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Planning Committee

24 June 2020


Proposal: Section 73 application to remove Condition 14 relating to noise mitigation measures at Grantham Southern Relief Road (S15/2101)

Location: Grantham Southern Relief Road, Grantham Applicant: Lincolnshire County Council, Newland, Lincoln Agent: Mr Martin Dale, WSP, Exchange Street, Tithebarn Street, Liverpool,

L2 2QP Application Type: Full Planning Permission (Major) Reason for Referral to Committee:

Major application

Key Issues: Impact of noise on residential properties

Technical Documents: Noise Report Updated Noise Report

Report Author

Sylvia Bland, Head of Development Management

01476 406388


Corporate Priority: Decision type: Wards:

Growth Regulatory Grantham Springfield

Reviewed by: Sylvia Bland, Head of Development Management 8 June 2020

Recommendation (s) to the decision maker (s)

That the application is approved conditionally






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1 The Application Site and its Surroundings

1.1 The application site is located to the south of Grantham town centre and the area known

as Somerby Hill, and to the north of the villages of Little Ponton and Great Ponton. The

landscape to the south of the town comprises the gently sloping valley sides of the River


1.2 The principal transport corridors associated with the area comprise: the B1174 Spittlegate

Level, the East Coast Main Line, the A52 Somerby Hill, the B6403 High Dyke and

Whalebone Lane.

1.3 The principal land use is arable agriculture with large fields defined by low, relatively

sparse hedges. The most substantial settlement and development associated with the

area comprises the south eastern fringe of Grantham where there is a mix of residential

development at Somerby Hill, industrial development at the former Invictas Works and the

Prince of William of Gloucester Territorial Army Barracks on the A52. Other development

includes a mix of industrial, commercial and residential land uses on the west side of the

B1174. These comprise car showrooms and service related businesses, a disused

ironstone quarry, the Cheveley Park mobile home park and the Phoenix School. Anglian

Water operates the Saltersford Water Treatment Works immediately adjacent to the river.

There is a residential property, the Daily Mail Cottage, located on Waterworks Lane.

Further south lies the village of Little Ponton where notable buildings include Little Ponton

Hall, the Old School House (Grade II Listed) and the 15th century parish church of St

Guthlac (Grade I Listed). Recreational and leisure interests within the area comprise the

Kesteven Rugby Football club located on the B6403 and a Public Right of Way (Little

Ponton 13/1) that runs parallel to the river.

1.4 Notable areas of planting associated with the area comprise specimen trees, woodland

and scrub planting, hedgerows, hedgerow trees and grassland. To the southeast,

adjacent to Whalebone Lane, is Whalebone Spinney.

1.5 A single Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), Woodnook Valley, is located 0.6km

south of the route outside the application site. There are two Sites of Nature Conservation

Interest (SNCIs) located within the River Witham corridor and twenty-one Local Wildlife

Sites (LWS) within the study area. Of these, both the SNCIs and six LWSs would be

within the red line of the proposed scheme.

1.6 A single Scheduled Monument has been identified in the study area of the proposed

scheme, a bowl barrow located 1km south of the route. The barrow could potentially

contain archaeological deposits, including funerary remains.

1.7 The proposed scheme will run adjacent to the southern boundary of the proposed

Spitalgate Heath Garden Village as shown on the adopted Southern Quadrant Masterplan

Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).

2 Relevant Site History

2.1 In total, the Grantham Southern Relief Road (GSRR) will be completed in three phases.

Phase 1 of the GSRR comprised the roundabout at Spittlegate Level and that part of the

road leading towards the A1. It has been completed and is in use. Phase 2 of the GSRR

comprised the A1 junction and slip roads. Construction work is currently underway with an

anticipated completion date in October 2021.

2.2 Planning permission was granted for Phase 3 of the (GSRR) in 2013 (S13/0775). At that

time it was known at the Southern Quadrant Link Road.

2.3 A Non-Material Amendment to the planning permission was granted in July 2015

(S15/1354) comprising changes to the roundabouts at Spittlegate Level and Somerby Hill

resulting in slight variations to the vertical height of the road, a realignment of the access

track to the western SUDS attenuation pond and a minor alteration to the Whalebone

Lane junction.

2.4 A Section 73 Minor Material Amendment to the planning permission was granted in

November 2015 (S15/2101) comprising changes to the design of the bridge and

associated works.

