s s h 1

Post on 14-Jun-2015






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SSH :: E-Business


The Construction of E-Business The Construction of E-Business Portal Based onPortal Based on

Struts, Spring and HibernateStruts, Spring and Hibernate


The mainstay of this project is to integrate the

three frameworks (Struts, spring and Hibernate)

according to their strong points and apply this

technology to an E-Business portal of company.

Synopsis E-Business portals can be used to deliver information

and applications to internet users, it changes the way of

businesses which are operated from traditional approaches to

an advanced and more efficient operations. The major

advantages of adapting E-Business portal to any industry are:

removal of location and availability restrictions, reduction of

time and money spent, heightening customer services, and the

provision of competitive advantages.

This paper adopts an integrated framework by Struts,

Spring and Hibernate. In presentation tier Struts is used, in the

business logic tier web have created business objects, business

services and now we are going to integrate them using spring

framework, and Hibernate is used as ORM.

Existing SystemExisting System

The existing system design results in complexity,

poor performance, testability and much more.

Application are tightly tied with the under laying


Hacker may attack the system using SQL Query

Insertion.Proposed SystemProposed System The proposed system is to develop an E-Business

portal based on B2C (Business to Customer)

Architecture by using SSH (Struts, Spring and


All Database Implementation are Based On Object

Using Hibernate Technology


Presentation Tier

Implementing DAO

Xml Mapping

Presentation tier Presentation tier

Develop an E-Business portal based B2C. The

Administrator can modify the property through the browser.

The presentation tier collects these data, and connects with

the middle tier by the controller, and then the middle tier

will connect with the data tier. At last, the data returned

from the middle tier will be displayed by the Presentation


Implementing Dao Implementing Dao

Data Access Object it encapsulates the functions of

data modification, add and deletion. It handles the

information exchange between Business Logic component

and Object Relational Mapping (ORM).

Xml MappingXml Mapping

The relational database table which stores

merchandise information is mapped to data objects by the

object/relational mapping tool of the Hibernate, then the

developer can operate the database table with object.

Database Servers in information is stored and retrieved. This

tier keeps data neutral and independent from application

servers or business logic. Giving data its own tier also

improves scalability and performance.


Administrator or User

Presentation Tier

Business Data

Exchange Service



Xml Mapping(ORM)

Data Tier


Middleware Tier


Software RequirementsSoftware Requirements

Operating System (Windows / Linux)

JDK 1.6

Struts, Spring


Apache Tomcat 6.0 Server


Hardware RequirementsHardware Requirements

Hard Disk : 40 GB And Above

RAM : 512 MB And Above

Processor : Pentium IV

Activity diagramActivity diagram


User Request

Business Data




User Response

Collaboration diagramCollaboration diagram

Business Data

Exchange Service

Business LogicORM




Screen ShotsScreen Shots

Advertisers Login PageAdvertisers Login Page

Advertisers Register PageAdvertisers Register Page

Advertisement Load PageAdvertisement Load Page

Advertiser Login Validation Advertiser Login Validation

Advertisement Load Advertisement Load


Advertisement Table Advertisement Table

Fields Type

Id int

name varchar

email varchar

username varchar

password varchar

Address varchar

city varchar

Country varchar

mobile varchar

Load Advertise Table Load Advertise Table

Fields Type

Id int



productname varchar

Typename varchar

Duration varchar

data varchar

payment varchar

Conclusion Conclusion

Develop an E-Business portal based B2C by using

open source framework Spring, Hibernate and Struts. In the

portal system, the presentation, the application processing

and the data management are logically separate processes.

Thus it satisfies the demands of the business and achieves

the goal of expansibility and maintenance by designing the

clear, structure of system architecture.

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