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r:he IRISh orncnccccNo. 84 January - February 1998 I R£J.SO
























2 Vte Irish Orienteer

Brendan O'Connor, 31 Moyglare Abbey, Maynooth, Co. Kildare.Ph. 086 2419428, e-mail Ajax_Orlenleers@hotmall.comNigel Foley-Fisher, RTC, Dublin Rd .. Athlone, Co. Westmeath(0902-2M65)Ted Lucey, Kilpadder, Dromahane, Mallow, Co. Cork (022-47300)John Geary, Marshalstown, Milchelstown, Co. Cork (022-25306)Miriam nl Choitir, 6 Ashton Pork, Blackrock, Cork (021-319838)John Colclough, 28 The Villoge, Newbrldge, Co. Kildare (045-432267)Comdt. Denis Reidy, Adj. Genoral's Branch, Parkgale, Dublin 8The Secretary. DU Orienteers, House 27, TCD, Dublin 2.Bill Regan, 9 Floraville, Enniskilien, Co. Fermanogh BT74 6AP (08-01365-326213)lillian Quill. 640 Collins Ave .. Dublin 9 (01·8376506).Tom Conlon, Curratrench. Ballyfarnon, Bayle. Co. Roscommon(078-47055)Tony Joyce. Undlsfarne, Bishopstown. Cork (021-541246).Frank Ryan, SI. Mary's, Bollinfoyle, Galway (091-753829),TheSecrelary, P.E. Depl, RTC, Dublin Rood, Galway (091-753161-2213)Noro Lalor, 6 Knocksinna Grove, Foxrock, Dublin 18 (01-2893497)Rory Costello, 14 Manor Court, Manor Village, Tralee, Co. Kerry.(066-25532)Geaff Somerville, 6 The Hili, Queensway, Derryiaghy, BT 17 9EY(08-01232-612284)Clore NuHall, 4 Upr. Panorama Tce .. Sunday's Well, Cork (021-300373)Barbara Foley-Fisher, Holly Cottage. Glosson, Alhlone, Co.Weslmealh (0902-85306)Maureen Loughery, 39 Moyola Ave .. Castle Dawson, Co. Derry(08-01648-68602).Jocelyn Calhalin, 36 Toney Rood, Dundrum, Dublin 14 (01-2985799)Kevin 0'Dwyer, 2 Welling Ion Villas, Military HIli, Cork (021-506740)Michael Meade, 7 Cedar Court. Kennedy Pork, limerick(0610412104)M6ire Walsh. Moorpark, Kilmacanogue, Co. Wlcklow (01-2868871)The Secretary, PE Office, UCC. College Rood, Cork.The Secretory, Box 55, library Building, UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4.The Secretory, c/o Porter's Desk, Concourse, University College,Galway.Veronica Purcell. Lodge's Lane. Newtown Hili, Irornore, Co.Waterford.c/o Yvonne Begley, AFAS, House ot Sport, Longmile Road,Dublin 12. (01-4509845, fox 4502805). lOA Secretary: Ken Griffin,12 Island Way, Muskerry Estate, Ballincollig, Co. Cork (021-870338), e-mail epocork@iol.ieSteven linlon, 39 Prince Edward Drive, Belfast BT9 5GB (08-01232-665439) http://www.askip.demon.co.uk/nioo/nioo.htmlPadraig Higgins, 24 Alverno Ave, Athlone, Co. Westmeath.Vera Murtagh, 19 The Cloisters, Terenure, Dublin 6W (01-4908237)John Muckian, 13 Elmvale Close. Wilton, Cork (021-343384)Allbhe Creedon, Iovio, Mount Prospect. Douglas, Co. Cork (021-361824).Riversdale, Dole Rood North, Darley Daie, Mal1ock, DerbyshireDE4 2HX (0044-1629-734042, FAX 0044-1629-733769).Sec. Gen.: Barbro Ronnberg. Rodiokatu 20, FI-00093 SLU. Finland(00358-40585 380 1, tax 00358-93481 3113. e-mailiof@orienteering.org

The Irish Oriente(i\ )}allailablefrom all Irish orienteering clubsor bll direct subscription fromthe Editor: John McCullough. 9Arran Road. Dublin 9(e-mail jmcctio@iol.ie).

