sacred heart church · 2016-08-21 · sacred heart church 9460 n.e. 14th street • bellevue, wa...

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Sacred Heart Church 9460 N.E. 14TH STREET • BELLEVUE, WA 98004

(425) 454-9536 • Fax- 450-3909

PARISH OFFICE 425-454-9536 Rev. Steve Sallis, Pastor Ext. 105 Carol Guenther, Pastoral Associate Ext. 110 Debs Pokos Dugan, Pastoral Assistant for Children’s Faith Formation Ext. 112 Theresa Galvez, Pastoral Assistant for Liturgical Music Ext. 106 Mary Dickins, Pastoral Assistant for Pastoral Care & Social Concerns Ext. 108 Jeff Kress, Pastoral Assistant for Youth &Young Adult Ministry Ext. 111 Administration Staff John Meyer, Pastoral Assistant for Administration Ext. 102 Robert Eubanks, Facilities Supervisor Ext. 157 Patty Oscar, Admin. Asst. for Communication & Reception Ext. 100 Christine Kerr, Admin. Asst. for Giving & Data Ext. 109 Jeanine Kasprick, Bookkeeper Ext. 154 PARISH SCHOOL 425-451-1773 David Burroughs, Principal Bridget Lawler, Vice-Principal Amy Davis, Dean of Students Susana Knapp, Admissions Director Kerry Wyman, Office Manager INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? Carol Guenther 425-454-9536, Ext. 110 INFANT BAPTISM PREPARATION Carol Guenther 425-454-9536, Ext. 110 CONFIRMATION PREPARATION Jeff Kress 425-454-9536, Ext. 111 MARRIAGE PREPARATION Fr. Steve Sallis 425-454-9536, Ext. 105 (Six months as registered parishioner required prior to setting wedding date.) SUNDAY NURSERY (during 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM Masses) Lucy Paulsen, Coordinator 425-454-9536, Ext. 112 OFFICE HOURS Parish 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM Monday through Friday School 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Monday through Friday

August 7, 2016

PARISH LEADERSHIP • Pastoral Council: Chuck Barnes • Finance Council: John Meyer • School Commission Chairperson: Patti Cook • Stewardship Commission: Tom Bartell • Worship Commission Chairperson: Judy Hartford


Sacred Heart Parish is a welcoming Catholic community,

which inspires faith in God, through prayer, sacraments and service,

while living Gospel values, as faithful followers of Jesus Christ.

LITURGY SCHEDULE Sunday Masses: 8:30 and 11:00 A.M. Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturdays, 3:00-4:30 P.M. Wednesdays, 8:00-8:45 A.M.

Saturday, August 6th, 2016 The Transfiguration of the Lord

Daniel 7:9-10,13-14 2 Peter 1:16-19 Luke 9:28b-36

3:00 PM Confessions ~ Reconciliation Room Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Wisdom 18:6-9 Hebrews 11:1-2,8-19

Luke 12:32-48 5:00 PM Mass (RIP Lou Chirillo by Peg Gasper) ~ Church

Sunday, August 7th, 2016 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Wisdom 18:6-9 Hebrews 11:1-2,8-19 Luke 12:32-48

8:30 AM Mass (RIP Dr. Dan Coleman by Sally Sue Coleman)~ Church

9:30 AM Coffee & Donuts 11:00 AM Mass (INT For the People) ~ Church

11:00 AM RCIA Adapted for Children ~ Saints Room 12:00 PM Coffee & Donuts ~ Narthex

Monday, August 8th, 2016 Saint Dominic

Ezekiel 1:2-5,24-28c Matthew 17:22-27 9:00 AM Mass (RIP Ted Martin by Joan Martin Ross) Church

10:00 AM Carpe Diem Bridge ~ Parish Hall 7:30 PM Rosary & Prayer Hour ~ Church

Tuesday, August 9th, 2016 Weekday

Ezekiel 2:8-3:4 Matthew 18:1-5,10,12-14 9:00 AM Word & Communion Service ~ Church

