rp data breach investigations report 2012 en xg

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  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    2012 DBIR: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY2011 will almost certainly go down as a year o civil and cultural uprising. Citizens revolted, challenged, and even

    overthrew their governments in a domino eect that has since been coined the Arab Spring, though it stretched

    beyond a single season. Those disgruntled by what they perceived as the wealth-mongering 1%, occupied Wall

    Street along with other cities and venues across the globe. There is no shortage o other examples.

    This unrest that so typied 2011 was not, however,

    constrained to the physical world. The online world was rie

    with the clashing o ideals, taking the orm o activism,

    protests, retaliation, and pranks. While these activitiesencompassed more than data breaches (e.g., DDoS attacks),

    the thet o corporate and personal inormation was certainly a core tactic. This re-imagined and re-invigorated

    specter o hacktivism rose to haunt organizations around the world. Many, troubled by the shadowy nature o its

    origins and proclivity to embarrass victims, ound this trend more rightening than other threats, whether real or

    imagined. Doubly concerning or many organizations and executives was that target selection by these groups

    didnt ollow the logical lines o who has money and/or valuable inormation. Enemies are even scarier when you

    cant predict their behavior.

    It wasnt all protest and lulz, however. Mainline cybercriminals continued to automate and streamline their method

    du jour o high-volume, low-risk attacks against weaker targets. Much less requent, but arguably more damaging,

    were continued attacks targeting trade secrets, classied inormation, and other intellectual property. We

    certainly encountered many aces, varied tactics, and diverse motives in the past year, and in many ways, the 2012

    Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) is a recounting o the many acets o corporate data thet.

    855 incidents, 174 million compromised records.

    This year our DBIR includes more incidents, derived rom more contributors, and represents a broader and more

    diverse geographical scope. The number o compromised records across these incidents skyrocketed back up to

    174 million ater reaching an all-time low (or high, depending on your point o view) in last years report o our

    million. In act, 2011 boasts the second-highest data loss total since we started keeping track in 2004.

    2012 DATA BREACH

    INVESTIGATIONS REPORTA study conducted by the Verizon RISK Team withcooperation rom the Australian Federal Police, DutchNational High Tech Crime Unit, Irish Reporting andInormation Security Service, Police Central e-CrimeUnit, and United States Secret Service.

    This re-imagined and re-invigorated

    specter o hacktivism rose to haunt

    organizations around the world.

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    Once again, we are proud to announce that the United States Secret Service (USSS) and the Dutch National High

    Tech Crime Unit (NHTCU) have joined us or this years report. We also welcome the Australian Federal Police (AFP),

    the Irish Reporting & Inormation Security Service (IRISS), and the Police Central eCrimes Unit (PCeU) o the

    London Metropolitan Police. These organizations have broadened the scope o the DBIR tremendously with regard

    to data breaches around the globe. We heartily thank them all or their spirit o cooperation, and sincerely hope this

    report serves to increase awareness o cybercrime, as well as our collective ability to ght it.

    With the addition o Verizons 2011 caseload and data contributed rom the organizations listed above, the DBIRseries now spans eight years, well over 2000 breaches, and greater than one billion compromised records. Its been

    a ascinating and inormative journey, and we are grateul that many o you have chosen to come along or the ride.

    As always, our goal is that the data and analysis presented in this report prove helpul to the planning and security

    eorts o our readers. We begin with a ew highlights below.

    DATA COLLECTIONThe underlying methodology used by Verizon remains relatively unchanged rom previous years. All results are based

    on rst-hand evidence collected during paid external orensic investigations conducted by Verizon rom 2004 to

    2011. The USSS, NHTCU, AFP, IRISS, and PCeU diered in precisely how they collected data contributed or this

    report, but they shared the same basic approach. All leveraged VERIS as the common denominator but used varying

    mechanisms or data entry. From the numerous investigations worked by these organizations in 2011, in alignment

    with the ocus o the DBIR, the scope was narrowed to only those involving conrmed organizational data breaches.


    VERIS is a ramework designed to provide a common language or describing security incidents in a structured and

    repeatable manner. It takes the narrative o who did what to what (or whom) with what result and translates it into the

    kind o data you see presented in this report. Because many readers asked about the methodology behind the DBIR

    and because we hope to acilitate more inormation sharing on security incidents, we have released VERIS or ree

    public use. A brie overview o VERIS is available on ourwebsite1 and the complete ramework can be obtained rom

    the VERIS community wiki.2 Both are good companion reerences to this report or understanding terminology

    and context.

    1 http://www.verizonbusiness.com/resources/whitepapers/wp_verizon-incident-sharing-metrics-ramework_en_xg.pd

    2 https://verisramework.wiki.zoho.com/

    These organizations have broadened the scope o the DBIR

    tremendously with regard to data breaches around the globe.

    We heartily thank them all or their spirit o cooperation, and

    sincerely hope this report serves to increase awareness o

    cybercrime, as well as our collective ability to ght it.

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg





    98% stemmed rom external agents (+6%)No big surprise here; outsiders are still dominating the sceneo corporate data thet. Organized criminals were up to theirtypical misdeeds and were behind the majority o breaches in2011. Activist groups created their air share o misery andmayhem last year as welland they stole more data than anyother group. Their entrance onto the stage also served tochange the landscape somewhat with regard to themotivations behind breaches. While good old-ashionedgreed and avarice were still the prime movers, ideologicaldissent and schadenreude took a more prominent roleacross the caseload. As one might expect with such a rise inexternal attackers, the proportion o insider incidentsdeclined yet again this year to a comparatively scant 4%.

    4% implicated internal employees (-13%)

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    Once again, this study reminds us that our proession has

    the necessary tools to get the job done. The challenge orthe good guys lies in selecting the right tools or the job athand and then not letting them get dull and rusty over time.Evidence shows when that happens, the bad guys are quickto take advantage o it.

    As youll soon see, we contrast ndings or smaller and largerorganizations throughout this report. You will get a sense orhow very dierent (and in some cases how very similar) theirproblems tend to be. Because o this, it makes sense that thesolutions to these problems are dierent as well. Thus, mosto the recommendations given at the end o this report relateto larger organizations. Its not that were ignoring the smallerguysits just that while modern cybercrime is a plague upontheir house, the antidote is airly simple and almost universal.

    Larger organizations exhibit a more diverse set o issues thatmust be addressed through an equally diverse set ocorrective actions. We hope the ndings in this report help toprioritize those eorts, but truly tailoring a treatmentstrategy to your needs requires an inormed and introspectiveassessment o your unique threat landscape.

    Smaller organizationsImplement a rewall or ACL on remote access services

    Change deault credentials o POS systems and otherInternet-acing devices

    I a third party vendor is handling the two items above,make sure theyve actually done them

    Larger organizations

    Eliminate unnecessary data; keep tabs on whats let

    Ensure essential controls are met; regularly check thatthey remain so

    Monitor and mine event logs

    Evaluate your threat landscape to prioritize yourtreatment strategy

    Reer to the conclusion o this report or indicators andmitigators or the most common threats

    THREAT EVENT OVERVIEWIn last years DBIR, we presented the VERIS threat event grid populated with requency counts or the rst time.

    Other than new data sharing partners, it was one o the most well received eatures o the report. The statistics

    throughout this report provide separate analysis o the Agents, Actions, Assets, and Attributes observed, but the

    grid presented here ties it all together to show intersections between the 4 As. It gives a single big-picture view o

    the threat events associated with data breaches in 2011. Figure 1 (overall dataset) and Figure 2 (larger orgs) use

    the structure o Figure 1 rom the Methodology section in the ull report, but replace TE#s with the total number

    o breaches in which each threat event was part o the incident scenario 3. This is our most consolidated view o the

    855 data breaches analyzed this year, and there are several things worth noting.

    When we observe the overall dataset rom a threat management perspective, only 40 o the 315 possible threat

    events have values greater than zero (13%). Beore going urther, we need to restate that not all intersections in

    the grid are easible. Readers should also remember that this report ocuses solely on data breaches. During

    engagements where we have worked with organizations to VERIS-ize all their security incidents over the course

    o a year, its quite interesting to see how dierent these grids look when compared to DBIR datasets. As one mighttheorize, Error and Misuse as well as Availability losses prove much more common.

    3 In other words, 381 of the 855 breaches in 2011 involved external malware that affected the confidentiality of a server (the top left threat event).

    The results or the overall dataset share many similarities with our last

    report. The biggest changes are that hotspots in the Misuse and Physical

    areas are a little cooler, while Malware and Hacking against Servers and

    User Devices are burning brighter than ever.

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    Now back to the grids, where the results or the overall dataset share many similarities with our last report. The

    biggest changes are that hotspots in the Misuse and Physical areas are a little cooler, while Malware and Hacking

    against Servers and User Devices are burning brighter than ever. Similarly, the list o top threat events in Table 3 in

    the ull report eels eerily amiliar.

    Separating the threat events or larger organizations in Figure 2 yields a ew additional talking points. Some might

    be surprised that this version o the grid is less covered than Figure 1 (22 o the 315 events 7% were seen at

    least once). One would expect that the bigger attack surace and stronger controls associated with larger

    organizations would spread attacks over a greater portion o the grid. This may be true, and our results shouldnt be

    used to contradict that point. We believe the lower density o Figure 2 compared to Figure 1 is mostly a result o

    size dierences in the datasets (855 versus 60 breaches). With respect to threat diversity, its interesting that the

    grid or larger organizations shows a comparatively more even distribution across in-scope threat events (i.e., less

    extreme clumping around Malware and Hacking). Based on descriptions in the press o prominent attacks leveraging

    orms o social engineering and the like, this isnt a shocker.

    Malware Hacking Social Misuse Physical Error Environmental

    Ext Int Prt Ext Int Prt Ext Int Prt Ext Int Prt Ext Int Prt Ext Int Prt Ext Int Prt


    Condentiality& Possession

    381 518 1 9 8 1 2 1

    Integrity &Authenticity

    397 422 1 6 1 1

    Availability& Utility

    2 6 5


    Condentiality& Possession


    Integrity &Authenticity

    1 1

    Availability& Utility

    1 1 1


    & Possession356 419 1 86

    Integrity &


    355 355 1 1 86

    Availability& Utility

    1 3


    & Possession23 1

    Integrity &Authenticity

    Availability& Utility


    Condentiality& Possession

    30 1

    Integrity &Authenticity

    59 2

    Availability& Utility

    Figure 1. VERIS A4 Grid depicting the requency o high-level threat events

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    Naturally, the ull report digs into the threat agents, actions, and assets involved in 2011 breaches in much more

    detail. It also provides additional inormation on the data collection methodology or Verizon and the

    other contributors.

