sangola taluka shetkari shikshan prasarak mandal’s vidnyan...

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Sangola Taluka Shetkari Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’sSangola Taluka Shetkari Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’sSangola Taluka Shetkari Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’sSangola Taluka Shetkari Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s


Tal. Sangola, Dist. Solapur Pin. 413307 (M. S.)



Track ID: 14444




Bangalore - 560010 (India)


Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Sangola AQAR – 2014-15

Page 2

Date: 28-11- 2017


The Director,

National Assessment and Accreditation Council,


Subject: Submission of AQAR of the year 2014-15

Respected Sir,

Here with we are submitting the AQAR of the year 2014-15. The report is available on

college website: Kindly acknowledge it and do the needful.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely

Attached: Annexure-I, II, III (i) and III (ii)

Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Sangola AQAR – 2014-15

Page 3

Part – A

AQAR for the year

1. Details of the Institution

1.1 Name of the Institution :

1.2 Address Line 1

Address Line 2



Pin Code

Institution e-mail address

Contact Nos.

Name of the Head of the Institution:

Tel. No. with STD Code:


Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Sangola

Near S. T. Stand, Sangola

Dist. – Solapur




Principal Dr. S. B. Jundale



Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Sangola AQAR – 2014-15

Page 4


Name of the IQAC Co-ordinator:


IQAC e-mail address:

1.3 NAAC Track ID:


1.4 NAAC Executive Committee No. & Date:

(For Example EC/32/A&A/143 dated 3-5-2004.

This EC no. is available in the right corner- bottom

of your institution’s Accreditation Certificate)

1.5 Website address:

Web-link of the AQAR:



Mr. R. S. Suryavanshi


EC/61/RAR/74 Date: Sept. 15,


Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Sangola AQAR – 2014-15

Page 5

1.6 Accreditation Details

Sl. No. Cycle Grade CGPA Year of Accreditation Validity Period

1 1st Cycle B - 2004-05 2011-12

2 2nd

Cycle B 2.76 2012-13 2017-18

3 3rd

Cycle - - - -

4 4th

Cycle - - - -

1.7 Date of Establishment of IQAC :DD/MM/YYYY

1.8 Details of the previous year’s AQAR submitted to NAAC after the latest Assessment and

Accreditation by NAAC ((for example AQAR 2010-11submitted to NAAC on 12-10-2011)

i. AQAR 2012-13 28-03-2016 (DD/MM/YYYY)

ii. AQAR_ 2013-14 31-12-2016 (DD/MM/YYYY)

iii. AQAR_ 2014-15 28-11-2017 (DD/MM/YYYY)

iv. AQAR__________________ _______________________ (DD/MM/YYYY)

1.9 Institutional Status

University State Central Deemed Private

Affiliated College Yes No

Constituent College Yes No

Autonomous college of UGC Yes No

Regulatory Agency approved Institution Yes No


Type of Institution Co-education Men Women

Urban Rural Tribal

18 / 10 / 2004

Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Sangola AQAR – 2014-15

Page 6

Financial Status Grant-in-aid UGC 2(f) UGC 12B

Grant-in-aid + Self Financing Totally Self-financing

1.10 Type of Faculty/Programme

Arts Science Commerce Law PEI (Phys Edu)

TEI (Edu) Engineering Health Science Management

Others (Specify)

1.11 Name of the Affiliating University (for the Colleges)

1.12 Special status conferred by Central/ State Government-- UGC/CSIR/DST/DBT/ICMR etc

Autonomy by State/Central Govt. / University

University with Potential for Excellence UGC-CPE

DST Star Scheme UGC-CE

UGC-Special Assistance Programme DST-FIST

UGC-Innovative PG programmes Any other (Specify)

UGC-COP Programmes











� �

Solapur University, Solapur

Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Sangola AQAR – 2014-15

Page 7

2. IQAC Composition and Activities

2.1 No. of Teachers

2.2 No. of Administrative/Technical staff

2.3 No. of students

2.4 No. of Management representatives

2.5 No. of Alumni

2. 6 No. of any other stakeholder and

community representatives

2.7 No. of Employers/ Industrialists

2.8 No. of other External Experts

2.9 Total No. of members

2.10 No. of IQAC meetings held

2.11 No. of meetings with various stakeholders: No. Faculty

Non-Teaching Staff Students Alumni Others

2.12 Has IQAC received any funding from UGC during the year? Yes No

If yes, mention the amount

2.13 Seminars and Conferences (only quality related)

(i) No. of Seminars/Conferences/ Workshops/Symposia organized by the IQAC

Total Nos. International National State Institution Level














- - 1 -

Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Sangola AQAR – 2014-15

Page 8

(ii) Themes

One Day National Level Workshop:

Computer Science-

The National level workshop on “Recent Advances In Infromation Processing” was organised by

department of Computer Science. The theme of the seminar was,

� Building platform for academician

� Infromation processing

� Problems and proposals of recent trends in infromation processing.

2.14 Significant Activities and contributions made by IQAC

2.15 Plan of Action by IQAC/Outcome

The plan of action chalked out by the IQAC in the beginning of the year towards quality

enhancement and the outcome achieved by the end of the year

Plan of Action Achievements

Organization of Seminars/ Conference/


One Day Seminar was organised on, “Human Rights

and Duties Education”

Workshop on, “Export of Vegetables” was organised

To adopt a nearby village

To conduct a blood donation camp

Celebration of Science Day and Quiz


The Science Day was celebrated and Quize

competition was organised for all B. Sc. Students.

Meritorius students were awarded with prizes.

� Rs. 5000-10000/- to each department for the departmental library

� Organization of National level workshop of computer science.

Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Sangola AQAR – 2014-15

Page 9

To conduct medical check-up camps Medical check-up camp was organised for college


To arrange education excursion/ Field


Excursion/ field visits were arranged to different

educational interested places by Botany, Zoology,

Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, History


New construction to cope need of

laboratory Started new construction for Chemistry laboratory

Internal/ External Evaluation Acedemic and Administrative Accreditation was done

of University agency

* Attached the Academic Calendar of the year as Annexure-I.

2.15 Whether the AQAR was placed in statutory body Yes No

Management Syndicate Any other body

Provide the details of the action taken

Discussed and approved with minor corrections.

Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Sangola AQAR – 2014-15

Page 10

Part – B

Criterion – I

1. Curricular Aspects

1.1 Details about Academic Programmes

Level of the


Number of



Number of


added during the


Number of self-



Number of value

added / Career



PhD - - - -

PG 3 - 3 -

UG 4 - 2 -

PG Diploma - - - -

Advanced Diploma - - - -

Diploma - - - -

Certificate 7 - - 7

Others - - - -

Total 14 - 5 7

Interdisciplinary - - - -

Innovative - - - -

1.2 (i) Flexibility of the Curriculum: CBCS/Core/Elective option / Open options

(ii) Pattern of programmes:

Pattern Number of programmes

Semester 18

Trimester -

Annual 0

Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Sangola AQAR – 2014-15

Page 11

1.3 Feedback from stakeholders* Alumni Parents Employers Students

(On all aspects)

Mode of feedback : Online Manual Co-operating schools (for PEI)

* provided an analysis of the feedback in the Annexure

1.4 Whether there is any revision/update of regulation or syllabi, if yes, mention their salient aspects.

1.5 Any new Department/Centre introduced during the year. If yes, give details.

The syllabi of each class are changed as per UGC's and BOS instructions of respective subjects.


� � � �

Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Sangola AQAR – 2014-15

Page 12

Criterion – II

2. Teaching, Learning and Evaluation

2.1 Total No. of permanent faculty

2.2 No. of permanent faculty with Ph.D.

2.3 No. of Faculty Positions Recruited (R) and Vacant (V) during the year

2.4 No. of Guest and Visiting faculty and Temporary faculty

2.5 Faculty participation in conferences and symposia:

No. of Faculty International level National level State level

Attended - 4

Presented papers - 3

Resource Persons - 1 4

2.6 Innovative processes adopted by the institution in Teaching and Learning:

2.7 Total No. of actual teaching days during this academic year

Total Asst. Professors Associate Professors Professors Others

33 29 3 - 37 (C.H.B.)

Asst. Professors Associate Professors Professors Others Total


2 4 - - - - - - 2 4


� Study material shared with students.

� Unit tests were arranged at the end of topic.

� Online/ offline test were organised.

� Industry/factory visit and excursion tours were arranged to get

direct exposure to the subject.



00 37

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2.8 Examination/ Evaluation Reforms initiated by the Institution (for example: Open Book Examination,

Bar Coding, Double Valuation, Photocopy, Online Multiple Choice Questions)

2.9 No. of faculty members involved in curriculum restructuring/revision/syllabus development as

member of Board of Study/Faculty/Curriculum Development workshop

- - 2

2.10- Average percentage of attendance of students

2.11 Course/Programme wise distribution of pass percentage:

Title of the Programme Semester

Total no. of




Distinction I Class II Class III Class Pass Class


F. Y. B. Sc. Sem-I 253 06 17 20 17 193

Sem-II 235 09 20 23 22 104

S. Y. B. Sc. Sem-III 139 08 19 36 22 54

Sem-IV 138 11 21 38 45 13

T. Y. B. Sc. Sem-V 131 16 13 49 08 45

Sem-VI 130 17 35 47 00 02


F. Y. B. A. Sem-I 428 07 23 110 25 210

Sem-II 411 09 19 96 12 90

S. Y. B. A. Sem-III 269 11 23 67 09 159

Sem-IV 263 09 24 60 23 70

T. Y. B. A. Sem-V 190 13 19 42 35 46

Sem-VI 186 07 41 56 00 00

B. C. A.

B. C. A. I Sem-I 39 -- 02 -- -- 37

Sem-II 32 02 -- 11 -- --

B. C. A. II Sem-III 22 01 08 01 -- 11

Sem-IV 20 -- 04 01 -- 09

B. C. A.III Sem-V 10 02 05 01 -- 02

Sem-VI 09 -- 06 02 -- 01

E. C. S. I

Sem-I 38 01 07 02 -- 29

Sem-II 35 07 -- -- -- 02


� The college is affiliated to the Solapur University; examinations were conducted as per

the directives of BOS in the respective programmes.

Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Sangola AQAR – 2014-15

Page 14

E. C. S. E. C. S. II

Sem-III 26 01 02 13 -- 09

Sem-IV 26 01 04 16 05 --

E. C. S. III Sem-V 21 -- 01 15 -- 05

Sem-VI 21 -- -- 06 05 --

M. A. English

M. A. I Sem-I 33 -- -- 10 -- 17

Sem-II 33 -- -- 15 -- 10

M. A. II Sem-III 13 -- -- 06 -- 07

Sem-IV 13 -- -- 07 -- --

M. Sc.


M. Sc. I Sem-I 08 -- 02 -- -- 06

Sem-II 08 -- 01 -- -- 07

M. Sc. II Sem-III 09 02 01 -- -- 06

Sem-IV 09 03 02 -- -- --

M. C. A.

M. C. A. I Sem-I -- -- -- -- -- --

Sem-II -- -- -- -- -- --

M. C. A. II Sem-III 20 08 04 -- -- 08

Sem-IV 18 -- 01 02 -- 15

2.12 How does IQAC Contribute/Monitor/Evaluate the Teaching & Learning processes:

The IQAC plays crucial role in the development of teaching and learning processes. In this context, IQAC

has taken the following efforts for students and teachers.

For faculty:

� Made available the modern techniques teaching aids.

� Feed back on work alloted to respective faculty.

� Prepared an academic calendar to convey the examination schedule, teaching days,

celebrations, results, holidays, vacations, etc. to the faculty, students and parents.

� Evaluation of the faculties from respective students in the form of feedback.

For students:

� By arranging unit tests, home assignments, seminars, etc. For the development of students,

IQAC has taken the following efforts,

Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Sangola AQAR – 2014-15

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2.13 Initiatives undertaken towards faculty development

Faculty / Staff Development Programmes Number of faculty


Refresher courses 10

UGC – Faculty Improvement Programme

HRD programmes

Orientation programmes 02

Faculty exchange programme

Staff training conducted by the university

Staff training conducted by other institutions

Summer / Winter schools, Workshops, etc.


2.14 Details of Administrative and Technical staff

Category Number of



Number of



Number of permanent

positions filled during the


Number of positions

filled temporarily


Staff 8 1 - 5

Technical Staff 8 5 - 2

Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Sangola AQAR – 2014-15

Page 16


3. Research, Consultancy and Extension

3.1 Initiatives of the IQAC in Sensitizing/Promoting Research Climate in the institution

1. The researh committee has recently assessed (2014-15) four research proposals for

UGC Minor Research Project of the faculty and forwarded them to UGC South Western

Regional Office for consideration and two Major Research Projects to BRNS and UGC

(under review)

2. The college conducts various awareness programmes, rallies and tries to involve local

community people.