Wednesday, August 10th, 2016 Saint Lawrence

2 Corinthians 9:6-10 John 12:24-26 NO 8:00 AM Confessions

NO 9:00 AM Mass 11:00 AM Funeral Mass for Eugene Hayes ~ Church

Thursday, August 11th, 2016 Saint Clare

Ezekiel 12:1-12 Matthew 18:21-19:1 9:00 AM Mass w/Anointing of the Sick (RIP Curt Ross by Joan

Martin Ross) ~ Church 9:30 AM Carpe Diem Coffee Social ~ Narthex

10:15 AM Carpe Diem Steering Committee Meeting ~ Conference Room 1

Friday, August 12th, 2016 Saint Jane Frances de Chantal

Ezekiel 16:1-15,60,63 Matthew 19:3-12 8:45 AM Mass (RIP Lou Chirillo by Mary Geraghty) ~ Church

Saturday, August 13th, 2016 Weekday

Ezekiel 18:1-10,13b,30-32 Matthew 19:13-15 3:00 PM Confessions ~ Reconciliation Room Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jeremiah 38:4-6,8-10 Hebrews 12:1-4

Luke 12:49-53 5:00 PM Mass (RIP Maury Douthit by Mildred Douthit)

Sunday, August 14th, 2016 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jeremiah 38:4-6,8-10 Hebrews 12:1-4

Luke 12:49-53 8:30 AM Mass (INT For the People) ~ Church

9:30 AM Coffee & Donuts 11:00 AM Mass (RIP Don Cooper by Marian Middleton)

11:00 AM RCIA Adapted for Children ~ Saints Room 12:00 PM Coffee & Donuts ~ Narthex

4:00 PM Praise Band Practice ~ Parish Hall 6:00 PM High School Youth Group ~ Parish Hall

Weekly Calendar & Liturgies

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Archbishop Sartain and Faith Trotter.

THE DECEASED Ivan Ferara, Terry Coyle, Irene Hildonen,

Fr. Jacques Hamel, Michael O’Rourke (father of Ciara and Tara O’Rourke), Eugene Hayes and

Helen Davies.

Summer Mission Trip for rising 6th through 8th graders

August 21-27 Serve families in the Skagit Valley!

*this program earns full service hours for SHS students.

From the Pastor & LiturgyFrom the Pastor & Liturgy FROM THE PASTOR

SUMMER IS WINDING DOWN—As summer vaca-tion time is coming to an end, as you can see from this bulletin, parish activities are picking up. It is time for registration for elementary Faith Formation, Middle School and High School youth groups, Confirmation preparation, and Music Ministry opportunities. You can also still sign-up to participate with the Sacred Heart team for Jubilee Service Day and for Cabrini Ministry training. Take some time during these August days to pray and discern what God may be inviting you to par-ticipate in for the months ahead. The more parishioners participate, the better we will be as a parish. Let us continue to work together to build up the King-dom of God here at Sacred Heart.


Thank you so much for your generous welcome of me and my family. We feel warmly embraced by all the pa-rishioners. It is hard to believe that I’ve completed my first month with you all. There has been a lot happening behind the scenes this month, and I’d love to share with you the Music Ministry news: * We have a new parish accompanist. Cecilia Choi plays the organ and piano and will accompany music for weekend liturgies as well as weddings and funerals. Feel free to stop by and say hello to her in the next few weeks. * Our Praise Band has already begun rehearsing for the return of the 5:00 PM Sunday evening Youth Mass start-ing on September 11. * I’ve been talking to some of our youngest parishioners asking them to consider joining the Children’s Choir which will resume singing at the 11 AM Mass on Sep-tember 18. (We know even our youngest parishioners are very busy, so even a seasonal commitment to the Children’s Choir is a lovely experience for those who have many activities). If your child will be in Grades 1-5 and would like to sing, please contact me. * The Sacred Heart Chorale will officially resume sing-ing at Mass on September 11. If you are in Grade 6 or higher or are an adult and would like to sing in the Cho-rale, please let me know. As you are enjoying these final, not-so-lazy days of summer, I invite you to pray for the Music Ministry at Sacred Heart. Be sure to look for Music Ministry re-hearsal dates and invitations to participate which will be posted in the coming weeks on the parish website and in the bulletin. I will also send an e-mail to all participants and parents who have been involved in the past years. If you or someone you know has a calling to music minis-try, please let me know and I will contact them. Many Blessings. Theresa Galvez—Pastoral Assistant for Litur-gical Music

