september 2017 - united independent school district2017/09/09  · trautmann middle school united...

Post on 17-Jun-2020






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Trautmann Middle School

United High School

September 2017

Nye Elementary

Clark Elementary

Salvador Garcia Middle

Trautmann Elementary

1. Why did you become a teacher? I became a teacher because I wanted to give back to the community and make a difference in children’s lives.

2. How many years have you taught at United ISD? I have been teaching at UISD for 8 years.

3. Who was your best teacher growing up? I had many wonderful teachers throughout my years, but the one that inspired me the most would be Mr. Garcia at Nixon High School, who taught English.

4. Describe your job in three words. Fun, Stressful, and Rewarding

5. What is one thing that you wish someone had told you when you were a first-year teacher? It’s nothing like the books say.

6. What’s one thing your students have taught you about being a better teacher? Something I’ve learned from students is that they remember the smallest things,

1. Why did you become a teacher? Love working with people and Love Agriculture!!!

2. How many years have you taught at United ISD? 21years

3. Who was your best teacher growing up? Elementary ( Mrs Smith 4th grade) High School (Ms. Jimenez math) College ( Dr. Schuman SHSU )

4. Describe your job in three words. Rewarding, Exciting - (No day is ever the same), Fun

5. What is one thing that you wish someone had told you when you were a first-year teacher? That this profession would be such an awesome career. You get to create lasting memories to cherish forever!!!

6. What’s one thing your students have taught you about being a better teacher? Patience, Empathy and The Desire to be

1.Why did you become a teacher? I became a teacher because I have always loved teaching and working with kids.

2.How many years have you taught at United ISD? 22 years

3.Who was your best teacher growing up?My best teacher was my second grade teacher, Mrs. Salazar.

4.Describe your job in three words. Rewarding, Challenging, Meaningful

5.What is one thing that you wish someone had told you when you were a first-year teacher? That not every lesson will develop as planned and will need to be tweaked on the spur of the moment.

6. What’s one thing your students have taught you about being a better teacher?

1. Why did you become a teacher? I became a teacher because I felt in my heart a strong desire to join a team of professionals whose mission would be to prepare students to become Extraordinary World Leaders, Extraordinary World Changers, and Extraordinary Citizens.

2. How many years have you taught at United ISD? I have been teaching with UISD for 18 years.

3. Who was your best teacher growing up? My best teacher growing up was Mrs. J. Trevino.

4. Describe your job in three words. Labor! Fabulous! Rewarding!

5. What is one thing that you wish someone had told you when you were a first-year teacher? Not all Lessons will go as planned, however, that is not necessarily a bad thing.

6. What’s one thing your students have taught you about being a better teacher?

1. Why did you become a teacher? Teaching has been my childhood dream. I tell everyone that I took the scenic route to becoming a teacher. Before I became a teacher, I collaborated with professionals to enhance, facilitate or promote education to meet educational needs of students.

2. How many years have you taught at United ISD? 3 years

3. Who was your best teacher growing up?My mom and dad. Academically I have had many educators who have made a difference in my life. I cannot say that any specific one has had a bigger impact over the other.

4. Describe your job in three words. Amazing, rewarding, insightful

5. What is one thing that you wish someone had told you when you were a first-year teacher? An “a-ha!” moment from a students is far more rewarding than a bucket of ice cream.

6. What’s one thing your students have taught you about being a better teacher?

1. Why did you become a teacher? There are numerous benefits and rewards to being a teacher. Being able to mold tomorrow’s leaders into creative, independent life learners makes this a rewarding career. The feeling one gets when reaching that student that others have written off as being un-teachable, can truly be worth all the hard work the job comes with.

2. How many years have you taught at United UISD?This is my 15th year as a 4th grade teacher at Andrew Trautmann Elementary.

3. Who was your best teacher growing up? Every teacher leaves a mark in a child’s life. The teacher I cherish most is Mrs. R. Galindo, my sophomore year English teacher. Not only was Mrs. Galindo patient and caring, she always treated everyone with respect and love.

