service bulletin bs172 e - national highway traffic safety ... · to order, please contact your...

Post on 20-Jul-2020






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application deadline:2014MA15

RefeRence: Nova Bus Manualssection: 18 Articulation systemRs no: NAeffective in pRod.: L648 (2012AL17)

level descRiptiondiRect cHaRGes

timelabouR mateRial

1 Reprogram the articulation control unit (ACU) Nova Bus Nova Bus 15 min2 – – – –

subject: Hübner articulation system with ZF Ecolife transmission

justification: The communication between transmission and the Hübner articulation system is requires optimization

Revision HistoRyRev. date cHanGe descRiption wRitten by

NR 2013MA02 Initial release Wilder Galiano

disposal of paRts

Removed paRts aRe:discaRded * Retained * Dispose of the unused parts and the defective parts in

accordance with local environmental standards in effect.Yes –

appRoved by:

mateRialqty paRt no Rev. descRiption Replaces paRt n°

level 11 ACU_04_36_NOV_TO3_061E.hex Program1 ACU_04.36.NOV.T03.063B.hex Program1 ACU_04_36_NOV_T03_0629.hex Program1 ACU_34_36_NOV_T03_0629.hex Program

level 2 – – – – –

Materials will be available within 10 days. To order, please contact your Nova Bus service representative.



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client oRdeRRoad numbeR vin (2NVY/4RKY...)

qtyfRom to fRom to

Clemson Area Transit - South Carolina L617 — — S92U5C4500002 S92U5C4500002 1

Halifax - Nova Scotia L558 717 731 S92UXA3000293 S92U6A3000307 15

Halifax - Nova Scotia L613 732 741 S92UXB3000019 S92UXB3000028 10

Marketing Sales Demo - MSD 4 L618 — — S92U1C3000377 S92U1C3000377 1

New York City Transit - New York L643 5895 5895 S92U1B4000143 S92U1B4000143 1

New York City Transit - New York L670 5771 5894 S92U9B4000147 S92U8C4500060 124

New York City Transit - New York L670 5770 5770 S92UXC4500061 S92UXC4500061 1

Niagara Falls - Ontario L652 — — S92U3C3000607 S92U6C3000617 11

New York City Transit - New York L681 5896 5986 S92U2C4500023 S92U9C4500164 91

New York City Transit - New York L681 5253 5283 S92U0C4500165 S92U9C4500195 31

New York City Transit - New York L692 5284 S92U3C4500158 S92U3D4500274 80

University of Colorado - Colorado L627 — — S92UXB4000139 S92U6B4000140 2



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follow your internal safety procedures.

pRoceduRe1.1. Open the RF9 panel door located at the rear interior of the vehicle.1.2. Identify the ACU unit installed. See Figure 1.

ACU1 unit

ACU3 unit

RF9 panel

1.3. Save in a portable computer, the program corresponding to the ACU unit installed in the vehicle. See table below.

type of unit ProgramACU1 New York City only AC_04_36_NOV_TO3_0629.hexACU1 Non New York AC_04_36_NOV_TO3_061E.hexACU3 New York City only AC_34_36_NOV_TO3_0629.hexACU3 Non New York AC_34.36.NOV.TO3.063B.hex

Figure 1 - ACU Location and Identification of the ACU



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1.5. Locate the 9-pin ACU connector. See Figure 3.

ACU1 Cable Kit N60239 ACU3 Cable Kit N8900610

Figure 2 - Cable Connection Kits


a connexion cable kit is not supplied for this procedure.

1.4. All customers are to use the ACU1 cable kit, except New York , and for order L681 only, use the ACU3 cable kit. To order the ACU cable connection kit, please contact Prevost parts.

9-pin connector

Figure 3 - RF9 Panel 9-pin Connector Location

1.6. Connect one end of the ACU cable kit to the 9-pin connector in the RF9 panel. See Figures 2 and 3.1.7. Connect the other end of the cable kit to the portable computer.



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1.8. Set the master control switch to the run position. The connected module's red light will illuminate to indicate that the power is active.

1.9. On the portable computer, click the icon indicated in Figure 4 to access the Hübner software program.

1.10. Click on the connect button, see Figure 5, to establish communication with the ACU. The connection module's green light will illuminate to indicate that it is connected.

Figure 4 - Hübner software Icon

Figure 5 - Hübner Software Interface

Click on the connect button



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1.11. Download the program into the ACU.1.11.1. Select Flash eprom. See Figure 6. 1.11.2. Select write Flash epron from the dropdown menu.

1.11.3. in the browser, select the new ACU corresponding program update. This is the program previously saved in the portable computer. See Figure 7.

Figure 6 - Steps to Download

Figure 7 - File Selection

Select flash eprom, and then click on Write flash eprom




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1.11.4. Once the download has finished, three confirmation windows will appear. 1.11.5. Click on yes, each time, to confirm the process.1.11.6. When complete, press the disconnect icon. See Figure 8.

1.12. Disconnect the 9-pin connector from the RF9 panel plug.1.13. Close the RF9 panel door.1.14. Set the master control switch to the stop position.

Figure 8 - Hübner Software Display

Click on the disconnect buttom



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