ringing'^ears facts in nature deafness oct 2… · ringing'^ears deafness instantly...

Post on 20-Jul-2020






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Rheumatic v Twingesyield immediately to Sloan's Lin­ iment. It relieves aching and swollen parts instantly. Reduces inflammation and quiets that agon­ izing pain. Don't rub it pene­ trates.


Kills Paingives quick relief from chest andthroat affections. Have vou triedSloan's? Here's what others say:

Relief from Rhenmatinn"My mother has used one 60c. bottle

jf Sloan's Liniment, and although she is over 83 years of age. she has ob­ tained great relief from her rheuma­ tism." Mri. B. E. Liadtltaf, Gilroy. CoL

Good for Cold and Croup "A little boy next door had cronp. I

gave the mother Sloan's Liniment to try. She gave him three drops on sugar before going to bed, and he got up with­ out the croup in the morning." Mr. W. B. Strong* 3721 Elmmod Avt., Chicago, III,

Neuralgia Gone'Sloan's Liniment is the best medi­

cine in the world. It has relieved me of neuralgia. Those pains have all gone and I can truly say your Liniment did stop them." Mra. C. M. Dmrktr oJJoHan- nmXurg, Hich.At all Dulm. Prtoe 25*. BOc. * $1.00

Sloan's ItutrnctiTe Booklet onHones sent free.


Rlipberry Shrub. A favorite old-fashioned drink: Pour a quart of beat elder vinegar

over four quarts of red raspberries and let them stand four days. Then strain, and to every quart of raspberry Juice, add one pound of granulated sugar. Boll for twenty minutes, skimming oarofully; bottle, s«al, and keep in a cool place until needed. When serv­ ing put the desired quantity In s glasi, add cracked Ice and water. This Is very refreshing and wholMom* drink for bot weather






For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach,

Sluggish Liver and Bowels Theywork while you sleep.


Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can't harm

tender little stomach, liver ' and bowels.

Look at the tongue, mother! If coated, your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, doesnt Bleep, eat or act naturally, or Is fever­ ish, stomach sour, breath bad; has sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and In a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels without griping, and you bave a well, playful child again. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Pigs," which con­ tains full directions for babies, chil­ dren of all ages and for grown-ups. Advt.

L. A. N. U. 1914 No. 9

Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges­ tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head­ aches come from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, which cause your stomach to become filled with undi­ gested food, which sours and ferments like garbage in a swill barrci. That's the first step to untold misery indi­ gestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything tha* it horrible and nauseating. A Caacaret tonight will give your constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out 'by morning. They work while -you sleep a 10-cent box from your druggist will keep you feel­ ing good for months. Advt.

Something New to Think of. "You know there's more in this

world than money." "If there U my wife hasn't thought of It'

The Lesser Evil.The man who happens to forget

few things is by far better companthan be who wilt never learn to forgeone or two regretable , happenings.

Ur. Peery'H and expels 1 Adv.


Not Long to Walt

Little Max was BO restless an fUBsy when his mother took hi downtown that he caused her no en of bother. Finally the mother claimed impatiently:

"Well, young man, it will be a col_ day when I bring you downtown with me again."

Looking up Into her face with p« feet Innocence the youngster said:

Pretty soon it will b» winter, won It, mamma T"

Free to Our ReadersWrite Mnrine Bye Remedy Co., Chicago, for

48-page Illustrated Bye Book Free. Write all about Your Bye Trouble and they will advise as to the Proper Application of the M urine Bye Remedies In Your Special Case. 1_ Druggist will tell yau tbat Murlne Believes Sore Byes, Strengthens Weak Byes. Doesn't Smart, Soetbes Bye Fain, and sells for 60c Try It la TOUT Eyes and In Baby's Byes f' Scaly Eyelids and Granulation.

T» Keep the Pantry Co*L Fasten two thiokBMwe* of mtullB

over the pantry window; keep the win­ dow open and the muslin wet with salt and water. This will keep the flies out M weH as cooling the pan­ try.

Sore Byes, Granulated Eyelids and Sties promptly healed with Roman Bye Bal* cam. Adr.

