seniors be damned

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Seniors be damned! We’re just too busy to protect you from scam artists? That appears to be the message from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police? Welcome to Canada!





Seniors be damned!

We’re just too busy to protect you from scam artists?

That appears to be the message from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police?

Welcome to Canada!


Index Page

Chapter 1 5

Senior scams in British Columbia Canada

Chapter 2 9

Maybe the RCMP prefer to taser the old folks in British Columbia,


Chapter 3 13

Maybe the RCMP prefer to scare 93 year old women instead in

British Columbia, Canada?

Chapter 4 14

Are they also too busy to investigate the many missing and murdered?

Chapter 5 15

720 Native women missing and murdered in Canada?

Chapter 6 18

Just like the senior scam busters run by volunteers, the RCMP rely on

volunteers to name the murder victims?

Chapter 7 25

Here is a list of murdered and missing persons in British Columbia, Canada!

Chapter 8 28

Again, here is a list of murdered and missing persons in British Columbia, Canada!

Chapter 9 30

Again, here is a list of murdered and missing persons in British Columbia, Canada!

Chapter 10 33

Again, here is a list of murdered and missing persons in British Columbia, Canada!

Chapter 11 36

Again, here is a list of murdered and missing persons in British Columbia, Canada!

Chapter 12 39

Again, here is a list of murdered and missing persons in British Columbia, Canada!

Chapter 13 42

Maybe RCMP would rather shoot us dead in British Columbia, Canada?


Chapter 14 55

It’s very clear the RCMP in British Columbia Canada apparently

murdered the Polish immigrant?

Chapter 15 63

No one but a moron misses this fact, however, RCMP Commissioner

William Elliott did!!

Chapter 16 75

What are you going to do about the 40 year old RCMP lies published by

Squamish in 1976 and again in 2013?

Chapter 17 77

People are wondering, is the British Columbia Coroner’s Office useless

under Lisa Lapointe, Chief Coroner?

Chapter 18 80

Even the experts apparently think the British Columbia Coroner’s Office is useless

under Lisa Lapointe, Chief Coroner?

Chapter 19 83

Hey Lisa Lapointe, Chief Coroner, what are you going to do about these

40 year old RCMP lies uploaded by Darby Love and Sanfu Chen?

Chapter 20 85

As can be seen below, the author has the original Coroner Inquest report

sent to him by the Coroner’s office of British Columbia Canada!!

Chapter 21 89

So what have the RCMP done, they have gotten another stooge [Sanfu Chen] to put

some more bull-shit about Terry Mallenby – this time that he was an unwilling witness

to railroad him into jail!

Chapter 22 97

Yet Sanfu Chen insists as her first piece on the internet to put in the RCMP

“shit” that Terry Mallenby was an unwilling witness - the RCMP pulled this “shit”

in 1976, and now again in 2013!!


Chapter 1

Senior scams in British Columbia Canada

As reported in the Senior Busters Program:

“Seniors are targeted for many reasons: loneliness, lack of family support, age

vulnerability and for health-related reasons such as Alzheimer's. Seniors are particularly

susceptible to fraud schemes because their generation tends to be more trusting and less

likely to end conversations. Fraudulent telemarketers build relationships with seniors and

gain their trust before victimizing them. Ruined family lives, great financial losses and

suicides have resulted from this brutal crime against the elderly.”

As cited in “Canadian Lottery: You Are NOT a Winner” by Judy Hedding, in Guide, Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard is warning Arizonans to be

wary of a scam known as "the Canadian Lottery" that is particularly affecting the elder


Fraudulent telemarketers are calling unsuspecting Americans, including Arizona

consumers, telling them that they have won a prize in the Canadian Lottery.

The "Canadian Lottery" is a scheme that is being used to fleece consumers in the United

States. The Federal Bureau of Investigations recently estimated that $80 million to $100

million dollars are stolen by criminals using this scam.

Where to hell is the Canadian federal police force, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police?

Why isn’t the Royal Canadian Mounted Police doing anything to protect our American


As an example:

Twenty-two year old Tanya loved her mother Bessie enormously. Theirs was a close

relationship however in recent months, Tanya sensed that something was troubling

Bessie. She was uncharacteristically withdrawn, secretive, and appeared depressed. Her

mother also appeared to be getting a lot of mail, most of it strewn about the house. Tanya

remembered how only a few months earlier Bessie appeared elated and happy and had

remarked that “her ship was about to come in”.

The phone call from Bessie’s bank manager came out of the blue and shook Tanya to her

core. Bessie had withdrawn almost all of her savings in a very short period of time and

the manager was concerned.

In this case, Tanya began her investigation by privately sitting down with her mother and

discussing her concerns. Refraining from being confrontational or judgmental, she

eventually learned the truth. Her mother was convinced that she had won five million

dollars in a lottery and had been sending thousands of dollars to “collect” her


considerable winnings. Of course, the lottery was a scam and her mother was out


Where to hell is the Canadian federal police force, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police –

why aren’t they protecting seniors?

Here’s another example, as cited in “Senior loses $20,000 to scammer posing as

grandson: Elderly victim's son upset with police over inaction” by Kathy Tomlinson,

CBC News, posted: Mar 20, 2012, “an 87-year-old woman who lives on a government

pension is one of several new victims of a large-scale scam, that has now hit at least one

seniors' home in B.C.”

Where to hell is the Canadian federal police force, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police –

why aren’t they protecting seniors?

If the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are nowhere to be seen – then what is Canada

doing about these scams?

Well, one astute Ontario Provincial Police officer stared “Phone Busters”:

The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre was officially created in North Bay,Ontario, in January

1993 by Barry Elliott, a member of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Anti-Rackets

Branch. The citizens of Northern Ontario were being targeted by telemarketing fraud,

which at the time was an emerging scam. Barry's initiative became known as "Project


The only problem is, it appears to be run by volunteers and not the Royal Canadian

Mounted Police, the federal police force in Canada:

Many of them were senior citizens who had been repeatedly scammed and were looking

for support. To address their needs, the SeniorBusters program was added in 1997. This

program now involves approximately 50 volunteers who are senior citizens themselves.

In 2010, the PNCC was renamed the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC) to reflect the

fact that its scope had expanded beyond telemarketing fraud.

Unfortunately, staff at the CAFC found they had neither the time nor the resources to

follow up with victimized seniors so the Centre decided to enlist volunteer seniors who

could help with the battle against mass marketing and identity fraud. The volunteers were

able to relate personal experiences, provide support and establish rapport with elderly

victims. The "seniors helping seniors" program was named SeniorBusters.

Well, what have the Royal Canadian Mounted Police been doing about these scams?

Well, isn’t that nice – if citizens try to solve the crimes themselves – well the Royal

Canadian Mounted Police will give you a plaque for your efforts:


RCMP Commissioner’s Volunteer Award

SENIORBUSTERS was honored to receive RCMP Commissioner’s Volunteer Award in

recognition of their dedication of service and support for the Canadian Anti-Fraud


Maybe the RCMP are just too busy harassing their female officers to care about senior


As cited in “Former Musical Ride Mountie sues RCMP, alleging she was sexually

assaulted, dragged through feces” reported by the Canadian Press May 21, 2013:

“A Mountie who was once part of the famed Musical Ride is suing the national police

force, alleging she was sexually assaulted, harassed, repeatedly doused in cold water and

dragged through horse feces by colleagues.

In a statement of claim filed in Ontario Superior Court, Staff Sgt. Caroline O’Farrell

says the cruel behaviour she suffered in the 1980s left her with post-traumatic stress, led

to a marriage breakdown and stunted her RCMP career.

O’Farrell, 52, says an internal investigation at the time substantiated her claims but no

real action was taken.

The lawsuit says many of O’Farrell’s tormentors continue to work in the RCMP today,

some in senior positions.”

And, she’s apparently not the only female RCMP officer so abused:

As cited in “Female Mountie alleges sexual harassment, calls for union or support


“A female British Columbia Mountie who was the force's public face for some of its most

high-profile cases says the RCMP is accountable to no one for the treatment of its

employees and a union or similar organization is needed to protect them from a culture

that is badly broken.”2

“Cpl. Catherine Galliford, who was the spokeswoman on the Air India and Robert

Pickton investigations, has come forward in recent days to detail shocking allegations of

persistent sexual harassment during her 20 years on the force.”3

“Galliford says in an interview that she experienced six to 10 incidents of harassment or

sexual harassment, including one occasion in which a superior showed her his genitals.”4

"You've reached your breaking point. You're being harassed to death. There has to be a

group, a body to go to," Galliford said in a telephone interview.5


“Galliford has spent four years off the force, battling demons that have included post-

traumatic stress disorder and for a while, a drinking problem. She has now filed a 115-

page internal complaint.”6

“She said the harassment started almost from the beginning, when she was training at the

RCMP depot in Regina and escalated to an incident when a superior showed her his penis

to show her a mole. She said the pair were in a car and had pulled off of Highway 99.”7

“Galliford said a supervisor on one case she worked on would take her on road trips that

included efforts to get her to have sex with him.”8

“Galliford said she wouldn't recommend any woman opt for a career in the RCMP.”


"Don't even think about it. No. Run like your hair is on fire. There are other police

departments out there. You can join Calgary. You can join Edmonton. You can join

Toronto. You can join Port Moody. But do not join the RCMP."10

With so many apparently sexually twisted individuals in the RCMP, abusing female

officers, showing them their “winkies”, just how many missing women or murdered

woman can possibly be attributed to members of this police force, if any?

And, if there are any armchair detectives out there, there is page after page of missing and

murdered victims cited in this book and each and everyone deserves better than the

RCMP have given them or their grieving loved ones!


1 - 10. Female Mountie alleges sexual harassment, calls for union or support group

By: Terri Theodore and Keven Drews, The Canadian Press

Breaking News, The Canadian Press, Posted: 11/10/2011


Chapter 2

Maybe the RCMP prefer to taser the old folks in British Columbia,


As cited, “in May 2008, at Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops, an RCMP

officer used a taser on 82 year old Frank Lasser while he was in his

hospital bed. He was reportedly ‘delirious’ and wielding a knife.”1

Yep, there’s the RCMP they’ve got this 82 year old guy “dead-to-rights”

he can’t move!

Way to go RCMP, you’ve got your man!

Job well done ‘eh’ boys?

This is something you can sure brag about over your next donut run?

As further cited, “according to CBC News, the Royal Canadian Mounted

Police (RCMP), responded to a call at the Royal Inland Hospital after a

delirious patient pulled a knife on a nurse. The man was back in bed when

the RCMP arrived and they tasered him in his bed.”2

“Frank Lasser, 82, was in the hospital with pneumonia. Because of a

previous heart surgery, he is required to carry oxygen at all times and

Lasser told CBC News that he becomes delusional when he cannot breathe

properly, which is what he says happened on Saturday.”3

"I was laying on the bed by then and the corporal came in, or the sergeant,

I forget which it was, and said to the guys, 'OK, get him because we got

more important work to do on the street tonight,'" Lasser said.4

"And then, bang, bang, bang, three times with the taser, and I tell you, I

never want that again."5

If this wasn’t so sad – it would be comical?

What is that comic police force called – oh, yes – the “Keystone Cops”?

That what these “idiot” RCMP officers were in this situation -- “Keystone


Lasser, who is an ex-prison guard, believes that the three RCMP Mounties

could have "easily" handled him without the taser and he asserts, "They

could have gone in there and taken an old man without any trouble at all."6


As further emphasized, “Frank Lasser, 82, says RCMP officers could have

subdued him without resorting to using a Taser gun.”7

“Frank Lasser, 82, appeared fragile Thursday when he showed the Taser

marks on his body and talked about the ordeal he went through


"They [police] should have known I had bypass surgery," Lasser told CBC


Here’s a couple more stories about these big, brave RCMP?

As cited in B.C. police charged after Taser used on man 73, “a Taser was

used on a 73-year-old man, resulting in charges against … a Mountie

from Surrey … in connection with a 73-year-old man who was jolted with

a Taser after being arrested under the Mental Health Act.”10

“The incident happened in April when police responded to a call of a man

with a knife causing a disturbance at a home. The man was taken to

hospital, where he was stunned once by an RCMP Taser and suffered

facial injuries, police said.”11

That’s it, wait till the guy is restrained in hospital and then taser him?

In another incident, as ited in Coquitlam RCMP officers charged with

assault, “the incident allegedly occurred last June 17, when Const. Marko

Duran, 38, and Const. Trevor Doylend, 33, were conducting a radar speed

trap on Prairie Avenue in Port Coquitlam.”12

“ The officers flagged a vehicle over and were issuing a ticket when an

altercation ensued. The driver was removed from his vehicle by Duran,

with assistance by Doylend, police said.”13

“ In reviewing the file, the officers' supervisor had some concerns about

the arrest and reviewed an audio/videotape of the incident from the camera

inside the police cruiser.”14

“ A criminal investigation was then launched, resulting in an assault

charge being laid against both officers.”15

“No charges were recommended against the driver, who did not file a

complaint with police.”16

In other words, the driver did nothing?


Incredibly, “Doylend, who has four years of service, remains on duty with

Coquitlam RCMP Traffic Services.”17


So he can assault another motorist?

In one more incident, B.C. RCMP officer charged with assault, “a B.C.

Mountie appears in court next month to face a charge stemming from an

alleged 2008 assault.”18

“Const. Mike Cardinal, of the Ridge-Meadows RCMP detachment, is

alleged to have assaulted a male during an arrest after several officers

responded to a report of a noisy party in the Metro Vancouver city of

Coquitlam Feb 21, 2008.”19

“ The complainant claims Cardinal hit him on the face with a flashlight.

The man was treated at the scene by paramedics and then taken to police

cells where he was later released without charge.”20

Another case of the man doing nothing?

“Cardinal, who has remained on active duty since the alleged assault, is

scheduled to appear in court June 14.”21

“He's the second B.C. Mountie to face assault charges in a month after

Const. Imran Saeed of Surrey was hit with a third assault charge related to

two incidents three months apart last year.”22

“They occurred while he was on duty and involve an accusation that Saeed

assaulted a woman after he stopped her for a traffic violation.”23

What about this nonsense?

As cited in RCMP will not probe allegations in B.C., although “the RCMP

in Terrace, B.C. face serious allegations from community members,

according to the B.C. Civil Liberties Association, the RCMP says it cannot

investigate allegations outlined in a B.C. Civil Liberties Association report

released Wednesday.”24

Although “the report cites numerous allegations of excessive force, racial

profiling, and abuse of authority by RCMP in Terrace … accounts of false

arrest, assaults, illegal seizures and the use of "stress positions" on people

accused of being drunk ... the RCMP said it will not investigate the



That’s it, don’t look into any allegations that could make the RCMP look

even worse than they are?

As if that’s possible?


1. Royal Inland Hospital Taser Incident: Chronology of the October

Crisis, 1970, and its Aftermath

Claude Bélanger, Department of History, Marianopolis College.

2 - 6. Royal Canadian Mounted Police Taser Hospitalized 82-Year-Old

Man By Susan Duclos.

7 - 9. RCMP subdue hospitalized man, 82, with Taser

CBC News, Last Updated: Thursday, May 8, 2008

10 - 11. B.C. police charged after Taser used on man, 73

CBC News, Last Updated: Monday, October 25, 2010

12 - 17. Coquitlam RCMP officers charged with assault

Neal Hall, Vancouver Sun: Tuesday, January 4, 2011

18 - 23. B.C. RCMP officer charged with assault

CBC News, Last Updated: Friday, May 28, 2010

24 - 25. RCMP will not probe allegations in B.C.

