saint john the evangelist catholic church stewardship our...

Post on 13-Nov-2020






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Love God - Serve God Love Others - Serve Others

Make Disciples

Sixth Sunday

12th, 2017


PO Box 670 Fort Pierre, SD 57532

Rectory (605) 223 - 2176

Fax (605) 223 - 2805

Hours Monday - Friday 10am - 5 pm



Pastor: Fr. Ron Garry 605-850-8593

Parish Secretary: Sherri Stoeser

Faith Formation: Josie Huck Tardiff

Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church Our Sacred Mission: We, the Diocese of Rapid City,

through the power of the Holy Spirit, are called to attract and form intentional disciples

who joyfully, boldly and lovingly proclaim and live the mission of Jesus Christ, leading to eternal life.

Prayer Stewardship

Solidarity Mercy Charity Family

Confessions: Saturday 4:00 - 5:00 PM or appointment

Mass Times: Saint John’s, on the Lord’s Day

Saturday - 5:30 PM

Sunday - 7:30 & 10:00 AM

Sunday Afternoon - 4:30—5:30PM - Adoration

Weekday Mass ***(check bulletin weekly schedule)

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - 7:00 AM

Tuesday - 5:30 PM

Saturday - 8 AM (1st Saturday of the month only)

Ss. Peter and Paul - Pierre, on the Lord’s Day:

Saturday - 5:00 PM, Sunday, 8:00 & 10:00 AM, 5:00 PM

Sacramental Preparation: Marriage - 6 months preparation: Call Father Ron. Baptism - Call Father Ron for information. Anointing - If a hospital stay or surgical procedure is scheduled, please

Fifth Sunday of Easter

May 14th, 2017

206 W Main, Fort Pierre

Jesus said to his disciples: "Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me. In my Father's house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be. Where I am going you know the way." Thomas said to him, "Master, we do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?" Jesus said to him, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, then you will also know my Father. From now on you do know him and have seen him." Philip said to him, "Master, show us the Father, and that will be enough for us." Jesus said to him, "Have I been with you for so long a time and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'? Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on my own. The Father who dwells in me is doing his works. Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or else, believe because of the works themselves. Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than

From Father Ron

Weekly Readings: Sunday, May 14th Acts 6:1-7 1 Peter 2:4-9 John 14:1-12 Monday, May 15th Acts 14:5-18 John 14:21-26 Tuesday, May 16th Acts 14:19-28 John 14:27-31a Wednesday, May 17th Acts 15:1-6 John 15:1-8 Thursday, May 18th Acts 15:7-21 John 15:9-11 Friday, May 19th Acts 15:22-31 John 15:12-17 Saturday, May 20th Acts 16:1-10 John 15:18-21 Sunday, May 21st Acts 8:5-8, 14-17 1 Peter 3:15-18 John 14:15-21

A Welcome to all newcomers!

Please take a welcome folder from the basket in the main entrance.

To register, contact the parish office or online at

“ A P A R I S H E X I S T S T O L E A D I T S P E O P L E T O A D E E P I N T I M A C Y W I T H T H E

Saint John’s Fishing Tournament is Friday, June 9th.

Please contact Fr. Ron to help him

with this fun day for our seminarians.

You don’t have to be a fisherman

to participate or to help.

We need extra walleye for the fish fry after the tournament so if you have fish to donate please contact the church


Spiritual Warfare: Protection against Evil in Daily Life:

All are welcome! Public Presentation by Rev. Dennis McManus, exorcist and professor, will be sharing his knowledge and expertise in spiritual warfare and the ministry of deliverance at Terra Sancta Retreat Center in Holy Cross Chapel, Rapid City, 7 p.m. on Wednesday, May 24.

Fr. McManus has taught at Georgetown University since 1997. He holds a master’s degree in historical ethics from Georgetown University and a doctorate from Drew University in historical theology. At present, he is on the faculty of the Program for Jewish Civilization in the School of Foreign Service. Fr. McManus is also an exorcist and currently the Curriculum Consultant to the Board of the Pope Leo XIII Institute, which provides formation for priests who are already involved or will be involved in the ministry of deliverance and exorcism.

