s6 cse question bank computer science & engineering

Post on 09-Nov-2021






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Code Subject Page No

HS300 Principles of Management 1-2

CS302 Design and analysis of algorithms 3-7

CS304 Compiler design 8-13

CS368 Web Technologies 14-18

CS306 Computer Networks 19-21

CS208 Software Engineering and Project Management 22-28

SUB CODE HS300 SUBJECT NAME Priciples of Management


1 Discuss the concept "Management as Profession"

2 Explain the characteristics of management.

3 Explain the various levels of management.

4 What are the functions of management?

5 What are the successful gain drivers for obtaining competitive advantage?

6 Describe the skills of a good manager.

7 Enumerate the various roles performed by managers as a part of their profession.

8 Explain about the challenges of management.

9 Explain the global, innovative and entrepreneurial perspectives of management.

10 Brief on managing people and organization in the context of new era.


1 Critically examine the contribution of F. W. Taylor to the development of management thought.

2 What are the contributions of Gilberth in Scientific Management?

3 Discuss the importance of the Hawthorne experiment in the development of the behavioral approach in


4 Give a brief account of the significance of the systems approach to the study of management.

5 Describe how the contingency approach is suitable for studying management.

6 What is social responsibility of business? Why is it important?

7 Explain the theories of Mayo, McGregor in the development of Human Relations approach.

8 What are the factors that influence managerial ethics? Discuss with examples

9 What do you understand by Mckinsey 7-S framework?

10 Explain Ouchi’s theory Z?


1 What do you mean by planning? Discuss its principles.

2 Explain briefly the process of a formal planning and discuss the reasons for failure of planning.

3 Describe the characteristics of a good plan

4 What do you understand by single-use plans and standing-use plans?

5 State how single-use plans and standing-use plans are useful for rnanagerial action.

6 Define MBO.

7 Explain MBO process using a flow chart. What are its advantages and limitations?

8 Mention the fundamentals of SWOT analysis.


1 Define organizing and explain the irnportance of organizing in the present business environments.

2 Compare line, functional and line-staff organizations. Which of thesewill be appropriate for a large

manufacturing enterprise?

3 List the organizational structures. Explain them in detail.

4 Define span of control. Explain the major types with neat sketches and the factors determining thespan

of control.

5 What is functional authority'? How is it different from line authority?

6 Explain the meaning of formal and informal organizations. What are the differences between the two?

7 What do you understand by organizational chart? Explain the basis of it.

8 Illustrate with examples the various forms of departmentalization.


1 Mention the operative functions of HR management.

2 Define personnel management.

3 List the advantages of training.


SUB CODE HS300 SUBJECT NAME Priciples of Management

4 Define delegation and explain it, importance in an industry.

5 What are the objectives of recruitment?Describe the sources of recruitment

6 Explain tire different steps involved in recruitment.

7 What are the basic steps in planning the system in personnel management?

8 Discuss the steps in man power planning


1 Define the term leadership.

2 What are the characteristics of leadership?

3 Distinguish between leadership and rnanagement.

4 State and drawbacks of trait theory.

5 Explain any two models that support the contingency approach to leadership.

6 Explain the various types of critical standards.

7 What is controlling? Discuss feedback control system.

8 Critically explain the steps in the selection process.

9 Explain control process and how control works as a feedback system.

10 Explain 8 dimensions of leadership.





Questions Marks KTU, Year

1 Define the terms Best case, Worst case and Average case

time complexities

3 KTU- May,2019

2 What is the smallest value of n such that an algorithm

whose running times is 100n2 runs faster than an

algorithm whose running time is 2n on the same machine?

3 KTU- May,2019

3 Determine the time complexities of the following two

functions fun1() and fun2(): int fun1(int n) { if (n <= 1)

return n; return 2*fun1(n-1); } int fun2(int n) { if (n <= 1)

return n; return fun2(n-1) + fun2(n-1);

2 KTU- May,2019

4 Find the solution to the recurrence equation using iteration

method: T(2k ) = 3 T(2k-1 ) + 1, T (1) = 1

3 KTU- May,2019

5 Solve the recurrence using recursion tree method: T(1) = 1

T(n) = 3T(n/4) + cn2

4 KTU- May,2019

6 Determine the best case and worst-case time complexity

of the following function: void fun(int n, int arr[]) { int i =

0, j = 0; for(; i < n; ++i) while(j < n && arr[i] < arr[j])


KTU- May,2019

7 Is 2n+1 = O(2n ) ? Is 22n = O(2n )? Justify your answer 3 KTU- April,2018

8 Analyse the complexity of the following program main ( )

{ for ( inti=1; i<=n;i=i*2) sum =sum+i+func(i ) } void

func(m ) { for ( int j=1; j<=m; j++) Statement with O(1 )

complexity }

3 KTU- April,2018

9 Using iteration solve the following recurrence equation

T(n)= 2 if n=1 else T(n)= 2T(n/2)+2n+3

5 KTU- April,2018

7 Using Recursion Tree method, solve. Assume constant

time for small values of n. T(n)= 2T(n/10)+ T(9n/10)+n

4 KTU- April,2018

8 What is an algorithm? What are the criteria of an


5 KTU- Dec,2018

9 Explain quick sort algorithm andanalyze its complexity 10 KTU- Dec,2018

10 Solve the recurrence equation T(n)=3T(n/4)+n using

iteration method

6 KTU- Dec,2018

11 What are recursion trees? Solve T(n)= 2T(n/2) + C using

recursion tree.

