saturday morning, dec. 2, 2017 parashat vayishlach ......debbie and steve fuchs and michele and...

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Saturday Morning, Dec. 2, 2017

Parashat Vayishlach:

Genesis 32:4-36:43 pp. 198-220 Haftarah:

Obadiah 1:1-21 pp. 222-225

Chai House Shabbat Visit Fuchs Auf Ruf 9:00am Shabbat Morning Services 9:00am Logan Abramowitz’s Bar Mitzvah 9:30am Shabbat Space 10:30am Teen Talk with Veteran Doron Levinson* 10:15am Pre-Service Oneg Shabbat 10:45am Family Kehillah Services 10:45am Torah for Tots 12:30pm Daf Shevui 1:00pm After Kiddush Talk with Veteran Doron Levinson* 4:10pm Mincha/Maariv 5:10pm Havdalah *Please join us for a very special Shabbat program with inspirational veteran, activist, and businessman Doron Levinson. As an IDF officer, the Israeli-born Levinson was seriously wounded during the 1973 Yom Kippur War and was promoted to the rank of captain by the commander of the armored corps. Click photo to the right for a link to a powerful video and scroll down for full details.

This week's Kiddush is sponsored by:

Caryl Fuchs in honor of the upcoming marriage of her granddaughter Randi Fuchs, daughter of Debbie and Steve Fuchs to Brett Asnas.

Gwen and Ari Abramowitz in honor of their son Logan on the occasion

of his Bar Mitzvah.

The following people are assisting this Shabbat: Mark Seidenfeld, President's Chair; Joe Wygoda, Vice President’s Chair

Lauren Freeman-Bosworth, Gabbai; Lori Schwartz and Barbara Cohen, Greeters; Joyce Wechsler and Marcia Assor, Ushers.

Mazal Tovs, Condolences, & Refuah Shleimah


Caryl Fuchs in honor of the upcoming marriage of her granddaughter Randi Fuchs, daughter of Debbie and Steve Fuchs to Brett Asnas.

Logan Abramowitz, son of Gwen and Ari Abramowitz, on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah.

Barbara and David Horowitz on the birth of their grandson, born to Michael and Maria


Dan and Lean Rivlin on the birth of their son Max, and to grandparents Rita and Richard Rivlin.

Marc and Harriet Suvall on the birth of their grandson and to parents Cara and her husband Joe.


The family of Patricia Markowitz Morris on her passing.

Those marking a simcha, observing the loss of a loved one, or recovering from an illness have been delighted/comforted that their lifecycle event has inspired generosity. If you would like to

make a donation to Beth El in honor or in memory, please click here.

Debbie and Steve Fuchs and Michele and Bobby Asnas on the upcoming marriage of their children Randi Fuchs to Brett Asnas. Mazal Tov to Caryl Fuchs

on her granddaughter’s wedding.

Gwen and Ari Abramowitz on their son Logan’s Bar Mitzvah.
Debbie and Steve Fuchs and Michele and Bobby Asnas on the upcoming marriage of their children Randi Fuchs to Brett Asnas. Mazal Tov to Caryl Fuchs on her granddaughter’s wedding.

Minyan Times

Sunday 8:00am Shacharit; 4:10pm Mincha/Maariv Monday 6:55am Shacharit; 4:10pm Mincha/Maariv Tuesday 7:00am Shacharit; 4:10pm Mincha/Maariv

Wednesday 7:00am Shacharit; 4:10pm Mincha/Maariv Thursday 6:55am Shacharit; 4:10pm Mincha/Maariv

Friday 7:00am Shacharit; 4:10pm Mincha/Maariv

A Word of Torah “Jacob was left alone. And a “man” wrestled with him until the break of dawn. When he saw that he had not prevailed against him, he wrenched Jacob’s hip at its socket, so that the socket of his hip was strained as he wrestled with him. Then he said, ‘Let me go, for dawn is breaking.’ But he answered, ‘I will not let you go, unless you bless me.” Said the other, “What is your name?’ He replied, ‘Jacob.’ Said he, ‘Your name shall no longer be Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with beings divine and human, and have prevailed.’ Jacob asked, ‘Pray tell me your name.’ But he said, ‘You must not ask my name!’ And he took leave of him there.” Genesis 32:25-29 In Parashat, VaYishlach, we find one of the more puzzling and enigmatic biblical interactions. The Torah tells us that right after Jacob finishes sending gifts to his brother Esau, he sends his entire household across the shallow Jabbok river where he suddenly finds himself alone. Without warning, an unnamed man begins to wrestle with him. But despite his best efforts, and a twist of Jacob’s hip, this anonymous brawler fails to overpower him. Jacob is too strong to be taken down. As dawn approaches, the man tries to end his quarrel but Jacob is not ready to let go- first, he demands a blessing: “I will not let you go, unless you bless me.” And so this mysterious character changes Jacob’s name: “Your name shall no longer be Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with beings divine and human, and have prevailed.” Jacob then asks for this unnamed stranger to reveal himself but it is a futile request. The angel denies him and leaves. Every time I read this story I think of a thousand questions: Who is this unnamed man? Where did he come from? Who starts this fight? How does Jacob think to receive a blessing from him? Why can’t the man tell Jacob his name? What is really going on here? Why does the Torah leave us in such suspense? The rabbis try to answer these questions in many ways. Rashi, referencing the Midrash in Genesis Rabbah (77:3), believes the “man” is Sammael, Esau’s guardian angel- a divine representation of Esau’s might and authority who confronts Jacob on Esau’s behalf. When the guardian angel sees that he cannot overpower Jacob, it signals that Esau himself will never

