romberg-tabatabaeepour poster phrd 2016

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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BackgroundIt is estimated that 14% of the population in San Diego County is food insecure1Food security is associated with access to healthy foods and diet quality2Coastal Roots Farm (CRF) is a nonprofit community farm located in Encinitas, CA that practices sustainable farming and aims to share its harvests with communities that lack access to healthy food3CRF produce is offered to Community Resource Center (CRC) participants through its Food Distribution Center (FDC)CRC offers a market-style FDC to allow participant selection of available foods based on a point system

Nutritional, Safe, and Locally Grown: Food Security through Quality Produce Distribution by Coastal Roots Farm and its PartnersEmma Romberg, Nadia TabatabaeepourUniversity of California, San Diego Department of Family Medicine and Public HealthCoastal Roots Farm

1 Map the Meal Gap.Feeding America San Diego. 2013. Available at: Accessed March 28, 2016.2 Hunger Study.Feeding America San Diego. 2013. Available at: Accessed March 28, 2016.3 Coastal Roots Farm.Coastalrootsfarmorg. 2016. Available at: Accessed March 28, 2016.ReferencesSemi-structured interviews with 10 representatives of CRF and CRC completed in February

Observations in Food Distribution Center involving participant behavior and existing produce options beginning March and lasting into April

Two group-based discussions with approximately 10 CRC participants in each group planned for April

Compilation and analysis of CRC Fresh Rescue Poundage Log, CRF Harvest Logs, and CRC Food Distribution Center Points Sheets beginning in AprilProject ObjectivesAssist in understanding how effectively CRF has distributed fresh produce through its partnerships to the local community

Identify and establish communication channels between CRF and its partners

Using CRC as a case study, determine CRC participant awareness, perceived value and use of produce grown by CRF farmersAcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by UCSD BSPH Advanced Practicum and Coastal Roots Farm. Contact InformationEmma Romberg emma.romberg@gmail.comNadia

The results will aid CRF to better understand the strengths of produce distribution mechanisms already in place at partner organizations and apply findings to future partnerships

This project will inform current and future efforts to facilitate increased access to nutritional, safe, and locally grown produce for food insecure individuals

Strengthening CRFs partnerships will help address some of the determinants of health that contribute to food security

The project will help build a foundation for strengthening current and future partnerships between CRF and UCSD BSPH Advanced Practicum

CRF Harvest Log ExampleExamples of CRC Point Sheet, Fresh Rescue Log

Accessed March 28, 2016, Retrieved from Accessed March 30, 2016, Retrieved from crcncc.orgCoastal Roots Farm Mission

At Coastal Roots Farm, we seed, we grow, and we share. We seed new ideas around sustainable farming and Jewish life; we grow healthy food; and we share the harvest with our local community.Accessed March 28, 2016, Retrieved from Methods ImplicationsPresented at UCSD Public Health Research Day, La Jolla, CA, April, 2016.


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