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September 2016

Roots & Branches

Wingo’s Words

A Season of Renewal

by Pastor Jesse Brunson

I attended a meeting recently and the person sharing the devotion mentioned the year of Jubilee. This

season is explained in detail in Leviticus 25, however for this article I will not go into detail.

Throughout the Bible there are themes that focus on seasons or events; such as the Creation Story,

Human Rebellion, or the Exodus from Egypt. There are also themes which the church has adopted to focus

on during the Christian year; Advent Season, Lenten Season, and the Season of Pentecost.

Even the business world has adopted themes that reflect their mission such as, Keep Climbing, Buy

More Spend Less, Save Money Live Better or a military one Be All You Can Be. You may recognize some if

not all of these slogans or mission themes. Needless to say, themes and slogan are a part of our functioning

world is an understatement. And as such we have chosen to use a theme for our Homecoming week at Pleas-

ant Green: A Season of Renewal.

A Season of Renewal will not only give focus to our Homecoming, but will guide us the entire

conference year until Homecoming 2017. How else could we describe the blessings that God will shower

upon us during this season of special worship services September 14 and 15 and Bishop Hope Morgan Ward

preaching on Homecoming Day? Through this Season of Renewal, A Season of Blessing is what we will

receive and it will carry us forward into the coming year.

There are many passages of scripture that describes the spirit of renewal. I offer only a few for reflection.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. (Psalm 51:10)

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are be-

ing renewed day by day. (2 Corinthians 4:16)

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the

renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is, His good,

pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 4:16)


Pastor Jesse

PGUMC 184th Anniversary

Homecoming September 18th 11:00 am Worship Service Guest Preacher ~ Bishop Hope Morgan Ward

Special Music ~ Chancel Choir and Praise Band

We will be “one worshipping congregation” on this special day. (no 8:30 am service)

We invite you to attend this celebration of building of new relationships and reunions of old friends. And plan to stay for the annual covered dish lunch following worship.


“Living in Faith Today; A Vision of Faith for Tomorrow” was the message on the March

30, 2003 bulletin, the first Sunday in Pleasant Green United Methodist Church’s present


The church has been meeting at Pleasant Green since 1832, first in a simple arbor and soon

after in a log building. That building was replaced by another log building in 1843 and then a much larger

frame church in 1869.

The current chapel was constructed on the same site beginning in 1910 and was dedicated June 30, 1912. The

little chapel grew along with the church, adding Sunday School rooms in 1939 and again in 1962. The sanctu-

ary itself was renovated in 1981 to look much as it does today. In 1989, the building was enlarged again, add-

ing a kitchen, a larger fellowship hall, and the current Sunday School wing.

Early in its history, Pleasant Green was one of nine churches on Durham’s Circuit, organized in 1866. By

1948 the charge was made up of two churches: Pleasant Green and McMannen. A parsonage was built on

Cole Mill Road, about midway between the two churches. In 1957, Pleasant Green received its own full-time

minister, and there was preaching every Sunday. Later, the congregation was served for many years by

student pastors from Duke Divinity School. A full-time pastor was again appointed in 1988.

Sunday, August 14, I rejoiced in the number of nursery-age children in the

congregation. I also celebrated the work of United Methodist Women which

provided a new mini-crib to our nursery. Also, new signs mark the changing

stations located in the Men's and Women's restrooms nearest the Sanctuary.

As we continue to provide safe facilities for babies and pre-school age children, we hope

their families find the welcoming love of Christ through this ministry.

I will provide updates as we continue to make changes to the nursery and for these nurse-

ry-age children. New guidelines for nursery and workshops for our nursery workers are

just a few of the upcoming enhancements to the ministry. Please do not hesitate to contact

me [] if you have questions or if you are interested in becoming a

part of our nursery ministry. Ceil Matthews, UMW President

Notes from the Christian Education Team’s upcoming Fall Ministry

We are blessed to have 3 new volunteers this Fall!

Beth Nichols, Liz Link Jacks, and Martha Walker (as a sub) have graciously accepted the call to serve in our Children's Ministry. We are so excited they have joined us to serve in the Pre-K-2nd grade classes!

Sunday School Celebration: September 11th during the Fellowship time at 9:30am.

Our goal is to promote Sunday School attendance as well as recognize the children who are moving up to the next grade level class. We will have breakfast items, music by our youth, and testimonies about the impact Sunday School has on our lives.

*At 10:00 we will have a Kids Connect Mission Market Craft Sunday. *

Future Kids Connect Activities: October - Ellerbee Creek Project TBD Craft Sundays November 20th and December 4th.

