second philippine advertisers' attitudes towards mobile marketing 2014 report

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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Philippine Advertisers

Attitudes to Mobile

Marketing 2014




For the second year, Mobext has

conducted a joint research with the

Philippine Association of National

Advertisers (PANA), with the aim of

addressing the question: How do

Philippine advertisers view

mobile as a marketing channel?

Mobile is a low-hanging fruit for

Philippine marketers, ripe for the

picking: Data from Nielsen1 projects

that smartphone penetration will

triple by 2015, while Millward

Brown’s global AdReaction study

shows that smartphones take up

more screen time than TV or


But this has yet to resonate with

marketers’ investment in the

medium. On one hand, there are

those who perceive it to be a

complex medium because of the

various mobile tools they can use.

On the other hand, there are those

who do not see mobile’s

uniqueness from laptops and PCs.

The primary purpose of this

research is to uncover the perceived

benefits and barriers of our

marketers when it comes to mobile.

But apart from that, this also serves

as a comparative study to see how

attitudes and investment in mobile

have changed in the past 12


The study was conducted last June

to August 2014 through an online

survey using PANA’s member

database. We have gathered

responses from 87 mid-to-senior

marketers from across different

industries such as FMCGs, Real

Estate, Retail, Pharmaceuticals,

QSRs, Banking and Insurance, and

Utilities and Services.

1 OnDevice Research 2014, Philippines Mobile Internet Trends, Millward Brown AdReaction 2014,

Are Philippine


investing in mobile







From 2013, the percentage of marketers investing in mobile rose by 6%.

We see three main factors contributing to this growth. First, smartphones are becoming more accessible, with several local manufacturers producing quality devices at competitive prices. Secondly, the telcos have launched new data plans and bundles to encourage mobile web and app usage. Lastly, marketers are now seeing case studies from local brands who have found success in mobile.

Marketers’ view

of mobile is



5566 70



76 72

SMS / text messaging

On-the-go, mobile customer service

Mobile ads Mobile apps

2013 2014

*Respondents were allowed to choose more than one.

In 2013, mobile marketing was, by

and large, heavily associated with

SMS or text messaging. This year, we

are seeing that marketers’

perspectives are balancing out.

Though SMS is still top-of-mind,

mobile ads and mobile apps are

increasing their mindshare.

What comes to mind when you hear the phrase ‘mobile marketing?’

Insight on mobile behavior is improving

In 2013, the majority (45%) of the

respondents claimed to have

negligible insights when it comes to

the mobile behaviors of their

consumers. Consequently, 58% of

them said at the end of the survey

that they would increase their

investment and research within the

next 12 months.

The result seems to be evident this

year, as more marketers have moved

up to having ‘moderate’ level of


How much insight do you have on the mobile behavior of your consumers?

More marketers are

using third party

organizations for their

mobile strategy



This is in line with the increased

intent to build mobile expertise. The

study did not make a distinction

though between digital agencies and

specialist mobile agencies.

Are you using a third-party organization for your mobile


Mobile is mainly

used for brand


The great potential of mobile lies in

the fact that it is the only device

present throughout our consumers’

purchase journey. This is why

marketers should aim to create

mobile moments in every step.

Right now, mobile is mostly used by

marketers to raise brand awareness

and attract new customers.

What is the role of mobile in your


*respondents allowed to pick more than one

SMS and mobile sites are currently the top two tools

used by local marketers

What mobile tools are you investing in now?

*respondents allowed to pick more than one

But majority plan to increase spend on mobile apps,

location-based marketing, and mobile CRM

Where do you plan to invest in the next 12 months?

*respondents allowed to pick more than one

Top 3 breakout areas

Today, mobile commerce does not

only mean paying via mobile. It is

about optimizing the whole purchase

journey for smartphone-dependent

consumers—from the time they

search, look for reviews, consult their

social circles, all the way to buying. It

involves mobile search, mobile-

optimized websites and ordering

sites, mobile coupons, and other

tools that can pull customers closer

to conversion.

Mobile coupons offer a new way to

redeem deals and discounts. Not only

does it offer more convenience for

consumers , but also for brands and

retailers. Mobile coupons are more

cost efficient to produce and

distribute, plus, campaign results are

easier to measure. The key thing for

mobile coupons to work is simplicity.

If you can make the whole

redemption process as fast and easy

as with paper coupons, you will win.

Our mobile phone is our most

personal device, and its potential for

CRM is tremendous. Through mobile,

marketers have a channel for one-to-

one and real-time messaging.

Whether it is through SMS loyalty

programs or through mobile apps

that provide utility to consumers, the

key is relevant and progressive re-

engagement over time, and not just

one-off campaigns.

These three areas showed the biggest jump when it

comes to current levels of investment vs. intended

levels of investment

Mobile CRM

+ 7%



Mobile Coupons


Lack of case studies is seen as the biggest barrier to

increased mobile spending, while concerns over

limited smartphone reach has dramatically


*respondents allowed to pick more than one

Mobext view:Addressing mobile marketing barriers

For mobile, we suggest that

brands take a step back and

define exactly what they want to

achieve with mobile. Is it to get

more leads? Increase sales?

Increase customer engagement?

Next is to define what mobile tool

best fits with that goal. Yes, an

app would be a great asset, but it

is more suitable for brands who

already have a follower base and

are looking for more engagement.

If you are looking to get more

leads, investing in mobile

discoverability—via mobile ads,

mobile search, and mobile

optimized sites—would be more


Once you get your results from

your mobile campaign, the best

way to analyze the ROI of mobile

is to compare it versus how much

you are spending and getting

from your other media channels.

