safety management in oil and gas exploration and … typical safety program ... effective osh...

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Safety Management in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production

Lori Siegelman

Safety Management In Oil and Gas

Exploration & Production

December 2-3, 2014


• Definition of “Safety Program” • Elements of “excellent” safety programs • Where you are versus where you want to be • Specific examples within major program

elements • Evaluating effectiveness

December 2-3, 2014

What is a Safety Program?

• Accident Prevention Program • Personal Protective Equipment Program • Hazard Communication Program • Respiratory Protection Program • Hearing Loss Prevention Program • Fall Protection Program

Presentation Notes
A safety program is a set of policies and work practices specifically designed by your company for your company. It addresses not only OSHA regulations and ways to reduce the exposure to hazards in your work areas, but also organizes a performance driven framework for continued focus and improvement on safety.

December 2-3, 2014

Evaluating your Current Program

• Comprehensive vs. Piece-meal • Is it improving? • Is it reactive or proactive?

December 2-3, 2014

Elements of an EXCELLENT Safety Program

1. Top management is actively and visibly involved.

2. Employees participate in developing operating procedures.

3. Hazards of new or changed work are analyzed before starting.

4. Training is regularly scheduled, administered and documented – and it includes managers and supervisors.

December 2-3, 2014

Elements of an EXCELLENT Safety Program

5. Every incident is investigated, including near misses. Corrective actions are developed, assigned, and followed up to completion.

6. There is a near miss and first aid reporting procedure.

7. Annual performance evaluations include safety accountability.

8. Scheduled site inspections are conducted regularly.

Presentation Notes
This type of safety program would be a “PROACTIVE” safety program

December 2-3, 2014

A Typical Safety Program

• Company ANYWHO has a dedicated Safety Guy and he is responsible for making SURE that OSHA is complied with.

• He looks after 50 to 100 employees at several different job sites. Company practice is to comply only minimally with OSHA standards and there is little interest in improving the quality of the safety and health program.

• Managers and supervisors are not interested in the day to day aspects of the safety program – that’s what the Safety Guy is for.

Presentation Notes
This type of safety program would be a “REACTIVE” safety program

December 2-3, 2014

And Then….

• THEN one day, someone is killed or hurt badly on the job - the investigation begins.

• Reports are written, recommendations made, legal council sought.

• The accident happened during a non-routine task.

• The company is consumed by this one accident for several months, but it leads them to change their safety culture.

December 2-3, 2014


• Goal of zero work-related accidents. • Implemented a safety management system (as

well as environmental and quality management systems).

• First world-wide company to achieve a “triple certification”, (i.e., quality, safety, environmental).

• Safety is integrated into every business decision.

December 2-3, 2014

How do you get from “reactive” to “proactive”?

• Implement a “Management System” • Lots of different model systems & tools with

similar elements – ANSI Z10 – OHSAS 18001 – International Standard in process – British Standard BS8800 – OSHA VPP – Chemical Mfg Association Responsible Care – DNV International Safety Rating System – ISNetWorld / Browz – National Safety Council / The Campbell Institute

December 2-3, 2014

What is an Occupational Heath & Safety Management System (OHSMS)

• A businesslike approach to safety • Systematic, explicit and comprehensive process

for management safety and risks. • Provides for goal setting, planning, and

measuring performance. • Helps prioritize planning, organizing, controlling,

monitoring & reviewing components of the program.

• Helps allocate resources in a reasonable and practicable manner.

December 2-3, 2014

They All Have Similar Elements

• Management leadership • Employee Involvement • Worksite Analysis • Hazard Identification/ Prevention / Control • Training

December 2-3, 2014

What’s the Difference?

• How is “world class” different than a traditional safety and health program? – Management and employees own and are actively

involved in implementing and sustaining the “management system”

– The world class system intentionally involves everyone in the company – top management, middle managers, line supervisors, and all employees.

– It is a structured, organized, systematic management process that addresses the risks of the workplace logically and thoroughly.

December 2-3, 2014


• Most management systems follow the “plan-do-check-act” model: – Plan: Identify the key risk (including legal

requirements) and establish your overall policy. Develop priorities, objectives and action items with a realistic schedule.

– Do: Step by step action plan for conducting activities (hazard analysis, preparing documents) and developing / implementing standards and procedures identified in the planning phase. Includes training, operational control, and documentation of activities, procedures, standards.

