role of pakistan in inis activities, current development & future plan of scientific information...

Post on 19-Dec-2015






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Role of Pakistan in INIS Activities, Current Development & Future Plan of

Scientific Information Division


INIS Liaison Officer –PakistanHead, Scientific Information Division

Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science & TechnologyIslamabad

Presentation Layout

Very brief description about :

Major Objectives of PINSTECH;

Structure of PINSTECH & Scientific Information Division (SID);

Current Status of SID;

Future Programme of SID;

Promotion of INIS activities in Pakistan;

Suggestions / Recommendations- INIS;

Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology, commonly known as "PINSTECH", is one of the largest Science and Technology Research Institute in Pakistan,

managed by Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC);

Major Objectives of PINSTECH

● R & D in the field of S & T using 10 MW Research Reactor and state of the art equipment;

● Production of Radioisotopes & Radiopharmaceuticals;

● Applications of Radioisotope Technology;

● Environmental Research;

● Provision of Radiation Dosimetry/Calibration Services at country level;

● Provision of trained manpower to various PAEC centres to meet future goals;

● Dissemination of Scientific information to other PAEC establishments

Structure of PINSTECH

Current Status of SIDPINSTECH Library & INIS Office are parts of SID;PINSTECH Main Library was established in 1966;

Declared as National Lib. of Physical Sciences by GOP;

PINSTECH Library is the Member of INIS;Became member of International Nuclear Library Network (INLN) in 2010;

It is a hub for provision of S &T Information at PAEC

Responsible for efficient acquisition, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information to support PAEC projects

INIS Office at SID is National Centre of INIS Activities;

Structure of SID

LMG: Library Management Group

CIMG: Computerized Information Management Group

STRG: Scientific & Technical Reports Group

INIS: International Nuclear Information System Unit

Main Activities- SID

Acquisition of books, journals, reports, etc. to develop in-house collection;

Comprehensive S &T information databases;

On-line access to available literature;

Resource sharing with other R & D organizations and universities;

Dissemination of information from INIS and other databases to all users;

Current Status conti…

IN-House Collection ~ 26,000 books on Science & Technology;

Journals articles : 1.2 millions records from 768 journal titles having 44500 issues.

1.47 million NCL Technical Reports on microfiche and CDs .

Four current awareness services.

Steps are being taken toward digitization of Lib:

• To cope with the modern information needs, website http:// has been developed and hosted for online search;

• Using Koha (which is one of free full-featured open-source library management system), a comprehensive books catalogue has been developed for a centralized databases of literature;

• Bibliographic data of 26,000 Books has recently been transferred to Koha according to International Std. for OPAC;

Current Status conti…

• Bibliographic data of 2280 PINSTECH Publications in international journals is available;

• Issue/ return of books is done by barcode readers;

• Auto generation of reminders for overdue books;

• Annual Stock verification procedure has been automated due to above measures;

• Good number of PCs are placed in library to attract the users for literature search;

Current Status conti…

A View of PINSTECH Library

Future ProgrammeWith the enormous flow of information through internet, future of traditional libraries is endangered;

But, libraries can continue to play a vital role through digitization;

Our Future Programme is the complete Digitization/ formation of E- Library;

For swift sharing and provision of enhanced access to users;

Proposal for Digitization of PINSTECH Library has been submitted to Higher Authorities, depicting that how will be PINSTECH Library look like after 5 years;


Future Programme conti… There are ~1.0 million reports in the form of

microfiche in PINSTECH Library. Out of this ~400,000 have been scanned. Scanning of more reports is under process;

So far, 205,000 scanned documents have been converted into pdf, pdf formation will continue;

Setup for the interactive audiovisual conferencing is being established for arranging group discussions, seminars, presentations, interviews, meeting , etc.

With time more improvement/addition will be carried out in our Website and local area network;

Future Programme conti…• Union Catalogue/Consortium of six PAEC Libraries

will be developed for resource sharing using Koha as a pilot project;

• ISO Certification 9001:2008 of PINT Lib is being planned and will be implemented in two years for:

• Quality Management System; \

• For quality Assurance;

• To gain the user satisfaction ;

• To improve Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of all activities being carried out in the Library;

Promotion of INIS activities• Pakistan has established links with INIS/IAEA

since its inception.

• INIS Unit has been established at SID/PINSTECH

• Responsible for all activities of INIS and its promotion in the country;

• INIS Links is available at the Homepage of SID website (http:// );

• Link is also available on PINSTECH LAN for the users at the institute;

Promotion of INIS activities….conti INIS Newsletter is sent to all, by PINSTECH

LAN and placed at website;

INIS input is being submitted regularly since 2001;

INIS output products (full text) are made available to all user on free of cost basis whenever required;

Workshops/courses regularly conducted under PINSTECH Scientific Calendar, we distribute INIS posters in these events;

Promotion of INIS activities conti… Literature searches from INIS are provided not

only to PINSTECH /PAEC but to other research organizations/universities;

Visited Universities, to enhance the awareness about INIS Activities and collection of literature published in National journals;

INIS Input is prepared from 50 journals

Our target for INIS input is more than 1500, in 2015;

INIS Poster

Distribution of INIS Posters in Local

Meetings, Workshops,

Training Courses regarding awareness

about INIS Activities

Submitted INIS Input (2001-2014)In 2014= 1029 (October 3, 2014)

Target for sending input to INIS in 2015 is more than 1500

Suggestions / Recommendations- INIS

Close collaboration among INIS Liaison Officers, for sharing of Scientific Information,

Events, Achievements, Awards etc.

To create a Healthy competition, input from all countries may be visible to all INIS Liaison Officers;

We were used to receive beautiful INIS Brochures, Posters, Pamphlets in past. It may be restarted. It is still beneficial for the promotion of INIS Activities;

Suggestions / Recommendations- INIS

Almost every member state is involved in digitization of material already available on microfiche.

It is proposed that INIS-IAEA may digitize its Literature available on microfiche for its distribution to member states;

Or Member states may be asked to digitize different parts of material and then to share it.

Thank You for Your Attention Please

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