Going back to the PANA study,

another interesting finding is that

marketers are becoming more

optimistic when it comes to

smartphone penetration. In

2013, 74% of advertisers cited it as

the biggest reason why they are

limiting their budget on mobile.

But with a healthy surge in

smartphone adoption—thanks to

more affordable handsets—

marketers know that it is only

going to grow exponentially in the

next months. When it comes to

mobile innovation, a year lost in

waiting is equivalent to dog years.

Marketers should experiment on

mobile now because it will be

much harder to catch up.

Concerns over ROI is something

to be expected from a rapidly-

growing medium such as mobile:

with so many mobile channels you

can use and the lack of uniform

analytics, marketers would rather

funnel their budget to tried-and-

tested channels. This is not any

different from how marketers felt

about social media when it

boomed. There was a rush to

build a presence on social media

without having a solid

understanding of its real role in

the business.

How will mobile’s role change vs. other

media channels in the next 2 years?

Mobile’s importance will equal TV, print, radio, online, and social channels


47% - Mobile = TV44% -TV > Mobile9% - Mobile > TV


50% - Mobile = Radio26% - Mobile > Radio24% - Radio > Mobile


41% - Mobile = Print38% - Mobile > Print21% - Print > Mobile


59% - Mobile = social26% - Mobile > social15% -Social > mobile

Online Ads

47% - Mobile = online ads37% - Mobile > online ads15% -Online ads > mobile

Out of Home

44% - Mobile = OOH38% - Mobile > OOH18% -OOH > mobile


39% - Mobile = In-store33% - Mobile > In-store27% - In-store > mobile

Online Search

47% - Mobile = online search44% - Mobile > online search9% -Search > mobile

Only 9% said mobile will be more important than TV in 2 years, showing that TV is still considered the primary screen by marketers

Marketers satisfied

with mobile ROI

doubled this year


This is one of the main highlights of

this year’s study. Even though

majority of marketers still find that

it is too early to determine the ROI

of mobile, the percentage of those

who are satisfied with mobile’s ROI

almost doubled. Several brands

have already graduated from a

more ‘experimental’ approach when

it comes to mobile marketing and

are now seeing its direct effect on

their business. For those who have

yet to try out mobile, our

recommended approach is to start

small to measure results better, and

then optimize accordingly.

53% of current non-investors in mobile will increase investment & research next year

Next year seems to be a promising

year for mobile, as more than half

of our respondents said that they

will invest more resources into

mobile marketing.

How mobile’s role will change for your company in the

next 12 months?

Where do you plan to invest in in the near future?

Current non-investors are most keen to launch mobile-social and mobile apps in the near future

*respondents allowed to pick more than one

“It is the most important medium for our consumers, and it surpasses TV in terms of reach. The missing piece for advertisers is to find ways for mobile to surpass TV in terms of engagement.”

Country Media Manager, top FMCG company

How do local marketers

see mobile as a

marketing channel?

“Consumers' accessibility to information is greater as penetration of mobile/ mobile internet is continuously growing. It will just be a matter of which industry will capitalize on it--offhand, I think retail industry will largely benefit from this. From the traditional promo print ads, they can divert these efforts to mobile marketing - people can get promos in real-time and can attract both impulse and planned buying trips.”

Group Product Manager, top processed meat


“Mobile will give marketers a better opportunity to customize communication to their audience, going beyond the usual demographics. At the same time, they can tap this medium to enhance their products/services more quickly by gathering customer insights in real time.

Media Manager, top pharmaceutical &

personal care company

“It will be a permanent part of the marketing mix. Any one who does not engage will be considered foolish and from the dark ages. It shall form part of the media plan to directly hit certain target markets.”

Assistant Vice President, real estate company

“It could be a great platform to reach segmented geographic locations and cut across income brackets because every person on the street, whether rich or poor, has a cellphone, especially in the Philippines. “

Assistant Vice President, retail bank

“ I’m optimistic that mobile will be able to go around privacy issues and its over-intrusiveness in the life of the mobile user. Advertising will be subtle and on-demand. “

Research Manager, top pizza chain

“It will blur the line between above-the-line (ATL )and below-the-line (BTL) marketing. Mobile will be a necessity.”

Marketing Services Manager, leading milk


“The increase in the number of smartphone users will be directly proportional to the increase of demand for mobile programs and marketing initiatives. The growing middle class and their increased spending power will likewise dictate the next set of applications and programs that can be introduced to the market. On the other hand, security and privacy issues will remain a concern since intrusive marketing can be seen as spam or fraud.”

Marketing Services Head, retail bank

“I believe that it would be more user-driven. What is also important to note is that it seems that no one medium would stand on its own; rather, the trend seems to be in one medium enriching the user experience of the other. For example, local TV viewers are using Twitter to complement the viewing experience, allowing them to reach fellow viewers. This is the first step for brands to create communities later on.”

Manager, insurance company

about mobext We provide everything you will

need for a successful mobile

program or campaign.


•Mobile consumer research

•Mobile marketing insights

•Mobile marketing audit


•Mobile advertising


•Mobile videos


•User experience design


•Mobile app development

•Mobile site development


•Mobile commerce

•Mobile CRM solutions

•Augmented Reality & Image


Visit us:

For press inquiries:

Trish Elamparo

Marketing Manager

For business inquiries:

Raymon Cayabyab

General Manager

mobext is a global mobile

marketing agency network,

with 23 offices worldwide. In

the Philippines, we work with

brands big and small to create

mobile solutions for marketing

and business.

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