    2012 DBIR: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONSThis year, were including something new in this section. However, being the environmentally conscious group that

    we are, were going to recycle this blurb one more time:

    Creating a list o solid recommendations gets progressively more difcult every year we publish this

    report. Think about it; our fndings shit and evolve over time but rarely are they completely new orunexpected. Why would it be any dierent or recommendations based on those fndings? Sure, we could

    wing it and prattle o a lengthy list o to-dos to meet a quota but we fgure you can get that elsewhere.

    Were more interested in having merit than having many.

    Then, were going to reduce and reuse some o the material we included back in the 2009 Supplemental DBIR, and

    recast it in a slightly dierent way that we hope is helpul. As mentioned, weve also produced something new, but

    made sure it had a small carbon (and page space) ootprint. I you combine that with the energy saved by avoiding

    investigator travel, shipping evidence, and untold computational cycles, these recommendations really earn their

    green badge.

    Malware Hacking Social Misuse Physical Error Environmental

    Ext Int Prt Ext Int Prt Ext Int Prt Ext Int Prt Ext Int Prt Ext Int Prt Ext Int Prt


    Condentiality& Possession

    7 33 3 2 1

    Integrity &Authenticity

    10 18 1

    Availability& Utility



    Condentiality& Possession

    Integrity &Authenticity

    Availability& Utility

    1 1



    & Possession3 6 10

    Integrity &

    Authenticity4 2 10

    Availability& Utility



    & Possession1 1

    Integrity &Authenticity

    Availability& Utility


    Condentiality& Possession


    Integrity &Authenticity


    Availability& Utility

    Figure 2. VERIS A4 Grid depicting the requency o high-level threat events LARGER ORGS

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    Lets start with the something new.

    Weve come to the realization that many

    o the organizations covered in this

    report are probably not getting the

    message about their security. Were

    talking about the smaller organizations

    that have one (or a handul) o POS

    systems. The cutout below was created

    especially or them and we need your

    help. We invite you, our reader, to cut it

    out, and give it to restaurants, retailers,

    hotels, or other establishments that you

    requent. In so doing, youre helping to

    spread a message that they need to hear. Not to mention, its a message that the rest o us need them to hear too.

    These tips may seem simple, but all the evidence at our disposal suggests a huge chunk o the problem or smaller

    businesses would be knocked out i they were widely adopted.

    POINT-OF-SALE SECURITY TIPSGreetings. You were given this card because someone likes your establishment. They wanted to helpprotect your business as well as their payment and personal inormation.

    It may be easy to think thatll never happen to me when it comes to hackers stealing your inormation. Butyou might be surprised to know that most attacks are directed against small companies and most can beprevented with a ew small and relatively easy steps. Below youll fnd a ew tips based on Verizons researchinto thousands o security breaches aecting companies like yours that use point-o-sale (POS) systemsto process customer payments. I none o it makes sense to you, please pass it on to management.

    9Change administrative passwords on all POS systems Hackers are scanning the Internet or easily guessable passwords.

    9 Implement a frewall or access control list on remote access/administration services I hackers cant reach your system, they cant easily steal rom it.

    Ater that, you may also wish to consider these: Avoid using POS systems to browse the web (or anything else on the Internet or that matter) Make sure your POS is a PCI DSS compliant application (ask your vendor)

    I a third-party vendor looks ater your POS systems, we recommend asking them to confrm that thesethings have been done. I possible, obtain documentation. Following these simple practices will save a loto wasted money, time, and other troubles or your business and your customers.

    For more inormation, visit www.verizon.com/enterprise/databreach(but not rom your POS).

    Figure 3. Cost o recommended preventive measures by percent o breaches*

    * Verizon caseload only


    3% Dicult

    and expensive

    3% Unknown

    63%Simple and



    40%Simple and


    5% Dicult and expensive

    The cutout below was created especially or smaller organizations

    and we need your help. We invite you, our reader, to cut it out, and

    give it to restaurants, retailers, hotels, or other establishments

    that you requent.

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    For those who dont remember (tsk, tsk), the 2009 Supplemental DBIR was an encyclopedia o sorts or the top

    threat actions observed back then. Each entry contained a description, associated threat agents, related assets,

    commonalities, indicators, mitigators, and a case study. To provide relevant and actionable recommendations to

    larger organizations this year, were repurposing the indicators and mitigators part rom that report.

    Indicators: Warning signs and controls that can detect or indicate that a threat action is underway or

    has occurred.

    Mitigators: Controls that can deter or prevent threat actions or aid recovery/response (contain damage)

    in the wake o their occurrence.

    Our recommendations will be driven o o Table 7 in the ull report, which is in the Threat Action Overview section,

    and shows the top ten threat actions against larger organizations. Rather than repeat the whole list here, well

    summarize the points we think represent the largest opportunities to reduce our collective exposure to loss:

    Keyloggers and the use o stolen credentials

    Backdoors and command control




    Brute orce

    SQL injection

    Hacking: Use o stolen credentials

    Description Reers to instances in which an attacker gains access to a protected system or device using

    valid but stolen credentials.

    Indicators Presence o malware on system; user behavioral analysis indicating anomalies (i.e.,

    abnormal source location or logon time); use o last logon banner (can indicateunauthorized access); monitor all administrative/privileged activity.

    Mitigators Two-actor authentication; change passwords upon suspicion o thet; time-o-use rules; IP

    blacklisting (consider blocking large address blocks/regions i they have no legitimate

    business purpose); restrict administrative connections (i.e., only rom specic internal

    sources). For preventing stolen credentials, see Keyloggers and Spyware, Pretexting, and

    Phishing entries.

    Malware: Backdoors, Command and Control

    Hacking: Exploitation o backdoor or command and control channel

    Description Tools that provide remote access to and/or control o inected systems. Backdoor and

    command/control programs bypass normal authentication mechanisms and other securitycontrols enabled on a system and are designed to run covertly.

    Indicators Unusual system behavior or perormance (several victims noted watching the cursor

    navigating les without anyone touching the mouse); unusual network activity; IDS/IPS (or

    non-customized versions); registry monitoring; system process monitoring; routine log

    monitoring; presence o other malware on system; AV disabled.

    During investigations involving suspected malware we commonly examine active system

    processes and create a list o all system contents sorted by creation/modication date.

    These eorts oten reveal malicious les in the Windows\system32 and user

    temporary directories.

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    Malware: Backdoors, Command and Control

    Hacking: Exploitation o backdoor or command and control channel

    Mitigators Egress ltering (these tools oten operate via odd ports, protocols, and services); use o

    proxies or outbound trac; IP blacklisting (consider blocking large address blocks/regions

    i they have no legitimate business purpose); host IDS (HIDS) or integrity monitoring;

    restrict user administrative rights; personal rewalls; data loss prevention (DLP) tools;

    anti-virus and anti-spyware (although increased customization rendering AV less

    eectivewe discovered one backdoor recognized by only one o orty AV vendors we

    tried); web browsing policies.

    Physical: Tampering

    Description Unauthorized altering or interering with the normal state or operation o an asset. Reers to

    physical orms o tampering rather than, or instance, altering sotware or system settings.

    Indicators An unplanned or unscheduled servicing o the device. Presence o scratches, adhesive

    residue, holes or cameras, or an overlay on keypads. Dont expect tampering to be obvious

    (overlay skimmers may be custom made to blend in with a specic device while internal

    tampering may not be visible rom the outside). Tamper-proo seal may be broken. In some

    cases an unknown Bluetooth signal may be present and persist. Keep in mind that ATM/gas

    skimmers may only be in place or hours, not days or weeks.

    Mitigators Train employees and customers to look or and detect signs o tampering. Organizations

    operating such devices should conduct examinations throughout the day (e.g., as part o

    shit change). As inspection occurs, keep in mind that i the device takes a card and a PIN,

    that both are generally targeted (see indicators).

    Set up and train all sta on a procedure or service technicians, be sure it includes a method

    to schedule, and authenticate the technician and/or maintenance vendors.

    Push vendor or anti-tamper technology/eatures or only purchase POS and PIN devices

    with anti-tamper technology (e.g., tamper switches that zero out the memory, epoxy

    covered electronics).


    Description Malware that is specically designed to collect, monitor, and log the actions o a system user.

    Typically used to collect usernames and passwords as part o a larger attack scenario. Also

    used to capture payment card inormation on compromised POS devices. Most run covertly to

    avoid alerting the user that their actions are being monitored.

    Indicators Unusual system behavior or perormance; unusual network activity; IDS/IPS (or non-

    customized versions); registry monitoring; system process monitoring; routine log

    monitoring; presence o other malware on system; signs o physical tampering (e.g.,

    attachment o oreign device). For indicators that harvested credentials are in use, see

    Unauthorized access via stolen credentials.

    During investigations involving suspected malware we commonly examine active system

    processes and create a list o all system contents sorted by creation/modication date.

    These eorts oten reveal malicious les in the Windows\system32 and user

    temporary directories.

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    Mitigators Restrict user administrative rights; code signing; use o live boot CDs; onetime passwords;

    anti-virus and anti-spyware; personal rewalls; web content ltering and blacklisting;egress ltering (these tools oten send data out via odd ports, protocols, and services); host

    IDS (HIDS) or integrity monitoring; web browsing policies; security awareness training;

    network segmentation.

    Pretexting (Social Engineering)

    Description A social engineering technique in which the attacker invents a scenario to persuade,

    manipulate, or trick the target into perorming an action or divulging inormation. These

    attacks exploit bugs in human hardware and, unortunately, there is no patch or this.

    Indicators Very dicult to detect as it is designed to exploit human weaknesses and bypasses

    technological alerting mechanisms. Unusual communication, requests outside o normal

    workfow, and instructions to provide inormation or take actions contrary to policies shouldbe viewed as suspect. Call logs; visitor logs; e-mail logs.

    Mitigators General security awareness training; clearly dened policies and procedures; do not train

    sta to ignore policies through ocial actions that violate them; train sta to recognize and

    report suspected pretexting attempts; veriy suspect requests through trusted methods and

    channels; restrict corporate directories (and similar sources o inormation) rom public access.

    Brute-orce attack

    Description An automated process o iterating through possible username/password combinations until

    one is successul.

    Indicators Routine log monitoring; numerous ailed login attempts (especially those indicating

    widespread sequential guessing); help desk calls or account lockouts.Mitigators Technical means o enorcing password policies (length, complexity, clipping levels); account

    lockouts (ater x tries); password throttling (increasing lag ater successive ailed logins);

    password cracking tests; access control lists; restrict administrative connections (i.e., only

    rom specic internal sources); two-actor authentication; CAPTCHA.

    SQL injection

    Description SQL Injection is an attack technique used to exploit how web pages communicate with

    back-end databases. An attacker can issue commands (in the orm o specially crated SQL

    statements) to a database using input elds on a website.

    Indicators Routine log monitoring (especially web server and database); IDS/IPS.

    Mitigators Secure development practices; input validation (escaping and whitelisting techniques); useo parameterized and/or stored procedures; adhere to principles o least privilege or

    database accounts; removal o unnecessary services; system hardening; disable output o

    database error messages to the client; application vulnerability scanning; penetration

    testing; web application rewall.

