rpp smk kelas xii k-13 bahasa indonesia

Post on 28-Feb-2018






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  • 7/25/2019 RPP SMK kelas XII k-13 Bahasa Indonesia



    SSP A6 Kurikulum 2013

    Class XII KD 3.6-4.9

    V!a"i#al $i%& S!&l


    E#( Sulis"i(*a"i

    E#%lis& E+u!a"i#





  • 7/25/2019 RPP SMK kelas XII k-13 Bahasa Indonesia




    Sekolah : SMK Maju Bersama

    Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

    Kelas/Semester : XII/1 (Satu)

    Materi Pokok : 7ks "ulisfactual report

    Alokasi Waktu : 2 !" menit (1 Pertemuan)

    A. Km87"7#si I#"i 5KI

    KI 1: Mengha#ati $an mengamalkan ajaran agama #ang $ianutn#aKI 2: Mengha#ati $an mengamalkan %erilaku jujur& $isi%lin& tanggungja'a& %e$uli

    (gotong ro#ong& kerjasama& toleran& $amai)& santun& res%onsi $an %ro*akti $anmenunjukan sika% seagai agian $ari solusi atas eragai %ermasalahan $alam

    erinteraksi se+ara eekti $engan lingkungan sosial $an alam serta $alammenem%atkan $iri seagai +erminan angsa $alam %ergaulan $unia

    KI ,: Memahami& menera%kan& menganalisis %engetahuan aktual& konse%tual&%rose$ural $an metakogniti er$asarkan rasa ingin tahun#a tentang ilmu

    %engetahuan& teknologi& seni& u$a#a& $an humaniora $engan 'a'asankemanusiaan& keangsaan& kenegaraan& $an %era$aan terkait %en#eaenomena $an keja$ian& serta menera%kan %engetahuan %rose$ural %a$a i$angkajian #ang s%esiik sesuai $engan akat $an minatn#a untuk meme+ahkanmasalah-

    KI !: Mengolah& menalar& $an men#aji $alam ranah konkret $an ranah astrak terkait$engan %engemangan $ari #ang $i%elajarin#a $i sekolah se+ara man$iri&

    ertin$ak se+ara eekti $an kreati& serta mam%u menggunakan meto$a sesuaikai$ah keilmuan

    '. Km87"7#si Dasar 5KD

    1-1 Mens#ukuri kesem%atan $a%at mem%elajari ahasa Inggris seagai ahasa%engantar komunikasi internasional #ang $i'uju$kan $alam semangat elajar

    2-, Menunjukkan %erilaku "a#%%u#% a*a:& %e$uli& kerjasama& $an +inta $amai&$alam melaksanakan komunikasi ungsional

    ,-. Menganalisis ungsi sosial& struktur teks& $an unsur keahasaan %a$a teks ilmiaherentuk factual report& sesuai $engan konteks %emelajaran $i mata %elajaranlain $i Kelas XII

    !- Menangka% makna $alam teks ilmiah aktual (factual report) lisan $an "ulistentang en$a& inatang $an gejala/%eristi'a alam& terkait $engan mata %elajaranlain $i Kelas XII

  • 7/25/2019 RPP SMK kelas XII k-13 Bahasa Indonesia


  • 7/25/2019 RPP SMK kelas XII k-13 Bahasa Indonesia


    Be+ause i4or# is so 4aluale to some humans& man# ele%hants ha4e een kille$ ortheir tusks- his tra$e is illegal to$a#& ut it has not een +om%letel# eliminate$-

    le%hants eat roots& grasses& ruit& an$ ark& an$ the# eat a lot o these things- An a$ultele%hant +an +onsume u% to ,00 %oun$s (1,. kilograms) o oo$ in a single $a#-

    hese hungr# animals $o not slee% mu+h& an$ the# roam o4er great $istan+es 'hileoraging or the large 7uantities o oo$ the# re7uire to sustain their massi4e o$ies-

