service for the lord’s day - constant...

Post on 30-Apr-2018






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December 4, 2016

10:30 a.m.



“They will not hurt or destroy on all my holy mountain; for the earth

shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the

sea.” (Isaiah 11:9)

Gathering Music at 10:20 Grace Praise Band

“Alleluia He Is coming”

“Your Name (Christmas Version)”


Welcome and Announcements

Prelude “

Ray Freeman, Organist and Accompanist

Please stand if you are able.

Our Missi on:

Growi ng i n Spi ri t

Li vi ng as Di sciples

Serving God’s World

“”Prepare the way of the Lord, Make his paths

straight.” (Matthew 3:3)

Lighting of the Advent Candles The Christensen Family

Kate, Annika Christensen, and Karsten Wahl

Reader: Jesus said, “I am the light of the world; those who follow me will not

walk in darkness but have the light of life.”

People: We light these Advent candles today as a sign of the coming

light of Christ.

Reader: “I will lead the blind by a road they do not know; by paths they have

not known I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them

into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I

will do and I will not forsake them.” (Isaiah 42:16)

(The first and second candles are lit.)

Song “Light Two Candles To Watch for Messiah” (verses 1 & 2)

Reader: Let us pray:

People: Eternal God, through long generations, you prepared a way

for the coming of your Son, and by your Spirit, you still bring light to

illumine our paths. Renew us in faith and hope that we may welcome

Christ to rule our thoughts and claim our love. In his name and by the

power of the Holy Spirit, we pray. Amen.

Hymn of Praise #3 “Comfort, Comfort You My People”

Prayer of Confession

Almighty God, you who have shaped out of nothing all that is, forgive

us for returning empty-handed. You who called forth light, forgive our

preference for the dark. You who sent John to be a voice crying for jus-

tice, forgive our reluctance to say anything at all. Create in us clean

hearts, O God, and renew a right spirit within us. Hear now our silent

prayers…. Amen.

Responsive Assurance of Forgiveness (from Isaiah 43-44)

Leader: Hear these words of assurance: “Do not remember the former things, or

consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs

forth; do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness, and

rivers in the desert...I have swept away your transgressions like a

cloud, and your sins like mist; return to me, for I have redeemed you.”

All: Thanks be to God for accepting us, including us, and binding us

together as one body, equipped for service in the name and

power of Jesus Christ. In him we are forgiven, redeemed, and




Song of Response “While We Are Waiting, Come”

… Passing of the Peace

Leader: The peace of the Lord be with you.

People: And also with you.

Response: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy

Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world with-

out end. Amen, Amen.


Time for Children

Children ages 3 & 4 are invited to Play n’ Worship in Room 13. Following

their activity, they will be taken to the Nursery. Parents, please pick up

your children directly after the worship service.

Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 11:1-10

Gospel Lesson Matthew 3:1-12

Pastor: The Word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God.

Sermon “People, Get Ready” Rev. Dr. Lisa Kenkeremath


Sharing Our Tithes and Offerings

Offertory “Of the Father’s Love Begotten”

Men’s Chorus


Praise God from Whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures

here below. Praise Him above, ye Heavenly Host. Praise Father, Son

and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Prayer of Dedication Dave Retherford

Introduction of New Members Joe Miller


Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

Invitation to the Table

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Pastor: The Lord be with you.

People: And also with you.

Pastor: Lift up your hearts.

People: We lift them up to the Lord.

Pastor: Let us give thanks and praise to the Lord our God.

People: It is right to give our thanks and praise.

Pastor: It is truly right and our greatest joy...who forever sing to your


Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are

full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in

the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest, hosanna in the highest.

(Hymnal #581)

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom

come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day

our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors;

and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is

the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Words of Institution and the Breaking of the Bread

Communion of the People

Prayer after Communion

O God, you have so greatly loved us, long sought us, and mercifully re-

deemed us. Give us grace, that in everything we may yield ourselves,

our wills and our works, a continual thank-offering to you, through

Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Parting Hymn “Days of Elijah”



Ray Freeman, Organist and Accompanist

Please remain in the Sanctuary for the Congregational Meeting. Following the Meeting, a Celebration of Life will be held for Betty Vassel.


From Rev. John L. McCullough, President and CEO of Church World Services -

Thank you for your kind donation of Hygiene Kits to Church World Services. Your

compassion has given individuals and families touched by disaster the tangible evi-

dence that they matter. That someone cares. And they are not alone.


