sample assignment on employee engagement

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Employee Engagement Custom Essay Writing – Assignment Help Services – UK | US | Australia | Singapore


Employee engagement can be defined as a way, in which employees identify their

responsibilities, tasks of an organisation, leadership styles, appraisal systems and policies,

communication pattern and culture of the company. The term, employee engagement is

described in different ways by different authors. In view of some authors, employee engagement

refers to the commitment and passion of employees towards their duties in an organisation.

Employee engagement depends highly upon the policies and procedures of an organisation such

as encouragement, recognition and reward system (Dewsbury and Dobson, 2007). It is also

referred as a process, by which an organisation inspire employees for attaining desired goals and

objectives of an organisation. There are certain employee engagement strategies, implemented

by organisations which assist in motivating and retaining talented employees. Studies have

proved that satisfied workforce not only understands the requirement of their profile, but also the

requirement of their organisation. Organisations, in order to retain talented and skilled employees

for a longer period of time measure employee engagement. This will facilitate an organisation

determining and identifying the need for improvement (Sullivan, 2012).


The concept of employee engagement was introduced by Kahn, in the year 1990. The

term was introduced to explain the expression ‘self in-role,’ which includes, physical, mental and

emotional engagement. Kahn’s model was developed on the basis of writings and views of other

authors, as well (Dickson, 2010). As per Kahn’s model, employee engagement is considered as

behaviour influenced by a number of factors, attitude and differences of individual employees.

Employee engagement may appear to be a comparatively latest concept but in reality it was first Custom Essay Writing – Assignment Help Services – UK | US | Australia | Singapore

appeared in an academic journal in 1990. Employee engagement has identified as a combination

of dedication to the organisation and its principles as well as excitement to support or motivate

employees. It is far behind job satisfaction and is not simply motivation (Mone and London,


Thesis statement

Employee engagement is acknowledged as a strong predictor of employee and work unit

performance. Organisations exhibiting a high percentage of engaged employees successfully

achieve competitive edge. The challenge facing organizational leaders is that most employees are

not very engaged. Thus, thesis statement developed for is “need of strategies, a manager can

employ to ensure that employees experience a high level of absorption in their work.”

Challenges with Employee Engagement

Engagement is not productivity or an output: The main focus of business managers is to

enhance productivity, revenue, or innovations. Regrettably, employee engagement, employee

commitment, employee satisfaction etc support an organisation in maintaining productivity, but

they are not productivity. An employee may adopt measures to engage fully and contribute to the

business but in absence of proper training, resources, leaders, etc, their performance cannot be


Engagement may be a by-product, not a cause: Many studies have proved that organisations

with high employee engagement can results in higher revenue per employee, high company sale

rates, and receiving higher shareholder returns. In reality, there are certain workplace factors that

are responsible for increasing engagement of employees. When employees are productive, well- Custom Essay Writing – Assignment Help Services – UK | US | Australia | Singapore

managed, identified they contribute more to an organisation and workplace factors ultimately

enhance their engagement (Mone and London, 2014). Thus, it can be said that employee

engagement may be a by-product of other high influencing workplace factors. In many

situations, it is not the employee engagement that is regulating the diversity but vice versa.

Outside factors may influence engagement: On the basis of employee retention and employee

satisfaction surveys it has been observed that various factors outside of the organisation impact

employee engagement. Various factors such as the unemployment rate, the mortgage crisis, the

cost of living, and the family issues affect employee’s emotions towards their organisations. For

instance, at times of high unemployment rate, employees experience a feeling of emotional bond

towards their organisations for offering them with a job (Lencioni, 2011).

High levels of engagement may not prohibit turnover: Recently a study on the Accenture

exhibited a poor connection between employee engagement and turnover. That study highlighted

that more than 40% of the most passionately engaged employees have a least or very less

intention to stay in the organisation. This and number of associated studies proved that over-

dependence on even the very highest engagement scores can cause loss in the significant number

of skilled employees.

Factors influencing employee engagement

Employee engagement is the extent to which an employee experience and motivation

from its workplace. Employee engagement also depends on the nature and type of the job, power

and designation, requirement of the job, and appropriate skills demanded for a given job.

