Šarūnas narbutas: why patient organisations need to be trustworhy

Post on 14-Feb-2017






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Why Patient Organisations

Need to Be Trustworthy

Šarūnas Narbutas


Lithuanian Cancer Patient Coalition

Lithuanian Cancer Patient Coalition


• POLA is an NGO and national umbrella uniting:

– Cancer Patient Organisations AND

– Other NGOs working in cancer field

• Was established in 2012. As of 2015 POLA has 20 full member organisations

• POLA is transparent and independent organisation, representing views of cancer

patients in policy making.

• POLA mission is to make every effort to improve quality of life for cancer patients

and their relatives.

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POLA Structure and Activities

• Board currently consists of 7


– 3 cancer patients

– 2 cancer patient caregivers

– 1 oncopsychologist

– 1 palliative care professor

• Daily operations managed by:

– Director

– 4 project managers

– 2 volunteer coordinators

– 12 volunteers

• Website: www.pola.lt

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• Political activities

– Participation in governmental

committees / working groups

– Providing competent authorities with

action plans (rather than the list of


– Campaigning for individual patients‘

access to treatment

• Educational projects

– Information materials to patients

and caregivers

– Awareness raising

– POLA social card project

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Why Patient Organisations should Be

Concerned about their Credibility

• PO have a mandate to leverage patient‘s voice to bring visibility to gaps in

cancer control

• Patient representatives provide a human face to data and statistics =

convincing argument about what is working well / need to be improved in

the health care system

• Trusted (recognised) patients → spotlight → impactful message at the

top (politicians / media)

• Democratic tool to advocate for change in:

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– Attitudes

– Knowledge

– Practice

– Services

– Policy

– System

Framework Activities

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Educating healthcare


Improving access to

healthcare / treatment

Raising awareness of

healthcare issues

Representing patients‘

view in policymaking

Providing information to

patients / public

Contributing to clinical


Providing patient


Facilitating networking

between patient groups

Risk Factors

• Lack of Funding for PO

– Lack of PO recognition in corporate sector

– Very limited or no funding from municipalities

– Limited funding from EU projects

• Lack of institutional training for patient advocates

• Lack of strategic documents regarding interaction with PO

• Common challenges:

– PO (associations) compete for the same funding with all NGOs (e.g.

foundations, public enterprises)

– PO receive majority of funds from pharmaceutical companies

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Proportion of Access to Certain Groups



General Public

Healthcare professionals

Newly diagnosed patients

Question 1

• In your country do the majority of newly diagnosed patients trust

patient organisations in their disease areas?

• Answers:

(A) Yes, completely

(B) Yes, somewhat

(C) No, because they are not aware about the activities of such

patient organisations

(D) No, because they do not think such patient organisations are


(E) I am not in position to answer this question

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Question 2

• In your country do the majority of healthcare professionals

(doctors, nurses) trust patient organisations in their disease


• Answers:

(A) Yes, completely

(B) Yes, somewhat

(C) No, because they are not aware about the activities of such

patient organisations

(D) No, because they do not think such patient organisations are


(E) I am not in position to answer this question

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Question 3

• In your country does the general public trust patient


• Answers:

(A) Yes, completely

(B) Yes, somewhat

(C) No, because they are not aware about the activities of patient


(D) No, because they do not think patient organisations are


(E) I am not in position to answer this question

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Question 4

• In your country does the media trust patient organisations?

• Answers:

(A) Yes, completely

(B) Yes, somewhat

(C) No, because they are not aware about the activities of patient


(D) No, because they do not think patient organisations are


(E) I am not in position to answer this question

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Question 5

• In your country do the majority of the politicians trust patient


• Answers:

(A) Yes, completely

(B) Yes, somewhat

(C) No, because they are not aware about the activities of patient


(D) No, because they do not think patient organisations are


(E) I am not in position to answer this question

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CommunityPolicy makers





Bridging The Partnerships


How Do We Define Patient Organisations

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Find at: http://www.ema.europa.eu/docs/en_GB/document_library/Regulatory_and_procedural_guideline/2009/12/WC500018099.pdf

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Patient Organisations

as Defined by EMA

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Criteria to be Fulfilled

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Question 6

• How many of the following elements are fulfilled in your


– Board consists of majority of cancer patients or their relatives

– Activity reports are available online

– Financial reports are available online

– Membership can provide an input to public statements made

by an organisation

(A) 4

(B) 3

(C) 2

(D) 1

(E) 0

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How to Address Trust Issue

• Governments can do better

– Allocating funding for PO projects

– Including PO in decision making processes

– Becoming more sensitive to social vs corporate issues

• Industry can do better

– Advocating against marketing related interactions with patient organisations

– Helping PO to become sustainable through the lens of social corporate

responsibility vs funding based on corporate goals

• Patient organisations must do better

– Be transparent (publish financial and activity statements online)

– Diversify funding (do not receive majority of income from governmental or

corporate funding sources)

– Be credible (patient‘s interests must always be at the core of every public

statement and behind every project)

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Thank You!


Šarūnas Narbutas


+370 652 22852


2017-01-21 Šarūnas Narbutas, POLA

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