7 KTU- Dec,2018


1 State weighted rule (union by rank) and collapsing rule

(path compression) applied in the disjoint set union and

3 KTU- April,2018


find operation respectively. How these rules will improve

the efficiency of disjoint set operations.

2 Construct a red-black tree by inserting the keys 41,

38,31,12,19,8 into an initially empty tree. Then show the

red-black trees that result from the successive deletion of

the keys in the order 8 12 1 41.

9 KTU- April,2018

3 Construct a B-tree of minimum degree 3 by inserting the

elements in the order given F,

Q,P,K,A,L,R,M,N,X,Y,D,Z,E,H,T,V,W,C. from the

constructed tree delete A,P,Q,R,T.

7 KTU- April,2018

4 Explain the important properties of B trees. 2 KTU- April,2018

5 State weighted rule (union by rank) and collapsing rule

(path compression) applied in the disjoint set union and

find operation respectively. How these rules will improve

the efficiency of disjoint set operations.

3 KTU- April,2018

6 Explain the advantages of using height Balanced Trees?

Explain AVL Rotations.

4 KTU- May,2019

7 Find the minimum and maximum height of any AVL-tree

with 7 nodes? Assume that the height of a tree with a

single node is 0.

2 KTU- May,2019

8 A 2-3-4 tree is defined as a B-Tree with minimum degree

t=2. Create a 2-3-4 tree by successively inserting the

inserting the elements (in the given order) 42,56, 24, 89, 1,

5, 87, 8. 61. 6, 78, 7, 12, 34.Delete the elements 89, 78. 12

and 8 from the above resultant tree.

7 KTU- May,2019

9 State Master Theorem. 3 KTU- May,2019

10 Explain the UNION and FIND-SET operations in the

linked-list representation of disjoint sets. Discuss the


3 KTU- May,2019


1 Let (u,v) is a minimum weight edge in a graph G.Show

that (u,v) belongs to some minimum spanning tree of G.

3 KTU- April,2018

2 Let G be a weighted undirected graph with distinct

positive edge weights. If every edge weight is increased

by same value,will the minimum cost spanning tree and

the shortest path between any pair of vertices

change.Justify your answer.

3 KTU- April,2018

3 Consider a complete undirected graph with vertex set {0,

1, 2, 3, 4}. Entry Wij in the matrix W below is the weight

of the edge {i, j}. What is the minimum possible weight of

a spanning tree T in this graph such that vertex 0 is a leaf

node in the tree T?

3 KTU- April,2018

4 Write down DFS algorithm and analyse the time

complexity. What are classification of edges that can be

4 KTU- April,2018


encountered during DFS operation and how it is


5 Perform DFS traversal on a graph starting from node A.

Where multiple node choices may be available for next

travel, choose the next node in alphabetical order. Classify

the edges of the graph into different category.

5 KTU- April,2018

6 In a weighted graph, assume that the shortest path from a

source ‘s’ to a destination ‘t’ is correctly calculated using

a shortest path algorithm. Is the following statement true?

If we increase weight of every edge by 1, the shortest path

always remains same. Justify your answer with proper


3 KTU- May,2019

7 Define Strongly Connected Components of a graph. Write

the algorithm to find Strongly Connected Components in a


3 KTU- May,2019

8 State Shortest Path Problem and Optimal substructure of

Shortest Path.

2 KTU- May,2019

9 Write Dijkstra’s Single Source Shortest path algorithm.

Analyse the complexity.

4 KTU- May,2019

10 Write the algorithm for DFS and analyse its complexity 4 KTU- May,2019


1 Write and explain an algorithm to find the optimal

parenthesization of matrix chain product whose sequence

of dimension is given.

5 KTU- April,2018

2 Write and explain merge sort algorithm using divide and

conquer strategy. Also analyse the complexity.

4 KTU- April,2018

3 Write down and explain Bellman Ford algorithm. Will your

algorithm detect all negative cycles in the graph. Justify

your answer

5 KTU- April,2018

4 List and explain the characteristic properties associated

with a problem that can be solved using dynamic


3 KTU- April,2018

5 Multiply the following two matrices using Strassen’s

Matrix Multiplication Algorithm.

