september 2015 mission of the month: lutheran disaster relief september herald 2015.pdf ·...

Post on 17-Jun-2020






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SEPTEMBER 2015 MISSION OF THE MONTH: LUTHERAN DISASTER RELIEF SUNDAY SCHOOL Registration is open for next year! Register Monday-Friday in the church office, or drop your registration form in the plate during worship. Mark your calendars for Rally Day and the first day of Sunday School on September 13th!

ANNUAL CONFIRMATION RETREAT Dates: September 25-27 Place: Camp Wilbur Herrlich ( Who: St. David’s Confirmation Students Grades 6-9 and our friends from Our Redeemer in Seaford What: Exciting outdoor camp activities, dorm style accommodations, great food, and a ton of fun all woven into learning about God’s love for us. Chaperones/Drivers needed.



Preschool Offerings for the 2015-2016 School Year


Little Lambs/Mommy and Me class – Tuesdays from 9:30-10:45 AM for ages 18 months to 2 ½ years – $15 per week 2 ½ year old class – Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-11:30 AM; 1 day per week $70 per month 2 days per week $140 per month 3 year old class – Monday/Wednesday or Monday/Wednesday/ Friday from 9 -11:30 AM 2 days per week $140 per month 3days per week $190 per month 4 year old class – Monday/Wednesday/Friday or Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 12 noon

3 days per week $190 per month 5 days per week $298 per month




News & Notes


MEN’S LUNCHEON will meet again in September look for the dates in our September issue.

HELP WANTED, NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY, will train - ushers, greeters, lectors, communion assistants, flexible schedule- saturday evening or sunday morning. Compensation and benefits are out of this world! No need to send your resume just call – Jo-Ann Justus 541-7127 or e-mail

HELP WANTED: The office is looking for anyone who can spare an hour or more to update our church records. If you can help, please call the office at 799-7832. Thank you.

Have you looked at our website recently? You can catch-up on all that is going on at St. David’s! You can get back issues of The Herald; see the Worship Assistants

Schedule (Ushers, Greeters, Assisting Ministers, Communion Assitants, Lectors and Acloytes) and if you can’t make it to church services, you can read the News &

Notes and the Calendar schedule for the week. Go to: www.stdavidslutheran


ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE MOVING YOUR BODY, DO YOU FEEL BLAH? CLASSES WILL RUN THROUGHOUT THE SUMMER Come down to our exercise classes. Help yourself and help your Church too. The classes will get your body moving and stretched. You do as much as you can. Aerobics: EVERY TUESDAY AT 7:30PM Low impact increases cardio vascular efficiency, flexibility and tones your body. Stretch and Tone: EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 10:00AM We use chairs for balance and sit on to do various exercises. The exercises are designed to increase your flexibility. So Again, help yourself and help our Church. All donations collected go directly to St David’s. Wear sneakers, comfortable clothing, a

water bottle and light weights. Also bring a mat for the aerobics classes. Should you have any questions or concerns please call me (Lois Gaiti) at (516) 798-615.

The King David Fellowship, is an outreach of St David’s, will meet on July 9th from 7-4pm. The group meets at the home of the Rev. Juanita and Walt Hilsenbeck.........It is a get together of fellowship, food and music .Arden Strasser when time permits will join us for sing along and Walt plays the Wurlitzer Theatre Pipe Organ(1200 pipes) that is installed in their home. The organ was formerly installed in the Lowe's 167th street theatre in the Bronx in 1928.Dates and times and posted....for more info to join in our Christian fellowship meeting will be at 32 NEW YORK AVENUE Massapequa......FUN, FOOD, FELLOWSHIP AND MUSIC.....Call Gloria Thorsen, hostess, 799-8517 or Rev. Juanita at 541-5624 (email ) RSVP .


We continue to meet two times each month on Tuesday mornings to make 70 quarts of nutritious soup for the Freeport Interfaith Nutrition Network. We have a wonderful and faithful crew of men and women who come to wash, chop, dice and stir the ingredients for the soup. We could use a couple more men to help with carrying the soup buckets up the stairs when the soup is done. Even if you cannot come for the whole time (we start at 8:30 am), if you could be available at about 10:30 when the soup is cooked and in buckets, even on a rotating basis, it would be helpful. Please call Fred Smith if you are willing to called occasionally for helping. To add some variety to our soup menu, we’d love to have donations of smoked hams. If when the hams go on sale, you are able to purchase and donate a half smoked ham, please consider it. Call Karen & Fred Smith 798-7894 to coordinate a pick-up.


Thrivent has begun a new grant program called Action Teams. Every Thrivent member can sponsor up to two Service Projects each year to benefit St. David’s community (or the community at large) and receive a pre-paid credit card of up to $250 for seed money for expenses. If you can think of a service project that will do something positive to strengthen our St.David’s community, submit an application directly to Thrivent (go on-line at teams – have your membership # handy – or call 1-800-847-4836). (There is even a listing on the website called “101 Ways to Spark Action in your Community”) Organize a team to work the service project and once it has been approved by Thrivent, you will receive a pre-paid credit card of up to $250 to cover expenses of the project. St. David’s has already taken advantage of this new Action Team grant program with a project for the Soup Ministry Karen Smith, the Giving Tree Trudi Junge, and Painting fellowship rooms Debbie Geis. Wow! Three projects, $750 from Thrivent for St.David’s ministries! So that we can coordinate the projects planned and avoid duplication, let Karen Smith know what projects you have in mind and will apply for. (516-798-7894 Thrivent members: keep designating your Choice Dollars to St. David’s. Remember, you must designate your dollars each year; it can no longer carry on automatically from last year’s designation. This program has brought substantial funds to our congregation. If you are not currently designating Choice Dollars and want help, call Karen Smith for more info.