Annual subscription costsIRfl,50 for 6 issues includingpostage,

NEXT COPY DATE15th March 1998

CONTENTSNews 4World Cup UpdcJre 10Holldull Evtnrs 12leiters pcJU, 1410F NelliS ISComdr. W.A.Mulllgon 19COcJchlnll & Club News 20Elterronlc Punching report 21Resulrs 27FlxlUres - Mounraln RcJclng 33FlxlUres - Orrtnlterlng 34

COlier photo: NIOA Chairman &Irish WOC team member StevenUnton (NWOC), (flO is paid forthe couer photo, Get going!)

Printed bll Denton Print.Dundrum. Dublin 14.

Results and articles areparticularlll welcome on 3 112inch f10PPlldisks or bll e-mailwith a printed version as backup, Pleasekeep the formattingsimple! TlO is produced in theEditor's attic on an Apple Macusing MS Word and QuarkXpress.

ISSN 0790-1/94

For 24-hour orIenteerIngInformatIon rIng {OJ}-

4569099 (lOA) or(0044)-l399-873281


che lRlsh oracnceecNo.84 Februaru - March 1998

A Good Year For The Race

paraphrase Richard Kavanagh. "The nextWorld Cup race In the entire universe Is goingo be In Kerry". 1998 has the potential to be a

great year for hish orienteering. For the first time wehave World Cup races In Ireland. an opportunitywhich we have to grasp and get as much from as wecan, On the positive Side It could re-launchorienteering In Ireland as an attractive sport. on thedown side the financial and organisational burdensof the event could both bankrupt the lOA and wearout the organisers to the extent that they won't everget Involved In anything like It again,

The lOA has taken on the event and the 110n'sshare of the work Is being done by Cork Orlenteers.The rest of us have our part to play too: every clubhas been asked to help: to work on starts. finishes.results. whatever needs doing. Please volunteer tohelp. Ken Griffin. the main organtser, has written areport and an appeal for help In this Issue.

On a related topic. the selectors have named asquad of about 30 men and women from whichInternational teams will be chosen. This Is a verywelcome step. because without an Identifiable pool oforienteers It Is difficult to motivate and develop theyounger competitors. to organise training for squadmembers. to raise money for the team. Let's hope theup and coming Juniors will keep the older ones ontheir toes.

Going back further In time. the lOA Is trying toreinvigorate schools orienteering. The re-negotiatedlOA Insurance policy will have provision for schoolsparticipation and with some thought and hard workorienteering could be put back on the sportscurriculum where It belongs. We should be looking atother successful sports In schools: why do theysucceed? Should the events be midweek rather thanat weekends? Is transport a major problem? Shouldthere be team competitions? What can we do torestore orienteering. starting at the roots? Look at allthe qualified coaches and Instructors we now have:let's tum them loose on an unsuspecting world I

The Irjsh Qrjenleer


GEN Chairman Paul Nolan writes:"Regrettably Ballinastoe forest has once againbeen closed to orienteering at short notice. As aresult this year's Inter-Club Challenge will takeplace at the Pine Forest, Rathfambam, Co.Dublin on the same date. February 1st 1998.The competition will be the same 4-courseformat as last year but with some of the moresenior classes running up a course compared tolast time.Please come along and support this event,Leinster's only club versus club competition.Run for your club, run for fun l"

SQUADS NAMEDThe Irish Selectors have named the squads fromwhich the team will be chosen for the World Cupraces this year.These will also form the backboneof the Senior Home International teams and. onesupposes. the World Championships team nextyear.

Convenor of Selectors Ricbard Kavanagh makesthe point tbat if you feel your name sbould be onthe list you sbould contact bim witb results andjustify your inclusion.

Men:Conor Barry.John Casey.Brian Corbett,Bill Edwards.John Feehan,Padraig Higgins.Sleven Linton,James Logue.Brendan O'Brien.Colm O'Halloran,Marcus Pinker,Colm Rothery.Geoff Somerville.