Occasionally there are wire* who can be happy without getting tb* en­ tire content* of the pay envelop* *

Dr. Plerce's Pl«asant Pellets flrat pui up 40 years ago. They regulate and invigorate, stomach, liver and bowel' Sugar-coated tiny granules. (Advt.)

WkH* ntrmw« at* best etoaiMt wit*a rot !« > dt»«d la sulphur and robbed on th* hat Thl» should to al­ lowed to dry and when it Is rubbed oft th* straw will have regained Its white­ ness.

OvoidFor years we have been stating in the newspapers of the

country that a great many women have escaped serious op­ erations by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com­ pound, and it is true.

We are permitted to publish in this announcement extracts from the letters of five women. All have been recently received unsolicited. Could any evidence be more convincing?

I HoDGDON, ME. " I had pains in both sides and such a soreness I could scarcely straighten up at tunes. My back ached and I

was so nervous I could not sleep, and I thought I never would be any better until I submitted to an operation, but I commenced taking l,ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and soon felt like a new woman." Mrs. HAYWARD SOWEBS, Hodgdon, Me.

2 CHARLOTTE, N. C. "I was in bad health for two years, with pains in both sides and was very nervous. I had a growth

which the doettor said was a tumor, and I never would get wellunless I had an operation. A friend advised me to take Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound, and I gladly say that I am now enjoying fine health." Mrs. ROSA SIMS, 16 Winona St., Charlotte, N. C.

3 HANOVER, PA. " The doctor advised a severe operation, but my husband got me Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound and I

experienced great relief in a short time. Now I feel like a new person and can do a hard day's work and not mind it." Mrs. ADA WILT, 19tt Stock St., Hanover, Pa.'

4 DKOATUR, ILL. " I was sick hi bed and three of the best physi- cians said I would have to be taken to the hospital for an oper­

ation as I had something growing in my left side. I refused to sub­ mit to the operation and took Lydia K Pinkhain's Vegetable Com­ pound and It worked a miracle in my case, and I tell other women what it has done for me." Mrs. LAURA A. GUISWOLU, 2300 Blk. East William Street, Decatur, 111.

5 CLEVELAND, Oiiio. -."I was very irregular and for several years my1 side pained me so that I expected to have to undergo an Op­

eration. Doctors said they knew of nothing that would help ine. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege­ table Compound and I- -became regular and free from pain. I am thankful for such a good medi­ cine and will always give it the highest praise." Mrs. C. H. GRIFFITH, 7305 Madison Av., Cleveland, O.

|MK*Write to LYDIA E.P1NKIIAM MEDICINE CO. PI/ (CONFIDENTIAL) LYXN, MASS., for advice. Your letter will be opeued, read uiul urmwertxl by » woman »u4 Ueltt iu strict couHdtuioo.

Peculiar After Effects of Grip This Year

LEAVES KIDNEYS IN WEAKENED CONDITIODoctors in all parts of the counfr

have been kept busy with the epidemi of grip which has visited so man homes. The symptoms of grip.this yea: are often very distressing and leave th system in a run down condition, pa ticularly the kidneys which seem to su: fer most, as almost every victim con plains of lame back and urinary trou bles which should not be neglected, as these danger signals often lead to dan gerous kidney troubles. Druggists n port a large sale on Dr. Kiltner Swamp-Boot which so many people sa; soon heals and strengthens the kidney after an attack of grip. Swamp-Root ii a great kidney, liver and bladder rem edy, and, being an herbal compound; has a gentle healing effect on the kid neys, which is almost immediately no ticed in most cases by those who tr; it. Dr. Kilmer & 'Co., Binghamton, N Y., offer to send a sample size bottle o Swamp-Root, on jeceipt of ten cents, .ti every sufferer who requests it. A tria will convince any one who may be i need of it. Regular size bottles SOcti and $1.00. For sale at all druggist: Be sure to mention this paper.

Modem OirWh*«d. TJtUa boy. * »

"I saw her OBC« IB a musical com­ edy. but the production had no plot ->r «tor* to BD«»»K of "

Every Woman Will Be InterestedThere has recently been discovered a: omatk'. ptehsuit hefb cvre for woman's. called Mother Gray'a AROMATIC

LEAP. U it. the only certain regulator.Cures femal weaknesses and Backache.Kidney, Bladder and Urinary troubles. Aall Druggists or by mail, 50 cents. Sampie FREE. Address the Mother Gra;Co., Le Roy, N. Y. (Advt.)

