school - · school europe is the future kuijters annelin and veelers daphne e6a...

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Research paper concerning Social studies

Increasing the European knowledge of a secondary


Europe is the future

Kuijters Annelin and Veelers Daphne E6A

Apeldoorn, Wednesday February 26, 2014

Drs. J.C. Seffinga




Acknowledgement i

Prologue 1

1. Importance of European Union 2

1.1. Lisbon Treaty 2

1.2. Right as European citizen 2

1.3. How citizens can exercise their rights 3

1.4. Students opinions 3

2. Knowledge of Europe 5

2.1. Basic information 5

2.2. Results survey 5

3. Approaching the students 9

3.1. Social Media 9

3.2. App 10

3.3. Activities and projects 13

3.4. EU-infopoint 14

3.5. Results from survey 14

4. European infopoint 16

4.1. Our tasks as European infopoint 16

4.2. Interview with newspaper 17

5. Visit of Wil Willemsen 18

5.1. Mail contact 18

5.2. The visit 22

5.3. The Heraut 23

5.4. Painting the wall 24

5.5. The certificates 25

5.6. The future 26

6. KSG and the EU-infopoint 28

6.1. International exchanges 28

6.2. General information Elos 29

6.3. KSG and Elos 30

Conclusion 32

Evaluation 35

Logbook 36

Resources I

Appendices I



We are two bilingual students from the Koninklijke Scholengemeenschap located

in Apeldoorn. We decided to make this research paper with the help of our EU-

infopoint. The EU-infopoint is an infopoint in the school that we have established

ourselves. The EU-infopoint is commissioned by the European Parliament, ‘Tien

voor Europa’. The goal of ‘Tien voor Europa’ is to make students more conscious

on the influences of the European Union.1 We also took part in the Young

European Specialists Prokect, in other words YES! project. YES project is a

project you can voluntarily participate in. You have privileges like visiting study

days and other informative trips.

Before we started with this research paper we wanted to set targets. Our main

goal is to see an increase in the European activities at our school. We want to

achieve this goal through meeting with the criteria of several projects. So we

want to know the criteria of ‘Tien voor Europa’, Yes! Project and the annual

schoolplan of the KSG. We think that when we meet the criteria of these

projects, we can work most effectively towards our goal. The exact criteria will

be discussed in this research paper.

Our research will give an answer to the question: How can the EU-infopoint

contribute to the increase of the European knowledge and activities of the

Koninklijke Scholengemeenschap? We choose this question because we started

an EU-infopoint at the KSG, and we want to know how we can use this as

effectively as possible. Furthermore we think that the answer can be very useful

for our school and European institutions.

Since the EU-infopoint is settled in our school, we would like to see how we contribute to making this school even more attractive. In the upcoming school

year the KSG wants to achieve several criteria, illustrated in the schoolplan. One of them is making the school attractive for new students. Promoting the school in

a positive way is a major point in the school plan. One of the points mentioned is making the classrooms more attractive by painting or decorating them. The

school wants to do this in such a way that the students are involved. Which is exactly what we did at the EU-infopoint. Together with students and art teachers we painted the wall in our info point and through this we created a very cozy and

nice atmosphere to work in.

Our first question, of the research paper, is about why we want to inform the

students about Europe. It is important that students know enough of Europe

because it plays a major role in all our lives. Also we thought that this was a

good question to start with because it shows the reader the importance of this

research paper.

1‘Wat doet "Een 10 voor Europa"?’, auteur onbekend, van:;jsessi



Secondly, we want to know what kind of information we want to offer. What

knowledge do students already have and what do they want to know? If we know

this, it makes it easier to reach students with the proper information.

Furthermore, we want to find out what the best way of approaching the students

is. We want to find out in what way students prefer to gain information. We will

ask their opinion through the use of a survey. It is important for us to know if

we, for example should use social media or if we should arrange activities and

projects. The EU-infopoint is our basis and from there we try to plan activities

and store all the information. We will explain what we are doing and what we

plan to do in the future.

In November a representative of the European Parliament, Wil Willemsen, visited

the EU-infopoint. Wil criticized if we followed up to all the criteria set by

European Parliament. We talked about how we established the EU-infopoint and

how we received all the information and what we did during the ‘Europe Day’.

Also he talked to several ambassadors and students who participate in the ELOS

study program. At the end of the visit he gave us wonderful news. Our school

can call itself an European Parliament Ambassador School. We will give a detailed

explanation of his visit in the research paper.

Before we start working on our research paper we made a plan of approach, so

we know what we have to do during the upcoming months. Below you can find

our plan:

Plan of approach and planning

How can two students increase the European knowledge of a secondary school?


- April till augustus ’13

Prepare + start with EU infopoint

Activity with the second classes during activity week

- September ‘13

Start schoolyear 2013/2014

Presentation for whole TVWO, promoting ourselves

Meeting with Eu-infopoint team

1st survey, start measuring

27th hand in 1st version

- Oktober ’13

Presentation YES

- November ‘13

2nd survey, end measuring

- December ‘13



Ways of approaching students:

- EU-infopoint

- Social media

o Twitter

o Facebook

o Mail account

o App

- Projects and activities


- Making logo

- Presentation TVWO

- Small presentation in all classes

- Interview in newspaper

- Posters

- Activities


- First survey September

- Second survey November

EU-infopoint team

Daphne Veelers

Annelin Kuijters

Danique van Limbeek

Eline Roomer

Max Drese

Festina Selmani

Verena Vredeveld

Elske Salome

Timon Houben

Jeroen Kamphuis

Jocqui Lub

Mirko Meijer

Mandy van de Beek

- Start Whatsapp group so we keep in contact

- At least 2 representatives in every break

So to conclude, our research paper is about the EU-infopoint which we

established in April 2013. We did this with the help of 11 other students. In other

to do a reliable research we handed out a survey in our school. In total we

collected 316 surveys, all from students of the KSG Apeldoorn. You can find the

results and the rest of our research in this paper.



The first signs of a European unity started already on the 9th of may 1950.

