setting business expectations,terms, and guidelines for success

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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The Setting Business Expectations,Terms, and Guidelines for Success webinar was offered by This webinar emphasizes the need to set business terms and guidelines for your freelancing business - and why they are important!


Freelancers Need to Learn to Set Rules

You have to have to set rules, guidelines, terms, and

expectations to protect you and your clients!

The BIGGEST areas that I’ve observed that get abused or neglected over and

over again include the following:

• Setting Your Business Terms

• Achieving the Client’s Expectations

• Getting Clients to Meet YOUR Expectations

• Avoiding Scope Creep

• Dealing with Client Conflict

• Executing on Your Business Hopes and Dreams

• Living in a Lifestyle Business

Setting Your Business Terms

It’s YOUR business. You can do what you want. Don’t

let other people dictate your terms for you!

You tripled your quote! Seriously, can you DO that?[A beautiful story about not losing money]

The absolute minimum business terms you need to consider and implement:

• Payment Terms ... Pay Up Sucker!

• Your Rate and Fee Structure

• Refund or NO Refund Policy

• Your Methodology for Doing the Work (more in Client Expectations)

• Dead Project or Kill Clause ... No, Don’t Kill Your Clients!

• Terms of Service

• Office Hours and Availability

• Using Client Work for Self-Promotion

• Time Limitation on Quotes or Proposals

• Delivery of Assets, Files, or Keys to the Magical Kingdom

Achieving the Client’s Expectations

If a client hires you, they have expectations that the

work will get done, on time, and on budget. They

might even expect more.

It is absolutely critical to find out what your client

expects from you and then provide a review of those

expectations in writing.

The standard list of what clients will expect and what you should define:

• What are the deliverables are for the project? List ALL of it out.

• When will the project be started and when it will be completed?

• What will be your primary method of communication?

• Can we call you every day to see how things are going?

• How will the process work? What should I expect next?

• Can we call you every day to see how things are going?

• What if we don’t hear from you within 24 hours?

Remember: When in doubt, list it out!

Getting Clients to Meet YOUR Expectations

Just because you are working for a client doesn’t

mean you can’t have expectations for them.

You have to let them know THEY have responsibilities

and make sure they understand it.

A standard list of expectations you should require from your clients:

• That they review ALL of the information that you provide them with.

• That they will respond to your communication efforts in a timely manner.

• That they will provide any items that you request on the timeline set.

• That they will pay you according to your terms and timelines.

And finally, you have to let people know that a lack of planning on their behalf,

doesn’t constitute an emergency on yours! You don’t have to rush because

they dropped the ball.

Avoiding Scope Creep

Can we make a few tweaks or revisions?

There will be times that clients will want to add more

stuff to the project or make changes. If you’ve done

your homework, you can avoid this or at least be paid

for your time to make the changes.

A few great pieces of advice for avoiding scope creep on projects:

• Cover all the details and deliverables in your proposal.

• Communicate with clients when their requests are outside the scope.

• Charge for anything that wasn’t included with your bid.

To be honest, it’s not the client’s fault that scope creep happens and projects get

abused -- it’s YOUR responsibility to educate the client and keep them in control.

You set the rules and the guidelines. This even means that sometimes you have

to say “no” or walk away.

Dealing with Client Conflict

Client conflict can be avoided if you’ve set all of your

terms and the expectations before the project.But sometimes things still go wrong ...

It is unfortunate when conflict happens, but many times you can have a positive

resolution if you practice these tips.

• Never take any conflict personally. Remember that it’s usually about business.

• Don’t be quick to respond or defend. Take time to listen and reflect first.

• Leave emotions out of it.

• Ask the client what their expectations are for clarification.

• Determine if there can be a happy resolution or outcome.

• Make your decision and stick with it.

I’ve turned some really bad situations around by calmly talking with the clients

and listening to their pain. Sometimes they realized it was that they were the

problem and not me.

Finally, always apologize if it is your fault and try to

make the best of the situation if you can.

Executing on Your Business Hopes and Dreams

Get ready for some honesty ....

Nobody cares as much about your business as you do.

And if you don’t care enough to execute on your

hopes and dreams, it ain’t gonna happen!

I’ve coached freelancers for a long time. I’ve heard hundreds of the same stories.

If you really DESIRE to succeed, you have to WORK it!

• Make a three month plan and work it. Rinse and repeat.

• Focus on the important or critical tasks only. Stop screwing around!

• Get out and make connections. It doesn’t happen magically.

• Forget about partnerships or collaborations. It’s all up to you.

• Listen to the experiences of a few veterans and take it to heart.

• Stop spending money on membership sites and hire a professional coach.

• Quit the talk and walk the walk ... every single day.

Only the people who are FULLY COMMITTED to their business will be the ones

who achieve their hopes and dreams.

Living in a Lifestyle Business

It’s not easy working for yourself or working from

home. Sometimes it really sucks!

It’s important to set some boundaries when working from home.

• Set up an area or office exclusively for your work. Not in the bedroom!

• Let family and friends know when it’s time to work .

• Work a schedule that works for you, but be disciplined.

• Leave work when work is done

Some VERY VALUABLE advice from a freelancing veteran of 20+ years.

• Don’t neglect your health. Exercise daily!

• Don’t sit at the computer all day. Take frequent breaks.

• Don’t work all the time. You need to get away and recharge.

• Don’t put your business first over family or friends. Ever.

• Don’t trust in technology to work all the time.

• Don’t turn off the well if it’s giving you plenty of water.

• Don’t stop branding yourself or marketing even when times are good.

Questions and Answers

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