Serious Oversight. They say: "There shall be hewers

of wood and carriers of water" have they overlooked the carriers of scan­ dalous tales?

ng, mpe sye. re particulars. Geroma Co., 308 Spring

Extreme Cruelty.'Another outrage has been perpe

trated by science on a promlhen/ member of the vegetable kingdom."

'What are you talking about?" 'A man has perfected an odorlesi

onion and thus robbed It of an attri bute that has made it Justly famous,"


Girls! Try It! Hair gets soft, fluffy andbeautiful Get a 25-cent bottle

of Danderine.

life; has an incomparable softness and Is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine.

Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it imme­ diately dissolves every particle of dandruff. You can not have nice, heavy, healthy hair if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life, and If not overcome It produces a feverishne'ss and itching 01 the scalp; the hair roots famish, loosen and die; then the hair falls out fast. Surely get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store and just try it. Advt.

It Keeps Her Busy. JL girl's life is on* continuous effort

to create the impression that sh* wouldn't think of doing things that

B crazy to try.


Ueudvllle. Colorado. Specimen prices: Gold, Silver, Lead, $1; Sold. Silver, 76c; Gold, 50c; Zinc or Cop­ per, |1. Mailing Envelopes and full price '1st sent on a- "-- - .-.. . i ^

Jmplre Work so.... senate National Bank.

IppJl'catTJn"" "Control '«nd elicited. Reference: Car:


Ump-a-ha!The leader of the German band out

ilde the old grouch's window held out hU hat for some us*«ey. "You can't get anything out of me," tie cried. 'Veil," said the leader, "maybe ve can

something more out of the band And they played until the old




Good Alike for the Children and ThElders Mock Apple Dumplings

an Easily Prepared Delicacy Custard of Apple Snow.

Boiled apple pudding as the Engli people make it is both nourishing an Inexpensive when apples are at a plentiful. In fact, It is claimed t: pudding furnishes a perfect mldd; meal for children not yet old enougl to be given meat, while It Is certain a substantial dessert for everybod You chop four ounces of good be suet very fine and rub It Into on pound of flour, with a teaspoonful baking powder and one-quarter tei spoonful of salt Then you wet It u with cold water into a dough, rollln, out on a well-floured board.

With this you line a buttered pu< ding basin, reserving enough to cov< the top, and proceed to fill with a: pies, peeled, cored and cut into sma pieces, adding sugar to sweeten, als a few cloves or a dust of clnnamo as liked. When the bowl Is quite fu cover with warm water and cover B curely with th,e paste. Dip a clot Into boiling water, sprinkle with flou: and tie over the pudding. Take th' cord well down the bowl, bring th four corners of the cloth together . the top, tie firmly and plunge In plenty of boiling water and cook fo: from two to two and one-half hon: according to the apples used. Som take longer to cook than others. Juic: apples cook quickly. Hard, dry a_ pies take longer. Serve with an simple sauce, or, when serving fo children, pour over a little milk.

Mock Apple Dumplings. This Is nice dessert and one easily prepared You fill a deep buttered dish with tart, juicy apples, peeled and cored filling the space with brown sugar Then you pour over a cupful of hw water, sweetened, and a sprinkling of cinnamon or any- preferred spices The dish Is put into a alow oven or a the back of the. stove, where the ap pies will soften. Make a biscuit eras' using a cup of flour, one teaspoonfu of baking powder, a tablespoonful o: shortening, a little salt and a tea spoonful of sugar. Mix with milk t a very soft dough.

Poor over the softened apples an bake until a light brown. Anothei way Is to prepare the apple* as d: rected, cover them and bake In th over uatil cooked through, then tc pour over them a custard made fro: me cupful of milk, two tablespoonful! if sugar and the yolk of an egg. Thi s baked for a few minutes and 1: then finished .off wltli.^a meringu made- from the white of the egg :am powdered sugar. . \

This is more delicate than th dumplings, of course, and anothe "ainty dish made from apples is:

Apple Snow. You make a simpl mstard as before directed and pour i

Into a shallow glass dish. Then yoi grate sour apples, say a cupful, an "eat Into It the white of an egg an

owdered sugar to sweeten. This mixture is laid in spoonfuls upon th< mustard and dotted with whippet Team dusted with nutmeg.