3. The college development committee is headed by the local member of Legislative

Assembly and has Peron from various walks of life as the members. They actively

invlove in the ovarall development of the college.

4. The college invites people’ representative and other resource persons as guests for the

college functions.

5. The localities are made to involve actively during the NSS special annual camps.

6. Local youths are asked to participate during tree plantation, blood donation

7. Frequent and soncstant efforts are taken by the institution to get the support and

participation of the local community in its outreach activities.

8. Most of the faculty have prepared, presented and published research papers in their

subjects and in allied fields. These valuable finding of research are shard with the

students to increase thier awareness towards research.

9. Most of the faculty members are published thier research papers in impact factor


10. Departmental laboratories with adequate equipments and other infrastructure

11. Computer facilities in some departments.

12. Internet connectivity in office, library and English language laboratory.

13. Well stocked library.

14. Participation in “Avishkar” exhibition organized by Solapur University, Solapur.

15. Participation of B. Sc. III physics student at international and inter university centre for

nanoscience and nanotechnology (iiucnn) Mahatma Gandhi University priyadarshini

hills, Kottayam, Kerala, India and also presentation of research paper in national

conference organized by Sangola college Sangola.

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Page 17

3.2 Details regarding major projects

Completed Ongoing Sanctioned Submitted

Number -- -- -- 01

Outlay in Rs. Lakhs -- -- -- 25,00,000/-

3.3 Details regarding minor projects

Completed Ongoing Sanctioned Submitted

Number -- 01 -- 01

Outlay in Rs. Lakhs -- 1,80,000/- -- 5,00,000/-

3.4 Details on research publications

International National Others

Peer Review Journals 15 04 -

Non-Peer Review Journals - 01 -

e-Journals - - -

Conference proceedings 04 05 -

3.5 Details on Impact factor of publications:

Range Average h-index Nos. in SCOPUS

3.6 Research funds sanctioned and received from various funding agencies, industry and other organisations

Nature of the Project Duration


Name of the

funding Agency

Total grant



Major projects -- -- -- --

Minor Projects 2013-15 UGC 1,80,00/- 1,45,000/-

Interdisciplinary Projects -- -- -- --

Industry sponsored -- -- -- --

Projects sponsored by the

University/ College- -- -- -- --

Students research projects

(other than compulsory by the University)

-- -- -- --

Any other(Specify) -- -- -- --

Total -- -- 1,80,00/- 1,45,000/-

2-2.8 2.4 04 04

Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Sangola AQAR – 2014-15

Page 18

3.7 No. of books published i) With ISBN No. Chapters in Edited Books

ii) Without ISBN No.

3.8 No. of University Departments receiving funds from


DPE DBT Scheme/funds

3.9 For colleges Autonomy CPE DBT Star Scheme

INSPIRE CE Any Other (specify)

3.10 Revenue generated through consultancy

3.11 No. of conferences organized by the Institution

3.12 No. of faculty served as experts, chairpersons or resource persons

3.13 No. of collaborations International National Any other

3.14 No. of linkages created during this year

3.15 Total budget for research for current year in lakhs:

From Funding agency From Management of University/College


Level International National State University College

Number -- 01 -- -- --


agencies -- College -- -- --








-- -- --

-- -- --


-- -- -- --

-- 0.5 /-

0.5 /-

04 03

07 04

Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Sangola AQAR – 2014-15

Page 19

3.16 No. of patents received this year

3.17 No. of research awards/ recognitions received by faculty and research fellows

Of the institute in the year

3.18 No. of faculty from the Institution

who are Ph. D. Guides

and students registered under them

3.19 No. of Ph.D. awarded by faculty from the Institution

3.20 No. of Research scholars receiving the Fellowships (Newly enrolled + existing ones)

JRF SRF Project Fellows Any other

3.21 No. of students Participated in NSS events:

University level State level

National level International level

Type of Patent Number

National Applied --

Granted --

International Applied --

Granted --

Commercialised Applied --

Granted --

Total International National State University Dist College

01 -- 01 -- -- -- --




-- -- -- --





Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Sangola AQAR – 2014-15

Page 20

3.22 No. of students participated in NCC events:

University level State level

National level International level

3.23 No. of Awards won in NSS:

University level State level

National level International level

3.24 No. of Awards won in NCC:

University level State level

National level International level

3.25 No. of Extension activities organized

University forum College forum

NCC NSS Any other

3.26 Major Activities during the year in the sphere of extension activities and Institutional Social



� Blood donation camp

� Swatch bharat abhiyan

� Election duties etc.


� Construction of Wanrai Bandhara (catchment) of W 4 x H 5 and 25 feet long

� TT injection camp

� Blood donation camp

� General health checkup camp in Save

� Plantation of 300 trees in Village Save.

-- --

-- --

04 01

-- --

-- --

-- --

-- �

-- 10 --

Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Sangola AQAR – 2014-15

Page 21

Criterion – IV

4. Infrastructure and Learning Resources

4.1 Details of increase in infrastructure facilities:

Facilities Existing Newly

created Source of Fund Total

Campus area 7 acre -- -- 7 acre

Class rooms 22 4

Fees paid by students

at the time of



Laboratories 12 -- -- 12

Seminar Halls 01 -- -- 01

No. of important equipments

purchased (≥ 1-- lakh) during the

current year.

Nil Nil Nil Nil

Value of the equipment purchased

during the year (Rs. in Lakhs) 4.64925 5.18312

Fees paid by students

at the time of

admission 9.83237

Others - - - -

4.2 Computerization of administration and library

4.3 Library services:

Existing Newly added Total

No. Value No. Value No. Value

Text Books 16387 1534228 1535 144500 17922 1678728

Reference Books


Journals 58 41030 03 2122 61 43152


Digital Database

CD & Video 40 18700 06 2805 46 21505

News Papers 08 14400 01 1800 09 16200

Magazines 31 14158 02 913 33 15071


Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Sangola AQAR – 2014-15

Page 22

4.4 Technology up gradation (overall)




Labs Internet




Centres Office


ments Others

Existing 148 05 03 - - 01 07 -

Added 02 - - - - - - -

Total 150 05 03 - - 01 07 -

4.5 Computer, Internet access, training to teachers and students and any other programme for technology

upgradation (Networking, e-Governance etc.)