Following are some internal and external factors influencing employee engagement. Custom Essay Writing – Assignment Help Services – UK | US | Australia | Singapore

Job Responsibilities and Work Relationships: The tasks performed by employees and the people

they interact on a regular basis have an incredible impact on employee engagement. Individuals

prefer jobs that allow them to discover and engage in their hobbies. Employees who admire the

people they work with are more focussed towards organisational culture and aims.

Growth Opportunities: employees remain engaged by offering opportunities for professional growth

and expertise development by an organisation. Motivated employees also feel obliged to remain

active in development when they find that promotions or higher level positions with a number of

responsibilities exist in organisation (Mone and London, 2014). When employees feel that their

ideas, input and efforts get rewarded by authorities, they tend to more focus on objectives.

Competition from Other Options: Competing career choices and search for better jobs are the

common external factors that alleviate employee engagement. When employees are not happy with

profiles and pay offered by an organisation, they keep their focus open for other options as well.

Some employees have other jobs or freelance appearances that sometimes distract them from full

dedication to a full timer employer and profile.

Family and Social Obligations: Like every human, employees also get affected by feelings and

emotions. Sometimes, there are situations, where employees get involved emotionally in family

conditions that divert them from full engagement in work. There are some employees who identify

work as a 40-hour-a-week commitment and do not like to put further time and energy into the job. In

such situations, employees are unable to engage fully themselves in achieving aims and objectives of

an organisation.

Strategies influencing employee engagement

Employee engagement is crucial for retaining talented and skilled employees in an

organisation. Employees that demonstrate a high level of engagement have physically, mentally Custom Essay Writing – Assignment Help Services – UK | US | Australia | Singapore

and emotionally employees engaged in their jobs. An evaluation of multiple organisations across

many different industries signifies that most successful employee engagement efforts need

several strategies. Some of the organisations do not consider them as distinct strategies, but as

single aspect of these strategies. Following strategies influence employee engagement in an


Recognition: employees who are entirely engaged in their workplace are usually excited about

the tasks they conduct. They know that their performance has an impact on the functioning of the

organisation, and they are enthusiastic about outcomes of their hard work (Dickson, 2010).

Nevertheless, it is hard to build motivation about work when daily job tasks are anything but

exciting. A significant strategy includes addition of some another aspect into job functions of

employees through recognition.

Motivation: employees who get recognition or appreciation for their skills are usually

encouraged to perform at higher levels. Organisational motivation generally comes from

nonmonetary appraisal, such as promotion, appreciation, advancement or offering more complex

tasks to employees who exhibit proficiency. Employee strategy for enhancing employee

engagement involves building opportunities for leadership positions for deserving employees

whose talent exceeds the organisational expectations.

Relationship Building: rebuilding employee loyalty and trust in leadership team of an

organisation is a reliable and perfect strategy for enhancing employee retention. Motivation the

leadership team to build an effective relationship with all of the organisation’s employees can

have desirable impacts on employee engagement (Lencioni, 2011). Developing an effective Custom Essay Writing – Assignment Help Services – UK | US | Australia | Singapore

employer-employee relationship based on trust and confidence builds an enthusiasm in the daily

challenges employees face at workplace.

Benefits of Employee Engagement

An engaged employee is an individual who is entirely involved in, about, his/her work.

Following are some benefits of employee engagement in an organisation.

Employee Satisfaction: on the basis of observations it has proved that if employees are fully

engaged with an organisation it can increase their job satisfaction level. Employees that are

entirely engaged and involve in the business activities have a high degree of loyalty and

commitment level which is highly responsible for the success of any business. Satisfied

employees play a significant role in achieving objectives and aims of an organisation (Walker,

2012). Satisfied employees are responsible for supporting and promoting the mission, aim,

strategy and brand of an organisation.

Productivity: employee engagement is responsible for achieving and attaining business success.

As an employee become highly engaged their motivation level increases and absenteeism

decreases leading to high productivity. In other words, organisations with more engaged

employees are more prone to high productivity and outcomes (Stamm, 2012). According to

various researches it has been observed that business organisations with highly engaged

employees are as much as 45% productive.