CBC News, Last Updated: Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Chapter 3

Maybe the RCMP prefer to scare 93 year old women instead in

British Columbia, Canada?

Let’s look at some other “little guys” the RCMP have screwed over!

As cited, “a Surrey, B.C., couple were asleep in their bed when heavily

armed masked men burst into their house in January, 1996.”1

“The couple thought they were the victims of a home invasion but the

intruders were members of an RCMP tactical team.”2

“Looking for cocaine and guns, they also kicked in the door to a bedroom

where the woman’s ninety-three-year-old mother was sleeping.”3

“The suspected drug dealers the police thought lived there had moved out

six months earlier.”4

Need anyone say anything else about this RCMP blunder?

The ‘idiocy’ speaks for itself?

Too stupid to check their ‘intel’ before they “kicked in the door to a

bedroom where the woman’s ninety-three-year-old mother was sleeping.”

Does that sum it up?


1 – 4. Chronology of the October Crisis, 1970, and its Aftermath

Claude Bélanger, Department of History, Marianopolis College.


Chapter 4

Are they also too busy to investigate the many missing and murdered?

As cited in “Hunt to determine if a serial killer is preying on females along B.C.

highways” by Lori Culbert and Neal Hall, Vancouver Sun Dec. 12, 2009

Until now, it has not been clear what criteria the RCMP used to draw up its list of 18

“Highway of Tears” victims, how they chose the geographical scope of their project,

and what headway has been made on possible suspects — including a person of

interest targeted during a mysterious search this summer of a Prince George


E-Pana began in 2005 with a review of three unsolved 1994 murders along northern

B.C.’s Highway 16

Author’s note: The murders along the “Highway of Tears” go back for years “some

files are four decades old” – but the RCMP only start looking at the possibility of a

serial killer in 2005?????

Author’s note: Ah, here’s the rub – the RCMP twiddle their thumbs as

missing and murdered pile up year after year and when pressure is brought

to bear – such as the “Highway of Tears” – they use the excuse they don’t

have the resources???

However, although the RCMP try to limit the number of murdered and missing to 18

Along the “Highway of Tears”, even the Vancouver Sun newspaper on Dec. 12, 2009

in an article by Lori Culbert and Neal Hall list more victims in their article “Hunt to

determine if a serial killer is preying on females along B.C. highways”:

“A Vancouver Sun investigation has uncovered 13 other victims who went missing or

were murdered near a major roadway in B.C. or Alberta, who appear to be similar to

the 18 on the official list and, in some cases, had been linked in the past to the

“highway murders” by previous police investigations. The stories of these additional

cases will be told in our series “The Vanishing Point” over the next five days.”

Do the RCMP have a clue?

After all, it appears that 43 years of murders and missing had occurred

before the RCMP looked into the deaths due to pressure from the families

[and possibly the media]?


Chapter 5

720 Native women missing and murdered in Canada?

The secondary media source, Walk4Justice: 720 Native Women Murdered and

Missing by Valerie Taliman on September 12, 2011 that revealed this number

appears ver batim below:

When they walked out of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside on June 21, Gladys Radek

and Bernie Williams prepared themselves for raw memories and painful moments on

their fourth Walk4Justice across Canada.

Survivors themselves, Radek and Williams share the grief experienced by too many

First Nations families who continue to search for answers and seek justice for their

lost women and children.

They were surprised how many families came forward this year to report lost loved

ones – 37, so far, 35 women and two men – increasing the number of murdered and

missing Native women in Canada to an estimated 720.

And the journey’s not over.

Now 83 days into their winding 5,000 km trek to Ottawa, the Walk4Justice marchers

were greeted by families and supporters as they stopped in small towns, reserves and

cities. People also called, e-mailed and texted names and information to add to the

database of murdered and missing women.

In a telephone interview from Toronto, Williams said they plan to arrive in Ottawa in

time to address members of Parliament on September 19 at a rally to demand a

national investigation into the shocking numbers of murdered and missing women.

Organizers plan to bring 10 coffins from each province to Parliament Hill bearing the

names of those lost.

“We help collect the data about missing women because the families don’t trust the

police,” said Williams. “They’ve reported crimes and been ignored, so they reach out

to us because they know they can trust us. We lost relatives, too.”

While exact numbers are hard to track, many women’s organizations in Canada agree

that violent deaths and disappearances are increasing.

In addition to the estimated 720 Native women and children reported, several Native

women’s organizations agree that the total number of all murdered and missing

women in Canada tops more than 4,000.


According to Canada’s 2009 General Social Survey on Victimization, nearly 67,000

Aboriginal women aged 15 or older reported that they were victims of one or more

violent crimes. And 63 percent of those surveyed were aged 15 to 34, illustrating the

rise in violence toward young women and children.

“We founded the Walk4Justice in 2008 after my own niece, Tamara Chipman,

vanished in 2005 from the Highway of Tears near Prince Rupert,” said Radek.

Williams’ mother and two sisters were murdered in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside,

notorious for high rates of drug trafficking and violent crime.

Sadly, along the journey, Radek learned that another young relative, Angeline Eileen

Pete, 24, was reported missing from North Vancouver. Her family is appealing to the

public to help locate her, and a candlelight vigil was scheduled for September 11th at

Hastings and Main in the Downtown Eastside.

“It really hurt me to hear about Angeline, and it angers me knowing this has happened

to so many aboriginal women,” Radek said. “It doesn’t matter where we move in this

country – we’re not safe anywhere. It’s about time the government and police quit

talking, and actually do something.”

“I’m afraid that to them, she’s just another dead Indian.”

Only days later, the decapitated body of another missing Native woman was found

near Lake Winnipeg on the Sandy Bay First Nation in Manitoba. Roberta Dawn

McIvor, 32, was killed July 30 when two teenage girls allegedly tried to steal her car

while she was sleeping in it, according to police. Two girls, 15 and 17, are facing

charges of manslaughter and are in custody.

Tragically, she was related to Helen Betty Osbourne, a Cree woman who was

severely beaten, gang-raped and stabbed at least 50 times by four white men in 1971.

Twenty years later, the Manitoba Justice Inquiry concluded that the murder of Helen

Betty Osborne had been fueled by racism and sexism. The inquiry pointed out that

Osborne might have been saved if police had taken action on a pattern of threats to

Indigenous women.

The Walk4Justice marchers were asked to meet with McIvor’s family and honored

her memory with the Lillooet Salish Women’s Warrior song. (link to video)

Williams said it’s been hard at times riding the emotional roller coaster of searching

for answers and pushing for corrective action as they visited, cried and prayed with

families on the route. Though the Walk4Justice is four years old, Williams has been

on the frontlines of the issue for more than 25 years.

“I have no faith in the system,” she said. “There’s a raging war on women, and I can’t

make sense of how the Canadian government is continuing to allow this to happen.”


Noting that Canada recently eliminated major funding for First Nations, education

and women’s programs, Williams is skeptical about the intentions of politicians to

help solve the problems.

“They know our communities are suffering, and yet they cut funding to help heal our

children. We lose them to streets and to foster care – all those children in care are

being raised by immigrants now,” said Williams. “They don’t want us to heal – it’s

all about oppression. They’re trying to get rid of us because it ultimately comes right

back to the land and the resources.”

The 93-day walk across Canada ends in Ottawa next week, where Radek and

Williams will join hundreds of others to protest Canada’s failing policies to protect

women and children, particularly Native women.

“We’re tired of wiping up the blood of our women on the streets of the

Downtown Eastside and all across Canada,” said Radek. “The racism,

murders and oppression have to stop – that’s message we’re taking to



Chapter 6

Just like the senior scam busters run by volunteers, the RCMP rely on

volunteers to name the murder victims?

What the current author has noted, if one Google searches “unsolved

murders in British Columbia [Canada]”, page after page of web sites are

listed – but apparently not one by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police

dedicated to these poor unfortunate victims?

As an example, this web site seems to be maintained and up-dated by a

public citizen by the name of “Tony” – apparently no input from Canada’s

police force, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police [RCMP]?

Here is a tribute to the efforts of “Tony” by one grieving family:

“It is with the deepest thanks I send this note regarding all the effort you, and

everyone involved, have put into your efforts to bring to light the tragedy that has

befallen so many young people along highway 16. I feel that you have given the voice

to the victims, and their families and friends that has been sorely missing from those

that have been entrusted with the responsibility of solving these tragic, and horrible

circumstances. If more attention is brought to the many mysteries that have lived and

lie along this lonesome stretch of road- and the communities that live along it-

perhaps it will bring a long overdue spotlight to this part of our province, the crimes

that beset it, and those that are PAID and ENTRUSTED to SERVE US, ultimately

bringing an end to the vanishings and tears...” 1

Why aren’t all these missing [and presumed murdered] and / or actually

murdered individuals on a highly publicized RCMP web site somewhere?

Is the RCMP doing all they can for these grieving families?

As cited on “Missing along Highway of Tears”2, here is a list as of 04

November, 2011:

“Nicole Hoar, Age: 25

Last seen: June 21, 2002 in Prince George

Body found: No

Fact: She was hitchhiking on Hwy. 16

Age 25, 5' 9'', 130 lbs. Dark hair in a pony tail, blue eyes and glasses. Last

seen heading west from Prince George hitchhiking to Smithers on June 21,


Was carrying a large purple and black backpack. Was wearing beige

capri pants and a long sleeve red sports shirt, with a white and yellow


collar, and the name "Ravens" on it. She was carrying an olive green

shoulder bag with an orange appliqued Dragon on it.

Anyone having seen Nicole or having any information as to her possible

whereabouts please call RCMP in Prince George: (250) 561-3300 or any

RCMP detachment”3

“Tamara Chipman, Age: 22

Last seen: Sept. 21, 2005 in Prince Rupert

Body found: No

Fact: Believed to be hitchhiking on Highway 16

Hello and thank you too everyone who has helped with Tamara's case. My

name is Cory and this is my daughter Tamara. This September will be the

second year that her dad and myself have been missing our girl, it has

without a doubt been the worst two years of our lives. Not a day or even

an hour goes by that I don't think about her. Wish that I could talk to her

or even just hear her voice again. I see her face everyday but sadly only in

my mind, I talk to her only from my heart now, but I am sure that God tells

her we are loving her always and he has her safely with him. Tamara was

born on October 11. Her Grandpa Chipman drove Tom and I too the

hospital that day. I'm not sure who was more excited about her arrival?

From the minute she arrived she was loved by her entire family both my

side and Toms. But I must say that Toms dad grandpa John and grandma

Agnes were her favorites….”4

“Lana Derrick, Age: 19

Last seen: Oct. 7, 1995 in Thornhill

Body found: No

Fact: Family doesn't believe she was hitchhiking

Aged 19, Dark brown hair; brown eyes disappeared Oct. 7, 1995, at a

service station in Thornhill while home from school or the weekend. Lana

was enrolled in forestry studies at Northwest Community College. If you

have any information concerning Lana call the nearest RCMP or Police” 5

“Delphine Nikkal, Age: 16

Last seen: June 14, 1990 along Highway 16 in Smithers

Body found: No

Aged 16. Disappeared from Smithers, BC on June 14, 1990, hitchhiking

east on Highway 16 from Smithers to her home in Telkwa. If you have any

information concerning Delphine call the nearest RCMP or Police” 6


“Leah Alishia Germaine, Age: 15

Last seen: Dec. 9, 1994 in Prince George

Body found: Dec. 9, 1994 near Hwy 16

Fact: She knew victim Roxanne Thiara

From Leah's (Alisha) aunt Connie ........the memories came flooding back

along with the heartache. It has been 11 long years since she was taken

from us but it still feels like yesterday. I will never forget my sister

Debbie's anguish, anger and frustration of not knowing why and who did

this to her little girl. Deb died last year without the closure she really

needed concerning Leah's death. She never truly got over the way Leah

died.” 7

“Cecilia Anne Nikal, Age: unknown

Last seen: 1989 along Highway 16 in Smithers, her family says

Body found: No

Fact: Police say she went missing from Vancouver

I would like to add a name to your list of missing girls. My cousin Ceciia

Anne Nikal. Cecilia went missing back in 1989 before my sister went

missing. She was last seen in Smithers. She doesn't have much family to

follow up with the police to even check to see if she is still alive or not.” 8

“AieLah Saric Auger, Age: 14

Last seen: Feb. 2, 2006 in Prince George

Body found: Feb. 10, 2006 on Hwy. 16

Fact: Possibly got into a black van

Aielah Saric-Auger, 14, a student at D.P. Todd Secondary School in

Prince George, was last seen by her family on Feb. 2.” 9

“Monica Ignas, Age: 14

Last seen: Dec. 13, 1974 in Thornhill.

Body found: Apr. 6, 1975 east of Terrace

Fact: She believed to be going home from school

Monica Ignas, 15, of Thornhill, just west of Terrace, went missing Dec.

13, 1974. Her partially nude body was found in a gravel pit on April 6,

1975, about six kilometres from Terrace. She had been strangled.

One area resident, Janet Hultkrans, recalls that Ignas used to hitchhike

from Terrace to her home just past Thornhill, on the outskirts of town.

"Maybe she was the first [to disappear]," she says. "She wasn't much

older than my kids and I had picked her up once and driven her to

school, so she is forever in my memory. She was a nice girl and doesn't


deserve to be forgotten." 10

“Alberta Williams, Age: 24

Last seen: Aug. 26, 1989 in Prince Rupert

Body found: Sept. 16, 1989 on Highway 16

Fact: Family doesn't believe she was hitchhiking

Aged 24, found murdered Sept. 25, 1988. She had been reported missing a

month earlier.

Alberta Williams was slight at five-foot-two and 115 pounds with dark

brown, curly shoulder-length hair.” 11

“Ramona Wilson, Age: 16

Last seen: June 11, 1994 in Smithers

Body found: April 1995 on outskirts of town

Fact: Family does not believe she was hitchhiking

Aged 16, was hitchhiking to her friends home in Smithers, BC on June

11, 1994. Ramona's remains were found April 1995 near the Smithers


Every year on Ramona's birthday, the Wilson family gathers at the site

for a memorial, a heartbreaking ritual that she said will continue until

the case is solved” 12

“Roxanne Thiara, Age: 15

Last seen: July 1, 2 or 3, 1994 in Prince George

Body found: Aug. 17, 1994 in Burns Lake

Fact: She knew victim Alisha Germaine

Aged 15 disappeared from Prince George, went missing in Nov, 1994.

Her body was discovered dumped near Burns Lake.” 13

As further cited on “Tony’s” web page, “the following are 8 women who

were added to the Highway of Tears Investigation after Police did

profiling and found similarities to those missing along the Highway of


Gloria Moody, Age: 27

Last seen: Oct. 25, 1969 in Williams Lake

Body found: Oct. 26, 1969 in the bush

Fact: Last seen leaving a bar.