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    Unauthorized access via deault credentials

    Description Reers to instances in which an attacker gains access to a system or device protected by

    standard preset (and thereore widely known) usernames and passwords.Indicators User behavioral analysis (e.g., abnormal logon time or source location); monitor all

    administrative/privileged activity (including third parties); use o last logon banner

    (can indicate unauthorized access).

    Mitigators Change deault credentials (prior to deployment); delete or disable deault account; scan or

    known deault passwords (ollowing deployment); password rotation (because it helps

    enorce change rom deault); inventory o remote administrative services (especially those

    used by third parties). For third parties: contracts (stipulating password requirements);

    consider sharing administrative duties; scan or known deault passwords (or assets

    supported by third parties).

    Phishing (and endless *ishing variations)Description A social engineering technique in which an attacker uses raudulent electronic communication

    (usually e-mail) to lure the recipient into divulging inormation. Most appear to come rom a

    legitimate entity and contain authentic-looking content. The attack oten incorporates a

    raudulent website component as well as the lure.

    Indicators Dicult to detect given the quasi-technical nature and ability to exploit human weaknesses.

    Unsolicited and unusual communication; instructions to provide inormation or take actions

    contrary to policies; requests outside o normal workfow; poor grammar; a alse sense o

    urgency; e-mail logs.

    Mitigators General security awareness training; clearly dened policies and procedures; do not train

    sta to ignore policies through ocial actions that violate them; policies regarding use o

    e-mail or administrative unctions (e.g., password change requests, etc.); train sta torecognize and report suspected phishing messages; veriy suspect requests through trusted

    methods and channels; congure e-mail clients to render HTML e-mails as text; anti-spam;

    e-mail attachment virus checking and ltering.

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    verizon.com/enterprise 2012 Verizon. All Rights Reserved. MC15244 04/12. The Verizon and Verizon Business names and logos and all other names, logos, and slogans identiying Verizons products and

    services are trademarks and service marks or registered trademarks and service marks o Verizon Trademark Services LLC or its afliates in the United States and/or other countries. All

    other trademarks and service marks are the property o their respective owners.

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg


  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg


    2012 Data BREaCH InvEstIgatIons REpoRt

    A study conducted by the Verizon RISK Team with cooperation from the Australian Federal Police,

    Dutch National High Tech Crime Unit, Irish Reporting and Information Security Service,

    Police Central e-Crime Unit, and United States Secret Service.

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg


    Table o ConTenTs

    excutiv summry 2

    Mthdgy 5

    Ciyig Icidt Uig VeRIs 6

    a Wrd smp bi 8

    R u t d a y i 9

    Dmgrphic 10

    2011 DbIR: Thrt evt ovrviw 13

    Thrt agt 16

    brch siz y Thrt agt 18

    extr agt (98% rch, 99+% rcrd) 19Itr agt (4% rch,

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    executIve summary2011 wi mt crtiy g dw yr civi d cutur upriig Citiz rvtd, chgd, d v

    vrthrw thir gvrmt i dmi ct tht h ic cid th ar sprig, thugh it trtchdyd ig Th digrutd y wht thy prcivd th wth-mgrig 1% ccupid W

    strt g with thr citi d vu cr th g Thr i hrtg thr xmp

    Thi urt tht typid 2011 w t, hwvr, ctrid t th phyic wrd Th i wrd w ri

    with th chig id, tkig th rm ctivim, prtt, rtiti, d prk Whi th ctiviti

    cmpd mr th dt rch (g, DDs ttck),

    th tht crprt d pr irmti w

    crtiy cr tctic Thi r-imgid d r-ivigrtd

    pctr hcktivim r t hut rgizti rud

    th wrd My, trud y th hdwy tur it

    rigi d prcivity t mrr victim, ud thi trd mr rightig th thr thrt, whthr r r

    imgid Duy ccrig r my rgizti d xcutiv w tht trgt cti y th grup

    didt w th gic i wh h my d/r vu irmti emi r v crir wh yu

    ct prdict thir hvir

    It wt prtt d uz, hwvr Mii cyrcrimi ctiud t utmt d trmi thir mthd

    du jur high-vum, w-rik ttck git wkr trgt Much rqut, ut rguy mr dmgig,

    wr ctiud ttck trgtig trd crt, cid irmti, d thr itctu prprty W

    crtiy cutrd my c, vrid tctic, d divr mtiv i th pt yr, d i my wy, th 2012

    Dt brch Ivtigti Rprt (DbIR) i rcutig th my ct crprt dt tht

    855 s, 174 ll s s.

    Thi yr ur DbIR icud mr icidt, drivd rm mr ctriutr, d rprt rdr d mr

    divr ggrphic cp Th umr cmprmid rcrd cr th icidt kyrcktd ck up t

    174 mii tr rchig -tim w (r high, dpdig yur pit viw) i t yr rprt ur

    mii I ct, 2011 t th cd-hight dt tt ic w trtd kpig trck i 2004

    oc gi, w r prud t uc tht th Uitd stt scrt srvic (Usss) d th Dutch nti High

    Tch Crim Uit (nHTCU) hv jid u r thi yr rprt W

    wcm th autri dr Pic (aP), th Irih Rprtig &

    Irmti scurity srvic (IRIssCeRT), d th Pic Ctr

    -Crim Uit (PCU) th ld Mtrpit Pic t

    ii bdd DBIr d

    wi d d b d b. W i k

    i ii i, d i i i w bi, w i

    bii f i.

    With th dditi Vriz 2011 cd d dt ctriutd

    rm th rgizti itd v, th DbIR ri w p ight yr, w vr 2000 rch, d grtr

    th ii cmprmid rcrd It citig d irmtiv jury, d w r grtu tht

    my yu hv ch t cm g r th rid a wy, ur g i tht th dt d yi prtd i

    thi rprt prv hpu t th pig d curity rt ur rdr W gi with w highight w

    Thi r-imgid d r-ivigrtd

    pctr hcktivim r t hut

    rgizti rud th wrd

    It wt prtt d

    uz, hwvr Mii

    cyrcrimi ctiud t

    utmt d trmi thir

    mthd du jur high-vum,w-rik ttck git

    wkr trgt

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    Who Is BehInD Data Breaches?

    98% tmmd rm xtr gt (+6%)

    n ig urpri hr; utidr r ti dmitig th c crprt dt tht orgizd crimi wr up t thir

    typic midd d wr hid th mjrity rch i2011 activit grup crtd thir ir hr miry dmyhm t yr wd thy t mr dt th ythr grup Thir trc t th tg rvd tchg th dcp mwht with rgrd t thmtivti hid rch Whi gd d-hidgrd d vric wr ti th prim mvr, idgicdit d chdrud tk mr prmit rcr th cd a might xpct with uch ri ixtr ttckr, th prprti iidr icidtdcid yt gi thi yr t cmprtivy ct 4%

    4% impictd itr mpy (-13%)

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    Where shoulD mItIgatIon eortsBe ocuseD?

    oc gi, thi tudy rmid u tht ur pri h

    th cry t t gt th j d Th chg rth gd guy i i ctig th right t r th j thd d th t ttig thm gt du d ruty vr timevidc hw wh tht hpp, th d guy r quickt tk dvtg it

    a yu , w ctrt dig r mr d rgrrgizti thrughut thi rprt Yu wi gt rhw vry dirt (d i m c hw vry imir) thirprm td t bcu thi, it mk tht thuti t th prm r dirt w Thu, mt th rcmmdti giv t th d thi rprt rtt rgr rgizti It t tht wr igrig th mrguyit jut tht whi mdr cyrcrim i pgu upthir hu, th tidt i iry imp d mt uivr

    lrgr rgizti xhiit mr divr t iu thtmut ddrd thrugh quy divr t crrctiv cti W hp th dig i thi rprt hp tpriritiz th rt, ut truy tirig trtmttrtgy t yur d rquir irmd d itrpctivmt yur uiqu thrt dcp

    s iiImpmt rw r aCl rmt cc rvic

    Chg dut crdti Pos ytm dthr Itrt-cig dvic

    I third prty vdr i hdig th tw itmv, mk ur thyv ctuy d thm

    l ii

    eimit ucry dt; kp t wht t

    eur ti ctr r mt; rgury chcktht thy rmi

    Mitr d mi vt g

    evut yur thrt dcp t priritiz yurtrtmt trtgy

    Rr t th ccui thi rprt r idictrd mitigtr r th mt cmm thrt

    g qi b DBIr?Drp u i t dbi@i., d u bk,r pt t twi with th hhtg #dbi

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    methoDologybd th dck w rciv ut thi rprt, th thig rdr vu mt i th v rigr d

    hty w mpy wh cctig, yzig, d prtig dt Tht imprtt t u, d w pprcit yurpprciti Puttig thi rprt tgthr i, quit rky, wk i th prk (855 icidt t xmi it xcty

    ight d) I dy kw r crd, w might tmptd t hv m

    tim d rt y cuttig m crr, ut th ct tht yu d kw d d

    cr hp kp u ht ad tht wht thi cti i ut

    vi D ci md

    Th udryig mthdgy ud y Vriz rmi rtivy uchgd

    rm prviu yr a rut r d rt-hd vidc cctd

    durig pid xtr ric ivtigti cductd y Vriz rm 2004

    t 2011 Th 2011 cd i th primry ytic cu th rprt, ut

    th tir rg dt i rrcd xtivy thrughut Thugh thRIsK tm wrk vrity ggmt (vr 250 t yr), y th

    ivvig crmd dt cmprmi r rprtd i thi rprt Thr

    wr 90 th i 2011 tht wr cmptd withi th timrm thi

    rprt T hp ur ri d citt iput, w u th Vriz etrpri Rik d Icidt shrig

    (VeRIs) rmwrk t rcrd c dt d thr rvt dti (ur xpti thi t w) VeRIs dt

    pit r cctd y yt thrughut th ivtigti icyc d cmptd tr th c c Iput

    i th rviwd d vidtd y thr mmr th RIsK tm Durig th ggrgti prc, irmti

    rgrdig th idtity rch victim i rmvd rm th rpitry c dt

    D ci md ib

    Th Usss, nHTCU, aP, IRIssCeRT, d PCU dird i prciy hw thy cctd dt ctriutd r thirprt, ut thy hrd th m ic pprch a vrgd VeRIs th cmm dmitr ut ud vryig

    mchim r dt try r itc, gt th Usss ud VeRIs-d itr ppicti t rcrd

    prtit c dti r th aP, w itrviwd d gt ch c, rcrdd th rquird dt pit,

    d rqutd w-up irmti cry Th prticur mchim dt ccti i imprtt

    th udrtdig tht dt i d r icidt d, mt imprtty, r ct ut th icidt

    Th rgizti ud ivtigtiv t, rprt prvidd y th victim r thr ric rm, d thir w

    xpric gid i hdig th c Th cctd dt w purgd y irmti tht might idtiy

    rgizti r idividu ivvd d th prvidd t Vriz RIsK Tm r ggrgti d yi

    rm th umru ivtigti wrkd y th rgizti i 2011, i igmt with th cu th DbIR,

    th cp w rrwd t y th ivvig crmd rgizti dt rch1 Th cp w urthr

    rrwd t icud y c r which Vriz did t cduct th ric ivtigti 2 a i , th

    gci ctriutd cmid 765 rch r thi rprt sm my ri yrw t th ct tht Vriz

    cd rprt rtivy m prprti th vr dtt dicud i thi rprt, ut w cudt

    hppir with thi utcm W rmy iv tht mr irmti crt mr cmpt d ccurt

    udrtdig th prm w cctivy c I tht m ur dt tk ckt i Vriz-uthrd

    puicti, it; w trd hr vic r hrd dt y dy th wk

    1 Organizational data breach refers to incidents involving the compromise (unauthorized access, theft, disclosure, etc.) of non-public information while it was stored, processed, used, or transmitted

    by an organization.2 We often work, in one manner or another, with these agencies during an investigatio n. To eliminate redundancy, Verizon-contrib uted data were used when both Verizon and another agency worked the

    same case.

