salisbury morse place school · 2016-10-07 · mme krawchenko-chaput, mme brown, mrs. sobie and mr....

Post on 28-Jul-2020






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I can feel that fall is definitely in the air as I write this principal’s message. In fact, today, I had to put on real shoes and abandon my summer sandals!

We’ve had a wonderful start to the new school year. We’ve welcomed new staff members and new students from Kindergarten to Grade 8. Our school is growing. To date, 561 students call SMP home! Welcome to all of our new families. We hope that you will be happy at Salisbury Morse Place School. We look forward to working with you in partnership to support your child’s learning needs.

We continue to work with our students on our three guiding principles: Be safe, be respectful, and be responsible. SMP strongly encourages our students and community to practice making positive choices. Parents and guardians are a wonderful example of our guiding principles. You can help us by doing the following:

Be Safe by obeying the traffic and parking rules around the school:

Do not use the school parking lots, back alley or front street for pick up and drop off. Instead, drop off on Besant or further away from the school and encourage your child to walk. Fresh air and exercise are good for everyone! Please choose safety over convenience!

Be Respectful by treating all school staff and community members with patience and kindness:

If there is a concern with your child, please contact the teacher by agenda, telephone or email to discuss your concern or to arrange a meeting.

Encourage your child to be respectful to the adults at school and remind them that all school personnel are there to support them.

Be Responsible by making sure to communicate with us:

Give the school proper telephone numbers where you can be reached in case of emergency and let us know if those numbers change

Make sure you have a reliable emergency contact person listed who can be reached in case of emergency

Notify the school if your child is going to be away

Send in permission slips on time and check your child’s agenda daily for notes and information

Help your child to get to school on time and prepared for learning

I'm looking forward to the year ahead as we grow in our learning and in our understanding of each other and the world around us. I hope that families will find a way to get involved in our school community. Please consider volunteering in your child’s classroom, going on a field trip or helping out with a school activity. If you can’t come during the school day, we are always looking for parent support with our Band Parent Association and our Community Schools Association. Check out our school website for dates and times.

Kind regards, M. Millman


Winnipeg, MB R2K 1W6



K -5 MUSIC NOTES Students in Grade K-5 are busy in the music room moving to music, playing instruments, singing, and creating at Salisbury Morse Place!

All students in grade 4 and 5 are learning recorder as well as continuing to develop their vocal and instrumental skills. If your child requires a recorder they are available for purchase from Mrs. Neufeld in the music room. New recorders are $7.00 and previously owned recorders are $2.00.

Grade 4 music club is starting! This club will meet every Day 4 in the Early Years Music Room *On club days please remember to bring a lunch that does not require the microwave. Thanks!

Coming up…

Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra & RETSD divisional choir several Grade 5 students from Salisbury Morse Place will be performing with the River-East Transcona Divisional Choir and WSO on November 8th at 7:00 pm at the Centennial Concert Hall.

Remembrance Day Assembly - November 10th at 10:40 am in the Early Years Gym. Community members and parents are welcome to attend!

Early Years Winter Concert – Tuesday, December 20th

The patrols are off to a great start! We had a refresher training session on September 9

th with our new

Constable Kevin Rampersad. Each patrol has been provided with a patrol card, this can be used to get in to Wheelies every Wednesday night for FREE! Also, there will be patrol movies at either St. Vital Silver City or Polo Park Silver City

A HUGE thank you to CSA who have once again generously provided funds to the patrol program this year! This allows for extra incentives, awards, special lunches and subsidizes their fieldtrip in June to Lilac Resort.

Aaliyah G. wrote a thank you note to them: “Thank you for giving money to Ms. Gross. This is my second year as a

patrol. I know Ms. Gross plans big things for us, but she can’t do it without the money that you send. Thank you!”

Please check your e-mails regularly as I send out information regarding movies and updated sub lists. Thank you!

Thank you to Mrs. Pattern-Regier who brought yummy cupcake treats for the patrols! They were delicious!

Yours in Safety Ms. Gross

Early Years Phys. Ed News

Welcome back to another school year!

Here in the gym, things have been busy.

