sedan on demand case study

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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Sedan on DemandStrategy

As one of the most reliable private transportation company in the city, Sedan on Demand Ottawa Driving Services needed a brand story that accurately reflected the professionalism, the affordability and the reliable qualities that made them one of the best services available in the capital. By updating their website, as well as their identity, we wanted to communicate the values that their customers appreciated most: safety, affordability and privacy.


Their refreshed logo is now a dynamic, clean, bold graphic, easily recognized from a distance and easily remembered by users.




Here at Society of Revellers, we focus on aesthetics and getting our partner business message across in the clearest way possible. Their core statements, including their mission, their values and positioning needed to be articulated in their website. We then brainstormed and incorporated into the tagline, “An Alternative to Overpriced cabs.” The customers are given choices on the time and the desired driver. Sedan on Demand is a customer-focused company – ensuring that the service will be an easy, affordable and convenient experience.

Website Design

Our main objective for their website was to enhance the user experience. We updated the site content in a more organized, intuitive and responsive layout and gave it a brighter, easier look to navigate and more in tune with their overall identity. A major aspect of the site is that we included a contact section where online booking can be made, making Sedan on Demand a more concrete and inexpensive choice for many of today’s mobile consumers.

Visit: Sedan on Demand

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