    Th udryig

    mthdgy ud

    y Vriz rmi

    rtivy uchgd

    rm prviu yr a

    rut r d rt-

    hd vidc cctddurig pid xtr

    ric ivtigti

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    Whi wr tht tpic, i yur rgizti ivtigt r hd dt rch d might itrtd i

    ctriutig t utur DbIR, t u kw Th DbIR miy ctiu t grw, d w wcm w mmr

    A brie primer on VeriS

    VeRIs i rmwrk digd t prvid cmm gug r dcriig curity icidt i tructurd d

    rpt mr It tk th rrtiv wh did wht t wht (r whm) with wht rut d trt it it

    th kid dt yu prtd i thi rprt bcu my rdr kd ut th mthdgy hid th

    DbIR d cu w hp t ciitt mr irmti hrig curity icidt, w hv rd VeRIs r

    r puic u a ri vrviw VeRIs i vi ur wbi3 d th cmpt rmwrk c tid

    rm th verIs i wiki4 bth r gd cmpi rrc t thi rprt r udrtdig

    trmigy d ctxt

    cii Iid ui verIs

    Th Icidt Cicti cti th VeRIs rmwrk trt th icidt rrtiv wh did wht t

    wht (r whm) with wht rut it rm mr uit r trdig d yi T ccmpih thi, VeRIsmpy th a4 Thrt Md dvpd y Vriz RIsK tm I th a4 md, curity icidt i viwd

    ri vt tht dvry ct th irmti t rgizti evry vt i cmprid th

    wig mt (th ur a):

    a: Wh cti ctd th t

    ai: Wht cti ctd th t

    a: Which t wr ctd

    aib: Hw th t w ctd

    It i ur piti tht th ur a rprt th miimum irmti cry t dquty dcri y icidt

    r thrt cri urthrmr, thi tructur prvid ptim rmwrk withi which t mur rqucy,

    cit ctr, ik impct, d my thr ccpt rquird r rik mgmtI w ccut th cmiti th a4 md hight-v mt, (thr agt, v acti, v

    at, d thr attriut), 3155 ditict thrt vt mrg Th grid i igur 1 grphicy rprt th

    d digt Thrt evt numr (hrtr rrcd y Te#)

    t ch Te1, r itc, cicid with extr Mwr tht ct

    th Cdtiity srvr nt tht t 315 a4 cmiti

    r i r itc, mwr d t, ir w kw, ict

    ppthugh it d mk r itriguig ci- pt

    ti Iid ni i mi

    a ttd v, icidt t ivv mutip thrt vt

    Idtiyig which r i py, d uig thm t rctruct th chi vt i hw w md icidt tgrt th ttitic i thi rprt by wy xmp, w dcri w impid hypthtic icidt

    whr pr phihig ttck i ud t xtrt itiv dt d itctu prprty (IP) rm rgizti

    Th fwchrt rprtig th icidt icud ur primry thrt vt d cditi vt6 a ri

    dcripti ch vt i giv g with th crrpdig Te# d a4 ctgri rm th mtrix xhiitd rir

    3 ://www.ibi.//wi/w_i-iid-i-i-wk__.d

    4 ://iwk.wiki../

    5 Some will remember that this grid showed 630 intersections as presented in the 2011 DBIR. The differenc e is a result of the number of security attributes depicted . While we still recognize the sixattributes of the Parkerian Hexad, we (with input from others) have decided to use and present them in paired format (e.g., confidentiality and possession losses). Thus, the notions of

    confidentiality versus possession are preserved, but data analysis and visualization is simplified (a common request from VERIS users). More discussion around this change can be found on the

    Attributes section of the VERIS wiki.6 See the Error section under Threat Actions for an explanation of conditional events.

    It i ur piti tht th ur

    a rprt th miimum

    irmti cry t

    dquty dcri y

    icidt r thrt cri

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    oc th ctructi th mi vt chi i cmpt, dditi cicti c dd mr pcicity

    rud th mt cmpriig ch vt (i, th prticur typ extr gt r xct sci tctic ud,

    tc) Th icidt i w VeRIs-izd d uu mtric r vi r rprtig d urthr yi

    o t r w ccud thi u-cti Th prc dcrid v h vu yd jut dcriig

    th icidt it; it hp idtiy wht might hv d (r t d) t prvt it Th g i

    trightrwrd: rk th chi vt d yu tp th icidt rm prcdig r itc, curity

    wr triig d -mi trig cud hp kp e1 rm ccurrig I t, ti-viru d t-privig

    impmtti th ptp might prvt e2 stppig prgri tw e2 d e3 my ccmpihd

    thrugh gr trig r tfw yi t dtct d prvt ckdr cc Triig d chg ctr

    prcdur cud hp vid th dmiitrtr micgurti dcrid i th cditi vt d prcud

    th cmprmi itctu prprty i e4 Th r jut w xmp ptti ctr r ch vt,

    ut th iity t viuiz yrd pprch t dtrrig, prvtig, d dtctig th icidt hud pprt

    mw hki si mi pi e ei

    ext It Prt ext It Prt ext It Prt ext It Prt ext It Prt ext It Prt ext It Prt


    Cdtiity& Pi

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

    Itgrity &authticity

    22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

    aviiity& Utiity

    43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63


    Cdtiity& Pi

    64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84

    Itgrity &authticity

    85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105

    aviiity& Utiity

    106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126



    & Pi127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147

    Itgrity &

    authticity148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168

    aviiity& Utiity

    169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189


    & Pi190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210

    Itgrity &authticity

    211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231

    aviiity& Utiity

    232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252


    Cdtiity& Pi

    253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273

    Itgrity &authticity

    274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294

    aviiity& Utiity

    295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315

    i 1. verIs a4 gid dii 315 i-

    Th prc dcrid v h vu yd jut dcriig th

    icidt it; it hp idtiy wht might hv d (r

    t d) t prvt it Th g i trightrwrd: rk th chi

    vt d yu tp th icidt rm prcdig

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    a Wd s Bi

    aw u t ritrt: w mk cim tht th dig thi rprt r rprttiv dt rch i

    rgizti t tim ev thugh th mrgd dtt (prumy) mr cy rfct rity th thy

    might i iti, it i ti mp athugh w iv my th dig prtd i thi rprt t

    pprprit r grizti (d ur cdc i thi grw w gthr mr dt d cmpr it t tht

    thr), i udutdy xit Urtuty, w ct mur xcty hw much i xit (i, i rdr t

    giv prci mrgi rrr) W hv wy kwig wht prprti dt rch r rprtd

    cu w hv wy kwig th tt umr dt rch cr rgizti i 2011 My

    rch g urprtd (thugh ur mp d cti my th) My mr r yt ukw y th

    victim (d thry ukw t u) Wht w d kw i tht ur kwdg grw g with wht w r t

    tudy d tht grw mr th vr i 2011 at th d th dy, w rrchr c d i p ur dig

    t yu t vut d u yu t

    extr gt d phihig -mi thtuccuy ur

    xcutiv t pth ttchmt

    Mwr ict thxc ptp, crtig


    extr gt ccth xc ptp vi

    th ckdr, viwig-mi d thritiv dt

    sytm dmiitrtrmicgur ccctr wh uidig

    w rvr

    extr gt cc mppd rvr

    rm th xc ptpd t itctu





    MwrUr DvicItgrity


    HckigUr DvicCdtiity

    te# 38Itr




    i 2. s verIs iid i

    e1 e2 e3 e4ce1

    g qi b DBIr?Drp u i t dbi@i., d u bk,r pt t twi with th hhtg #dbi

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    results anD analysIsTh 2011 cmid dtt rprt th rgt w hv vr

    cvrd i y ig yr, pig 855 icidt d vr 174 miicmprmid rcrd (th cd-hight tt, i yur kpig

    trck) Th xt w prgrph hud hp mk m it

    I vr pc thrughut th txt, w prt d dicu th

    tir rg dt rm 2004 t 2011 a yu tudy th dig,

    kp i mid tht th mp dtt i ythig ut ttic Th

    umr, tur, d urc c chg drmticy vr tim

    Giv thi, yu might urprid t hw t my th trd

    ppr ( ct tht w thik trgth thir vidity) o th thr

    hd, crti trd r mt crtiy mr rtd t turmi i th

    mp th igict chg i th xtr thrt virmt a

    i prviu rprt, th ch pprch i t prt th cmid

    dtt itct d highight itrtig dirc (r imiriti)

    withi th txt whr pprprit Thr r, hwvr, crti dt

    pit tht wr y cctd r Vriz c; th r idtid

    i th txt d gur

    Th gur i thi rprt utiiz citt rmt Valus sw

    a a a as whi valus a aa

    s. Th rch i th icidt udr ivtigti i c d

    rcrd rr t th mut dt uit (, crd umr, tc)

    cmprmid i th rch I m gur, w d t prvid

    pcic umr rcrd, ut u rd # t dt high prprti dt I th vu rprt utti chg

    rm prir yr, thi i mrkd with rg + r ym

    (dtig icr r dcr) My gur d t i thi rprt dd up t vr 100%; thi i t rrr

    It impy tm rm th ct tht itm prtd i it r t wy mutuy xcuiv, d, thu, vr c

    ppy t y giv icidt

    bcu th umr rch i thi rprt i high, th u prctg i it dcivig i m pc

    (5 prct my t m ik much, ut it rprt vr 40 icidt) Whr pprprit, w hw th rw umr

    rch itd r i dditi t th prctg a hdy prct-t-umr cvri t i hw i T 1

    nt gur d t cti pi pti ut y th hvig vu grtr th zr (d m truct

    mr th tht) T pti r y prticur gur, rr t th VeRIs rmwrk

    sm ctructiv criticim w rcivd ut th 2011 rprt uggtd th dtt w ri with m

    rch victim tht it didt ppy trgy t rgr rgizti it hd i yr pt (Th rvc yu

    iv th pp?)