Robert Schuman proposed that France and Germany should work together

concerning coal and steel. On the 18th of April 1951 6 countries, Belgium, Federal

Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, signed the

treaty for the European Coal and Steel Community.2 If we take a look on what

this collaboration has received in more than 60 years, we see many

improvements. First of all, the European Union consists nowadays of 28th

members, instead of six. Furthermore, we have a common currency, namely the

Euro. On the 1st of January 2002 banknotes and coins of the euro were

distributed in 12 countries of the Eurozone.

Other examples of which we can`0 conclude that the collaboration of 28th

countries is a great advantage for us as European citizens are:

The needed medical help you will receive while staying in a foreign country within

the European Union. As an European citizen you have the right to medical care in

every other country in the European Union. The costs will be compensated under

certain conditions. 3

Furthermore, we know from a research that students on average send between

50 till 100 messages a month and spend 300 minutes on calling each other.4 Due

to the EU we pay less money for phoning from one country to another country.

This table shows the development of costs.

5 It clearly shows that the costs are decreasing. This is mainly due to the proper

collaboration between countries in the European Union.

So these two examples show that a good cooperation between European

countries result in benefits for European citizens. Today we can’t think of a

Europe without a European Union anymore. And Europe is getting more and

more important, it is our future!

2 Fontaine, P. , Europa in 12 lessen (Duitsland 2010) 75 3 ‘Geplande zorg’, European Commission 4 ‘Mobiel onderzoek’, John Wittmaekers, 5 ‘More transparency and cheaper roaming prices for EU citizens’, European Commission

1st July 2012 1st July 2013 1st July 2014

Calling (per minute) 29 cent 24 cent 19 cent

Being called (per minute) 8 cent 7 cent 5 cent

Sending a message (per sms) 9 cent 8 cent 6 cent


1. Importance of the European Union

Why is it important for students to have a wide knowledge of Europe and

how do students think about this?

To start with we are all European citizens. Since we are an European citizen we

should also be aware of our opportunities as an European inhabitant. Many

decisions are made in Europe and they influence us all. International decision-

making influences national-decision making and so on. So, students are also

affected by this way of decision-making. We want students to be aware of the

fact that they can vote, when they turned 18, for members of the European

Parliament. Through this they have a say in what kind of Europe they want to

live in. They are involved in political decision making on European level, which

will affect us all.

1.1. Lisbon Treaty

Since the first of December 2009, when the Lisbon Treaty was accepted, the

democracy got a boost. The Lisbon Treaty gives the European Parliament new

lawmaking powers: it may now decide on the vast majority of EU legislation.

Over 40 new fields come under the procedure for co-decision by Parliament and

the Council of Ministers, including agriculture, energy policy, immigration and EU

funds. The Parliament has the last say on the EU budget. With more power,

comes more responsibility. The Parliament, as the only directly elected EU

institution, will have new means to keep the EU accountable to its citizens.6

1.2. Rights as an European citizen

Any person who holds the nationality of a EU country is automatically an EU

citizen. As a European citizen, you have the right to know how the European

institutions prepare decisions, who participates in preparing them, who receives

funding from the EU budget, and what documents are held or produced to

prepare and adopt the legal acts. You also have the right to access those

documents, and make your views known, either directly, or indirectly, through

intermediaries that represent you.7

We get the opportunity to help forming our future, now it is on us to actively

take this chance. Because of the European Union we gained a lot of rights.

For instance the right of free movement. If this wasn’t the case people weren’t

allowed to travel, work and live in any other country except their own.

Luckily nowadays, when working in a foreign country within the European Union,

you have got exactly the same rights, as you would have had in your own

country. Also your profession qualifications are accepted in every country within

the European Union.

6 ‘European Parliament & the Lisbon Treaty’, European Parliament:

Lisbon-Treaty.html;jsessionid=18CEF679DE9D2FD68123D21481E14844.node1 7 ‘Transparency Portal’, Koen Doens:


Most feared topic; taxes. The tax-rate is also influenced by the European Union.

When you decide to emigrate you will be treated like every other citizen from

that country when it comes to taxes. If you have a Dutch nationality and you

decide to immigrate to France, you will pay the same taxes as every other

Frenchman. This is the same when you decide to study in another country within

the European Union. You will be treated just like other students of that country

concerning costs.8 This information can be very important especially for bilingual

students at the KSG Apeldoorn, since they are more focused on working and

studying abroad. Nevertheless HAVO and VWO will also benefit from this


1.3. How citizens can exercise their rights

As mentioned before, Europeans are not just consumers or participants in

economic and social affairs. They are also citizens of the European Union, and

because of this they have specific political rights.

Under the Maastricht Treaty, every citizen of the Union, regardless of nationality,

has the right to vote and to stand as a candidate in local elections in his or her

country of and in elections to the European Parliament.9

Whenever you have complaints or requests you can always enable European

institutions. An example of such an institution is SOLVIT10. They will help you

with your problems, questions, requests and complaints. They will also try to find

a proper solution within ten days.

1.4. Students opinions

Students also explained, in the survey, why they think it is important to have

certain knowledge of Europe. Some reactions are: ‘European borders disappear,

before you know it we are one country’, ‘Because we are one society, we are all

connected to one another’, ‘It is important, because Europe has to work together

in order to keep competing with upcoming powers like United States of America

and China’, ‘A big part of our political and economical decisions are based on

European policy’.

The next chart shows the results on the question whether the student wants to

learn more about Europe. 70% of the students of the bilingual stream are willing

to learn more and so does 47% of VWO and 43% of HAVO. It shows clearly that

students who do the bilingual stream, are more willing to learn more about

Europe. A reason for this could be, that they are already focus more on

international matters.

8 ‘Universiteit’, European Commission: 9 ‘Treaty of Maastricht on European Union’, European Commission:

_en.htm 10 ‘Effective problem solving in Europe’, European Parliament, Koen van Ginneken:


This comes due to the fact that bilingual students have more international

exchanges and their projects focus more often on international affairs.

So, there are plenty of reasons why it is important to have a wide European

knowledge. When people are familiar with the rights they have as an EU citizen

and when they exactly know what kind of decisions there are made in the EU,

they can play an active role in voting for member of the European Parliament.

Furthermore when people are familiar with their rights it will eventually bring the

European Union closer to its people. Citizenship of the Union is now enshrined in

the Treaty which states that ‘Every person holding the nationality of a Member

State shall be a citizen of the Union. Citizenship of the Union shall complement

and not replace national citizenship’. The good thing is that the EU-infopoint is

offering a place where all students can collect their information and were they

can increase their knowledge.