overpower his younger twin brother. The book of Hoshea (12:4) also refers to this man as an angel, though it isn’t clear which one or what is his purpose. And Maimonides believes that this event only occurs in the recesses of Jacob’s own mind; he is merely having a prophetic vision of the divine. But the one commentary that I find to be the most compelling is a midrashic interpretation discussed by Avivah Zornberg. She writes, “Another midrashic interpretation [Pirkei D'Rabbi Eliezer], however, suggests an ambiguous identification [of the unnamed “man”]: ‘I shall not let you go till you tell me your name.’ And he called his name Israel-like his own (the angel’s) name, for his name was Israel.’ In this reading, the angel has come for no hostile purpose but “to save and rescue him.” This angel is called Israel, perhaps because that is the purpose of his mission, to show Jacob, in a therapeutic encounter, how to become Israel...Jacob already knows in himself the purpose of the angel’s coming, for, essentially, he is facing himself, to save him from the condition of being Jacob. What this midrash suggests, and what Dr. Zornberg brings to light, is that Jacob is actually wrestling with himself. The name of the angel is also Yisrael-the one who persists, the one who sees God face-to-face and perseveres. The angel is a mirror, reflecting Jacob’s own potential back to him. And if Jacob is actually just wrestling with himself, then we must understand his perseverance differently. Jacob is a man who desperately wants to change. After the trickery of his youth, as well as the less than ideal relationship he establishes with his father-in-law/uncle Laban, one could easily conclude that he lives a less than admirable life. But he wants reconciliation. He wants God to be a God for him in the same way God protected his father and grandfather. He wants to repair the broken relationship he has with his brother Esau. He wants to leave behind the trials and tribulations of living with Laban. And he desperately wants to return to his father’s house (Gen. 28:21). But in order to live this new life Jacob must first become a different person. He must conquer his own ego. He must become the one who perseveres, especially over his own self-sabotaging ways. And therefore, it isn’t until this moment, when he finally wrestles with his own demons, that he is able to approach Esau once more. It is often said that we are our own worst enemies; that we are the ones who place stumbling blocks before our own greatness. And if that’s true, then we can only become who we dream of being when we look at the worst parts of ourselves and find the strength to hang on and demand a blessing. We must be willing to change and only then can we become B’nei Yisrael-the people who persevere. May this Shabbat be an opportunity to reflect on the ways we want to be different and demand a blessing from our future potential selves. Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Zach Sitkin

