school incident management presentation

Post on 16-Nov-2014






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Apply NIMS & Incident Command Principles to School-Based Emergencies


NIMS & ICS Principles

Applied to School-Based Emergencies!

Presented by David Kondrup

How Many Incidents May Be School-Based

Bad Weather (Natural Events)

Threatening Calls

Threats By Letters or Post Cards

Chemical / Lab Accidents

Health RelatedFlu or Other Illnesses

Transportation Accident

FireAt your facility

Or near your facility

School Violence

School Violence

Incidents Can Also Be Graduation Sporting Events, or any Large Gathering

Emergency Management For Schools

• In it’s Lessons Learned Information Sharing forum the DHS recommends to School Administrators that they consider the following:

– An All-Hazards Approach to Planning– The National Incident Management System (ICS)– The Phases of Emergency Management– Community Collaboration– The Challenges facing School Emergency Planning

Introduction to NIMS

• The National Incident Management System (NIMS) is the United States’ system for managing domestic incidents.

• NIMS is mandated by Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5

• NIMS enables community organizations, such as schools, to coordinate the management of incidents with emergency responders across all jurisdictions and functions.

• Improves coordination and cooperation between entities using a standardized set of concepts, principles and terminology.


NIMS Concepts and Principles

• Flexible framework that applies to all phases of incident management.

• Standardized organizational structures, processes, procedures and systems to promote interoperability


Six Key Components to NIMS1. Command and Management

• Incident Command System (ICS)• Multi-agency coordination systems• Public information systems

2. Preparedness• Planning, training, exercises• Personnel qualification and certification standards• Equipment acquisition and certification standards

3. Resource management• Standards for describing, inventorying, tracking resources

4. Communications and information management• Interoperability

5. Supporting Technologies

6. Ongoing Management & Maintenance


NIMS Compliance-School Districts**NIMS Compliance Center Guidance

• Since school districts are an integral part of local government, their use of NIMS should be achieved in close coordination with other components of the local government. School districts are not traditional response organizations and more typically are recipients of first responder services provided by fire and rescue, emergency medical and law enforcement agencies. This traditional relationship should be acknowledged in achieving NIMS compliance within an integrated local government plan for NIMS compliance. School district participation in local government's NIMS preparedness program is essential to ensure that first responder services are delivered to schools in a timely and effective manner.

• Schools and Districts that receive federal emergency preparedness grants are required to comply with NIMS requirements; those that do not receive these grants are not required to adopt NIMS.

• School safety experts strongly encourage all schools to become NIMS compliant.

Introduction to ICS for SchoolsIS-100-SC

• FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Education developed a course to promote school safety by:

– Familiarizing you with how ICS principles can be applied in school-based incidents.

– Preparing you to interface with community response personnel.

NIMS & Incident Command System

• Multiple Levels of Activation

National Response Plan

City/County Emergency Plan

School District Emergency Plan

School Site Plan

State Emergency Plan

Universal for all Incident Types

Incident Command System Definition• The Incident Command System

(ICS) is a management system designed to enable effective and efficient incident management by integrating a combination of facilities, equipment standards and an incident management organization with five functional areas (command, operations, planning, logistics and finance & administration) for the management of all major incidents.

School and School District

ICSICSFirst Responders (Fire, Police,


Partners(Mental & Public Health, Parents,

Media, etc.)

Incident Command SystemIncident Command System

ICS Impact on Local Agencies• All response agencies must use ICS.

• Personnel will be required to meet national qualification and certification standards to support an incident that transcends interstate jurisdictions.

• State and local jurisdictions will be strongly encouraged to implement mutual aid agreements.


ICS Applications

• Fires, hazardous materials releases, oil spills, and multi-casualty incidents

• Multi-jurisdictional and multi-agency disasters

• Search and rescue operations

• Law enforcement incidents

• Natural disasters

• Planned events


ICS Organization

No correlation with the administrative structure of any other agency or jurisdiction. ICS organization’s uniqueness helps to avoid confusion over different position titles and organizational structures. Someone who serves as a chief every day may not hold that title when deployed under an ICS structure.


Integrated Management StructureICS

Logistics Section

Finance/ Administration


Operations Section

Planning Section

Incident Command

Public Information


Safety Officer

Liaison Officer

Command Staff:The Command Staff provide Information, Safety, and Liaison services for the entire organization.

