seo - onpage optimization - digital marketing

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Onpage Optimization

What is Onpage Optimization

Onpage optimization is a process of implementing certain elements in site, which are recommended by Search Engines.

Factors effecting Onpage

Website Design User Experience Quality Content SEO elements of the page

Design Analysis

Is this design really speak about its business? Does is consist of Flash or Multimedia Is the design Responsive ? How is the navigation of site ? How fast the website is loading ?

User Experience

How the user feel after visiting the website .What is the bounce rate of the visitors .Is this site Made for Adsense (MFA) How is the process of conversion in site ?

Quality of Content

Is this website providing value to user ?Is this content unique for this site ? Is the content targeting any keyword ? Is it over optimized for Search Engines ? What is the density of keywords and links ?

Page Title

First on-page SEO factor is page title. The page title must be descriptive, unique and it should include rich keywords.


Title Optimization

Title tag is very crucial element of onpage Write a meaningful title along with target keywordsTitle is generally 60 chars – 70 chars Title keywords can be separated with (–) or (|)

Meta TagsMeta tags includes description, keywords and so on. These are used to provide the information to make users understand about the website. It can control the crawling and indexing of search engines. Description and keywords should be relevant and it must consist of high density keywords.

Why content is king on Website

Users are constantly looking for content Can improve the brand authority Build a base of loyal customers in long termSearch engines prefer Fresh Quality Content Solve problems for customers

Content Creation Strategy

Types of content

Content Generation Ideas

What customers want in searchWhat are questions in QA Site Write How to Articles for userShare Tips and Tricks Latest Industry Updates with your analysis Market research in any segment Case Studies and ReportsReview a Product/Place/Service


Use a text file robots.txt to instruct search engines on how to crawl and index pages


Its a most important part to develop an optimized website. Its used to inform the correct URL of the website to search engines.

URL Structure

URL structure of a website is the most notable part of SEO. URL of a website must be search engine friendly i.e., shortest URLs with targeted keywords.

Heading Tags

Heading tags (h1, h2,..,h6) are used to differentiate important content and heading from the rest.High priority keywords must be added in H1 tag and others as follows.

Image Optimisation

Image optimization includes image quality, file size, file format, relevant images, alt tags, image title and so on

SociabilityEncourage readers to share website content by adding social media buttons. Also it will help to get better rankings in search engines.

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