BESC Featured and New Announcements (Please follow us on, and spread the word

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There will be a Contemplative Service on Saturday, Dec. 23 at 10:45am. WISE TRANSITIONS There is still time to join the College-Age Committee for their Hanukkah packing on Monday, Dec. 4. Packing begins at 7:00pm with a guest speaker (Laura Rotter) slated for 8:00pm. All are welcome. Sign up at Questions? Contact Debra Ackerman at or Lori Schwartz at OPEN BEIT MIDRASH (OBM) The next OBM is scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 5 from 8:00pm-9:30pm with Rabbis Schuck and Sitkin, and Rabbi Ethan Linden, the executive director of Ramah Berkshires, simultaneously teaching on different areas of Jewish texts. OBM takes place on alternating Tuesdays and Thursdays. On the last week of each month a scholar will teach on specific topic in their field. Free and open to the public. A nosh and drinks are provided. We are looking for sponsors to cover costs for our sessions in honor of, or in memory of loved ones. The OBM is subsidized by the Rabbi Melvin and Lenore Sirner Fund for Jewish Inspiration and the Sylvia and Harry Halpern Lecture Fund. For more information or to sponsor a night, visit or contact Rabbi Sitkin at SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING The Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting will take place Wednesday, Dec. 6. Cocktails begin at 7:00pm, learn with Rabbi Schuck at 8:00pm, and the meeting starts at 8:30pm. *RSVP by noon, Monday, Dec. 4. Register at or call 914-235-2700, ext. 223. LEARNERS’ SERVICE On Saturday, Dec. 9 from 9:45am-10:45am, join Rabbi Sitkin for a “Learners’ Service.” Our community is diverse: people have varying degrees of knowledge about Jewish text, tradition, worship, and access to Hebrew vocabulary. Since Jewish prayer assumes a certain amount of background exposure and knowledge, this service is intended to create an access point into prayer for those who may feel lost and/or alienated from our typical prayer services. The Learners’ Service is an introductory exploration of the prayer service. Each prayer will be studied in depth and read in English to gain a basic understanding of its meaning and intent. We will discuss the basic physical mechanics of each prayer when necessary. It is our hope that over time, everyone in our community will be able to enter the sanctuary with confidence and feel at home. BLOOD DRIVE The Men’s Club and Temple Israel of New Rochelle will co-sponsor a Blood Drive at Beth El on Sunday, Dec. 10 at 8:30am-12:30pm. For more information, contact

YOUTH AND FAMILY ENGAGEMENT SHABBAT Join Beth El staff and welcome the Heads of School at Solomon Schechter School of Westchester and Carmel Academy for our Youth & Family Engagement Shabbat! There will be a family service for all ages and dinner on Friday evening, Dec. 15 followed by a special Shabbat morning service and program on Dec.16! Don't miss out! See more details below.

SINGING AS A SPIRITUAL PRACTICE Music has deepened our ability to pray from the depths of our souls, sometimes with words and sometimes with melodies alone. This group will learn how singing can itself be a Jewish spiritual practice, and we will practice different techniques that help to unleash the power of communal singing. Everyone is welcome. No prior knowledge required. Facilitated by Rabbi Schuck and Jack Klebanow. Made possible by the Rabbi Melvin & Lenore Sirner Fund For Jewish Inspiration. The next class is Wednesday, Dec. 13 from 7:30-9:00pm. For information on this program, email, or call 914-235-2700, ext. 228. 'SMILE' WITH AMAZON THIS HOLIDAY SEASON Did you know when you make a purchase at that Beth El Synagogue Center can receive 0.5 percent of the value of your purchase as a donation directly from Amazon? It's easy! Simply be sure the designated charity in your account is Beth El Synagogue of New Rochelle. If you’ve already designated Beth El as your charity, THANK YOU! If not, please consider setting it up today. NEW EXHIBIT Beginning Saturday, Dec. 2 through Jan. 7, the Riverdale Art Association returns to our Kanner-Kurzon Museum after about one and a half years ago. The group formed in the Bronx in 1999 with a small group of artists, and has grown to about 40 members. Everyone is invited to the Artists’ Reception on Sunday, Dec. 3 from 2:00-4:30 pm. Discuss various pieces with the artists, and purchase art. To learn more, visit

TEEN LEARNING AND ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM This options-based model for our teen population creates a menu of options for Jewish learning and engagement, including niche-specific opportunities and social engagement. In this way, we will be able to address the varied interests and schedules of our teens in a manner that allows us to reach each of them personally. Sign up now for our Israeli culture program.. Questions? Visit or contact Rebekkah Gold at SISTERHOOD BAGELS AND BOOKS The next discussion is Monday, Dec. 18 at 9:30am with Love and Treasure by Ayelet Waldman. Books are available at the New Rochelle Public Library - mention that you are a member of Beth El Sisterhood's Bagels & Books Group. Questions? Contact Arlene Salman at or 914.235.2485.

GIFT SHOP With Hanukkah around the corner, now is the perfect time to visit the Beth El Sisterhood Baum Judaica Gift Shop for ALL your Judaica needs. Open by appointment. Email, or call Erica Epstein (914.633.3161), Carole Graham (914.576.6617) and/or Ellen Hollander (914.632.4658).

CARD ROOM The weekly Sisterhood Canasta group plays at 12:45pm on Mondays while the Mah Jongg group plays on Tuesdays at the same time. Beginners, as well as experienced players, are always welcome. Please note: Orders must be placed for 2018 Mah Jongg cards by Jan. 1, 2018. Large print cards are $9 each. Standard are $8. Cards will be mailed directly to you from the National Mah Jongg League. Contact Arlene Salman at or 914.235.2485.