1 2 3


Increase European knowledge

Tweetalig vwo




2. Knowledge of Europe

What information do we want to offer students on the KSG?

Before we can actually deliver all the information we need to make clear what

kind of information we want to offer. Which information is attractive for students

and what information is important? And what do you need to know before you

can say you enough about Europe?

2.1. Basic information

To begin with we think it is important that students already know:

The currency of the different members of the EU

The members of the EU

Why the EU actually exists

Capital city’s of EU and European countries

When the EU was founded

Who the current President of the European Council is

Next to this we also want to make it easier for students to gain more specific

information about one country or a European institution. This is information that

we store at the EU-infopoint, but of which we don’t think everyone should know

it. What we want to achieve is that the students know the most important facts

about Europe and the EU, and that they can gain specific information at the EU-


In our survey we asked 5 basic questions about the European Union. If the

students could answer all five of them correctly, we would say that that student

is well up-to-date concerning the European Union. These are the questions that

we asked:

1. How many members does the European Union have right now?

2. Which country was the last one joining the European Union?

3. Since when is that country member of the European Union?

4. Do all countries of the European Union use the same currency?

5. Who is the current President of the European Council?

6. When was the European Union founded?

2.2. Results survey

The results of the answers of all the students can be found in the next graphs.

Our goal is to improve these numbers in the upcoming months.


1. How many members does the European Union have right now?

2. Which country was the last one joining the European Union?

3. Since when is that country member of the European Union?

4. Do all countries of the European Union use the same currency?

5. Who is the current President of the European Council?

6. When was the European Union founded?






1 2 3 4 5 6

Percentage good



First class

Tweetalig vwo 1










1 2 3 4 5 6

Percentage good



Second class

Tweetalig vwo 2

Vwo 2

Havo 2








1 2 3 4 5 6

Percentage good



Third class

Tweetalig vwo 3

Vwo 3

Havo 3


1. How many members does the European Union have right now?

2. Which country was the last one joining the European Union?

3. Since when is that country member of the European Union?

4. Do all countries of the European Union use the same currency?

5. Who is the current President of the European Council?

6. When was the European Union founded?







1 2 3 4 5 6

Percentage good



Fourth class

Tweetalig vwo 4

Vwo 4

Havo 4








1 2 3 4 5 6

Percentage good



Fifth class

Tweetalig vwo 5

Vwo 5

Havo 5








1 2 3 4 5 6

Percentage good



Sixth class

Tweetalig vwo 6

Vwo 6


It is very clear that the questions: who is the current President of the European

Council? and When was the European Union founded? were the hardest ones.

On average less than 20% of these two questions were answered correctly. The last question shows that students don’t know a lot about the history of the European Union. This could possibly be, because they are not interested in it or

because they never received this information in history lessons. This is in itself not a very big deal, the future of the European Union is more important.

Furthermore, we still see that quite a lot of students are not up-to-date. Many of them don’t know that Croatia is the last country that joined the European Union

and they don’t know who the current President of the European Council is. They don’t know much about recent happenings in the Europe and the European

Union. This could be, because they simply don’t know where to receive this information easily.

What was also striking is that tvwo did not always answer the questions better than VWO. We expected to see a clear difference between vwo and tvwo,

because tvwo focuses a lot on internationalization. For example through the use of EIO, Europese en internationale oriëntatie. Students of tvwo are obliged to keep an EIO-file, in which they store all the project and assignments they did,

concerning Europe. So we expected that because of this, tvwo students would have more general knowledge about Europe and the European Union.

We really want to change these results, because we would really like to see that

students know these basic questions about the European Union. How we want to

achieve this goal can be read in the next chapter.

To conclude, we want to make sure that all students can simply answer the 6

basic questions. However, we also want to gather information about Europe and

the EU (not specifically related to a certain subject) to store at the EU-infopoint,

which we can offer to students. They can use this information for projects,

presentations or papers.


3. Approaching the students

What is the best way of delivering European knowledge to students?

It’s very important in what way we want to reach the students with European

information. It must be done in such a way that they won’t have to take several

steps in order to get it. Today, most of the students have a smartphone, which

they check regularly, so we need to take that into consideration as well. We also

used a survey to get more information on how to approach the students.

Because what is the best way?

3.1. Social Media

First of all, we created a Facebook page, which is called EU infopoint KSG-

apeldoorn. On this page we place information about Europe and the European

Union. For example, we post recent news facts about Europe, like the economic

crisis. However, we also post news facts about our own activities like when we

painted the wall. We also place information about certain studies, which focus a

lot to on Europe.

Throughout the school we placed QR-codes, which people can scan and by doing

that they go to our Facebook-page. We ask people to like our page or leave a

reaction. A research of Newcom Research & Consultancy shows that almost 90%

of the Dutch teenagers (who have a Facebook account), in the age between 15

and 20, use Facebook daily.11 If we take a look at the students on the KSG, 92%

has a Facebook account. This is noticeably much, so it is for us a great way to

spread information about Europe, because many students receive and read it.

11 ‘Sociale media in Nederland by: Newcom Research & Consultancy’:


We also started a Twitter page. You can find us under the name

@EUinfopoint. We try to post a lot of information about Europe

and the EU regarding recent happenings.

Our followers are kept up-to-date, because they receive all the

European information in their timeline. By doing this, consciously

or unconsciously, they see and read a lot about Europe. A

research of Newcom Research & Consultancy also shows us that

62% of the Dutch teenagers, in the age between 15 and 20,

uses Twitter daily.12 We don’t have many followers yet, only 9,

however we are still promoting ourselves, so we expect that this

number will increase.

The chart on the left illustrates that social

media is mostly used in the age between

16 and 25. Students from a secondary

school are between the ages of 12 till 19.

This again shows that social media is a

very effective way to share and post

European information.