Micheline Pare, Age: 18

Last seen: July 1970 along Fort St. John/Hudson's Hope highway


Body found: Aug. 8, 1970 near Hudson's Hope

Fact: Last seen hitchhiking to a ranch

Gale Ann Weys, Age: 19

Last seen: Oct. 19, 1973 in Clearwater

Body found: April 6, 1974 off Yellowhead Highway

Fact: She was believed to be hitchhiking to Kamloops

Pamela Darlington, Age: 19

Last seen: Nov. 6, 1973 in Kamloops

Body found: Nov. 7, 1973 in city park

Fact: She was believed to be hitchhiking

Colleen MacMillen, Age: 16

Last seen: Aug. 9, 1974 in Lac La Hache

Body found: Sept. 5, 1974 near 100 Mile House

Fact: She was believed to be hitchhiking

Monica Jack, Age: 12

Last seen: May 6, 1978 near Nicola Lake

Body found: June 1995 north of Merritt

Fact: She was last seen riding her bike

Maureen Mosie, Age: 33

Last seen: May 8, 1981 in Salmon Arm

Body found: May 9, 1981 near Kamloops

Fact: She was believed to be hitchhiking

Shelly-Ann Bacsu, Age: 16

Last seen: May 3, 1983

Body found: No

Fact: Walking home along Hwy 16

As further cited on “Tony’s” web page, “The Following where listed by a

Vancouver Sun investigative report”15

Helen Claire Frost, Age: 17

Last seen: Oct. 13, 1970 in Prince George

Body found: No

Fact: Last seen leaving her apartment, near Highway16

She is not on the Highway of Tears list.

Pauline Brazeau, Age: 16

Last seen: Jan. 9, 1976 in Calgary

Body found: Jan. 9, 1976 in Cochrane, Alta..

Fact: Part of a 1980s "highway murders" investigation that included 5


victims on the Highway of Tears list

Virginia Sampare, Age: 18

Last seen: Oct. 14, 1971 on Highway 16 at Gitsegukla

Body found: No

Fact: She may have been hitchhiking

Tara Jane White, Age: 18

Last seen: July 1, 1976 in Banff, Alta..

Body found: March 24, 1981 near Morley, Alta..

Fact: Part of a 1980s "highway murders" investigation that included five

victims on the Highway of Tears list

Marie Goudreau, Age: 17

Last seen: Aug. 2, 1976 near Beaumont, Alta.

Body found: Aug. 4, 1976 in Devon, Alta..

Fact: Part of a 1980s "highway murders" investigation that included five

victims on the Highway of Tears list

Melissa Rehorek, Age: 20

Last seen: Sept. 16, 1976 in Calgary

Body found: Sept. 16, 1976 near the TransCanada highway

Fact: Part of a 1980s "highway murders" investigation that included five

victims on the Highway of Tears list

Barbara MacLean, Age: 19

Last seen: Feb. 26, 1977 in Calgary

Body found: Feb. 27, 1977 along a gravel road

Fact: Part of a 1980s "highway murders" investigation that included five

victims on the Highway of Tears list

Mary Jane Hill, Age: 31

Last seen: March 26, 1978 in Prince Rupert

Body found: Mar. 26, 1978 on Hwy. 16

Fact: A coroners inquest said place of death was Highway 16

Oanh Ngoc Ha, Age: 19

Last seen: Early 1981 in Banff

Body found: Feb. 28, 1981 near Golden

Fact: Part of a 1980s "highway murders" investigation that included five

victims on the Highway of Tears list

Elsie Friesen, Age: 34

Last seen: Apr. 3, 1989 in Winfield

Body found: May 24, 1991 on Highway 33 near Kelowna

Fact: Her remains were found near Helena Tomat's


Deena Lyn Braem, Age: 16

Last seen: Sept. 25, 1999 in Quesnel

Body found: Dec. 10, 1999 on rural road

Fact: Name associated with Highway of Tears list but left off in 2007

Here we have a tragic list of 30 disappeared and /or murdered women in

British Columbia, Canada ranging from 1960 to 1999, apparently all


Just how many possible serial killers are loose in British Columbia?

As one grieving family stated, “how long are we going to put up with this

slaughter of our young women? We criticize countries where girls and

women are killed at random but are we really so different?” 16


1 - 16. “Missing along Highway of Tears & Northern BC”

Highway of Tears Missing & Murdered

Prince George to Prince Rupert BC


Chapter 7

Here is a list of murdered and missing persons in British Columbia, Canada!

Here is a list of murdered and missing persons in British Columbia, Canada whose

identity has been registered by private citizens1 and not by the Royal Canadian

Mounted Police:

“Subject / Started by

Ashley Machiskinic thrown from building from drug debt

Started by jessica

Maple Batalia murdered Simon Fraser University

Started by solvy

Angeline Pete | 28 | Missing | North Vancouver | May 2011

Started by Concerned

James Barr | 44 | Grouse Mountain | Missing | May 25, 2011

Started by Concerned

Barry Carl Hinchcliffe - 44 - Missing - September 20, 2011 - Vancouver,


Started by debbiec

Missing Adam Myers

Started by Hailee.

Leah Nestegard & Sarah Strachan- Feb 2004 Coquitlam BC

Started by kindheart

John Fadden missing UBC area

Started by stephanie

Omid Bayani, 36, Missing Sept. 5th 2011

Started by SAP

Anita Richard AKA "Raven" Missing in Downtown Eastside Vancouver

Started by LoneLion

Melanie Alexis O'Neill 37 murdered July 26 2011

Started by Trouble445

Help solve 2009 murder of Kimberly Hallgarth - Burnaby, BC

Started by Chrissy Moore


Yating (Lancy) Hu 27 yrs old - missing since July 16, 2011 from

Coquitlam, B.C.

Started by Trouble445

Body Found | Male | Port Coquitlam | September 6, 2011

Started by Concerned

UNKNOWN - May 3, 2006 - Murdered - New Brighton Park –


Started by Desespere

Pauls family- June 11, 1958 - murder (unconfirmed)

Started by BCID

Willene Wah Chong

Started by stephanie

Vahid MAHANIAN - 35 - Missing - June 27, 2011 - North Vancouver,


Started by debbiec

Diane Lynn Buckley | April 17, 1979 | Age 18 | Missing | Vancouver

Started by Desespere

Alexander Takara 10 & Manami Sheona 6 Maniwa-Wood | 10 |

Vancouver | 12 09 04

Started by Concerned

Andrea Lena Huth | Child | Missing Vancouver BC | March 21, 1997

Started by Concerned

Elena Moise-Hanover | 36 | Missing North Vancouver | July 4, 2011

Started by Concerned

Orlando Graham | 16 | Missing ornby Island near Tribune Bay BC |

June 27, 2011

Started by Concerned

Karen Batke Missing | February 2007, Surrey BC

Started by kindheart

Yoo Chung Choi | Missing | Vancouver | June 17, 2011

Started by Concerned


Tyeshia Jones (18) | Murdered (jan 21/11)

Started by solvy« 1 2 3 4»

Human Remains Found | Male Mid 30s | April 26, 2011

Started by Concerned

Humphrey Wilkinson - Missing - January 29, 1957

Started by BCID

Human Remains Found | Richmond | June 7, 2011

Started by Concerned

Rachel Miller | 52 | Vancouver Island | Missing | May 2, 2011

Started by Concerned« 1 2»

Missing - Ying Ying (Mizuki) - 15 - April 21, 2011 - North Vancouver,


Started by debbiec”2

Who is looking into all of these cases?


1 - 2. Directory Of Unsolved Murders & Missing people in British Columbia, Canada


Chapter 8

Again, here is a list of murdered and missing persons in British Columbia,


Once again, here is a list of murdered and missing persons in British Columbia,

Canada whose identity has been registered by private citizens1 and not by the Royal

Canadian Mounted Police:

“Subject / Started by

Natasha Lynn Montgomery Missing August 2010 Prince

George / Quesnel BC

Started by gumpslou« 1 2 3»

Deena Lyn BRAEM - Unsolved Murder (Quesnel 1999)

Started by Chris« 1 2 3 ... 9»

Ian Sutherland | Murdered | 1997

Started by higramma27« 1 2»

Julie Oakley-Parker - August 3, 2006 - 33 - Missing - Quesnel

Started by Desespere « 1 2 3 ... 8»

Looking for some info on murders near baker creek community

Started by Tellis

Amanda Gore March 2005 suspicious death?

Started by solvy

Greywolf Dancingman ILDZI - 32 - Missing - April 26, 2011 - Quesnel,


Started by debbiec

Darlene Preteau missing

Started by solvy

Jason Robert Timms-- missing

Started by solvy

Ruth Hjorth missing Sept 16, 2010

Started by solvy

Brian Mirl CHAFFEE - Unsolved Murder (Quesnel 1990)

Started by Chris


Janice Ellisabeth HACKH - Suspicious Missing Person (Quesnel 1979)

Started by Chris

Wayne Albert TAYLOR - Suspicious Missing Person (Quesnel 1976)

Started by Chris

Duncan HARRIS - Unsolved Murder (Quesnel 1988)

Started by Chris

Mary Jane JIMMIE - Unsolved Murder (Quesnel 1987)

Started by Chris

Laurie Joseph BLANCHARD - Unsolved Murder (Quesnel 1972)

Started by Chris

Santokh Kaur JOHAL - Suspicious Missing Person (Quesnel - 1978)

Started by Chris

Mary Agnes THOMAS - Missing Person (Quesnel 1971)

Started by Chris

1952-09-14, BAKER nee (LEBOURDAIS), Eva Eileen - missing

Started by BC Ident

Barbara Anne LANES - Missing Person (Quesnel - NOv 2005)

Started by Chris

Herman ALEC - Suspicious Missing Person (Quesnel BC 1977)

Started by Chris

Dale Melvin JOHNSON - Missing Person (Quesnel 1992)

Started by Chris”2

Who is looking into all of these cases?


1 - 2. Directory Of Unsolved Murders & Missing people in British Columbia, Canada


Chapter 9

Again, here is a list of murdered and missing persons in British Columbia,


Once again, here is a list of murdered and missing persons in British Columbia,

Canada whose identity has been registered by private citizens1 and not by the Royal

Canadian Mounted Police:

“Subject / Started by

Kathryn Mary Kliewer, age 26 - Vernon, BC May 18, 1976

Started by Kathi's Sister« 1 2 3 4»

Crystal Ricki COSMANO- May 8, 2004. Kamloops BC

Started by kindheart

Aaron Derbyshire | missing (September 30, 2006)

Started by Mamaraine« 1 2»

Justin Craik, 19, Missing from Kelowna BC Since April 1 2011

Started by Mikesmom

VIVIAN MORZACH (15) | Murder | Steelhead Provincial Park | 2000-


Started by Chris

Sherri McLaughlin Kamloops 1993.

Started by D1

Jennifer CUSWORTH - Unsolved Murder Kelowna BC 1993

Started by Chris« 1 2 3 4»

Tabitha Lynn Weatherbee | 27 | Vernon Kelowna areas | November 9,


Started by Concerned

Lynn Kalmring | 55 | Murdered Penticton | August 16, 2011

Started by Concerned

Dale DISIMONE - 41 - Missing - August 3, 2011 - Kelowna, BC

Started by debbiec

Pamela Darlington - Nov 6, 1973 - 19 - Murdered - Kamloops - HOT


Started by Desespere « 1 2 3 4»


Mindy Tran solved or unsolved?

Started by D1« 1 2 3 ... 5»

Human remains found in Vernon

Started by solvy

David Kenneth Bonell age 48 missing since may 10 2007

Started by Davesson« 1 2 3»

Ted Tree - 67 - Missing - October 5, 2010 - Kamloops, BC

Started by debbiec« 1 2 3 ... 8»

Darren JANSEN - 17 - Missing - April 6, 2011 - Kamloops, BC

Started by debbiec

'Charles' karoly john HORVATH (aged 20 in 1989) Missing | Kelowna

(May 1989)

Started by search4charleshorvath« 1 2 3»

Tanaya BINGHAM - 15 - Missing - May 12, 2011 - Kelowna, BC

Started by debbiec

Sally Winter murdered 1985 kelowna

Started by solvy

Leah Rochelle Dawn Johnson | 31 | Missing Kamloops |Last Heard

frmApril 19, 2011

Started by Concerned

Jessica Charlie & Suzanne Adams missing Merritt

Started by solvy

Samantha Roberts : Missing teen : Kelowna

Started by SAP

Miguel Goncalves | 49 | Missing Keremeos | November 2007

Started by Concerned

Infant girls found in Princeton Outhouse

Started by houseofmetal


Started by D1 « 1 2 3»

MISSING – Two Young Men


Started by CraftyGal

Circle route: Gale Weys, Pamela Darlington, Jane Doe, Colleen


Started by bushmanpi

Missing: Geoffrey Gordon Meisner/Kelowna, BC

Started by SAP

Brittney Lee Irving | 24 | Kelowna | Missing Car Found | April 7, 2010

Started by Concerned

Diane Mary Stewart - December 31, 1996 - Murdered - Penticton

Started by Desespere


Started by Chris

Maureen May, MURDERED 1991, 05/03 Kelowna, BC

Started by beepeawee1

Nov 2008 - Unsolved Murder - 22 year old Tyler Myers

Started by Annastaisha

Geoffrey John Dowding - Unsolved Murder - Knox Mountain, Kelowna

B.C. (1983 )

Started by Adrian« 1 2 3»”2

Again, who is looking into all of these cases?


1 - 2. Directory Of Unsolved Murders & Missing people in British Columbia, Canada


Chapter 10

Again, here is a list of murdered and missing persons in British Columbia,


Once again, here is a list of murdered and missing persons in British Columbia,

Canada whose identity has been registered by private citizens1 and not by the Royal

Canadian Mounted Police:

“Subject / Started by

Marcus Simonson 15 missing Oct 9 2011

Started by solvy

Joanne Marie PEDERSON - Missing Child - Chilliwack - 1983

Started by Chris« 1 2 3 ... 23»

Kathryn-Mary Herbert - Unsolved Murder - Abbotsford BC (1975)

Started by Chris« 1 2 3 ... 6»

Cyril Williams - 78 - Missing - October 3, 2011 - Chilliwack, BC -

Started by debbiec

Found Male HR-April 4th 2007 Abbotsford BC

Started by kindheart

Tracy Fadola OLAJIDE - Unsolved Murder - Agassiz - 1995

Started by Chris

Erica Dawson | 23 | Chilliwack | Missing | February 17, 2010

Started by Concerned

Darlene Steeves 46 missing Chilliwack

Started by solvy

Roberta Marie FERGUSON - Missing Cultus Lake, BC - 1988

Started by Chris

Wesley Craig Foulds | Missing (march 4, 2009)

Started by Chris


Started by MSprenkels

Robert-Jan Planje | 64 | Missing | Chilliwack | December 13, 2010

Started by Concerned



Started by Chris

Michael COUTINHO (CO TEE NOH) -61-Missing-May-10-2010-

Chilliwack - B.C.

Started by Carol-Lynn

Human Remains Found | Base of Chilliwack Mountain | Nov 25, 2010

Started by Concerned

Victoria Lynn YOUNKER - Unsolved Murder - Mission BC 1995

Started by Chris

Josh Bowe missing

Started by solvy

Missing: Vicki Chan/ Chilliwack

Started by SAP

Missing: Michael Coutinho/ Chilliwack, BC

Started by SAP

Missing: Douglas Renz/ Chilliwack, BC

Started by SAP

Candace Shpeley - Mother of 3 still missing (Abbotsford BC) March 31

Started by Chris« 1 2 3 4»

Sonia Thomas | 41 | Surrey | Missing | March 3, 2010

Started by Concerned

Josh Hedrick - Murdered - January 11th, 2009 - Maple Ridge, B.C.

