senior project: testing the effects of carb cycling jessica tondreau and shannon pierce

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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Senior Project:Testing the effects of Carb CyclingJESSICA TONDREAU AND SHANNON PIERCE

The Benefits of Working Out and Eating Healthy

Controls WeightBoosts EnergyHelps with Stress and Depression Improves LearningBuilds Self Esteem

What is Carb Cycling? Carb cycling is alternating the carb count a person takes in. Generally one will switch off

between a high carb day and a low carb day.

The high carb days are meant to take in lots of carbohydrates to help promote muscle growth.

The low carb days are in place to help minimize fat gain and even promote fat loss.

We focused on carbohydrates over a fully high protein diet because research shows that carbs seem to have the most influential effect on the body composition which reflects how someone looks physically.

High Carb Days:

stimulate an insulin response that transports nutrients in your muscle cells, causing them to grow which then shows results of the desired larger muscle look

Low Carb Days:

promote fat loss by tricking your body in a way that teaches it to burn fat for fuel instead of the sugar from the carbs it would normally get, which is the reason this diet burns the most fat in a fast acting, yet healthy way.


Diet Tested: Carb Cycling More about Carb Cycling

The common carb cycling schedule alternates between high- and low-carb days, six times a week, saving the seventh day for “cheat” meals.

Carbohydrates are used as energy by the body; they fuel your body during workouts and provide sufficient fuel to be used throughout the day. Eating carbs also replenishes your glucose and glycogen stores to prevent fatigue.

On high-carb days it is encouraged to eat a lot of complex carbohydrates such as whole grains and fruits

On low-carb days you should get most of your power through protein from things like fish, chicken, lean meat, tofu or eggs.

Example of A Carb Cycling Diet A typical low-carb day:

7 a.m. two scrambled eggs with 1/2 red bell pepper

10 a.m. protein shake with berries

1 p.m. 3 ounces grilled chicken with 1 cup asparagus

4 p.m. 1/3 cup oatmeal with 10 almonds

7 p.m. 3 ounces steak with 2 cups steamed broccoli and cauliflower

A typical high-carb day:

7 a.m. 1/2 cup oatmeal with walnuts and berries

10 a.m. apple with 2 tablespoons peanut or almond butter

1 p.m. half turkey sandwich on whole-wheat bread

4 p.m. 1 cup three-bean salad with 1 cup quinoa

7 p.m. 3 ounces grilled chicken with 1 cup whole-wheat pasta and pesto

Community Sponsor Diet: Weight Watchers

Weight watchers is a well known dieting program that gives you how many “points” of food you can eat in one day based on your weight, height, amount of exercise, age, and how much weight you want to lose.

Offers personal coaching, meetings, and an app to help you keep track of your points

After 1 week our sponsor lost 4lbs She was given 27 points per day If you put your workout into the app it will give you more points for the

day depending on the duration/intensity of the workout

Typical Day on Weight Watchers Morning:

1/8 cup Wegman’s cereal (1 point)

¾ cup Fage yogurt w/ blueberries and strawberries (3 points) Midday:

¼ cup dry roasted salted almonds (6 points)

1 Caesar-style steak salad (6 points) Evening:

1 medium plain baked potato (4 points)

1 tbsp. regular butter (3 points)

5 oz Tony Romas pulled pork (6 points)

WorkoutsFull body workouts were done with different muscles on alternate days of

the week so as not to tire out the muscles and give them time to recoverTwo days a week (Tuesday and Thursday) there was also an added cardio

session where we were all either on the stair climber, treadmill, or ellipticalOne day a week was also used as a total rest day (Sunday)Everyone moved at their own pace with regards to the amount of weight

used on the machines so as not to cause injurySome of the machines used:Seated Cable RowsWide-grip Lat Pull DownStanding Calf RaisesAb Crunch MachineLeg Extensions

Typical Weekly Workout Schedule Monday:Total body

Tuesday:Legs and Back (morning)Cardio (afternoon)

Wednesday:Total body

Thursday:Arms and abs (morning) Cardio (afternoon)

Friday:Legs back and abs


Sunday:Rest day


We started off by taking the measurements of each other girls’ height, waist, hips and buttocks, arms, bust, calves, and of course, weight.

These measurements will be the base measurements that we use to compare all of the results for the weeks to come with the work out schedule and diet plan.

All measurements were taken using a flexible inch tape measurer and subjects were weighed at precisely 9 A.M. every Monday at the beginning of the week.