3.2. App

We’ve also created a European App, which is called EU-app©. In this app we

placed all the information of every European country, like what currency they

have, who their leader is and the capital of the country. For students this can be

a very easy way to gain a lot of trustworthy information about Europe. We also

made an agenda in which we put all the European activities and exchanges the

KSG has. In this way the students are up-to-date as regards of the

internationalization within the KSG. Furthermore we made a head that says e-

mail. Students and teachers can directly send us an e-mail if they have questions

12‘Sociale media in Nederland Door: Newcom Research & Consultancy’: 13‘Nederlandse jongeren zeer actief op sociale netwerken’, Ger Sleijpen, van:



or suggestions. We also made a link to our Twitter and Facebook page.

Unfortunately we can’t use the app yet, because it costs a lot of money to

publish it.

Below a design of our EU-infopoint app.

We measured how many students would be happy with a European App. The

results show that TVWO department has more interest in a European App than

VWO and HAVO. This could be because TVWO is more internationally orientated.

Overall we can say that students want a European app, more than 50% of the

school would be interested in an European app.










1 2 3


European app

Tweetalig vwo




We also made a poster to promote the EU-infopoint. We placed them through the

whole school.


3.3. Activities and projects

The three ways mentioned above are mainly used to gain fast news facts about

the European countries. Like updates on the economic crisis, new countries

joining the EU or information about European trade negotiations. However we

also want to make sure students actively use their knowledge about Europe. We

think this can most effectively be done through extra activities and projects. We

want to arrange these projects during the activity week for different classes. In

June 2013 we arranged an activity for the second year students of VWO and

TVWO. We made them do a scouting expedition in which they had to do five

different assignments and they had to answer different questions. They had to do

assignments like: matching the currency with a European country, answering

general questions about Europe and translating sentences from different

languages to Dutch. If they succeeded in doing the assignments they received

information about a specific European country. The different countries were:

Denmark, United Kingdom, Greece, Sweden, and Switzerland. After the

expedition the students had to form groups and they had to prepare a small

presentation about one of the countries, using the information they collected

during the assignments. To strengthen their presentation they had to make a

poster about their country. At the end we asked some students what they

thought of this activity, and most of them really liked it and they felt that they

had learned something that day.


3.4. EU-infopoint

In order to make it easier for students to gain reliable and good information

about Europe, we started a EU-infopoint. Students can come to us during the

breaks and they can ask for all kinds of information about Europe. The last 6

months we’ve been collecting different news articles, brochures and posters.

Students and teachers can use these different information resources, for their

presentations, papers or other projects. In the next chapter there is much more

detailed information about the EU-infopoint.

3.5. Results from survey

We asked students from the departments vwo, tvwo and havo what their

preferences are in order to collect information. The next graphs show the result.






Preference vwo

Social Media


Obliged course

Information point at school

European App


We clearly see that the majority of the students prefer Social Media. Secondly

they like the idea of a European app. What is striking is that relatively few people

prefer a EU-infopoint. A reason for this could be that students think that it will

take more time to visit the information point, than checking their mobile phone.

In order to change this, we could inform the students that it is very easy to

collect information at the EU-infopoint.

The order of preference is exactly the same for HAVO, VWO and TVWO. So in

general we can say that we should focus on social media.

To conclude this paragraph, we can approach students on several ways. We

could plan activities and start projects. On average 23% of the school prefers

this way. 24,7% of the school prefers the European App.

But the majority of the school wants us to use social media like Facebook and

Twitter, no less than 35.3% agrees with this method. So we are going to focus

on Facebook and Twitter for now.






Preference tvwo

Social Media


Obliged course

Information point at school

European App






Preference havo

Social Media


Obliged course

Information point at school

European App


4. European infopoint

What is the European infopoint offering and is a European infopoint an

effective way of increasing the knowledge of students from a secondary


The seventh of March, the first day of the European infopoint at the KSG. We

decided to start this project together with a team consisting of several bilingual,

VWO and HAVO students. We are two students and willing to add something to

our secondary school. But where do we have to start? How do we start a

European infopoint and how do we lead a team? And is it effectively what we are

doing? Is the European knowledge of a secondary school actually increasing?

4.1. Our tasks as European infopoint

The EU-infopoint at the KSG is created in March 2013 and is set up with the

intention to form an information point where students

can go to with their questions concerning Europe.

Students can collect information in the form of:

brochures, posters, articles, magazines, websites and

booklets. The information can very well be used for

presentations, papers and projects.

Another advantage of this is that they can assume that

the information that we offer is reliable and trustworthy.

However doing this with only 2 students is hardly

possible, so a wonderful team of students supports us.

This team consists out of ten students who help us collecting news articles, help

us preparing activities and they also help us promoting the EU-infopoint. We

don’t have a specific division in ‘who does what’. Every break at least 2 students

are present and they are busy searching information, collecting news articles,

and helping students who have questions concerning Europe.

We want to provide students with all information they like, but besides that we

also plan activities during the activity week. In this way students are

interactively busy with information of Europe. For example, they make posters

and afterwards they present their founding. This is a fun way to receive

information of Europe.

We receive our information through different ways. First of all we look for Europe

related articles in different newspapers (De Volkskrant, NRC, De Stentor).

Secondly, we received most of our brochures and posters from different

European Parliaments throughout Europe. We also went to Brussels a couple of

days and we found an information centre with all kinds of brochures, posters and

books about Europe. We collected as many brochures as possible, from most of

the different European countries, and we took them home.


4.2. Interview with newspaper

We also did an interview with a Dutch newspaper, De Stentor. We told about

what the European infopoint stands for and that students are welcome anytime.

We explained that ‘Europe is important, and it gets even more important’ and we

said that ‘It must become a habit, whenever you want to know something about

Europe, come to the EU-infopoint. ’This was also a way of promoting ourselves.

Through this way it might even attract students from other secondary schools in

Apeldoorn. 14

14 Hemmy van Reenen, ‘KSG krijgt Europees infopoint’ in: De Stentor, 110 (2013) d.d. 4

mei 2013, 30


5. Visit of Wil Willemsen

13th of November, Wil Willemsen, a representative of the European Parliament,

visited the EU-infopoint. He is visiting schools on behalf of ‘tien voor Europa’. He

examines whether or not a school is working according to the rules of this project

and following all the criteria.

We contacted him through email. We found his email on the Internet and asked

whether he was able to visit our school soon. He answered that he would love to

come to Apeldoorn and see what the EU-infopoint was like.