A=6 8 B=2 5

9 7 3 6

5 KTU- May,2019

6 State Matrix Chain Multiplication Problem. Write Dynamic

Programming Algorithm for Matrix Chain Multiplication


4 KTU- May,2019

7 Using Dynamic Programming, find the fully parenthesized

matrix product for multiplying the chain of matrices< A1

A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 > whose dimensions are , , , , and


5 KTU- May,2019

8 Illustrate the divide and conquer approach of binary search. 9 KU,July2017


9 Explain the divide and conquer method of merge sort. 6 Model

10 State optimality principle. 4 Model


1 Write down Prim’s algorithm and analyse the complexity. 4 KTU- April,2018

2 Consider a weighted complete graph G on the vertex set

{v1,v2,…,vn} such that the weight of the edge (vi,vj) is 2|i-

j|. Find the weight of a minimum spanning tree of G.

3 KTU- April,2018

3 Specify the difference between divide and conquer strategy

and dynamic programming.

3 KTU- April,2018

4 Explain Greedy Approach. Write the general greedy


3 KTU- May,2019

5 Formulate Fractional Knapsack Problem. Write Greedy

Algorithm for fractional Knapsack Problem.

4 KTU- May,2019

6 Write the Kruskal’s algorithm for Minimum Spanning

Tree. Analyse its complexity.

6 KTU- May,2019

7 An undirected graph G=(V, E) contains n ( n > 2 ) nodes

named v1 , v2 ,….vn. Two vertices vi , vj are connected if

and only if 0 < |i – j| <= 2. Each edge (vi, vj) is assigned a

weight i + j. What will be the cost of the minimum spanning

tree (as a function of n) of such a graph with n nodes?

4 KTU- May,2019

8 Consider a complete undirected graph with vertex set {0, 1,

2, 3, 4}. Entry wij in the matrix W below is the weight of

the edge {i, j}. What is the Cost of the Minimum Spanning

Tree T using Prim’s Algorithm in this graph such that

vertex 0 is a leaf node in the tree T?

6 KTU- May,2019

9 Explain Greedy strategy with one example. 6 Model

10 Explain Dynamic programming strategy with example. 6 Model


1 Consider the following algorithm to determine whether or

not an undirected graph has a clique of size k. First,

generate all subsets of the vertices containing exactly k

vertices. Next, check whether any of the sub-graphs

induced by these subsets is complete (i.e. forms a clique).

Why is this not a polynomial-time algorithm for the clique

problem, thereby implying that P = NP?

4 KTU- April,2018

2 Prove that CLIQUE problem is NP-complete. 4 KTU- April,2018

3 Explain the concept of Backtracking. Explain how 4 Queen

problem can be solved using backtracking. Draw the state

space tree corresponding to 4 Queen problem.

10 KTU- April,2018

4 Define Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP). Explain the

basic steps that are to be followed to solve TSP using

branch and bound. Illustrate with an example

10 KTU- April,2018

5 State fractional knapsack problem. Give an algorithm for

fractional knapsack problem using greedy strategy.

5 KTU- April,2018


6 State fractional knapsack problem. Give an algorithm for

fractional knapsack problem using greedy strategy.

5 KTU- April,2018

7 Find an optimal solution to the fractional knapsack problem

for an instance with number of items 7, Capacity of the sack

W=15, profit associated with the items (p1,p2,…,p7)=

(10,5,15,7,6,18,3) and weight associated with each item

(w1,w2,…,w7)= (2,3,5,7,1,4,1).

4 KTU- April,2018

8 Find the optimal solution for the following fractional

Knapsack problem. n=4, m = 60, W={40, 10, 20, 24} and

P={280, 100, 120, 120}

3 KTU- May,2019

9 State and Explain N Queens Problem. Write the

backtracking algorithm for solving N Queens problem.

5 KTU- May,2019

10 Show the state space tree for 4 Queens problem. Show the

steps in solving 4 Queens problem using backtracking

method to print all the solutions.

5 KTU- May,2019

11 Define NP- Hard and NP – Complete Problems. 2 KTU- May,2019

12 What are the steps used to show a given problem is NP-

Complete?Write notes on polynomial time reducibility.

Give Examples.

8 KTU- May,2019




1. Scanning of source code in compilers can be speed upusing Explain.

3 Dec 19

2. Draw the DFA for the regular expression(a|b)*(abb|a+ b).

3 Dec 19

3. Explain compiler writing tools. 5 Dec19

4. Explain the working of different phases of a compiler.Illustrate with a source language statement.

5 Dec19

5. What is Recursive descent parsing?List the problemsfaced in designing such parsing

3 May19

6. Define input buffering scheme in lexical analyzer 3 May19

7. Draw the transition diagram for the regular definition, 3 April18


9. Is the grammar S)S(S)S/ t ambiguous? Justify your answer 3 April18

10. With an example source language statement explainstokens, patterns and lexemes.

3 April18

11. Explain the drawback of top down parsing 4 April14

12. Define parse tree and syntax tree. 4 April14

13. Explaining bootstrapping. With example. 4 April14

14. Explain the need of translator. 4 April14

15. Compare simple LR canonical LR and LALR 4 April14

16. Define operator grammar with example 4 April14



1. Differentiate leftmost derivation and rightmostderivation. Show

3 Dec19

2. Find out context free language for the grammar givenbelow:S -> abBA->aaBb|ƐB -> bbA

3 Dec19

3. a)Explain the different phases in the design of acompiler.b)Find the FIRST and FOLLOW of the non terminalsin the grammar S->aABeA->Abc|bB->d