After an oily fish, like salmon, h leen served, the fishy 'odor which iften clings to the silver can be re- noved by rubbing them with a slice if lemon.

A pinch of salt and soda added torater in which tough meat or vege

tables are boiled will make themtore tender.Celery is much improved If soakedi hour In ice cold water in which a

lemon has been squeezed.Pans greased with butter will make

the bottom crust of pies soft and laky anft prevent them from being ioggy.

If bread is wrapped in paraffin r- ler as soon as it is taken from the iven It will keep fresh and mol inch longer. L. M. B.

Orange and Grape Salad.Pare large oranges and cut In thick

illces crosswise. Allow one slice to lach person. Cut the remaining pulp into bits, allow an equal amount ol lalved and seeded Malaga grapes and ne-quarter as much diced celery, and,

marinate both separately in a French resBlng made of one-quarter cupful live oil, one tablespoonful lemon ulce, one tablespoonful melted tart ielly and a dash of salt. Set a slice if orange on each plate, pile the salad

mixture on to it and garnish with bitsparsley.

Rice and Raisin Pudding.Soak the raisins (about a handful)a little warm water for an hour and

then drain. To one cup of boiled rice,lold or hot, add the yolk of one egg,me tablespoonful of sugar, one teapoonful of vanilla extract and twoupg of new milk. Mix thoroughly andring to the-boll, simmer gently until

thickens. Make a merlnge of the'bite of the egg whipped with a table-loonful of sugar, spread upon the

udding and set in the oven to brown.'his is good warm or cold.

Oyster Stuffing for TC\.K«y. Make a mixture of a large cup ol y breadcrumbs seasoned with para- ly, thyme, and sweet marjoram, tolBtened with malted butter. To Is add twenty small oysters chop- id nue. Stuff the breast of the tur­

key with this. II you prefer you mi] th« oysters uacbopped.

Facts in Nature'. centuries !t has been known that Nature's most valuable health giv­

ing agents for the cure of disease are found in our American forests. Over forty years ago Dr. U. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel nnd Surgical Institute at Buffalo, N.Y., used the pwwdered extracts as well as

the liquid extracts of native medicinal plants, such as liloodroot and Queen's root.

Golden Seal and Stone root, Cherry bark and Mandrake, for the euro of blood diseases. This prescription as put up in liquid form was called ^

Golden J\|edical Discovery JI and hM enjoyed a large sale for all these years in every drug store in the fS) p land. You ran «oW obtain 'the powdered extract in DOgar-coatviT tantaVform of j

your medicine- dealer, or send oOc fn ona-ceni postage stamps for trial' box to1

Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N.Y., and tablets will be mailed, postage prepaid.

The "Golden Medical Discovery" makes rich, red'hlood, invigorates the Etomach, liver and bowels and through them the whole system. Skin affections, blotches, boils, pimples an J eruptions result of bad blood are eradicated by this alterative extract as thousand.1) have testified.

Send 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only on a free copy of Dr. Plerce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1OO8 pages, clothbound



.BOILER AND MACHINE WORKS. Founders, machinists, pattern maker* steel tanks, boilers, engines, ranges, fur­ naces'. Pioneer Boiler & Machine Work*. 8.W. Cor. Palmetto ana Carolina Bt*.

PIPES AND PIPE REPAIRING. Largest stock, best selection. 8atlsf*«-

tlon guaranteed. Mall orders toltclted W. F. Ball, Bat. 10-yre. 110 N. Spring

WALL PAPER BARGAINS Gold Par­ lor 'Paper 6c a roll; Imported Leather* 50«. New York Wall Paper Co., 1001 8. Main, Los Angeles.


London's -Pavement Artist*. Pavement artists are among the

curios i ties of London, but the drawer tn chalk is now being supplanted by the modeler in clay. One will find him, with a lecturer explaining, turning Shakespeare into Mr. Asqulth and Col­ onel Cody into a Sioux woman within the space of half a minute. The lec­ turer explains the turn and collects the

from the wonderlnar watcher*.