Started by chet

Anne Rose PETERS-Mission BC

Started by CraftyGal

1980-05-17, TUTE, Velvetia "Velvet" P. - missing

Started by BC Ident

Michelle Choiniere | Suspicious Death | Vedder Ridge, BC | Dec 2007

Started by Chris

Tammy Lee PIPE (aka: Starr) - Unsolved Murder - Agassiz BC - 1995

Started by Chris


Jennifer Lee-Anne Andrews-June 15th, 2006 Abbotsford BC

Started by kindheart

Sarah BUI- July 21, 2006 Abbotsford BC

Started by kindheart

Deborah Lynn ISAAC - May 8, 2006 Aggasiz BC

Started by kindheart

Olimpia Lucia Mikszan- June 21, 1996 Abbotsford BC

Started by kindheart

Ashley Dean Kristina CLAYPOOL-Chilliwack April 13th, 2007

Started by kindheart”2

Again, who is looking into all of these cases?


1 - 2. Directory Of Unsolved Murders & Missing people in British Columbia, Canada


Chapter 11

Again, here is a list of murdered and missing persons in British Columbia,


Once again, here is a list of murdered and missing persons in British Columbia,

Canada whose identity has been registered by private citizens1 and not by the Royal

Canadian Mounted Police:

“Subject / Started by

Marguerite Nicole Telesford - 18 JAN 1987 - Victoria - murdered

Started by victorian

Lindsay Buziak - 24 - Murdered - February 2, 2008 - Victoria, BC

Started by victorian« 1 2 3 ... 9»

ROBINSON, Carmen - missing (1973-12-08)

Started by BC Ident« 1 2 3»

Michael Wayne Dunahee - Abducted - Victoria BC 1991

Started by Chris« 1 2 3 ... 7»

Chantall Marie Venne - February 25, 1986 - Age 21 - Murdered –


Started by Desespere

Melissa Maureen Nicholson - June 11, 1991 - Murdered - Victoria

Started by Desespere

Kimberley Gallup - Novmber 21, 1990 - Age 17 - Murdered - Victoria

Started by Desespere « 1 2»

Shannon Rogers | Victoria | Murdered | Found June 12, 2011

Started by Concerned

Roberta Jean Elders

Started by R1966

Kimberly Proctor - Missing- March 18/10 Colwood/Langford

Started by victorian« 1 2 3 4»

Lilith Bentley missing Nanaimo Mar 7 2011

Started by solvy

Christian andrew Francis 17 missing Nanaimo Mar 6/2011


Started by solvy

Not Releasing Name | 44 | Male Missing | January 15, 2011

Started by Concerned

William Norman Lumley | 50 | Central Saanich | January 5, 2011

Started by Concerned

Jesokah Adkens | September 26, 2001 | Age 17 | Missing | Sooke

Started by Desespere

Nancy Greek ? August 23, 1991 ? Age 25 ? Missing ? Victoria

Started by Desespere

Chris Kelly Murdered in early 80s (Kristie Fowlie)

Started by oldfriendbill« 1 2»

Murdered female - late 90's, early 2000's

Started by BC Ident

Lori Senger missing since July 29, 2010

Started by hopefulT« 1 2»

Molly Justice - January 18, 1943 - Age 15 - Murdered - Saanich

Started by Desespere

Missing elderly male - circa 1990's

Started by BC Ident

1959-00-00, HAMILTON, William "Bill" James Lawrence - missing

Started by BC Ident

Cheri Lynn Smith | June 4, 1990 | Age 18 | Murdered | Victoria

Started by Desespere

Bill Osland

Started by rose

Robert Slaughter~age45~missing April 4/09~Esquimalt

Started by victorian

Molly Justice - Jan 18 1943- age 15 - murdered

Started by victorian

Jay Cook & Tanya Van Cuylenbourg- Nov '87 - murdered

Started by victorian


2003-02-16, NEILL, Marilynne "M.J." Judith - missing

Started by BC Ident


Started by skdjones” 2

Again, who is looking into all of these cases?


1 - 2. Directory Of Unsolved Murders & Missing people in British Columbia, Canada


Chapter 12

Again, here is a list of murdered and missing persons in British Columbia,


Once again, here is a list of murdered and missing persons in British Columbia,

Canada whose identity has been registered by private citizens1 and not by the Royal

Canadian Mounted Police:

“Subject / Started by

Natasha Lynn MONTGOMERY 23 Missing late August Prince George

Started by Carol-Lynn « 1 2 3 ... 5»

Jaffar Imanpour Missing from POCO sept 25 2011

Started by stephanie

Taylor Van Diest 18 murdered Oct 2011

Started by solvy

1982 murder near Golden B.C. What was the outcome of the case?

Started by Alder« 1 2 3»

Madison SCOTT- 20 - Missing - May 27, 2011 - Vanderhoof - BC

Started by debbiec« 1 2 3 ... 14»

Abigail Andrews | 28 | Missing | Pregnant | Fort. St. John | April 7, 2010

Started by Concerned« 1 2 3 ... 7»

David Robert Cox - 27 - Missing April 7, 2011 - Cranbrook, BC

Started by kimmeh

Brandy Lee FELIX - 14 - Missing - October 7th, 2011 - Prince George,


Started by kimmeh

Loren Leslie 15 years old found murdered, Fort St. James, BC

Started by Livvy« 1 2 3»

Christopher Dennis HANNAFORD - 27 - Missing - Sept 3, 2011 –

Agassiz, BC

Started by debbiec

Angeline Eileen Pete from Quatsino Village

Started by stephanie


Wanda FOSS - 60 - Missing - Princeton, BC

Started by debbiec

Lorraine Mitchell - 54 -Missing -June-15-2010 - White Rock BC

Started by Carol-Lynn

Owen Rooney (24) | Missing | Grand Forks (August 14, 2010)

Started by SAP« 1 2 3 ... 5»

Amber Alert Issued - Kienan Hebert age 3 - Sparwood, BC

Started by debbiec« 1 2 3 ... 12»

Tyler Walton | Williams Lake, BC | Missing (nov 9, 2009)

Started by Chris« 1 2 3»

Ian McFadden 35, James McFadden 9, Missing - Oct 8, 2011 - West

Shore, BC

Started by debbiec

Kevin Kennedy, 59, Missing Elk Valley, BC

Started by SAP

AMBER ALERT ISSUED - Jacob McBeath - 4 - Surrey, BC

Started by debbiec

Samantha Rachel Lange: Missing Surrey BC

Started by SAP

Eli Goldstein

Started by SAP

Pamela Jones - Murdered - Aug 11, 2011 - Salmon Arm

Started by Annastaisha« 1 2»

Darcy TUCKER - 55 - Missing - June 20, 2011 - Lytton, BC

Started by debbiec

Sharon Gayle Dawson | 61 | Missing | Qualicum Beach BC | December

28, 2010

Started by Concerned

Brianne Wolgram | September 5th, 1998 | Age 19 | Missing | Revelstoke

Started by Desespere « 1 2 3 ... 30»


Darlene Anita AKSIDAN - 37 - Missing - August 30, 2011 - Prince

George, BC

Started by debbiec

Gavin PETTY - 15 - Missing - June 21, 2011 - Surrey, BC

Started by debbiec

Tom Gaudreau | murdered | Maple Ridge BC (1991)

Started by stephanie

Dietmar Joseph FAETH, Prince George BC Last seen mid October 2010

Started by TalentsUnlimited

So Huy TRAN - 59 - Missing for two months - Port McNeill, BC

Started by debbiec

Cordula THIELKE - 42 - Missing - June 01, 2011 - Port Coquitlam, BC

Started by debbiec

Shirley Clethroe | Missing | Fort St. John RCMP | June 9, 2006

Started by Concerned

Charlotte BURCH - 68 - Missing - July 25, 2011 - Wardner, BC

Started by debbiec

Missing 1 year: Yashpal MEHAY/Surrey, BC

Started by SAP” 2

Again, who is looking into all of these cases?

Just how many serial killers do they have in British Columbia, Canada?


1 - 2. Directory Of Unsolved Murders & Missing people in British Columbia, Canada


Chapter 13

Maybe RCMP would rather shoot us dead in British Columbia,


Does it appear that, given RCMP indifference to the plight of our Native

brothers and sisters, if they have their way, it’s apparent the RCMP may

rather shoot you dead?

As cited, “later in the summer of 1995, Secwepemc traditionalists at

Gustafsen Lake (Ts’Peten) mounted an armed defence of a sun dance

cermony from racist White ranchers who were threatening and

intimidating those at the Sun Dance camp”1 [see Appendix 10a & 10b,

cited below].

“This conflict spiraled into a month long siege of the camp by the Royal

Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).”2

“With military assistance and equipment, including land mines and nine

armoured personnel carriers, 450 RCMP followed shoot-to-kill orders,

using 70,000 rounds of ammunition against the Secwepemc defenders.”3

“A significant element of the RCMP’s strategy was tight control over the

media to facilitate a “smear campaign” against the defenders, as described

in RCMP training videos.”4

“The Gustafsen Lake standoff was particularly important because of the

defenders strong stance on asserting their indigenous sovereignty, their

control of their territory and their independence from the bureaucracy of

the Canadian state and its Indian Act band councils.”5


1 – 5. Secwepemc History of Resistance

By Wii’nimkiikaa

Wii’nimkiikaa, Issue 2, 2005

Also see: There are videos on this site, if they are still there:

RCMP’s Terrorist at the Olympics

Olympics’ Top Cop Helped Blow up Truck at Gustafsen Stand-off

By Geoff Dembicki and Bob Mackin, Vancouver 24 hours, October 20,



Appendix 10a

450 RCMP followed shoot-to-kill orders, using 70,000 rounds of

ammunition against the Secwepemc defenders

Secwepemc History of Resistance

By Wii’nimkiikaa

Wii’nimkiikaa, Issue 2, 2005

The Secwepemc people’s resistance to colonization is rooted in their

spirituality, which is based on the balance brought by the Creator and his

helper, Coyote. The lessons handed down by the Coyote discouraged

greed and disrespectful behaviour amongst the Secwepemc and reinforced

the Secwepemc people’s connection to their land. But the invasion of

European fur traders disrupted the balance of Secwepemc life, as it took

time away from hunting, fishing and food gathering.

In 1812, David Stuart of the American Pacific Fur Company built Fort

Shuswap at the site of the present-day town of Kamloops. That same year,

Joseph Laroque of the Montreal-based North West Company established a

trading post across the river from the fort, where the Kamloops reserve

would later be established. These were the first colonial outposts within

the territory of the Secwepemc Nation. The North West Company bought

out American Pacific in 1813, and Fort Shuswap was renamed Fort

Kamloops. By 1821, the North West Company was absorbed by the

British Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC). The HBC further consolidated

their control of Secwepemc territory with Fort Alexandria, opened in

1821, and Little Fort, built in 1851.

Under a Royal Charter, the HBC was responsible for trade regulations,

settlement and governance. The company had the military backing of

Royal Navy gunboats, while also maintaining its own security force. The

wealthy businessmen of the HBC quickly established private enterprises

such as mines, sawmills, and canneries, and sold land to settlers to pay for

the construction of roads, ports and other infrastructure.

As animal populations declined, many Secwepemc became dependant on

the fur trade for survival. Periods of starvation hit the Secwepemc in 1822,

1827, and throughout the 1840s and 1850s. Many Secwepemc children

died in a 1927 whooping cough outbreak.

Throughout this phase of colonization, the HBC sent annual “gifts” of

tobacco to Secwepemc chiefs to dissuade them from waging war on the

company. These chiefs often became businessmen themselves. At least

two Secwepemc chiefs saw the damage the fur trade was doing and urged

a boycott. Secwepemc warriors took a direct approach, regularly attacking


fur traders’ property and robbing Hudson’s Bay employees. In 1826, Fort

Kamloops was burned to the ground by indigenous insurgents. It was

rebuilt with a fence by the Hudson’s Bay Company in 1843, only to come

under renewed attacks.

In 1841, Samuel Black, the chief factor of Fort Kamloops, was killed by a

Secwepemc named Kikoskin, who blamed Black for the death of his

uncle, Chief Tranquille. The HBC then sought to impose British law on

the Secwepemc by punishing Kikoskin, going so far as to steal

Secwepemc horses and kidnap one of Kikoskin’s children, and attempting

to persuade his fellow Secwepemc to turn him in. One person did

eventually betray Kikoskin, leading to his capture, but Kikoskin somehow

drowned before he was “brought to justice”. This incident lead to

widespread Secwepemc resentment towards the Hudson’s Bay Company,

since the Secwepemc considered themselves a free and independent

people who were not subject to the laws of a foreign nation and occupying

power. John Tod (who took Samuel Black’s place as chief factor) reported

that his men were afraid to leave Fort Kamloops because Secwepemc

warriors were shooting their horses. Secwepemc rebels also continued to

rob HBC traders found on their territory.

In 1843, William Norwich, the chief factor of Fort Alexandria, was shot

and killed by an indigenous insurgent, who was himself killed before he

could escape. A Christian missionary arrived that same year, after the

Secwepemc had suffered from three waves of disease epidemics (most

likely diptheria). With starvation setting in again, the missionary found

fertile ground for his work of assimilation. But Secwepemc resistance

continued. Fur traders’ property was pillaged in 1851 and an HBC agent

was killed the following year.

The Gold Rush of 1858 brought 30,000 American prospectors into the

territories of the Secwepemc and other neighbouring indigenous peoples.

The mainland of British Columbia was established as a colony that same

year to solidify British control of the area. The Secwepemc clashed with

gold miners, leading to deaths on both sides. At first, the Secwepemc were

able to expel prospectors from areas along the Thompson River, but in

1859, some 400 British soldiers were brought in to crush the resistance.

Some Secwepemc became miners, while others became capitalists,

employing and exploiting other Natives. It was at this time that

Secwepemc reserve boundaries were outlined by the colonial governor,

James Douglas.

In 1862, a smallpox epidemic decimated the indigenous population of

British Columbia. This came at a perfect time for the Hudson’s Bay

Company, since it worked to quell indigenous insurgency just as

settlement and capitalist industry was expanding. The company, in fact,


actively promoted the spread of the disease by burning Native villages on

Vancouver Island, forcing the survivors to flee to Native communities

throughout the province. John Tod refused to vaccinate more then 70

Secwepemc until they delivered him a year’s supply of salmon. Smallpox

was followed by epidemics of measles, influenza, whooping cough and

tuberculosis, wiping out 70-75% of the Secwepemc population. Only 17 of

the original 30 bands survived.

In 1864, the construction of a road for mining purposes in Tsilhqot’in

territory provoked warriors to kill the road construction crew, along with

five or six settlers. Five Tsilhqot’in chiefs were tricked into being

captured, and were then sentenced to death. Chief William of the

Secwepemc discouraged his people from supporting the Tsilhqot’in


Also that year, Joseph Trutch became BC’s Chief Commissioner of Lands

and Works, and reduced reserve sizes by 92%. “The Indians have really no

rights to the lands they claim, nor are they of any actual value or utility to

them” said Trutch. “I cannot see why they should retain these lands to the

prejudice of the general interests of the Colony, or be allowed to make a

market of them either to Government or to individuals.”