4. a)Design a recursive descent parser for the grammarE->E+T|TT->T*F|FF->(E)|Idb)Develop a lexical analyser for the token identifier




5. a)What is LR grammar?Give an example.What arethe steps in removing left recursion?

5 May19

6. a) Apply bootstrapping to develop a compiler for anew high level language P on (3)machine N.b) Now I have a compiler for P on machine N.compiler for P on machine M.c) Define cross-compilers.





7. a)Consider the following grammarE->E or TlTT-> T and F l FF)->not F l (E ) l true l falseb) (1) Remove left recursion from the grammar.(ii) Construct a predictive parsing table.(iii) Justify the statement " The grammar is LL (1)".





8. a) Design a recursive descent parser for the grammarS->cAd, A->abl/b

5 April18

9. b) For a source language statement a= b*c - 2, wherea, b and c are float variables,* and - represents multiplication and subtraction onsame data types, show the





input and output at each of the compiler phases

10. Define LL(1) grammar. 3 April18

11. Consider the context free grammarS-> SS+|SS*|aAnd the strings i) aa+a* ii)aa+aa+a) Give the rightmost derivation of the strings.

b) Give parse tree for the string.

c)Is the grammar ambiguous or not? Justify youranswer.





12. a)Explain the main action in a shift reduce parser.b)What are different parsing conflicts in SLR parsingtable?c)What are annotated parse tree?Give examples





13. a)Write syntax directed translation for “do - while”statement in C.

b)Symbol table is necessary for the compilerconstruction.Justify your statement with example.




14. Consider the grammarS->(l)|aL->L,S|S(i)What are the terminals, non terminals and startsymbol in the give grammar?(ii)Find the parse tree for the following sentences:(I)(a,a) (II) (a,((a,a),(a,a)))




1. What are L attributed definitions and S attributeddefinitions in a syntax directed translation scheme

3 May19

2. Explain bottom-up evaluation of s-attributeddefinitions.

3 May19

3. Design a type checker for simple arithmetic operations 3 May19

4. Explain the syntax directed definition of a simple deskcalculator

3 May19


5. Explain operator grammar and operator precedenceparsing.

3 May19

6. Compute the FIRST and FOLLOW forthe following GrammarS->Bb/Cd B->aB/ ὲ C->Cc/ὲ

3 April18

7. Demonstrate the identification of handles in operatorprecedence parsing?

3 April18

8. Design a Syntax Directed Definition for a Deskcalculator that prints the result

3 April18

9. Describe the type checking of functions. 3 April18


a) Constnrct canonical LR(O) collection of items forthe grammar below.S->L= RS->RL->*RL->idR->LAlso identify a shift reduce conflict in the LR(0)collection constructed above

b) Define S-attributed and L-attributed definitions.Give an example each




1. a)Explain bottom- up evaluation of S- attributeddefinitions.

b) With an SDD for a desk calculator, give theappropriate code to be executed at each reduction inthe LR parser designed for the calculator. Also givethe annotated parse free for the expression (3*5) -2.




2. Construct LALR parse table for the grammarS->CC,C->cCld

9 April18


1. Define the following and show an example for each.

i). Three-address code iii). Triples

6 Dec19


ii). Quadruples iv). Indirect triples

b) State the issues in design of a code generator

2. Explain different code optimization techniquesavailable in local and global optimization?

10 Dec19

3. Explain different stack allocation strategies withsuitable example

10 Dec19

4. How is storage organization and management doneduring run-time.

4 Dec19

5. Construct the syntax tree and then draw the DAG for thestatemente= (a*b) + (c-d) * (a*b)

5 April18

6. Explain static allocation and heap allocation strategies 10 April18

7. With an example each explain the following loopoptimization techniques (i)Code motion (ii) Inductionvariable elimination and (iii) strength reduction

10 April18

8. a) Explain any two issues in the design of a codegenerator.b) Explain the optimization ofbasic blocks




9. Write the Code Generation Algorithm and explain thegetreg function.

b) Generate a code sequence for the assignmentd=(a-b)+(a-c)+(a-c)




10.Write syntax directed definitions to construct syntaxtree and three address code for assignment statements