2.5 Applications to discharge a number of conditions attached to the previous planning

permission have been approved (S17/0882 and S20/0473). Further applications to

discharge the remainder of the pre-commencement conditions have been submitted but

not yet determined (S20/0801).

2.6 An outline planning application is under consideration for a Garden Village promoted by

the landowner as Spitalgate Heath (S14/2169). The Planning Committee was minded to

approve the application subject to the completion of a Section 106 planning obligation in

February 2019. The proposals do not seek to gain planning permission for the GSRR

although part of the road is incorporated in the red line of the application and access

would be gained to both east and west parts of the site from the proposed roundabouts.

3 The Proposal

3.1 The application relates to Phase 3 of the GSRR. It comprises a new 3km single

carriageway road from the B1174 Spittlegate Level to the A52 Somerby Hill roundabout.

The approved scheme included embankments and a bridge across the River Witham and

the East Coast Main Line. The bridge would be 18-20m high from existing ground level

and western embankment would be 15m high from its juncture with the bridge. The bridge

would include 1.8m high parapets including a solid steel section across the East Coast

Main Line. The road is designed to operate at a maximum speed of 60mph.

3.2 This application is made under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to

vary or remove conditions associated with a planning permission. The current proposal

seeks to remove condition 14 of the planning permission reference S15/2101 which

required the submission and implementation of noise mitigation measures to mitigate the

impact of any significant increases in noise to four properties located on Waterworks Lane.

They comprise three properties sited within the Anglian Water Saltersford Water

Treatment works facility and the Daily Mail Cottage.

3.3 The full wording of the condition is:

“Prior to the commencement of development, or in accordance with the phasing plan

approved under condition 3, a detailed scheme and timetable for the provision of noise

mitigation measures proposed in the Environmental Statement (Mouchel, March 2013)

shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The scheme

shall mitigate any predicted long term increases in noise over 3 dB(A) above baseline

noise levels (LA10,18h), set out in Table 11-8 of the Environmental Statement, for the four

properties located in the vicinity of the Anglian Water Waterworks and Daily Mail Cottage.

The scheme shall include a programme for post-implementation monitoring and

compliance. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the agreed

scheme and timetable and the noise mitigation measures retained thereafter.

Reason: To protect the amenity of local residents in accordance with policy EN1 of the

South Kesteven Core Strategy (2010) and paragraph 123 of the National Planning Policy

Framework (2012).”

3.4 The proposed changes arise from additional, more detailed modelling than was carried out

to inform the original Environmental Statement (ES) accompanying the GSRR proposals.

The ES identified that the three Anglian Water properties would experience a major long

term noise impact while the Daily Mail Cottage would experience a moderate long term

noise impact from the construction of the GSRR. Environmental effects within these

categories are classed as ‘major’ effects in the ES which require mitigation. The proposed

mitigation measures proposed in the ES were the use of low noise surfacing materials or

the erection of acoustic barriers.

3.5 The revised noise reports identify that of the three Anglian Water properties; two are now

used as offices and one is used as a dwelling by an Anglian Water employee. They are

not therefore in an open residential use. The revised noise reports include a more detailed

noise modelling assessment on the Daily Mail cottage than was carried out for the original

planning application. It is on this basis that an application is made to remove the condition.

3.6 If approved, the phase 3 of the GSRR would commence construction in September 2020

and would be completed after an approximately 3 year build programme. As planning

permission has already been granted under S15/2101 some initial site clearance work has

been undertaken.

4 Policy Considerations

4.1 National Planning Policy Framework

Section 6: Building a strong, competitive economy

Section 7: Ensuring the vitality of town centres

Section 8: Promoting healthy and safe communities

Section 9: Promoting sustainable transport

Section 14: Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change

Section 15: Conserving the natural environment

Section 16: Conserving and enhancing the historic environment

4.2 SKDC Local Plan 2011 – 2036

Policy DE1 - Promoting Good Quality Design

Policy E1 - Grantham Southern Gateway Strategy Employment Opportunity

Policy EN4 - Pollution Control

Policy GR3-H1 - Spitalgate Heath - Garden Village (Southern Quadrant)

5 Southern Quadrant Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document


5.1 The SPD aims to guide future development in the Southern Quadrant sustainable urban

extension in order to produce a distinctive and high quality development. It was adopted in

February 2013.

