scrum! scrum & the qa danny (danko) kovatch scrum ! phone: +972-544-26.11.70 email:...

Post on 31-Mar-2015






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Scrum & the QADanny (Danko) Kovatch

Scrum !

Phone: +972-544-26.11.70



Danny (Danko) Kovatch



and trainer

Certified Scrum Trainer

Founder of AgileSparks

International lecturer, trainer,

assimilator & consultant

Head of the Israeli

Scrum user group

"רק על עצמי לספר ידעתי, צר עולמי כעולם נמלה" -- רחל

Topics for today

o The traditional “pains” o What is Agileo What is Scrumo Estimation, planning & visibility o Role of the QA in Scrumo Metrics and measurementso The challenge of the QA managero Q&A

Getting familiar with Agile

Gaining a drill down visibility on Scrum

Learn how to present Scrum to your organization

Gaining knowledge how to assimilate Scrum

Learn new planning techniqueKey Performance Indicators

Understand the mains problems

Have fun

הגדרת אי שפיות

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

What is the definition of insanity?

“You won’t get anything unless you have the vision to imagine it” -- John Lennon

מלון הילטון, תל אביב

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.“ -- Confucius

הבעיה הראשונית

השפעת מידע לא רלוונטי

Source: How to avoid impact from irrelevant and misleading information on your cost estimates,Magne Jørgensen and Stein Grimstad, Simula Research Laboratory,Simula Research Labs Estimation Seminar, Oslo, Norway 2006.

לוונטימידע לא ר

השפעת אורך מסמכי הדרישות

Source: How to avoid impact from irrelevant and misleading information on your cost estimates,Magne Jørgensen and Stein Grimstad, Simula Research Laboratory,Simula Research Labs Estimation Seminar, Oslo, Norway 2006.

•שורות רווחים כפולים בין

שוליים רחבים יותר•

פונטים גדולים יותר•

פסקאות יותר רווחים בין

כמות המידע

דילמת השבויים

Source: How to avoid impact from irrelevant and misleading information on your cost estimates,Magne Jørgensen and Stein Grimstad, Simula Research Laboratory,Simula Research Labs Estimation Seminar, Oslo, Norway 2006.

שעות500הערכת הלקוח היא •הלקוח לא מקצועי מספיק •

להעריךיש להתעלם מהערכת הלקוח•

שעות50הערכת הלקוח היא •הלקוח לא מקצועי מספיק •

להעריךיש להתעלם מהערכת הלקוח•

הטיית מעריכים

Phone era

Traditional projects

Requirements Planning QADevelopment

Release date:

3-Apr 2008 !!!!

Release date: 30-Apr 2008

Release date:


May 2008


Release date:

27-Jun 2008

• Budget?• Credibility?• Documents?• Content?• Quality?

We will let you know

"Traditionalists often study what is taught, not what there is to create" -- Ed Parker

?ואיך מרגישים האנשים הרלוונטים

"יש לך עוד, יש לך עוד, יש לך עוד...נו, תראה מה עשית!!!!"

Requirements Planning QADevelopment CA

תדהמה כעס הסכמהתיסכול היה אחלה,בוא ננסה עוד פעם!

R&DManager QA Manager

A manager that needs to give the exact estimate for assuring the quality of the project suffer the postponements of the R&D manager but has the ability to release the product at the same deadline with the same quality while chasing the R&D manager for all changes that were not communicated

R&D Manager:

A manager that needs to give the exact estimate for developing the project While anticipating all impediments and future change requests Remember to update every relevant party and develop it according to the original estimate

QA Manager:

Roles & Responsibilities

“The price of greatness is responsibility” -- Sir Winston Churchill

!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?אז מה עושים

"Someone doing it often interrupts the person saying it cannot be done." -- Unknown

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:

While there is value in the terms on the right, we value the items on the left more)

The Agile Manifesto

Process and tools

Process and tools

Individuals and interactions

Individuals and interactions


Comprehensive documentationComprehensive documentationWorking softwareWorking software over

Following a plan

Following a plan

Responding to change

Responding to change


Contract negotiationContract




Perfect is the enemy of the good -- Voltaire

Topics of today

“SCRUM is a simple framework used to organize Teams, get work done more productively with higher quality, lot of team cohesion and commitment of the team.”

Topics of today

• Changes will happen• Team estimates • Trust • Overall commitment • Visibility (Content & Progress)• Transparency• Frequent feedbacks• Inability to give accurate estimates • Fun!

“SCRUM is a simple framework used to organize Teams, get work done more productively with higher quality, lot of team cohesion and commitment of the team.”


