roman culture “captive greece took her rude conqueror captive.” --horace (roman writer)

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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Roman Culture

“Captive Greece took her rude conqueror captive.”

--Horace (Roman writer)

To the glory that was Greece. And the grandeur that was Rome.

(“ 光荣属于希腊 , 伟大属于罗马 .”)

Romans and Greeks

Similarities: Politically, Citizen assembly( 公民大会 ), hos

tile to monarchy and servility. Religion: Their myths were fused. Language: Their languages were ultimately

related, both being members of the Indo-European language family.

Differences: The Romans built up a vast empire; the Gre

eks didn’t. Alexander’s conquest The Romans were confident in their own or

ganizational power, their military and administrative capabilities.

Roman law—guaranteed the rights of plebeians( 平民 ).

She—Wolf 753 B.C. 146 B.C. 27 B.C. Pax Romana 3rd Century Julius Caesar Augustus Caesar Antony and Cleopatra

Contents Origin of Rome

Roman history

Julius Caesar

Augustus Caesar

Antony and Cleopatra



Creation of Rome

she—wolf Romulus Remus Mars

Creation of Rome

Roman History 1400 B.C. there were inhabitants in

Palatine Hill, the site the Rome was founded.

In 753 B.C. , Rome was founded. 625 B.C. the Romans built a central

marketplace, which later grew into a true city.

After 600 B.C. Rome expanded rapidly into one of the largest cities in Italy.

Roman History

509 B.C. Rome became a republic. 146 B.C. Rome conquered Greece—the bur

ning of Corinth 27 B.C. Republic—Empire Pax Romana( 罗马盛世 ): 200 years of peace 3rd century, the Empire began to decline;

Roman History

4th century, the emperor Constantine

Capital: Rome—Byzantium

Constantinople (modern Istanbul)

After 395, the empire was divided into East and West;

In 476, West Roman Empire fell;

In 1453, East Roman Empire ended.

the Roman System



The assemblies of citizens

The fall of west Rome

1. the army was ineffective;

2. inroads of the barbaric tribes;

3. financial problems

4. civil wars

3. Julius Caesar Julius Caesar (100B.C.—



A brilliant Military leader;

A consul in 59 B.C.

Assassination in 44 B.C.

Augustus Caesar

Augustus Caesar (63 B.C.

—14 A.D.)

The first Roman emperor

Octavian Caesar

the heir of Julius Caesar

He established his power

only after his great

uncle’s death.

War against Antony

In 27 B.C. the Senate granted Octavian the name “Augustus”, meaning “the exalted”. ( 神圣,尊贵)

Rome achieved great glory under Augustus: Restore peace; an honest government; extended a highway system; fostered free trade; build many bridges He was worshiped as a god.

Antony and Cleopatra

4. Latin Literature (1) Prose ♥ Marcus Tullius Cicero Noted for his oratory an

d fine writing style His legal and political sp

eeches are models of Latin diction.

Diseases of the soul are more dangerous than those of the body.

心灵上的疾病比身体上的疾病更危险 The countenance is the portrait of mind, the

eyes are its informers. 表情是思想的写照,眼睛是心灵的窗户。 Happy life lies in a peaceful mind. 幸福的生活存在于心绪的宁静之中。

Julius Caesar ♥ Julius Caesar

He recorded what he did and saw in the various military campaigns.

He used language with economy and ferocity.

“I came, I saw, I conquered.”

“Men willingly believe what they wish.”

(2) Poetry ♥ Virgil (70—19 B.C.) The great epic: the Aeneid Aeneas—son of Venus Adventure from Troy to Ital


5. Architecture: 1) The Pantheon 27 B.C.

The Pantheon( 万神庙)

2) Pont du Gard (加尔桥)

3) Triumphal arches

Roman Fountains

4) the Colosseum

5. Sculpture: she—wolf


Constantine the Great

Quiz1. Which culture reached a high point of development in the

5th century B.C.?______ A. Greek Culture B. Roman Culture C. Egyptian Culture D. Chinese Culture 2. In _______ the Romans conquered Greece. A. 1200 B.C. B. 700 B.C. C. 146 B.C. D. the 5th century 3. Who wrote, “ I came, I saw, I conquered ”? _______ A. Horace B. Julius Caesar C. Marcus Tullius Cicero C. Virgil 4. Which of the following is not Roman architecture? A. The Colosseum B. The Pantheon C. The Parthenon D. Pont du Gard

5. Julius Caesar was assassinated in the year of ___.

A. 146B.C. B.44B.C C. 27B.C. D. 40B.C.

6. Who is the first Roman Emperor?

A. Agamemnon B. Alexander

C. Julius Caesar D. Augustus Caesar

7. Who is not one of the greatest philosophers in ancient Greece?

A. Plato B. Galileo C. Socrates D. Aristotle

8. Who is not involved in the Trojan War?

A. Achilles B. Priam C. Hector D. Dido

1. Once every 4 years the Greeks had a big festival

on Olympus Mount which included contests of

sports. Thus began the Olympic Games.

Revived in _____, the Olympic Games have

become the world’s foremost amateur sports


2. Ancient Greeks considered Homer to be the

author of their epics. He probably lived around

700 B.C. Two such epics, the _____ and the

_____, have survived.




3. Greek architecture can be grouped into three

styles: the _______ style which is also called the

masculine style; the ______ style which is also

called the feminine style; and a later style that is

called the _______ style.

4.The Romans enjoyed a long period of peace

lasting two hundred years, a remarkable

phenomenon in history known as the ________

5.She-wolf is the statue which illustrates the

legend of creation of ________.




Pax Romana



Do you know any story or myth about how the world comes into being?

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