FEASTDAY OF SAINT CLARE We will celebrate the feastday of Saint Clare on Thursday, August 11. “Inspired by the Lenten sermons of her close friend St. Francis of Assisi, St. Clare of Assisi [1193/4-1253] renounced her wealth to found the Poor Clares, or Minoresses, a community of nuns devoted to a simple, austere life of prayer. She is the patron saint of television, due to a vision she had while lying sick in bed on Christ-mas Eve, in which she saw the crib and heard the singing as if she were present in the church. In art, she is often de-picted holding a monstrance because she protected Assisi from attackers with the Blessed Sacrament. Her sister St. Agnes eventually joined the Poor Clares.” (2016 Source-book for Sundays, Seasons, and Weekdays, 269) Currently there are about 20,000 Poor Clare nuns in monasteries throughout the world.

FUNERALS THIS WEEK There will be a Funeral Mass for Eugene Hayes on Wednesday, August 10, at 11 AM (there will be no 9 AM Mass on Wednesday and no confessions from 8-8:45 AM on Wednesday). There will be a Funeral Mass for Terry Coyle, a former Sacred Heart parishioner, on Saturday, August 14, at 11 AM at St. Jude Parish in Redmond.


We will celebrate the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick on Thursday, August 11, during the 9 AM Mass. Anyone of advanced age, who is seriously ill, or who is preparing for surgery can be anointed.

INTERESTED IN SERVING AS AN USHER? Please consider serving as an usher at Mass on the week-end if you are 18 years or older. Ushers help people to feel welcome at Mass, assist with the collection, and help get the church ready for the next Mass. Ushers serve at Mass once or twice a month. There will be training next Sunday, August 14, at 9:45 AM in the Parish Hall. Please consider offering your time and talent as an usher; contact Carol Guenther at the Parish Office if you are interested or have questions.

FLOWER DONATIONS Flowers were donated recently by Joyce Miller and Claire and Tony Wehrle from their gardens at home. Also Mitch-ell Loouwen and Soo Choi donated flowers in observance of their wedding at Sacred Heart on July 22.

AHRA YOO FAREWELL RECITAL Ahra Yoo who has been our parish accompanist will give a recital on Tuesday, August 16, at 7 PM here at Sacred Heart. The recital will include a variety of organ and piano music. Come and listen to Ahra as she prepares to return to South Korea. There will be no charge for the recital and there will be a reception in the narthex after the recital.

Pastoral Care & Social ConcernsPastoral Care & Social Concerns A Jubilee Year of Mercy Pilgrimage to

Italy with Sacred Heart Church Spiritual Director: Fr. Steve Sallis

10 days / 8 nights October 19th-28th 2016

Our pilgrimage to Italy is an invitation welcoming God’s mercy, grace, healing, and compassion into our lives. Walking in the footsteps of the saints, we will deepen our Catholic identity and relationship with Christ and the Church.

Please contact Mary Dickins 425-450-3908 or for further information.

Good Start Back to School Drive

Good Start Back to School has been assisting Bellevue School students by supplying needed school supplies. Your support is more critical than ever not only be-cause of the number of students, but also due to in-creased cost of the school supplies they need. Belle-vue School personnel request help for specific children who qualify for the free lunch program. You may donate by purchasing items from the list posted in the Narthex or by check. Thank you in ad-vance for helping a child smile and proudly enter a classroom in September, knowing he/she has tools to start the school year. Bins will be located in the Narthex on August 6 & 7. Checks may be placed in the bins or left at the Church Office. Questions, please contact: Rosemary Easter at Lists of supplies needed are in the narthex attached to the easel.