    8emale ele%hants (+o's) li4e in amil# her$s 'ith their #oung& ut a$ult males (ulls)ten$ to roam on their o'n-

    9a4ing a a# ele%hant is a serious +ommitment- le%hants ha4e a longer %regnan+#than an# other mammal5almost 22 months- o's usuall# gi4e irth to one +al e4er#t'o to our #ears- At irth& ele%hants alrea$# 'eigh some 200 %oun$s (1 kilograms)

    an$ stan$ aout three eet (1 meter) tall-Asian ele%hants ha4e een $omesti+ate$ or thousan$s o #ears- he %o'erul eastsha4e een em%lo#e$ to mo4e hea4# oje+ts& su+h as elle$ trees& to +arr# humans ontheir a+ks& an$ e4en to 'age 'ar-

    Taken from:http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/asian-elephant

    2) Sosial 8un+tion:o $es+rie the 'a# things are (or eam%le: a man*ma$e things& animals& %lants)-

    he things must e a re%resentati4e o their +lass-,) ;o+aular#:

    ;r+s Pr#u#!ia"i# I#+#7sia# 7a#i#%

    resemle /r / men+ari makanansustain /s= ste n/ meno%ang

    massi4e / m?s- 4/ esar%regnan+# / %reg-n=n t -si/ kehamilan

    !) @eneri+ Stru+tures:@eneri+ stru+ture o e%ort tet:a) @eneral lassii+ation : statements that $es+rie the +ommon suje+t o the

    re%ort& +ommon $es+rio%tion& an$ +lassii+ation-) es+ri%tion : tells the %henomenon un$er $is+ussionC in terms o

    %arts& 7ualities& haits or eha4iour (i li4ing) an$ itsuses (i non*natural)- he %oint is& elaoration os+ientii+ +lassii+ation-

  • 7/25/2019 RPP SMK kelas XII k-13 Bahasa Indonesia


    he ele%hant is arth3s largest lan$ animal& although theAsian ele%hant is slightl# smaller than its Ari+an +ousin-Asian ele%hants +an e i$entiie$ # their smaller&roun$e$ ears- (An Ari+an ele%hant3s ears resemle the

    +ontinent o Ari+a-)le%hant ears ra$iate heat to hel% kee% these largeanimals +ool& ut sometimes that isn3t enough- le%hantsare on$ o 'ater an$ enjo# sho'ering # su+king 'aterinto their trunks an$ s%ra#ing it all o4er themsel4es-

    An ele%hant3s trunk is a+tuall# a long nose 'ith man#un+tions- It is use$ or smelling& reathing& trum%eting&$rinking& an$ also or graing things5es%e+iall# a

    %otential meal- he trunk alone +ontains aout 100&000$ierent mus+les- Asian ele%hants ha4e a ingerlikeeature on the en$ o their trunk that the# +an use to grasmall items- (Ari+an ele%hants ha4e t'o-)

    El78&a#"s use their tusks to $ig or roots an$ 'ater& stri%ark rom trees& an$ e4en ight ea+h other- 6nortunatel#their i4or# has gotten them into a lot o troule- Be+auseivory is so 4aluale to some humans& man# ele%hantsha4e een kille$ or their tusks- his tra$e is illegalto$a#& ut it has not een +om%letel# eliminate$-

    le%hants eatroots& grasses& ruit& an$ ark& an$ the# eata lot o these things- An a$ult ele%hant +an +onsume u%to ,00 %oun$s (1,. kilograms) o oo$ in a single $a#-

    hese hungr# animals $o not slee% mu+h& an$ the# roamo4er great $istan+es 'hile oraging or the large7uantities o oo$ the# re7uire to sustain their massi4e


    8emale ele%hants (+o's) li4e in amil# her$s 'ith their#oung& ut a$ult males (ulls) ten$ to roam on their o'n-