10 April18


1. Explain different code optimization techniquesavailable in local and global optimization?

10 Dec19

2. How is storage organization and management doneduring run-time?

4 Dec19

3. Design a type checker for simple arithmetic operations 3 May19

4. How the optimization of basic blocks is done by acompiler?

6 Dec19

5. Explain operator grammar and operator precedenceparsing.

3 May19


6. Compute the FIRST and FOLLOW forthe followingGrammar S->Bb/Cd B->aB/ ὲ C->Cc/ὲ

3 April18

7. Demonstrate the identification of handles in operatorprecedence parsing?

3 April18

8. Design a Syntax Directed Definition for a Deskcalculator that prints the result

3 April18

9. Describe the type checking of functions. 3 April18


Course Code:CS368


Module I

Sl. No Questions Marks Year

1 List out the roles of web servers in web technology 3 April


2 Write the syntax of URL, Explain with one example 3 April


3 What are the advantages of content management system 3 April


4 What is the role of query string in web communication?

Write an example for a query string. 3 May 2019

5 What is CGI, how does it work, how do web server and CGI

program communicate 5



6 What do you mean by MIME 4 April


7 Explain the request and response phases in HTTP 5 April


8 What is a CGI? Explain the communication process in CGI. 5 May 2019

9 What is the difference between web servers and browsers in

the context of their implementation and functionality? 4 May 2019

10 What is MIME type, Give examples? Why should MIME

type information be essentially included in HTTP responses? 3 Dec 2019

11 Mention any three HTTP methods, provide a brief

description about the functionality of each 3 Dec 2019

12 Why do you call MIME as an extension feature? Justify with

suitable statements. 3 Dec 2019

13 Describe the situations in which POST method is preferred

and why? 4 May 2019

Module II

1 Explain the different types of buttons in HTML 3 April


2 Give syntactic difference between HTML and XHTML 5 April



Write HTML code to design a web page to create a table

with 6 rows and 3 columns for entering the marklist of 5

students. Assume suitable headings for each column

4 April


4 Write down any 4 HTML tags and their purpose with

suitable examples. What are tag attributes 3 Dec 2019


What is the difference between radio buttons and check

boxes when implemented using html, Write HTML code to

implement a form which has the following element:

i. A textbox which can accept a maximum of 25


ii. Three radio buttons

iii. A selection list containing four items, two which are

always visible

5 Dec 2019


iv. A submit button, clicking on which prompt the

browser to send the form data to the server

“http://responses.my site.com” using POST method

6 Explain: <a> , <img> ,<p> ,<div> elements with example 4 Model



Create and test an XHTML document that describes and

unordered list of atleast 5 popular books. The bullet for each

book must be a small image of its books cover

4 Model


8 Differentiate between rowspan and colspan table attributes 3 Dec 2019


Design a table in HTML to display the marks of 5 students

for 3 subjects.

Student name should be the row headings and subject name

should be the column

headings. Marks can be of your choice.

5 May 2019


How can you give an alternate text for an image so that text

is displayed when the image cannot be loaded? Show with an


4 May 2019

11 Why is XHTML preferred over HTML? 3 May 2019


How can you differentiate header row and data rows in an

HTML table?

Illustrate with an example.

3 May 2019


Describe the structure of an HTML document with an

example. Give description

for the major tags used.

5 May 2019

Module III

1 What do you mean by “class” and “id” in CSS, Explain with

example 3



2 How to link external stylesheets to an html document, what

are the attributes required for that 3



3 What are the advantages of using a CSS framework? Explain

the features of Bootstrap in relation to the above answer. 4 May 2019


Write CSS code for setting the following styles

i) Table - A header row with background colour and bold

font and other rows without that.

ii) Unordered list – Set a smiley image as bullet.

3 May 2019

5 External style sheets are usually preferred over other kinds of

style sheets. Why? 4 May 2019

6 What are selector forms, explain with example different

types of selector forms 4 Dec 2019


Discuss the various CSS style sheet levels with suitable

examples. How are conflicts resolved when multiple style

rules apply to a single webpage element

4 Dec 2019


Write CSS code for the following,

i. Set the background color for the hover and active link

states to yellow

ii. Set the list style for unordered list to “square”

iii. Set “flower.gif” as the background image of the page

iv. Set dashed border for the document

5 April


9 How can CSS be used to display a XML document? Illustrate 5 May 2019


with an example.


What are class selectors in CSS. Suppose that it is required to

display the text content of p tags in 2 different styles

depending on the context.