4.6 Amount spent on maintenance in lakhs:

i) ICT

ii) Campus Infrastructure and facilities

iii) Equipments

iv) Others







Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Sangola AQAR – 2014-15

Page 23

Criterion – V

5. Student Support and Progression

5.1 Contribution of IQAC in enhancing awareness about Student Support Services

Contribution of IQAC in enhancing awareness about Student Support Services are as follows.

� Publication of student magazine such as wall magazine and college magazine.

� Skill development such as spoken English, computer literacy.

� Support for slow learners.

� Medical assistance to students

� Additional budgetary provision for Departmental library

� Different scholarships and free ships (Govt. and University level).

� Personal attention.

� Students insurance scheme

� Arranging guest lecture on many issues.

� Concession to poor students to pay fees in suitable instalments.

� Poor students are waiving from fees also.

� Meeting with student's representatives on their problems

� Student counselling.

5.2 Efforts made by the institution for tracking the progression

� Result evaluation

� Feedback from students on teachers, extracurricular activities, feedbacks on curricular

activities and on administrations etc.

� Suggestion box

� Tracking by arranging regular meeting of all academic committes.

� All departmental heads are taking care of day to days students support as and when


� Parents and teachers meeting with directors of institution.

Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Sangola AQAR – 2014-15

Page 24

5.3 (a) Total Number of students

(b) No. of students outside the state -

(c) No. of international students

Men Women

Demand ratio 1:1.30 19.37

5.4 Details of student support mechanism for coaching for competitive examinations (If any)

� By arranging lectures of various successful persons in competitive examinations.

� To make available of books on various competitive examinations.

� To provide previous question papers of different competitive examinations for solving.

No. of students beneficiaries

UG PG Ph. D. Others

1694 95 00 00

No %

1037 57.96

No %

752 42.04

Last Year This Year

General SC ST OBC Physically


Total General SC ST OBC Physically



689 214 00 728 00 1631 800 244 01 744 00 1789




Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Sangola AQAR – 2014-15

Page 25

5.5 No. of students qualified in these examinations


5.6 Details of student counselling and career guidance

By arranging lectures of various experts

No. of students benefitted

5.7 Details of campus placement

On campus Off Campus

Number of



Number of Students


Number of

Students Placed Number of Students Placed

-- -- -- --

5.8 Details of gender sensitization programmes

� Programme on Sexual harrashment preventaion legislations and Cyber crime on


� Programme on law and order on 30.7.2014

� Self defense demonstration programme in colaboration with Sahyadri Pratishthan,

Kolhapur on the occasion of Savitribai Phule Birth Annivesary dated on 07.01.2015

5.9 Students Activities

5.9.1 No. of students participated in Sports, Games and other events

State/ University level National level International level











07 01

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No. of students participated in cultural events

State/ University level National level International level

5.9.2 No. of medals /awards won by students in Sports, Games and other events

Sports : State/ University level National level International level

Cultural: State/ University level National level International level

5.10- Scholarships and Financial Support

Number of

students Amount

Financial support from institution 135 47684/-

Financial support from government 718 1214100/-

Financial support from other sources -- --

Number of students who received

International/ National recognitions

-- --

5.11 Student organised / initiatives

Fairs : State/ University level National level International level

Exhibition: State/ University level National level International level

5.12 No. of social initiatives undertaken by the students

5.13 Major grievances of students (if any) redressed: ________02______________________________


22 - -

02 - 01

- - -


- -

- -


Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Sangola AQAR – 2014-15

Page 27

Criterion – VI

6. Governance, Leadership and Management

6.1 State the Vision and Mission of the institution

Vision: To provide quality higher education to the students from socio-economically background and

poor family, and friendly atmosphere for teaching, learning and research process. To shape the students

in becoming globally competent, skilled and socially oriented human power.


1. To provide the facilities of education to the students who are from economically weaker sections

of the society from deprived lot.

2. To make the students aware of human rights and human ethics, culture and heritage.

3. To create awareness on scientific temper and environment.

4. To enable the students to become ideal citizen of nation.

5. To create atmosphere for better use of manpower for the nation.

6.2 Does the Institution has a management Information System

Yes. We have a well developed MIS includining all required information for academic and administrative

development of Institute and its staff which helped us to analyze and facilitate strategic and operational

activities and to take informed decision and to evaluate, design, implement, manage, and utilize

systems to generate information to improve efficiency. The Principal holds periodic meetings of the

departments to take feedback. Contradictory with. These help in effective implementation of various


6.3 Quality improvement strategies adopted by the institution for each of the following:

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Page 28

6.3.1 Curriculum Development

As the college is affiliated to Solapur University, it does not develop its own curricula. The

University develops curriculum through respective Boards of Studies. Faculty members attended

workshop on curriculum. Feedback from students, parents and stakeholders on curriculum were

taken.BOS members put collected feedback on curriculum in their meeting for curriculum

development. Practical’s and periods are conducted and completed within scheduled period.

Faculty members have participated in syllabus framing workshops, and the teachers representing

on Board of Studies and other statutory bodies have positively

6.3.2 Teaching and Learning

� Academic calendar is prepared by the college at the beginning of the year which is followed

accordingly. Principal, IQAC Coordinator and all Heads taking meeting regarding teaching

plan. The quality of teaching is enhanced through participation in orientation, refresher

and short term courses by the teachers. Lectures are conducted by learned and guest

lectures on various subjects. Using advanced methods of teaching. Conducting periodic

tests, seminars, group discussions and home assignments etc. Motivating students for

research activities. Students’ were encouraged to use online services. Class rooms were

made ICT enabled; furnished all facilitates. Study tours were arranged. Students are

provided access to reference books, computer with internet facility, journals, magazines,

newspapers. Students are provided required books through. Question bank and study

materials are also provided to them. They are motivated to participate in intra-college and

intercollegiate activities viz. elocution, quiz and essay writing competition. In addition to

the traditional methods innovative strategies are adopted which include maximum use of

ICT, Departmental libraries are strengthened.

6.3.3 Examination and Evaluation

� Examinations and Evaluations are conducted according to the norms given by Solapur

University, Solapur. Examination Committee of the college conducts Internal Examination. To

improve the result college conducts regular periodic tests, group discussion, seminars,

assignments, tutorials etc. Infrastructure and facilities were provided to conduct University


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Page 29

6.3.4 Research and Development

Research Committee was formed to ignite the spark of research among faculty and students.

Teachers are motivated to take up minor and major research projects and attend seminars,

workshops and conferences. Supporting teachers with study leaves, allowances etc. They are

also encouraged to publish books and papers. Teachers and students were encouraged to

undertake research projects, participation in AVISHKAR. Improving library and necessary facilities

for research. ICT facilities made available for research purpose.