Today, immediately following worship, we participate in a congre-

gational meeting called for the purpose of hearing a report by the Pastor Nominating

Committee. At this meeting we will be voting on the recommendation of the PNC, that

the selected pastor and the Terms of Call be accepted as presented. All are invited to

stay to observe the process and participate in the discussion, but only those who are ac-

tive members in good standing may vote.

If you are a first-time visitor today, we ask your pardon if we delay greeting you person-

ally while we conduct this important meeting! Please enjoy snacks in Wester Hall where

The flowers in the sanctuary were placed

by the loving hands of the Flower Guild

because He waits for us.

From former member Fran Stewart -

My Dear Friends in Christ,

I’m writing to let you know my daughter Shawn Anita Stewart-Larson (1960-2016)

was called home by God on July 7, 2016. Shawn was the daughter of Robert A.

Stewart and Ethel Frances Stewart, previous members of Grace.

We enjoyed being members of Grace, and I thank all of those who were my dear

friends while I was a member. May God bless each of you who are serving for


We hear from friends...

Gift Wrap for Bethany House - Due by December 7

Please bring your donations of holiday wrap, gift bags, tags, ribbon, and bows

to the collection basket near the tower entrance. Thank you for again helping

to support Bethany House through your donations of gift wrap.


“Las Posadas” - This Saturday, December 3rd, 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Join us for our annual Advent Event! This year, our theme is "Las Posadas".

We'll have the traditional Posadas journey to find room for Jesus at the inn,

crafts, dinner, and villancicos (Christmas songs).

Reservations are not required, but would be appreciated. You can sign up at

the Information Station, or e-mail Pastor Susan at

This is an event for everyone--friends, neighbors, young, and old!

Families - Please pick up an Advent Calendar! You’ll find them near the

Information Station, Along with Advent Devotion booklets.

Advent at grace

ADVENT STUDY - ADULT DISCIPLESHIP CLASS Sunday Mornings throughout Advent, 9:15 a.m., in the Family Room

The Adult Discipleship Class has begun an Advent study of what Isaiah prophesied in anticipation of a new king, c. 800 BCE. Walter Brueggemann’s book, Names of the Messiah, will review the four royal titles given--Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Ever-lasting Father, Prince of Peace--and the meaning they had at that time and at the time of the writing of the Gospels. As always, the group will share insight as to what this means for Christians today. Books are available in class for a $5 donation.

ISRAEL/PALESTINE WORKSHOP - December 10 Plymouth congregational Church in DC

All are invited to attend a workshop designed to help churches identify ways to im-plement the Israel/Palestine resolutions that were passed last summer by the United Church of Christ, PC(USA), and the Alliance of Baptists. Speaker, Rev. Graylan S Hagler, known as a proponent of Palestinian human rights, will spearhead the panel discussion. More information is available at the Information Station. See Kathy Drinkard if you are interested in carpools/bus transportation.


Aging with Grace - Advent Lunch

December 15, Noon till 2 p.m.

Wester Hall

Santa and the Hand Chimes from Greensprings

Retirement Community are providing the entertainment

$10 Donation, please RSVP by December 12 – (703) 451-2900 press #4


December 14, 9:45 a.m.

In the Sanctuary

The Preschool would like to extend an invitation to the Grace congregation

to join them for their annual Christmas Pageant. Come see what God has

done in the Preschool!

The Annual Christmas


December 11th

¿Cuántos Amigos?

Come to the most elegant brunch of the Advent Season! Right here at

Grace. All proceeds from your donations go to alleviate need in the com-

munity. Here’s just a taste of what you’ll be missing if you’re not there:

Paella Beef Bourguinon Steelhead

Medley of Roasted Vegetables

Sumptious Desserts!


The Middle East Working Group invites you to Skype a Christmas conversation with the

congregation in Nablus, in real time! The tentative date and time are Sunday, December

18, following worship. More information will be available as plans become concrete.

Stay tuned!

The Youth Group and Club 456 will leave at 2:00 PM today to go shopping for George’s Kids. After shopping, we will return to church for snacks and to wrap gifts, ending at 5:00 PM.

Christmas Party - Sunday, December 11

Next Sunday--it’s a Christmas party! Details in the weekly e-mail.

Wreaths Across America - Saturday, December 17

Youth will participate in the Wreaths Across America wreath laying at

Alexandria National Cemetery in the morning. Details will follow.

Club 456 and Youth

George’s Kids - Today!