General Staff:The General Staff are assigned functional authority for Operations, Planning, Logistics, and Finance/ Administration.

Logistics Section

Finance/ Administration


Operations Section

Planning Section

Incident Command

Public Information


Safety Officer

Liaison Officer

Command Staff:The Command Staff provide Information, Safety, and Liaison services for the entire organization.

General Staff:The General Staff are assigned functional authority for Operations, Planning, Logistics, and Finance/ Administration.

Intelligence Section

Modular Organization

– Develops in a top-down, modular fashion based on:

• size and complexity of the incident.

• hazard environment created by the incident.


Modular Organization

– Incident objectives determine organizational size.

– Only fill necessary functions/positions.

– Each element must have a person in charge.


Basic Incident Command System at a School

Public In form ation O fficerC o o rd in a tes a ll m e d ia re lea se s,

su p po rt u su a lly p ro vid e d b y the d is tric t.

Safety O fficer(School Security Staff, School Resource Officer

or designated staff)E n sure s th a t a ll a c tion s a re d o ne sa fe ly.

Liaison O fficerA ss ists resp o nd in g a g en c ies from o uts ide

th e sch o o l w ith in fo rm atio n .

O perationsC a res fo r stu d en ts a nd

ca rries o u t u n iversa l an d sp e c if icp ro ce d u re s an d pro toco ls.

PlanningC o llec ts a n d e va lu a tes in fo rm a tiona s re la te d to th e d eve lo p m e nt o f an

in c ide n t a n d s ta tu s o f reso u rce s.

LogisticsS e cure s a n d p rov id es

n e e de d m a te ria ls , re sou rce s, se rv icesa n d p e rso nn e l.

Finance & Adm inistrationT ra cks in c ide n t cos ts fo r re im b u rsem e nt

a ccou n ting . (Im p orta n t in tra ck ing cos ts wh e rea s ta te o r fe d era l "d isas te r a re a" is de c la re d .)

Incident C om m ander(Principal or Designee)

In ch a rge o f o ve ra ll m a n ag m e n t o f an em erg en cy.

Sample School or School District Incident Command System Organization

P u b lic In fo rm ation O fficer

Student Supervision

Health Services/First Aid

Search and Rescue

Student/Parent Reunification

O p era tio ns

Next Steps Planning

Facility M anager


P lann ing

Food Services


L o g is tics

Insurance Claims



F in an ce & A d m in is tration

In c iden t C om m an der an d In c iden t C o m m an d T eam

Basic ICS Organization Chart(Think of this as your building or crisis team)

Operations"Do Stuff"

Logistics"Get Stuff"

Planning/Intellegence"Plan Stuff"

Adm inistration/Finance"Buy Stuff"

Inc ident com m ander"In C harge"

Common Terminology

• Reduce confusion between day-to-day activities and incident response duties.

• Common terminology

• Plain English


Formal Communication

PlanningSection Chief

PlanningSection Chief

LogisticsSection Chief

LogisticsSection Chief

Finance/AdminSection Chief

Finance/AdminSection Chief


Air OperationsBranch DirectorAir Operations

Branch Director





Public InformationOfficer

Public InformationOfficer

Command Staff

General Staff

Service Branch Director

Service Branch Director

SupportBranch Director

SupportBranch Director

OperationsSection ChiefOperations

Section Chief

Formal Communication


When To Use Formal Communication

•Use formal communication when:– Receiving and giving work

assignments. – Requesting support or

additional resources.– Reporting progress of

assigned tasks.


Informal Communication

– Is used to exchange incident or event information only.

– Is NOT used for:• Formal requests for additional resources.• Tasking work assignments.

Within the ICS organization, critical information must flow freely!


Chain of Command

Chain of command is an orderly line of authority within the ranks of the incident management organization.



Unity of Command

•Under unity of command, personnel:– Report to only one supervisor. – Receive work assignments only from

their supervisors.


Unified Command

– Enables all responsible agencies to manage an incident together

– Establishes common incident objectives and strategies.

– Single command structure allows Incident Commanders to analyze intelligence and make joint decisions.

– Maintains unity of command. Each employee reports to only one supervisor.