6 Representations Received

6.1 Environmental Protection Services (SKDC)

6.1.1 No objection to the removal of Condition 14 on the grounds that the most recent modelling

exercise and the expected mitigation provided by future developments which will provide a

noise barrier to anticipated traffic noise impacting on the one residential property identified

in the noise report.

7 Representations as a Result of Publicity

7.1 This application has been advertised in accordance with the Council's Statement of

Community Involvement and one letter commenting on the application has been received

but not stating support or objection to the proposals.

8 Officer Evaluation

8.1 Scope of the Decision

8.1.1 First, Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 states the Council shall

consider only the question of the conditions subject to which planning permission shall be

granted. In this case, the purpose of the application is to remove condition 14. The

principle of the development has been accepted and approved under the original


8.1.2 The effect of granting a Section 73 application is the issue of a new planning permission,

sitting alongside the original permission, which remains intact and unamended. Decision

notices for Section 73 applications should also repeat the relevant conditions from the

original permission. A Section 73 application cannot be used to vary the time limit for

implementation therefore the time limit imposed on the original permission must remain


8.1.3 A Section 73 application is considered to be a new application for planning permission

under the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 2011. The currently proposed

scheme has been screened under the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact

Assessment) Regulations 2017 concluding that no Environmental Statement is required

for the proposed removal of condition 14 and the change to the proposed development

that would result.

8.2 Impact on Noise

8.2.1 Policy EN4 states that development which, on its own or cumulatively, would result in

noise or other environmental pollution or harm to amenity, health, well-being or safety will

not be permitted. New development proposals should not have an adverse impact on

existing operations.

8.2.2 Policy DE1 expects that, in promoting high quality design, all new development should

ensure there is no adverse impact on the amenity of neighbouring users in terms of noise

and other matters.

8.2.3 Paragraph 180 of the NPPF states that planning decisions should ensure that new

development is appropriate for its location taking into account the likely effects of pollution

on health, living conditions and the natural environment, as well as the potential sensitivity

of the site or the wider area. It states that decisions should mitigate and reduce to a

minimum potential adverse impacts resulting from noise from new development.

8.2.4 The original ES considered the likely noise impacts of the scheme concluding that only 4

properties were likely to be exposed to major adverse impacts in either the short or long

term as a result of their proximity and direct line of sight to the SQLR. The properties along

the A52 Somerby Hill are likely to experience a decrease in noise levels.

8.2.5 The applicant has carried out further investigation into the use of the three Anglian Water

properties: 1 Waterworks Cottages, 2 Waterworks Cottages and Low Bungalow. It

concluded that only one of these properties (2 Waterworks Cottages) is currently used as

a residence, but for an employee of Anglian Water, with the other two being used for

commercial purposes. These properties are now discounted, in terms of noise impact, in

the consideration of this application as they are not in open residential use. This means

that there is only one residential property significantly affected by traffic noise from the

proposed GSRR.

8.2.6 The outcome of this study concludes that the Daily Mail Cottage currently experiences a

significant amount of ambient noise from traffic on the A1 and B1174 Spittlegate Level.

These levels are above the criteria provided in BS 8233 guidelines for noise in and around

residential dwellings. The revised noise reports show that the proposed GSRR will

increase the short term external noise impact at the Daily Mail Cottage. As this would be

below +5dB, this would lead to a noise increase that would be classed as ‘moderate’ and

not ‘major’ in impact. The long term noise impact would be between +5-10dB which is

classed as ‘moderate’ for this category. In addition, the noise level at the west façade of

the property, which is currently experiencing the highest level of noise; would not change

as a result of the GSRR. The report also examines the distance of the property from the

new road. It would be a distance of 250m away. Given the separation distance and north

east location of the road, the noise report concludes that the wind difference factor is likely

to reduce the level of noise at the south external elevations of the property to an

acceptable level.

8.2.7 The study also examined the internal noise levels at the Daily Mail cottage. It concludes

that the noise levels would be 36.6 dB LAeq,16hr for the most exposed façade of the

property. This will be below the relaxed BS 8233 design criteria by a margin of 3.4dBA in

the short term and by a margin of 1.5dBA in the long term thereby achieving an

acceptable noise level.

8.2.8 For these reasons, it is not considered that the proposed GSRR would have a significantly

adverse impact on the occupants of the Daily Mail Cottage by way of noise.