Christian missionaries increasingly traveled through Secwepemc territory

during this time, gathering converts, translating Christian songs into the

Secwepemc language and building chapels and missions. In 1871,

Christian day schools were established at Kamloops and St. Jospeh’s,

south of Williams Lake. The colony of British Columbia became a

province of Canada the same year. With the Indian Act of 1876, the

Canadian government came to control all aspects of Secwepemc life. Band

council governments were imposed and Christian residential schools

became official colonial policy. A residential school was built on the

Kamloops reservation in 1890, while another was set up at St. Joseph’s the

following year. The Kamloops residential school operated until 1978.

By 1877, young Secwepemc and Okanagan rebels were arguing to band

councils that armed warfare against the colonizers was once again

necessary. Some had recently spent time amongst Nez Perce insurgents in

the United States and had been inspired by their struggle. The rebels met

in Okanagan territory to organize a confederacy and discuss tactics and

strategy, but were undermined by the efforts of a Christian missionary

who convinced the Adams Lake Band to not attend. Settlers feared an

Indian uprising that never materialized.

A resurgence of resistance took place in the 1970s, including the

occupation of the Department of Indian Affairs office in Kamloops and

the armed highway blockade against poor housing conditions on the


Bonaparte Indian Band reservation at Cache Creek in 1974. This time

period was characterized by a rebirth of indigenous struggle all across

North America, influenced by the American Indian Movement and the

Lakota Nation’s stand at Wounded Knee.

In 1990, Secwepemc people blocked a road at Adams Lake and set up an

informational roadblock on the Trans-Canada highway at Chase in

solidarity with the armed Mohawk warriors defending Kanehsatake from a

golf course expansion.

Another blockade at Adams Lake in the summer of 1995 stopped the

development of a 60-unit Recreational Vehicle park development over a

burial ground. The Adams River bridge was burned during the conflict.

Later in the summer of 1995, Secwepemc traditionalists at Gustafsen Lake

(Ts’Peten) mounted an armed defence of a sun dance cermony from racist

White ranchers who were threatening and intimidating those at the Sun

Dance camp. This conflict spiraled into a month long siege of the camp by

the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). With military assistance

and equipment, including land mines and nine armoured personnel

carriers, 450 RCMP followed shoot-to-kill orders, using 70,000 rounds of

ammunition against the Secwepemc defenders. A significant element of

the RCMP’s strategy was tight control over the media to facilitate a

“smear campaign” against the defenders, as described in RCMP training

videos. Despite this, Mohawks in eastern Canada staged solidarity actions

for the Secwepemc, including an occupation of the Department of Indian

Affairs office in Brantford, Ontario. The Gustafsen Lake standoff was

particularly important because of the defenders strong stance on asserting

their indigenous sovereignty, their control of their territory and their

independence from the bureaucracy of the Canadian state and its Indian

Act band councils.

The standoff was followed by the year-long trial of the rebels, which

exposed the RCMP’s media manipulation and inspired the Vancouver

Native Youth Movement chapter to begin organizing against the BC

Treaty Process. The trial ended in convictions for 13 defenders, with

Wolverine receiving the longest sentence of four-and-a-half years.

In August of 2000, Secwepemc people held a demonstration at the

Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) office in Kamloops to support

the Mi’kmaq of Burnt Church who were then struggling against White

fishermen, (DFO) officers and the RCMP. The demonstration was also

attended by Natives from Cheam and Penticton. In September, Adams

Lake and Neskonlith band members blocked the Canadian Pacific Railway

for three hours in solidarity with the Mi’kmaq.


October of 2000 marked the beginning of the campaign against the Sun

Peaks ski resort, which encompasses three mountains and several lakes.

This sacred territory is known as Skelkwek’welt and has always provided

the Secwepemc with a variety of plant and animal food sources. Many

Secwepemc ancestors are buried in the area. The campaign against the

destruction caused by Sun Peaks has included the building of homes and

cultural structures at the site, roadblocks, and occuppations of government

offices. More than 50 arrests were made over the course of four years, and

several Secwepemc homes and structures were bulldozed or burnt down

by Sun Peaks employees and supporters, with the complicity of the

RCMP. Throughout this time, various solidarity demonstrations for the

Secwepemc held in Vancouver and Toronto targeted the Delta Hotels

chain, which is a major player in the Sun Peaks resort.

In 1997, the Indian Act chiefs of eight Secwepemc bands signed a

Protocol Agreement with thge Sun Peaks resort. In 2001, Felix Arnouse,

chief of the Little Shuswap band, and Richard LeBourdais, chief of the

Whispering Pines band, signed a joint venture agreement with Sun Peaks

for an $8 million dollar housing development. “We have to seize every

opportunity to work with Sun Peaks if we want to succeed as a band and

as a business,” said Arnouse, who also complained during the 1995

Adams Lake blockade that the action was costing him business.

An RCMP Emergency Response Team raided the homes of Native Youth

Movement members on the Secwepemc Neskonlith reserve and at Bella

Coola in Nuxalk territory in 2003, seizing computers and files.

In August of 2004, traditional Secwepemc built a new re-occupation camp

at the Sun Peaks Resort, after a march through the resort village by about

200 Natives and non-Native supporters of the Secwepemc struggle. A

court injuction against the camp occupants was enforced on September 21,

resulting in three arrests. One Skwelkwek’welt defender gave his name

and was released. Two others refused to give their names and began

fasting, but another prisoner recognized one of them and gave his name to

the police. Crown counsel eventually decided to not proceed with the

contempt charges against the three defenders. Solidarity pickets were held

on September 23 at Delta and Fairmont Hotels (Delta is owned by

Fairmont) in Victoria, Vancouver, Calgary, Saskatoon, Winnipeg and


The Sun Peaks Resort is in the midst of its $285 million dollar Phase 2

development, which will add 6,000 bed units. Darcy Alexander, vice

president of Sun Peaks, also sits on the BC government’s Resorts

Taskforce, which is working to advertise BC’s existing resorts and

promote new development throughout the province.


“Getting in on the ground floor is always a little adventurous. It means you

see something that others initially overlook. And we believe that this

pioneering spirit should be celebrated.” – Sun Peaks Resort real estate

advertisement, January, 2004

Sources: A Century of Change, by Annabel Cropped Eared Wolf

(Secwepemc Cultural Education Society) The First Hundred Years of

Contact, by John Coffey (Secwepemc Cultural Education Society) Coyote

U (Theytus Books)


Appendix 10b

‘Now they’re gonna kill us’

There are videos on this site, if they are still there:

RCMP’s Terrorist at the Olympics

Olympics’ Top Cop Helped Blow up Truck at Gustafsen Stand-off

By Geoff Dembicki and Bob Mackin, Vancouver 24 hours, October 20,


RCMP’s Bud Mercer was in the thick of several famous clashes with

dissenters. This story, with video of the exploding truck, is first in a series.

Bud Mercer pictured rifles aimed at him as he pushed deeper into the

forest. A short run behind him, past mid-sized poplars and aspens and

scraggly bush, lay the smoking remains of a red pick-up truck, destroyed

minutes earlier by RCMP explosives. A yellow Labrador retriever was

slumped close to it. Two police bullets had cut the dog down as it fled on

the rutted gravel road. Mercer feared an ambush in the sparse forest. He

strained the leash to keep Lukar, his German shepherd police dog, from

running too fast. He was flanked by three other officers. The team squatted

close to the forest floor every 12 metres, muscles tense. Within minutes,

they broke through the bushes and onto the grassy shoreline of Gustafsen

Lake. Mercer saw the two fugitives, stripped to their waists, wading into

the water. He went to unclip Lukar, knowing the police dog would attack.

But before he could do it, buzzing, whining bullets ripped through the air

above him. He hesitated.

On Sept. 11, 1995, up to 7,000 police gunshots climaxed a month-long

standoff with natives in the backwoods of interior B.C. Fifteen people

were convicted for their armed defence of sacred land they said was never

ceded to Canadian settlers.

Mercer now commands a $491.9 million RCMP-led force, tasked with

securing the 2010 Winter Olympics. He’s a central figure in the biggest

peace-time security operation in Canada’s history. When athletes and

officials arrive next February, many observers wonder if — and how —

he’ll unleash that force.*

Gustafsen Lake isn’t the only high profile clash of law enforcement with

dissenters where Bud Mercer played a key role. He was on the frontlines

when APEC protesters were pepper-sprayed in 1997. And when tree-

sitters tried to stop logging in the Elaho Valley in 2000, Mercer led a team

to roust them from their perches. The Tyee and 24 Hours have researched


these incidents, interviewing Mercer and many people involved, in order

to provide a multi-part, in-depth portrait of the top cop of the 2010

Olympics — his present duties and past controversies. The story starts 14

years ago, as a rebellion brewed in the Shuswap.

‘Now they’re gonna kill us’

On Aug. 18, 1995, Percy Rosette woke to the stamps and grunts of horses

stirring in the morning mist. Normally that meant a wolf was nearby. He

grabbed a hunting rifle, and went to see what was wrong.

Rosette was a Shuswap faithkeeper. That made him the caretaker of sorts

for a few acres of sacred land at Gustafsen Lake, a remote piece of

wilderness near 100 Mile House. Each year, Shuswap natives gathered

there for a holy ceremony called the Sundance. A 70-year-old rancher

named Lyle James owned the land, but an agreement with Rosette kept the

peace. Yet the relationship collapsed early in the summer of 1995. The

Sundancers were sick of cleaning up manure left by James’ cattle, so they

built a fence around the holy site. On June 14, 1995, James and 12 ranch

hands served a trespass notice. They pulled up to the native encampment

on horseback and 4X4’s, threatening to hang a “red nigger,” Gustafsen

defence lawyer George Wool alleged. One cracked a bull whip. Another

had a 30-30 Winchester rifle.

When they left, the natives surrounded their camp with defensive walls,

made from hundreds of logs stacked about a metre and half high. More

than two months passed in a standoff as native constables met with James

and camp occupants to broker a deal.

Neither side would back down. Such was the state of affairs when Rosette

rose early on August 18 to check on the camp horses. Rifle in hand, he

scanned the forest carefully, trying to make out shapes in the low fog. He

saw movement: Men dressed in camouflage, crawling on their stomachs

through the woods. They were carrying big guns. “You have to sort of

think that through,” Wool said. “Because a few weeks earlier these

redneck cowboys had been threatening the camp occupants. It appears the

people in the camp interpreted this as being ‘the rednecks are coming back

and now they’re gonna kill us.’”

Rosette aimed at the intruders, and fired.

‘We see this as an act of terrorism’

The camouflaged men weren’t cowboys, but an RCMP reconnaissance

team, dressed in combat boots, camouflage pants and green vests. Four of

them carried M-16 semi-automatics and one had a sniper rifle. The team


fled, frightened, when a bullet whizzed over Constable Ray Wilby’s head.

Days later, 400 heavily armed RCMP officers laid siege to the native

camp. Military helicopters criss-crossed the sky. Armoured personnel

carriers (APCs) roughly double the height of an average person cruised the

perimeter. It would become the largest paramilitary operation in B.C.

history, a $5.5 million display of state-sanctioned might. “We won’t just

sit back and do nothing,” Inspector Len Olfert of the Kamloops RCMP

subdivision said at the time. “There has been an escalation; the threat is

serious. We see this as an act of terrorism.”

Bud Mercer arrived at Gustafsen Lake that August with almost 20 years

experience on the force. He was accompanied by Lukar, a German

shepherd trained to track the scent of people through city streets and

forest. Mercer was a veteran dog handler on the Vancouver Emergency

Response Team (ERT). He’d trained with Lukar since the dog was an 11-

month-old puppy. In six years together, they’d responded to as many as

1,600 police calls. Mercer liked being a dog handler — it put him right in

the middle of the action.

On Sept. 10, 1995, he and Lukar were posted to a deeply rutted

backcountry road just south of Gustafsen Lake. Mercer stood guard as his

fellow ERT members sunk shovels and picks into the gravel road. His

colleagues laid thin, rectangular sheets of explosives, which Mercer later

compared to fruit rollups, in the hollow. The team shovelled gravel onto

the ditch and stretched a wire from the buried explosives to the west side

of the road. They had orders to disable a red pick-up truck — used to

shuttle firewood and water into the camp — the next day. (Beyond

identifying the truck as a “target of opportunity,” it’s not entirely clear

why the RCMP gave the order to blow it up, though court documents

suggest police knew it was used primarily to transport water.)

The ERT was expected to apprehend anyone inside the truck. Mercer and

Lukar spent the night outdoors.

Police lay in wait

During the month-long standoff, the camp defendants expected the worst.

They performed elaborate sweat lodge ceremonies to purify their bodies,

minds and spirits. They fanned sticks of smouldering sage to rid

themselves of negative energy. “The people in the camp wanted to prepare

for the eventuality that something happened — if there was an all-out

shoot-out and maybe someone got killed,” said Splitting the Sky (aka John

Boncore), a Mohawk native who communicated often with his friends



Food came from supporters on horseback, who knew how to enter the area

undetected through secret backwoods trails. The natives also relied on a

red pickup truck to get safe drinking water into their camp. At noon on

Sept. 11, 1995, James Pitawanakwat and non-native supporter Suniva

Bronson were spotted by the RCMP’s “Eye in the Sky” — a video-

equipped airplane — as they loaded water bottles into the back of the

truck. They’d brought the camp dog along for the ride, a well-liked yellow

Labrador retriever from the Kamloops SPCA.

When the truck-bed was full, they drove the pickup along a grassy track

and turned left onto the main road. It was an older vehicle, and pretty

banged up. Frequent trips in and out of the bush on bad country roads had

chipped paint and left scratches across its red exterior. Mercer was

crouched behind a log, about 30 paces from the buried explosives, when

he got the “heads-up” over the police radio. Lukar was lying down beside

him. He could hear the rumble of rubber tires on gravel as the truck

approached the RCMP position.

The truck explodes

With a crushing boom that could be heard in the native encampment, the

explosives went off. (Video below.) A cloud of dust, dirt and black smoke

mushroomed dozens of metres above the poplars and aspens that fringed

the road. On instructions from the explosives unit, Mercer lay on the

ground for two seconds to let the air clear. But when he stood up, the air

was so thick from dust and dirt he couldn’t see. In that time, a dark-green

APC the size of a tank rammed the disabled pickup, sending the terrified

camp dog sprinting for safety.

RCMP officers fired two bullets into the yellow retriever’s side, killing it

by the side of the road. Mercer would later replay his memory of the

explosion and the events that followed about a hundred times. The police

radio buzzing like crazy. Two gunshots cracking somewhere in the cloud.

The confusion of grey dust blending with bush and tree. After 30 seconds,

the forest became visible again. Mercer heard over the radio that the truck

had been found empty, so he set off with Lukar and three ERT members

into the woods. The sparse forest presented ideal tracking conditions. It

was the kind of place where the RCMP would train a young dog. But wary

of an ambush, Mercer didn’t let Lukar run too fast, keeping a firm grip on

his six-metre tracking line. The team soon stumbled upon a loaded banana

clip, and then a set of gloves. Mercer felt as if they’d travelled a kilometre,

but it was only a couple hundred metres. When the radio crackled that two

weapons had been found in the red truck, the team went full tilt, breaking

through the bushes and into a clearing on the shores of Gustafsen Lake.

Mercer hesitates


Mercer could see Pitawanakwat and Bronson wading out into the water.

They had somehow survived the blast and escaped the destroyed truck

alive. He knew if he unclipped Lukar, the dog would attack one of them.

