robert browning poetic voices ao1: apply concepts and …€¦ ·  · 2017-04-21end stopped irony...

Post on 20-May-2018






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Robert Browning

For Lang & Lit AS/A Level, paper 1: Poetic Voices

Assessment Objectives

AO1:  Apply concepts and methods from integrated linguistic and literary study as appropriate, using associated terminology and coherent written expressionA

AO2:  Analyse ways in which meanings are shaped in texts

AO4: Explore connections across texts, informed by linguistic and literary concepts and methods.


elision caesura volta

ellipsis resolution

enjambement changes in mood/tone reflection

end stopped irony motif

oxymoron paradox refrain

anaphora PATTERNS discourse


dramatic monologue

lyric meter stress


foot iamb, trochee, dactyl, anapest, spondee, and pyrrhic)

stanza octet/sestet/cinquain/quatrain/tercet

pentameter tetrameter

blank verse rhyme rhyming couplets

regular/irregular line length

regular/irregular stanza

Alexandrine Heroic couplet

Poetry- key concepts & linguistic terms

language levels

binary oppositions



articulatory processes

assonance alliteration sibilance syllable vowels

persona dissonance Romanticism voice affricates

addressee anthropomorphism anastrophe PATTERNS fricatives

contractions conceit metonymy syntax plosives

onomatopoeia pastoral foregrounding dialogue nasals

semantic fields

attitude imperative question exclamative

amplification plosives

clause analysis

compound words

verb modal auxiliary

sensory language

pathetic fallacy

metaphor simile symbol euphony cacophony

synesthesia personification syntax deixis accent

allusion hyperbole imagery phonoaesthetics dialect

archaic religious pun conjunction sociolect

verb processes

location (tangible/abstract)

asyndetic/syndetic listing

proximal/distal spatial deixis

lexical intensity

musicality consonance antithesis adjective adverb

gender roles

Work Skills

Discuss clearly Share Numeracy skills Argue Literacy skills Support Analyse Independence Plan, write, meet deadlines

Teach a lesson/idea to other students

VJCOct ‘15

Poetic Voices

‘That’s my last Duchess painted on the wall’

This unit focuses on the nature and function of poetic voice in the telling of events & presentation of people. Explore and analyse:

* presentation of time: understanding the past, reviewing past experiences, the manipulation of time *the importance of place: locations and memories, the ways in which these are captured in voice(s), & their effect on individuals *how people & relationships are represented through point of view, attitude, registers, physical descriptions, speech & thought • presentation of events through the poet’s selection of material, the use of narrative frames & other poetic techniques.

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