    9a4ing a a# ele%hant is a serious +ommitment-le%hants ha4e a longer %regnan+# than an# othermammal5almost 22 months- o's usuall# gi4e irth toone +al e4er# t'o to our #ears- At irth& ele%hantsalrea$# 'eigh some 200 %oun$s (1 kilograms) an$

    stan$ aout three eet (1 meter) tall-



  • 7/25/2019 RPP SMK kelas XII k-13 Bahasa Indonesia


    Asian ele%hants ha4e een $omesti+ate$ or thousan$s o#ears- he %o'erul easts ha4e een em%lo#e$ to mo4ehea4# oje+ts& su+h as elle$ trees& to +arr# humans ontheir a+ks& an$ e4en to 'age 'ar-

    ") Danguage 8eatures:a- 8o+us on generi+ %arti+i%ants : le%hants

    - 6se o sim%le %resent : le%hants use their tusks to $ig or roots an$'ater& stri% ark rom trees& an$ e4en ightea+h other-

    +- 6se o linking 4ers : An ele%hant3s trunk is a+tuall# a long nose 'ithman# un+tions-

    $- e+hni+al 4o+aular# : i4or#e- 6se o a+tion 4ers : ra$iate& use& eat

    .) ieren+es et'een e%ort an$ es+ri%ti4e tet:

    78r" 7i!a"i#&es+ri%tion-

    he stru+ture: I+7#"i>i!a"i#?es+ri%tion

    ,. K7%ia"a# P7m:7laara#

    K7%ia"a# La#%ka&-la#%ka& P7m:7laara# ;ak"u

    P7#+a&ulua# 1@uru memerikan salam $an mengajak %eserta $i$iker$oa seelum memulai %elajaran-

    2@uru memeriksa keha$iran %eserta $i$ik-,@uru mem%ersia%kan %sikis $an isik %eserta $i$ik

    untuk mengikuti %elajaran-!@uru me*reviemateri #ang $i%elajari %a$a

    %ertemuan seelumn#a-"@uru menjelaskan manaat& tujuan %emelajaran $an

    kom%etensi $asar #ang akan $i+a%ai-

    .@uru menjelaskan langkah*langkah %emelajaran-E@uru menjelaskan +aku%an materi #ang akan


  • 7/25/2019 RPP SMK kelas XII k-13 Bahasa Indonesia



    I#"i a O:s7r=i#%

    1 Peserta $i$ik $iminta untuk mengamati seuahteksfactual report-

    2 Peserta $i$ik $iminta untuk men+atat inormasi#ang elum $imengerti $ari teks terseut-: @u7s"i#i#%

    1- Peserta $i$ik $iarahkan ertan#a ke%a$a gurutentang inormasi #ang ti$ak $iketahui $an ingin$iketahui erkaitan $engan teks #ang telah$iamati-

    2- Peserta $i$ik $iminta menemukan kata*kata #ang$iangga% sulit-! E

  • 7/25/2019 RPP SMK kelas XII k-13 Bahasa Indonesia


    report se$erhana er$asarkan tema #ang telah$itentukan- (Lam8ira# 1agian C)

    2- @uru memeri ee$a+k terha$a% hasil %ekerjaan%ara %eserta $i$ik- 2 m7#i"

    P7#u"u8 1 @uru ersama*sama %eserta $i$ik men#im%ulkan

    a%a #ang telah $i%elajari-2 @uru memeri um%an alik terha$a% %roses $anhasil %emelajaran-

    , @uru memeri tugas terkait materi teksfactualreport-

    ! @uru men#am%aikan ren+ana %emelajaran %a$a%ertemuan erikutn#a-

    " @uru men#am%aikan salam %enutu%-


    @- Penilaian1 Sika8 S8iri"ual

    a- 7k#ik P7#ilaia# : Fser4asi- '7#"uk I#s"rum7# : Pemerian checklist(G) Demar Fser4asi

    L7m:ar O:s7r=asi uru

    Kelas/Semester : ----------------------------------------ahun Pelajaran : ----------------------------------------Perio$e Pengamatan : ----------------------------------------Butir Hilai : Bers#ukur ke%a$a uhan MIn$ikator Sika% : Antusias $alam mengikuti %elajaran