Please make out checks to Sacred Heart School Supplies.



AUGUST 27TH 2016—8am to 12 noon

Register at

Service Opportunities on the Service Day-

In Schools: Classroom Prep, Library Prep, Ad-min offices, Handyman repairs, window wash-ing, power washing, painting, sewing chair pockets.

In Homes: Outside painting, yard work, yard debris hauling, power washing.

More information—Mary Dickins at

Please register under Sacred Heart Parish. Questions: Mary Dickins at 425-450-3908


‘The cremated remains should be treated with the same respect we give to the body of the deceased. The remains are to be placed in a worthy vessel which then is carried and transported with the same respect and attention given to a casket carrying a body.

Their final disposition is equally important. The cremated remains should be buried in a grave or entombed in a mausoleum or columbarium (a ceme-tery vault designed for urns containing ashes of the dead.)

The practice of scattering cremated remains on the sea, from the air, or on the ground, or keeping cre-mated remains in the home of a relative or friend of the deceased are not the reverent disposition that the Church requires. The instruction also states that, if at all possible, the place of entombment should be marked with a plaque or stone memorializing the deceased.’

Taken from Catholic Update. C1097

If you have questions, please contact Mary Dickins at 425-450-3908 or


If you are admitted to the Hospital and would like to receive Holy Communion or receive the

Sacrament of the Sick-

PLEASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE. Any questions: Mary Dickins at 425-450-3908 or


If you are interested in planning your Funeral Mass, either because you have no family or your family is not familiar with Catholic Liturgy, you

can do this now yourself. Please call Mary Dickins at 425-450-3908 or

Youth & Young Adult Ministry

Happy Summer from our admissions office! Please know that even though school is out, admissions operates year-round as we are always ready and excited to welcome new students into the school, even during the summer.

If you have just relocated into the area or if your students are currently enrolled in another local school, we would love for you to consider our amazing Catholic program and our loving, talented, and vibrant teachers! Please do not hesitate to contact me as I can be reached all summer via email at and will respond in a timely manner with advice regarding availability in your particular grade level, details about our admission process, and the financial aid we have available!

Though we are fully enrolled in a few grade levels, we are blessed to have a couple slots available in some and a few more in others, including Kindergarten and 1st grade.

Our AM Pre-K program is full but we are accepting families into our wait pool and keeping all those families looped into the Kindergarten 2017-2018 admissions process as well. We regret we will not be in a position to offer afternoon Pre-K this upcoming school year but plan to offer both AM and PM options again for fall of 2017.

I look forward to working with you this summer!

Call Susana, 425-451-1773.

Sacred Heart School

Confirmation 1 Confirmation 2

Thanks! Ethan, Evan, Jack, Jeff, Nathan, Timmy, and Zack

We are currently

resting from our trip to


Thank you for your prayers!

Hear about our trip at next week’s


Confirmation I and Confirmation II Registration closes September 4th

Forms are available in the parish office and at the following:

Administration & Stewardship A letter to all parents of young adults– I can still remember that September day in 1998 when I dropped our first son off to college in Apple-ton, Wisconsin. We had spent weeks planning and packing and anticipating. My husband could not get time off work, so I was the designated parent for the task. We flew to Chicago and then met a long-time friend of the family who was our gracious chauffer. I knew I would only have 4-5 hours on campus to help with room set-up, last minute shopping and the orientation to the campus before it would be time to say good-bye. I had rehearsed that moment 100 times in my mind, but when it actually came, there were few words and lots of emotions. This was a big step—full of hope and fear for both of us. I managed to leave the room relatively composed and then proceeded to break-down in tears at the end of the hallway as I was grabbing the head RA by the shoulders and telling him, in no uncertain terms, that he HAD to look out for my son and keep him safe! Thank goodness for my friend who was driving, because she ended up listening to me cry and laugh and babble for hours back to the airport. Fast forward to 2008, when I was dropping our fourth and last child off to college in Boston, MA. I had learned a lot about parenting young adult children away at college over the preceding years. And I had learned a lot about stewardship as a way of life as well. This time, I had the same hopes and fears, as I did for all our children as they left home, but I also understood that this was the time in the life-cycle of parenting that it was my job to share my child with the world and I was truly excited to do just that. Stewardship first calls us to receive and appreciate all the gifts God has given us and I had come to recognize that my children were some of my most precious gifts in this life. Stewardship of parenting calls us to appreciate our children’s uniqueness, help develop and nurture their God-given gifts, share them with the broader world and encourage them to make the world a better place through the witness of their lives. Leaving home is all about sharing—sharing our children with the world as they launch into their young adult lives and sharing this amazing world with them. When I understood that I was not losing them, but sharing them, the task took on real spiritual meaning and gave me great joy. So, for all of you who are sending off a beloved child this fall to school, or travel or employment or service in whatever way, please understand that this all about sharing our precious gifts with the world. After all, they were never ‘ours’ in the first place. Peace+ Carol Guenther, Pastoral Associate


So far, 385 parish households have pledged a total of $218,233 to the 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal. This appeal, along with our parish assessment, funds programs and services at the central diocesan offices. This year’s appeal rebate is being earmarked for our Parish Capital Maintenance and Improvement Budget to fund ongoing campus deferred mainte-nance projects. Thank you to all who made a pledge to date! The campaign continues. You can still make a pledge by going to the parish website,, and clicking on the Annual Catholic Appeal link.

2014 2015 2016* Parish Goal $246,186 $221,031 $210,292 Amount Paid/Pledged $246,545 $225,722 $218,233 # of Donors 469 439 385 Average Paid/Pledged $526 $514 $567 Amount of Rebate $359 $4,691 $7,941

* Campaign in progress.

Faith Formation

Parish Life

SUMMER HOSPITALITY AFTER MASS Help is needed to provide cheese & crackers after the Saturday 5pm Mass and coffee & donuts after the Sunday morning Masses. If you have time be-fore and after Mass, we can use you! Please choose a shift that can work for you and sign-up on the bulletin board by the narthex kitchen door.

BAPTISM PREPARATION: Our next parent class to prepare for infant baptism is Sunday, August 21st at 12:15pm in the Parish Office Conference Room.

Parents are asked to register in advance with Carol Guenther at 425-450-3910. Babies are welcome to join us!

In a world full of brokenness, Christ has come to offer us new life. The central mission of the Gospel is to pave the way for us to reclaim our whole hu-man iden ty. Join us as we enter into the heart, face the pains and wounds within, and allow Christ's divine love to bring the healing we ardently desire. The conference will be Thursday and Friday eve-nings, 6:45-9:30 PM and Saturday 8:00 AM -4:00 PM. Register at Cost:$175. Scholarships are available.


4 through 5th grade. Classes are held in-between the masses from 9:45-10:45am. Registration forms are available at the back of church, on the parish website and in the Parish Office. Registrations are due by August 28th. Please call Debs Pokos Dugan at 425-454-9536 ext. 112 with questions.


If you have reading time in August you might try THE SYMPATHIZER by Viet Thanh Nguyen (2016

Pulitzer winner for fiction). Our meeting will be Tuesday, Aug. 30, 7 PM in the Parish Hall. All readers welcome.

Questions: Betsy Komarnitsky, 425-453-9106 or

The Parish COMMUNITY OF MOTHERS invites all to our last summer beach park playdate: Wednesday, August 24th, 10am–noon at Houghton

Beach Park, 5811 Lake Washington Blvd., Kirk-land.

Look for the red flag & bring a snack to share!

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