    Wr kiddig, cur; thi critiqu i th udrtd d hpu o th prm with kig t rg

    mut dt r divr rg rgizti i tht vrg cr th wh r jut average. bcu th

    umr pk or rgizti, thy dt ry pk to y prticur rgizti r dmgrphic Thi i

    uvid Wv md th cciu dcii t tudy typ dt rch thy ct typ

    rgizti, d i m ui r drppig ik fi, wr t gig t xcud thm cu thy it ur dt

    Wht w c d, hwvr, i t prt th rut i uch wy tht thy r mr rdiy ppic t crti grup

    855 Breaches

    % #1% 9

    5% 43

    10% 86

    25% 214

    33% 282

    50% 428

    tb 1. K i b 2012 DBIr d

    Valus sw a a a

    as whi valus a aa s. Th rch i th

    icidt udr ivtigti i c

    d rcrd rr t th mut

    dt uit (, crd umr, tc)

    cmprmid i th rch I m

    gur, w d t prvid pcic

    umr rcrd, ut u rd #

    t dt high prprti dt

    I th vu

    rprt utti chg rm

    prir yr, thi i mrkd with

    rg + r ym (dtig

    icr r dcr)

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    W cud pit th dtt myrid wy, ut wv ch (prtiy du t th iiti criticim mtid v)

    t highight dirc (d imiriti) tw mr d rgr rgizti (th ttr hvig t t 1000

    mpy) W hp thi vit th ccr d mk th dig i thi rprt th gry irmtiv

    d prticury uu

    ohd thugh w dt xcty cd chdrud, w d hp yu d it jy


    evry yr w gi with th dmgrphic rm th prviu yr rch victim cu it t th ctxt r th rt

    th irmti prtd i th rprt etihig hw th rch rk dw cr idutri, cmpy iz,d ggrphic cti hud hp yu put m prpctiv rud th juicy it prtd i th wig cti

    Thi yr w trd hw w cct m th dmgrphic dt W dcidd t tp uig ur w it

    idutri d dpt th nrth amric Idutry Cicti sytm (which i cr-rrcd t thr

    cmm cicti) a rut, m th trdig d cmpri rm th idutry rkdw i

    prviu yr m citcy, ut r th mt prt th cicti mp cy ugh tht

    cmpri r t withut vu

    a igur 3 hw, th tp thr pt crry vr rm ur t rprt Th mt-fictd idutry, c gi, i

    accmmdti d d srvic, citig rturt

    (rud 95%) d ht (ut 5%) Th ici d Iurc

    idutry drppd rm 22% i 2010 t pprximty 10% t yrWhi w drivd rg pui (d t--pui)

    xpti r th widig gp tw ici d d

    srvic, w wi rrv mt th r mr ppic cti

    i th rprt suc it t y tht it ppr th cyrcrim

    idutriizti trd tht hviy ifucd dig i ur t

    rprt (d h chd y thr rprt i th idutry7), i ti

    i u wig

    Wh kig t th rkdw rcrd t pr idutry i igur

    4, hwvr, w d vry dirt rut Th chrt i vrwhmd

    y tw idutri tht ry mk hwig i

    igur 3 d hv t prviuy ctriutd t rg hr dtIrmti d Mucturig W tuch mr thi

    thrughut th rprt, ut thi urpriig hit i miy th rut

    w vry rg rch tht hit rgizti i th idutri i

    2011 W upct th ttck ctig th rgizti wr

    dirctd git thir rd d r thir dt rthr th twrd

    thir idutry

    7 For instance, see Trustwaves 2012 Global Security Report discussing growing attacks against franchises.

    W cud pit th dtt myrid wy, ut wv ch

    (prtiy du t th iiti criticim mtid v) t highight

    dirc (d imiriti) tw mr d rgr

    rgizti (th ttr hvig t t 1000 mpy)

    Th nrth amric Idutry

    Cicti sytm (naICs) i th

    tdrd ud y dr ttitic

    gci i ciyig ui

    tihmt r th purp

    cctig, yzig, d puihig

    ttitic dt rtd t th Us

    ui cmy

    naICs w dvpd udr th upic

    th oc Mgmt d budgt

    (oMb), d dptd i 1997 t rpc th

    stdrd Idutri Cicti (sIC)

    ytm It w dvpd jity y th Us

    ecmic Cicti Picy Cmmitt

    (eCPC), sttitic Cd , d MxicItitut nci d etditic y

    Ggr , t w r high v

    cmpriity i ui ttitic mg

    th nrth amric cutri



  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    Rdrwig igur 5 with th utir rmvd rv wht i prhp mr rprttiv r typic ccut

    cmprmid rcrd cr idutri igur 4 i it mr i i with hitric dt d r m

    rmc t igur 3 v

    oc gi, rgizti iz ricudd mg th 855 icidt i ur

    dtt smr rgizti rprt th

    mjrity th victim, thy did i th t

    DbIR lik m th idutry pttr, thi

    rt t th rd idutriizd ttck

    mtid v; thy c crrid ut

    git rg umr i urpriigy hrt

    timrm with itt t ritc (rm

    th victim, tht i; w rcmt i wtchig

    d ritig s th Dicvry Mthd

    cti w appdix b) smrui r th id trgt r uch rid,

    d my-driv, rik-vr cyrcrimi

    udrtd thi vry w Thu, th umr

    victim i thi ctgry ctiu t w

    Th rthr rg umr rch tid t

    rgizti ukw iz rquir

    quick cricti Whi w k DbIR

    ctriutr r dmgrphic dt, mtim thi irmti i t kw r t ryd t u Thr r vid

    ituti whr c kw dti ut ttck mthd d thr

    chrctritic, ut itt ut victim dmgrphic Thi it id, ut

    it hpp Rthr th ruhig th id u dt, wr uig

    wht c vidtd d impy ig wht ct ukw (s

    T 2)

    a mtid i th Mthdgy cti, w wi rkig ut dig

    whr pprprit r rgr rgizti B w i

    i wi 1000 . Rmmr tht yu

    rd thi rprt s tht yu hv ttr id th mkup thi

    ut, igur 6 hw th idutri th 60 rgizti mtig

    thi critri

    i 4. cidd b id

    a othr





    i 5: cid db id wi b>1m d d


    Rti Trd


    admiitrtiv dsupprt srvic

    accmmdtid d srvic

    ic dIurc







    i 3. Id d b b


    Rti Trd 20%

    ic d Iurc 10%

    accmmdti d d srvic 54%

    Hth Cr d sci aitc 7%+

    Irmti 3%

    tb 2. oii i b b b (b )

    1 t 10 42

    11 t 100 570

    101 t 1,000 48

    1,001 t 10,000 27

    10,001 t 100,000 23

    ovr 100,000 10

    Ukw 135

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    a uu, it hrd t pu mig rm whr victim thir prti, ic mt rch d t rquir th

    ttckr t phyicy prt i rdr t cim thir priz W t high mrk i 2010 with 22 cutri

    rprtd, ut mhd tht rcrd i 2011 with whppig 36 cutri htig rgizti tht victim

    t dt cmprmi Thi i r whr th ctriuti ur g w rcmt prtr ry

    highight th ct tht dt rch r t itd rgi prm

    i 6. Id d b b larger orgs



    Irmti 22%

    Rti Trd 12%

    ic d Iurc 28%

    Mucturig 8%

    Puic admiitrti 7%


    Trprtti d Wrhuig

    i 7. ci d i bid d






    KuwitlluxmurgMxicnthrdnw ZdPhiippi


    RmiRui drtisuth aricspiTiwThidTurky

    Uitd ar emirt

    UkriUitd KigdmUitd stt

    ci i wi b w fd

    W t high mrk i 2010 with 22 cutri rprtd, ut

    mhd tht rcrd i 2011 with whppig 36 cutri htig

    rgizti tht victim t dt cmprmi

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    2011 DBIr: t e oiw

    I t yr DbIR, w prtd th VeRIs thrt vt grid pputd with rqucy cut r th rt tim

    othr th w dt hrig prtr, it w th mt w rcivd tur th rprt Th ttitic

    thrughut thi rprt prvid prt yi th agt, acti, at, d attriut rvd, ut th

    grid prtd hr ti it tgthr t hw itrcti tw th ur a It giv ig ig-pictur viw

    th thrt vt citd with dt rch i 2011 igur 8 (vr dtt) d igur 9 (rgr rg) u

    th tructur igur 1 rm th Mthdgy cti, ut rpc Te# with th tt umr rch i

    which ch thrt vt w prt th icidt cri8 Thi i ur mt cidtd viw th 855 dt

    rch yzd thi yr, d thr r vr thig wrth tig

    Wh w rv th vr dtt rm thrt mgmt prpctiv, y 40 th 315 pi thrt

    vt hv vu grtr th zr (13%) br gig urthr, w d t rtt tht t itrcti i

    th grid r i Rdr hud rmmr tht thi rprt cu y dt rch Durig

    ggmt whr w hv wrkd with rgizti t VeRIs-iz thir curity icidt vr th cur

    yr, it quit itrtig t hw dirt th grid k wh cmprd t DbIR dtt a might

    thriz, errr d Miu w aviiity prv much mr cmm

    8 In other words, 381 of the 855 breaches in 2011 involved external malware that affected the confidentiality of a server (the top left threat event).