8.2.9 In addition, the Daily Mail Cottage lies adjacent to the proposed Spitalgate Heath Garden

Village which is allocated for development in the Local Plan and for which a planning

application has been submitted. In the future, if this site is developed, new development

would offer some additional noise mitigation as a barrier between the dwelling and the

GSRR. As planning permission has not been granted for the Garden Village, limited

weight may be attached to this as a source of potential mitigation.

8.2.10 The Council’s Environmental Protection officers advise that on the basis of the additional,

detailed modelling work that has been undertaken that they have no objection to the

proposals. The proposed scheme complies with policies EN4 and DE1 in relation to noise

and section 11 of the NPPF.

9 Section 106 Heads of Terms

9.1 No Section 106 Planning Obligation is provided or necessary in the case of this


10 Crime and Disorder

10.1 The proposed development raises no significant crime and disorder implications.

11 Human Rights Implications

11.1 Articles 6 (Right to fair decision making) and Article 8 (Right to private family life and

home) of the Human Rights Act have been taken into account in making this


11.2 It is considered that no relevant Article of that act will be breached.

12 Conclusion

12.1 It is considered that as it has been demonstrated that the proposed GSRR would not have

an adverse impact by way of noise on the Daily Mail Cottage, the only residential property

identified to be affected by the noise impacts; no noise mitigation measures are

necessary. Condition 14 of the planning permission for the GSRR (S15/2101) can

therefore be removed. As approval of a Section 73 application would result in a new

planning permission, the recommendation is for approval subject to the relevant conditions

relating to the previous permission as set out below.

12.2 RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to the following conditions.

1 The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before 27 November 2020.

Reason: To comply with Section 91 (as amended) of the Town and Country Planning

Act 1990.

2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the

following list of approved plans and documents submitted as part of the application:

Site Location Plan B/HRADB5081/01/7500

Existing Levels and Contours B/HRADB5081/01/7503

Existing Levels and Contours B/HRADB5081/01/7504

Scheme Cross Sections B/1045388-DWGHIG-001 RevA

Scheme Cross Sections B/1045388-DWGHIG-002 RevA

Plan and Profile Sheet 1of 2 1059526/01/PLA/001

Plan and Profile Sheet 2 of 2 1059526/01/PLA/002

General Arrangement B/1059526/01/PLA/003 revA

General Arrangement and Elevations of Bridge B/1059526/01/PLA/004 revB

Sections through Deck and Parapet Details B/1059526/01/PLA/005 revB

Permanent and temporary access to Bridge Piers for Maintenance and Construction

B/1059526/01/PLA/006 revB

Pier Elevations and Cross Sections Sheet 1 of 2 B/1059526/01/PLA/007 revA

Pier Elevations and Cross Sections Sheet 2 of 2 B/1059526/01/PLA/008 revA

Supplementary Environmental Statement, Mouchel (October 2015)

Environmental Statement, Mouchel (March 2013)

Supplementary Environmental Statement, Mouchel (September 2013)

Supplementary Heritage Assessment, Mouchel (July 2013)

Supplementary Archaeological Information (October 2013)

Design and Access Statement, Mouchel (July 2013)

Grantham SQLR Drainage Design Strategy, Lincolnshire County Council Highways

Alliance (March 2013)

Transport Assessment, Lincolnshire County Council Highways Alliance (March 2013)

Ground Investigation Report, Lincolnshire County Council Highways Alliance (March


Arboricultural Report, Tim Moya Associates (September 2013)

Reason: To define the permission and for the avoidance of doubt.

3 No development shall commence on the construction of the proposed bridge until

final details of the materials (including colour of paintwork) to be used in the

construction of the proposed bridge have been submitted to and agreed in writing by

the local planning authority. Only the agreed materials shall be used in the

construction of the bridge.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development and in accordance

with policy DE1 of the South Kesteven District Council Local Plan (2020).

4 Prior to the commencement of development final details for (a) the construction

specification of the proposed development comprising the road, bridge (including

parapets) and associated structures and earthworks (including proposed grading and

mounding of land areas including the levels and contours to be formed, showing the

relationship of proposed mounding to existing vegetation and surrounding landform)

and (b) a programme of work; shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the

local planning authority. The road, bridge, footways, cycleways and ancillary areas

shall be designed to ensure these elements may be adopted as Highway

Maintainable at the Public Expense. The proposed development shall be

constructed in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: In the interests of the visual amenities of the area and in the interests of the

safety of the users of the public highway.