The Turkey Trot Club for grade 3, 4, 5 students began on September 9. Students were

invited to come and run at 11:45 every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This year, we

brought our largest group to Bird’s Hill Park. On Thursday, September 29, 64 students

ran their best effort around the beautiful course by Pope Hill. Congratulations to

Mathew K, Arianna M, Payton R, Shayla M, Chantelle T, Urvi S, Idrissa B, Zoey C,

Mashiyat R, Princess L, Max J, Serenity Z, Janea J, Austin W, Keona S, Caitlin P, Lex B-B,

Toria S, Blossom U, Teneka L, Kevin D, Amber B, Nevaeh J, Lazar M, Jerwin G,

Aiden R, Jenry Mil Q, Seth M, Olivia N, Kiran W, Jana E, Jack B, Immaculata, Sidney L,

Jayden S, Nicholas R, Michael L, Kadence B, Eric B, Alexis H, Annie H, Danica C,

Rachelle M, Arianna M, Ishmail B, Harjaap S, Sabina R, Daniel L, Karalaina E, Mari C,

Kalissa R, Jayden C, Sebastian G, Camila S, Mu Thur L, Jayden K, Emily P, Arvalee K ,

Carson D, Cole P, Brylee D, Maya G, Juan C, Joseph G-B, Juliana F, Asher P, Bryan A,

Haulu B, Aiden S, and Dylan B. A great big thank you to our teacher coaches who came

out every lunchtime to help motivate the kids. They include Miss Tryon,

Mme Krawchenko-Chaput, Mme Brown, Mrs. Sobie and Mr. Glowacki.

The 36th annual Terry Fox Run took place officially on Sunday, September 17, here in

Manitoba. At Salisbury Morse Place School, the students from kindergarten to grade 8

celebrated this Canadian hero on Friday, September 30. The students were reminded of

Terry’s run through a touching video. Then the winning buddy group from

Mme Krawchenko-Chaput and Mrs. McMahon’s class challenged Mrs. Nazeravich to

three separate challenges. She had to dance to Gangham Style, find 10 Lifesavers hidden

in whipped cream, and then run around the school yard disguised as a pickle.

Mrs. Nazeravich was a great sport and all for a great cause. At the time of printing, the

Salisbury Morse Place Community had donated just a little over $500.00 for the

Terry Fox Foundation. Thank you for your generosity!

The month of October will see many fun events take place for many of our students.

Mr. Zajac will be going to the annual Flag Football tournament at East Side Eagles

football field with some of our grade 4 and 5 students. We will celebrate Thanksgiving

and Halloween. The weather will continue to get a bit cooler and new clubs will begin.

The next one will be a shoe tying club for any student who still needs help to tie their

shoe laces.

Enjoy the fall colours!

Mme Gagnon


A Gigantic Community Garage Sale, Bake Sale and BBQ

will be held:

Friday, October 14th from 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.


Saturday, October 15th

from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

at Salisbury Morse Place School

795 Prince Rupert Ave. at London St. Entrance.

All donations and profits will support the school’s band program. We are

accepting donations of any used items for our sale (except mattresses, computer

screens and TV’s). So clean out all those unwanted things in your basement,

garage, and cottage. Items can be dropped off in the Band room anytime or

brought directly to the MY gym on Thurs. Oct. 13th between 4:00-8:00 pm.

If you need assistance with large items please call Mrs. Giese at school, or email:

Come out for a hotdog and find some new treasures. Band parents are asked to

take note of the details in the Band Newsletter (your child should have one) to

find out how you can support this event.

Your help is appreciated!

All student absences

are required to be reported to the school office.

Messages regarding absences can be left at 204-668-9304 at any time.

Please state clearly your child’s first and last name, grade, teacher and

reason for absence.

Salisbury Morse Place School 795 Prince Rupert Avenue, Wpg., MB, R2K 1W6 Phone 668 9304 Fax 668 9390 Principal: Ms. M. Millman Vice Principal: Ms. C. Nazeravich

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Your son/daughter’s safety is very important to us. We have policies and procedures in place at both the divisional and school level to support their safety. In the last several months our school division has been working with the Winnipeg Police Service, (as well as referencing materials from the RCMP and Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning), in order to review and strengthen the procedures we have in place to protect students and staff in the event of a safety threat at school. We would like to share details of these updated procedures with you now.

Safety procedures now fall into two categories: Hold and Secure, and Lockdown.

Hold and Secure will be activated if there is a potential threat outside the school. In these situations, the police typically contact the school and direct the school to go into Hold and Secure. When there is no longer a threat outside the school building, the police inform us that we can resume regular activities.

If our school is in Hold and Secure, the following procedures will apply:

All exterior doors will be locked.

NO ENTRY signs will be placed on each door.

No one will be permitted to leave or enter the school until school administration announces that

Hold and Secure is over.

Lockdown will be activated if there is a potential threat inside the school building. If the school is in Lockdown, the following procedures will apply:

All students and staff will proceed to the nearest classroom or office.

All doors to classrooms and offices will be locked and/or barricaded by the supervising adult.

Students will be kept away from windows and doors and instructed to remain silent and still.

