section a of exam – representations - this area is … a of exam – representations learn these...

Post on 17-Apr-2018






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Section A of Exam – Representations Learn these terms: Representation: a term used in media to describe a complex series of codes and conventions, such as lighting, camera, sound, costume etc. The media build and create their own representations through selection and omission, often being criticised for misrepresentation. Feminist: an individual who supports the rights and equality of women, defending equal political, economic & social rights for women, including equal opportunities for women in education & employment. Convention: Conventions are techniques, angles, lighting, props etc and are generally accepted and commonly seen ways of doing something. E.g. The “standoff” in a western film, along withy the cowboy hat, the holtser, the gun, the poker face are commonly used conventions of the Western genre. In horror films, dramatic use of side and back lighting is used to create mystery & suspense.

Section A of Exam – Representations Submissive – Ready to conform to the authority or will of others. Meekly obedient or passive. Both Willow and The Master are passive under the control of others in the first 2 episodes of Buffy. Dominant – having power and influence over others. Eg The Master vs Buffy (both dominant) Empowerment – refers to increasing the economic, political, social, educational, gender or spiritual strength of individuals. Selection – To include something in the frame/shot. Selection of codes, such as hair & makeup, shot type etc. These codes build/construct a representation. The use of white bed sheets in the opening of Buffy clearly symbolises her role as the chosen one, along with representations of a pure young lady. Omission – Omission as in to omit (or leave out) aspects that are not a part of the representation. Leaving out certain parts of the body in advertisements of women, quite often for example, the head is cut off. Connotation Vs Denotation Denotation refers to the literal meaning of a word, the "dictionary definition."¨ For example, if you look up the word snake in a dictionary, you will discover that one of its denotative meanings is "any of numerous scaly, legless, sometimes venomous reptiles” Connotation, on the other hand, refers to the associations that are connected to a certain word or the emotional suggestions related to that word. The connotative meanings of a word exist together with the denotative meanings. The connotations for the word snake could include evil, sneaky or danger

Describe Willow’s representation

Describe Cordelia’s representation – Queen Bee

Describe Buffy’s representation

This shot represents Buffy as: the girl next door Attractive, feminine Sexualised Innocent/pure uncertain

Clothing/costume – Her white top symbolises a pure & innocent young woman

Hair/makeup Buffy’s soft falling hair assists the representation of Buffy as attractive and sexual. It delicately falls on her shoulders and her “down do” is used in scenes where Buffy is in her everyday school life, opposed to fight scenes where her hair is almost always “up”

Facial expression Her uncertain look is not uncommon for Buffy, (a central theme of the series is her unwillingness & uncertainty to accept the role that has been chosen for her). Here, she looks away, uncertain and pensive of something that may be lingering behind her

Breaking down the codes


The bad boy… good bad turned bad boy, everyone loves a bad boy, Jesse turns “vamp”, after his feeble attempts to get Cordelia’s attention, his success only comes with his new found power “I feel great, I feel strong”

The bad boy… Representations of traditional & stereotypical masculine features – aggressive, the “hunter”, sexually driven – He has now been infected by the patriarchal virus, passed on through Darla. Cordelia is taken by Jesse’s tough approach as he scoops her to dance “shut up” says Jesse as he pulls her close. Good bad turned bad boy, everyone loves a bad boy, Jesse turns “vamp”, after his feeble attempts to get Cordelia’s attention, his success only comes with his new found power. Once he is ‘infected’ by the patriarchal ‘virus’ he says, “I feel great, I feel strong”

“Jesse was an excruciating loser who couldn’t get a date with anyone….Look at me, I’m a new man” – Jesse View clip - The Harvest 38.30-38.47

Describe Buffy’s representation Dialogue – Find 2 examples Facial Expression – describe Costume – describe Setting – library (describe how the library is associated with Giles as being the ultimate teacher…knowledge at his fingertips, a conservative

Home scene 1: technical codes: props > setting > camera angle > lighting character performance codes: stance > glance > expression > gesture character appearance codes: costumes > hairstyle

Workplace 1: technical codes: props > setting > lighting > shot size character performance codes: stance > glance > expression character appearance codes: costumes > hairstyle