6.3.5 Library, ICT and physical infrastructure / instrumentation

Library Advisory Committee has been formed. Library is well equipped & having the sufficient

number of books.INFLIBNET facility is also available for online references. .It has independent

teacher reading room & for the students also. The college has made LCD projectors, TV and

laptops available for effective teaching and learning. List of books were invited by faculty while

purchasing books. Necessary physical infrastructure was made available and maintained.

Laboratories and Library are updated, ICT based instruments and computers are purchased and

used. Efforts towards quality improvements through maintenance, strengthening of

Infrastructure and new construction.

6.3.6 Human Resource Management

The management of the institute emphasises on the recruitment of well-qualified & professional

staff. Management takes decision for the development of teachers by sending them for OP, RC to

update their knowledge and to enhance their teaching skills. They are motivated to participate in

conferences, workshops, seminars and publish their research work in highly reputed journals.

Teaching and non-teaching staff were being trained. All faculty members are involved in different

activities. The teaching faculty has been assigned responsibilities of various committees and

carried out various activities time to time.

6.3.7 Faculty and Staff recruitment

The recruitment of faculty and non-teaching staff is being done by management as per the

guidelines of UGC, State govt. and University. Preference is given to qualified candidate. But

management recruits AdHoc/ C.H.B. faculty as per demand by local appointments, by arranging

Walk In Interview. Well qualified and adequate staff is recruited as per sanctioned by concern


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6.3.8 Industry Interaction / Collaboration

The students are offered hands on experience and get an opportunity to have a close look at the

industrial economics through field trips to various institutes like MIDC, water plant, Milk dairies,

sugar factories, Spin Mill etc, at local place, to complete their projects. Economics and Chemistry

departments are in touch with industries.

6.3.9 Admission of Students

The Admission Committee starts the process of admission soon after the declaration of results as

per the University norms. The admission is given on merit basis. The merit lists are displayed on

notice boards. Details regarding rules and regulations; scholarships; fee structure, subject

combinations and examination pattern are given in updated prospectus. Separate admission

counselling committee is appointed. The curricula and syllabi are made available with the

committee. It guides the students to select the proper course which would best suit their careers.

From this year admission to first year UG and PG is progressively made online.

6.4 Welfare schemes for

6.5 Total corpus fund generated -

6.6 Whether annual financial audit has been done Yes No


Co-operative Credit Society, Staff Academy, All Government schemes redressal cell,

Group Insurance, Medical check up camp. Medical reimbursement facility, Felicitation

of teachers for special achievements

Non teaching

Co-operative Credit Society, All Government schemes redressal cell, Group Insurance,

Medical check up camp. Medical reimbursement facility, Felicitation of teachers for

special achievements


Students redressal cell, Safe drinking water, Group Insurance, Book Bank Facility, All

Government scheme, Free internet access Wi-Fi Govt.scholarship, Remedial coaching

Student,Counselling and other scheme , Fee concession for sports students, add on

courses, MOU with nearby hospital that Students can get basic medical facility, Health

camps. Book Bank facility/ free ship/scholarship/ Financial help From PTA, Alumni, and

Medical Check up of Students. Concession in fees in siddhanath Hospital.


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6.7 Whether Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) has been done?

Audit Type External Internal

Yes/No Agency Yes/No Authority

Academic Yes Solapur


Yes Institutional

Administrative Yes Solapur


No -

6.8 Does the University/ Autonomous College declare results within 30- days?

For UG Programmes Yes No

For PG Programmes Yes No

6.9 What efforts are made by the University/ Autonomous College for Examination Reforms?

N. A.

6.10- What efforts are made by the University to promote autonomy in the affiliated/constituent colleges?

N. A.

6.11 Activities and support from the Alumni Association

Alumni Association was formed in the college. Regular meets were conducted. Feedback and

suggestions, regarding curriculum and extension activities, from alumni were taken. Interaction with

present students, sharing of knowledge, experience, suggestions, etc. Donation from Internal alumni

is received. College received expected support from them. Alumni Association conducts periodic

meetings. It also makes the fund available to needy students Guest Lectures were conducted through


6.12 Activities and support from the Parent – Teacher Association

College has Parent-Teacher Association. One Parent-Teachers’ Meeting per Semester conducted. There

suggestions in meetings, through feedback are incorporated by day to day suggestions for improvement

of institute and students. PTA conducts periodic meetings. It also makes the fund available to needy


-- �

-- �

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6.13 Development programmes for support staff

Teaching and Non-teaching staff members are encouraged to attend the workshops. Workshop on

ICT skill development was organised by IQAC for teaching and non-teaching staff. Participation in

orientation /refresher programmes. Participation in various training programmes which University


6.14 Initiatives taken by the institution to make the campus eco-friendly

The teachers, students as well as the non-teaching staff take initiatives in energy conservation.

Lights, fans, computers are switched off when not required. The water leakage problems are

immediately addressed. The Botany department maintains botanical garden which increases

aesthetic value and reduces pollution. Nature Club is in the college to create environmental

awareness among the students. Tree plantation is done by N.S.S. department, Vermiculture,

vermiwash, Creation of cleaning awareness among the students.

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Criterion – VII

7. Innovations and Best Practices

7.1 Innovations introduced during this academic year which have created a positive impact on the

functioning of the institution. Give details.

� Classes are engaged with the help of multi-media.

e.g. i) Power point presentations; ii) Audio lectures; iii) Video lectures from various Professors,

who are working at IIT’s.

� Few instruments were exchanges amongst departments, this initiates the interdisciplinary work.

� Training camps are organised for sportsman. The participated institutes were from Solapur

University, Solapur.

� Training is imparted to lady students by Damini’s for self defence purpose.

� Training is given to students and faculty also, in making eco-friendly (pollution free)


7.2 Provide the Action Taken Report (ATR) based on the plan of action decided upon at the beginning of

the year

Plan of Action Action Taken

• To organize science talent examination

for B. Sc. Students Science talent examination was conducted for B. Sc.

Students in collaboration with Marathi Vidnyan

Parishad, Sangola Vibhag.

• To update the college website with new


Updated regularly.

• To increase and make available the

subject ties (group of subjects) to students.

Institute has added a new group of subjects to

science students at B.Sc.-II such as , Computer


• Tree plantation Tree plantation at Bagalwadi-Achakdani Forest.