Style-1:text should be displayed in blue colour, right aligned,

underlined ,with font style of italics, and spacing between the

words of text set to 2cm

Style-2:text should be displayed with a background color of

yellow, having a dashed blue color border and with a padding

of 1.5cm

5 Dec 2019

Module IV

1 What are the different methods by which we can convert

astring to a number in javascript 3



2 Does jQuery helps in writing javascript code, justify your

answer 3



3 Explain various String properties and methods present in

javaScript 5



4 Write a javascript program to find the factorial of a number 4 April



Write a javascript code to solve quadratic equation by

reading the coeffiecients through dialog box.Also use

confirm dialog box to check whether the user wants to

continue or not

5 April


6 What is the difference between JavaScript primitives and

objects in the context of how they are stored in memory? 3 May 2019


Write a JavaScript program to implement various

mathematical operations. Input should be prompted for and

confirmation should be asked before proceeding to next


5 May 2019


Illustrate with suitable code samples, the different ways of

Array declaration in JavaScript. Arrays in JavaScript are said

to be more flexible, why?

5 May 2019

9 Give a brief overview of the syntax used in jQuery with

suitable examples. List some of selector types used in JQuery 5 Dec 2019


List three methods of creating an array object in JavaScript.

What function does the array methods join() and slice()


3 Dec 2019

11 How does jQuery enhance the ease of JavaScript code

implementation, explain? 3 May 2019


What is a callback function in JavaScript? State how it is

different from normal


3 May 2019

Module V

1 Explain xml document structure 5 April



2 What is the requirement of xml schema, explain 5 April


3 Explain simple and complex data types in XML with suitable

example 10



4 How XSLT style sheets can be used to control page layout in




5 Differentiate between JSON and XML 5 April


6 Describe the schema of a document implemented in JSON

and state how it is different from XML schema. 6 May 2019

7 Differentiate between simple and complex data types in

XML. 4 May 2019

8 How can CSS be used to display a XML document? Illustrate

with an example. 5 May 2019


Design an XML document containing details about four

students. Student

attributes can be added as per your choice.

5 May 2019

10 What is the role of DTD in an XML document? Illustrate

with an example. 5 May 2019

11 How is XML different from HTML. What is meant by the

term namespace in the context of XML 5 Dec 2019


What is meant by DTD. Create a DTD for catalogue of cars,

where each car element has the child element make, model,

year, color, engine, doors. The engine element has the child

elements no. of cylinders and fuel type

5 Dec 2019

13 Can CSS be used to display an XML document, illustrate

with an example 5 Dec 2019

Module VI

1 What are the different ways to create an array in PHP,

explain with example 4



2 What is server-side scripting, write a PHP program to check

whether the given number is armstrong or not 6




Design an HTML form for entering a number by the user.

Write PHP code to display a message indicating ,whether the

number is odd or even ,when clicking on the submit button

5 April


4 Write a PHP script to count the instances of words in a string 5 April


5 What is the significance of cookies in web. How can a cookie

be created and destroyed in PHP 5



6 Illustrate with a sample PHP script, how functions are

implemented in PHP. 5 May 2019

7 Write a PHP script to search for a particular string pattern in

a text. 5 May 2019


Design a simple HTML form to input a string and to display

whether it is palindrome or not when the form is submitted.

Use a PHP script.