Women:Eunice Cinnamon.Julie Cleary,UnaCreagb,Ailbhe Creedon.Darina Cunnane,Heather Ervine,Emma Glanville,Nuala Higgins.Ruth Hollinger,Jennifer LeonardEileen LoughmanJo MeinEadaoin MorrishToni O'Donovan,Nina Phillips,Jane Wilson.

Selection of the 6·man and 6-woman team for theWorld Cup races in Ireland and England will be4 Vie Irish Orienleel'

based on the JK (both in("1ua1 days) and theIrish Championships elite c...sses.Selection for the Senior and Veteran HomeInternational teams will be based on the IrishChampionships, four Provincial Championships,Interprovincial and the Shamrock O-Ringen.The selectors may also take other results intoaccount in selecting teams. Ifyou have had recentresults whicb might support your selection. youare strongly recommended to send in a briefresume to Ole selectors.The World Cup Classic qualification race inKillarney will also serve as the qualification racefor the British World Cup Classic race a weeklater, so if two Irish runners make it to the A finalin Ireland. the Irish team will have two runners inthe same final in the Lake District.

The squad members listed above are beingwritten to individually to inform them of theselection procedures.

ADDRESS CHANGESThe new contact address for AJAX is: BrendanO'Connor. 31 Moyglare Abbey, Maynooth, Co.Kildare. Ph. 086 2419428, e-mailAjax_ Orie(lteers@hotmail.comDublin University Orienteers: The Secretary,Dublin University Orienteers, House 27. TrinityCollege, Dublin 2.

RESCUE REPORTSPaul Smyth writes:I've just been reading the DublinlWicklowMountain Rescue Team's Summer '97 Reportand noticed the following incident reports:25.3.96, 16:30: 3 youths overdue 4 hours from anorienteering event on Derrybawn mountain.Located on forest tracks.2.10.96, 16:30: 4 youths missing 4 bours onorienteering event at Oakwood. Recovered byhelicopter after lighting signal fire.Looking at the fixtures list for these dales it doesnot seem that these were official lOA events andtherefor presumably they were school. scout orsimilar events. I wonder if anyone has any furtherinformation on these incidents? It's certainlyunfortunate that they are described asorienteering events as publicity of this type can

~. tAn ComPASS"'Inc: veDdancer 10LWAV I~£~ ij'OOscow J-'_0.1 r'

Top-qu.,lty .hoe., clothing .nd .qulpnent .t the k•• n•• t pric ••BOTAS .tudd.d .hoe••••••••••••.••.••••.•lZl.IAMOSCOW ,•• t- •• ttling COMP ••••• 'rOM ••••• ~UlTRA&PORT be.t-a.lling punch •• , par 10 ~RUCKSACK CHAIAS, thr•• MOdal. 'rOM •••••• ~UlTRASPORT club-d •• tgn o-.utt. 'rOM.....~OL~AY padd.d g.lt.r •••••.••••••••..••••• ~RON HIll Tr.ck.t.r ••••••••••.•••.•...••• ~CASIO 30-~MOry •• tch .•••••.•••...••..•• ~ULTRASPORT .t.nd.rd o-.. rkar ',.g ••••..• ~UlTRASPORT budg.t o- .. rk.r ',.g •.•••••.• ~ULTRAapORT tr.lnlng .. rk.r •••••••••••••• ~SAUCOHY tr.lnlng .ho•• 'rom ........•...• ~

For comprehensive catslogue and price list please send S.A. E. to·..,....., I. ",po.1 BRITAIN'S LEADING SUPPLIER~ U, .~. OF ORIENTEERING KITr ~® THE ORIEHTEERS' SHOP,. ST MARY'S STREET, NEWPORT. SHROPSHIRE, TF10 7A8vlt,a/po,' fitton.: 01152 113g11 F.x: 01152 125320

only have a negati\i)ffect. I am not aware of anysimilar situations occurring with 'proper'orienteering events and certainly in any eventsthat I have been involved with in the past anyoverdue competitors have always been locatedby the organisers rather than requiring a calloutof the Mountain Rescue.

With the state of Irisb orienteering (particularlyin Leinster) can we afford the negative publicityof this kind of incident. Should we allow groupsof uncertain experience access to our maps(maybe these events weren't run using Ovmaps)?Anyway Ijust Lhought this might be of interest.