5.1. Mail contact

Below, our email history with Wil Willemsen and Anne-Marie (also a

representative of the European Parliament):

Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2013

Dear sir, madam,

We, Annelin Kuijters and Daphne Veelers, have started a few months ago, the

EU-infopoint at our school, Koninklijke Scholengemeenschap at Apeldoorn. We

have been supported by eleven students. We think we are all ready and set to be

assessed. We have started our own archive and we have organized several

activities and projects. Therefore we would love to invite you, to see if we fit to

all the set criteria by ’10 voor Europa’. Our dream is to receive a wonderful


We are looking forward to a positive response from you.

Thanks in advance.

With kind regards,

Daphne and Annelin on behalf of the EU-infopoint team.

Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2013

Dear Daphne and Annelin,

Glad to hear all the good stories!

I would love to go to Apeldoorn, I would also like to talk with a few junior

ambassadors. But first things first, let’s make an appointment; after that we will

make a short program.

Basically, I am available on Mondays, Fridays and late Wednesday afternoon.


Wil Willemsen



Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2013

Dear Wil,

We have discussed with mister Seffinga and some other teachers and the 13th of

November would suit us very well. We know it is a bit quick so we would love to

hear whether it suits you too.

With kind regards,

Daphne Veelers & Annelin Kuijters

Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2013

Dear Daphne and Annelin,

13th of November is okay, I will leave Nijmegen about 13.30.

I would like to speak to a few colleagues about the full implementation of the

teaching module and about the whole project. Besides I would like to speak to

some junior ambassadors about their European theoretical experiences. Usually a

visitation lasts one and a half to two hours.

Kind regards,

Wil Willemsen


Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2013

We are glad to hear that you are able to come.

We will ensure that everyone is available!

We look forward to your visit!

Kind regards,

Daphne Veelers & Annelin Kuijters

Date: Mon,11 Nov 2013

Dear Daphne and Annelin

If possible, I could also come an hour earlier. I could leave Nijmegen round

about 12.30

I’ll wait for your reply.

With kind regards,



Date: Mon,11 Nov 2013

Dear Wil,

That is okay! We still had some short questions. Which teachers would you like to

speak? And what questions can they expect? Also we wondered whether you

want to speak to the rector of our school? Finally, how many junior ambassadors

do you prefer to speak to and what exactly do you expect from them?

Thanks in advance. We are looking forward to your visit!

With kind regards,

Daphne Veelers and Annelin Kuijters

Date: Mon,11 Nov 2013

Dear Daphne and Annelin,

You may decide which teacher I can speak to as long as they have worked with

the module. Though If you can speak for them than that would work as well. My

questions will focus on content, implementation and efficacy of the module.

Besides I would like to talk about the internationalization policy we maintain at

school and how the theme Europe fits in.

It is okay if the rector will join the conversation, however, it is not a necessity. I

hope the junior ambassadors can share their experience with the module and the


It is not going to be an assessment of knowledge, but simply a call to findings,

ideas and opinions.

See you Wednesday!

With kind regards,

Wil ( 06-24715198 )

Visit took place

Date: Mon,9 Dec 2013

Dear Wil,

Thank you again for your visit! We would like to request 13 junior certificates. Do

you want any further information about these persons?

With Kind regards,

Daphne Veelers & Annelin Kuijters


Date: Mon,9 Dec 2013

Dear Daphne and Annelin,

This is all good; I am going to arrange this!

I want to wish you a wonderful Christmas holiday and…. It was really great with


Sincerely, also to Mr Seffinga!


Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2013

Dear Wil,

Lovely to hear!

Of course we want to wish you a great holiday as well!

Kind regards,

Daphne & Annelin

Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2013

Dear Daphne and Annelin,

I just read Anne Marie’s reaction; so it is all going to be fine.

Ennuh...I am also nice…haha ... but I meant what I wrote!

Kind regards,

Wil Willemsen

trainer 'een10voorEuropa'

Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2013

Dear Daphne and Annelin,

Through Wil Willemsen I understood that you would like to receive 13 junior

certificates. I assume you've done the work during the year 2013. I will send

them to you Monday, December 20th, I am currently in my work in Strasbourg,

and do not have the correct paper to print them. I will send them to you Monday,

December 20th, I am currently in my work in Strasbourg, and do not have the

correct paper to print them.

With kind regards,


Anne-Marie Eekhout

Europees Parliament Informatiebureau in Nederland

Korte Vijverberg 6 2513 AB Den Haag

Tel: +31-70-313 5400 Fax: +31-70-364 7001

Emails translations by Daphne and Annelin

5.2. The visit

So far, it was mainly about the preparation before the visit. What happened

during the visit?

We arranged a nice lunch, we completely cleaned our EU-infopoint, we printed

some presentations we gave and some pictures we made and so we were

completely ready to welcome our guest. We were pretty nervous but also very

excited. When Wil arrived we set down around a table at the EU-infopoint. He

was impressed by the wall painting and he wanted to check a few drawers and

cupboards. Than we started with how we grounded the EU-infopoint and were we

received all information from. We told him everything and every now and then

he asked us some questions. Also we talked about the internationalization policy

we as a school utilize. How we all have visited several countries and how we all

participated in several exchanging projects. Besides this he also wanted to know

how we thought about the ELOS program. We’ll give a short explanation about

Elos. Firstly, Elos defines the learning outcomes for students, describing the

various dimensions that come into play when students (and citizens in general)

participate in a Europe-related context. Secondly, Elos defines a quality

standard for schools, describing the requirements for a school to be allowed to

call itself an ‘Elos school’. And finally, Elos offers an international network of

schools, sharing the same objectives.15 In short, many advantages.

Furthermore, he asked how we as students experience this method and what this

method could do to improve. Then the students left and the rector arrived. We

analyzed the conversation together with the rector and with our mentor Drs. J.C.

Seffinga. We had a nice chat and Wil told us that we were the fastest settled info

point he had ever seen. He decided to give us the plaque and the certificates.

We may call ourselves a European Ambassador.


European Platform internationalising education:


After this wonderful news the school asked us to write a short article on

everything we achieved so far. This was going to be posted in the school paper.

All parents and teachers receive this paper, so again we did a little promoting.