Incident Command Post

Agency 1 Agency 2 Agency 3

Agency 1 Incident


Agency 2 Incident


Agency 3 Incident



Unified Command Structure

Unified Command(Representatives From Local


Finance/ Administratio



Unified Command does not change other features of ICS.


SchoolIncident Commander


School DistrictIncident Commander

(Superintendent,Security Director)

County/CityIncident Commander


School SiteCrisis/EmergencyResponse Team

Or (IMT)



District Emergency Operations

Committee (EOC)

Unified Command for a School Emergency

City/CountyIncident Management

Team (IMT)



Area Command

• Sets overall strategy and priorities• Allocates resources• Ensures proper management

– Objectives are met– Strategies are followed

• Does not include Operations Section (On-scene)• Examples

– Major incident with multiple ICPs– Health emergency that is not site specific


Area Command

Area Command


Area Command

Planning Logistics Finance/ Administration

Configuration with multiple ICPs

Configuration without ICP


Manageable Span of Control

•Span of control: The number of individuals or resources that one supervisor can manage effectively during an incident.

•May vary from 3 to 7

subordinates reporting

to a supervisor.•Optimum – 5 subordinates

to one supervisor.Resource 2Resource 2

Resource 3Resource 3Resource 1Resource 1



Organizational Facilities

• Incident Command Post– Tactical level on-scene incident command and

management organization– Located at safe distance but close enough to maintain

command• Staging Area

– Temporary location of available resources not immediately assigned

• Base – Location of primary support activities– Location of Logistics Section– Can support multiple incident sites


Organizational Facilities

• Camp– Satellite support sites for food, rest,

sanitation, maintenance, etc.

• Helibase– Main facility to support helicopter operations

• Helispot– Satellite facility to support local helicopter

operations (i.e., school yard used for med-evac operations)


Position Titles

•ICS position titles:– Provide a common standard for performance

expectations.– Help to ensure that qualified individuals fill

positions.– Standardize communication.– Describe the responsibilities of the position.


Task Force

• Combination of unlike resources

• Must have a leader

• Must have communications

• Must have transportation

• Must be within span of control limits


Fire Suppression Task ForceICS

Strike Team• Same type and kind of resources

• Must have a leader

• Must have communications

• Must have transportation (as required)

• Must be within span of control limits


Dozer Strike TeamICS

Advantages of Task Forces & Strike Teams

• Helps maintain effective span of control

• Assists with resource accountability

• More effective use of resources

• Effective way of ordering resources

• Reduces radio traffic


Incident Commander

• First responsible person on the scene

• Responsible for on-scene incident management until relieved by a more qualified person or authority is delegated to another person.

• Only position that is always staffed in ICS applications


Scope of Authority

•An Incident Commander's scope of authority is derived:– From existing laws and

agency policies and procedures, and/or

– Through a delegation of authority from the agency administrator or elected official.



•Authority is . . . . . . a right or obligation to act on behalf

of a department, agency, or jurisdiction.


Delegation of Authority – Grants authority to carry out

specific functions.– Issued by chief elected official,

chief executive officer, or agency administrator in writing or verbally.

– Allows the Incident Commander to assume command.

– Does NOT relieve the granting authority of the ultimate responsibility for the incident.

Incident Commander



Delegation of Authority is Needed

– If the incident is outside the Incident Commander’s home jurisdiction.

– When the incident scope is complex or beyond existing authorities.

– If required by law or procedures.


Delegation of Authority is Not Needed

•If the Incident Commander is acting within his or her existing authorities.

•An emergency manager may already have the authority to deploy response resources to a small flash flood.

•A fire chief probably has the authority (as part of the job description) to serve as an Incident Commander at a structure fire.


Delegation of Authority: Elements

•Should include:– Legal authorities and restrictions.

– Financial authorities and restrictions.

– Reporting requirements.

– Demographic issues.

– Political implications.

– Agency or jurisdictional priorities.

– Plan for public information management.

– Process for communications.

– Plan for ongoing incident evaluation.

Delegation of Authority


Incident Commander Role

•The Incident Commander:

– Provides overall leadership for incident response.

– Delegates authority to others.

– Takes general direction from agency administrator/official.


Incident Commander Responsibilities

•The Incident Commander is specifically responsible for:– Ensuring incident safety. – Providing information services to

internal and external stakeholders. – Establishing and maintaining

liaison with other agencies participating in the incident.