No one will be permitted to leave their room until the Lockdown is over.

Effective September 1, 2015, all schools in RETSD are required to hold at least two Lockdown and one Hold and Secure practice drills each school year. The purpose of the drills is to provide training for staff and students so everyone knows what to do in the event of a safety threat. Everyone in the school building will participate in these drills. Students, staff and parents will be informed in advance of these practice drills.

… cont’d

If your son/daughter arrives at school during a Hold and Secure or Lockdown procedure, he or she must proceed to the school evacuation site, sign in and remain there until directed otherwise by administration or police. The evacuation site for your son/daughter’s school is: Kildonan East Collegiate – 845 Concordia Avenue

If you arrive at the school during a Hold and Secure or Lockdown, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ENTER THE SCHOOL. Instead, please proceed to the parent/guardian information site where divisional personnel will be available to assist you. The parent information site for your son/daughter’s school is: Sherwood School – 509 Grey Street

If you hear about a serious emergency at your son/daughter’s school through media reports or other means, DO NOT PROCEED TO THE SCHOOL. Instead, proceed immediately to the parent information site identified above.

Please DO NOT CALL YOUR SON/DAUGHTER’S CELL PHONE during an emergency, particularly in a Lockdown situation where it is critical to remain silent and still and not draw attention from any threat makers that may be in the building.

In closing, our purpose in sending this letter is to reassure you that we regularly review our divisional safety procedures to ensure that we are doing our best to maintain the safety of your son/daughter’s learning environment. We do this through proactive planning and practise of emergency procedures in all of our schools.

If you would like to read more information about safety policies in RETSD, please visit and scroll to Section E: Support Services.

If you have any questions about the procedures described above, please feel free to contact the school office and ask for an administrator.


M. Millman

Fair notice to Divisional Policies Parents are asked to review R.E.T.S.D. policy JICH- Alcohol and other drug use by Students as well as policy JIH-R- Search procedures. To access these and other divisional policies please go to the R.E.T.S.D. main page click Your RETSD and look under the heading Policies.

Hola, I’m Marcela Popowich and I’m chair of the PAC. This will be my third year participating in the PAC and my first year sitting on the board. I have a daughter going into Grade 2 and my son who just started Kindergarten this year! Exciting and busy times, as you all know. I wanted to share with you a bit about myself and also a bit about the work the PAC has done. I am a working mother of two fantastic and highly energetic children. I love helping in any way possible and that’s how I started with the PAC. I feel like I can always contribute, even in small ways, and I know I want to help the school in achieving their goals.

I encourage you to help us to make the school experience be the best it can be for all of our children. This can be done in small ways, join us at a meeting (every third Thursday of the month), help out at fundraisers (we need help both during and outside of school hours), sell, sell, sell for our fundraisers, volunteer in the class or field trip, or just stay in touch by reading the school newsletter. Thank you!


My name is Danielle Beaudry, and I am the co-chair of the PAC. This will be my fourth year with the PAC and 2nd year on the board. Both my children are in French Immersion, my son is in Grade 3 and my daughter just moved over to John Henderson for Grade 6 middle years.

I am a person who likes to be ‘in the know’. I want to know where the money goes that we fundraise, help out as much as I can, and give back to our com-munity. Being on the PAC helps me be involved in these decisions. I have the opportunity to volunteer when I can, and very much enjoy our little group at our monthly meetings. And the fact I can bring my kids with me is such a bo-nus because kids’ schedules are hectic enough, knowing I don’t have to find a sitter each month is a blessing!

We hope you will join us in a meeting, our board is full, so we just need more parents involved, contributing opinions and time only when available.

We have begun our snack cart at SMP with the support of the Child Nutrition Council of Manitoba (cram).

The program runs daily at 8:50 a.m. The purpose of the program is to ensure that our students

are getting a healthy start to their day. Students who may not have food at home are offered a snack in the morning.

If families would like to donate to the program, we welcome donations of cereals and granola bars that are peanut-free.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Salisbury Morse Place School along with 151 other schools and 184 companies are saving pop tabs in order to donate a wheelchair!

You can drop off your pop tabs in Ms. May’s room (Room 46) or the office.

Thanks for all your support!

Emailing our newsletter…

If you would like to automatically

receive a copy of the newsletter,

please go to our link and sign up on

the home page. You can also get the

latest school event information on

the Salisbury Morse Place home web



Congratulations to the 14 students who participated in our

summer reading program, they have all received a prize!

Congratulations to Sebastian, Paige, Eric, and Ciara who

won a gift certificate to Coles bookstore because of their

reading efforts over the summer break! Keep reading!

From the Library...

