$mial' WelCome was"extendedjn~·a~ Q.~,of '~~~;~'f'f~~': ~~yerl~~~"~~j~~ :~~.-~~r, 1l ~m~o11\hJ~J9~ ~:";:.: ~'~~i .~~ .t,;'~.f':>\3;~;.~li S'i-~"- .• / i

,';}~BJidav evenjngc"the,_,CL.":~~ ... -c, Bp.deavp~; ~d ; ~ .. '.l.: ......... ~ __ ..• ·7 ... ~ h ..... _ :._,.; ........... ~ .... :r .•• .O;~._.'~_~~ ~_.~_ ~,.,: a">T ....... ".t. -.

Charge '<of '; the m~g; condu.~~,~,(-a ,~,' .. ' . -, ,', ;~~,:lP,·~·-ja

.... -4> _ .. "'. .. ~ ~ .. ~ _ • _ .. ... • - . - .


BAIlTEL-LANGWoRTH~.--.::thester . ·A. Bartel and . Ethel ,U. Lang;.v.orthy; c~ both of: :,Dodge'('CCn-

ter ... ~." ~$!r;~f>.J.1"j.t~~ ~ iJ;I".,~~-:;D~em­her~6~ . 193? al;~gel!tt ',~ •. ~Y. ~ev., c. A. Nauman~ Uncle of thegrOoDl. : . > "

CQo!olJ~S~FINN.~Mr.·.' Isaac? .Ed'w~d~ ~Co~b~ ~d . 'Miss Otella' Cristibal. FiDn:' were 7.united . in

.. mai'tiage'al Balli, oD' Sept~tier- 24; 1933, by ·P·astor; .Jlargis~~; .:. :.' .",.<//.~.<> ; ".'., .;.;:

McDbWEl.L-W~.~Mr-.;j CO~lius <~pliilits . McDow¢H" ~d! '~Miss HUda'<Dressella' Walker were upite~ ~. J~~a(r~age J~!. '-:fta~.')!lIl:;~~gust 30. 19~, by Pastor .Hargt~.,.; _ . " . i ...

S7OLft~BuBmCL~At r,the ...... hori!e:· of-- the,brldeis '. ,'- retits;'~"1!lr.aDd!.- ·:Mrs."LeSter- 'G .. 'Burdi~ . WmGr"~': IJaiai: "vmli:r-~J"iineDIO 1933-~"-El'

' ,. .' . '" -: . 'mer' W: Stolte and Miss 'Beatrice: EliZabeth

Burdick; Rev. ¥re!l,,~ .:§lc;veJCi-:9~~.~g.

.. (:: ;.,.

"., .

- 2: .'." ..


A, ·Wc)RD·· OF EXPLANATION TO'THE"':DENOMINATION : • . ' - .... ." • ." ~; :. - '.' "," . # " , /I ••

, .. CoJlf~~ence~h~8s~~n .~t'to .ap~o~t,the, COml~I~~eto,··;rr.o • . . mote,the~FlDaneial Program of Conference, .. on the :P_cifl~ ~as~

at:Riverside, . Calif. One member is at Wasco~ three hundred mlles aw~y.·· . ,..

Conf~rence officers ~d not notify. the commjttee,~ any way of their appoiDtm~nt. . .,

Bence the slowness of'this committee in g~tting into ,action.·

Owin '. g sources, of

,dence, etc.~

,to. ,di$tan~~ denom~na~onal hel:l~~ers, information, necessity for preliminary" CO~e.,pOD. action has been delay~d even ~ore. '

. , :. ~~ .~::11 ; '. < . i .''.I~.

" .

. Now that the committee has ~.egun to function, it ~ ,do_ i~ best tQ' keep you informed as to the' needs and- how they are -:. ~~_r) being' met. ~

We are told by th~ president' of Conference that our,.duiy is to "'raise the lJudget.'~ That duty we Will do oUr best to Bceom- '

,plish. ~, '~ .. /'

But it is you,. ,the. individual memberS of' the 'denoudD~iion, that wiIl.have to ~ontribute' the ,necessary,-funds "~o .~l$e':the budget. 'All~ the committee can do is to keep' you U;dormedand' try. to inSpire' you ,~:action. ' . "

The need is great; to meet ~e. need ,requir~s, ,not aCtion 'by a committee, but 'action by' the deno~n. '

.. ..

Let's make this year a one hundrea per' cent year.

N .. 0. MOORE_, Chainna~; 'L. F. HU.R+EY. '

w. 'R.::-ROOn. p&. ".,B.; J!t1~EYJl~" ~ .',

BEaNICEi BREwER;' " ,. fo • • . .. , .. ~ i .'

:;Q~ ~.,CM~~L'~.} ,_

. '

Committee .


• : T ... 'r ~

,~ t'}; <" - " .~: .. <!j,~ ~

.. :<' ..... .-• .. ,I " -. _l :~ ~ :1"1(;.- ~'\ _. ,; .. ,~·i

.:~';:_~,'; i:,.~.~.'(.;:·i::ii:~~.~:?~~'{;;;::~;

.:"'- r

'.j II

,-~ !' ',"~ .. ' 1' ........ . .


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