5 The highways/environmental features at the existing A52 Old Somerby roundabout

shall be reinstated on the new re-sited roundabout in accordance with the scheme

approved by the local planning authority under s20/0473 before the roundabout is

brought into use unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.

Reason: In order to ensure satisfactory arrangements are made for the

reinstatement of highways/environmental features at the A52 Old Somerby

roundabout in the interests of landscape quality in accordance with policy EN1 of the

South Kesteven District Council Local Plan (2020).

6 Prior to commencement of use, details of all proposed lighting to be implemented as

part of the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local

planning authority. The lighting shall be implemented in accordance with the

approved details before the proposed development is brought into use and retained


Reason: In the interests of highway safety and visual amenity and to minimise the

impacts of light pollution on the local landscape, adjoining land uses and the railway

line in accordance with policies EN1 and EN4 of the South Kesteven District Council

Local Plan (2020) and paragraph 180 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

7 Prior to the commencement of development, a detailed drainage scheme for the

development has been prepared, in accordance with the Grantham SQLR Drainage

Design Strategy, Lincolnshire County Council Highways Alliance (2013), shall be

submitted to and agreed in writing with the local planning authority. The scheme

shall not include infiltration of surface water drainage in Source Protection Zone 1.

The detailed drainage scheme shall include:

i. a timetable for its implementation, and

ii. a management and maintenance plan for the lifetime of the development

which shall include the arrangements for adoption by any public body or

statutory undertaker, or any other arrangements to secure the operation of the

sustainable drainage scheme throughout its lifetime.

Reason: To ensure that surface water run-off from the development will not

adversely increase the risk of flood, to improve and protect water quality, improve

habitat and amenity and ensure future maintenance of the surface water drainage

system in accordance with policy EN5 of the South Kesteven District Council Local

Plan (2020) and Section 14 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

8 No part of the road shall be brought into use until the detailed drainage scheme

approved under condition 7 has been implemented.

Reason: To ensure that surface water run-off from the development will not

adversely increase the risk of flood, to improve and protect water quality, improve

habitat and amenity and ensure future maintenance of the surface water drainage

system in accordance with policy EN5 of the South Kesteven District Council Local

Plan (2020) and Section 14 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

9 The development shall be carried out in accordance with the method statement for

the maintenance of existing drainage routes across the site approved by the local

planning authority under S20/0473.

Reason: To prevent an increase in the risk of flooding and / or waterlogging on

adjacent land and in accordance with policy EN5 of the South Kesteven District

Council Local Plan (2020).

10 Prior to the commencement of development (including any works of demolition), a

Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) shall be submitted to and

agreed in writing by the local planning authority. The approved CEMP shall include

means of monitoring and compliance and shall be adhered to throughout the

construction phase of the development. As a minimum, the CEMP shall provide for

the following measures, but shall not be restricted to this list:

i. identification of nearest residential properties and a contacts / complaints


ii. details of hours of working

iii. the parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors

iv. loading and unloading of plant and materials

v. storage of topsoil, plant and materials used in constructing the development

vi. storage of fuel and refuelling

vii. the construction of screen mounds and fencing around site compounds,

topsoil storage and working areas

viii. monitoring of topsoil resource to ensure correct storage and separation of

soils for re-use

ix. wheel washing facilities

x. measures to control the emission of noise, vibration, dust and dirt during


xi. a scheme for recycling / disposing of waste resulting from demolition and

construction works

xii. further detail on the daily anticipated vehicle movements, means of access

and routing plan for deliveries, construction traffic and movement of

excavated material such that use of B1174 and A52 via Gainsborough Corner

is minimised and that Whalebone Lane (to the south of the proposed

development) is not used at all

xiii. measures to provide adequate signing/warning to highway users of increased

turning movements in and around the points of temporary access

xiv. control and management of arrivals and departures to minimise risk of conflict

or amassing of vehicles at the access and within the limits of the highway

xiii. measures to prevent pollution of the water environment including ground

water, the River Witham and other surface waters

xiv. construction method statement, a programme of water quality monitoring and

post-construction geomorphological monitoring for construction works in or

near the River Witham

xv. control of lighting

xvi. protection of existing trees, hedgerows and vegetation

xvii. measures to protect protected species (bats, badgers and breeding birds) and

ecologically sensitive areas (SNCI / LWSs, calcareous grassland, hedgerows,

trees and woodland)

xviii. measures to protect archaeological remains

Reason: To ensure appropriate mitigation for the impact on residential amenity,

nature conservation interests and the water environment caused by the construction

phases of the development and to reflect the scale and nature of development

assessed in the submitted Environmental Statement, to accord with the objectives of

the Southern Quadrant Masterplan SPD, policies DE1 and EN2 of the South

Kesteven District Council Local Plan (2020) and Section 15 of the National Planning

Policy Framework.