TIO TROPHY '98The date for the 1998 Irish Orienteer Trophy basbeen set: this year's competition will be on thefirsL Sunday in October, that's the 4th. Make anote of it now and run for your club on the day.More details later about location and scoringsystem.


ODDS '0' ENDS '0' ODDS* This year's Connacht Cbampionshipssbould be quite interesting. not just because theweekend includes a run in the splendid drumlinsof Knockbarron. Wby else? Well, neither event isin Connacht: both events are in Leinster,although the Individual at Golden Grove iswithin spitting distance of Munster. Who saysorienteering doesn't improve your geography?• "4000 orienteers made less mess in a weekthan 400 school pupils make in an hour" Janitorar Breadalbane Academy, Scottish 6-Day eventCentre (from Score, the Scottish O·Newsletter)• The Geological Survey has produced aGeological Guide to the Wicklow Way. It's in theform of five sheets in a plastic envelope. eachdevoted to a day's walk. It's available free fromthe GSI, Beggar's Bush. Dublin 4.* Danish World Champs team memberCarsten Jorgensen sticks with orienteeringdespite his wins in the rust Nordic Cross CountryChampionships and more recently in the

The Irish Qrienleer 5

European Cross Country Champs in Portugal.Switzerland's Marie Luce Romanens, the 1995World Champ in the Short race is moving toathletics, however. She had a controversial 3rdplace in (he Short race at the woe in Norway lastyear.* "Handrail" editor Dudley Giles has had toput the magazine on hold after he was posted towork in Bosnia.• The 1998 Celtic Cup is due to be held inIreland. Several events have been suggested butthe most likely is the Shamrock O-Ringen. Thiscompetition is a slightly informal Ireland v Walesmatch with the composition of the teams beingdetermined by the side which has to travel. Lastyear it was in Snowdonia in July and Wales won.* 'The Lcinstcr O-Association has producedan attractive colour brochure and fixtures list forthe first half of 1998. It's being given out atevents in Leinster and aimed at newcomers.

• Eddie Niland of AJAX has moved toIsrael and lives in an apartment beside miles ofmapped sand dunes lind a beach. Since moving toIsrael. Eddie has one an event and placed well inseveral others, He says the maps arc excellent(many produced by foreigners) but that standardsof course planning and controlling could beimproved (those were not his exact words!) HanyIrish orienteers need a roof over their heads inthat area, Eddie would be happy to bear fromyou. His address is Rehov Bareqet 8, Barnca.Ashkclon, Israel; phone 00·972·7·6711340 (II).fax 00-972·7·6873983 (W).• NIOA AGM: The Annual GeneralMeeting of tbe Northern Ireland OA is onSaturday Pebruary 14th at 2.15 pm at BenoncVisitor Centre after the NI Score Championshipsat nearby Downhill.• The Ordnance Survey expects to have allthe I :50,000 scale' Discovery 'series maps of theRepublic published by the end of 1998.


The organisers of the first Transatlantic CoursePlanning Competition announced in 11083 havebeen underwhelmed with entries, so much so thatthe closing date for the competition has beenextended. A number of copies of Orienteering

6 111eIrish Orien/('er

North America were giv. )ut to pros~ctiveplanners at the Three Rock. quiz and Christmasparty in early December. If you've managed toplan an M35 course on the Sure bridge map, sendit off to OINA now.


The Dublin & WickJow Mountain Rescue teamare organising a series of fund-raising walks onMay 16th in Wick low. The walks will be gradedand the team are appealing for your support. Lastyew' they provided their voluntary services onabout 40 call-outs and in addition provided stand-by service at about 12 organised walks andorienteering events, including the Senior HomeInternational at Carlingford. The team covers theDublin and Wick low area and as far north as tbeCooley Mountains. The Money raised will gotowards medical equipment and II new rescuevehicle.For more details eon tact the Team Leader,Michael Treacy, 15 Ratoath Estate. Cabra West,Dublin 7 (01.8683476).

