seven magical keys to live a life full of yoga

Post on 05-Apr-2017



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Yoga •

7 Magic Keys to live a life full of Yoga

Readiness & Efforts

[to start with]

100 % Presence = Body +Mind+Breath

= working as One

Single Team

Word “Yoga” –A Sanskrit word-”Yuj”

Yuj means Union Yoga means Union

Union of Body + Mind + [Ultimately] Soul



A process to be a 3rd person,

A Passive Witness

Faith, Trust and Patience

• • •

Experience the magic of Yoga Your

own self

Let’s Begin…………

• • • • •


Things to remember before Practicing


●➢      Be sensible. Do not overstrain.●➢      Do the asana regularly. Do not perform to exhaustion but do not be lazy.●➢      Do the asana in airy room.●➢      Do the asana in relaxed, comfortable manner. In fact the meaning of an asana is that it should be steady and pleasant, leading to relaxation and one pointed ness.●➢      Turn to your side while getting up from any lying down position.

●➢      Do the asana on the floor as far as possible; with a floor covering like mat, blanket, and rug or on a hard bed.●➢      Do the asana at least 2 hours after the meals You may divide your yoga practice into certain groups doing them at certain times e.g. relaxation postures could be practiced in the middle of the day after the meal, meditative postures early in the morning and the morning and active postures whenever possible during the day.●➢      Do each asana correctly but do not be discouraged if it is not perfect.●➢      Do the stretching asana while inhaling, do them gently.

●Inhale while bending backward or when you begin with any asana& exhale while you bend forward or when you twist

“Where the hand goes, there should follow the eyes

Where the eyes go, there should go the mind.

Where the mind goes Bhawa is created.

When the Bhawa is created, Rasa will be Born.”



Do Each Asana incorporating all 7 Keys

each time to have 100% benefits

Efforts to Effortlessness is the process of Yoga

Effortlessness is The “Ultimatum” / “Gift”

of Yoga.

Effortlessness is the Experience of “Mukti”, “Enjoyment of


Towards its ultimatum,

Effortlessness becomes Liberation

• •

Applicable at all the levels

● Body● Mind -Emotion● Perception-Attitude● Personality● Spiritual

For Asana: Remember - After , performing Asana [your daily Yoga regime] if at the end of it, if you feel● Stressed,● Overworked●Unhappy ●Drained our●Lack of Energy●Tired /lazy to resume yr daily routine

And not●At Peace●Happy / Pleasant from within●Energetic●Ready to live your day ahead●Enthusiastic for resuming your routine

You need to pay attention “Where are you going wrong” or something going wrong

It may happen sometime after doing some difficult asana from which your body is not accustom to perform, you experience pains and aches in that part, but you will never

feel stressed out / lack of energy from with in.

Know the difference between-●Physical achesAnd●Inner stressed out / drained out

Solution : ●Listen to your body-be Aware: observe your self while you are doing Asana●Listen to your body, what is it trying to say●Pay attention to your inner voice-see what is it trying to convey that you are not able to pay attention to●See where are you going wrong not able to follow inner instructions.

Sometimes, your body may be too tired, or unwell to do any strenuous exercise of any

form [including asana], it requires relaxation more /meditation more first

If, you will learn to pay attention to what your body tries to convey to you through inner

voice, you will never go wrong in performing asana.

Even after following the guidelines of what your body is trying to convey, you still

continue to feel worst, check out with your Yoga consultant

/ or a good Holistic Healer

But for all these, you first need to be●Attentive●Aware●Observer●100% presence [presence of mind, body, breath all together] every time when you do your Asana.[Never forget incorporating 7 Keys while you perform Asana]

This is important because,

Asana-as defined by Maharshi Patanjali-

Yoga System –Systematization by Maharshi Patanjali

(600 BC.)


Asana refers to lack of body movements [niscala] that is not uncomfortable [anudvijaniyam] and provide pleasant feelings with steadiness of body, or even attaining the stillness of corpse.

• •

So, if You can’t feel Pleasant, energetic from within

What you did is not Asana /YogaBut

Mere a body exercise.

Charm of Yogic asana is lost then.

Yoga An Integrated Holistic Approach

Not only provides a road to Attain a Holistic Health

but also guides one to get Centered to One’s own self-

thus Attainment of Swasthata and finally followed by

getting United to one’s own Center –thus

Liberation /Mukti / Moksha

Diet in yoga

Sattvic food= Yogic FoodHealthy food-Healthy life

And Finally……

Personal Prayer‘O God, May I have the maturity to accept totally, gracefully, what I cannot change; May I have will,

courage, honesty and sincerity of purpose to change what I can; and

May I have the wisdom to know the difference between what I can

change and what I cannot.’

“Yoga is a way of moving into stillness in order to experience the

truth of who you are. The practice of yoga is the practice of meditation - or

inner listening - in the poses and meditations, as well as all day long.  It's a matter of listening inwardly all the time, and then daring enough and

trusting enough to do as you are prompted to do...”

‘I cannot define the word ‘yoga’ for you because it’s definition differs for each &

every individual on this earth. Your own individual

experience out of it’s sincere & routine practice will define

it’s meaning for your-self.’Come Let us define Yoga for


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