Retention & Recruitment: retaining talented employees is a key to the success of every business

organisation. Employees who are engaged fully in the workplace minimises the risk of turnover

for the organisation. As employees become more engaged in the success of the organisation they Custom Essay Writing – Assignment Help Services – UK | US | Australia | Singapore

also become more trusty and loyal. In other words, when employees are satisfied and engaged in

an organisation they are more likely to work with the same organisation.


Organizational leaders can improve employee engagement by first identifying how

employees think about the organisation and their overall responsibilities. Organizational

leaders can achieve this by building a focus group to understand what is working and

what is not working within the company from the viewpoint of employees (Lencioni,

2011). Leaders can motivate employee engagement in focus group by determining ideas

and views of employees on how to solve an issue they have noticed. Collecting

suggestion and input from employees before developing a new program is a way leaders

can promote employee engagement.

Another way to improve employee engagement is by organising team-building activities

outside the workplace on a daily basis by leaders to keep employee morale high. Many

employees find themselves unable to engage in organizational activities as there is

absence of teamwork or unity among employees (Mone and London, 2014).Team

building activities motivates employees to perform together towards achieving a common

goal and objective. Team building activities assist organizational leaders to promote an

effective relationship between employee and them.

An organisational leader can enhance employee engagement by introducing a rewards

and recognition program. Such types of programs can motivate and encourage employees

in a number of ways. For instance, employees who are money oriented can gain from a

rewards and recognition program that offers a monthly bonus for attaining company goals Custom Essay Writing – Assignment Help Services – UK | US | Australia | Singapore

and objectives (Dickson, 2010). In the same way, employees who want personal

acknowledgement can benefit from a recognition program that pays achievements in

nonmonetary manners such as through medals or a day off from company. Rewards and

recognition enhance employee engagement through their duties and encourage employees

to be more useful because of the capability for monetary advantage or positive

acknowledgement and appreciation.

Training and development is also a very significant way to enhance employee

engagement. Internal training programs facilitate employees to participate with one

another, share views and learn more about a specific topic (Kokemuller and Media,

2014). Training programs assists employees to enthusiastically participate in activities

and provide input and feedback about the processes and systems of an organization.


In relation to different perspectives, the thesis statement can be restated as; a manager can

employ employee engagement strategies to ensure that employees experience a high level of

absorption in their work. Thus, on the basis of above discussion it can be concluded that

organisational leaders implement employee engagement strategies to promote employee

engagement and improve the way employees feel about their duties. These leaders can promote

employee engagement in a variety of ways. The engagement of employees is considered as one

of the important concerns of an organisational leader. Employee engagement enhances the

bottom line with minimum employee turnover. Organisational leaders adopt various employee

engagement strategies to actively engage employees towards achieving business aims and

objectives. Custom Essay Writing – Assignment Help Services – UK | US | Australia | Singapore


Dewsbury,G. and Dobson, J. 2007. Responsibility and Dependable Systems. Springer.

Dickson, D. 2010. Fostering Employee Engagement: Practical Tools and Best Practice

Techniques.Human Resource Development.

Kokemuller, N., and Media,D.2014. Internal & External Factors Affecting Employee

Engagement. [Online]. Available at: factors-

affecting-employee-engagement-31069.html [Accessed on: 28 November 2014].

Lencioni, M. 2011. Managing for Employee Engagement Participant Workbook . John Wiley &


Mone, E.M. and London, M. 2014. Employee Engagement Through Effective Performance

Management: A Practical Guide for Managers. Routledge.

Stamm, S. 2012. 42 Rules of Employee Engagement. Happy About.

Sullivan.J.2012. What’s Wrong with Employee Engagement? The Top 20 Potential Problems.

[Online]. Available at:

employee-engagement-the-top-20-potential-problems/ [Accessed on: 28 November


Walker, S. 2012. Employee Engagement and Communication Research: Measurement, Strategy

and Action. Kogan Page Publishers. Custom Essay Writing – Assignment Help Services – UK | US | Australia | Singapore

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