11 Prior to the commencement of development, a scheme and timetable to restore the

land proposed to be used as work areas, temporary site compounds and topsoil

storage areas, shown on Drawings: Plan and Profile 1059526/01/PLA/001 and

1059526/01/PLA/002, following the end of the construction phase shall be submitted

to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The approved scheme

shall be implemented in accordance with the agreed timetable.

Reason: To ensure the land reverts to its current appearance in the interest of the

amenities of the area in accordance with policy DE1 South Kesteven District Council

Local Plan (2020).

12 Prior to the commencement of development, a detailed method statement and

construction drawings, to include full details of any proposed temporary works in,

under, over or within 9m of the landward edge of the toe of the bank of the River

Witham, designated a 'main river', shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the

local planning authority. The method statement should take account of modelled

flood levels and extents and ensure that the works are capable of withstanding high

flows without impeding these flows or increasing flood risk. If necessary,

contingency plans should be in place to make the works safe in the event of forecast

flooding. The development shall proceed in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To ensure the development will not adversely increase the risk of flood in

accordance with policy EN5 of the South Kesteven District Council Local Plan (2020)

and Section 16 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

13 Prior to the commencement of development, full details of planting and landscaping

(including planting plans; written specifications; schedules of plants, noting species,

plant sizes and proposed numbers/densities where appropriate; implementation

programme) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning


The landscaping scheme shall include new areas of native species rich grassland

mix (including calcareous grassland), new species-rich hedgerow planting and native

broad-leaved tree planting by way of mitigation for the loss of such features through

development as proposed in Table 1.9 of the Supplementary Environmental

Statement (Mouchel, September 2013).

Reason: Landscaping and tree planting contributes to the appearance of a

development and assists in its assimilation with its surroundings. It will mitigate

against the loss of important ecological features caused by the development. The

implementation of the scheme is therefore necessary to create a pleasant

environment and create replacement habitats in accordance with Policies DE1 and

EN1 of the South Kesteven District Council Local Plan (2020) and paragraph 127 of

the National Planning Policy Framework.

14 The landscape works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved detailed of landscaping

shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding season following the completion

of the development or prior to the road being brought into use, whichever is the

sooner. Any trees or plants which within a period of five years from the completion of

the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall

be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species,

unless the local planning authority gives written consent to any variation.

Reason: Soft landscaping and tree planting make an important contribution to the

development, the mitigation against loss of important ecological features and its

assimilation with its surroundings and in accordance with policies DE1 and EN1 of

the South Kesteven District Council Local Plan (2020) and paragraph 127 of the

National Planning Policy Framework.

15 A copy the findings of the archaeological investigation that has been carried out in

accordance with the Written Scheme of Archaeological Investigation approved under

S17/0882 shall be submitted to the local planning authority within 3 months of the

completion of the work.

Reason: To ensure satisfactory arrangements are made for the recording of possible

archaeological remains in accordance with policy EN6 of the South Kesteven District

Council Local Plan (2020) and Section 16 of the National Planning Policy


16 No demolition of historic structures shall take place until a record is made of the air

raid shelter (site 63) and the ruined building (site 65) as referenced in the

Environmental Statement (Mouchel, March 2013) and Supplementary Heritage

Assessment (Mouchel, July 2013). The record shall include a measured survey,

written description and photographic record. The information shall be submitted to

the local planning authority for inclusion in the Historic Environment Record for


Reason: In order to record the historical interest of the structures prior to demolition

in accordance with policy EN6 of the South Kesteven District Council Local Plan

(2020) and Section 16 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

Standard Note

In reaching the decision the Council has worked with the applicant in a positive and

proactive manner by determining the application without undue delay. As such it is

considered that the decision is in accordance with paras 38 of the National Planning Policy


Financial Implications reviewed by: Not applicable

Legal Implications reviewed by: Not applicable

Site Location Plan

Phases of Grantham Southern Relief Road

Site Plan

Daily Mail Cottage

Anglian Water


Spittlegate Level


A1 to west

top related