Tree plantation in College campus

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7.3 Give two Best Practices of the institution (please see the format in the NAAC Self-study Manuals)

• i) Science Talent Search Examination.

• ii) Vivekwahini.

7.4 Contribution to environmental awareness / protection

� The college regularly looks for to support the care of Mother Earth. One of the objectives of our

institute is to create general awareness among the student, faculty regarding the environmental

issues. Each and every person in campus is trying to follow three ‘R’s; i.e. Reduce, Recycle and


� Some initiatives:

� Tree plantation around the college campus.

� Tree plantation at Bagalwadi-Achakdani Forest.

� Rain water harvesting

� Energy efficient lightening

� Think before print (in office)

� Safe disposal of waste materials at science laboratory, office, library etc.

� Creation of awareness among the public on environmental issues.

� Major trees in the college campus counted and name plates were pasted on it.

� Students from NCC and NSS raise awareness about environmental protection and conservation

wherever possible during camp period.

7.5 Whether environmental audit was conducted? Yes No

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7.6 Any other relevant information the institution wishes to add. (for example SWOT Analysis)


� Better quality academic programmes

� Located at near the central ST bus stand and railway station at a walk able distance.

� Excellent reputation

� Well equipped laboratory

� Strong support staff.

� Seven point oriented skill based courses (CGPA).


� Lack of fully residential campus

� Limitation in certificate courses.

� Limited land for infrastructure development.

� Unable to convert research into commercial application.


� Collaboration with other institutes regarding research and other activities.

� To develop and establish new program to meet growing demand of farmers like problem in

farming of pomegranates.

� Writing research proposals for different funding agencies to receive funds for research and

development of infrastructure.


� Improving university results in specific subjects.

� Merging of approved staff into excess workload.

� To carry out excess workload by limited administrative staff.

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8. Plans of institution for next year

���� Leave maximum number of teachers for training programme

���� To organise plantation programme in adopted villages

���� To organise general health check-up camp in collaboration with NGO

���� Contribute in constructing Water bands, naalas or bandhara

���� Participate in Swacha Bharat Programmee.

���� Canteen premises renovation

���� Online application for bonafide and transference certificate.

���� Clean campus.

���� Prepare envelopes by using waste papers (one side used).

Name Mr. Rajendra S. Suryavanshi Name Prin. Dr. S. B. Jundale

Signature of the Coordinator, IQAC Signature of the Chairperson, IQAC


1. Academic Calendar

2. Analyses of feedback

3. Best Practices i and ii


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Annexure- I

Academic Calendar 2014-15

Month S.N. Planned activity Organizing Activity



1 College reopens on 15th

June 2014 ----

2 General Staff Meeting Principal

3 Meeting of heads with principal for admission

purpose Principal

4 Formation of plan of action Academic calendar


5 Meeting about canteen Canteen committee

6 Formation of time table and teaching plan Time table committee

7 Department meetings and distribution of

syllabus Respective committee

8 Shahu Maharaj jayanti( 26th

June) Planned program committee



1 Vasantrao Naik jayanti(1st July) Planned program committee

2 NCC/NSS Enrollment NSS/NCC committee

3 Final formation of time table & teaching plan Time table committee

4 Welcome function (first week) Welcome function


5 Meeting about library Library committee

6 Plantation & garden maintenance Garden committee

7 Meeting about classroom & building


Class room & building

maintenance committee

8 Activity for girl students Women welfare committee

9 Search & selection of players Gymkhana committee

10 Student council selection Election committee

11 Guest lecture on population day Planned program committee

12 Formation of literacy association Respective department

13 Meeting with UGC grant UGC committee

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14 Selection of volunteers NSS committee



1 Lokmany tilak punyatithi(1st August) Planned program committee

2 Shaihir Annabhau Sathe Jayanti(1st August) Planned program committee

3 Krantisigh Patil Jayanti(3rd

August) Politics Department

4 Blood Donation camp(10th

August) NSS Committee

5 Independence Day function(15th

August) Cultural Committee

6 Ahilyabai Holkar Punyatithi(19th

August) Planned program committee

7 Raksha Bandhan function (20th

August) UnPlanned program


8 Sadbhavana Din(20th

August) Planned program committee

9 Meeting of purchase committee Purchase committee

10 Notification and collection of wall papers Wall paper committee

11 Meeting about leisure time facility Leisure time facility

12 Selection of students for youth festival Youth festival committee

13 One day NSS camp NSS committee

14 Poetry recital competition

15 Parents gathering Students parent committee

16 Lecture for teachers Staff academic committee



1 One day NSS camp NSS committee

2 Publication of wall papers Wall paper committee

3 Teachers day function(5th

Sept.) Planned program committee

4 Hindi Din(14th

Sept.) Hindi Dept.

5 Medical check up camp Medical camp committee

6 Lecture for teachers Staff academic committee

7 College vardhapapn din & karmveer


Sept.) Cultural committee

8 Lectures on competitive exam Competative Exam


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9 Internal exam. (C.G.P.A.) Exam. Committee




Mahatma Gandhi jayanti (2nd


Lalbahdur Shastri Jayanti

Planned program committee

2 Guest lecture for students on science Science Mandal

3 Meeting about library Library Committee

4 Garden maintenance Garden Maintain committee

5 One day NSS camp NSS committee

6 Guest lecture on Business guidance Business Guidance


7 Lectures on competitive exam Competative Exam


8 Lecture for teachers Staff Academic committee

9 Maharshi Walkimi Jayanti(8th

Oct) Planned program committee

10 Vallabhbhai Patel jayanti(31st Oct) Planned program committee

11 Smt.Indira Gandhi Punyatitihi & national

sankalp din(31st Oct)

Planned program committee

12 University Exam ( Th & Pract.) Examination committee

Dipawali Vacation 19/10/2014 to 12/11/2014



1 Meeting about college magazine Magazine committee

2 Formal students gathering Alumni committee

3 Ten day NSS camp NSS Committee

4 Medical check up camp Health committee

5 Meeting about UGC grant UGC committee

6 Pandit Nehru Jayanti(14th

Nov) Planned program committee

7 Smt.Indira Gandhi Punyatitihi & national unity

din(19th Nov) Planned program committee

8 Yashwantrao Chavan Punyatithi(25th

Nov) Planned program committee

9 Constitution day (26th

Nov) Planned program committee

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10 Mahatma Phule Jayanti(28th