6 May 2019

9. What are the primitives supported by PHP? 4 May 2019

10 What are associative arrays. How are associative arrays are

declared in PHP, illustrate with an example 2 Dec 2019


11 What is the purpose of explode() and implode() function in

PHP. Illustrate with suitable example 2 Dec 2019

12 Briefly describe, with suitable examples, the various methods

for iterating over the contents of a PHP array 3 Dec 2019

13 What are the two modes that the PHP processor operates in,

explain 2 Dec 2019

14 What is the function of cookies, explain why session tracking

is sometimes a better alternative to using cookies 5 Dec 2019


Course Code:CS306

Course Name: Computer Networks

Module I



Questions Marks Year

1 How are computer network classified on the basis of

physical size 3 April 2018

2 What are the reason for using layered architecture in

computer network 3 April 2018

3 What are the OSI service primitives for connection oriented

service 4 April 2018

4 List out the key design issues that occcur in computer

network 4 April 2018

5 Describe the ISO/OSI layered architecture with the help of

neat diagram 5,6

April 2018,

May 2019

6 Distinguish between interface,protocol and layer in network

software 3 May 2019

7 What are point to point broadcast network 3 May 2019

8 List the design issues of layered network software 3 May 2019

9 Explain WAN and communication subnet 3 May 2019

Module II

1 Differentiate between normal and asynchronous balance

mode of operation in HDLC 3 April 2018

2 Draw and explain the frame format for etherent 3 April 2018

3 Expalin the phases in PPP conection with the help of

transistion diagram 5 April 2018

4 How collision is avoided in CSMA/CA. Describe different

strategies used fot this 5 April 2018

5 Write short note on IEEE 802.5 standard 5 April 2018

6 Draw the different frame format in HDLC 3 May 2019

7 How does pure aloha and slotted aloha differ 3 May 2019

8 Explain working of CSMA/CD 6 May 2019


9 Explain how token management is done in IEEE 802.5 3 May 2019

10 List the features of gigabit ethernet 3 May 2019

Module III

1 What is flooding? Describe any 2 situations where flooding

is advantageous 3 April 2018

2 Write short note on RIP 3 April 2018

3 Differentiate between static and dynamic routing 3 April 2018

4 Explain distance vector routing with example 6 April 2018

5 Explain different steps in link state routing 5 April 2018

6 List the newtwork layer function 3 May 2019

7 Differentiate flooding and broadcasting 3 May 2019

8 Explain how routing is performed using link state

algorithm? Illustrate with an example 6 May 2019

9 Give the relevance of age field in a link state packet 3 May 2019

10 Discuss about routing for mobile host 4 May 2019

Module IV

1 Compare claseful and classless adressing giving example

for both 3 April 2018

2 List and explain any 3 closed loop congestion control

techniques 3 April 2018

3 Describe the formst of IPV4 datagram with the help of

diagram highlighting the significance of each field 6 April 2018

4 Degine subnetting. What are the advantages of subnetting .

Explain with an example 3 April 2018

5 Discuss common techniques used in computer network to

improve Qos 4 April 2018

6 How tocken bucket algorithm perform congestion control 3 May 2019

7 List the private IP address ranges of class A,B,C 3 May 2019

8 Explain any 2 congestion control algorithm 5 May 2019

9 What is Qos? Explain any 2 methods to ensure Qos 6 April 2018

Module V

1 Differentiate between BOOTP and DHCP 5 April 2018


2 Write notes on the messages and message format used in

IGMP 5 April 2018

3 Explain how routing is done using BGP 5 April 2018

4 What is the use of ARP? Explain ARP operation and packet

format 7 April 2018

5 List and explain the different types of errors

reportingmessages used by ICMP 3 April 2018

6 Draw and explain the datagram format for IPV6 5 April 2018

May 2019

7 How does BGP avoid count to infinity problem 3 May 2019

8 Explain the role of ICMP 4 May 2019

9 Define address resolution problem. Explain about RARP 6 May 2019

10 Discuss about the issues of IPV6 3 May 2019

11 Explain how IGMP support internet multicasting 7 May 2019

Module VI

1 Describe the name address resolution techniques used in

DNS 5 April 2018

2 Write short note on MIME 5 April 2018

3 Describe the operation and packet format of UDP 5 April 2018

4 Distinguish between partially qualified and fully qualified

domain names 3 April 2018

5 Explain 3 different phases in a TCP transmission with the

help of a diagram 7 April 2018

6 Explain FTP and its features 5 April 2018

7 What are port number,give its importance in computer

communication 3 May 2019

8 Distinguish between TCP and UDP heade format 5 May 2019

9 How FTP handle file transfer 3 May 2019

10 Explain various features of MIME 4 May 2019

11 What is the role of SMTP in Email message transfer 3 May 2019

12 Explain DNS message type 4 May 2019

13 Explain procedure for calculating the UDP checksum 3 May 2019


Course Code: CS208

Course Name: Software Engineering and Project Management

Module ISL. No Questions Marks Year

1. What is a software process? Why it is important? 3 April2018

2.Compare waterfall model and incremental model for software development


3.How does software prototyping help to increase the overall quality of the software?


4. Describe Boehm’s spiral model for software development.53

April2018 Dec2019

5. Describe software engineering as a layered technology.43

April2018 Dec2019

6. Briefly explain the role of management in software development. 3May2019

7.List the advantages of using waterfall model instead of adhoc build and fix model


8.Suppose you were to plan to undertake the development of a product with a large number of technical as well as customer related risks, which life cycle model would you adopt? Justify your answer.


9.What are the major phases in the waterfall model of softwaredevelopment? Which phase consumes the maximum effort for developing a typical software product?



10 How prototyping helps in software development 3 Dec2019

11 Discuss the prototyping model. What is the effect of designing a prototype on the overall cost of the project?

4 Dec2019

12 What is the scope of software engineering 3 Dec2019

13 Differentiate between Waterfall model and incremental model for softwaredevelopment?

3 Dec2019


Module IISL. No Questions Marks Year

1. How ISO 9000 helps in software process improvement? 3 April2018

2.Explain the different levels in Capability Maturity Model. 5



3. Discuss the specification and design aspects of software engineering. 4April2018

4.Why requirements elicitation is considered as a critical task in requirements engineering? Explain any two methods for requirements elicitation.



5. Describe the elements of analysis model. 4April2018

6.Explain quality function deployment technique of requirement elicitation. Why a value factor is always associated with every requirement?



Explain with suitable examples, the types of software development forwhich the spiral model is suitable. Is the number of loops of the spiralfixed for different development process? If not, explain how the number of loops in the spiral is determined.


8.Explain Capability Maturity Model(CMM). Why is it suggested thatCMM is the better choice than ISO-9001?

