session 2 - · 2 when evildoers came against me to devour my flesh, my foes and my...

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18 S E S S I O N 2

Session 2

© 2014 LifeWay

When did you first feel independent?

Q U E S T I O N 1 #BSFLsalvation

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THE BIBLE MEETS LIFEEvery person wishes for independence.

It begins when we’re toddlers. We stomp our feet because we think it will convince our parents to give us what we want. As children, we plead and negotiate to get our way. Then the teenage years come along and our will kicks in even stronger. We desperately want to assert our independence.

As much as we want to go it alone, we never reach a point where we don’t need others. Could we be completely wrong in our desire for independence? What if what we really need is someone who will help us—someone who will do for us what we cannot do for ourselves? What we need is a hero.

When Jesus came into our world, God gave us the Hero we need. For all of our efforts to gain independence in the world, there is one thing that holds us captive: our own sinful nature. God has given His Son so that we can come back to the place He intended for us to be all along—secure and loved under the rightful rule of His kingdom.

God Himself is my salvation.

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Key Word

Stronghold (v. 1)—The Hebrew term denotes a place of refuge, along with the sense of strength, protection, and security that place of refuge provides.

Psalm 27:1-6 (HCSB)

1 The LORD is my light and my salvation—whom should I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life—of whom should I be afraid?

2 When evildoers came against me to devour my flesh, my foes and my enemies stumbled and fell.

3 Though an army deploys against me, my heart is not afraid; though a war breaks out against me, still I am confident.

4 I have asked one thing from the LORD; it is what I desire: to dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, gazing on the beauty of the LORD and seeking Him in His temple.

5 For He will conceal me in His shelter in the day of adversity; He will hide me under the cover of His tent; He will set me high on a rock.

6 Then my head will be high above my enemies around me; I will offer sacrifices in His tent with shouts of joy. I will sing and make music to the LORD.

© 2014 LifeWay

Q U E S T I O N 2


Psalm 27:1

As David began this psalm, he identified God in three ways: his light, his salvation, and the stronghold of his life. God’s presence in David’s life in those ways meant something else was removed—fear.

We all experience fear. It can come on our hearts like a sudden attack or build up slowly to harass us. Fear can come in the form of finances falling short, relationship problems, or spiritual separation.

But then along comes the Savior. Psalm 27:1 gives us insight into how God Himself has provided salvation in such a way that it removes any fear we might have. When God shows up, He brings light. It is not just light to lead us down the trail so we can do our best to find Him. Rather, it is the light of salvation; He is the light. Jesus said in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows Me will never walk in the darkness but will have the light of life.” The light God provides is His salvation that brings us back into a right relationship with Him. It eliminates the ultimate fear of eternal separation.

The reason that we can trust this light, this salvation, this stronghold is because it is a Person and not just a thing. God does not have a treasure chest in heaven where He keeps forgiveness, life, and love stored away and hidden. Rather, God Himself is the salvation and light that we need. We gain salvation, light, forgiveness, love, and life because God gives Himself to us.

Because of this good news—the gospel—we can walk away from fear. It is why David asks two great rhetorical questions:

1. Whom should I fear?

2. Of whom should I be afraid?

Because God has arrived on the scene, we have absolutely no one or nothing to fear.

In what kinds of situations do you feel afraid?

God Himself is my salvation.

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Q U E S T I O N 3

Psalm 27:2-3

God’s salvation does not just deal with the negative and remove our fear; it also does something positive. God’s salvation gives us confidence.

David highlighted the evildoers, foes, enemies, and an entire army who were deployed against him. Yet David’s heart was not afraid; he was still confident. This great hoard of enemies confronting David began to fail, stumble, and fall. The only way such a thing was possible was because a greater Hero was on David’s side. David had decided to take delight in the Lord. Because he knew the Lord’s power was so much greater, David trusted in his God and “The LORD made David victorious wherever he went” (2 Samuel 8:14).

We deal with adversaries as well. They’re pretty similar to the ones David faced. Financial problems, family stress, cultural craziness, and even wars around the world plague us. But just like David, we can gain confidence from our salvation, knowing that the enemies we face cannot overcome the victory God brings to us.

Our confidence in Christ doesn’t mean we should lightly dismiss our foes. A quick trip through the Bible reminds us that we have a spiritual enemy who is real and must be faced and dealt with. But a review of the whole of Scripture also shows us that God is the main character of the story. And His story is also our story. He is active in saving us and He wants us to enjoy a renewed relationship with Him.

Each day we choose where we will place our confidence. Thankfully, we can have supreme confidence because of who our Hero is. Jesus has shown up and He is our Advocate. He is on our side; He is for us. The victory Jesus gives enables us to have an unshakable faith. And such confidence will endure when it is based on what Christ gives and not on what we have achieved.

How does the confidence God gives us differ from our own self-confidence?

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"The LORD is my light and my

salvation—whom should I fear?

The LORD is the stronghold of my

life—of whom should I be afraid?"

— P S A L M 2 7 : 1

What are some positive and negative ways to face our foes?


Which of the following best depicts God’s role in your life right now? Explain.

In your own words, what does it mean to seek God’s presence?

God Himself is my salvation.

Q U E S T I O N 4

© 2014 LifeWay

Psalm 27:4-6

We all want something: to fulfill a childhood dream, to work in a certain career, to have a spouse and/or children (or an ideal family). We may even regard this one thing as the answer to all of our problems and the hope for all of our joy.

David recognized that he could only find security through the presence of God. No human achievement, level of self-righteousness and morality, or power-grab can deliver security to us. So David decided to ask for the one thing from God that would give him security. David wanted to dwell in God’s presence. He wanted to be in a relationship with God so that he could gaze upon God’s beauty.

Verse 5 tells us some of the things that God will do for us when we choose to trust and live in His presence:

] “conceal me in His shelter in the day of adversity”

] “hide me under the cover of His tent”

] “set me high on a rock”

David’s poetic expression speaks of great security, and there is no place more secure than in God’s presence. To give us this one thing we truly need—a home in God’s presence—is why Jesus came to earth in the flesh. Jesus has done everything for our salvation and has given us everything we need for freedom from fear, confidence in victory over our enemies, and security through His presence. And that calls for one response from us: grateful and joyful worship.

How is dependence on Christ an act of worship?

Q U E S T I O N 5

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The salvation that Jesus offers changes everything.

] Accept the Savior. Trust Christ and let His salvation give you the freedom, confidence, and security that no one else can.

] Surrender your fears. If worry is a constant for you, memorize Psalm 27:1. Every time you are tempted to worry, recall this verse. Let worry be a “warning light” calling you to pray.

] Speak up. We’re all born with the same desire for freedom from fear and a desire for security. Know someone in real need of these right now? Be ready to tell them of the security and salvation Christ offers.

The gospel message that Jesus Christ died on the cross in our place for our sins is an amazing truth. He wasn’t sent to earth simply to be a good example or to help make us the most moral people around. He is our light, our stronghold, and our salvation. Now that’s a Hero.

What Is Repentance?

The young politician was genuinely learning to admire Jesus. He was fascinated by the message of this enigmatic, but wonderful, teacher. For many years he had been aware that something was missing from his life, and he was convinced he had finally found the missing piece.

To continue reading “What Is Repentance?” (excerpted from the book Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart), visit


God Himself is my salvation.

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