The Board of Directors is requesting input and consideration for end of year giving in support of the Church physical plant. As a safety measure, the Board is reviewing the installation of parking blocks in the North Parking Lot along the open space to the west. In addition, pull-down blinds will be installed in all the preschool rooms as a security measure. If you have questions or other suggestions, please contact the Board at or call Kent Ford at 703-869-7128.


The women of Circle 6 invite all women of Grace to join them in their Bible study on the first Wednesday of each month. This month’s meeting also marks the annual Christmas celebration, with snacks and treats, and the joy of being welcomed by friends for the holidays.

December 7, 9:30 AM, in the Family Room


The need continues with many hungry families in Northern Virginia. Provide a bas-ket of food or grocery cards for a December holiday feast. Drop them off at ECHO or in the office here at Grace and we will get them to ECHO. For more information about this program, please contact Fran Eck at before December 12th.



The following new members have been received into the life of the church. Please greet them and make them feel at home:

Kate Christensen - Kate is a retired Naval Officer and currently works as an engi-neer supporting the Navy. She grew up in the Methodist church and has enjoyed her experience learning about the Presbyterian faith at Grace. Kate has two children, Karsten and Annika, and they are all three very happy to have found a church home.

Linda Patterson - Linda grew up in Staten Island, NY, and settled in Northern Virginia in February after a brief stay in Florida. She grew up in Calvary Presbyterian Church, then joined Olivet Presbyterian Church as an adult, the only two PC(USA) churches in Staten Island. She expressed such delight in finding a plethora of Pres-byterian churches when she moved out of NYC! She has been very active in all as-pects of her church life. She’s served as an elder, being ordained at the age of six-teen, as a Sunday School Superintendent, and on many committees, but her love lies in her faith through music. She was asked to join the adult choir at her childhood church at the age of 14, and participated in their hand bell choir for many years. She has two adult children, Andrew and Rebekah, both living in NY, and a precious black cat named Velvet!


The pledge envelopes are in the Narthex for you to pick up today. If you did not receive a box of envelopes but would like one, please contact the Church Office.


There are many wonderful resources in the Grace Library. Among them are books about Israel/Palestine and the videos that have been used in the last two Voices from the Holy Land film series. Please check them out!!


Thank you to all members who have provided their 2017 pledges. To date, we have received 78 pledges totaling $367,826. We need additional pledges to reach last year's pledge total of $455,000. If you have not yet turned in your pledge card, please do so as soon as possible so that we can plan for next year's programs. You can put your pledge card in the offering plate or in Mike Phillips' box in the church office. Thank you.

Please pray for Grace Family Members and Friends

Donna and Kevin Baetsen, Judy Bernal (Virginia Beach),

Rhea Boswell, Cameron Buckley, Stan Dreyer, Jim Dunstan,

Reecie Ford, Harry Gault, Lou Gaudian (Aarondale Assisted Living),

Clara Gipson, James Lawson, Lynn Muys, Jenell Phillips,

Malcolm Weaver, and our Missionary in the West Bank, Kate Taber

Former Pastor: Paul Eckel The mothers of: Veronica Crump*, Mary Hawkins (Jean),

Nancy Machado, Beth Jenkins Smith (Marie), Meg Rogers (Beth), Hiede Sowdon,

Phillip Spiess (Dorothy), and Dave Treasure (Hilda) The fathers of: Raven Fox and Penny Newsome

The son of: Rhea Boswell (Scott) The daughters of: Rich and Kathy Calahan Lynn),

and Bob and Valerie Patrick (Molly Chacko) The brothers of: Ed Bryant (Paul) and Nelson Thurman (Dennis)

The sisters of: Marie Lawall (Joan), Penny Newsome (Susan) The daughters-in-law of: Marie Lawall (Lisbeth*),

and Warren and Maria Clayton (Julie - deployed to Korea) The sister-in-law of: Peter Smith (Annette)

The nephews of: Claire Manger (Edward & Scott), and Dave Little (Sean)

The niece of: Rosalie Lawson (Marcie) The cousins of: John Grimes (Lori), Donna Lucas (Angela),

Nancy Machado (Jan), Valerie Patrick (Virginia), and Linda Patterson (Angie).