Advertising Pays).Ttoes advertising payT I lo*t a |S|

bill on the street""Well?""I advertised, and so far I ha***

received three IB bill*."

IF YOU'RE GROUCHYIt Is likely that your liver needs stir­ ring up. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills will set you right quickly. Adv.

About Tea Pot*.To keep tea pots that are seldom

used from smelling musty, wipe them out very dry after using and put a lump' of loaf sugar inside, learing UM Ud OMB-

Putnam Fadeless Dyes make , no muss. [Adv.]

New Zealand.New Zealand has been called by Its

Inhabitants "The Fortunate Isles." "The Star of the^'Suth" and "The Wonderland- of th


Each "Rape's Diapepsin" digests 3000grains food, ending all stomach

misery in five minutes.

Time it! In five minutes all stom­ ach distress will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations ^ of undigestedood, no 'dizziness, 'bloating, foul

breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its

peed in regulating upset stomachs. Its the surest, quickest stomach rem­

edy in the whole world, and besides it ~s harmless. Put an end to stomachrouble forever by getting a large

fifty-cent case of Papes' Diapepsin om any drug store. You realize in

five minutes how needless it is to suf- ner from indigestion, dyspepsia or anytomach disorder. It's the quicfcpst,nrest nnd most har^ilpss '.stomach'nftor in the worlrl. Advt.

WARD,S FAMOUS SHAMPOOand Dandruff Destroyer, package $1


313 Llasner Bldg., 524 Spring St, ' Los Angeles, Cal.


When the appetite is keen

and the digestion normal

you can enjoy your meals

without fear of distress,

but how different when

the stomach is weak and

your food causes Heart­

burn, -Bloating, Nausea,

Headache, Indigestion and

Costiveness. This sug­

gests a trial of

HOSTETTER'SStomadj Bitters


Order now for Spring delivery. Send for catalog and special $5.00


CACTUS NURSERIES COMPANY 202 Mercantile Place, Los Angeles, Cal.


1,OLu Felknberg Prune5,000 Peach Trees2,000 Grafted Franquettes

10,000 Rooted Table Grapes1,000 Sugar Prune 5,000 Bartletts 10,000 Apple2,000 Royal Anne2,000 Genuine Red Grayenstein


Tackle Catarrh NowBe Frw All Winter

Avoid Colds, Stall Pneumonia, Keep Your Nose Clear and Your Throat Free.

Don't Walt Till You're All Bunged Up. Use 8. S. S. Now.If you will go Into any first class store nd get a bottle of S. S. 8. you are on le way to getting rid Of Catarrh. But m't let anyone work off that old tricksomething "Just "B good."

S. S. B. la taken Into the blood just aa iturnlly. an the most nourishing food. It jreads Its Influence over every organ In ie body, comes through ull the veins and Cedes, enables all niucoua surfaces to change Inflammatory adds and othur .-Unting BubatuncBB for arterial elements lat effectually cleanse the system and iU8 put an end to all uatarrhal i.ullutlon.S, S. cleaim out the atoinach of mucous

^cumulations, enables only pure, bloud- taking material* to enter the Inmntiueu, imblneH with these food elements to >ter the circulation, and In leas than an jur i» at work throughout the body In ie process of purification. <t The medicinal component* of B. 8. U. re relatively Just aa oasuuUul to well-

balanced health as the nutritive proper­ ties of the grains, meats-, sugars, and fata of foods. Any local Irritating Influence In the blood Is rejected by the tissue cell* and eliminated by reauon of the stimula­ ting Influence of S. S. S.

You will noon realize Us wonderful In­ fluence by the absence of headache, a de­ cided clearing of the air passages, a Btoadlly Improved nasal condition, and a sense of bodily relief that proves bow completely catarrh ofteu intents the en­ tire system.

You will llnd S. S. 8. on sale at all drug stores. It Is a remarkable remedy for any and all blood affections, such aa eczema, rush, lupus, tetter, psoriasis, bulls, und all other diseased conditions of the bloud. For special advice on any blood disease write to The Swift SpeuiUo Co., zua swift Bldg., Atlanta, da.

Do not trifle with substitute!!, imita­ tions or any of the horde of "Just M good" Counterfeits of S. H. 8.

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