Thank you all for your dedication and commitment to help our children grow in their knowledge and love of God!

From the Prayer Team…


One of the Prayer Ministry members recently read the book GRIT by Angela Duckworth. When

someone has grit, they have a passion for something and are willing to work hard to get better at

it; even when they fail, are blocked from their desires, or want to give up. The athletes at the

Olympics certainly have grit. They have worked exceedingly hard to get where they are; and, to

represent their respective countries. Another person who has grit is the person that Patrick dis-

cussed in his sermon on August 14th. Patrick called it endurance; but, endurance and grit are very

entwined. Patrick talked about Helen Berhane, a gospel singer from the country of Eritrea, who was

imprisoned for years for her religious views. She was kept in a shipping container as a cage, was

deprived of food, sleep, and comfort. She was isolated and beaten. In spite of all of this harsh-

ness, Helen never lost her faith in God or her religious fervor. Now we are getting closer to what

grit has to do with us.

How would you rate your grit when it comes to being a Disciple of Christ? How high is your pas-

sion? How much are you willing to work to be a better Disciple? What does being a disciple mean?

Coming to church on Sunday, attending Sunday school, bringing your children to Sunday school,

using your God-given talents to serve your church and in the community, tithing, reading the Bible,

praying daily; telling friends, neighbors and acquaintances what Christ means to you. In events

coming up at Pleasant Green, it means renewing your faith and passion by attending the Renewal

Services on September 14th and 15th and Homecoming on September 18th. It means participating in

a Renewing Your Heart group, which will take place in October. It means living each day as if you

truly are a child of Christ.

Each of us has areas of Discipleship we need to strengthen. Let’s pray about it….

Dear Heavenly Father, help each one of us be the child you created us to be. Ignite us with passion,

love, commitment and purpose to be more like your Son. With each day, touch our hearts, speak to

our minds, warm our souls so that we are filled with the desire to be more pleasing to you. Give us

the grit to persevere in the things you want us to do, no matter what is happening in our lives.

Show us where and how you want us to grow as Disciples and let us never give up the fight to be

committed, accountable followers of your Son. We pray these things in His name. Amen

Come join us for the next Prayer Meeting on Wednesday, September 21st at 6:30 pm.

Praying for others is a great way to grow in Discipleship!

In the meantime, sign the prayer letters under the bulletin board in the hallway. Signing a letter

means you commit to pray for that person at least once during the week. Did you know that even

though you don’t know the person, they are so grateful that you care!

Please remember to fill out the yellow prayer cards found in the pews to request prayer

for those in need.

Eleanor Walker Circle’s Back Pack Ministry for

Central Elementary School

Food donations are needed!

Place in the red box in the Narthex.

Sunday, September 11th 2:30 - 4:00 Parlor

Wedding Shower for Mary Julia Hinson & Scott Walker

*Gift Card Shower for their new home

Home Depot/Bed Bath Beyond/ Kroger/Whole Foods

Also registered at Crate & Barrel/Amazon





7 PM WEDNESDAY SEPT. 14TH Rev. Kyle Meier (PGUMC Intern 2012-13)

with Mark & Julie Weems (Little Windows)

7 PM THURSDAY SEPT. 15TH Rev. Carl Frazier (PGUMC Minister 1980-1984)

with the PG Praise Band

UMW Silent / Live Auction October 15th

at Pleasant Green UMC

5:00 — 7:00 pm

Silent Auction 5 - 6pm ~ Live Auction 6– 7pm

Please join us to browse & bid on silent auction items while enjoying


Donations of items are appreciated!! Suggestions for donations: gift cards/certificates for

items/services, pottery, jewelry, vacation homes/retreats, baked goods, other handmade items (please include description of item and value)

**vacation homes/retreats are very popular**

Ladies are asked to bring an appetizer and dessert.

Donation: $1 for opportunity to own a

New Authentic Amish Handmade Quilt

King/Queen 111” x 99”

Drawing ~ 10/15 at 7pm

handmade by Barbara Stoltzfus of Lancaster

County, Pennsylvania. 100% gorgeous cotton batik

fabrics in navy, chocolate, celery, mauve & latte'.

