sales training and strategic mapping by the method effect

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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Lets face it, closing deals is what sales is all about.

And if your sales team isn’t running, it is probably rotting.

92% of B2B buyers research online first before contacting the vendor

70% – 80% of the buying cycle has been completed before reaching out to vendor sales teams

It is common today that the client knows as much about the product as the salesperson

So what is the role of the Sales Person?

Building Relationships!

andClosing Deals!!!

What are the key steps?

1) Target the right customers,2) Sell yourself,3) Sell your idea,4) Sell yourself executing your idea,5) Close the sale,6) Nurture the relationship!

Territory Management

We use Strategic Mapping™ to teach sales people how to define targets and take action.

We teach behaviors and motivators, and how to apply them to create

robust relationships!

We Teach Tactical Sales Skills

First Impressions Effective Demonstrations Building Value Influencing Closing ROTI (return on time invested)

And we provide sales andmanagement strategies to make it all work!

So how about it?

Is your sales team driving value and delivering results?

Do you want to get a better return on your investment?

We can will change things.

Call now to arrange for a no cost, no obligation discussion on how we can help.

If you would like to know more contact us at:

Or call +1.403.703.9525

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