Presentation Notes
Once you decide to go with a management system approach – the next step will be to design your system. Use a high level risk analysis to identify needed elements of the system, specify risk assessment methods, develop a schedule for full implementation. Then you will go right into the continuous improvement cycle that will evaluate risk on an ongoing basis and adjust the system as needed to address those risks.

December 2-3, 2014

PDCA continued

– Check: Use targets and objectives set in the “DO” phase, assess whether they are being achieved. Tools used may include audits and incident data to determine the effectiveness.

– Act: Use results of the “check” phase to improve the system. Weaknesses identified with the “check” component should be considered when setting the next round of priorities, objectives, and action items.

December 2-3, 2014

Where to Start? • Get top management approval • Design your system • Assess the current state

– Self assessment – 3rd party assessment

• Identify your Gaps – Which programs or processes are deficient – Which do not exist – How much effort is needed to fill the gaps – How long will it take

• Set your objectives, targets (goals) for improvement

December 2-3, 2014

Gap Analysis (Baseline)

• Must identify what you are going to compare to first (design) – where do you want to be? – Management System?

• Which one? • Do you want 3rd party certification? • Do you want OSHA recognition? • Are you a vendor or contractor for a company using

ISNetWorld, Browz, or similar 3rd party for prequalification?

December 2-3, 2014

Typical Elements

* Leadership Commitment * Hazard Analysis * Change Management * Operating Procedures * Safe Work Practices * Training * Critical Equipment * Pre-Startup Review * Emergency Response * Incident Investigation * Audits * Records & Documentation

Gap/ Baseline Analysis

Draft an OSH management


Where are we now?

The objective is to ensure effective OSH management and

a process of continual improvement

December 2-3, 2014

Leadership Commitment

• Is there a general policy statement? – Is it signed by the senior manager or owner – Is it relevant to the company’s activities, products or

services? • Has it been communicated to employees?

– In manuals – Posted

Rule Booklets? – Training sessions – Publicly available (Internet, Intranet)

December 2-3, 2014

Leadership Commitment

• Has someone been assigned responsibility for safety and health? – Does his person report to the site manager or a

member of senior managements? – Is adequate time, resources, and support available

to this person?

December 2-3, 2014

Leadership Commitment

• Management participation • Performance Standards • Employee participation • S&H Manual / reference library • Internal Audits • Responsibilities defined in job descriptions

Presentation Notes
Sr. Mgr supports policy with letters, memos, other communications Attends group meetings Tours work place Checklists, notifications of high potential problem areas, critical items to assist in tours – locations of previous accidents, conditions checklists, location of changes, new or transferred employees, problem areas. Tour = planned and formal walk through to visibly demonstrate support of the safety system. Performance Standards = “Foremen will conduct an initial accident investigation no later than the end of the shift in which the accident occurred.” Performance standards define or specify the vital behavior required for management the S&H system. Opportunities for employees to participate = continuous improvement teams, task analysis teams, hazard identification teams AND Has training been provided = team leadership, problem solving, basic loss control Maybe just employee participation in the form of a hazard reporting system. i.e., Exxon Mobil “Ticket to Safety”

December 2-3, 2014

Presentation Notes
An example of employee participation and documentation of that participation along with VPP communications to employees.

December 2-3, 2014

Hazard Analysis

• Processes in place for identifying hazards, assessing risks, and implementing control measures. – Routine/ non-routine activities – All personnel (employees, visitors, contractors) – Facilities

December 2-3, 2014

Integrated Environmental and Safety Management System Planning Worksheet

• Definitions • Activity List / Rating System • Hazards List with risk rating used to set

objectives for improvement

Presentation Notes
Develop your procedure for analyzing so that a consistent approach can be applied from one activity to the next – then you end up with a prioritized list so that you can focus efforts and maximize the improvements

December 2-3, 2014

Example Planning Tool Functional Area Activity Hazard












l Ris





Hazardous Waste Handling

Drum handling & transfer

Vapor 2 4 3 1 24 No

Frac Off loading sand Silica Inhalation

3 5 2 3 90 Yes

Useful for assessment and prioritization – anything above “50” is considered significant or high risk thus requiring an objective / target/ goal for improvement. “50” is somewhat arbitrary and will depend upon specific company and may change with time.

December 2-3, 2014

Change Management

• Written change management procedure / formal change management system

• Reviews and controls are instigated and initiated by senior management as appropriate.

• Key disciplines and technical resources are specified and included in the program.

