russo dawn voicethread

Post on 17-Nov-2014






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What is VoiceThread?

Definition of Thread: a line or string that links together actual items, episodes, or thoughts, collectively, and carries the theme along with it. From the Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms

A Powerpoint Presentaion By Dawn Russo

It is an online media album that can hold essentially any type of media (images, documents and videos) and allows people to make comments in 5 different ways - using voice (with a microphone or telephone), text, audio file, or video - and share them with anyone they wish. A VoiceThread allows group conversations to be collected and shared in one place, from anywhere in the world." ~ From Voice Threads basics

Using VoiceThreadAll you need is an email address to set up your free account. Once registered you can begin browsing or creating.

Follow the instructions for uploading media. Once up loaded you can add comments and share.

Once media is uploaded you can make individual comments per image before sharing.

Important to note you can always delete, rewrite or re-record your comments.

The buttons across the bottom are the various methods for making comments, just click in the one you want to use.

Press play or pause to read/hear others comments.

Click the arrow or small squares to visit another image within the presentation.

The pictures on the sides are the participants.

This is your image.

You can also click on the image to zoom in and out.

So why use VoiceThread? 

Voice tehrad is engaging and studnets have to be thinging critically inordder to participte. It is also convientint because users can work on and enjoy Voicethread presentations at any time--even if their "partners" are sleeping a million miles away! Voicethreading requires users to develop the skills that active thinkers bring to any learning experience.(Ferriter) The following tips for Voicethreaders are adapted from the collective work of Gallagher, Copeland and Project CRISS: To be an active Voicethreader, start by carefully working your way through a presentation.   While viewing pictures and listening to the comments that have been added by other users, you should: 

Gather Facts:  Jot down things that are interesting and new to you Make Connections:  Relate and compare things you are viewing and hearing to things that you already know. Ask Questions:  What about the comments and presentation is confusing to you?  What don’t you understand?  How will you find the answer?  Remember that there will ALWAYS be questions in an active thinker’s mind! Give Opinions:  Make judgments about what you are viewing and hearing.  Do you agree?  Do you disagree?  Like?  Dislike?  Do you support or oppose anything that you have heard or seen?  Why?

21st Century Skills Utilized through VoiceThread

From Silvia Tolisano’s ppt Shifting to 21st Century Learning

Twenty-first century literacy skills include the ability to use different kinds of media to collaborate and share information with others near and far. A major component of Web 2.0 technology is the ability to access and work with anyone anywhere in the world, creating possibilities for learning opportunities that never existed before. (Tolisano) VoiceThread embodies these skills.

The Following Slides contain just a few ideas on how to use VoiceThread to incorporate 21st century skills in global learning.

Roundup of VoiceThread Examples Compiled by Suzie Vesper

Roundup of VoiceThread Examples Compiled by Suzie Vesper

The Future of VoiceThread

Where is it going? The VoiceThread application has continued to evolve since its release, adding new features and new marketing structures, such as an option for local branding. One feature said to be in development is the ability to translate voice into text to address accessibility concerns. Awareness has grown among educators, due in part to a public VoiceThread wiki site and a Ning social network devoted to VoiceThread use. As an application that allows us to talk directly through computers, VoiceThread changes the human/computer dynamic. By providing a simple mechanism for adding verbal explanations to visual media, VoiceThread offers new scope to distance learning, particularly for courses that depend heavily on demonstration. The use of VoiceThread in science, engineering, or vocational classes could allow videos of mechanical processes to be annotated with tips, alerts, and cautions attached directly to the media. Students may find it more feasible to learn to speak a new language or to play a musical instrument online when the learning is supported by multimedia demos. June 2009


Slides 1-5 images and info from VoiceThread

Slide 6 Image captured from Web 2.0 VoiceThread by Sue

Digitally Speaking, VoiceThread by Bill Ferriter

Silvia Tolisano’s ppt Shifting to 21st Century Learning

Web 2.0 Tools Can Promote Literacy and Global AwarenessLeadership Compass » Vol. 5, No. 4, Summer 2008by Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano

VoiceThread Examples in Education ppt by Suzie Vesper

www.educause.eli/june 2009

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