services of gns company for travel industry

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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CONTENTSome facts about GNS

About GNS 3

Our services 8

Methodologies 13

Pricing models 14

Case studies 15

Portfolio 17

Our clients 20

Get in touch 21

ABOUT GNSSome facts about GNS

GNS: UKRAINIAN SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT COMPANYWe combine deep knowledge and great experience in accomplishing IT projects: from web

development, QA testing, mobile application development to UX design

200+completed web solutions


9years in

IT market


ABOUT GNSWhy choose us

Why Ukraine

High international rankings

1st outsourcing market in Eastern Europe; 1st in CEE by outsourcing

volume; 2nd among most master level certified nations; top 30

outsourcing destinations in 2010-2014; top 50 most innovative



International projects

Ukrainian developers created Petcube (one of Top 15 coolest projects

according to and Looksery (Best new app according to

AppStore); took part in developing Skype, software used for visual

effects in Avatar and many other projects around the world.


• Every year more than 16,000 IT specialists graduate from Ukrainian


• Ukraine is in top-3 countries by certified IT professionals


• Annual Ukrainian IT industry growth is estimated at about 30%

• $2.5 billion is the value of IT export in 2015

• IT outsourcing grew 20x within the last 10 years


GNS has delivered more than 200 projects to 100 clients since 2007.


Our professionals are happy to offer modern and efficient solutions to

client's problem.


We meet deadlines and always keep our clients in the loop.


GNS teams quickly adapt to changing environment. We easily

implement any new requirement.

GNS and our partners employ more than 170 specialists that are

passionate about what they do. We are a relatively small and

dynamic company that can quickly adapt to your needs. We

understand an essential role of communication in every day work.

All our employees attend regular English training, specially

developed for IT needs. We rely on agile methodology,

particularly Scrum, in every project.

We are used to adjusting the process according to specific

project needs.

2007 2010 2012 2014


GNS entered the market of web development in partnership with Ukrinsoft


GNS entered the market of mobile development


Together with ITEA, we opened a training center for IT professionals


Starting a new direction of

UI / UX Design



ABOUT GNSSome facts about GNS

GNS was founded as a new IT company

Together with Blackthorn Vision, GNS opened a new direction of software development (.NET)

In partnership with Osis, we started a new direction of IT consulting and system integration

GNS started a new direction of

Software and mobile testing

GNS opened a new

office in Lviv and

founded an itHub co-

working space


ABOUT GNSSome facts about GNS












Work with:




Work from:

OUR SERVICESServices provided by GNS

Web development

Software and mobile testing

Desktop development

Mobile development

OUR SERVICESServices provided by GNS

Web portals

Online stores


Online catalogs

Photo galleries


Website development of

utmost complexity

WEB DEVELOPMENTProjects and services for the web



HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, Responsive, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS, Ajax, PHP (Symfony, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Kohana, Zend, Yii), PHP (OOP, MVC), ASP.NET, Silverlight, DB: MySQL, Mongo, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, API (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), Rest API, RESTful development, JSON, Web servers: Ubuntu, Apache, Nginx, AWS, OS: Linux, Windows, VCS: Git, Issue trackers: Redmine; Trello, Jira, Slack, LAMP Stack (Linux+Apache+MySQL+PHP), Twig

OUR SERVICESServices provided by GNS

DESKTOP DEVELOPMENTProjects and services for web

WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) desktop

application development

Model View ViewModel (MVVM) pattern

Complex WPF applications using

Prism, MEF (Managed Extensibility Framework)

.NET application development

OUR SERVICESServices provided by GNS

Responsivemobile appsdevelopment

Objective-C (iPhone)

Windows Phone

Adobe AIR (iPad)


Technologies:-Movements & animation


-2d & 3d cross platform development

-Filtering in real time

-Augmented reality



Java (Android)

OUR SERVICESServices provided by GNS

Manual and automated testing

SOFTWARE AND MOBILE TESTING Projects and services for web

BDD (Behavior-driven Development)

Creating testing departments for large


Installing/testing the mobile applications

Automated testing

TDD (Test Driven Development)

The waterfall model is a sequential design process, used in software develop-

ment processes. Progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards (like a

waterfall) through the phases of conception, initiation, analysis, design,

construction, testing, production/implementation and maintenance.