5.3. The Heraut

KSG scores a 10 for Europe! JUDITH FONTEIJN

The EU-informationpoint of the KSG receives increasing prominence and content.

Meanwhile there can also be found a beautiful wall painting.

Two enthusiastic students (Daphne Veelers and Annelin Kuijters) have, together

with a group of fellow students, started this EU-infopoint as part of their

extensive essay.

The EU-infopoint is part of the educational project ‘Een 10 voor Europa’ by the

European Parliament of Holland. EU-infopoint is an information and activity point

about Europe and European institutions aimed at all students.


The European Office in The Hague drafted a number of conditions, for instance a

teaching module about the EU in English, French and German taught in Havo 4

and tvwo 4.

If during a visit a school turns out to fit to all the criteria, it will be rewarded with

an official ‘European Parliament Ambassador School’ certificate.


Also the participated students will receive a certificate and the school receive a

plaque. Testing is carried out through training, reporting and visitation of


13th of November, the day that the inspection took place at the KSG. It was

successful! We may now call ourselves, as one of the fifteen schools in Holland, a

European Parliament Ambassador. Internationalization coordinator, Carel

Seffinga may now call himself ‘Senior Ambassador and the students ‘Junior


5.4. Painting the wall

Report by Daphne and Annelin

Apple green, night blue, ochreous…..There

we are, starring at a shelf looking for the

perfect colors for on the wall. We, Daphne

and Annelin, planned to paint the wall at the

EU-infopoint in the activity week. We did

this together with a group of students from

vwo 4. Miss Roelevink and miss Vos

supported us as well and we couldn’t have

done it without them. The idea was to

screen a map of Europe through a beamer,

and in this way we could trace the lines on the wall. It was a matter of mixing

the perfect colors, painting between the lines and collaboration. It was a huge

project, but thanks to the assistance from everyone it was a more than

successful project. That’s why we would like to thank everyone that supported


The importance of Europe

Europe is gaining more and more importance. A major part of our legislation is

Europe. As a direct representative in the European Union, the European

Parliament plays a decisive role that we can no longer ignore. Especially now that

the Lisbon Treaty has been accepted, the legislative powers of the European

Parliament are significantly expanding. That’s why we want to spread the

importance of the European Union among other students.


Original Dutch version translated by Daphne and Annelin

5.5. The certificates

To completely round off our project we will all receive a certificate from the

European Parliament. This was our goal from the beginning and we were luckily

enough to achieve it. We thanked Wil Willemsen for his visit and in the beginning

of 2014 he will provided us with thirteen certificates. We decided to give all the

people that supported us a certificate. We think they deserve this; they helped

us a lot with collecting information and spending their breaks at the EU infopoint.

These students will receive the certificate:

Timon Houben

Verena Vredeveld

Festina Selmani

Danique van Limbeek

Elske Salomé

Mandy van de Beek

Jeroen Kamphuis

Jocqui Lub

Mirko Meijer

Max Drese

Eline Roomer

Daphne Veelers E6A

Annelin Kuijters E6A


Some reactions of students who were part of the EU-infopoint team:

‘I had a great time at the EU-infopoint. Together with the other students we have

collected a lot of information. Although there haven't been incredibly many

students asking for information I have learned about the EU in an active way

with has taught me quite a lot. Working together with people from different years

was a nice experience. The thing I liked most was organizing the informative

activity for the second grade of our school. We put quite some work into that and

I believe they really learned something from that day. I hope the student running

the info point next year will do a great job carrying on with the things we have

achieved this year.’ ~ Eline Roomer

‘I really enjoyed working at the EU-infopoint. My history teacher asked in out

class for people who wanted to join the EU-infopoint. I like the idea so I signed

up for it. Working at the EU-infopoint is really interesting because you learn a lot

about the member of the European Union. After a couple of months I knew a lot

of facts regarding Europe and the European Union. That’s what I liked most.’

~ Mandy van de Beek

Also our attendant mister Seffinga will receive a certicifacte; a senior certificate.

He has supervised the entire project.

5.6. The future

Of course there are always ways in which you can improve yourself and work

more efficiently. We thought of some aspects in order to improve the EU-

infopoint and the way in which we want to work.

First of all, we think that an extra computer would definitely make a difference in

the office. There is enough space to add other devices on the table. It would

make a difference because more people can work with the Internet, word or

excel, or other programs we regularly use in the office. We use the Internet to

collect information, an essential task, whereupon we put it in a document and

print it.

It might be a futuristic idea to scan all the articles we find whereupon we can add

them on Teletop. This might also increase the efficiency of the EU-infopoint. So

an extra scanner in the EU-infopoint could also work out. At the moment there is

only one scanner.

Besides technical aspects, it might also help if the teachers are more aware of

the importance of EU-infopoint. If they see the value of sending students to the

EU-infopoint, we will definitely gain importance in the school. As soon as

teachers decide to do a European project or talk about an European subject, it

would be perfect to send students to the EU-infopoint to collect information. So

more teacher support is also a future wish. How can we achieve this? We already

wrote an article in ‘The Heraut’, a magazine that teachers read as well.


This brings us to our next aspect. We want to make a visit to the EU-infopoint a

habit for students. We want to make the EU-infopoint more attractive. We think

that the first thing to do is to literally open the door. Normally it is always closed

which might not give the students a welcome feeling. Secondly, we should

increase the values for the student, so they personally get better when visiting

the EU-infopoint. Our successors will emphasize this. They are going to focus on

internships and studying abroad.

Timon, one of the successors explains what their plans are;

‘One of the many things I want to do in order to make sure that the EU-infopoint

gets well-known by the students is to improve the social media. Due to the

increase in popularity of the social media and the Internet amongst teens, I think

that is a way to communicate and to let students know who we are and what we

do. Annelin and Daphne wonderfully set up an amazing social media account, for

instance, on Facebook. Now, my plan is to improve that account and make sure

it is constantly updated with information regarding the EU-infopoint and, to make

it more appealing, fun facts about Europe and its union.

Another example of what I plan to do is to make clear where the EU-infopoint is,

by for example putting posters or arrows for direction pointing towards the

location of the EU-infopoint. Also, like Annelin and Daphne mentioned earlier, I

want to open the door in the break (when we are open).