    Nama Sis*a

    As87k Sika8 A#"usias



    Mengajukan%ertan#aan#ang rele4an

    Mengerjakantugas #ang$ierikan

    Mem%erhatikan ketika gurumenjelaskan

    1 Ahma$2 Bu$i$st

    K7"7ra#%a# :

    ! J A%aila em%at as%ek ter%enuhi

  • 7/25/2019 RPP SMK kelas XII k-13 Bahasa Indonesia


  • 7/25/2019 RPP SMK kelas XII k-13 Bahasa Indonesia


    A ,&L" * ! ,&L" * !Sangat Baik

    A* ,&"1 * ,&L! ,&"1 * ,&L!B ,&1L N ,&"0 ,&1L N ,&"0

    BaikB 2&L" N ,&1E 2&L" N ,&1EB* 2&"1 N 2&L! 2&"1 N 2&L!

    2&1L N 2&"0 2&1L N 2&"0uku% 1&L" * 2&1E 1&L" * 2&1E

    * 1&"1*1&L! 1&"1*1&L! 1&1L N 1&"0 1&1L N 1&"0

    Kurang* 1&00 N 1&1E 1&00 N 1&1E

    3 P7#%7"a&ua#

    a. 7k#ik P7#ilaia# : Tes Tulis:. '7#"uk I#s"rum7# :'en(aa pertan&aan+- C#"& :

    S"u+7#" ;rks&77"

    *ea" the folloing te#t carefull&. +"entif& the generic structure of the te#t! then

    anser the ,uestions that follo.

    Lampiran 1agianA)

    $- u:rik P7#ilaia#Written test )

    C&ara!"7ris"i! S!r7

    orre+t ans'er 1

    In+orre+t ans'er 0

    Skor maksimal : 10

    4 K7"7ram8ila#a. 7k#ik 87#ilaia# : es ulis:. '7#"uk I#s"rum7# : ssai!. C#"& :

    rite a simple report te#t ase" on the folloing topics an" the min" map. ou

    ma& choose one of them.

    (erlam%ir %a$a Lam8ira# 1agian C)

    $- u:rik P7#ilaia# :

    Penilaian As%ek Keteram%ilan

    Ho As%ek #ang $inilai Kriteria Skor1 Kesesuaian isi $engan Isi sesuai $engan ju$ul !

    NAJskor perolehan

    skor maksimal

  • 7/25/2019 RPP SMK kelas XII k-13 Bahasa Indonesia


    materi (ontent)Isi +uku% sesuai $engan ju$ul ,Isi kurang sesuai $engan ju$ul 2Isi ti$ak sesuai $engan ju$ul 1

    2Kete%atan tata ahasa


    Pilihan tata ahasa te%at $engan kesalahangrammar1*,


    Pilihan tata ahasa +uku% te%at $engankesalahangrammar,*"


    Pilihan tata ahasa kurang te%at $engankesalahangrammar"*E


    Pilihan tata ahasa ti$ak te%at $engankesalahangrammarOE


    ,Pilihan kosa kata


    %ilihan kosakata te%at !Pilihan kosakata +uku% te%at ,Pilihan kosakata kurang te%at 2Pilihan kosakata ti$ak te%at 1

    !Pemahaman materi


    Memiliki %emahaman tinggi tentang materi !uku% memiliki %emahaman tentang materi ,Kurang memiliki %emahaman tentang materi 2i$ak memiliki %emahaman tentang materi 1

    " Kreati4itas (reativit&)

    Memiliki kreatiitas $an inisiati #ang tinggi$alam mengemangkan tulisann#a


    uku% memiliki kreatiitas $an inisiati$alam mengemangkan tulisann#a


    Kurang memiliki kreatiitas $an inisiati$alam mengemangkan tulisann#a


    i$ak memiliki kreatiitas 1

    Skor Maksimal : 20

    K#=7rsi Nilai Sika8 P7#%7"a&ua# +a# K7"7ram8ila#)


    As87k Nilai P7#%7"a&ua# +a# K7"7ram8ila#

    P7#%7"a&ua# K7"7ram8ila# K7"7ra#%a#A ,&L" * ! ,&L" * !