The waterfall development model originates in the manufacturing and con-

struction industries: highly structured physical environments in which

after-the-fact changes are prohibitively costly, if not impossible. Since no formal

software development methodologies existed at the time, this hardware-oriented

model was simply adapted for software development.

METHODOLOGIESAbout our processes



Scrum is a team process that begins when a client needs a product. The Scrum

team includes three roles: product owner, ScrumMaster, and members of the

development team. The product is built incrementally over a series of short time

periods - sprints. A sprint is a fixed period, up to four weeks long but with a

preference toward shorter intervals.

During each sprint, the Scrum team builds and delivers a product increment.

Each increment is a recognizable, visibly improved, operating subset of the

product. It meets understood acceptance criteria and is built to a level of quality

referred to as the Definition of Done.









Small- and mid-sized projects with no unknowns and

clearly defined deadlines.

Such a model is used when the customer does not

want to delve into technical details of the project and

plans to get ready-made solution within the

determined project budget and timeline.


Medium and large projects with many unknowns and flexible project scope or for the projects in their maintenance phase.This business model is quite flexible and highly efficient when it is hard to predict the final cost of the project and when the customer's requirements depend on different factors.


Projects constantly innovating and developing and having own project management staff. If you have your own management team and well-defined project idea, GNS can provide you with dedicated team of designers, developers and QA who will work particularly on your project from its very start up to release.

This low-risk model assures that the final

solution will match the requirements and

correspond the agreed scope. At the same

time we meet the expected timelines and

deliverables offering you reasonable project


There is a certain risk for the client in case:

- it is hard to predict the precise cost, time

limits, efforts to be spent;

- the development process needs control and

improvement at any stage.

It means Time & Material or Dedicated Team

Business Model is more desirable.

Time & Material is one of the most efficient

pricing models. It offers enormous flexibility

and control over your budget. Utilizing this

model with consumer-oriented projects

enables you to:

- quickly and efficiently respond to the

market trends;

- deliver solution with minimum time-to-


If you want to get more control over

the project budget or define the time limits

more clearly, you should choose another

pricing model: Dedicated Team or Fixed


Dedicated Team engagement model allows

you to manage our engineering team as

your own development department or as an

extension to it.

We either form your team out of our

development staff or provide a team with an

experienced project manager.

FinancialInternal Portal

Oil & GasOil Wells Monitoring System

Web based solution designed to sample, compute, analyze, control

and communicate the certain parameters. The purpose of these

parameters is to optimize the production of natural flowing wells and

wells using any artificial lift method at the well site or remotely. The

client is a USA company and a leader in Digital Oilfield Solutions to

the Oil & Gas sector.

System advantages among analogues:

• Flexible architecture, that can be widely applied in Oil & Gas sector.

• User friendly and modern interface which considerably simplifies using

the system.


• Ready to use monitoring system. An easy to use interface was made

possible due to special extra features.

• Software development expenses reduced by 35%.

• Increased number of potential buyers, such as Kuwait Oil Company.

Internal portal for the Financial Services Company based in the

USA. The main purpose of the system is to unify the actual entry of

knowledge within a company, offering a simple way to access

functionality provided by different applications, such as MS

Exchange, SharePoint, Document Management system, Knowledge

Management system from one convenient location.


• One time login: all internal systems are integrated in the Internal Portal

for which only one time login is required.

• Enterprise-grade role-based security and centralized search engine.

Front-end Services

Home Page, Messaging Center,

Knowledge Management,

Document Management,

Workflow Management,

Personalization, Search


Login (user authorization

and authentication), Content

Management, Access

Control, User and Group


CASE STUDIESPublished reports

CASE STUDIESPublished reports

HospitalityRestaurants Web Management System

TelecomTesting services

Implementing testing processes acceptance in a big Ukrainian

telecom company for billing systems. This project included the

analysis of the billing systems range, testing strategy design and

all testing docs for all systems, as well as testing environment

setup and providing testing services for the customer.


• No need to hire and train new employees

• No need in resources for creating and supporting of the testing


• Incidents with the billing system decreased by 30%.

• Quality of the development documents increased due to additional

testing review.