Coming to a backpack near you….

an invitation to the Kindergarten to Grade Two

Literacy Night on November 3rd


More information is yet to come.


There are several students with life threatening allergies in our school. We work very hard to provide a safe environment for all students. We ask that all families consider the following in the interest of safety:

Contact with even a tiny amount of an allergen can cause a severe reaction.

Nuts are the most common allergen in the school (especially peanuts).

Check the labels on food products that are sent to school and avoid all nut products

Thank you for helping to keep the school safe as possible for all of our


All products are worth 1 point unless otherwise stated

Campbell’s® Labels for Education™ is a school support program

with a focus on instilling healthy eating and living habits in children.

Eligible registered schools can collect labels from participating

Campbell products and redeem them for educational resources

ranging from sports equipment and musical instruments to health

and wellness videos and books.

Salisbury Morse Place is now

collecting Campbell’s Labels

for Education!

OCTOBER 7 NO SCHOOL 10 NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving 11 BPA Meeting 6:30 p.m. 14 Band Parent Garage Sale 15 Band Parent Garage Sale 20 CSA Meeting 6:30 p.m.

21 NO SCHOOL 27 School Pictures 31 Halloween Activities p.m.

NOVEMBER 10 Remembrance Day Assembly 11:00 a.m.

11 NO SCHOOL - Remembrance Day 14 NO SCHOOL 17 CSA Meeting 6:30 p.m. 21 BPA Meeting 6:30 p.m.

23 EARLY DISMISSAL - 2:35 p.m. 28 Report cards go home 29 Grade 6 Band Concert 5:30 p.m.


1 Student-Led conferences 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.

2 School in a.m.

NO SCHOOL in p.m. - Parent Conferences 20 Winter Concert 10:00 a.m., 1:15 & 6:30 p.m.

22 EARLY DISMISSAL - 2:20 p.m. Last day of classes School resumes January 9


9 School resumes - Day 5 16 BPA Meeting 6:30 p.m.

18 EARLY DISMISSAL - 2:35 p.m. 19 CSA Meeting 6:30 p.m. 25 Winter Band Concert 7:00 p.m.


1 Grade 6 Open House 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.

3 NO SCHOOL 13 BPA Meeting 6:30 p.m. 14 Valentine Events 15 Kindergarten Open House 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. 16 CSA Meeting 6:30 p.m.

20 NO SCHOOL - Louis Riel Day 22 EARLY DISMISSAL - 2:35 p.m. 27 - Mar. 1 Band Camp


3 School in a.m.

NO SCHOOL in p.m. 13 BPA Meeting 6:30 p.m. 16 CSA Meeting 6:30 p.m.

17 NO SCHOOL 20 Reports go home 23 Student-Led conferences 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. 24 School in a.m.

NO SCHOOL in p.m. Student-Led conferences 24 Last day of classes before Spring Break

APRIL 3 School resumes - Day 5

5 EARLY DISMISSAL - 2:35 p.m. 10 BPA Meeting 6:30 p.m.

14 NO SCHOOL - Good Friday 20 CSA Meeting 6:30 p.m.



8 BPA Meeting 6:30 p.m.

10 EARLY DISMISSAL - 2:35 p.m. 17 Day in the Life of Kindergarten 6:30 p.m. 18 CSA Meeting 6:30 p.m.

22 NO SCHOOL - Victoria Day


7 Band Concert 7:00 15 CSA Meeting 6:30 27 Grade 5 French Immersion Farewell 28 Grade 8 Farewell

29 School a.m.

NO SCHOOL in p.m. 30 EARLY DISMISSAL - 2:20 p.m. Last day of school Reports go home

2016 - 2017 CALENDAR

December 1 Student-Led conferences 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. 2 School in a.m. NO SCHOOL in p.m. Parent conferences 20 Winter Concert 10:00 a.m., 1:15 p.m. & 6:30 p.m. 22 EARLY DISMISSAL - 2:20 p.m. Last day of school School resumes January 9th

October 10 NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving 11 BPA Meeting 6:30 p.m. 14 Band Parent Garage Sale 15 Band Parent Garage Sale 20 CSA Meeting 6:30 p.m. 21 NO SCHOOL 27 Picture Day 31 Halloween Activities p.m.

November 10 Remembrance Day Assembly 11:00 a.m. 11 NO SCHOOL- Remembrance Day

14 NO SCHOOL 17 CSA Meeting 6:30 p.m. 21 BPA Meeting 6:30 p.m. 23 EARLY DISMISSAL - 2:35 p.m. 28 Report cards go home 29 Grade 6 Band Concert 5:30 p.m.

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