Incident Commander Responsibilities

• Managing Incident Priorities

– Life Safety (victims and responders)

– Incident Stability

– Preservation of property and environment


Incident Commander Responsibilities

•The Incident Commander: – Is responsible for all activities and functions

until delegated and assigned to staff.– Assesses need for staff.– Establishes incident objectives.– Directs staff to develop

the Incident Action Plan.

Incident Commander


Changing Incident Commanders

• Command may change to meet the needs of the incident when incidents:– Expand or contract.– Change in jurisdiction or discipline.– Become more or less complex.

• A higher ranking person may assume, maintain or reassign command•This is a formal process.


Transferring Incident Commanders

•Transfer of command requires:– A transfer of command briefing for

the incoming Incident Commander.

– Notification to all personnel

that a change in command is taking place.


Command & General StaffICS

Logistics Section

Finance/ Administration


Operations Section

Planning Section

Incident Command

Public Information


Safety Officer

Liaison Officer

Command Staff:The Command Staff provide Information, Safety, and Liaison services for the entire organization.

General Staff:The General Staff are assigned functional authority for Operations, Planning, Logistics, and Finance/ Administration.

Logistics Section

Finance/ Administration


Operations Section

Planning Section

Incident Command

Public Information


Safety Officer

Liaison Officer

Command Staff:The Command Staff provide Information, Safety, and Liaison services for the entire organization.

General Staff:The General Staff are assigned functional authority for Operations, Planning, Logistics, and Finance/ Administration.

Intelligence Section

Command Staff•It may be necessary for the Incident Commander to designate a Command Staff who:– Provide information, liaison, and safety services

for the entire organization.– Report directly to the Incident Commander.





Public InformationOfficer

Public InformationOfficer

Command Staff


Public Information Officer (PIO)

• Advises Incident Commander on information dissemination and media relations. Incident Commander approves information that the PIO releases.

Incident Commander

Obtains information from and provides information to Planning Section.

Planning Section Chief

Public Information


Obtains information from and provides information to community and media.

Community and Media


Safety Officer

Advises Incident Commander on issues regarding incident safety.

Incident Commander

Works with Operations to ensure safety of field personnel. Operations Section


Ensures safety of all incident personnel.Incident Personnel

Safety Officer

Only Command Staff member who can countermand the IC


Liaison Officer

Assists Incident Commander by serving as point of contact for agency representatives who are helping to support the operation.

Incident Commander

Liaison Officer

Provides briefings to and answers questions from supporting agencies.

Agency Representative


Incident Action Plan

•Required MBO tool for every incident to:– Specify incident objectives.– State activities to be completed. – Cover a specified timeframe, or operational


•May be oral or written—except for hazardous materials incidents, which require a written IAP.


Incident Action Plan Elements

– What do we want to do? – Who is responsible for doing it? – How do we communicate with each

other? – What is the procedure if someone

is injured?


Use standard form ICS-201 Incident Briefing form to document IAP

Operational Period Briefing

– Conducted at the beginning of each operational period.

– Presents the Incident Action Plan to supervisors within the Operations Section.

– Should be concise.

– May be referred to as the shift briefing.


Operational Period Briefing

– Planning Section Chief: Reviews the agenda and facilitates the briefing.

– Incident Commander: Presents incident objectives or confirms existing objectives.

Note: Objectives may be presented by the Planning Section Chief.

Briefing Checklist

Situation Mission/Execution Communications Service/Support Risk Management Questions or Concerns


After Action Review

• Required after every event – actual or drill

• Leads to a corrective action plan.

• Used to improve basic plan, annexes and Standard Operating Procedures


Multi-agency Coordination Systems

• A combination of resources

• Integrated into a common framework

• Used to coordinate and support incident management activities

• Examples– Interagency Incident Management Group (IIMG) – Joint Field Office– Emergency Operations Center

Command & Management

Multiagency Coordination Systems

• Support incident management policies and priorities

• Facilitate logistics support and resource tracking

• Make resource allocation decisions based on incident management priorities

• Coordinate incident-related information• Coordinate interagency and intergovernmental

issues regarding incident management policies, priorities, and strategies

Command & Management

EOC Organization

EOC Manager

Coordination Communications

Resource Management

Information Management

NOTE: EOC organization does NOT include Operations Section

Command & Management

Mutual-Aid Agreements

•NIMS states that:– Mutual-aid agreements are the means

for one jurisdiction to provide resources, facilities, services, and other required support to another jurisdiction during an incident.