A complete back office system for restaurant chains developed from

scratch. Provides functionality for managing articles, prices, amount,

and staff working in the restaurant. Allows getting a rich set of

reports for management. Provides data mining with OLAP cubes. All

data is synced to the central HQ database.

The system was created for fast growing Belgian company that has

developed various tools for more efficient restaurant businesses

management of all types. This system is scalable and used by

various chains of restaurants (up to 40 units in the chain).

System advantages among analogues:

• Due to using modern technologies and techniques the application is

easy to setup and use.

• System was developed as a web-application for all popular browsers

and as a mobile application for Android, iOS, Windows Phone.


• Workflow automation: from taking orders to managing reports.

• A set of web and mobile applications for all popular platforms.

• Provides functionality for managing articles, prices, amount, and staff

working in the restaurant. Allows getting a rich set of reports for


• Software development expenses reduced by 50%.

• Software is widely sold in the EU and the US.

CASE STUDIESPublished reports

AnalyticsCharting Library

AgricultureGenetic Planning Tool

A complex charting library plus applications to demonstrate, deploy

and support this product. Library contains about 25 WPF chart types

and 8 WPF 3D charts with record performance, unlimited multiple

X/Y axis, interactive zooming and panning and rich annotations API.


• Building of new features involving complex and high performance

graphics routines and development of WPF / XAML API;

• Bug fixing & investigation;

• Building of support systems such as complex, rich WPF UI for the

demonstration application;

• Direct contact with customers to provide technical support;

• Teamwork and general productivity in this high-velocity team;

• We also work on iOS and Android charts to be released soon!


The team of 6 developers + QA is working using a Kanban/Lean

methodology and uses Teamcity, NuGet, Github, Skype for voice

communications and participates in daily standups with the tech leads in

London, UK.


C#, Java, Objective C, C++, HTML 5, JavaScript, WPF, DirectX, OpenGL, Android, iOS, TDD

Genetic planning tool is used to make it easy for producers to

identify needs and help make decisions based on their own unique

economics realities. The software is delivered on a tablet with lots of

easy to read graphs and delivers a genetic plan with clear return on

investment numbers that help producers understand where the real

value comes from in the myriad of genetic traits.


• user-friendly, easy layout that turns the complex world of genetics into

something quite understandable;

• a lot of custom UI controls;

• use DevExpress and Syncfusion controls for reporting and best UI


• data is securely stored in the cloud and is accessible through WCF


• enabled users to work offline by implementing custom data

synchronization between cloud and local database on the tablet;

• To ensure application stability and quality we apply different testing

techniques that includes manual and automated testing!


C#, WPF, Prism, Azure, DevExpress, Syncfusion, WCF, SQL Server, REST, TDD

CASE STUDIESPublished reports

FinancialTrading Platform

AnalyticsSimplifying Budgeting and Cashflow Forecasting

Electronic platform for transparent trade negotiation for Over-The-

Counter (OTC) transactions


• High available, autoscale and guarantee delivery WCF services: like in

all systems related to finance sphere services must be close as much

as possible to 100% work time and even no single message might be

missed. Due to highly loading of services they should be scalable to

satisfy performance needs.

• Distributed database on different engines: our app works with data that

sometimes stored in multiple databases like main database on SQL

Server, clients’ databases that might be any database and local

database on sqlite. Operations should go within single transaction

between all DBs to keep data in consistent state.

• Real-time data delivery: it’s important for trades operations like bids

and asks that must be shown to all users in real-time.

• High security: we have bunch of services that require authentication

and communicate through secure channel only. To achieve this we

use Windows Identity Foundation that was fully integrated into .net 4.5.

• Dynamic objects at runtime: each user can create own objects with

own properties that he will use during using application. The data can

come from different market data vendors like Bloomberg, our customer

and others.


C#, WCF, WPF, Azure, Service Bus, WIF, REST, Bloomberg API, Active Directory, TDD, JavaScript, HTML5, OpenFin, FIX

Calxa uses accounting system data as actual and lets users to edit

and calculate budgets and cashflow forecasts. Calxa executes

calculations and generate highly customizable reports. Our product

aim is to build software to make complex things simple. Different

business people should be able to see their company data in

different wished projections.


• Multiple budget versions. Unlike spreadsheets, multiple budget

versions are easy to manage

• Report templates. Select from over 40 report templates.