What to study for Salt

View the revenge scene @ 59.00-1.01.15, describe Salt’s facial expression, her appearance, her walk/gesture. Describe her empowered and controlled appearance … (Salt movie file should be on the usb’s) Key terms to describe Salt’s stance, movement etc: Purposeful, determined & confident walk/stance Facial expression – an unwavering focus, lacks remorse Use of slow motion – exaggerates her controlled and unwavering position = (communicates to audience) empowered female character Music – pulsating, dramatic deep base, a conventional (typical) soundtrack (or musical score)…the track begins and then pauses as Salt completes part one of the mission, eliminating the leader, the pause in the track indicates this task is complete. The music again starts up as Salt flees the scene, rises and peaks as she continues to eliminate the remaining rebel soldiers the climax where Salt’s mission is completed

Section B of Exam – will require you to Pitch your idea for a new phone advertisement

Choose your format:

• Commercial • Print Advertisement • Billboard Advertisement

Section B of Exam – will require you to Pitch your idea for a new phone advertisement

Consider the ways in which we choose to be together in this technological age. What it means in this age of ‘connectivity’ to:

communicate be ‘together’ despite physical location Interact collaborate have relationships with other people “reach out” to other people be constantly ‘connected’

Draw upon the iphone commercials for inspiration:

Greetings Face time every day Christmas Greetings 2014

Draw upon the iphone commercials for inspiration:

Greetings The Greetings commercial employs these elements:

hand held, roaming camera short grabs of dialogue/greetings from a diverse range of individuals across

different cultures “Hi Patsy” “Dude” “Mr Mohito” “Look what the cat dragged in” “Caio”

Many close up shots revealing happy facial expressions Fast paced, upbeat music overlays vision

Draw upon the iphone commercials for inspiration:

Face time every day

The Face Time Every Day commercial employs these production elements:

hand held, roaming camera multiple scenes of individuals, couples, families, children laughing as they

engage in face time short grabs of speech “Can you see that” “Oh my God” & “Did he apologise?” gentle, romantic piano music overlays vision

Draw upon the iphone commercials for inspiration:

Christmas Greetings 2014

The Christmas 2014 commercial employs these elements: Initial representation of teenage male

suggests teenagers are fickle, elusive, secretive, unsure of themselves, anti-social (particularly with family)

The end sequence reveals a different representation – a caring young man with a strong sense of family and ability to connect using technology

Snapshots of family

Moving home video style Soft, reflective musical score

OR you could create a parody of a iphone/phone advertisement

Aside from basing your advertisement on “connecting”

with others… Also consider 2-3 functions you will explore & focus on them.

Focus on features such as:

large screen storage capacity safety features

stylish camera functions

usability sleek design price point

…note the “for the colourful” commercial focuses on usability, colourful & stylish design, ability to bring people together. The “face time every day” focuses on the use of camera & ability to bring people together. Clearly the features are not enough to showcase, it’s all about how the product makes us more interactive, connects us, brings us together & essentially, how the product improves our lives & makes us feel more connected.

For the phone commercial or advertisement you will be required to:

Provide an appropriate & commanding title for the commercial/print advertisement

Describe the key aspects are focusing on? The following list are some of the key themes that can be used to draw upon or inspire your theme:

To communicate, be ‘together’, interact, collaborate, have relationships with other people, to ‘reach out’ other people, explore social boundaries, be constantly ‘connected’, to break down physical and social boundaries

You will also need to describe 3 individual and distinctive elements that will

engage you audience. Here are 4 examples of how you might describe distinctive elements:

Use of close ups - will allow audiences to view the subject’s facial expressions which will establish a sense of joy and surprise

Roaming camera - Six characters and their daily journey will be followed through use of to gain a strong sense of reality, to allow the viewer an up close and personal experience and to establish the “fly on the wall” effect

Strong use of colour, pastels and yellow will be the central colours employed in this commercial. This will provide a sense of fun

A fast paced, upbeat musical soundtrack will overlay vision to build a representation of the phone’s users as relevant, social and up to date with the latest technology

Sample Storyboards

Example of Print product – sketch all detail as seen below in exam

Section C of Exam

Gaming Addiction Read an article & respond to 10 short questions. Find the answers in the article. Watch this Catalyst report as preparation for this new media topic:

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