Nov) Planned program committee



1 Aids din(1st Dec) Planned program committee

2 Lectures for teachers Staff academic committee

3 Blood donation camp NSS committee

4 Mahaparinirwan Din ( 6ht Dec) Planned program committee

5 Study tours Tour committee

6 Alumni Gathering Alumni committee

7 Shahid Babu Genu din (12th

Dec) Planned program committee

8 One day NSS camp NSS committee

9 Lectures on competitive exam Competitive exam




1 Savitribai Phule jayanti(3rd

Jan) Planned program committee

2 Lectures on competitive exam Competitive exam


3 Lectures for teachers Staff academic committee

4 One day NSS camp NSS committee

5 Mata Jijau Jayanti(12th

Jan) Planned program committee

6 Swami Vivekanand jayanti(12th

Jan) Planned program committee

7 Netaji Subhash Chandra Bosh Jayanti(23


Jan) Planned program committee

8 Republic day function (26th

Jan) Planned program committee

9 Guest lecture on business guidance Business guidance


10 Annual Game competition Gymkhana Committee

11 Guest lecture on placement and recruitment Business guidance




1 Annual prize distribution function Cultural committee

2 Lectures on competitive exam Competitive exam


3 Science day function (28th

Feb) Science Mandal

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4 Meeting about UGC grant UGC committee

5 Meeting about university exam Exam committee

6 Shivaji Maharaj jayanti(19th

feb) Planned program committee

7 NCC B& C certificate exam NCC Committee

8 One day NSS camp NSS committee

9 Garden maintenance Garden Maintenance


10 Internal Exam(CGPA) Internal Exam Committee



1 Yashwantrao Chavan jayanti (12th

Mar) Planned program committee

2 Vasundhara din function(21st Mar) Planned program committee

3 Shahid Bhagatsinh, Sukhdeo & Rajguru


Mar) Planned program committee

4 University Exam(Th & Pract) Exam committee



1 Shivaji Maharaj Punyatithi ( 9th

Apr) Planned program committee

2 Meeting about college prospectus Prospectus committee

3 Mahatma Phule Jayanti( 11 April) Planned program committee

4 Meeting about college magazine Magazine committee

5 Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti(14th

Apr) Planned program committee

6 University Exam ( Th & Pract) Exam committee



1 Maharashtra din function(1st May) Planned program committee

2 Mahtma Basweshwar Jayanti(2 May) Planned program committee

3 Anti terrorisme Day, non-violence Day Planned program committee

4 Dashahatwad va Hinsachar Virodhi Diwas( 21

May) Planned program committee

5 Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Punyatithi(27th

May) Planned program committee

6 Maharana Pratap Sigh Jayanti(31

th May),

Punyshlok Ahilydevi Jayanti(31 May) Planned program committee

Summer Holiday 01/05/2015 to 15/06/2015

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Annexure- II

Sr. No Teacher Name Class Ordinary Good Better Best Principal


1 Mr GHADAGE V.K. B.SC.I 0.0 1.6 16.3 82.1 BEST

B.SC.II 0.0 2.8 18.3 78.9 BETTER


B.SC.I 2.0 12.0 26.0 60.0 ORDINARY

B.SC.II 0.0 7.0 14.0 79.0 BETTER

B.SC.III 5.0 9.0 21.0 65.0 GOOD


B.SC.I 6.0 18.0 16.0 60.0 ORDINARY

B.SC.II 3.4 11.0 15.6 70.0 GOOD

B.SC.III 4.1 10.5 5.1 80.3 BEST

4 Mr.HAKE M.A.

B.SC.I 4.1 7.4 17.3 71.2 BETTER

B.SC.II 0.0 2.2 7.5 90.3 EXCELLENT

B.SC.III 2.0 2.0 17.2 78.8 BETTER

5 Dr. KHANDARE S.N. B.SC.I 1.3 1.7 26.2 70.8 BETTER

B.SC.II 1.2 2.3 18.1 78.4 BETTER

6 Mr.LAGALI T.S. B.SC.I 3.1 13.4 12.6 70.9 BETTER

B.SC.II 2.1 11.5 13.6 72.8 BETTER


B.SC.I 6.7 14.0 13.7 65.6 GOOD

B.SC.II 9.1 14.3 15.7 60.9 GOOD

B.SC.III 4.3 9.5 16.1 70.1 BETTER


B.SC.I 2.0 10.1 25.8 62.1 GOOD

B.SC.II 2.0 9.4 14.2 74.4 BETTER

B.SC.III 6.0 10.6 13.2 70.2 BETTER



B.SC.I 0.0 1.0 18.1 80.9 BEST

B.SC.II 1.0 6.0 14.2 78.8 BETTER

B.SC.III 2.0 10.2 13.4 74.4 BETTER



B.SC.I 2.0 5.1 27.6 65.3 GOOD

B.SC.II 0.0 2.1 17.2 80.7 BEST

B.SC.III 0.0 1.2 14.4 84.4 BEST


B.SC.I 4.0 19.0 16.4 60.6 GOOD

B.SC.II 0.0 0.0 24.1 75.9 BETTER

B.SC.III 0.0 0.0 19.9 80.1 BEST

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Sr. No Teacher Name Class Ordinary Good Better Best Principal


