scsu technology update fy07 kristi tornquist learning resources & technology services

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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Kristi TornquistLearning Resources & Technology Services

Technology for Teaching and Learning

Electronic Classroom Growth

ITV Classes

ITV/Video Conferencing

Added Adobe Connect as a video conferencing tool Allows full

interaction between participants, using a microphone and/or Webcam

A variety of uses: classes, meetings, office hours, etc.

Course Management SystemCourse Comparison

Course Management SystemStudent Use Comparison

Research/Instruction Tools

Research QuickStart page hits nearly doubled,

from 17,178 in FY06 to 34,094 FY07

Electronic Resources% of Acquisitions Budget

Changing Nature of Reserves# items added

Interlibrary LoanElectronic Document Delivery

Electronic Database Searches


Minnesota Digital Library

Outreach Coordinator position added, funded by a contract with MINITEX

Through her work, more than 7,000 additional digital objects—images, documents and maps—were added to the collection

The collection is freely available online at

Miller Center Library Gate CountSeptember – May Comparison

§ one of four gate counters was malfunctioning from September through January


Technology for Students

General General Access Access

Computer Computer Lab Lab


18 General Access Labs (408 Computers)7 Miller Center Public Access Labs (198 Computers)

40 Discipline Related Labs (889 Computers)----------------------------------------------------------

65 Total Labs (1495 Computers)

Student Training

94 Software workshops offered on 7 different topics; 262 students attended.

40 Technology instruction sessions for classes; 546 students attended.

300 Library instruction sessions;6,376 students attended

ResNet Connections

OS Change

Technology for Faculty and Staff

College Computer Distributionas of September 2007

# of Workstations in Other Areasas of September 2007

Age of Faculty/Staff Computers as of September 2007

Training Workshops

Total of 496 workshops offered by InforMedia Services and the Center for Information Systems

Workshop registrations totaled 2,681 Workshop attendance totaled 1,883

Other Information Technology Resources

Software Licensing Agreements

Campus Microsoft Agreement Operating Systems (XP) Office 2007

Additional Microsoft licensing SharePoint, Project, Visio

Symantec Antivirus agreement New MnSCU negotiated 3 year agreement (both campus and home use)

MnSCU negotiates volume pricing Adobe (New CS3 applications) Maple (site license) ESRI Geographical Information Systems (ArcView)

SCSU software SPSS site license; no student home use SAS increased license count from 100 to 300

IT Security Incidents

Inbound E-mail/SPAM Comparison

Campus Ethernet Infrastructure

Equipment Checkout

Network Uptime

Uptime was 99.93%, the highest level ever, and up .03% over FY06

Down an average of one half hour per month Only down 1 hour total for the year due to

security, virus, or denial of service

SCSU Internet Connection Bandwidthin Megabits/second

Growth in # of Wireless Users

HelpDesk Traffic Comparisons

Multimedia/Web projects increase

Updated SCSU Website

Worked with Stamats on developing more of an external marketing emphasis

Greater emphasis on photos/images with content aimed at prospective students

Technology Committees

Faculty Technology and Pedagogical Resources Committee

Teaching Learning Technology Roundtable Student Technology Fee Committee Administrative Computing Advisory Group College Technology Committees

Thank you!

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