By doing this, I think it creates more of a walk-in-walk-out feeling, which will

give students a more comfortable feeling and us more ‘customers’.

I would also like to expand the EU-infopoint, with certain topics that concern

students, like for instance, studying abroad or an international internship. This

way you make it more attractive for students who are interested in this to come

in and ask for information. Also, we get to keep the international point of view,

but with more specific information about a specific topic.

The EU-info team and I hope to get started with these points of improvement

real soon, and make this EU-infopoint a social and fun place to be, instead of it

being office-like or too formal. It needs to be a well-known place by the students,

where you can get your information concerning Europe and related topics easy

and quick.’ ~ Timon Houben

So we certainly have some aspects, on which the EU-infopoint could improve in

order to make it more successful!


6. KSG and the EU-infopoint

We didn’t only establish the EU-infopoint in order to make it for students easier

to collect information, it is also meant to collect information about exchanges or

other international activities. The KSG is a very international orientated school,

where many exchanges with different schools around the world take place. For

example, Canada, France, Germany, England and Australia. Also the KSG has got

a special school program, named ELOS.

6.1. International exchanges

Students at the KSG get many changes to go abroad. They can participate in all

kinds of exchanges. For the havo, vwo and tvwo department an international

exchange is an obliged part of their study. Countries they possibly go to are:

Germany, Denmark and France. Students learn al lot through these experiences.

They learn how to communicate and how to work together with people from

different cultures.

First year tvwo students go to England for one week, to improve their English

and to learn more about the English culture. For students from class 4 on there

are also other possibilities to go abroad, to countries like Canada, Romania and

Australia. For fifth year tvwo students an international internship is also obliged.

They have to do this in an English-speaking country or region. Through this they

also improve their English.

So the KSG is a very international orientated school, when looking at exchanges

with different countries. The most important aspects of these exchanges is

improving the language that is spoken there and learning how to work together

with people from a different culture. Before students go to a certain country,

they first search for information about the country, so that they know something

about their culture and traditions. The Eu-infopoint could perfectly contribute to

this process. We could collect information about countries with which the KSG

has relations. Through this students receive the right information and they will

be well prepared when they go to their destination.

We can also help the fifth year tvwo students with their international internship.

Students have to find an address and a working place by their own. For some

people this is very hard, because they don’t have family or friend who live

abroad. We could gather different addresses, so we can provide students with a

good internship when they really can’t find something else.

We can also be a source of information, when it comes to students who want to

study abroad after they graduated for their exams. Again we can make sure that

they can receive reliable information and that they can be well prepared when

they start their study abroad.


So the EU-infopoint can be a real source of information to help students at the

KSG to be well prepared when they go abroad.

6.2. Elos general information

First of all an explanation of what characterizes an Elos school. An Elos school

participates in a national quality network that develops a European and

International Orientation. Also, They are involved in structural international

exchange activities with several schools abroad.16

Elos is for all students in all programs of learning in secondary education. 17 The

target groups of the program are pupils aged between 12 and 19 years old.

Besides, the program also focuses on teachers from secondary schools. The

students and teachers will get involved internationally by participating in projects

with partner schools abroad. Students benefit from this, they will increase their

knowledge of one or more modern foreign languages. Also they will become

informed and critical citizens of Europe and the wider world. Elos prepares pupils

for their role as European citizens.18

Also there are benefits for teachers. They will exchange good educational and

teaching practices with colleagues from all over Europe. Also they will benefit

training possibilities and opportunities for further education abroad.

Why do certain schools participate in the ELOS program? First of all to motivate

more young people to choose studies and careers in the (European) fields of

science and technology and thus stimulate the knowledge society. Of course also

to prepare young people for the European job market and thus stimulate mobility

and flexibility of the European work force. 19

Main activities include virtual and face-to-face meetings, exchanging projects and

exchanging information with other countries. Elos schools have contacts with

partner schools from for instance Cyprus, Finland, France, Hungary, Romania and


Elos Schools will receive a certificate and other signs of recognition, such as a

wall sign, when they sign a ‘letter of commitment’ to work towards the Elos

School Standard and again after 3 years when they are expected to have made

considerable progress to meet the Elos School Standard in order to receive the

official Elos school certificate. The national Elos coordinators are responsible for

monitoring, evaluation and certification.20


‘European Elos network’, European platform, 17

‘European Elos network’, European platform, 18

‘European Elos network’, Kirsten Stamm, EuroSchool 19

European Elos network’, European platform, 20

European Elos network’, European platform,


Experiences in the Dutch Elos network and the Dutch network for bilingual

education have shown that quality review is very valuable not only for official

recognition, but to enhance the developments at school level. Apart from formal

judgement, it is a perfect ‘excuse’ for schools to evaluate their own progress, and

to use the outcomes of a review visit as a new boost for their future learning

program and activities.

School managers, coordinators and teachers very much appreciate this form of

external advice, and it is a way to show the wider public (parents for instance)

that all this extra work is being done for a good reason. Certification also seems

to enhance motivation at all levels, it is a way to make performances visible to


6.3. KSG and Elos

At the KSG we use Elos as well. At the HAVO department students are allowed to

use a second language, French or German. This automatically means that social

studies will be taught in the chosen language. This really helps students to learn

the language more efficiently. Below you can find some examples of booklets,

which they use during the lessons.





To conclude, the EU-infopoint is founded in 2013 and arranged by a group of

students at the KSG Apeldoorn. All students from KSG but also from other places

can come and face us with their questions about European Union. Also they can

ask for reliable information in the form of brochures, posters, articles,

magazines, websites, video and audio material and booklets. We built our own

archive with articles ranked by country.


With the EU-infopoint we try to keep to the requirements of ‘Een tien voor

Europa’, YES!project and the Schoolplan. In this we, the EU-infopoint, works

most effectively for the school, European institution and the students.

Proper knowledge of the Europe is very important for students of a secondary

school. This knowledge might come in very handy for instance when studying at

university. Besides, as a European citizen you have many opportunities. You

should be fully aware of them in order to benefit. An example of this are the

phone tariffs within Europe. Without the EU these tariffs would be considerably

higher and so disadvantaging us all. Besides knowing all this practical and handy

facts students are really willing to learn more about Europe. The majority of the

students of the KSG wants to increase their knowledge regarding Europe.