"RITES OF PASSAGE"LOK and 3ROC's Simon Errington had this tosay about changing age classes: "Decem her 1997has been fairly traumatic so far. I started a newjob on thelstl managed two days there before ashort break to be at the birth of my first child.James made his first appearance at an 0 event atWisley on the 14th, and I discovered the joys ofsplit starts for the first time at Trent Park on the21st. But the really momentous occasion was atthe SAXONS event at Ightham on the 28th· forthis was my last race as an M21.

It's a long time since I last changed agegroups· Droadstone Warren on I1tb December1983 was my last race as an M 19. Since then I'verun 952 races as un M21, and getting on for 7600km in competition. I'm getting quite used towriting "M21" on my control card. People tell methat it gets easier from here on but I'm not sure.An M65 I talked to last week explained that hetoo was moving up, but M70 was certainly noeasier. If people are still running at that age thenthey arc deadly serious, and navigationallycompetent us well. The fields get smaller but the

quality tends to iJ;!, ~ve. So there's no joy on thatfront

Perhaps the courses get shorter. Wellalmost. As an M21 L the recorrunended courselength ratio to M21E is 0.79, and this plummetsto 0.76 as an M35L. That should save me all of500 metres at the typical badge event But can Ieven afford to run M35, since I need the extradistance to get ready for National Events. Sothere's no difference at badge events. And ofcourse I'll have to stay on brown courses atcolour coded events. And at these new- fangledshort races everyone runs the same courseanyway.

But the Dritish Champs will be differentwon't they? Of course tbey will: on a shortercourse then every little mistake becomes that bitmore significant. There's no chance to make upthe wasted time. Last year I was running fastenough to come second at the British Champs • ifI'd been running M55. So all I have to do is keeprunning at the same speed for another 20 yearsand I'll be British Champion. This of courseassumes I'll cut out the idiotic error at the pathjunction just before the last control...

For oricntcers and race horses. New Year'sEve is party time, and New Year's Day is achance to gel' out there and enjoy your new status.Tomorrow I'll turn up at registration and proudlystale "M35" when asked my age group. There'llbe no need to be offended when people ask me if Ihave moved up a year. And I'll still get beaten byeverybody that was beating me last week."- from the O·Net. You can run against/heat/getbeaten by Simon at the Shamrock O·Ringen inMay.


The electronic age came to the Leinstcr Leagueevent at the Curragh on December 7th last. Tworepresentati ves of the manufacturers of the Sport-Ident electronic punching system came 10demonstrate the system, on trial for next May'sWorld Cup races in Killarney.Each control has a small unit attached with a boleinto which the competitor puts his He-card", anelectronic key fastened to one finger. Thisrecords the runner's time at each control and

allows split times for each leg to be calculatedimmediately after finishing. It also docs awaywith most of the results processing team. becausepunches don't need to be checked.The system is geared for pre-entry events.however, and this caused delays at the Curragh asthe organisers bad to guess who was likely tocome. If the system were adopted for regular use,each competitor could have his or her own e-cardfor the whole season.It's very interesting to compare split times at theend of the course, particularl y will} those close toyou. While it's possible to do it using a split-timewatch, this way is more complete. Onedrawback, though, is that you don't have aconventional control card to verify wbich controlis next. and those of us who like to write ourcontrol descriptions on our cards have toreorganise ourselves a bit.There la II rival system, the EMIT (formerlyRegnly) one and the final decision has yet to betaken as to which one to adopt.

BSOANEWSThe lOA has become an associate member of theBritish Schools Orienteering Association andgets its excellent newsletter, "Search l". Themagazine is produced by Hazcllc Jackson, wellknown to CompassSport readers. The AutumnTerm issue has lots of orienteering news. not justrelated to schools. and includes reports on theBSOA score Championships in Lancashire inOctober, a list of available mappers, fund-raising,introducing orienteering to families anddeveloping partnerships with outdoororganisations.Anyone involved in junior orienteering (fromteachers to scout troops) could spend a mereSTG£9 and become associate members. Schoolsin Britain can affiliate for as Little as STG£7.Details from BSOA, 2 Greenway, Park Lane,Brocton, Stafford, ST17 OTS.

DUBLIN NIGHT-O SERIESMartin Flynn is again trying to mastermind aseries of night events in the Dublin area. The planis to have them on Tuesday evenings fromFebruary 3rd • last year they started later so it wasstill bright for the early starters at the events at the

The Irish Orienteer 7

end of the series.