Sunday, May 14th Mothers Day

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Mary, most holy, you are the first and truest disciple of Christ.

Pray that I may live your poverty of spirit, your purity of heart, your singleness of purpose.

May I say, “Be it done to me” each time the Lord calls me to live the gospel in daily life.

Show me how to welcome the unexpected guest, to be compassionate with the downtrodden and bear patiently the trials of life.

Mother of God, help me to be a holy mother, not because I desire status or glory, but because my children have a great need and right to all that I can give.

May I recognize your Son in their faces and in the gaze of all I meet. Amen.

Congratulations to our Senior Classes from both

Stanley County and Riggs High School who are

graduating. Please pray that Christ be their light as

they go forward into this world:

O God, Creator of life and Source of all truth:

Bless this school, and those who are graduating. You have

given us searching minds to gather knowledge and seek the

truth; may those graduating be always close to You. When

they go astray, correct them; when they are corrupted through

prejudice, pride, or selfishness, awaken their consciences to

amend their ways; when they fail, give them courage to begin

again. Go forth with them all as they pursue their dreams, seek

adventure, accept new responsibilities.

Bless the homes from which they come; their families and all

who love them.

Bless all who have taught and encouraged them - teachers

and pastors, counselors, coaches, and friends.

May almighty God keep you from all harm and bless you

with every good gift.

May he set his word in your heart and fill you with lasting


May you walk in his ways, always knowing what is right and

good, until you enter your heavenly inheritance. Amen.

Cody Clarambeau

Connor Gerber

Carlie Hanson

Aaron Hoelscher

Holy Spirit Novena: Bishop Robert Gruss is asking people in the Diocese of Rapid City to pray a novena for the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Please begin Friday, May 26, nine days before the Solemnity of Pentecost, which is

Sunday, June 4.

Treat your mom to her favorite chocolate and coffee we have quite an assortment to choose from Fair trade products available after all Masses this weekend... Be a part of a movement that makes changes for the better for our brothers and sisters in Christ in the third world countries!

Ben Hughes

Tommy Maher

Samuel Slocum

Tyler Zachery

Three disciples of the Lord are completing a study and prayer to be consecrated to Mary. They will organize a group this fall, as we honor the 100th anniversary of Mary appearing at Fatima.

Please pray for the sick and suffering: Pat Stoeser, Lou Abbott, Doris Powell, Virginia DeVille, David Lowenstein, Tom Garrity, Carl Mathews, Harvey, Kristen and Andrew Randall, Zay Norman, Frank Fransen, Lynette Singleton, Bernie and Peggy Duffy, Susan Bennett, Mona Huck, Shirley Gross, Mike Hawkins, Cheryl Ainslie, Cully Oothoudt, Delmer Fawcett, Mike Maskcovich, Mike Gebes, Evie Graber, Mary Novotny, Dr. Reynen, Duane Pomham, Milton Tiper, Denny Weaver, Ken Stewart, Freda Lawhon, Misty Brown, David Gross, Carl Rathbun, Mike Kelly, Steve Zaiko, Mike Iversen, Ashlynn Fitts, Heidi Shepherd, Brian Dumas, William Anderson, John Manning, Richard Brown, Pam Patton, Terry Hughes, Kathryn Schlechter, Keri Hendrickson, Heidi Alban, Yvonne Ehlers, Steeley Moore, Eva Fischer, Eleanor Unterbrunner, Leanne Goff, Cassie Miller, June Wheeler, Richard Abernathy, Mona Lierly, Kathy Fenwick, Lynae Benham, Theresa Severyn, Kaylee Jo Gallagher and all who ask for our special prayers. To add/remove someone on list, call Irma LeFaive— 280-9055. If you would like a prayer shawl please call church office.


