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School News

21st September ,2017


Respect Excellence Co-operation Responsibility School Mission- The community of Glenroy West Primary School works in partnership to inspire every child to do their best and encourages them to grow and achieve excellence

School Vision - Inspire, Grow, Achieve


School Website:

Term 3 September

Friday 22nd September- Last day of Term 3. Sports dress up day. Assembly at 1.45pm in the Hall

Dismissal at 2.30pm

Term 4


● Monday 9th October- Students return to School for Term 4

● Thursday 12th October-Curriculum Day- No Students at School on this day

Thursday 12th October– Curriculum Day Students for IB PYP Students are not required to attend school

Friday 13th October-Grade 1-2 & 3-4 Incursion- Yarra Valley Water

Wednesday 18th October- Foundation Excursion to Aquarium & Yr. 5/6 Exhibition

Thursday 19th October- Prep orientation and Celebration of Learning

Friday 20th October- School Fun Run

Thursday 26th and Friday 27th October- IB PYP Authorisation


Thursday 2nd November - Prep Orientation

Friday 3rd November -Blue Light Disco after school

Tuesday 7th November-Public Holiday- Melbourne Cup day

Thursday 9th November –Prep Orientation

Friday 10th November-Talent Show

Tuesday 14th November- Prep Information session at 6.30pm


Wednesday 6th December Parent Helpers Morning tea

Friday 15th-Thurdsay 21st December inclusive-Swimming Program begins

Monday 18th December-Grade 6 Graduation

Thursday 21st December-Whole School Picnic & Carols

Friday 22nd December-Last day dismissal at 1.30pm

School Mission- The community of Glenroy West Primary School works in partnership to inspire every child to do their best and encourages them to grow and achieve excellence

School Vision - Inspire, Grow, Achieve

Dear Parents / Guardians, How quickly this term has flown and so much has been achieved. Thanks to all parents and friends who support our school daily and most importantly we support one another in true community spirit. Last day of term on Friday 22/9 is Footy Colours Day with a gold coin donation. The theme is Footy Colours. Money raised will be donated to Children fighting Cancer. Grade 3-6 Camp Metung A big thank you to the staff and parents who supported the camp to Mt. Eliza last week. We thank Mr. Clarke for his organisation, Miss Nola for her care and dedication with medical needs, all the staff- Mrs. Tchung, Mrs. Mendham and Ms Edwards who supervised the children. We value the time staff and parents have away from their families to support the children’s camping program. The campers took part in a range of activities to support their inquiry. The children were confident risk takers trying a range of new experiences and developed stronger friendships across the year levels. It was lovely to receive an email from one of our families on Friday afternoon thanking staff for the wonderful time spent on camp. We are also grateful for the efforts and support of all parents. Parent Helper Thank you Thank you to all our parent helpers throughout the term. We thank the parents and volunteers who assist in the classrooms with reading, maths and support for inquiries. It has been a big term with Fundraising- The Mother’s Day stall and Father’s Day stall. The parents who volunteer in the canteen and assist on excursions. It makes a real difference to the children’s learning and wellbeing when we work together. As always we are looking for parents who are able to support our inquiries with visits to the classrooms, in supplying artefacts, in arranging workplace visits either in reality or via media. Mathletics What a wonderful effort by Glenroy West Primary School with Mathletics. In the year, so far the children have answered 4,000 questions. Students have been awarded gold certificates, silver and bronze certificates. Keep up the good work. All this practice is improving your mathematics. Year 5/6 Exhibition Our Year 5/6 students are hard at work preparing for their exhibition. Culmination of PYP

A rite of passage from the PYP to the next step of their education

A celebration of learning

A demonstration of what it means to be a PYP students, applying what they have learned and who they

have become throughout their journey in the PYP(essential elements)

Individual and group inquiry

Student centred

We thank the parents, mentors and community members for their help and encouragement. We look forward to the night early next term on Wednesday 18/10 from 4.30-6.30pm. Chess Term 4 CHESS IS HERE TERM 4: $5.00 per lesson or $50.00 for 10 lessons. Please make enquiries at the office regarding payment for CHESS lessons beginning Term 4.