    mw hki si mi pi e ei

    ext It Prt ext It Prt ext It Prt ext It Prt ext It Prt ext It Prt ext It Prt


    Cdtiity& Pi

    381 518 1 9 8 1 2 1

    Itgrity &authticity

    397 422 1 6 1 1

    aviiity& Utiity

    2 6 5


    Cdtiity& Pi


    Itgrity &authticity

    1 1

    aviiity& Utiity

    1 1 1


    & Pi356 419 1 86

    Itgrity &authticity

    355 355 1 1 86

    aviiity& Utiity

    1 3


    & Pi23 1

    Itgrity &authticity

    aviiity& Utiity


    Cdtiity& Pi

    30 1

    Itgrity &authticity

    59 2

    aviiity& Utiity

    i 8. verIs a4 gid dii q i-

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    mw hki si mi pi e ei

    ext It Prt ext It Prt ext It Prt ext It Prt ext It Prt ext It Prt ext It Prt


    Cdtiity& Pi

    7 33 3 2 1

    Itgrity &authticity

    10 18 1

    aviiity& Utiity



    Cdtiity& Pi

    Itgrity &authticity

    aviiity& Utiity

    1 1



    & Pi3 6 10

    Itgrity &

    authticity4 2 10

    aviiity& Utiity



    & Pi1 1

    Itgrity &authticity

    aviiity& Utiity


    Cdtiity& Pi


    Itgrity &authticity


    aviiity& Utiity

    i 9. verIs a4 gid dii q i- larger orgs

    USing VeriS or eVidence-bASed riSk mAnAgement

    Thi my ud ik dvrtimt, ut it tyu

    c d thi uig VeRIs (which i r!) Imgi, rik

    mgr, hvig cc t curity icidt withi

    yur rgizti cid uig VeRIs (i yu ry

    wt t t yur imgiti ru wid, thik ut

    hvig imir dt rm thr rgizti ik yur

    w) ovr tim, hitric dtt i crtd, givig

    yu dtid irmti wht hppd, hw t

    it hppd, d wht ht hppd withi yur

    rgizti Ukw d ucrtiti gi trcd Yu giv it t yur dt viuizti guy wh

    crk ut grid r yur vriu ui grup

    imir t igur 9 Htpt th grid cu yur

    ttti critic prm r d hp t prpry

    dig udryig imt rm thr, trtmt

    trtgi t dtr, prvt, dtct, r hp rcvr rm

    rcurrig (r dmgig) thrt vt c idtid

    d priritizd but yu dt tp thr; yu ctuy

    mur th ctiv yur prcripti t

    trck whthr icidt d dcr tr th

    trtmt r dmiitrd Thu, yu chiv tt

    whr ttr murmt ttr mgmt

    Cgu trt rrrig t yu th Rik Dctr

    d uddy yur pii mttr i curity pdig

    dicui Thi cud yu

    oviuy, thi i mt t tgu i chk, ut w

    truy d iv i th mrit pprch ik thi Wik t rr t thi pprch evidc-bd Rik

    Mgmt (ebRM), rrwig rm th ccpt

    vidc-d mdici etiy, ebRM im t

    ppy th t vi vidc gid rm mpiric

    rrch t mur d mg irmti rik

    scurity icidt, whthr rg r m, r hug

    prt tht t vi vidc Thi i why w

    rt tht mticuuy yzig thm i highy

    ci prctic

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    nw ck t th grid, whr th rut r th vr dtt hr my imiriti with ur t rprt Th

    iggt chg r tht htpt i th Miu d Phyic r r itt cr, whi Mwr d Hckig

    git srvr d Ur Dvic r urig rightr th vr simiry, th it tp thrt vt i T 3

    riy miir

    sprtig th thrt vt r rgr

    rgizti i igur 9 yid w

    dditi tkig pit sm might

    urprid tht thi vri th grid i cvrd th igur 8 (22 th 315

    vt7%wr t t c) o

    wud xpct tht th iggr ttck urc

    d trgr ctr citd with rgr

    rgizti wud prd ttck vr

    grtr prti th grid Thi my tru,

    d ur rut hudt ud t ctrdict

    tht pit W iv th wr dity

    igur 9 cmprd t igur 8 i mty

    rut iz dirc i th dtt (855

    vru 60 rch) With rpct t thrtdivrity, it itrtig tht th grid r

    rgr rgizti hw cmprtivy

    mr v ditriuti cr i-cp thrt

    vt (i, xtrm cumpig rud

    Mwr d Hckig) Rtd t thi, sci

    d Phyic vt mk th tp 10 it i

    T 4 bd dcripti i th pr

    prmit ttck vrgig rm ci

    girig, thi it hckr

    ntury, w xpud thi

    thrughut th wig cti

    t ete #


    1 extrHckigsrvrCdtiity 4 33

    2 extrHckigsrvrItgrity 28 18

    3 extrsciPpItgrity 280 11

    4 extrMwrsrvrItgrity 22 10

    5 extrPhyicUrDvicCdtiity 139 10

    6 extrPhyicUrDvicItgrity 160 107 extrMwrsrvrCdtiity 1 7

    8 extrsciPpCdtiity 259 7

    9 extrHckigUrDvicCdtiity 130 6

    10 extrMwrUrDvicItgrity 148 4

    tb 4. t 10 verIs larger orgs

    t et

    e #c

    1 extrHckigsrvrCdtiity 4 518

    2 extrHckigsrvrItgrity 28 422

    3 extrHckigUrDvicCdtiity 130 419

    4 extrMwrsrvrItgrity 22 397

    5 extrMwrsrvrCdtiity 1 381

    6 extrMwrUrDvicCdtiity 127 356

    7 extrMwrUrDvicItgrity 148 355

    8 extrHckigUrDvicItgrity 151 355

    9 extrPhyicUrDvicCdtiity 139 86

    10 extrPhyicUrDvicItgrity 160 86

    tb 3. t 10 verIs

    Th rut r th vr dtt hr my imiriti with ur t

    rprt Th iggt chg r tht htpt i th Miu d Phyic

    r r itt cr, whi Mwr d Hckig git srvr d

    Ur Dvic r urig rightr th vr

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    t a

    etiti tht cu r ctriut t icidt r kw thrt

    gt Thr c, cur, mr th gt ivvd i y

    prticur icidt acti prrmd y thm c miciu r -

    miciu, itti r uitti, cu r ctriutry, d tm

    rm vrity mtiv ( which wi dicud i uqut

    gt-pcic cti) Idticti th gt citd with

    icidt i critic t tkig pcic crrctiv cti w irmig

    dcii rgrdig utur div trtgi VeRIs pci thr

    primry ctgri thrt gtextr, Itr, d Prtr

    e: extr thrt rigit rm urc utid th

    rgizti d it twrk prtr exmp icud rmr

    mpy, hckr, rgizd crimi grup, d

    gvrmt titi extr gt icud virmtvt uch fd, rthquk, d pwr dirupti

    Typicy, trut r privig i impid r xtr titi

    I: Itr thrt r th rigitig rm withi th rgizti Thi cmp cmpy

    xcutiv, mpy, idpdt ctrctr, itr, tc, w itr irtructur Iidr r

    trutd d privigd (m mr th thr)

    p: Prtr icud y third prty hrig ui rtihip with th rgizti Thi

    icud uppir, vdr, htig prvidr, uturcd IT upprt, tc sm v trut d privig

    i uuy impid tw ui prtr

    igur 10 dipy th ditriuti thrt gt y prctg rch i thi yr dtt, g with

    prviu yr thi tudy It imprtt t kp i mid tht wr t kig t citt mp Th rt

    w yr wr d y Vriz c, th th Usss (2007-2011), nHTCU (2006-2011), aP (2011),

    IRIssCeRT (2011), d PCU (2011) jid t vriu pit i th yr tht wd Thu, trd r th

    cmiti chg i th thrt virmt d chg withi th mp dtt










    12% 2% 4%

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    2011 ctiud th hit twrd xtr gt ivvmt i high prctg dt rch Thugh w

    hv wy xtr mjrity, vr r h y yr -idd 2009 w th ct t

    xcpti t tht ru, ut th ri i itr gt w mty th y-prduct icrprtig th iidr-hvy

    Usss cd ( th 2010 DBIr9 r mr dti) sic th, it primriy utidr i th cd

    wv xmid

    aprt rm yry mp vriti, thr r vr ctr ctriutig t

    th ctig prctg xtr gt v iidr d prtr i thi

    rprt Th primry ctr, which w ddrd t gth i th2011 DBIr10, i

    th ctiud ct idutriizd ttck th rti orgizd

    crimi grup trgtig pymt crd irmti rm Itrt-cig Pos

    ytm r phyicy-xpd aTM d g pump c uch tig git

    hudrd victim durig th m prti rm prctg tdpit,

    th rutig ct tht th cmmditizd yt highy-c ttck hv

    thrt gt trd mk prct Iidr, y diti, hv mr umr ptti trgt

    athr ctriutr t th ctiud ri xtr gt i 2011 w th

    rivigrtd cduct ctivit grup Cmmy kw hcktivim,

    th ttck r ihrty xtr i tur Thy r t ry rqut ( might v y ctt)

    mii cyrcrim, ut wi w, thy c quit dmgig

    W wud rmi i w did t pit ut tht i 2011, thr wr vr ivtigti ivvig itr gt

    tht did t mt th diti dt rch Wh iidr miu cc r irmti prvidd r thir j

    duti, ut did t dic irmti t uuthrizd prty, th cdtiity h ccurrd11

    such icidt r t icudd i thi rprt

    athr itrtig rvti ut 2011 i th much wr prctg muti-gt rch bck i 2009,vr -qurtr icidt w th wrk mr th ctgry thrt gt such icidt mtim

    ivv vrt cui, ut mr t utidr icit iidr t prticipt i m pct th crim I 2011,

    tht gur w jut 2% Th dci hr c ttriutd t th idutriizti trd dicud v

    Prtr thrt gt hv rizd tdy dcr vr th t w yr, d thi dtt i xcpti 12

    With th 1% rch cud y prtr, it wi hrd t g ywhr ut up i th xt rprt simir

    t iidr, th drmtic icr i xtr gt hp t xpi thi dci, ut thr r thr ctr

    w ntic tht th dwwrd trd g i 2008, which prcd th mjr hit twrd highy-c

    ttck y utidr W hv giv vr hypth i pt rprt, icudig icrd wr, rguti,

    d tchgy dvcmt Mr igict i hw w d cu d ctriutry gt Prtr tht did

    t hv cu r i th icidt r t icudd i th prctg Mr dicui uch cri c

    ud i th Prtr d errr cti thi rprt

    It i tiry pi tht miciu iidr d/r prtr r fyig udr th rdr d thu vidig

    dicvry W hv mtd i prviu rprt (d wi mt i tr cti) tht high prctg rch

    r idtid y rud dtcti Hwvr, cmprmi -ci dt d t hv th mchim t

    triggr wr, d r thrr mr dicut t dicvr our dt citty hw tht trutd prti r

    9 ://www.ibi.///_2010-d-b-__.d

    10 ://www.ibi.//2011dbi//

    11 A frequent example of this is a bank employee who uses system privilege s to make an unauthorized withdrawal or transfer of funds. This is certainly a security vio lation, but it is not a data breach.12 Some may rightly remember that the percentage tied to partners was substanti ally higher in prior reports. Keep in mind that those reports showed Verizon data separately, whereas this is the

    combined data from all participating organizations retrofitted to historical data. It definitely changes the results.

    2011 ctiud th

    hit twrd xtr

    gt ivvmt i

    high prctg

    dt rch Thugh

    w hv wy

    xtr mjrity,vr r h y

    yr -idd

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    cidry mr iky t t itctu prprty

    d thr itiv (-ci) dt, d thr

    gd chc th ctiviti wud vr dtctd

    Thi i t icudd t pgiz r i r t prd

    UD, ut t ri vid pit tht iidr d prtr

    r pry udr-rprtd i igur 10 (thugh, i

    th grd chm thig, w ti dt thik thyr

    ywhr c t utidr)

    I kpig with ur prmi t giv dig pcic t

    rgr rgizti, w prt igur 12 Th hpig t

    igicty dirt rut hr r ud r dippitmt

    (Dt yu ht it wh dt gt i th wy gd thry?)