• File management. Store data locally with SQL Server or online with

Microsoft Azure.

• Automated updates. Software Updates are available every 6-8 weeks

and are easily downloaded when you next open the software;

• Budget factory. Create next year’s budgets for dozens of projects in

just a couple of minutes.

• Account trees. Simply re-arrange and group your accounts to

produce the reports you need without complex spreadsheets.


Windows XP/Server 2003, Visual Studio 2008-2015, Visual Studio Online, .NET 3.0-4.6.1, C# v3 – v7, Base Class Library, WPF, WCF, WWF, EF Code First, LinqToSql, ADO.NET 1+, ASP.NET Web Forms, ASP.NET MVC, HTML5/CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.JS, Knockout, Windows Installer XML…

CASE STUDIESPublished reports

MobileApp for timely schedule about the train service

MobileThe virtual fitness trainer app

This app provides easy access to publicly-available information –

accurate and timely schedule about the train service. Must-have

app for the Caltrain commuter! Caltrain timetable allows you to

quickly find the next train to your destination or plan ahead for



• Train schedules between any two Caltrain stations;

• Train schedules for any station at any time of the day;

• Train schedules for any date;

• Train fares;

• Trains within the next hour;

• Live train schedule updates and news;

• Live tile with the latest news delivered to your home screen.

The virtual fitness trainer assesses user needs and fitness level,

that way every workout is challenging but doesn’t crush him. The

app offers workouts crafted by master trainers and shows the

correct techniques of exercises and tracking user’s progress in time.


• Auto-generated training program, based on user’s fitness level;

• Ability to track user’s training progress for every supported exercises

with logs and exercise charts;

• Ability to track best achievements with logs and exercise charts;

• Ability to track a custom set of exercises, based on your training needs

and goals;

• An ever-expanding list of exercises to chose from;

• Exercise voice prompts (for supported languages).


C#, Objective-C, Java, HTML5, Windows Phone, Azure, SQLite, JavaScriptTechnologies:

C#, Objective-C, Java, HTML5, Windows Phone, Azure, SQLite, JavaScript

CASE STUDIESPublished reports

IndustryIndustrial Sensors UI

RetailPoint of sale system for jewelers

The project is a UI client for industrial sensors. It is a profound

application that allows to provide complex configuration for sensor

devices. It communicates with devices via Thrift (software

framework for scalable cross-language services development). The

device with application (v. 1.2) is in production already.


• Apache Thrift for creating an interface for communication between the

client application and the sensor device that was even harder because

client application was created with C# and the sensor’s software – with


• the generic control that allows to visualize any parameter with

corresponding UI control, depending on attribute value in xml schema


• Developed a dictionary of rules , which were described in xml schema.

Each parameter was able to contain own set of rules and changing of

each parameter triggered execution of it’s rules to provide changes of

all dependent values.

Orderica POS will help you gain better control of your business is

through reporting features. You can slice and dice sales data in a

variety of ways to determine what products are selling best at what

time, and to figure out everything from the optimal ways to arrange

shelves and displays to what promotions are working best and when

to change seasonal promotions.


• Comprehensive custom POS system developed on .NET Platform;

• Integration of the inventory, financial and reporting system;

• Hardware integration for multiple locations (printer, barcode scanner,

cheque scanner, etc.);

• Item inventory, customer management, vendor management,

purchase orders, users and roles system;

• Service tracking – repair, custom order, appraisal and special order;

• Advanced search provision and complete inventory item reporting


• Bar code labels to track inventory and prevent thefts.


C#, HTML, JavaScript, MySQL, Entity Framework, DirectShow.NET, WCF, WPF, WIX, TDD, Telerik, Unity



OUR CLIENTSSome of our 200+ clients

GET IN TOUCHOur contact information


20-22 Wenlock Road

Great Britain


31-33 Smolenska street

Kyiv, Ukraine

80, Heroiv UPA, Lviv, Ukraine

72, Heroiv UPA, Lviv, Ukraine

Lviv, Ukraine

+37 254 999 406 (London)

+38 044 222 94 76 (Kyiv)

We are open to

your questions

and offers!


Oscars Gate 27

Oslo, Norway

Stawki street 2, (INTRACO)

Warsaw, Poland

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