School Mission- The community of Glenroy West Primary School works in partnership to inspire every child to do their best and encourages them to grow and achieve excellence

School Vision - Inspire, Grow, Achieve

School Uniform Available Online Please be advised you can also purchase school uniform online on our school website under Student, then click on Uniform and go to essential Clothing on their website. FREE DELIVERY AVAILABLE. Deborah is present on a Wednesday for school uniform purchase from 9-11am.Phone Debra at Essential Clothing on-Phone: 03 9305- 5177 or Mobile: 0409 185 524. Absences When your child is absent or late to school we are required to present a reason for the absence to the Department of Education DET. You are welcome to write a note to the class teacher brought to school by your child on their return. There are other avenues you can use to inform us of your child’s absence. A phone call or an email to the school email, or lodge on COMPASS. It is very important that children attend school daily except if they are unwell or in extreme circumstances. We know that every day at school. EVERY DAY COUNTS- ATTENDANCE IT’S NOT OK TO BE AWAY.EVERY DAY COUNTS We are presently reviewing our processes for daily attendance and ‘lateness.’ DID YOU KNOW YOUR CHILD’S BEST LEARNING TIME IS THE START OF THE SCHOOL DAY? THAT’S WHEN EVERY MINUTE COUNTS THE MOST! It is very important to receive notification from parents or guardians when children are absent from school as we have an accountability to the Department of Education. Please use the following methods to inform us and include your child’s name and grade, date and reason for the absence.

Phone in

Written note

Speak directly to the Classroom teacher. Teachers have a Duty of Care to call

parents if a child is absent more than 2 days.

Respond to text message

At Glenroy West Primary School we are committed to providing your child with an excellent education. The building blocks of an excellent education begins with all students coming to school each and every day. Regular school attendance is vital and missing school days can have a big impact on a child’s future. Missing one day a fortnight will equate to missing four full weeks by the end of the year. Each day a student misses school puts them behind and can affect their educational outcomes.

Some of the reasons for student absence at GWPS

Staying home to celebrate a birthday

Going shopping

Looking after a sibling

Spending time with a relative

Extended weekends

Overseas travel

Dental and medical appointment


If for any reason your child must be absent from school, parents or guardians are required to provide written notification, stating the reason for their child’s absence. This information will be retained by the teacher and archived by the school. This is a DET requirement. Kind regards Have a great week ahead Pamela Streete-Principal

Pamela Streete Principal

For demonstrating excellent communication skills during his independent and group learning time. Well done Koby For demonstrating excellent communication skills when explaining the design and use of a play space. Well done Tilly.

Koby Tilly

Ms Emma Fuller Assistant Principal

For communicating ideas clearly during class discussions For communicating effectively with her peers in class

Aaron Syashin

Foundation A Ms Eyigun

For always listening during learning time and expressing her ideas. For always sharing her ideas in the classroom.

Annabella Harriet

Foundation B Ms Bryers

For displaying excellent communication skills through his writing. For always demonstrating excellent listening skills by showing respect to her peers.

Kruz Avani

1/2A-Ms Wheeler For communicating her knowledge in class discussions. For communicating his ideas in group work.

Emma Mehdi

1/2B-Mr Hoatson For working on her listening skills For always being ready to listen to others and contribute her ideas.

Tanishi Maryam

1/2C-Ms Luke

For always taking turns and listening to others. For always contributing to class discussions and sharing her ideas.

Narjis Lissa

3/4A-Ms Kowalski For knowing that effective communication involves good listening as well as speaking. For demonstrating cause and effect in non-verbal ways.

George Misheel

3/4B- Ms Tchung

For encouraging his peers during camp. For using her communication skills to complete walkie talkie activity at camp. For expressing his reservations about certain activities at camp but then pushing himself to complete all the activities.

Hamzah Elley Foster

3/4C- Mrs Mendham

For her great communication and cooperation with her peers when completing all tasks at camp. For expressing his willingness to help others with cleaning up.

Pravallika Erfhan

5/6A-Mr Clarke For using different communication skills in her makerspace documentary. For being articulate in his ability to discuss his learning in fractions.

Dua Enzo

5/6B-Ms Edwards

For being able to clearly communicate their concepts about the design of the makerspace project. For being able to clearly communicate their concepts about the design of the makerspace project.

Aarmish Emirhan

PE –Ms Webster

For showing commitment to their learning and displaying outstanding communication skills at District Athletics.

Jasmine/Landry Felicity

Indonesian Ms Ooi

Always listen carefully to others, information and direction. Answer the teacher in Indonesian to express his knowledge, ideas and opinion.

Dilmi 34A Ayden 56B

Arts Mrs Silveira

For demonstrating excellent communication skills by contributing suggestions, reminders and interesting thoughts during performing art classes. For practicing her lines for her role in the school play and speaking with expression and clarity. Excellent acting Dua, well done!

Dylan 34C Dua 56A

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