4. Describe your job in three words. Teaching is absolutely: rewarding, inspiring, and imaginative.

5. What is one thing that you wish someone had told you when you were a first-year teacher? Teachers wear many hats! As teachers, not only are we required to accommodate different academic needs and learning styles, but in order to nourish

1. Why did you become a teacher? I graduated with a business degree but got persuaded by my friends into teaching. For that I thank them!

2. How many years have you taught at United ISD? I have taught 10 years at United ISD.

3. Who was your best teacher growing up? My 7th grade Pre-Algebra teacher at St Augustine.

4. Describe your job in three words. Quick-paced, challenging, and rewarding.

5. What is one thing that you wish someone had told you when you were a first-year teacher? That I would become a better teacher with time.

6. What’s one thing your students

1.Why did you become a teacher?Becoming a teacher was a heartfelt passion for me. Students in the FLS setting are some of the best human beings on this earth. I am privileged to be in their presence.

2. How many years have you taught at United ISD?20 years

2.Who was your best teacher growing up?Ms. Cox, my high school English teacher inspired a yearning for learning in me.

3.Describe your job in three words.Rewarding, challenging, my calling

4.What is one thing that you wish someone had told you when you were a first-year teacher? This is your classroom-you got this.

6. What’s one thing your students have taught you about being a better teacher?

1. Why did you become a teacher? I became a teacher because I enjoy shaping the lives of students.

2. How many years have you taught at United ISD? I have been a teacher for five years.

3. Who was your best teacher growing up?My best teacher growing up was and will always be my fourth grade teacher Mrs. Vera.

4. Describe your job in three words. Challenging, rewarding, and exciting

5. What is one thing that you wish someone had told you when you were a first-year teacher? Truthfully speaking, I cannot think of something I would have liked someone to have told me my first-year of teaching.

6. What’s one thing your students have taught you about being a better teacher? Over the years my students have taught me it is the little things they value the most. A simple greeting

1. Why did you become a teacher? The love of molding a child into an independent learner.

2. How many years have you taught at United ISD? 16 years

3. Who was your best teacher growing up? Mrs. Galindo (United High School Lang. Arts)

4. Describe your job in three words. Rewarding, challenging, educating

5. What is one thing that you wish someone had told you when you were a first-year teacher? Start with the end result in mind.

6. What’s one thing your students have taught you about being a better teacher? Make sure that the learning is fun and stimulating for the students. Praise

1. Why did you become a teacher? I became a teacher because I want to be a part of the success and change that our children can and will achieve.

2. How many years have you taught at United ISD? I am now going on my fifth year as a math teacher at Salvador Garcia Middle School.

3. Who was your best teacher growing up?Every math teacher I had growing up was great! They have been a great motivation to become a teacher. This past year I was able to work with one of my math teachers, it was truly a blessing.

4. Describe your job in three words. Diverse, Different and Interesting.

5. What is one thing that you wish someone had told you when you were a first-year teacher? My first year was quite a challenge, but I am grateful from every minute of it. I had a great team that supported me and an awesome mentor that guided me in the best direction.

6. What’s one thing your students have taught you about being a better teacher? Students have taught me that, I should not give up and most important to be empathetic with others.

1.Why did you become a teacher? I am the oldest of seven children in my family. I vividly remember playing school with my younger siblings and me being the teacher. I used my parents’ dresser as my chalkboard. I remember how I enjoyed teaching my younger siblings and how influential I was as a role model for them. This job has given me great satisfaction knowing I am preparing young minds for academic success.

2.How many years have you taught at United ISD? I started my current career in 2008. At the end of this school year, I shall complete ten years of teaching. I taught second grade for two years and have been the Prekindergarten teacher at my school since 2010.

3.Who was your best teacher growing up? I believe all of my teachers made an impact in my life. This includes my college and university professors. I however, feel there was an English professor during my college years that made a significant change in my life. She perfected everything I had learned during my primary years. I can’t remember her name, but she always demonstrated an outstanding dedication in the classroom in how she delivered and explained her lessons.