He decided to do it. But as bullets began to land all around him, he

dropped to the ground with the rest of the RCMP team. They were in

swampy terrain, patched with knee-high grass and not adequate cover for

the hunting rifles pointed at them from across the lake.

Mercer sensed their lives were in danger. He kept Lukar clipped to the

leash while the team retreated back to the tree-line and crouched behind

some logs. From there, they saw an APC pull onto the shoreline directly

behind the two fugitives. The hatch opened and Corporal George Preston

emerged, aiming his rifle at Pitawanakwat and Bronson, then firing two

shots into the water beside them. He ordered them to put their hands up

and move towards the shore. But when bullets started slamming into the

APC, Preston ducked back inside.

Mercer was some 23 metres west of the shore. He carried a 9mm handgun

yet stayed out of the action because he was too busy keeping a handle on

Lukar.* The dog was so agitated from all the gunfire it was trying to

attack fellow ERT members. During the next three hours, RCMP forces

fired up to 7,000 shots, according to their own estimates.

The battle ended in stalemate. Suniva Bronson suffered the only injury, a

bullet in her arm. Six days later, the camp occupants surrendered.

‘A very legally volatile situation’

During the ensuing 10 month trial, the 18 defendants — and their

supporters — invoked the 1763 Royal Proclamation, an elusive piece of

legislation meant to protect native lands from settler encroachment. They

claimed the Shuswap nation had never negotiated binding treaties. The

rancher James said the Sundance site was his, because he’d paid for it.

The ramifications of the native position were huge. “In terms of what

motivated government and RCMP action, the decision-making on those

things was driven by trying to keep control of a very legally volatile

situation,” said Janice Switlo, a legal advisor who wrote a comprehensive

account of the standoff. As the trial came to a close, 15 defendants were

convicted of charges ranging from mischief to property to weapons

possession, but many of the more serious accusations were dropped.

Not long after the standoff, Mercer had to retire Lukar. In 1991, the dog

had suffered a severe injury while on assignment in northern Alberta.

Mercer had sent Lukar after an armed man who’d just murdered his wife.


The man smashed his rifle on Lukar’s head so hard the gun broke in half,

each piece dangling from its sling. The German Shepherd’s neck cracked

in several places. He survived, but would never fully recover from a

damaged spinal cord.

As the wound calcified over the years, Lukar began to limp on both front

paws. Mercer forced him into early retirement after Gustafsen Lake. Yet

the two didn’t part.

“I kept Lukar as a pet, which was a little different,” the Olympics security

boss told The Tyee and 24 hours. “I couldn’t give him up. He stayed with

the family until he was 11 or 12.”

Gustafsen Lake ‘the worst case scenario’

Fourteen years after the standoff at Gustafsen Lake, the events of Sept. 11,

1995 still resonate deeply for some members of B.C.’s native community.

United Native Nations president-elect David Dennis pointed fingers at

Mercer last month during an Olympics and civil liberties forum in

Vancouver. It’s concerning, he said, that the same RCMP officer who

stood by as a red truck exploded now leads Games security.

Those fears hold strong for Splitting the Sky. He hurled invectives at

Mercer during a recent Tyee interview, claiming the Gustafsen Lake

connection is becoming well-known in B.C.’s native community. “Word is

going around, that’s for sure,” he said.

Defence lawyer Wool also views the events of summer 1995 as an

injustice. But he doesn’t think individual officers such as Mercer should

be singled out. “He was a dog handler back in 1995,” Wool said. “He was

there because he was told to be there.”

Switlo agreed. Yet Canadians must still remember the standoff as an

alarming misuse of RCMP force, she said. “It’s the worst case scenario:

How not to handle matters that become difficult between indigenous

nations and Canadians.” The kind of situation that can be a learning

experience for the law enforcement officials who were there. What lessons

they take away aren’t revealed until the next time they find themselves in

similar circumstances.


Chapter 14

It’s very clear the RCMP in British Columbia Canada apparently

murdered the Polish immigrant?

Let’s change direction and see why the Royal Canadian Police do not apparently have

a dedicated web site to all the missing and unsolved murders in British Columbia,


Remember readers that Canada is made up of 10 provinces and three territories.

British Columbia is only one of those ten provinces?

If the above noted chapters list page after page of missing and / or murdered

individuals just in BritishColumbia, why doesn’t the Royal Canadian Police have a

dedicated web site to all the missing and unsolved murders in Canada?

Is it because they are just too busy defending their stupid and very often deadly


Let’s look at this tragic case:

Did the RCMP get away with murder?

Some appear to think yes!

"Nothing will happen to them, still they are on the job, the four RCMP

officers who caused Robert's death by what they did, and then they lie,"

said Cisowski [see Appendix 7, cited below].1

The case involved the vicious tasering to death of 40-year-old Polish

immigrant Robert Dziekanski.

The RCMP lies start immediately.

Richmond RCMP Sgt. Pierre Lemaitre said officers struggled to subdue

the man: 'Even though he had received what they call pulses, two pulses

from Taser, he was still out of control.'2

The man actually died after 4 Taser jolts, witness alleges.3

In fact, one witness said she offered to tell the RCMP officers what she

witnessed, and that one officer said, "'I'll be with you in a few minutes.'"

But the officers did not take a statement from her, she alleges.4

As reported, “within seconds, he had been Tasered. Dziekanski, even after


falling to the ground, shrieking in pain, was Tasered repeatedly.”5

The cover-up begins!

“After the event, the Mounties all gave similar statements about how

Dziekanski had come at them, yelling and wildly swinging the stapler, and

how several officers had to wrestle the man to the ground.”6

However, a video proves the RCMP officers outright lied!

A witness’s video of the event showed none of that happened ... if not for

the video, might have got away with whitewashing what the judge called

the force’s "shameful" conduct in the events that led to an innocent man’s


As further reported, “I saw more RCMP officers lie to cover up this

cowardly crime.”8

Incredibly, “on Dec. 12, 2008, B.C. Criminal Justice branch spokesman

Stan Lowe "cleared" the four officers of any wrongdoing and portrayed

Dziekanski as a violent and agitated alcoholic whose irrational behavior

contributed to his own death.”9

However, even this Stan Lowe was put in his place when Cisowski had the

satisfaction of hearing Thomas Braidwood call the four Mounties

"inapproprivately aggressive" and "patently unbelievable," while

emphasizing Dziekanski did nothing wrong nor in any way caused his

own death.10

Caught in their lies thanks to videotape of the “cowardly” crime, as it has

been described.

Braidwood called the bystander video by Paul Pritchard of Dziekanski's

Tasering death "invaluable" evidence that "couldn't be cross-examined."11

“Onlookers were incredulous when RCMP Commissioner William Elliott

said Friday he wouldn't be announcing any disciplinary measures for any

of the four Mounties for their role in Dziekanski's death.”12

Get away with murder and no consequences?

Even the apology to Robert Dziekanski’s mother was a bunch of RCMP


“A raft of internal RCMP emails was released through an Access to

Information Act request showing that the April 1 apology was a carefully-


crafted script designed not to blame any RCMP member.”13

“On the day before the staging of the apology, RCMP Deputy

Commissioner Gary Bass reassured RCMP staff relations supervisor Brian

Roach that their "apology" to Cisowski did not mean they were

apologizing for anything specific that any of their officers had done.”14

"Essentially, even though the word ‘apology’ worries some, we are not

apologizing for the actions of specific members or saying anything about

specific actions.”15

Cisowski said yesterday "this just shows that the RCMP even when they

apologize to me, they coverup.”16

Actually tasered five times!

“The e-mail, sent by RCMP Chief Supt. Dick Bent to Assistant

Commissioner Al Macintyre suggested for the first time that the four

Mounties who responded to a call at Vancouver's airport planned to use a

Taser on Robert Dziekanski, who died at the airport on Oct. 14, 2007,

after he was Tasered five times.”17

Finally: “why do provinces put up with this police force, it would be less

disastrous and more economically feasible to have their own provincial

police forces -- more control?”


1. Still they get no consequences. By Suzanne Fournier, The Province,

June 20, 2010.

2 - 3. RCMP say deceased man was 40-year-old Polish immigrant Robert

Dziekanski. Last Updated: Tuesday, October 16, 2007. CBC News.

4. One witness said she offered to tell the RCMP officers what she


5 - 7. Inquiry deservedly hammers RCMP in Dziekanski death. By Paul

Schneiderit, The Chronicle Herald, Tue. Jun 22.

8. I saw more RCMP officers lie to cover up this cowardly crime.

9 - 12. Still they get no consequences. By Suzanne Fournier, The Province,

June 20, 2010.

13 - 16. RCMP's apology grudging, evasive. By Suzanne Fournier, The


Province, June 17, 2010.

17. E-mail Suggests Four RCMP Officers Committed Perjury While

Senior Officers Sat Silent. Contributed on Sun, 2009/06/21 - 2:30pm.

Also see: Startling New Email Halts Inquiry. By Neal Hall and Lori

Culbert; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun.

Also see: Damning e-mail suggests the four officers committed perjury

and that senior officers sat silent while they did. By Ian Mulgrew; June 20,

2009 - Vancouver Sun.


Appendix 7

'Still they get no consequences'

'Still they get no consequences'

Four Mounties involved should not get off scot-free, says Dziekanski's


By Suzanne Fournier, The Province June 20, 2010

Zofia Cisowski's "darkest hour" after learning that her son Robert

Dziekanski was dead came when B.C. criminal justice officials declared

that the RCMP had done nothing wrong -- and that it was her son's own

fault that he died.

Now that she has been vindicated by the Braidwood Inquiry report

castigating the officers and ruling her son did nothing wrong, Cisowski

still carries with her a news clipping containing the earlier blaming, hurtful


On Dec. 12, 2008, B.C. Criminal Justice branch spokesman Stan Lowe

"cleared" the four officers of any wrongdoing and portrayed Dziekanski as

a violent and agitated alcoholic whose irrational behaviour contributed to

his own death.

Last week, Walter Kosteckyj, Cisowski's lawyer, said "that was Zofia's

darkest hour, after losing her son, and that's why she still carries that news

clipping with her."

So far, Cisowski notes, none of the four Mounties "has ever got any


On Friday, Cisowski had the satisfaction of hearing Thomas Braidwood

call the four Mounties "inapproprivately aggressive" and "patently

unbelievable," while emphasizing Dziekanski did nothing wrong nor in

any way caused his own death.

"This tragic case is at its heart the story of shameful conduct by a few

officers," Braidwood said.

"It ought not to reflect unfairly on the many thousands of RCMP and other

police officers who have protected our communities and earned a well-

deserved reputation in doing so."

Cisowski heard B.C. Attorney-General Mike de Jong promise to appoint a

special prosecutor and commit to a citizen-led Independent Investigation


Office to conduct criminal investigations into RCMP or municipal police

incidents causing death or harm.

Friday was an exhausting day after a night in which Cisowski slept little,

coming at the end of years of hearings in which a video of her son's death

was screened repeatedly -- although it helped a kind and patient former

judge get to the truth.

Braidwood called the bystandervideo by Paul Pritchard of Dziekanski's

Tasering death "invaluable" evidence that "couldn't be cross-examined."

Cisowski received an apology Friday from the RCMP's top cop,

Commissioner William Elliott.

Yet as a mother, Cisowski did not hear from Elliott -- the first lawyer and

non-cop to head the national RCMP -- the words she has waited so long to

hear, she said.

"Nothing will happen to them, still they are on the job, the four policemen

who caused Robert's death by what they did, and then they lie," said


Listening to Elliott say the RCMP has reformed its training and Taser

policies, Cisowski whispered: "Still they get no consequences for causing

my son's death."

Braidwood's 460-page report, entitled simply Why? The Robert

Dziekanski Tragedy, is a blistering denunciation of the four Mounties who

Tasered and restrained Dziekanski face down, then left him unattended

until he died.

Onlookers were incredulous when Elliott said Friday he wouldn't be

announcing any disciplinary measures for any of the four Mounties for

their role in Dziekanski's death. He said he would await the special

prosecutor's report.

Elliott acknowledged that Cpl. Benjamin Monty Robinson is suspended

with pay, but only in connection with the unrelated traffic death of a

motorcyclist. That matter doesn't go to trial until April 2011.

The other three -- Const. Gerry Rundel, Const. Bill Bentley and Const.

Kwesi Millington -- are "on the job but not in front-line policing," said

Elliott, who couldn't explain why the four officers could be criticized

about an unjustified death and yet remain on the RCMP payroll.


Elliott hinted it might even be too late to mete out internal punishment, but

admitted: "We recognize there needs to be fairly fundamental changes in

our discipline system."

Braidwood said the four Mounties behaved as if they were responding to a

"barroom brawl," and senior officer Robinson "intervened in an

inapproprivately aggressive manner."

"I found that Mr. Dziekanski had been compliant, was not defiant or

resistant, did not brandish the stapler and did not move toward any of the

officers," Braidwood said.

"I concluded the constable [Millington] was not justified in deploying the

weapon and neither the constable nor the corporal honestly perceived that

Mr. Dziekanski was intending to attack any of the officers."

Braidwood said the other two officers also "offered patently unbelievable

after-the-fact rationalizations of their police notes and statements to [the

Integrated Homicide Investigation Team]."

As for Robinson's claim that the Mounties made a point to check if

Dziekanski was alive, Braidwood was dismissive.

"I can place little reliance on the testimony of Cpl. Robinson that he

constantly monitored Mr. Dziekanski's breathing until the firefighters

arrived. Similarly, I find unpersuasive the testimony of Const. Rundel that

. . . he knelt down near Mr. Dziekanski and heard him breathing and


"I am satisfied that Mr. Dziekanski went into cardiac arrest first, then went

unconscious, and finally showed signs of cyanosis, all within 75 seconds

of being handcuffed."

De Jong was prompt to appoint special prosecutor Richard Peck to look

into possible criminal charges against the four Mounties.

"There was misconduct here and that reflects badly [on the RCMP]," said

de Jong.

"The human dimension in this is staggering, that someone would be lost

within an airport for hours, separated by a glass door forever from one of

his loved ones."

The stark images on the Pritchard film, of the police behaviour and a

man's death, had enormous impact, said De Jong.


"Many people [not just in B.C.] remember where they were at the time the

film was shown," he said.

"We are welcoming and one of the friendliest countries in the world -- we

didn't display it that day."


Chapter 15

No one but a moron misses this fact, however, RCMP Commissioner

William Elliott did!!

The case involving the vicious tasering to death of 40-year-old Polish

immigrant Robert Dziekanski warrants an additional chapter to see the

extent of the lies by the RCMP to cover-up.

As noted, “we have seen often-quoted Mountie mouthpiece Cpl. Dale Carr

tell the Braidwood inquiry that top RCMP brass made a deliberate

decision not to correct misinformation RCMP had given to the media

about Dziekanski’s death.”1

In fact, “e-mail suggests four RCMP Officers committed perjury while

senior officers sat silent,”2 specifically suggests Mounties planned to

deploy Taser before they arrived at YVR, contrary to their testimony.3

As reported, “after months of outrage about the conduct of the four

Mounties who responded to Vancouver Airport Oct. 14, 2007, who can

believe that at the last minute, a federal lawyer would produce what many

would consider a smoking gun -- an e-mail saying the officers decided to

use the Taser before confronting the Polish immigrant?”4

“If true, the Nov. 5, 2007, e-mail titled "Media strategy -- release of the

YVR video," from RCMP Chief Supt. Dick Bent to assistant

commissioner Al McIntyre, establishes the four have been lying through

their teeth. This critical document suggests the four officers committed

perjury and that senior officers sat silent while they did so.”5

"The documents that have just come to our attention include a critical e-

mail from very high up in the RCMP chain of command, disclosing that

the officers decided in a premeditated way, en route to the scene.”6

Even the RCMP lawyers apparently lie?