• Develop methodology for evaluating risk due to the change – “what if” analysis, HAZOP study, etc.

December 2-3, 2014

Operating Procedures

• Standard Operating Procedures for key high risk activities – Conduct a “work process assessment” (similar to

tasks analysis except more broad) – Focus on interaction between tasks and on work

methods – Consider

• Potential impact of errors, • Effect of incorrect sequencing of activities or tasks, • Minimum training and skill requirement

December 2-3, 2014

Safe Work Practices

• General Rules – No horseplay, No drugs or alcohol, Wear PPE, etc.

• Specialized Work Rules – Machine Shop Safety – Rules for Crane Safety

• Permit to Work – Confined Space Entry – Hot Work – Excavation Permits – Major Lifts

December 2-3, 2014


• Needs Assessment may be integrated into the hazard analysis phase

• Develop training matrix • Maintain training schedule • Include leadership training

– Basic loss control – Incident investigation techniques – Problem solving / risk analysis

December 2-3, 2014

Critical Equipment

• A critical part is a part or component of a piece of equipment or a structure whose failure is most likely to result in a major loss (to people, property, process and/or the environment)

December 2-3, 2014

Example for Management of Critical Equipment

1. List all areas, structures, and equipment 2. Systematically review every item and identify

which items are “critical parts” 3. Develop a “Critical Parts List” and identify

what should be inspected to determine status

4. Assign an inspection frequency and responsibility

December 2-3, 2014

Example Critical Parts Inventory EQUIPMENT / STRUCTURE





Presentation Notes
Front Side is inventory for a specific area, structure, or piece of equipment (i.e., Truck, Rig, Walkway, Tank, Saw, Palletizer)

December 2-3, 2014

Example Critical Parts Inspection Record




Presentation Notes
Back Side is documentation that inspections of critical parts is occurring and can be compared to the front side to see if they are happening as needed.

December 2-3, 2014

Pre-Purchase/ Pre-Startup Review

• Pre-Purchase safety analysis – Limits the purchase of unsafe or hazard

causing equipment; or alerts the need for controls

• Pre-Startup Safety Review – A secondary check to ensure all hazards are

identified and corrected before the process starts.

December 2-3, 2014

Emergency Response

• Company may need one or more emergency response plans

• Apply the principle of the “critical few” – develop plans first for those emergency situations most likely to occur and/or possess the greatest potential for loss

• Must comply with applicable regulations, be based on an assessment of risk and all types of probably emergencies are addressed.

December 2-3, 2014

Incident Investigation

• System should include: – Kinds of incidents to be reported – When events are investigated – Who should be notified – Who conducts and participates in investigations – How is an investigation conducted – What reports are to be prepared

• First line supervisors should be involved • High Potential Near Misses should be included • Investigators should be trained

December 2-3, 2014

Records / Documentation • Documentation and recordkeeping are important for

both demonstrating regulatory compliance and for effectively managing a comprehensive safety program

• Suggest documenting this process. – Record retention schedule – Where are records kept – How often are procedures updated – Document control – how to keep outdated procedures and

documents from being inadvertently used. – Useful when multiple people are accessing documents and

records – Filing structure and electronic file naming convention

December 2-3, 2014

Example Recordkeeping System File System Index

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Retention Location/File

Training Class Records Fall Protection 7 years HR files

Training Training Plan N/A 3 years Safety Office

Training Training Class Materials

Fall Protection 7 Years Safety Office

Incident Reports

File by date 5 Years Safety Office

Class Records Fall Protection Training 7 Years

Example of file folder label

December 2-3, 2014


• Management System audit will evaluate the effectiveness of the system – Is there a plan in place to which an audit can be

compared? Is the system fulfilling the plan? – Are inspections being done as specified?

• Critical parts, planned general inspections, pre-use inspections

– Are employees following rules and is training being conducted (and attended)

December 2-3, 2014


• Safety Programs – Come in all shapes and sizes

• Excellent Safety Programs – Systematic, proactive defined process for

managing safety at all levels in the organization with employee involvement and understanding

• Continually evolving, being evaluated and improved (Plan, Do, Check, Act)

December 2-3, 2014 December 2-3, 2014

Lori Siegelman, CIH, CSP, CHMM W&M Environmental Group, Inc. 906 East 18th Street Plano, Texas 75074 Bus: 972.509.9606 Co Main: 972.516.0300 Mobile: 469.222.8680 E-mail:

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