4. Describe your job in three words. Rewarding, inspiring and challenging.

5. What is one thing that you wish someone had told you when you were a first-year teacher? I have learned on my own that parents play a very important role in our students’ success. If we immediately partner up with our parents, a student’s success in the classroom increases.6. What’s one thing your students have taught you about


7. Why is teaching an incredibly important job? I believe teaching is incredibly important because we do more than teach students, will mold, inspire, and prepare them for their future.

8. What has been the best advice you have ever been given? The best advice that I have been given is to always work hard no matter what or who is watching.

9. What is the one skill or talent that people would never guess that you had? A skill I have grown to be better at would be restoring old vehicles.

10. Who has influenced you most in life? My father without a doubt!

the Best!!

7. Why is teaching an incredibly important job? Lifelong Learning & yuou get to make an impact on Lives.

8. What has been the best advice you have ever been given? If You Work Hard Good Things Will Happen!!!

9. What is the one skill or talent that people would never guess that you had? I was an intramural racquetball champ at Sam Houston State University

10. Who has influenced you most in life? FAMILY!!! (Parents Mom, Dad, Brother, Wife and Grandparents)

My students have taught me to be more patient.

7. Why is teaching an incredibly important job? Teaching is incredibly important because we as teachers have a direct and lasting impact on each and every one of our students.

8. What has been the best advice you have ever been given? To not stress so much about things that are out of our control and to do your best with the things you can have control over.

9. What is the one skill or talent that people would never guess that you had? I’m a good cook.

10. Who has influenced you most in life? My mom has been the biggest influence in my life.

My students have taught me to embrace “Spontaneity.” (it has given birth to some truly enjoyable, truly hilarious, and truly priceless classroom moments)

7. Why is teaching an incredibly important job? It knows no limits to the possibilities of enriching someone’s life.

8. What has been the best advice you have ever been given? Not everyone knows how hard teachers work, but when you love teaching it really doesn’t matter.

9. What is the one skill or talent that people would never guess that you had? Honestly, I can’t think of anything that my family, friends, and co-workers don’t already know about me.

10. Who has influenced you most in life? I was blessed with excellent Parents, and I give them full credit for pouring into my life all the necessary Spiritual, Moral, and Professional values needed to live a Blessed Life.

The connections established with students is the fundamental foundation needed to provide students with an amazing education.

7. Why is teaching an incredibly important job? Teaching is incredibly important because we are preparing the future citizens with the essential tools that will facilitate a successful life. We are the guiding students to become creative individuals, critical thinkers, and preparing them for jobs that have yet to be created.

8. What has been the best advice you have ever been given? Tomorrow is another beautiful day with a brand new beginning.

9. What is the one skill or talent that people would never guess that you had? I am pretty savvy with technology.

10. Who has influenced you most in life? My family has been the greatest influence in my life. My determination, success, ability to persevere has been because of their unrelenting support, unconditional love and their understanding.

a student’s full potential, we must embrace the child as a whole.

6. What’s one thing your students have taught you about being a better teacher?Since I started teaching, technology has boomed! All students, regardless of age, are more technology savvy than most adults. My students have taught me a thing or two about technology!

7. Why is teaching an incredible important job? It is very rewarding and satisfying to play a part in the building blocks of the future leaders.

8. What has been the best advice you have ever been given?Someone once told me to love my students, never take anything personally and do my best to motivate them. Through the years I have lived by this motto.

9. What is the one skill or talent that people would never guess that you had? Over the years I have learned to paint. I find this hobby very relaxing.

10. Who has influenced you most in life?My mother has had the greatest influence on my life. As single mother, she instilled in me the value of hard work, perseverance, and faith. She has been my greatest source of strength and motivation.

have taught you about being a better teacher? Their overcoming of obstacles and still getting the job done.

7. Why is teaching an incredibly important job? You are a mentor and guide of every student’s future.

8. What has been the best advice you have ever been given? Tomorrow will be another day.

9. What is the one skill or talent that people would never guess that you had? I am a really good basketball coach.

10. Who has influenced you most in life? My wife, my son, and my daughter… My family.

All children can learn and want to be successful.