    Sangat BaikA* ,&"1 * ,&L! ,&"1 * ,&L!B ,&1L N ,&"0 ,&1L N ,&"0

    BaikB 2&L" N ,&1E 2&L" N ,&1EB* 2&"1 N 2&L! 2&"1 N 2&L! 2&1L N 2&"0 2&1L N 2&"0

    uku% 1&L" * 2&1E 1&L" * 2&1E* 1&"1*1&L! 1&"1*1&L! 1&1L N 1&"0 1&1L N 1&"0


    * 1&00 N 1&1E 1&00 N 1&1E

    NAJskor perolehan

    skor maksimal

  • 7/25/2019 RPP SMK kelas XII k-13 Bahasa Indonesia


    $. 7+iaAla"? 'a&a#? +a# Sum:7r '7laar

    1) Me$iaa- Po'er%oint2) Alat/Bahan

    a- Da%to% $an D %ro#ektor

    - A%likasi amri$ge i+tionar#,) Sumer elajara- 9artono& u$i-200"- enres of Te#ts- Semarang: nglish e%artment

    - htt%s://sites-google-+om/site/tar7$ire+tion/the*our*iel$s*o*un+tional*language/re%ort*4s*$es+ri%ti4e*tet$iakses %a$a au& 1E uni 201"

    +- htt%://$i*+o%#-logs%ot-+om/201,/01/eam%le*o*re%ort*tet*$einition-html$iakses%a$a au& 1E uni 201"

    $- htt%://geolog#-+om/ro+k*tumler/gemstones/agate-shtml$iakses %a$a au& 1E uni201"

    e- htt%://animals-nationalgeogra%hi+-+om/animals/mammals/asian*ele%hant$iakses %a$a

    2! uni 201"

    Semarang& ----Men#etujui& Mengetahui&Ke%ala SMK Maju Bersama @uru Mata Pelajaran

    rs- Bhago esi$erius n# Sulisti#o'ati& S-P$-HIP 1.20"2,200012100,

  • 7/25/2019 RPP SMK kelas XII k-13 Bahasa Indonesia


    A. Num:7r $7a+ %7"&7r

    Work with your group. Read the following text carefully, then answer the

    questions correctly ased on this text.

    ;&a" is A%a"7B

    Agate is a translu+ent 4ariet# o mi+ro+r#stalline 7uart

  • 7/25/2019 RPP SMK kelas XII k-13 Bahasa Indonesia





    *ea" the folloing te#t carefull&. +"entif& the generic structure of the te#t! then

    anser the ,uestions that follo.

    he Moon is the onl# natural satellite o the arth- he Moon is the se+on$rightest oje+t in the arth3s sk# ater the Sun- he natural satellites o the other

    %lanets in the solar s#stem are also sometimes reerre$ to as moons-he arth3s Moon is no' kno'n to e a slightl# egg*sha%e$ all +om%ose$mostl# o ro+k an$ metal- It has no li7ui$ 'ater& 4irtuall# no atmos%here an$ islieless- he moon shines # rele+ting the light o the sun- Although the moona%%ears rightl# to e#es& it rele+ts on a4erage onl# 12 %er+ent o the light thatalls on it- his rele+ti4it# o 0-12 is similar to that o +oal $ust- his rele+ti4it#is +alle$ ale$o-

    he tem%eratures on most o the moon3s sura+e are too etreme or 'ater ori+e to eist& ranging rom a maimum o E2E0 (2.10 8) at lunar noon to aminimum o *1E,0 (*2E08) just eore lunar $a'n- em%eratures in