I will sing of your love and justice; to you, O Lord, I will sing praise. (Psalm 101:1)

The Voices of Praise will start practicing at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 7th downstairs in the choir room. This group introduces the congregation to some of the new music in the Faith We Sing book as well as presenting old favorites and group choruses. If you like to sing, please join us! Call Janice Nicholson (682-8857)

The Chancel Choir provides sacred music during our traditional service at 11:00 and is directed by Lesley Weaver. The Chancel Choir practices are on Wednesdays starting on August 24th at 7:00 in the Choir Room. This is a perfect time for anyone who enjoys singing and fellowship to join the choir. There is no audition and the ability to read music is not required. Call Lesley Weaver (724-9542)

How is God calling you into his service?

Please speak with a member of Nominations and Leader Development Team

as to how you would like to serve YOUR church in 2017.

This team will meet on Tuesday, September 6.

Pastor Jesse Brunson-Chair 919-383-2339

Sandy Quinn – Lay Leader 919-382-8442

Patsy Stranger 919-471-8370

Van McCay 919-477-9692

Lisa Best 919-732-4035

Gretchen Hutt 919-383-3398

Millie Hunter 919-732-4779

Billy Totten 919-471-4455

James Hamm 919-381-6473

Anna LaBarre 919-619-4652

Rick Riley 919-323-2150

Nominations & Leader Development

This Committee identifies and recommends to the charge conference Christian spiritual leaders to serve as officers and members of the church council and other committees as is required. This Committee also serves to develop,

deploy, evaluate and monitor the connectional ministries of the church that are engaged in the mission of forming

disciples and transforming the community. This committee is composed of not more than nine persons in addition to the pastor and lay leader. The pastor serves as chairperson.

Committee budget requests for 2017 are needed! Please give requests to Betsy Cassidy or

Evelyn Morris.

September Youth Calendar

Friends, Fellowship, Games and Lessons / Sunday School 10 am

First ELEVATE of the fall will be September 11th

from 5:00 – 7:30 pm.

Can you help with meals? Can you help as an adult leader? We are grateful for your help, which is essential for us as we grow.

Please contact Ali at or 202744-6440

Please pray for the youth as they return to school this Fall.

God of wisdom and might, we praise you for the wonder of our being, for mind, body and spirit.

Be with all students as they begin a new school year.

Bless them and their teachers and staff.

Give the strength and grace as their bodies grow; wisdom and knowledge to their minds

as they search for understanding; and peace and zeal to their hearts.

We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The youth SS class is currently using the study, “Bad to the Bone: Fifteen Young Bible Heroes Who Lived Radical Lives for God” by Miles McPherson. As a part of the study, the class will be involved in minis-try. The ministry that was selected was to put together bags which can be used by the congregation to give food/water to those begging on the road and on the sidewalks. Wendy Martin started this ministry in 2012, and called it Caring for Change. In Wendy’s words ““For the past year, I have been carrying around Ziplock bags containing items such as socks, a shirt, fruit cups, chips, and a tooth brush and paste.

I do this so that, when I see someone on the side of the street, I don't have to wonder if I should give them money. By giving them money, they could buy things that won't be necessarily helpful to them; but by giving them the Zip-lock bag, I am providing them with a couple snacks to get them through the rest of the week, and some other things that are just nice to have. Our youth feel strongly about this ministry. We are asking the congregation to donate the following: Gallon Ziploc bags, Bottled water, Fruit cups and Granola bars. In the bag, we will include a Bible verse. We will take a Sunday to put together the bags. They will then be placed in the Narthex for the congregation to distribute. We appreciate everyone’s help and support with this important ministry!


Have you ever read the whole Bible? Would you like to study it again? Then DISCIPLE

Bible Study is for you! This transformative study gives the Old and New Testaments

equal time, emphasizing the wholeness of the Bible as a revelation of God. DISCIPLE

draws upon the work of scholars, the personal Bible reading and study, and

dynamic group discussion to aid understanding of the Bible. The group will meet one

night most weeks from September through May. (The night of the week will be based on interest/

availability.) The group will be led by Ali DeLeo. For more information or to sign up, please contact

Ali at or 202-744-6440.

Would you like to be added to the Youth Ministry Email List-Serve? Please let Ali or the church office know, and we will be glad to keep you updated

FOOD FOR ALL in August was sponsored by the Women’s Sunday School Class


September 10th & 17th 8:00 am

Everyone’s help is needed!

Dinner to honor Eno Volunteer

Fire Department

Monday, September 12, 2016

Please sign up in the Narthex to help!

The Eno volunteers appreciate this show of support and look forward to the dinner each year!

from Finance… Special Homecoming Offering

Happy Birthday, PGUMC! In celebration of our church’s 184th birthday, we’re asking our church family to consider a special offering for this year’s Homecoming. May we suggest a special offering in any of the following forms to further the ministry and missions of Pleasant Green UMC:

1. A gift of $184 per family celebrating 184 years of worship at PGUMC. 2. A gift of $1 per person for every year that PGUMC has been a part of your life. 3. A memorial or honorary gift to recognize someone in PGUMC’s past or present who has helped you at some point along your walk with Christ.