“Lawyer Helen Roberts, who represents the RCMP at the inquiry, offered

a tearful apology to inquiry commissioner Thomas Braidwood, a retired

judge, for not disclosing the e-mail sooner.”7

“Helen Roberts had every reason to be in tears Friday as she apologized to

the public inquiry into Dziekanski's death for failing to disclose what

appears to be not just germane but also startlingly important evidence.”8

Robert’s crocodile tears don’t wash!


“If Roberts had cried over Dziekanski mother's pain, I would be moved --

but a veteran lawyer wet-eyed over another screw-up in this case? I think

they were crocodile tears.”9

"I find this delay in disclosing it to the commission appalling," Braidwood

said. "The contents of this e-mail goes to the heart of this inquiry's


"It should have been disclosed much, much sooner ... months and months


"It's a stunning turn of events," Don Rosenbloom, the lawyer representing

the government of Poland at the inquiry.12

Rosenbloom said the 11th-hour disclosure "is totally inconsistent with

testimony given under oath" and goes to the heart of the issue of police

fabrication. During the hearing, he said, "we were alleging [the four

Mounties] were fabricating their story."13

The RCMP fabrication was, in fact, true!

Dziekanski's mother told reporters she was surprised and angry about the

e-mail being released so late. She suggested there had been a "coverup."14

"This is the kind of evidence someone should have known would have

important consequences," said Walter Kosteckyj, the lawyer representing

Dziekanski's mother at the inquiry.15

He said he had spent the last two weeks preparing his final arguments for

the inquiry, only to find not all the evidence has been heard.16

The RCMP lawyer tries to white-wash the facts?

David Butcher, the lawyer representing Const. Bill Bentley, one of the

four Mounties involved in the in-custody death, said Bent's e-mail was

hearsay and not credible evidence.17

B.C. Attorney-General Mike de Jong said he was concerned about the new

development, "the possibility that new evidence may be emerging at this

late date is troubling, and I'm sure very troubling for the commission

itself," he said.18

"Commissions of this sort, and really our system of justice, rely on all

witnesses who give evidence under oath to provide truthful and honest



Incredibly, Commissioner William Elliott's carefully parsed press release

was equally unbelievable: "This was simply an oversight. Unfortunately in

an exercise of this magnitude, such an oversight can occur."20

Elliott a moron, as cited, “no one but a moron overlooks the import of an

e-mail like this” [see Appendix 8a – 8c, cited below].21

That was not an "oversight." It was professional incompetence or a cover-


Paul Kennedy, the chairman of the Commission for Public Complaints

Against the RCMP, using a news conference in Vancouver, took some

well-aimed verbal shots at stagnant RCMP culture, especially its

notorious, self-destructive resistance to change. It is a “massively inert”

organization, he said, and that must not stand.23


1. RCMP admissions in Dziekanski Taser death are troubling. By Damian

Inwood, Wed, Apr 22 2009.

2. E-mail Suggests Four RCMP Officers Committed Perjury While Senior

Officers Sat Silent. Contributed on Sun, 2009/06/21 - 2:30pm.

3. Startling New Email Halts Inquiry. By Neal Hall and Lori Culbert; June

20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun.

4 - 5. Damning e-mail suggests the four officers committed perjury and

that senior officers sat silent while they did. By Ian Mulgrew; June 20,

2009 - Vancouver Sun.

6 - 7. Startling New Email Halts Inquiry. By Neal Hall and Lori Culbert;

June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun.

8 - 9. Damning e-mail suggests the four officers committed perjury and

that senior officers sat silent while they did. By Ian Mulgrew; June 20,

2009 - Vancouver Sun.

10 - 19. Startling New Email Halts Inquiry. By Neal Hall and Lori

Culbert; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun.

20 - 22. Damning e-mail suggests the four officers committed perjury and

that senior officers sat silent while they did. By Ian Mulgrew; June 20,

2009 - Vancouver Sun.

Also see Appendix 10a – 10c about RCMP Commissioner William Elliott


being called a ‘moron’.

23. RCMP watchdog goes out firing with Dziekanski report. Posted:

December 08, 2009, 6:35 PM by Ron Nurwisah. By Brian Hutchinson,

National Post.


Appendix 8a

Damning e-mail suggests the four RCMP officers committed perjury

and that senior RCMP officers sat silent while they did

Column: Mounties in Tasering should face prosecution: Damning e-mail

suggests the four RCMP officers committed perjury and that senior RCMP

officers sat silent while they did

By Ian Mulgrew; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun

The Braidwood Inquiry into the Taser-related death of Robert Dziekanski

has been blown up and left in ruins by the revelation a key RCMP e-mail

was withheld from the commission.

After months of outrage about the conduct of the four Mounties who

responded to Vancouver Airport Oct. 14, 2007, who can believe that at the

last minute, a federal lawyer would produce what many would consider a

smoking gun -- an e-mail saying the officers decided to use the Taser

before confronting the Polish immigrant?

If true, the Nov. 5, 2007, e-mail titled "Media strategy -- release of the

YVR video," from RCMP Chief Supt. Dick Bent to assistant

commissioner Al McIntyre, establishes the four have been lying through

their teeth.

This critical document suggests the four officers committed perjury and

that senior officers sat silent while they did so. Worse, it seems there are

many other documents that have not been turned over that may be


This e-mail was one of 260 documents on a CD sent by the RCMP to the

justice department last April, yet the federal lawyers didn't open the CD

until last week.

Last week? Evidence delivered in April didn't get opened until last week?


Helen Roberts had every reason to be in tears Friday as she apologized to

the public inquiry into Dziekanski's death for failing to disclose what

appears to be not just germane but also startlingly important evidence.

If Roberts had cried over Dziekanski mother's pain, I would be moved --

but a veteran lawyer wet-eyed over another screw-up in this case? I think

they were crocodile tears.


Commissioner William Elliott's carefully parsed press release was equally

unbelievable: "This was simply an oversight. Unfortunately in an exercise

of this magnitude, such an oversight can occur."

Bollocks. No one but a moron overlooks the import of an e-mail like this.

The officers deny the explosive content is true and Roberts says Bent was

wrong in what he said. But their protestations ring hollow after almost 18

months of bluster and denial. So does Elliott's threadbare these-things-

happen excuse.

The situation is as bad as the most virulent critics of the Mounties feared.

This is no longer about four officers who made mistakes in judgment: It's

about an organization that thinks it is above the law.

"I find this delay in disclosing it to the commission appalling," an upset

Braidwood said. "The contents of this e-mail goes to the heart of this

inquiry's work."


Braidwood says his inquiry will resume on Sept. 22 after commission

lawyers have time to review the e-mail, conduct an investigation and

perhaps call the senior Mounties to testify about the document.

I think not.

There was a time when I thought Oct. 14, 2007 was the day that would

live in the annals of RCMP infamy, but June 19, 2009 has eclipsed the

tragedy of Dziekanski's death.

On Friday, a country's faith in a once proud, once revered institution died.

We have left the realm of how to regulate Taser use and the circumstances

of Dziekanski's death and entered the world of criminal conduct -- which

is beyond Braidwood's provincially rooted authority to investigate.

If we needed any prod to reopen the decision not to prosecute these

officers, we now have been given it.

It is time to thank commissioner Braidwood for his excellent work in

bringing these unsettling facts to light and it's time to appoint a special



The B.C. Law Society should also begin an investigation into the conduct

of Roberts and any other federal lawyer involved in this staggering lack of


That was not an "oversight." It was professional incompetence or a cover-



Appendix 8b

E-mail Suggests Four RCMP Officers Committed Perjury

E-mail Suggests Four RCMP Officers Committed Perjury While Senior

Officers Sat Silent

By Neal Hall and Lori Culbert; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun

Contributed by blackandred on Sun, 2009/06/21 - 2:30pm.

In sections: British Columbia Canada Accountability Rights Security


Startling New Email Halts Inquiry

Suggests Mounties planned to deploy Taser before they arrived at YVR,

contrary to their testimony

A shocking e-mail found last week brought the Braidwood inquiry to a

sudden halt Friday and may result in the most senior RCMP officers in

B.C. being required to testify.

The e-mail, sent by RCMP Chief Supt. Dick Bent to Assistant

Commissioner Al Macintyre suggested for the first time that the four

Mounties who responded to a call at Vancouver's airport planned to use a

Taser on Robert Dziekanski, who died at the airport on Oct. 14, 2007,

after he was Tasered five times.

Under the subject line "Media Strategy - Release of YVR video," the e-

mail, dated Nov. 5, 2007, said: "Finally spoke to [Supt.] Wayne [Rideout]

and he indicated that the members did not articulate that they saw the

symptoms of excited delirium, but instead had discussed the response en

route and decided that if he did not comply that they would go to CEW

[conducted energy weapon]."

Lawyers for the four RCMP officers involved in the fatal incident said

Friday their clients deny they formulated a plan to use a Taser on


The officers testified at the inquiry they arrived in separate police cars and

had no discussion beforehand.

Alex Pringle, a lawyer representing Rideout, who was in charge of

investigating Dziekanski's death, appeared at the inquiry Friday and read a

statement from his client, which said Bent's e-mail was in error. Pringle

said it was a "misunderstanding of a conversation I had with him."


Lawyer Helen Roberts, who represents the RCMP at the inquiry, offered a

tearful apology to inquiry commissioner Thomas Braidwood, a retired

judge, for not disclosing the e-mail sooner.

She also said Bent was mistaken in his e-mail and that the officers did not

plan to use the Taser. She offered to have senior Mounties testify.

"I find this delay in disclosing it to the commission appalling," Braidwood

said. "The contents of this e-mail goes to the heart of this inquiry's work."

The e-mail will have to be investigated and further hearings may be

required, the commissioner said.

He ordered the inquiry adjourned until Sept. 22. The delay was due to

summer plans already made by many of the lawyers involved in the

inquiry, he added.

Friday was supposed to be the start of final submissions by lawyers

representing various parties, including the four Mounties involved in the

in-custody death.

Commission counsel Art Vertlieb told the inquiry that the new e-mail was

disclosed Tuesday by lawyers for the federal justice department, which

represents the RCMP.

"It should have been disclosed much, much sooner ... months and months

ago," Vertlieb later told reporters, adding he was "upset and frustrated" by

the last-minute disclosure.

He said he didn't know whether the RCMP disclosed the e-mail to Crown

counsel before a decision was made that no criminal charges were

warranted against the four officers.

Vertlieb told the inquiry that the Bent e-mail was among 260 documents

on a CD sent by the RCMP to the justice department in April, just before

RCMP media relations officers testified at the inquiry about the botched

handling of information released to the media in the days after

Dziekanski's death.

He said the federal lawyers didn't open the CD until last week, discovering

the Bent e-mail and other documents.

"It's a stunning turn of events," Don Rosenbloom, the lawyer representing

the government of Poland at the inquiry, told reporters after the

commissioner ordered the three-month adjournment.


"The documents that have just come to our attention include a critical e-

mail from very high up in the RCMP chain of command, disclosing that

the officers decided in a premeditated way, en route to the scene, to use

the Taser if Mr. Dziekanski did not comply."

Rosenbloom said the 11th-hour disclosure "is totally inconsistent with

testimony given under oath" and goes to the heart of the issue of police


During the hearing, he said, "we were alleging [the four Mounties] were

fabricating their story."

Dziekanski's mother told reporters she was surprised and angry about the

e-mail being released so late. She suggested there had been a "coverup."

"This is the kind of evidence someone should have known would have

important consequences," said Walter Kosteckyj, the lawyer representing

Dziekanski's mother at the inquiry.

He said he had spent the last two weeks preparing his final arguments for

the inquiry, only to find not all the evidence has been heard.

David Butcher, the lawyer representing Const. Bill Bentley, one of the

four Mounties involved in the in-custody death, said Bent's e-mail was

hearsay and not credible evidence.

"The chief superintendent is simply wrong," he said.

The late disclosure of the e-mail was the result of an oversight, RCMP

Commissioner William Elliott said in a statement issued Friday.

"We have produced thousands of documents to our legal counsel for their

review and for them to transmit all relevant material to the commission,"

Elliott said, pointing out that it was the RCMP that brought the Bent e-

mail to the attention of the inquiry commissioner on Friday.

"Commissioner Braidwood was informed that a specific document was not

provided and he himself accepted the government of Canada's sincere

apologies for this oversight," Elliott's statement said.

"The RCMP wants all of the facts surrounding this tragic event to be

known so that we can learn as much as possible and make any further

required changes to the RCMP's policies and practices."

B.C. Attorney-General Mike de Jong said he was concerned about the new



"The possibility that new evidence may be emerging at this late date is

troubling, and I'm sure very troubling for the commission itself," he said.

"Commissions of this sort, and really our system of justice, rely on all

witnesses who give evidence under oath to provide truthful and honest


Whether the testimony in the Dziekanski inquiry has been truthful will be

up to Braidwood to decide, de Jong said. It will be up to Braidwood to

assess the new evidence and determine its relevance before making his

findings, he said, adding that it was too early to comment on the possible

fallout from Friday's events.

The attorney-general said it would be premature to comment on whether

criminal charges against the four officers should be reconsidered.

"I'm not going to rule anything in or out. I am going to wait with keen

interest for Mr. Braidwood's report."

Dziekanski, who spoke no English, had travelled for 24 hours from Poland

and spent about 10 hours at the airport, unable to find his mother, who

went home to Kamloops after being told by officials that her son couldn't

be found.

The 40-year-old man eventually started throwing around furniture,

prompting a bystander to call 911.

Seconds after four Mounties arrived, Dziekanski was Tasered. He died at

the scene.


Appendix 8c

The RCMP had decided to electrocute him before they even saw him

They had decided to electrocute him before they even saw him

Rusty Idols, New Democrats Online

In the car on the way to the airport as revealed in an email the government

finally revealed on what was supposed to be the last day of the Braidwood


And you thought the RCMP's behavior couldn't look any worse.

This e-mail was one of 260 documents on a CD sent by the RCMP to the

justice department last April, yet the federal lawyers didn’t open the CD

until last week.

Last week? Evidence delivered in April didn’t get opened until last week?


Helen Roberts had every reason to be in tears Friday as she apologized to

the public inquiry into Dziekanski’s death for failing to disclose what

appears to be not just germane but also startlingly important evidence.

If Roberts had cried over Dziekanski mother’s pain, I would be moved —

but a veteran lawyer wet-eyed over another screw-up in this case? I think

they were crocodile tears.

Commissioner William Elliott’s carefully parsed press release was equally

unbelievable: “This was simply an oversight. Unfortunately in an exercise

of this magnitude, such an oversight can occur.”

Bollocks. No one but a moron overlooks the import of an e-mail like this.

The officers deny the explosive content is true and Roberts says Bent was

wrong in what he said. But their protestations ring hollow after almost 18

months of bluster and denial. So does Elliott’s threadbare these-things-

happen excuse.

The situation is as bad as the most virulent critics of the Mounties feared.