Sat.13 Dan Hall, Ty Nickolas, Ty Norma, Deb Stoeser

Sun.14 Tayson Mitchell, Tyler Stoeser

Mon.15 Patti Duffy

Tue.16 Glen Dozark, Ronda Karst, Lacey J Malm

Wed.17 Diana Melvin

Thu.18 Annie Hanson, Steve Kokesh


Mon.15 Ken and Twyla Bartholomew

Gary and Lois Knudson

Tue.16 Gaylon and Cindy Gerber

Thu.18 Steve and Sherri Stoeser

Sun.21 John and Lynette Singleton

If you have a birthday or anniversary you would like included please notify the church office with the dates.

Saturday, May 20th 5:30 pm Sacristan: Mary Welsh Readers: Ken Stewart, Carol Pond EM’s: Dorothy Smith, Mary Welsh Servers: Emma Hunt, Kara Weiss Gift Bearers: Steve and Deanne Sprenger Cantor: Kit Schmidt

Sunday, May 21st 7:30 am Sacristan: Christine Olson Readers: Mary Giddings, Teresa Madsen EM’s: Judy Ackley, Mariah Madsen Servers: Clare and Kelly Madsen, Ty Mikel Gift Bearers: Rebecca Mikel

Sunday, May 21st 10:00 am Sacristan: Frank Sack Readers: Mark Barnett, Al Berreth EM’s: Deb Gates, Kelsey & Seth VanDenHemel, Mike & Judy Weisgram Servers: Grace Hanten, Addie Nickolas, Shay VanDenHemel Gift Bearers: Cody and Aimee Nickolas Family Cantor: Joan Schueller

Please consider serving your parish as a Readers, EM, Sacristan, and Altar Server – you are needed - even if you can be a substitute. Please contact Mary Giddings 223-2044, Irma LeFaive 280-9055 to be an EM or Diane Smith 224-1306 or Patty Lihs 295-1392 for Reader. If you



Please pray for our Military Members:

Douglas Griese, in Iraq and Kayleen Stoeser, Middle East

Heavenly Father, hold our troops in Your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in this our time of need. Please bless and heal those who come back to us wounded in body or spirit and give them peace. I humbly ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, Amen.”

Our hearts are full of gratitude for their service to our country!

If you have a loved one serving and would like them in the bulletin so

parishioners can pray for them please call the church office.

Saturday, May 13th

5:30 PM + Erik Anderson By: Maranatha Prayer Group

Sunday, May 14th

7:30 AM Intentions of the Parish

10:00 AM + Joyce Bechem By: Marc and Sharon Hoelscher family

Monday, May 15th

7:00 AM SI Emily Jo Broneman By: Wade and Clara Jo Broneman

Tuesday, May 16th

5:30 PM + Felix Koenig By: Bob and Bridget Mayer

Wednesday, May 17th

7:00 AM + Phyllis Squires By: Marc and Sharon Hoelscher

Thursday, May 18th

7:00 AM + Anna Broneman By: Wade and Clara Jo Bronamen

Friday, May 19th

7:00 AM + Patrick Duffy By: Veronica Duffy Family

Saturday. May 20th

5:30 PM SI Diane London & Family By: Catholic Daughters

Sunday, May 21st

7:30 AM Intentions of the Parish

10:00 AM + Edward Bechen By: Marc and Sharon Hoelscher

Mass Intentions: (not many requests at this time)

If you would like to have a Mass for your loved one Living or Deceased , please find Mass Intentions envelopes at the church entrance.

05/07/2017 SACRIFICIAL GIVING Regular Collection $ 2,378.00

Online Giving $ 230.00

Plate $ 866.30

Total $ 3,474.30

Adopt a Seminarian: $132.00

Building Fund: $390.00

PRAA-West River Priest Retirement: $70.00

Birthright of Pierre : Mon.: 1-4 pm, Tues.: 2-6 pm, Thurs.: 2-5 pm. 224-6828

Catholic Family Services - 1-800-727-2401 - Glynis Collier is the Outpatient

Therapist in Fort Pierre.