We know this due to the spreading of our survey. The survey’s results gave us a

lot of information on what students think of Europe and in what way they want to

increase their knowledge. An important outcome was how students want to

receive the information. The majority of the students preferably receive

information through social media. Secondly they prefer a European app. So they

want digital information rather than on paper. So our reaction was making a

Facebook and Twitter page. Besides that we also designed an EU-app, with

European facts but also it also contains information about international school

projects. Publishing the app is not realistic at short notice since this is very

expensive. But this might be very interesting on the long-term.

We are also going to focus on what sort of information we want to give to

students. We noticed that a lot of students lack knowledge on people who play a

major role in the European Union. Also they lack knowledge on recent

happenings like the membership of Croatia this year. We are also going to

update more of these recent facts. We hope that in this way we can increase the

knowledge of students regarding European Union and institutions.



We tried to reach all the set goals. After a period of time we contacted a

representative of the European parliament, named Wil Willemsen. He visited our

EU-infopoint and checked whether we abide the rules of ‘10 voor Europa’. He was

very pleased to hear our stories and to see what we had achieved so far. He was

pleasantly surprised that we were able to reach so many things in such a short

period of time. After the conversation Will told us that we fit to all the criteria

and that we would receive the certificates. Next to that the school will get a

plaque and may now call itself a European Ambassador School.


The KSG is an official Elos school, which means that we participate in a national

network that develops an European Orientation. The KSG wants to motivate

more young people and pupils to choose studies and careers in the (European)

fields. That’s why the school participated in for instance many exchanging

projects. Countries they possibly go to are: Germany, Denmark and France.

Students learn al lot through these experiences. They learn how to communicate

and how to work together with people from different cultures. Also at the HAVO

department students are allowed to use a second language, French or German.

In this way our school also stimulates increasing the knowledge of the students,

concerning Europe.


Finishing touch

To round off our project, we are going to meet up with all the students who gave

a helping hand. We will give them the certificates they deserve and we will thank

them for all their effort. In this way we properly end this project and so Timon

can take over the control of the EU-infopoint. His goals are attracting students

and promoting the EU-infopoint. He wants to expand the EU-infopoint, with

certain topics that concern students, like, studying abroad or an international





We worked together perfectly fine. We have been working together before so we

know how to approach such a project. We divided all the tasks equally. Also the

EU-infopoint team helped us with handing out the surveys and giving



We followed our planning pretty secure. We could have started a little earlier

with writing everything down.


What we could have improved is that we could have added another paragraph in

which we devote on comparing countries. So in which country is the European

Union having the biggest effect? In which countries are the students most up-to-

date concerning knowledge about European Union? What is the difference if we

ask students how important they think European Union is? Why is this answer

different in other countries?

Also we could have focus more on the originality of EU-infopoint. We would have

liked to compare our EU-infopoint with CODA Apeldoorn’s ‘Europe Direct’. They

receive subsidy from government and we are actually quite interested in the

requirements of this subsidy and we would like to know whether we could also

receive it.

We explained our practical improvements and suggestions in the previous




Date Time (total) Place Work carried out


11-03-13 20 min. School Monday11 march 2013 15:01

Dear Daphne and Annelin,

I would like to make use of your services to be the

primarily responsible of the EU-infopoint

Getting introduced to EU infopoint.

15-03-13 2 hours At home Making planning and approach of EU-infopoint

05-04-13 2 hours At home Preparing questions for YES! day at Tilburg

11-04-13 Whole day Tilburg YES!

18-01-13 30 min. At school Interview with newspaper

13-05-13 Two days Brussels YES! trip to Brussels

26-06-13 3 hours At school Preparing for activity during activity week

27-06-13 1 hour At home Preparing for activity during activity week

01-06-13 6 hours At school EU activity during activity week

30 min. Interview with journalist De Stentor


27-08-13 4 hours At home Prepare presentation + how to promote EU infopoint

during presentation

03-08-13 15 min. At school Presentation TVWO opening schoolyear

10-08-13 2 hours At home Working on extensive essay

17-08-13 3 hours At home Working on extensive essay

22-09-13 1 hour At home Preparing presentation + sending emails

23-09-13 1st, 2nd, 4th

and 5th hour+

big break


24-09-13 4 hours At home Finishing extensive essay

25-09-13 5 hours At home Finishing extensive essay


26-09-13 5 hours At home Finishing extensive essay

26-09-13 1st,2nd,3rd and

4th hour

At school Finishing extensive essay

Hand in first version

06-10-13 5 hours At home Preparing for the Yes Conference

07-10-13 Whole day;

about 6 hours

Utrecht Yes Conference

14-10-13 1 hour Gamma/


Buying paint

15-10-13 6 hours At school Painting the wall

16-10-13 8 hours At school Painting the wall

11-11-13 1 hour At home Writing an article for the Heraut

17-11-13 3 hours At home Working on extensive essay – new paragraph about the

visitation of Wil Willemsen

22-12-13 2 hours At home New paragraph about visitation of Wil Willemsen

30-12-13 3 hours At home Changing logbook, improving the first version

05-01-13 3 hours At home Improving first version

24-01-13 2 hours At home Checking each other’s works

25-01-13 2 hours At home Finishing extensive essay

26-01-13 4 hours At home Finishing extensive essay

+/- 50 hours At school Working at the EU-infopoint during the recess

Total +/- 200 hours




- Hemmy van Reenen, ‘KSG krijgt Europees infopoint’ in: De Stentor, 110

(2013) d.d. 4 mei 2013, 30


- Bureau voor publicaties van de Europese Unie, ‘Uw Europa, uw rechten’,

- Complying with Europe, EU Harmonisation and Soft Law in the Member

States, Gerda Falkner, Oliver Treib, Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Leiber

- Fontaine, P. , Europa in 12 lessen (Duitsland 2010)

- Het verdrag van Lissabon. Nieuwe spelregels voor Europese

samenwerking. Oktober 2007, ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken

- Trade Free trade is a source of economic growth, 2013 European

Commission, Directorate-General for Communication

- Two institutions acting for Europe, The European Council, the Council






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