The planned events areFebruary 3 Phoenix Park

10th Killiney17th Carrickgollogan24th Hellfire

March 2nd Pine Forest} Three Rock?

These events have at the time of writing still to beconfirmed, so watch out for notices or fliers atevents. For lOA insurance reasons they are onlyopen to over ITs.

LEINSTER COURSEThe lOA arc running a planning and controllingcourse in Dublin on the weekend of 14th/15thMarch. The course will cover all aspects ofcourse planning and event controlling withsessions of both theory and practice. It's aimed atthose who want to try planning and controlling orwho want to improve or refresh their skills. '[bevenue is St. Columba's College, Rathfarnham.The pleasure of planning and controlling hasfallen on too few people in recent years - don't letthem hog it all!Further details from Trilla Cleary (01-4936187)or John McCullough (01-8378819, e-mailjmcctio@iol.ie).


Despite the inclusion of the Northern IrelandChampionships at Banagher, tbe 1997 Irish Two-Day in October was very poorly attended. Thestatus of the event has been diminisbing in recentyears but it may just be a reflection of the lack ofinterest by many orienteers in seriouscompetition (remember when there were Badgeevents or Grade I events worth travellinghundreds of miles for?). The organisers must bedisappointed too, having put so much work intothe event, though there was enthusiastic supportfor the manager of the Bank of Ireland inLimavady, sponsors of the NIOC. Florencecourton the second day suffered particularly from afall-off in numbers, with about half the numbersrunning in comparison to the day before, withW21 L's being the mostconsistenl (all but one ran8 The Irish Orienleer

on Day 2). The event rna: )ve suffered partlyfrom unfortunate geography, with the two eventsquite widely separated, but well done to NWOCand FermO for staging it. and well done to theNIOC Champions and Irish Two-Day winners.

Northern Ireland Champions 1997M2l L Steven Linton NWOCW2lL Jane WilSall LVOMl2 Aran Savage LVOW12 Zara Stevenson NWOCM14 Andrew Mills PermOW14 Kelly Gibson PermOM 16 Rory Finlay FermOWl6 Gillian Cinnamon LVOMIS Che' Finlay FennOM21S TelTYCanning FennOW2lS Catherine Hassenboehler LVOM35 Ronald Patterson Fermf)W35 Nadine Grant FennOM40 Steve McGibbon LVOW40 Ann Savage LVOM45 Wilbert Hollinger LVOW45 'Teresa Finlay PeimOM50 Ernie Wilson LVOM55 Maxwell Reed FermOM60 Freddie McCann LVOM65 Norman Ervine LVO

COACHING COURSELeinster Coaching Officer Damien Cashin isplanning to run weekend coaching course fororienteers in the weeks before to the ShamrockO-Ringen. The course will be aimed mostly atLeinstcr orienteers. Details of date, venue etc.from Damien Cashin (01- 2818212).

WORLD CUP TRAVEL"We think we have found thebest/cheapest/easiest method of getting fromManchester Airport to Cork to Lake District toManchester Airport.. .. We have agreed specialfares with the railways and the return from theLakes to Cork return is a maximum of STG£96 -could be less depending on travel times etc.(student fares maybe available). We can arrangethis for teams, supporters & anyone travelling tothe Shamrock. For more info please get intouch (Presumably there are attractive rates

for Cork-Manchl",.:J-Lakes-Cork too? -Ed.)Gordon Ross, ScotPfsh OTours. (phone/fax 0044-l3398 S1203, e-mail<GROSSISOT@compuserve.com» - from tbeO-net.

NI CONFERENCESFermanagh Orienteers are hosting two separatebut related conferences in January. The first is anNIOA Officials' Seminar on Friday evening andSaturday 23/24 January aimed at those who wishto become graded controllers, planners ororgainsers, or wbo want to progress in thegrading system.The second is (he NIOA DevelopmentConference: "Towards the Millenium" onSunday 25th January. The conference aims togive direction and ideas 10 the NIOA committeefor the rolling development plan up (0 2001 andto discuss the NIOA's application for mappingfunds to the National Lottery - an applicationwhich may require NIOA members to raise£20,000 themselves.