JOURNEY Beth El is embarking on a collaborative visioning and strategic planning process, which will engage all of us in a creative reimagining of what it means to be a vibrant congregation – relevant to the lives of its members, to the Jewish future, and to the wider community. The entire Beth El family and broader community will be invited into this process. Contact with any comments. Learn more: WHEREVER WE STAND, WE STAND WITH ISRAEL Beth El's Israel Affairs Committee would like to share interesting and exciting news regarding the week's developments in business, culture, technology, agriculture, sports and the environment in Israel. Technion Voted 1st Worldwide in Teaching Digital Skills Archaeologists May Have Found Long-lost Byzantine City Ashdod-Yam

Limmud and Other Learning Opportunities JERUSALEM IN BIBLICAL/RABBINIC SOURCES...AND IN MODERN ISRAELI LITERATURE This class is taught by Rabbis David Schuck and Zach Sitkin and Dr. Carol Diament. Thursdays at 9:30am. Remaining classes are Dec. 7 and Dec. 14. $65 for Beth El members, $100 for others. For more information, visit

PHILO AND JOSEPHUS: LIVING IN A NON-JEWISH WORLD This course, taught by Rabbi Molly Karp, will explore two important voices of the 1st century CE: Philo of Alexandria, a Hellenistic Jewish philosopher who lived in Alexandria from 20 BCE–50 CE, and Josephus, a Jewish aristocrat born into a priestly family, who also lived in the 1st century and led the Jewish forces against Rome in Galilee. Captured by Rome, Josephus was an important historian of ancient Judaism. His book The Jewish War, on which we will focus, tells the story of ancient Israel and early Judaism starting from the beginning of the second century BCE, and continuing through the siege at Masada. The class meets Wednesday mornings from 10:00am-12:15pm on Dec. 6, 13 and 20, and Jan. 3. Cost: $350, which includes audio recordings of all class sessions. To learn more about Rabbi Karp, visit Contact Rabbi Karp at for more information. ISRAELI DANCING Held Sundays 10:00am -11:00am with Cantor Aqua. $10/class. Wear comfy clothes and sneakers. Questions? E-mail . ZUMBA Classes will be held on Sundays Dec. 3 and 17 from 9:30am -10:30am. $10 per class. Please note: There will be no class on Dec. 10. In addition, the Dec. 17 class is free for new participants who want to try it out before the new session resumes on Jan. 7, 2018. The new session will run from January through March, and can be prepaid at $80 for ten classes or $10 per class. For more information, contact TALMUD DAF SHEVUI STUDY SESSION This study session occurs every Shabbat at 12:30pm in the Library. New participants are welcome. We discuss a page (daf) of the Talmud. Download the weekly portion at

LEARN HEBREW IN OUR ULPAN CLASSES Classes with Miri Ben Avi are ongoing Mondays and Wednesdays - newcomers welcome. Classes are for all learners. Beginners: 6:30pm-7:30pm/ Intermediate: 7:30-8:30pm/ Advanced: 8:30-9:30pm Questions? Contact or 914.602.1503.

All classes are at Beth El unless otherwise indicated.

Additional Beth El and Community Events and Information HOSTING NEEDED A Sarah Lawrence student is seeking housing for Shabbat Dec. 15-16. The student is also seeking transport back to LaGuardia on Sunday morning. If you know of anyone who can accommodate, please contact Rabbi Ben Shefter at Hillels of Westchester at TALKING ABOUT IT Keruv Committee’s "Let's Talk About It" discussion will take place Thursday, Dec. 21, 7:30pm. Join us to discuss the relationships between our children and their partners who are not Jewish. Facilitated by Shari Baum, L.M.S.W. At the home of Elise and Bob Schepp. R.S.V.P. to Questions? Contact Nina Luban at, or Elise Richman at SENIOR VISIT The UJA-Federation Gift of Hanukkah visit to the seniors at Kittay House in the Bronx will take place Sunday, Dec. 10, 2:00-3:30 pm. Share Hanukkah joy with residents with bingo, crafts and sufganiyot. Kittay House is an independent assisted living facility operated by Jewish Home Lifecare, a UJA-Federation partner agency. Jill Goldfein, AnneBeth Levenson and Audi Schub are event co-chairs. $36 per family. Register at: AIPAC CONFERENCE The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) will hold their Policy Conference at the Washington Convention Center from March 4-6. Beth El is always appreciative to have a strong representation on-hand. The conference is the pro-Israel community's preeminent annual gathering. The event attracts more than 18,000 community and student activists from all 50 states, members of Congress, and countless Israeli and American policymakers and intellectual leaders. Over three jam-packed days, Policy Conference participants choose from hundreds of informative sessions and participate in the pro-Israel community's largest and most important advocacy day. For more information, visit or contact

More announcements can be found at

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