With thanks to all who remembered or honored their friends and loved ones with gifts to our funds this month:

Memorial Fund:


Robert Roth: Dorothy Solvang, Doris Lomler, Evelyn Lopopolo, Walter & Dorothy Petersen, Pat Brederhorst, Ken & Ina Cohen, Lorraine Weber Nesz, Barbara Ann Vehling, Claude & Dorothea Loos, Charles Dunster, Irene Trautenberg, Carole Erickson, Marie Winston, Barbara Grossmann Kutcher, Janet Speitcher. SOUP SPOILERS: Robert Roth by Ester Hansen MEMORIAL: Rose Heisinger by Ina & Ken Cohen,



IN YOUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK, PLEASE REMEMBER: + KNOWN TO BE HOSPITALIZED, ILL OR RECOVERING: John Buzanger, Regina, Jean, Alyson Bruu, Sue Teitel, Robert DeCarlo, Heidi Grucci, Irmgard & Kurt Decarlo, Christine & Luigi Soviero, Nancy Locke, Norman Hall,Karen Krieg, Vinny and Family,Carol Scalfani, Elizabeth Burns, Louise Landekammer, Peter Klaman, Tracey Argenzio, Joe Gaiti, Claude Loos, Joe Mulligan,Doris

Niesen, Dorothy Petersen, Doris Glatthaar, Lottie Karpenkiel, Vi Madison, Chris Brickner, Esther Hansen, Marge Garrett, usan Mast Trinder, Lynne Schenk, Mildred Ulrich. S

We continue to pray for our armed forces as they stand in harm’s way in Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa and throughout he world. May God bless them and their families. t

Names will remain on the list until the end of each month. If prayers are still requested for the following

of each month. month, please advise Mary Ann in the office at the beginning

+THOSE WHO MOURN THE PASSING OF: Bob Roth, Rose Heisinger, Anne Levine, Sid Sacks, Ruth Griffin, Michael Shine, Ralph Marcini, Marlyn Scheuer, David Curtin, John Algeo, Jack Waldrek, Camille Howe, Henry Dong, Fred Walker, Anita Scanio, Christopher Vincenti, Barbara Carolan, Brian Haggerty, Bill Hutchinson, Al Trabold, Albert Colello, Paul Holm, Nancy Zigmund, Joan Cavicchi, Barbara Keller.

Pray For our Staff: Pray For our Staff:

Pray For our Staff: Rev. Arden Strasser Pastor Mary Ann Ho Off ice Administrator Lynn Benov, President/ Counci l /Evangel ism/

Stewardship/Advisory&Planning Worship/Personnel /Scholarship/Social Ministry

Robert Michael is Deacon Florence Poeschke Deacon Janet Pinto Organist , Saturday Cfaf t Fair Bethany Porter Organist /Choir Dir . J im Sher idan,Counci lVice

President/Personnel/ Janis Garone LBS Director Domingo Rojas Custodian Stewardship Patr ic ia McCarthy Deaf Min. /Signer JoAnn Justus Worship/Social Ministry/ Karen Corbett Par ish Nurse Evangel ism/Personnel J i l l Ewen Par ish Nurse Jo Ann Justus, Secretary/Worship/Nominating Jul ie Meier Sun. School Director Anne Anderson, Counci l /Treasurer/Advisory &

Planning /Finance/Craft Fair /Lay Minister Jo-Ann Re Sunday School Co-Director /Nursery Pianist Janis Garone Deaf Min/ Fel lowship/Personnel

J i l l Ewen Counci l /Socia l Ministry/Educat ion Nominat ing/Social Ministry/Craft Fai t

Pray for our Preschool Staff: Nick Ewen Counci l / Fel lowship/Finance/

Property/ Robin Lever Preschool Dir . /Teacher Helen Hayes Financial Sec./Finance/Endow. Ruth DeSi lva Preschool Teacher Asst. David Lynam Counci l /Property/Safe Col leen Smith Preschool Teacher Environ. Safe Environ/Stewardship Linda Patr iss i Preschool Sub/Mommy & Me

Jim Sher idan, Council/Property/Personnel/Stewardship Mark Corbett Finance/Property/Personnel Maddie Brower Deaf Ministry/Nominat ing/Craft Fair /Social Ministry

Communion Teacher Confirmation Teachers

t h t hDebbie Geis 6 & 7 grade t h dPastor Arden es Strasser 8th & 9 gra

Pray For: Led dul t Choir By the Spir i t & A Pray For our Lay Leaders:

Keith Ryan Endowment/Evangel ism Ed Mal inka Nominat ing/Mutual Ministry Tom Ho Advisory & Planning Chris Lewis Advisory & Planning

Keith Ryan

The Herald

The monthly newsletter of St. David's Lutheran Church


Mission Statement We are called in Christ:

+To L iples ive faithfully +To make Disc+ To show God's love to all Submissions for September

Herald due by August 15th.

Editor: MaryAnn Ho ( )

Please pray for our Military men and women, especially… Chief Corpman Craig Williams

Sr. Airman Emily Volz Airman Carl Seaman

M i L C l Ch i t h B kl

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