7. Why is teaching an incredibly important job? Teaching is an incredible important job, because we play an important role in the future of children. 8. What has been the best advice you have ever been given? Love what you do.9. What is the one skill or talent that people would never guess that you had? Riding motorcycles.

10. Who has influenced you most in life?My father influenced me the most in my life. He was a single parent raising three girls and one boy.

at the door, going to see them at an extracurricular activity, or simply letting them know you believe is what they recall for years to come.

7. Why is teaching an incredibly important job? The education students receive is merely the stepping stones to their future. Our teaching is what guides every step of their future careers.

8. What has been the best advice you have ever been given? I feel the advice that was engraved in my soul from a young girl was: even when you feel defeated, never give up.

9. What is the one skill or talent that people would never guess that you had? In my free time, I like to make handmade embroidery designs on pillowcases and tablecloths.

10. Who has influenced you most in life? Hands down the person who has influenced me the most in my life is my mother.

accomplishments and be consistent because it goes a long way in the classroom.

7. Why is teaching an incredibly important job? It is extremely important because we are shaping mind sets for the future.

8. What has been the best advice you have ever been given? Never give up!

9. What is the one skill or talent that people would never guess that you had? Cooking all kinds of original meals!

10. Who has influenced you most in life? My mother

By doing this, I have learned that many things and goals can be accomplished.

7. Why is teaching an incredibly important job? I believe teaching to be one of the quintessential professions out there because it is teachers that help build and form the foundation for future generations. It is our students who will be running things in the not-so-distant future, and it is our job to ensure that they are prepared to do so.

8. What has been the best advice you have ever been given? Everything in life has a solution. We should also embrace change rather than fear it. Most importantly, it is perseverance and the ability to adapt to different settings that are the key to a successful and fulfilling life.

9. What is the one skill or talent that people would never guess that you had? I played soccer at the varsity level during my high school years.

10. Who has influenced you most in life? My mother, grandmother and father are the basis and standard for the person I am and the person I’d like to be. Special friends have also become an essential support system.

being a better teacher? I have learned from my students to be more compassionate, to be more understanding and to never give up on them. I have learned that if I remain inspired and motivated, they will always enjoy the learning process in in the classroom.

7. Why is teaching an incredibly important job? As educators, we have a very important role in forming the future citizens and leaders of our community. We are very much responsible in establishing a very strong foundation to help our student succeed in all the challenges they will face as young adults. Teaching is an art, and we are helping make the world a better place.

8. What has been the best advice you have ever been given? The best advice I have received from previous mentors, past and present administrators is to treat my students with love, respect and compassion. 9. What is the one skill or talent that people would never guess that you had? I am very strong with Math and can quickly solve problems without a calculator. I am also very fast when typing.

10. Who has influenced you most in life? Like any child, my parents had a great impact in who I am and what I have been able to accomplish. They had very little education, but encouraged their children to obtain a college education. My father always encouraged his children to take pride in their work and to always go above and beyond when trying to reach our goals. My husband is another person that influences me because he has always been very supporting of all my goals. Last but not least, my two sons and three grandchildren, because I want to be able to leave a legacy they can remember and always feel proud of.

Bertha NavarroClark Elementary2nd Grade

erika e. rojasClark Elementary 5th Grade Math

Marissa reyesNye Elementary4th Grade

shulaMis CalderoNSalvador Garcia Middle School 8th Grade Mathematics and Algebra 1

CyNthia herNaNdezTrautmann Elementary4th Grade

eMaNuel saNChezTrautmann Middle School8th Grade Reading

reNe rodriguezUnited High School10 - 12 Agricultural Science / FFA

juaN ChapaTrautmann Middle School8th Grade Math

sherry olivasUnited High School FLS (9-12)

dora e. BeNavidesNye Elementary5th Grade Math

MariaNita herNaNdezSalvador Garcia Middle School8th Grade Reading/ELAR/ECAR

yolaNda g. torres Trautmann Elementary SchoolPreKindergarten

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