Development (QA & Code) Hardening

• Collection of sprints • Represents the entire products• Release is not a Gantt but only a rough uncommitted estimate• Commitment on the next immediate Sprint only

Together from the beginning!

“While you are about to commit only to the iteration”… ,

“…it is imprudent to ignore the whole plan”

“I've been on a diet for two weeks and all I've lost is two weeks” -- Totie Fields“I've been on a diet for two weeks and all I've lost is two weeks” -- Totie Fields


Sprint life cycle

15 daysSprint #3: Review meeting Retrospective meeting Sprint #4: Planning session Artifacts decision

15 minutes daily Stand up meetings

Sprint #4: Review meeting Retrospective meeting Sprint #5: Planning session Artifacts decision

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu

A time-boxed period of time during which the Team works to turn the Product Backlog items it has selected into an increment of potentially shippable product functionality3

Self management team!




I was late


Fully assimilated Scrum company Tester & coders

are fully integrated


Each night there is a build

Each sprint there is an handover

This slide is courtesy of Henrik Kniberg This slide is courtesy of Henrik Kniberg


• Time boxed (up to 1 hour max!)• Team demonstrates product increment• No PowerPoint please!!!!


• Main challenge: Doing it• Doing it only at the end – Better not doing it at

all– Remember only the last things– The “Bad” things– Forgetting the good things– Not implementing them

• Do it every Sprint!• Immediate implementation

דילמת השבויים

"המנהל לא תמיד צודק, אבל הוא תמיד המנהל"

הבדיקה 5תיקח ימים!

בטח בוס! שוב לא

נעמוד בזמני


(Planning Pokerהפתרון: קלפי הערכת משימות (

"The path to greatness is along with others.“ -- Baltasar Gracian

ניטרול דילמת



• Every team member knows about the committed tasks• Overall understanding• Team spirit• Overlapping• Small tasks• Risk reduction• Real estimate

Planning – Just before committing…

TMQ / Premortum

Create test script


Danko •The team is familiar with all the tasksThe team is familiar with all the tasks•No surprisesNo surprises

R&D R&D QACoding Code Review Approval


Visibility Charts – Task Board Content Visibility!

Create HTML


Team 4

Create HTML


Team 3

Create HTML


Team 2

Create test script


Team 1

11 daysRemaining work

4 tasksCommitted tasks

Visibility Charts – Burn Down Chart Progress Visibility!

Life cycle of a task

Task Success Criteria

“You always pass failure on the way to success” -- Mickey Rooney

Coder’s mind set: ConstructionTester’s mind set: DestructionCoder’s mind set: ConstructionTester’s mind set: Destruction

QA in Scrum

Getting potential shippable product every sprint Part of the Delivery team Estimate the tasks together with the R&D Approve the tasks Gaining full visibility on the build & product QA is part of the definition “what is done”

We’re ready

to go!

Who is he


"If a man does his best, what else is there?" -- George Patton

Launch First Customer Launch Pilot Production Implementation User Acceptance Performance Testing System Testing Unit Testing Coding Design AnalysisPlanning

What is DONE?

• Start with the original KPIs• Focus on your weakness• Measure it every sprint • Communicate it to the team• Consider adding:

– Team Collaboration (QA & R&D)– Accomplishment (Is it really done)– Technical debts (How fast are we closing gaps)– How accurate are the estimates

KPI – How SCRUM are we

Commercial software In-house developmentContract development Fixed-price projectsFinancial applications ISO 9001-certified applicationsEmbedded systems 24x7 systems with 99.999% uptime

requirementsthe Joint Strike Fighter Video game developmentSatellite-control software WebsitesISV applicationsNetwork switching applications Mobile phones

Scrum is being used for…




Electronic Arts

High Moon Studios

Lockheed Martin



Capital One



Nielsen Media

First American Real Estate

High Moon Studios

Ipswitch John Deere

Lexis Nexis



British telecom


Time Warner


Adobe Systems

Adelaide Bank

Bank of America

BMC Software

Capital one

Who is using Scrum



"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it is too dark to read."  --  Groucho Marx

!אין פתרונות קסם

"It is only by doing things others have not that one can advance." -- George Patton

אבל יש פתרונות יצירתיים

שממזערים את הנזק!

תמיד יקרו רצויים, דרושים ושינוייםהבנה ש•חלוקה לאיטרציות קטנות (שבועות ספורים)•דילמת השבוייםהימנעות מ•חלוקה למשימות קטנות (ימים ספורים)•המבצעים מעריכים•צוותים עצמאיים, מגובשים ומכווני משימות•האחריות עוברת לצוות• מקסימליתנראות•

While the waterfall approach can be perfect for some

things in life….


The waterfall guy

I highly recommend using

Scrum for your Project management

The end for one is the beginning for another …

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