The friends of: Cindi Bryant (Anna), Reecie Ford (Kate), Raven Fox (Deanna), Rosalie Lawson (Stephanie),

Penny Newsome (Lisa and Louis), Marty Post (Lucy), Hiede Sowdon (Dylan), and Chris Thurman

(*Chronic, ongoing situation)


GRACE CALENDAR - Through December 11th

Sunday, Dec. 4 2nd Sunday in Advent

8:30 AM Called Session Meeting Library

9:15 AM Christian Education Various Locations

10:30 AM Service for the Lord’s Day with Communion Sanctuary

11:30 AM Congregational Meeting Sanctuary

1:00 PM Betty Vassel Celebration Luncheon Wester Hall

2:00 PM Youth and Club 456 - George’s Kids Off-site

Monday, Dec. 5

7:00 PM Grace Tutoring WH, Office, Various Spaces

7:00 PM Joyful Ringers Practice Sanctuary

8:00 PM AA Family Room

Tuesday, Dec. 6

9:00 AM Springfield Garden Club Meeting Family Room

10:00 AM AA Choir Room

1:00 PM Staff Meeting Library

1:30 PM Preschool Music and More Performance Wester Hall

Wednesday, Dec. 7

9:30 AM Presbyterian Women - Circle 6 Family Room

Thursday, Dec. 8

12:30 PM Preschool Christmas Luncheon Family Room

5:30 PM Fairfax Cty Parent Education Program Various Locations

7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal Choir Room

8:50 PM Praise Band Rehearsal Sanctuary

Saturday, Dec. 10

8:00 AM Phoenix Landing Family Room

Sunday, Dec. 11 3rd Sunday in Advent

9:15 AM Christian Education Various Locations

10:30 AM Service for the Lord’s Day w/ Baptism Sanctuary

11:30 AM Annual Amigos Brunch Wester Hall

6:00 PM Youth Christmas Party Wester Hall

6:15 PM Club 456 Family Room



We encourage you to share requests

for prayer. You may do so by

completing prayer cards found in the pew racks and placing them in the

offering plates.

Trust your children to the care of our nursery workers.

We provide childcare for infants and children up to 4 years old in the Nursery Suite down-stairs, Rooms 3 & 5.

Worship Bags are avail-able in the Narthex for preschoolers - third-

graders. Please return bags to the Narthex

after the service.

Grace 101, An “Inquirer’s Class” (In progress, Sun-

days ‘til 11/20) If you would like to

learn more about the Presbyterian Church, Grace Church, and about membership, contact our pastor.

Grace Weekday Preschool

The Preschool is a Christian-based developmental

program ministry. For information call




Virginia will be out of the office Monday and Tuesday, December 5th and 6th. Office volunteers will provide support in her absence. Please use the manager’s phone--703-451-2900, Press 1-- and e-mail address-- general church communications and information.



Office Days and Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9:30 am - 2:00 pm

703-451-2900 press #2, ext 207; E-mail:

SUSAN WISSEMAN Stated Supply Associate Pastor

Office Days and Hours: Tuesday-Friday, 9:30 am - 3:00 pm 703-451-2900 press #3, ext 205; E-mail:

CHERYL DEANS Executive Office Manager

Office Days and Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm;

Fridays: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm 703-451-2900 press #1, ext 206;


YVETTE MOY Aging With Grace Director

Office Days and Hours: Monday - 9:00 am-12:00 pm;

Tuesday-Thursday, 10:00 - 3:00 pm; Friday, 9:00 am - 11:00 am 703-451-2900 press #4;


VERONICA CRUMP, Treasurer E-mail:

SCOTT SEIFRIED, Music Director E-mail:

RAY FREEMAN, Organist/Pianist/Accompanist


JIM DUNSTAN Hand Bell Choir Director



For now: 703-451-2900, press 1 E-mail:


Coleen Austin Aging With Grace; Stephen Ministry; Congregational Care

Lee Bartlett Nursery/Bridges to Worship

Cindi Bryant Human Resources

Ed Bryant Nominating/ Stewardship

Dave Buckley Missions

Maria Clayton Preschool

Kim Hatfield Youth Ministry

Alan Goldstein Communications

Nancy Machado Children’s Discipleship

Joe Miller Evangelism

Penny Newsome Worship

Michael Phillips Finance

John Sowdon Fellowship

Nelson Thurman Adult Discipleship

Greta Miller, Clerk

Lisa Kenkeremath, Moderator


Scott Anckner

Craig Crooks

Kent Ford, Chairman

Rob Gold

Scott Rogers

Peter Smith


SESSION and BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ contact information is posted in

church office and on GPC website.


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