say no to make your yes stronger

Post on 12-May-2015






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Say “No” sometimes to make your “Yes” stronger

It is been more than five months that I have not updated my blog. It

was something I was searching for an incredible topic so that I could

find something awesome. After a week or so I found more than 5 topics

out of which this is one is incorrigible a topic which is When I started

writing that I got an idea of writing this small post as it is short and

more important. So I will be updating my blog soon with a damn good

theme. For you I am revealing my next blog title “Art of Investing on

self”. I will update my blog soon with “Art of Investing on self “.

I think we are almost always say “yes”; for anything and everything, at

work and home, with friends and enemies and even with unknown

people. We want to please people as much as possible, we want people

to like us, and we want to feel needed not only in the work environment

but also in your family and friends. So when people ask us for a

meeting, we say yes, when they ask if we can help, we say yes, when

they ask us for a coffee/tea and whatever, we say yes … when they say

“Can you do me a favor of….. (Fill in the blanks) we just say … yes

without asking what and why.

Therefore every time we say yes to

something we aren’t really enjoying

it, that we don’t really want to do; we

are investing time in unproductive

thing by saying yes to all. Moreover

we may get into a situation where exploitation happens instead of

utilization. Watch your time and space and try optimize them. We have

only 24 hours a day and even if you sleep for only 6 hours (and I am

sure that, it is not sufficient), more 4-6 hours goes in routine

(commutation, clocking, checking mails, face booking and tea drinking).

So be mind that only 12 hours are left and never make big promises

which you may not like.

Think carefully about how and with whom you want to say yes and No.

However, stop saying yes to things out of guilt. Say “No” to things

which you really don’t desire to do. This will obviously give you more

time and space where you can live happily and comfortably.

Thank you!@!

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