Thanks to the generosity of its family and friends, PGUMC endures, providing encouragement,

enlightenment and spiritual growth to so many people, near and far. We’ve accomplished a lot in 184 years, but have so much left to do!

Pleasant Greeners’ Lunch

Wednesday, September 28 ~


All are welcome, especially those retired!

Lunch provided ! Please come and enjoy

September 4th—Coleslaw September 11th—More Cowbell



SUNDAYS 2-5 pm Courthouse Lawn

106 E Margaret Lane

SUNDAY SCHOOL CELEBRATION Christian Education is sponsoring a

Sunday School Celebration on September 11th at the 9:30 am Fellow-

ship time for all age levels. We will have food, music and present promotion certificates for those moving up in the elementary grades.

Elementary school children will make crafts for Mission Market at the Sunday School time.

Twenty Two adults and children were provided

a meal thanks to the Women’s SS Class!

July 24 ~ Baptism of Maya Josie Pualani Lee

Daughter of Kelly and Brandon Lee Granddaughter of Ronnie & Jo Anna Walker Brown

Share the Word! Keep that light shining!

El Salvador Mission Trip

This trip to El Salvador was showered with many blessings.

Our partnership with Raeford UMC afforded us the opportuni-

ty to expand our team in growth and love. We did this through

construction of a church, food delivery, and Bible School. Our

work was in La Gloria – a place special to my heart.

Our team melded together in joy and laughter. Servant’s

hearts were evident as we worked in the hot sun. It was hot,

but not as humid as home. We took frequent water breaks and

encouraged one another in our work. We broke into a food de-

livery team, letting each team member en-

gage in this compelling ministry. We were

allowed in the community homes, to learn

something of those people and to pray for them. Some stories were heart wrenching –

the children leaving and not returning home - to suicide of a young family mem-

ber. Gangs are a problem and take their toll on the people of the village.

Bible School participants ranged from infant to grandmother, so we had to allow for a lot

of improvising. Our translators were two young men, who had a passion for God and His

work. Their love for the children was evident by

their compassion for them. We celebrated Bible

School in song and in games. The snacks proved to

be a hit, as there were many a hungry belly in at-


Also a big hit were the mission dresses we took with

us. Both Gloria and her assistant Maya, quickly as-

signed dresses to girls in the community, and joked that they wished

the dresses were their size! The girls were excited to get the dresses

and quickly donned them.

For me, the best part of the trip was when Gloria, her mother, Maya,

and the interpreters prayed for us. Their prayer was in Spanish, but I

don’t think there was a word I did not understand. I felt such an

anointing, such a blessing poured all over us. Their gratitude and that

of the community was evident and the presence of God was strong.

Thank you, Pleasant Green for such a wonderful opportunity. Your presence

is felt in El Salvador, and your blessings, sure.

Kathryn Dempsey

Pleasant Green United Methodist Church 3005 Pleasant Green Road Durham, NC 27705 (919) 383-5764


Pastor - Rev. Dr. Jesse Brunson (919) 383-2339

Director of Spiritual Formation and Youth Ministry-

Alison DeLeo:

Non-Profit Org.


Durham, NC 27705

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Address Service Requested


St. Mary’s Chapel 64th Homecoming Location: the corner of Schley & St. Mary’s Roads

Sunday, September 18th 4:45 pm— Pump Organ music Evensong Service at 5:00 pm

followed by a covered dish dinner - BBQ provided

Officiating will be The Rev. Liz Dowling-Sendor, graduate of Duke Divinity School

St. Mary’s Chapel was established in 1759 for the purpose of holding Anglican services in Orange County for the homesteaders who lived in the vicinity of the “Trading Path.” The Gothic Revival Style Chapel that now stands was constructed of hand-made brick in 1859. Regular services were discontinued in the 1930’s. An annual “Homecoming Day” has been observed for the last sixty-three years.

Brunswick Stew by the quart

November 5, 2016 4 - 7 pm

Reserve Brunswick Stew Quarts $9

sponsored by the


Methodist Men

Potato Peeling Party in the multi-purpose room on Friday, November 4th at 6:30 pm.

The Upper Room Daily Devotional Guide is provided free of charge to the Pleasant Green

congregation by the United Methodist Women. You may pick up a copy in the Narthex.

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