Our loan balance is $0 - Our debt has been paid in full on the loan taken out in 2008 for the water remediation in the church basement and other improvements. Thank-you to all who contributed to pay the monthly loan payment.

As many of you know the boiler broke down, Masses were held in Padre Hall. It’s been repaired but our system is very outdated and needs replacing.

The new heating/air-conditioning system for the church is being designed and will be installed in the next few months. The expected cost will be in excess of $125,000+. Please consider your continued gift to the building fund as we replace the system.

“ A P A R I S H E X I S T S T O L E A D I T S P E O P L E T O A D E E P I N T I M A C Y W I T H T H E B L E S S E D T RI N I T Y ”. — S T. J O H N P A U L 11

Knights of Columbus news:

Happy Mothers Day: Knight’s will be giving a flower to Mothers after Masses.

KC scholarships will be awarded to recipients during the 10am

Mass on May 14th.

Ft. Pierre Little Flower Council awarded a check to OAHE Inc. from sales of tootsie rolls. The state wide program offered over

$100,000 to support local state charitable organizations.

Fourth Degree 5:30pm meeting, third Sunday of month at Perkins

Membership is open to all Catholic men 18 years & older. Consider joining your local KC council and help your priest, parish and community in many ways. Many special events take place during the

year in our parish. Call Tom LeFaive 280 -7865

Apostolate of Fatima’s U.S. Tour for Peace, marking the 100th Anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima, Portugal, is coming to the Diocese of

Rapid City.

The International Pilgrim Virgin Statue has been taken to more than 100 countries. The tour, sponsored by the World Apostolate of Fatima, USA (The Blue Army), launched from the National Blue Army Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, Diocese of Metuchen, NJ, March 20-21, 2016, to coincide with the start of the centenary celebrations at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal where Pope Francis is expected to visit in May. The statue will travel to parishes, schools, military chapels, and other venues along the tour, with programming and Masses, confession, talks on Fatima, holy hours, adoration, rosaries &


The statue was sculpted in 1947 by José Thedim reflecting the precise instruc-tions of Sister Lucia (the surviving seer at Fatima). Her desire was that the pil-

grim image represent Our Lady’s position when she revealed herself as the Immaculate Heart to the Shep-

herds in 1917. The schedule to visit the statue in South Dakota:

Saturday, June 3rd: Sacred Heart, Yankton, 8:00am--noon St. Lambert, Sioux Falls, 3:30pm—7:30pm

Sunday, June 4th: Immaculate Conception, Watertown,


Monday, June 5th: St. Mary, Alexandria, 8:00 a.m.-- noon Holy Family, Mitchell 3:30 p.m.--7:30 p.m.

Tuesday, June 6th: St. John the Baptist, Wagner 8:00am--noon

June 7 - morning: Timber Lake, evening: Spearfish June 8 - morning: Custer, all -night vigil: OLPH

June 9 - morning: Wall, evening: Presho

5th Annual Bishop’s Fishing Tournament for our Seminarians – Friday, June 9th

Join Bishop Robert Gruss, priests, seminarians, and others for the 5th Annual Bishop’s Fishing Tournament and Parish Team Fishing Challenge benefitting seminarians in west-ern South Dakota.

No boat — no worries — Participants may fish from the shore.

Registration will be from 7-11 a.m. on Friday, June 9.

An egg bake breakfast and box lunches will be provided courtesy of Diane London Perkins Restaurant and Bakery.

Following the day of fishing, Bishop Gruss will celebrate evening Mass at St. John the Evangelist Church in Ft. Pierre.

A fish fry dinner will be served at the parish hall after Mass followed by an awards presentation.

Parishes/ individuals may donate items for a Silent Auction, which will be held the day of the tourna-ment.

For further information contact the Western South Dakota Catholic Foundation (605) 343-3541 for a brochure or sign up online at

Raffle tickets are available $20 each or 3 for $50 - $1,000 cash prize. Need not be present to win.

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