romanticism vs. realism

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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Romanticism vs. Realism. Romanticism. Rebelled against Enlightenment’s emphasis on reason Wanted to inspire deep emotions An age of passion, rebellion, individuality, imagination, intuition, idealism, and creativity. Nature in the raw, wild state. Romanticism. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Romanticism vs. Realism

RomanticismRebelled against Enlightenment’s emphasis on reasonWanted to inspire deep emotionsAn age of passion, rebellion, individuality, imagination, intuition, idealism, and creativity.Nature in the raw, wild state

Romanticism From the late 18th Century to

the mid 19th Century. The Romantic hero (tragic

hero) is a literary archetype referring to a character that rejects established norms and conventions, has been rejected by society, and has the self as the center of his or her own existence.

ART: “Hannibal and His Army Crossing the Alps”; JMW Turner


Attempted to present the world as it wasLacked the sentiment and emotion of romanticismLooked at harsh side of life which they wanted to improve


1850 to WWII ART: Realism,

French, Jean-Francois Millet, 1814-1875, "The Gleaners," 1857


Alexander Dumas vs. Charles Dickens

Birthplace: FranceWorks: The Three Musketeers; The Count of Monte CristoTechnique: Romantic hero battles huge odds - emphasizes heroic past

Birthplace: EnglandWorks: Oliver Twist, Tale of Two CitiesTechnique: portrays lives of slum dwellers and downtrodden - exposes ills of society

Dicey Dialogue

Which author represents realism and which represents romanticism? Why?

What contemporary films or books could be labeled either romanticism or realism?


Eugene Delacroix vs. Gustave Courbet

Birthplace: FranceWorks: Landscapes, peasants & medieval knightsTechnique: wanted to capture beauty of nature & convey violent energy of emotion

Birthplace:FranceWorks: painted ordinary, working-class subjectsTechnique: wanted to portray the realities of the time & reject imagination

Dicey DialogueWhich painter represents realism and which represents romanticism? Why?

How does modern art reflect our cultures?

Art: Freida Kahlo


Beethoven vs. Aaron Copeland

Birthplace: GermanyWorks: 5th Symphony, Ode to JoyTechnique: Conveyed intense emotional struggle through music

Birthplace: AmericaWorks: Piano ConcertoTechnique: Sought to restore the order, balance & harmony of the classical era, a revolt against chaos of Romanticism

Dicey DialogueWhich composer represents realism and which represents romanticism? Why?

How does modern music reflect our cultures?

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