Week 1 Measurements

Date Age Weight Height Waist Hips/Buttox

Thighs Arms Bust Calves

Subject A 5/18 (9am) 18 143.0 5’5" 30” 39.5” 24.25” 11” 36.5” 14.75”

Subject B 5/18 (9am) 18 143.3 5’2 3/4” 28” 40” 23” 10” 34” 15.5”

Subject C 5/18 (9am) 18 160.0 5’9” 30.5” 39.5” 24” 11.5” 37.5” 15”

Subject D 5/18 (9am) 17 115.5 5’ 5 1/2” 26” 36.25” 21” 9.5” 32.75” 12.5”

Subject E 5/18 (9am) 18 133.0 5’6" 27.5” 38.25” 22” 10.25” 35.5” 14.25”

Week 2

Week 2 did not show significant results compared to that of week 1.

Some of the subjects who have a higher percentage of body fat lost excess weight faster than those with less fat. Our later results showed that the girls who started out with more body fat had an easier time cutting down weight in the time limit permitted than those who were thinner to start out with.


Week 2 Measurements

Date Age Weight Height Waist Hips/Buttox

Thighs Arms Bust Calves

Subject A 5/25 (9am) 18 142.4 5’5" 29.8” 39.3” 24.2” 11” 36.5” 14.75”

Subject B 5/25 (9am) 18 142.1 5’2 3/4” 27.9” 39.9” 22.5” 10” 34” 15.5”

Subject C 5/25 (9am) 18 158.7 5’9” 30.3” 39.5” 23.75” 11.5” 37.5” 15”

Subject D 5/25 (9am) 17 114.9 5’ 5 1/2” 26” 36.2” 21” 9.5” 32.6” 12.5”

Subject E 5/25 (9am) 18 132.0 5’6" 27.2” 38.2” 21.8” 10.2” 35.3” 14.25”

Week 3 Week 3 is when we noticed the most results in our subjects. It seems as if two weeks of vigorous and

maintained work out if the general key time to check measurements to start to see real results.

Notice that the hight and age obviously do not change. There is no way to change your height, however height usually does tend to range as you grow older and slouch more. Of course, even though we all wish it could, working out and eating right cannot change one’s age; although the more in shape you are, the younger you look.


Week 3 Measuremetns

Date Age Weight Height Waist Hips/Buttox

Thighs Arms Bust Calves

Subject A 6/8 (9am) 18 141.6 5’5" 29.4” 39.3” 24 1/4” 10.9” 36.5” 14.75”

Subject B 6/8 (9am) 18 140.8 5’2 3/4” 27.5” 40” 23” 9.8” 34” 15.5”

Subject C 6/8 (9am) 18 157.3 5’9” 30.1” 39.5” 24” 11.4” 37.5” 15”

Subject D 6/8 (9am) 17 114.9 5’ 5 1/2” 25.8” 36.25” 21” 9.6” 32.5” 12.6”

Subject E 6/8 (9am) 18 131.2 5’6" 26.8” 38.25” 22” 10.25” 35.2” 14.4”

Week 4 Week 4 does not show much a change from week 3, but as you can see there is quite the change

from week 2 and certainly week 1 when we first took the subjects’ initial weight and measurements.

The arm, calves, bust, and height changed little to none throughout the weeks whereas the weight, thighs, and hips/buttocks lost the most inches. This is because the hips/buttocks and the thighs hold the most simple fats that are easiest to lose. Most women loose significant amounts of inches in their bust as well because that too is a place where excess fat is stored and is the number one place to lose fat first.


Week 4 Measurements

Date Age Weight Height Waist Hips/Buttox

Thighs Arms Bust Calves

Subject A 6/15 (9am) 18 140.8 5’5" 29.3” 39.4” 24 1/4” 10.9” 36.5” 14.75”

Subject B 6/15 (9am) 18 140.0 5’2 3/4” 27.1” 40” 23” 9.8” 34” 15.5”

Subject C 6/15 (9am) 18 156.1 5’9” 29.8” 39.4” 24” 11.5” 37.5” 15”

Subject D 6/15 (9am) 17 114.7 5’ 5 1/2” 25.7” 36.3” 21” 9.6” 32.5” 12.6”

Subject E 6/15 (9am) 18 131.0 5’6" 26.3” 38.3” 22” 10.25” 35.2” 14.4”


This experiment was not only fun and helpful, but Jessica and I feel it has made an impact. We learned how fast the results show when you really stick to a strict diet and work out schedule. Eating right can not only change your body, but it can and will make you feel more energized and just knowing you are eating healthy makes you feel more confident. Mainly how eating right can change you mentality of the efforts it takes to stay with your diet. Once you get in the groove of things, it gets so much easier to stick with it which in the end helps you stay healthy throughout your life.


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