    W hd icrdiy iightu d rti xpti rdy t

    xpi why iidr d prtr wr mr iky t ttckrgr rgizti, ut , it g t wt

    Breach Size by Threat Agents

    Dt cmprmi, murd y umr rcrd t, i

    t idictiv th u impct th rch, ut i uu

    d mur idictr it W gr tht it wud

    ptim t icud mr irmti citd with

    rp, rd dmg, ui dirupti, g pti,

    tc a m tp i thi dircti, w hv ddd hrt

    cti t thi rprt dicuig m th cquc

    Hr, w cu xcuivy th mut dt igur 13 hw th ditriuti mg thrt gt th pprximty 174 mii rcrd cmprmid

    cr th mrgd 2011 dtt n, w didt rgt

    t icud u r iidr d prtr; it jut

    tht utidr t virtuy it Wh cmprd

    t th tir dtt cmpig yr thi

    tudy (igur 14), th ct it much dirt (ut

    w c t t cr thr th grih-u)

    Mg-rch, ivvig mii rcrd i ig

    icidt, hv citty kwd dt umr

    twrd xtr gt Th high-vum, w-yid

    ttck mut up i thir vr vr tim

    It imprtt t rcgiz th vriu typ dt

    cmprmid d thir ifuc thi mtric

    Pymt crd dt d pr irmti r

    rquty trd d t i uk, whr

    itctu prprty r cid dt tht t

    ivv y ig rcrd a mtid prviuy,

    iidr r mr iky t trgt th ttr

    i 12. t b b

    larger orgs

    extr Itr Prtr Ukw


    5% 5%3%

    i 13. cid d b , 2011

    extr y Itr y Mutipgt

    Prtr y

    153,002 403173,874,419 55,493

    i 14. cid d b , 2004-2011

    extr y Itr y Mutipgt

    Prtr y

    978,433,619 28,925,291 43,897,579 46,476,153

    i 11. t (i) b b

    95%+ 2%

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    External Agents (98% o breaches, 99+% o records)

    a with ur prviu DbIR, thi vri ctiu t rirc th dig tht xtr prti r rpi

    r r mr dt rch th iidr d prtr Thi g-rud,

    thy wr tid t 98% icidt at quick gc, much ut th

    r, vriti, d mtiv xtr gt i 2011 ppr t jut

    ctiuti th m try

    outidr mt wy ggd i dirct, itti, d miciu

    cti oy ct 2% c turd xtr gt i idirct

    r, whr thy icitd r idd m t ct git th

    victim orgizd crimi grup wr c gi hid th i hr

    (83%) rch o my wdr why it i thy d wht thy d (w

    ury d, d tht why w trtd trckig mr ut mtiv t yr), th wr i prtty trightrwrd

    thy d it r th my (96%) bttm i: mt dt thiv r pri crimi dirty tryig t

    t irmti thy c tur it ch lik w idm try

    It t th wh try, hwvr nr i it th mt imprtt Th mt igict chg w w i 2011 w

    th ri hcktivim git rgr rgizti wrdwid Th rqucy d rgurity c tid t

    ctivit grup tht cm thrugh ur dr i 2011 xcdd th umr wrkd i prviu yr cmid

    but thi w t rtrictd t ur cd ; th thr rgizti

    prticiptig i thi rprt pt grt d rt rpdig t,

    ivtigtig, d prcutig hcktivit xpit It w xtrmy

    itrtig t pic th dirt prpctiv tgthr t rm g

    viw ivtigti it ctivit grup d thir victim 3%

    xtr ttck my t m ik much (thugh rmmr wr dig

    with vr 850 icidt hr, d tic rtd mtiv r highr th

    tht; pu w upct m ukw gt r ctuy ctivit), ut

    thi trd i pry th iggt d ig mt imprtt chg ctr

    i thi yr DbIR

    ici r pr gi

    Digrmt r prtt

    u, curiity, r prid

    Grudg r pr









    a org lrgr org

    i 15. mi b b wii

    bttm i: mt dtthiv r pri

    crimi dirty tryig

    t t irmti thy

    c tur it ch lik w

    idm try

    It t th wh try,

    hwvr nr i it th mtimprtt Th mt

    igict chg w w

    i 2011 w th ri

    hcktivim git rgr

    rgizti wrdwid

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    Tht i t t y tht hcktivm i w; th trm h tdrd xic ic it w cid y th Cut th

    Dd Cw hckr cctiv i th t 9013 bck th, it mty citd wit dcmt, crditd

    di rvic ttck, d thr tic t xpr digrmt, ti rggig right, r jut cu Th

    mjr hit tht ccurrd i 2011 w tht ctivit grup ddd dt rch t thir rprtir with much-

    hightd itity d puicity I thr wrd, 2011 w mrgr tw th cic midd d w

    oh by the way, were gonna steal all your data too twit

    but v tht t th wh try athugh

    ctivit grup ccutd r rtivy

    m prprti th 2011 cd, thy

    t vr 100 mii rcrd Tht mt

    twic th mut pichd y th

    ciy-mtivtd pri w

    dicud rir s, thugh idgic

    ttck wr rqut, thy ur tk hvy t

    Why th diprity tw th tt rcrd

    t y pri cyrcrimi vru

    ctivit grup? lkig thrugh th c dt, it i pprt tht my-driv crk ctiu t cu mr

    pprtuitic ttck git wkr trgt Thi my t t prty cu gd umr thir rthr

    r jyig ji tim Itd mjr (d riky) hit, thy pir mr hu dt rm mutitud

    mr rgizti tht prt wr rik t th ttckr Thik it wy t trmi ui prc

    id y wy t pry th uupctig, th wk, d th m, d th impy rpt rg c Thi

    high-vum, w-yid ui md h cm th tdrd Mo r rgizd crimi grup

    a imprtt rvti r w c thi dicui i tht ry dt t y ctivit grup wr

    tk rm rgr rgizti urthrmr, th prprti rch tid t hcktivim-rtd mtiv ri

    t 25 prct Thi td t r, ic w-pr rd i iky t drw th ir th grup

    Jut ik th curity pri with whm thy ctd, crimi r ctty ig rikth rik

    pprhi o th grtt chg r w rcmt i th ght git cyrcrim i mrgig

    crimi r wrd idtity with thir i idtity Urtuty, cr 10% th 2011 cd,

    ivtigtr wr u t idtiy pcic vrity xtr gt Thr r vr vid r r thi

    irt d rmt, my cit d t miti ucit g dt tht wud ttriuti I my c,

    th dtrmiti ct md thrugh dik ric My victim (r vriu r) d t wih t

    xpd th ivtigti t icud thi i iquiry c th rch h uccuy ctid smtim

    th prptrtr i t r hi trck r hid thm mg ht itrmdiry ytm evry w d th,

    jut w thik wv crrcty idtid th itp! Chuck Tt (just look it upits worth the break).

    oii e a

    a i wy th c, dtrmiig th ggrphic rigi xtr ttckr d y IP ddr c

    prmtic ev i th cutry th urc IP ddr c pipitd, thi my t whr th ttckr

    ctuy rid It quit iky tht it jut ht i tt r thr hp ud y th gt I m c,

    vriu typ dditi dt, uch th prvidd y w rcmt d/r tfw yi, c hp t

    13 http://www.wired.com/techbiz/it/news/2004/07/64193

    a o l o

    orgizd crimi grup 83% 35% 33% 36%

    Ukw 10% 1% 31% 0%

    Uitd pr() 4% 0% 10% 0%

    activit grup 2% 58%+ 21% 61%

    rmr mpy (no longer had access) 1% 0% 6% 0%

    Rtiv r cquitc mpy 0% 0% 2% 0%

    tb 5. vii b bwii e d d

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    dtrmi th ttckr tru rigi

    eithr wy, xmiig th ggrphic

    rigi ttck i vu r umr


    2011 dig k imir t prviu

    yr, with thrt gt hiig rm

    etr eurp ccutig r tw-

    third xtr rch (

    igur 16) Hwvr, i xmiig y

    rg rgizti, thi umr drp t

    27% Thi ttitic i i with th

    icrig tdcy rgizd

    crimi grup (tht t hi rm

    etr eurp) t trgt mr,wt-hgig-ruit victim attck

    git rgr rgizti rigitd

    rm cmprtivy mr divr t

    rgi rud th wrd

    Internal Agents (4% o breaches,

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    kim cutmr pymt crd hdhd dvic digd t

    cptur mgtic trip dt Th dt i th pd up th chi

    t crimi wh u mgtic trip cdr t rict

    dupict crd nt urpriigy, uch icidt r mt

    tiry citd with mr ui r idpdt c

    rchi rg rd

    o th thr hd, wh rgur crprt d ur r ivvd

    (12%), thir cti r quit dirt I mt itc, th

    mpy u ytm cc r thr privig i rdr t

    t itiv irmti amt th cri itd

    v r mtivtd y ci r pr gi

    outid th vriti mtid v, w rvd mixtur

    xcutiv, mgr, d uprvir (ttig 18%) lik th

    rgur mpy d d ur, th idividu r xpitig ytm cc d privig r prgi r thr yr ruig, w hv dci i c d ccutig t sti, th diy rpiiiti

    th k, which ivv th vright d/r dirct cc t vu t d irmti, put thm i

    piti t gg i mutitud midd o ct hp ut wdr wht th dt wud hw i w wr t

    trck th typ iidr thrugh th vr-chgig rgutry dcp, rm r G-stg, t

    Grhm-lch-biy, d w t Ddd-rk Th d fw th umr wud hv vry itrtig

    t wit

    iy, it might gigt u i w didt prvid m mti ytm r twrk dmiitrtr Th

    truty tchgic wrrir hp mk IT rgizti rud th wrd hum with prductivity, d thy

    ttim p th prvri ky-t-th-kigdm Thugh w hv c i which thy wr

    rpi r dt rch, thy hv ry rgitrd mr th ip th rdr i th t cup yr

    W mtid i rir cti tht w hv yzd th icidt r ig rgizti vr th cur

    yr I th dtt, dmi-rtd icidt ccur rquty, ut thy r mty th viiity d

    dwtim vrity

    Partner Agents (

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    a w xmp hud hp:

    1 I th prtr cti r th dirct cu th icidt, thy aRe thrt gt

    2 I th prtr cti crt circumtc r cditi thti/wh ctd up y thr gtwth primry chi thrt vt t prcd, th prtr i noT thrt gt W cidr thi t

    cditi vt, d th prtr c viwd ctriutig gt Thir cti hd mr t d with th

    victim curity r vuriity th th thrt it

    3 I th prtr w, ht, r mg th victim t ivvd i icidt, it d noT criy w

    tht thy r thrt gt Thy my (i thir cti d t th icidt), ut thy r t guity impy y

    thi citi

    exmp #2 m t tickig pit r mt pp T urthr

    iutrt wht w m, t u cidr th wig cri

    supp third prty rmty dmiitr cutmr dvic vr

    th Itrt vi m kid rmt cc r dktp rvicurthr upp thi prtr rgt t r micgurd

    curity ttig (t pick mthig dmi wud vr d, ik

    gctig t chg dut crdti) Th, d hd, tht

    dvic gt pppd withi 30 cd ig idtid wh

    rgizd crimi grup prtig ut etr eurp gu th urm/pwrd a thi, cur,

    i pury gurtiv; thi wud vr ctuy hpp i th r wrd (wik, wik) I uch circumtc, th

    crimi grup wud th y thrt gt o cud cptur th prtr [idirct] ctriuti uig th

    VeRIs-pcid r ctriutd t cditi vt() g with uit errr thrt cti Thi

    tiy t tht th prtr crtd vuriity (th cditi vt) tht w xpitd y th xtr

    thrt gt

    a i , th rti md r th t tw yr rmi tru: rgizti tht uturc thir IT mgmtd upprt uturc grt d trut t thir ch prtr a prtr x curity prctic d

    pr gvrct utid th victim ctr r xprtir rquty ctyt i curity icidt

    nvrth, uturcig c hv my t, d th t wy t cutrct th citd rik i thrugh

    third-prty pici, ctrct, ctr, d mt o cvt uturcig i tht yu c uturc

    ui ucti, ut yu ct uturc th rik d rpiiity t third prty Th mut r y

    th rgizti tht k th pputi t trut thy wi d th right thig with thir dt

    t ai

    Thrt cti dcri wht th thrt gt did t cu r t ctriut t th rch evry dt rch

    cti r mr thm, cuig prctg t dd up t mr th 100% Withi VeRIs, cti r

    cid it v high-v ctgri (ch which wi cvrd i dti i th wig cti)

    Hckig d mwr hv trditiy d th pck, ut thi yr thyv

    pud wy rm th grup v urthr whi wvig Hi Mm! t th

    cmr out th 855 icidt thi yr, 81% vrgd hckig, 69%

    icudd mwr, d impriv 61% rch turd

    cmiti hckig tchiqu d mwr out th 602 icidt

    with tw r mr vt, hckig d mwr wr ud i 86% th

    ttck (mr th rtihip thrt cti c ud i

    appdix a)

    a prtr x curity

    prctic d pr

    gvrct utid

    th victim ctr r

    xprtir rquty

    ctyt i curity icidt

    Hckig d mwr hv

    trditiy d th pck,

    ut thi yr thyv pud

    wy rm th grup v

    urthr whi wvig Hi

    Mm! t th cmr

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    ovr, wv th ctgri uc rud it vr th yr Miu d ci tctic tppd up thir

    gm i 2009 whi phyic tchiqu md rpct pprc th yr tr tht Th rthr hrp drp

    i phyic ttck thi pt yr my du t g w rcmt gci uccuy fippig th rdm

    it th ivvd with kimmig icidt Thy cud hviy th crimi rig hid th kimmig

    ctiviti rthr th idividu icidt thmv, d w my trtig t th ruit th rt













  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    Whtvr th xpti, thig i uty cr: w dit pttr mrgig vr th yr with

    rpct t thrt cti cr th u dtt

    I w k t iggr rgizti, hwvr, w d ighty dirt pictur igur 18 hit t viu d

    imp truth wrth mtiig: rg cmpy prm r dirt th m cmpy prm Prhp it

    cu trpri hv th IT t t ddr m th w-hgig ruit (r, wht i t mr prp, th

    ruit rttig i th yrd) Hwvr, t gt t th cti itm r rg vru m rgizti, w

    mut k t th rkdw thrt cti yd th high-v ctgri ( T 7)

    rk vi c B rd

    1 Kyggr/rm-grr/spywr (capture data rom user activity) mw 48% 35%

    2 expitti dut r gu crdti hki 44% 1%

    3 U t gi crdti hki 32% 82%

    4 sd dt t xtr it/tity mw 30%

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    Cmpi, ig d m, w ir mut miciu cd digd t cptur ur iput, cmmy cd

    kyggrthy wr prt i mt h rch (48%) Thi mt iky ctriutd t th u

    t crdti i rughy ut thr icidt athr citt thrt cti r rg d m

    cmpi w th itti (d xpitti) ckdr; th wr vrgd i ut vry v

    ttck W c gt r th dirig thrt dcp ig d m cmpi y cmprig T 8,

    which it tp thrt cti ud git rgr trpri

    Puig irmti rm T 8 i itt prmtic ic th umr r mr (mr dtt hv rgr

    wig i mpig rrr), ut w c m itrtig trd Th rt thig w tic i th icrdprc ci tctic; diprprtit 22% icidt icrprtd th withi rgr rgizti

    Thi cud cu thy hv ttr primtr d (rcig ttckr t trgt hum itd ytm)

    r tht mpy rgr cmpi hv mr cmpx ci w (thy r iky t kw th c-

    wrkr thy hud (r hud t) trut)

    athr itrtig tk-wy rm T 8 i th ck xpitti dut crdti It drppd th rdr

    d w th 60 rg cmpy rch icudd tht thrt cti agi, thi cud cu rgr

    rgizti hv th tt d rurc t tck m th mi tk r it cud tht rgr cmpi

    iky hv mr th ig dut pwrd tw th ttckr d th crw jw Thi rirc th d

    r th d guy t t gi crdti t rch rgr rgizti I th pg tht w, w dig dpr it

    ch th ctgri t wht w c r ut th cti dig t dt rch i 2011

    Malware (69% o breaches, 95% o records)

    Mwr i y iciu tw, cript, r cd dvpd r ud r th purp cmprmiig r hrmig

    irmti t withut th wr irmd ct Mwr ctrd i vr tw-third th 2011

    cd d 95% t dt Up idticti mwr durig ivtigti, th Vriz RIsK tm

    cduct jctiv yi t ciy d crti it cpiiti with rgrd t th cmprmi t hd Th

    RIsK tm u th yi t it th victim with ctimt, rmv, d rcvry th icti Mwr

    c cid i my wy, ut w utiiz tw-dimi pprch withi th VeRIs rmwrk tht

    idti th icti vctr d th uctiity ud t rch dt Th tw dimi r dircty rvt

    t idtiyig pprprit dtctiv d prvtiv mur r mwr


    rk vi c B rd

    1 3 U t gi crdti hki 30% 84%

    2 6 bckdr (allows remote access/control) mw 18% 51%

    3 7 expitti ckdr r cmmd d ctr ch hki 17% 51%

    4 9 Tmprig pi 17%

  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    mw Ii v

    Much it h i th pt, th mt cmm mwr

    icti vctr ctiu t itti r ijcti y

    rmt ttckr Thi cvr cri i which ttckr

    rch ytm vi rmt cc d th dpy

    mwr r ijct cd vi w ppicti vuriiti

    ovr th pt w yr, th dt hw tht thi icti

    vctr ctiu upwrd trd attckr utiizd thi

    vctr i ighty mr th h mwr-rtd c i

    2009, ut 80% i 2010, d tggrig 95% i th pt

    yr It ppurity icti vctr iky tm th

    rm th ttckr dir t rmi i ctr tr giig

    cc t ytm, d it u i high-vum utmtd ttck git rmt cc rvic Thi i mt

    vidt i th rdr ciy-mtivtd crim (uch pymt crd rch) whr mwr i t typicy

    th iiti vctr itrui, ut rthr i itd y th ttckr tr giig cc Thi i t wy tru r

    thr gr ttck With IP tht cri, mwr t prvid th try pit tr uccu ci

    ttck uch phihig -mi I th c, gd d-i-dpth ctr, t jut tiviru twr, cud

    id i kpig th ttckr ut i th rt pc

    Wh cuig dt cmprmi ituti, -mi i cmm icti vctr My rgizti

    mpy tiviru prduct d thr trig mchim t uccuy ck r qurti mii mwr

    tri ftig rud th Itrt It i highy iky tht -mi wud much rgr vctr i th ctr

    wr rvkd

    Icti vi th w dcrd gi thi pt yr i prprti t thr vctr W divid w-d mwr

    it tw uctgri: cd tht i ut-xcutd (k driv-y dwd) d twr tht th ur d t

    xcut (cickig miciu hyprik) W riz tht w-d mwr rut i cut ictd

    ytm, ut y prti th d t crmd dt tht

    i 19. mw ii b b wii mw

    Ijctd yrmt ttckr

    (i.e., via SQLi)

    Itd yrmt ttckr(ater system access)

    Itd ythr mwr

    e-mi viur-xcutd



    by inection)

    W/Itrt(user-executed or










  • 7/31/2019 Rp Data Breach Investigations Report 2012 en Xg



    r my w-d typ mwr, ur i rquird t viit crti ictd wit Thi crtiy wrk r

    m cri, uch pwrd-tig Zu mwr, ut t r rg-c cmprmi pymt

    ytm Mt th ictd ytm ppr impy t ji th thud tt ud r DDs d thr

    typ ttck

    r rgr rgizti, th ditriuti mwr

    icti vctr i -idd; th dt hw highr

    rquci w d -mi icti vctr d wr

    rquci mwr itd dircty y ttckr our

    dig thry r thi hit i tht ttckr my d it

    ir t gt ur t it mwr rthr th rch

    th primtr d rgr rgizti thrugh

    dirct ttck Th mut ukw icti vctr i

    ttriut t my dirt ctr Mt t it i du

    t ck vidc ( g dt, ti-ric y th ttckr, d/r prmtur c-up) th ytm Ith c, it i kw tht mwr w prt, ut th icti vctr ct ccuivy dtrmid

    mw ii

    o qu imprtc t th pthwy mwr icti r th ucti xhiitd c dpyd withi

    victim virmt W mty cu mwr tht dircty rt t th rch, ut w t d rt

    xtru miciu r uwtd durig th cur ivtigti Thi rv dditi idicti

    idquty mgd ytm d ck curity prc athugh mwr rquty utiiz vr

    mthd t hrm ytm, it ti rv r mr thr ic purp i dt rch cri: r

    prg cc, cptur dt, r urthr th ttck i m thr mr

    Pr igur 20, th thr mt cmmy ud ucti mwr ctiu t ggig kytrk (d thr

    rm ur iput), dig dt t xtr cti, d ckdr It i imprtt t t tht thuctiiti r mutuy xcuiv d it cmm r ig pic mwr t tur vr cmpt

    a mtid, kyggr pprd i vr tw-third mwr-rtd c, ighty mr th th prviu

    yr Th t icud cmmrciy vi twr pckg, which r ry vi th w, d r

    which uy ucti pirtd vri c ud pr-t-pr (P2P) twrk d trrt it sm

    th kyggr w th ttckr t uid pr-cgurd rmt itti pckg tht c dpyd

    trgt ytm Thir viiity, u, d cgurti, w thir ti-ric cpiiti, uch


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