    %ermanentl# sha$o'e$ areas near the lunar %oles& ho'e4er& ma# +onsistentl# eas lo' as *2200 (*,.!08)- omets an$ mi+rometeoroi$s that strike the moonrelease gases that +ontain 'ater- he gases 'oul$ orm an etremel# thinatmos%here that 'oul$ then migrate to the +ol$est regions o the %oles an$+on$ense& orming i+e that +omines 'ith the lunar soil-


    1- What is the so+ial un+tion o the tet ao4e2- What is the irst rightest oje+t in the sk#,- What are the elements that +om%ose the moon!- oes the moon ha4e atmos%here"- 9o' $oes the moon shine.- What is ale$oE- 9o' is the tem%erature in the moonQs sura+eL- What $o +omets an$ mi+rometeoroi$s release 'hen striking thr moon- Where $oes the thin atmos%ehere migrate10- -- atmos%here that 'oul$ then migrateto the +ol$est regions---- What is the

    s#non#m o the itali+ 'or$

    C. Essa(

    Write a sim%le re%ort tet ase$ on the ollo'ing to%i+s an$ the min$ ma%- ouma# +hoose one o them-


  • 7/25/2019 RPP SMK kelas XII k-13 Bahasa Indonesia




    food behaviour



    shapes quality



    parts origin

    i+e is %lant that %ro$u+es an e$ile grainC the name is also use$ or the grainitsel- i+e is the %rimar# oo$ or hal the %eo%le in the 'orl$- In ma# regions& it iseaten 'ith e4er# meal an$ %ro4i$es more +alories than an# other single oo$-

    A++or$ing to the 6nite$ Hations 8oo$ an$ Agri+ultural Frgani

  • 7/25/2019 RPP SMK kelas XII k-13 Bahasa Indonesia







    function example

    ! rees

    " Museums

  • 7/25/2019 RPP SMK kelas XII k-13 Bahasa Indonesia


    ANS;E KE/

    A. Num:7r $7a+ %7"&7r

    1- he so+ia un+tion o the tet is to $es+rie agates in general-2- Agate orms # the $e%osition o sili+a rom groun$'ater in the +a4ities o

    igneous ro+ks-,- he stru+tures o agate %ro$u+e an$e$ %atterns that are +hara+teristi+ o man#

    agates-!- olors o agate in+lu$e ro'n& 'hite& re$& gra#& %ink& la+k an$ #ello'-"- AgatesQ $ierent +olors are +ause$ # im%urities an$ o++ur as alternating an$s

    'ithin the agate-.- Agate e+ome a %o%ular gemstone e+uase the an$ing o agate 'hi+h gi4es the

    interesting +olors an$ %atterns-E- Agate ea$s are +ommonl# ma$e into ne+kla+es an$ earrings- Some ha4e een

    use$ as marles-L- he $ierent +olors o agate %ro$u+e$ e+ause groun$'aters o $ierent

    +om%ositions see%e$ into the +a4it#-- Agates ha4e een use$ as gemstones or thousan$s o #ears10- @emstone is s#non#mous 'ith je'el/%re+ious stone-

    '. S"u+7#" ;rks&77") 7a+i#% Cm8r7&7#si#1- he so+ial un+tion o the tet is to $es+rie moon in general-2- he irst rightest oje+t in the sk# is earth-,- he moon are +om%ose$ mostl# o ro+k an$ metal-!- Ho& it $oes not-"- he moon shines # rele+ting the light o the sun-.- Ale$o is the rele+ti4it# o the light o the sun # the moon-E- he tem%eratures on most o the moon3s sura+e are too etreme or 'ater or i+e to

    eist& ranging rom a maimum o E2E0 (2.10 8) at lunar noon to a minimum o*1E,0 (*2E08) just eore lunar $a'n-

    L- omets an$ mi+rometeoroi$s release gases that +ontain 'ater 'hen striking thrmoon-

    - he thin atmos%ehere migrates to the +ol$est regions o thr %oles-10- Migrate is s#non#mous 'ith mo4e/tra4el-

    Lam8ira# 2

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