This is no longer about four officers who made mistakes in judgment: It’s

about an organization that thinks it is above the law.


Chapter 16

What are you going to do about the 40 year old RCMP lies published

by Squamish in 1976 and again in 2013?

Bob Paulson, RCMP Commissioner

RCMP National Headquarters

Headquarters Building

73 Leikin Drive

Ottawa ON K1A 0R2


Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada

Constituency Office

1600 - 90th Avenue SW, Suite A-203

Calgary, Alberta T2V 5A8

Telephone: 403-253-7990

Fax: 403-253-8203

Lisa Lapointe, Chief Coroner

Chief Coroner's Office

Metrotower II Suite 800 - 4720 Kingsway

Burnaby, B.C. V5H 4N2

Phone: 604 660-7745

Facsimile: 604 660-7766

RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson and Prime Minister Stephen Harper

and British Columbia Chief Coroner Lisa Lapointe – Squamish has

uploaded 40 year old RCMP lies – what are you going to do about it?

What kind of graduates does the University of Alberta have?

“Darby Love and Sanfu Chen both happen to be graduates of the library studies

program at the University of Alberta.”

Why would a University of Alberta graduate travel all the way to Squamish British

Columbia, Canada?

A distance of 1,223 km?

Why would a University of Alberta graduate travel all the way to Squamish British

Columbia, Canada to upload one article from a non-existent newspaper to the



“The company that owned the paper doesn't exist anymore so while the library has

verbal permission to use the archives of the Squamish Times there is no formal

document making it clear so an application is in front of the copyright board seeking

formal acknowledgement that the library can publish the newspaper archive online,

says Sanfu Chen.”

What was Sanfu Chen‘s purpose?

The author reveals the mystery!

Squamish, British Columbia, Canada

The home of Liars!

These people published their 40 year old lies anyway at the insistence of Prime

Minister Stephen Harper and RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson!!

Squamish Public Librarian Sanfu Chen & Darby Love!

The Squamish Chief newspaper Laila Michell, David Burke, Rebecca


These books will be published until these “bastards” remove the “shit”

they have uploaded!!

More about this in Chapters 19 to 22.,


Chapter 17

People are wondering, is the British Columbia Coroner’s Office

useless under Lisa Lapointe, Chief Coroner?

As cited in “B.C. coroner refused to investigate death, says family

Family suspected link between birth control pills and blood clots”, CBC News

Posted: Feb 5, 2013

A Salmon Arm woman is questioning why the B.C. Coroners Service did not

investigate the potential links between the sudden death of her sister and the birth

control pill she was prescribed.

When 36-year-old Rhonda Bergen died suddenly from blood clots in hospital this past

December, the coroner refused to investigate, saying she had died from natural


But the family decided to pay for their own autopsy to find out what really caused her


Critics say it's another example of the coroner’s service not doing its job.

Bergen was overweight and suffered from poly cystic ovarian syndrome, her sister

Lorelei Holden told CBC News, and Bergen was particularly troubled with one of the

side effects of the illness.

"She really struggled with extra hair growth. Because of the syndrome you have extra

male hormones in your body," said Holden.

Prescribed birth control pills for condition

Six weeks before her death, Bergen's doctor put her on a prescription for Yasmin, a

birth control pill to treat the condition.

After five weeks on Yasmin, Bergen suddenly developed breathing problems and

went to a walk-in clinic where the doctor told her she was likely suffering from the


"'We'll put you on amoxicillan and order a chest X-ray,'" Holden recalls her sister was


Four days later, Bergen's breathing had worsened and she checked in to the

emergency room at the hospital in Salmon Arm.

But the emergency room doctor told her that her chest X-ray was clear and she was

sent home once again.


Eight hours later she returned, this time in an ambulance. Doctors soon determined

she had a life-threatening condition: huge blood clots had developed in her lungs.

"They did a CT scan and found pulmonary embolisms," said Holden. "She told me

that she was scared and she asked me not to leave and I told her I wouldn't leave,"

said Holden.

But Bergen didn't last another hour. She died on Dec. 16.

Yasmin linked to increased risk

Both the US Food and Drug Administration and the Health Canada warn the hormone

in Yasmin increases the risk of clots by as much as three times, when compared with

older birth control pills.

Studies show that on average one in 10,000 women on older birth control pills will

develop blood clots, but as many as three in 10,000 will develop clots on newer pills

like Yasmin.

In Salmon Arm, Bergen's family had suspicions about the role Yasmin may have

played in her death.

When the coroner ruled she had died of natural causes and refused to order an

autopsy, they decided to pay for one themselves.

"We asked for an autopsy and the end result was our family paid for her autopsy,"

said Holden.

It cost $1,200 and the pathologist who did it listed Yasmin and Bergen's morbid

obesity as risk factors for blood clots.

Natural causes not investigated

B.C. Coroners Service spokesperson Barb McLintock says the coroner’s service is

doing fewer autopsies these days.

"Everybody in the provincial government is trying to find every dollar they can, so

we are applying our autopsy policy more carefully than we have in the past," said


Critics say a change in mandate that came in 2007 has also reduced the numbers.

But in the case of Bergen's death, McLintock maintains the service didn't have the

authority to investigate.


"The coroner does not have jurisdiction over anyone who dies of natural disease

process while under the care of a physician," said McLintock.

But former B.C. coroner Dr. Robert Crossland says that when a woman dies suddenly

after starting a drug, that is the coroner's business.

"I think it's hiding underneath a rock to say this is natural, therefore we should not

become involved," said Crossland.

"All they're saying is the cause of death is natural, but why they died, why that cause

occurred, that's a good reason to investigate."

Only the Interior Health Authority is still investigating the death.

Bergen's family is getting legal advice to join many others in suing the makers of




at 11:14 PM ET

Something is seriously wrong with our government when they cut funding for the BC

Coroners Service to the extent that 2 questionable deaths that occurred in roughly the

same area (Salmon Arm and Revelstoke) have been refused autopsies.

In this case, the family of the deceased were forced to pay $1,200 for an autopsy,

after being told she died of 'natural causes'. It's hardly 'natural' for a young woman

to die from blood clots caused by prescribed birth control pills.

In the Revelstoke case, the doctor's death was called a suicide after he was found with

multiple stab wounds, and had been threatened by a criminal who had just been

released from prison. There was a 'suicide note' typed on his computer that his

brother was not allowed to see because he was not 'next of kin'.

Did someone get away with murder because of funding cuts by the BC government?


Chapter 18

Even the experts apparently think the British Columbia Coroner’s

Office is useless under Lisa Lapointe, Chief Coroner?

As cited in “Low autopsy rate in B.C. alarms experts: Too many deaths

inadequately investigated, former coroners say”, CBC News

Posted: Feb 6, 2013.

British Columbia has the lowest autopsy rate in Canada, raising concern among some

experts that too many deaths in the province — and even possible homicides — are

inadequately investigated.

Just 19.2 percent of deaths in B.C. where a medical examiner or coroner has done a

preliminary investigation are followed up by autopsies.

The average rate in the rest of Canada is about 35 per cent.

“[A] 19-per-cent autopsy rate in a coroner service, I think, is appallingly low,” said

Dr. Robert Crossland, a former coroner in B.C. “It should be much, much higher.

"There’s something wrong here. Is it because we don’t have the money?”

The B.C. Coroners Service budget has been cut to $11.7 million this year from $12.1

million last year.

Families concerned

CBC News has spoken to two B.C. families who believe the deaths of their loved

ones were not sufficiently investigated, and in one case, a homicide might have been


John Morrison doesn't believe his brother — Dr. Roger Morrison, of Revelstoke,

B.C., a family physician and avid body builder — could have taken his own life in

November, as police and a coroner concluded.

“My brother had severed both his main arteries in each arm and his wrists were

severed and he had a series of lateral cuts across his chest,” John Morrison said.

The man’s body was found in what police first treated as a bloody crime scene in his

upscale home.

A local coroner wanted to do a full autopsy, but was overruled by senior officials in

the coroners service.

A Revelstoke funeral director who saw the death scene also thinks an error was made.


“Nothing was standard [about the scene],” said Gary Sulz. “I would have like to have

seen the autopsy completed.”

Another former B.C. coroner, Kathleen Stephany, also said the service is not doing its


“This could be a homicide, and we will never know if there's been no autopsy,”

Stephany said.

A coroner also declined to perform an autopsy investigating the death of Rhonda

Bergen, who died six weeks after starting a prescription for the controversial birth

control pill Yasmin.

The family paid $1,200 for a private autopsy, which concluded Bergen had died from

blood clots in her lungs and that the birth control pill and morbid obesity were risk

factors for such clots.

Change in mandate

Critics say a change in mandate in 2007 reduced the number of autopsies.

B.C. Coroners Service spokeswoman Barb McLintock acknowledged to CBC News

that budget cuts have affected the choices coroners are making.

“Everybody in the provincial government is trying to find every dollar they can, so

we're applying our autopsy policy more carefully, maybe a bit more rigidly than we

have in the past,” McLintock said.

McLintock also released a statement late Tuesday from B.C. chief coroner Lisa

Lapointe in response to inquiries from CBC News.

Lapointe said she could not comment on specific cases, but said decisions on

autopsies are made collaboratively.

“The decision is made by the coroner and regional coroner after objectively

examining all information available including that provided by the police

investigators. Both police and the coroner make decisions based on their knowledge,

experience and expertise in the investigation of death and scenes of death,” the

statement said.



Okanagan Bob2013/02/06

at 10:10 AM ETA forensic autopsy of the books is required. And on BC Rail as well.

How does a railway pass through the hands of the ex-husband and brother of the

premier to new owners without questions being asked? And how can a provincial

government move debt onto the books of BCHydro and claim to be balancing the



Chapter 19

Hey Lisa Lapointe, Chief Coroner, what are you going to do about

these 40 year old RCMP lies uploaded by Darby Love and Sanfu


What kind of graduates does the University of Alberta have?

“Darby Love and Sanfu Chen both happen to be graduates of the library studies

program at the University of Alberta.”

Why would a University of Alberta graduate travel all the way to Squamish British

Columbia, Canada?

A distance of 1,223 km?

Why would a University of Alberta graduate travel all the way to Squamish British

Columbia, Canada to upload one article from a non-existent newspaper to the


“The company that owned the paper doesn't exist anymore so while the library has

verbal permission to use the archives of the Squamish Times there is no formal

document making it clear so an application is in front of the copyright board seeking

formal acknowledgement that the library can publish the newspaper archive online,

says Sanfu Chen.”


What was Sanfu Chen‘s purpose?

The author reveals the mystery!

Squamish, British Columbia, Canada

The home of Liars!

These people published their 40 year old lies anyway at the insistence of Prime

Minister Stephen Harper and RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson!!

Squamish Public Librarian Sanfu Chen & Darby Love!

The Squamish Chief newspaper Laila Michell, David Burke, Rebecca


As mentioned, these books will be published until these “bastards” remove

the “shit” they have uploaded!!


Chapter 20

As can be seen below, the author has the original Coroner Inquest report sent to

him by the Coroner’s office of British Columbia Canada!!


Author’s Note: The letters and numbers [P3ai] at the bottom of the above noted letter

refers to the evidence Terry Mallenby submitted to the Federal Court of Canada when

he SUCCESSFULLY SUED the Royal Canadian Mounted Police!!

The RCMP didn’t like this and has harassed Terry Mallenby, his wife and children

since that time!!!

And now they have another RCMP stooge to do that – none other than Sanfu Chen??

And they did that when they knew the Terry Mallenby’s lawyer was out of town??


Again, this author has to put the facts straight!!!

The verdict in this Coroner’s Inquest – by persons or persons unknown:



Chapter 21

So what have the RCMP done, they have gotten another stooge [Sanfu Chen] to put

some more bull-shit about Terry Mallenby – this time that he was an unwilling

witness to railroad him into jail!

The RCMP pulled this “shit” in 1976, and now again in 2013!!!


Yet Sanfu Chen insists as her first piece on the internet to put:

Husband reluctant witness .at Mallenby inquest -

And why would she choose this article about Terry Mallenby as the first item she puts

out on the internet??



Terry Mallenby successfully sued RCMP!


Terry Mallenby successfully sued RCMP!


Terry Mallenby successfully sued RCMP!


Terry Mallenby was diagnosed with a multitude of Disorders

Terry Mallenby was diagnosed with a multitude of disorders as a

consequence of RCMP and Federal Government illegal acts, harassment

and other abuse.

Author’s note: Anyone who has to identify a loved-one in the morgue can appreciate

the horror, grief, anger one experiences?


Terry Mallenby was diagnosed with a multitude of Disorders

Author’s note: Anyone who has to identify a loved-one in the morgue can appreciate

the horror, grief, anger one experiences?


Terry Mallenby was diagnosed with a multitude of Disorders


Chapter 22

Yet Sanfu Chen insists as her first piece on the internet to put in the RCMP

“shit” that Terry Mallenby was an unwilling witness!

The RCMP pulled this “shit” in 1976, and now again in 2013!!

Yet Sanfu Chen insists as her first piece on the internet to put:

Husband reluctant witness .at Mallenby inquest -

And why would she choose this article about Terry Mallenby as the first item she puts

out on the internet??

So who is Sanfu Chen?

Here she is here:

Historical Squamish photos and documents go online

Project awaiting word on next round of funding to carry on

by John French

As cited, “getting the materials published online is librarian Sanfu Chen's task. She

started full-time with the library in Squamish in June armed with a Library and

Information studies degree along with undergraduate studies in art history.”



Sanfu Chen starts in June and shortly thereafter she puts out on the internet this article

about Terry Mallenby a supposed unwilling witness??

Husband reluctant witness .at Mallenby inquest -

Who would want this out there so fast – why the RCMP that’s who!!

RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson!!!

After all there are a lot of books out there about RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson!!!

Just look all the books on by Wallice Bellair!!!

What else do we know about Sanfu Chen?

Well she was at or still is at the University of Alberta!!

“Darby Love and Sanfu Chen both happen to be graduates of the library studies program

at the University of Alberta.”


Where does the Prime Minister come from??

Ah, Alberta!!

Surely Prime Minister Stephen Harper would want to do his fair share to help the RCMP

out – why not have two people from the University of Alberta pretend they are doing an

internet project, and guess what the first article they put out on the internet is some

“bogus shit” about Terry Mallenby!!

After all there are a lot of books out there about Prime Minister Stephen Harper!!!

Just look all the books on by Wallice Bellair!!!


Why else would a person from the University of Alberta come to a small town in British



Seems rather strange – don’t you think??


Graduate student Sanfu Chen shifts through the Squamish Library’s archives

Photo by Rebecca Aldous/The Chief

And to show the haste of the RCMP to get this “crap” out about Terry Mallenby - Sanfu

Chen doesn’t even have permission yet:

“The company that owned the paper doesn't exist anymore so while the library has

verbal permission to use the archives of the Squamish Times there is no formal document

making it clear so an application is in front of the copyright board seeking formal

acknowledgement that the library can publish the newspaper archive online, says Chen.”


Who cares – she apparently is at the beck-and-call of the RCMP, RCMP Commissioner

Bob Paulson, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper??

Husband NOT reluctant witness at Mallenby inquest! That was more lies by the RCMP!!



Squamish Times, Mallenby inquest: The husband was NOT reluctant witness



Oh, by the way - RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper

have suppressed these two books????????????


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