– Each jurisdiction should be party to a mutual-aid agreement with appropriate jurisdictions from which they expect to receive or to which they expect to provide assistance during an incident.

Command & Management

Mutual-Aid Agreements– Mutual aid is the voluntary

provision of resources by agencies or organizations to assist each other when existing resources are inadequate.

– When combined with NIMS-oriented resource management, mutual aid allows jurisdictions to share resources among mutual-aid partners.

Command & Management

Preparedness Plans

•The most common preparedness plans are:

– Preparedness Plans

– Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs).

– Standard operating guidelines (SOGs).

– Standard operating procedures (SOPs).

– Jurisdictional or agency policies.

– Corrective Action and Mitigation Plans

– Recovery Plans


– EOPs are developed at the Federal, State, and local levels to provide a uniform response to all hazards.

– EOPs written after October 2005 must be consistent with NIMS.


Emergency Operations Plans

Preparedness Planning Responsibilities

• Establish/coordinate plans and protocols• Integrate/coordinate activities• Establish guidelines and protocols to

promote interoperability• Adopt guidelines for resource

management• Establish response priorities• Establish/maintain multiagency

coordination mechanisms


Preparedness Planning

• Plans describe how resources will be used.

• Plans describe mechanisms for:– Setting priorities.– Integrating entities/functions.– Establishing relationships.– Ensuring that systems support all incident

management activities.


Information Derived From Plans

•Plans may include information about:– Hazards and risks in the area. – Resources in the area.– Other formal agreements and plans.– Contact information for agency administrators

and response personnel.– Other pertinent information.


Required Knowledge

•The Incident Commander, Command and General Staff members should have a working knowledge of all preparedness plans and agreements.


NIMS Integration Center

Training and Exercises• Facilitate development and dissemination

of national standards, guidelines, and protocols.

• Facilitate use of modeling/simulation.• Define general training requirements and

approved courses.• Review/approve discipline-specific training




• Resources consist of all personnel and major items of equipment available for assignment to incidents

• Equipment resources will include the personnel required to operate them

Resource Management

Resource Classifications

•Not available or ready to be assigned (e.g., maintenance issues, rest periods)

•Ready for immediate assignment and has been issued all required equipment

•Currently working on an assignment under the direction of a supervisor






Resource Management

•At any incident:– The situation must be assessed and the

response planned. – Managing resources safely and effectively is the

most important consideration.– Personnel and equipment should respond only

when requested or when dispatched by an appropriate authority.

MobilizationResource Management

Communications &Information Management

• Common operating picture accessible across jurisdictions and functional agencies– Allows incident managers at all levels to make effective,

consistent decisions expeditiously– Ensures consistency at all levels of incident management

• Common communications and data standards to ensure accessibility and interoperability


Supporting Technologies

• Provides an architecture for science and technology support to incident management– Interoperability and compatibility– Technology support– Technology standards– Broad-based requirements– Strategic planning for research and development

• Operational scientific support• Technical standards• Solving operational problems through

research and development


– Check-In. • All responders must report in to:

– Ensure personnel accountability– Track resources– Prepare personnel for assignment– Locate personnel in case of emergency– Organize the demobilization process

• Personnel check in only once – upon arrival at the incident

• Following check-in, report to incident supervisor for assignment briefing

Record Keeping & Resource TrackingTechnology

– Incident Action Plan. Response operations must be coordinated as outlined in the IAP.

– Unity of Command. Each individual will be assigned to only one supervisor.

Record Keeping & Resource TrackingTechnology

Record Keeping & Resource Tracking

– Span of Control. Supervisors must be able to adequately supervise and control their subordinates, as well as communicate with and manage all resources under their supervision.

– Resource Tracking. Supervisors must record and report resource status changes as they occur.


Ongoing Management & Maintenance

• All users and stakeholders can participate in NIMS Integration Center – Various levels of government– Functional disciplines– Private entities

• Process relies on – Lessons learned from actual incidents and exercises– Best practices across jurisdictions and functional



More Information

• David

• Adelphi University, Emergency Management Program

Contact Richard

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