12 Mr. NAVALE B.B.

B.SC.I 1.0 7.0 16.4 75.6 BETTER

B.SC.II 0.0 2.0 19.3 78.7 BETTER

B.SC.III 0.0 4.0 16.0 80.0 BETTER


B.SC.I 4.2 6.6 24.0 65.2 GOOD

B.SC.II 0.0 1.0 24.0 75.0 BETTER

B.SC.III 2.0 6.0 14.0 78.0 BETTER


B.SC.I 5.0 7.0 19.1 68.9 BETTER

B.SC.II 1.0 6.0 12.5 80.5 BEST

B.SC.III 0.0 6.2 15.6 78.2 BETTER


B.A.I 1.0 9.0 19.6 70.4 BETTER

B.A.I I 4.0 7.0 16.3 72.7 BETTER

B.A.III 0.0 2.0 17.7 80.3 BEST

16 Dr . KASABE D.K.

B.A.I 2.0 7.3 25.4 65.3 GOOD

B.A.I I 1.0 3.0 25.7 70.3 BETTER

B.A.III 2.0 7.0 25.6 65.4 GOOD

17 Mr.MANE K.S.

B.A.I 0.0 0.0 24.5 75.5 BETTER

B.A.I I 0.0 8.0 21.5 70.5 BETTER

B.A.III 0.0 4.1 20.6 75.3 BETTER

18 Mr PAWAR K.S.

B.A.I 0.0 6.0 18.6 75.4 BETTER

B.A.I I 2.0 2.0 30.3 65.7 GOOD

B.A.III 3.0 9.0 12.6 75.4 BETTER

19 Dr. RITE D.K.

B.A.I 0.0 2.0 18.0 80.0 BETTER

B.A.I I 7.0 12.0 16.0 65.0 GOOD

B.A.III 4.0 14.0 12.0 70.0 GOOD

20 Mr. SHINDE S.B.

B.A.I 6.0 8.2 15.6 70.2 BETTER

B.A.I I 2.0 4.2 28.4 65.4 GOOD

B.A.III 0.0 4.0 23.6 72.4 BETTER


B.A.I 6.0 12.2 23.6 58.2 ORDINARY

B.A.I I 6.0 3.2 25.6 65.2 GOOD

B.A.III 0.0 7.0 18.3 74.7 BETTER

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Sr. No Teacher Name Class Ordinary Good Better Best Principal


22 Dr. FULARI T.J.

B.A.I 3.0 6.4 20.6 70.0 GOOD

B.A.I I 0.0 5.0 22.6 72.4 BETTER

B.A.III 0.0 4.6 20.4 75.0 BETTER


B.A.I 3.0 6.0 30.6 60.4 GOOD

B.A.I I 0.0 7.0 23.0 70.0 GOOD

B.A.III 0.0 5.0 23.0 72.0 BETTER

24 MR. SHINDE S.V. B.A.I 0.0 4.0 16.0 80.0 BETTER

B.A.I I 0.0 5.0 25.0 70.0 GOOD

25 Dr. FULE R.A.

B.A.I 0.0 4.0 25.5 70.5 BETTER

B.A.I I 3.0 6.0 22.4 68.6 GOOD

B.A.III 1.0 6.4 22.6 70.0 GOOD

26 Mr. PATIL B.D.

B.A.I 3.0 6.0 19.0 72.0 BETTER

B.A.I I 1.0 6.4 12.6 80.0 BETTER

B.A.III 0.0 2.6 19.4 78.0 BETTER

27 Mr. RUPNAR P.J.

B.A.I 1.0 10.0 23.4 65.6 GOOD

B.A.I I 3.0 7.0 20.0 70.0 GOOD

B.A.III 0.0 3.0 18.4 78.6 GOOD

28 Mr. SAGARE K.N.

B.A.I 0.0 12.0 23.0 65.0 GOOD

B.A.I I 2.0 9.0 20.4 68.6 GOOD

B.A.III 3.0 10.0 16.4 70.6 BETTER

29 Mr. MANE M.T.

B.A.I 2.0 6.0 21.8 70.2 BETTER

B.A.I I 3.0 10.0 18.4 68.6 GOOD

B.A.III 2.0 7.0 16.4 74.6 GOOD

30 Mr. PAWAR V.M. B.A.I 1.0 10.6 28.4 60.0 ORIDNARY

B.A.I I 2.0 6.0 26.4 65.6 GOOD

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Annexure- III (i)

Best Practice

Science Talent Search Examination (STSE) conducted by Vidnyan Mandal


• To check the students fundamental and basic knowledge regarding science.

• To prepare students for competitive examination of institutes like BARC, IUCAA, RRCAT etc.

• To improve students’ knowledge from all subject.

• To identify the best performance of students from each class.

The context:

The MPSC and UPSC are conducting no. of competitive examinations. There are few

examinations, in which questions will be asked on science, but students at graduate level are not able to

understand the meaning of questions and hence he or she is unable to write the answer of questions. In

our institute, Vidnyan Mandal is conducting Science talent Search examination for science graduates

only. The questions in the examinations are asked on the basis of question papers set by MPSC and

UPSC. The proportion of questions for examination is equal from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and

Statistics, Life sciences and Computer sciences. Such type of announcement or instructions was given

students because of which, they read the books. Also, they use other sources of information such as

internet, popular books for competitive examination, meeting with teacher having such specialization,

newspaper reading which includes recent activity done in science (i.e. news published by ISRO, NASA


The Practice:

The STSE is main ambition of Vidnyan Mandal because the selected students from STSE are

motivated for national and international level competition examination by offering him/her a certificate

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with prize. A prize contain amount in the form of rupees. This much amount and certificate is a

inspirational thing to other students.

Selection Procedure:

a) Announcement will be in the month of November

b) Application will be invited in the month of December

c) Screening of applications will be within 10 days after due date.

d) Examination in the month of January.

e) Results will be displayed within 10 days after examination.

f) Revised result will be displayed within 5 days after result declaration.

g) Selection of winners from each class.

h) If there is tie then there will be two prizes.

i) Felicitation of winners at the hands of Chief gust on the occasion of National Science Day

celebration on 28th February.


• The winner get financial assistance

• After examination student exchange their ideas regarding tricks for solving the questions.

• They search books for competitive examination.

• They compete with interest

• Student come in the flow of competitive examination

• Other subject readings habits are enhanced.


Students from arts stream cannot participate.

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Annexure- III (ii)

Best Practice



•To create Thought Provoking Society

•To behave with Thoughts and reasons

•To eradicate superstition in society

•To discuss problems in society and to try to solve it.

Today’s students are exam oriented. They are forgetting his family and society. There are some

families which eat one time in a day. There are many people who are affected by superstition. There

are many problems such as baby feticide, suicide of farmers, injustice on women and Dalits, problem

of water, animal’s food etc. and discussion should be done on these problems. Today’s society

depends upon youth and its characters. So, if we want to change society, we must change youth first

and it should be done in the college. The college is the platform to build the youth and Vivekwahini

is doing this task.


Structure of Vivekwahini in college

1. Chairman- Principal

2. Councelor- Professor-1

3. Members- 2 Professors

4. Organizer- Total 2: Male student 1 and Female student 1

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The above committee is appointed for one academic year. Students participate spontaneously in

Vivekwahini. Students take participation in the discussion on various subjects on every Friday during

11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. They also discuss on the subjects that were doing the last meetings. Students are

speakers. They learn new ideas and things. They are encouraged and their potentialities get chance to


During the academic year 2014-15, the following subjects were discussed in Vivekwahini

1) Today’s youth caught in the cluth of addiction

2) Crackerless Diwali Festival

3) Save baby girl mission

4) Plantation and conservation of plant wealth.


Since students are from Science faculty, they are unable to attend because of their routine

practicals and lectures.

- - xx – 00 – xx --

top related