seo today, gone tomorrow

Post on 13-May-2015






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An article about how some SEO tactics have short lived benefits. Hire Neogain to run your search engine optimisation campaigns.


SEO today, gone tomorrow

This search engine optimisation article is about SEO techniques that are not ‘sticky’, instead SEO benefits / juice often disappearing quickly, else possibly in the near future.

This article will discuss SEO techniques both high quality and some….well lacking.?

A high search engine placement for many isn’t just a nice to have, but the vital element that means their website, and thus their business continues to exist.

For many a high search engine ranking equals visitors, and thus ad clicks, purchases or referrals.

So in an effort to keep the visitor numbers flowing, SEO isn’t just an internet ‘nice to have’, but a ‘must have’.

All around the world people tackle search engine placement in different ways, using techniques called black, grey and white hat. Basically what is potentially a search engine ban, risky or deemed acceptable good practice.

The potential rewards, often for little monetary value can lead people to take risks, that are not worth a delisting. However as mentioned at the beginning of the article we are going to look more in this article at SEO techniques that are not ‘sticky’.

So what do we deem not sticky?

Forum profile links on highly moderated forums, which can be added one minute and gone shortly after.

Many people think a workaround is to create a profile that is blank and leave it to mature, then come back later, and sure it can work, but moderators will be on the look out for those tactics.

After all external links can impact the SEO of a forum, so unnecessary links, from inactive profiles that were obviously setup for a backlink or two, could be removed.

Blog commenting is another area which can have little ROI. If you are paying someone to produce nonsense blog comments, then only to have a high percentage removed, what return on investment is that?

Another technique that has reduced SEO value is posting duplicate content, especially PLR articles.

More and more blog owners are becoming aware of duplicate content penalties, so a guest article live one minute which is duplicate content, could be removed soon.

How can they check? Manually at time of submission and later using free services.

There is a balance to be achieved to maximise the return on investment when rolling out a SEO campaign.

Spending too much on SEO can wipe out returns, spending too little on suspect activities can lead you into dangerous waters.

Using the right techniques that benefit your website and keep it listed, is best.

For UK search engine optimisation services,

please hire Neogain.

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