3 May2019


A university has decided to engage a software company for theautomation of student result management system of its MtechProgramme. Develop the following documents which may provideholistic view of the system.i. Problem Statement ii. Context diagramiii. Use case diagramiv. ER diagram

6 May2019

10 Write the elements of requirements engineering process 2 Dec2019

11 Write the significance of Requirement analysis in software engineering 3 Dec2019

12 Describe any three methods of Requirement elicitation process 3 Dec2019

13Explain the importance of requirements. How many types of requirements are possible ?

3 Dec2019


Module IIISL. No Questions Marks Year

1. What is the importance of software project planning? 3 April2018

2. Compare top-down and bottom-up design strategies. 3April2018


An air traffic control project of size 500 KLOC is to be developed. Software project team has very little experience on similar projects and the project schedule is also tight. Calculate the effort, developmenttime, average staff size and productivity of the project.


4. Describe the different levels of COCOMO.53


5. List out the characteristics of a good SRS document. 3May2019


Assume that the size of an organic type software product has beenestimated to be 32000 lines of code. Assume that the average salary ofsoftware engineers is Rs.15,000 per month. Determine the effort required to develop the software product and the nominal developmenttime.


7.Explain the design guidelines that can be used to produce “good quality” classes or reusable classes.


8.What is modularity? List out the important properties of a modularsystem.



A simple stand – alone software utility is to be developed in ’C’ programming by a team of software experts for a computer running Linux and the overall size of this software is estimated to be 20,000 lines of code. Considering (a, b) = (2.4, 1.05) as multiplicative and exponential factor for the basic COCOMO effort estimation equation and (c, d) = (2.5, 0.38) as multiplicative and exponential factor for the basic COCOMO development time estimation equation, approximately how long does the software project take to complete ?

3 Dec2019

10 Differentiate between top down and bottom up design strategies. 3 Dec2019

11 Explain stepwise refinement 2 Dec2019


Module IVSL. No Questions Marks Year

1.What is software testing? Write any four fundamental testing principles.

3 April2018

2.What is the significance of adopting programming practices and coding standards?


3.What is the need of a modular system? Describe the effects of cohesion and coupling in modular design.


4. Describe basis path testing. Illustrate with an example.53


5. Explain code walk-through and code inspection.43


6 Define any four types of System testing44



Distinguish between:i.Structural testing and Functional testingii .Cohesion and Couplingiii. Alpha testing and Beta testing


8.Define cyclomatic complexity. Explain different properties of cyclomatic complexity.


9.What do you understand by the term system testing? What are thedifferent kinds of system testing that are usually performed on largesoftware products?


10. Explain different code review techniques 3May2019


Consider the program given below, construct the flow graph and calculate the cyclomatic complexity.

3 May2019

12 Describe any two software size estimation techniques. 3Dec2019


13 Explain two types of Black box testing strategies. 3Dec2019

14 Define Cohesion. Explain different types of cohesion 5Dec2019

15 How Black box testing differ from White box testing 2Dec2019


Module VSL. No Questions Marks Year

1.Explain Putnam-Norden-Rayleigh (PNR) curve with a neat graph showingeffort versus development time.

4 April2018

2. Differentiate between product and process. 4April2018

3.What is risk identification? How risks are monitored and managed by project managers?

6 April2018

4. What are the various types of risks in software projects?454


5.What are the signs that a software project is in jeopardy? What are the steps to be taken by a project manager to tackle this situation?


6. Explain the steps of software maintenance with the help of a diagram. 4May2019

7.Explain the Taute maintenance model. What are the various phases ofthese model.

6 May2019

8 Discuss the maintenance aspects of software engineering. 3 Dec 2019

9 Draw the Rayleigh manpower loading curve and state PNR model for staffing

3 Dec 2019

10 Write the need for software maintenance. Explain different categories ofmaintenance

5 Dec 2019

11 Discuss Risk management activities in detail.54

Dec 2019May2019

12 Discuss 4 p’s of software management concepts. 5 Dec 2019

13 Write the different activities of software project management. 5 Dec 2019

14.What is software maintenance? Describe various categories ofmaintenance. Which category consumes maximum effort and why?




Module VISL. No Questions Marks Year

1.What is a task set? Write the various steps in selecting appropriate taskset for a project.

6 April2018

2. Discuss the rules for user interface design.45


3. Explain the basic building blocks of CASE tools.65


4. Write a note on integrated CASE environment.45


5.How various stakeholders are organized to perform effective softwareengineering?


6.What is meant by software configuration management? Explain different activities involved in configuration management.



7.What do you understand by the terms CASE tool and CASEenvironment. With a neat schematic architecture explain CASEenvironment.


8.Explain different characteristics which are desired for a good userinterface.

6 May2019

9. Explain different types of user interface. 4May2019


Explain the following CASE tools:(i) SCM tools(ii) Documentation tools(iii) Integration & Testing tools(iv) Static Analysis tools(v) Reengineering tools


11 Explain different project scheduling techniques 5 Dec 2019

12 Discuss how to define a task set for the software project. 5 Dec 2019


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