Gorddinan, North Wales, 4th/5th October.We travelled out from DUll Laoghaire on tbeStena HSS on Friday (6 cars for the price of 5when group booking). Accommodation was at aYouth Hostel about 4 miles from tbe event.Breakfast was the only meal provided at thehostel but it had good cooking facilities, littleused by the Irish. The vening meal on Saturdayand the prize-giving (for the other Nations) wasat Llanrwst, about 10 minutes from the hostel.With breakfast at 8 a.m. sharp and first starts atmid-day on day one, it made for a long morning,but not long enough to train for those who didlittle or none in the weeks before we went.We got a map of Oorddinan on the Friday nightand it did not look too bad, after all we bave beento West Cork. Saturday morning looking down00 the area from the main road, it looked fast runin places at least and with overhead power linesmapped it would be "No prob". Thefact was nopart of West Cork was ever as physical as this.Long wrap around grass in the marshes was fasterthan the knee high undergrowth on the ridges and

little hills, not exactly what the MIW 14's werelooking forward to.To add to this, the controls were not bidden, butthey did not jump up at you either. One had to betecbnically very good out there or lots of timecould be lost. It was a closed event so there wereno great number of runners to lead you into acontrol. At this stage you may have guessed wedid not win, England did. with 322 points,Scotland 190, Wales 188 and lreland with l l S.00 the day Scotland and Wales were tied for 2ndprize but on checking of cards from Day 1.Scotland got 2nd prize to themselves.Best runs on Day I were in 5th place, Rory FinlayM16, Ailan Bogle MIS'and Clare O'ConnorWIll. On Day 2 Aislinn Austin had a terrific runto be 2nd fastest W16, Allan Bogle (3rd M18)and David Healy (4th MI4). We had two thirdplaces in the relays, M 14 and M 16. In theIndividual (day one) we bad 3rd in WI6, M16and MI8, scoring higher than Scotland Ml 8 andWales MfW 16.To look on tbe bright siele, all our WI6s are stillW16 in '98, we should be strong in M16/18.MJW 145 are there, all that is needed is a littletraining and encouragement. Wl S'ts: I don'tknow - even as a boy I couldn't understand them.Many thanks to drivers and selectors, MaryHealy, Rick Austin, Pat Healy, Bobby O'Connor,Charlie Reid and Monica Nowlan.Thanks to all the coaches who helped/ran thetraining weekend in Birr in August. Lookingforward to meeting all you juniors at training andcompetitive events.The Irish team was Wl8 Fionne Austin, SusanHealy, Clare O'Connor; M18 Allan Dogie, CheFinlay, Declan Kelly, Gregory Smythe: W16Aislinn Austin, Laura Cotter, Caroline Dennehy,Denise Healy; M16 David CArter, LukeCampbell-Crawford, Rory Finlay, JonathanLucey; W14 Sharon Lucey, Niarnh Morrissey,Niamh O'Boyle; Ml4 David Healy, KevinHoulihan, Niall Walsh; reserves Alan Barry,Darren Burke, Zoltan Foley-Fisher. (MI6's). Inthe end, Gerard Butler travelled instead of GregSmythe.Team scores: Day 1: E 178, S 112, W 104, I 73;Day 2 E 144, S 7S, W 84, 142.(Ted Lucey)

The [ri1rh Qrienleer 9

pWorld Cup Update


22-25th May, 1998Killarney, Ireland.

Way back in July '94 the notion of Irelandhosting a World Cup event first surfaced atan rOA meeting - it was all Faith While'sfault! It seemed like a great idea at the timeand early in 1995 the lOP approved it. Nowwith less Ulan 5 months to go the reality issuddenly dawning on everyone that thisevent is really going to happen. For those ofyou who are not fully clued in, that includesnearly everyone, the following is a report onwhat it is all about and where we are altodate.

The World Cup events are held every secondyear, on the years the World Championships arenot held. It consists of a series of races from Mayto October with the events being groupedtogether, in order to keep travelling at aminimum. The 1.998series is as follows:

Events I& 2 22 -25th May, IrelandEvents 3 & 4 28 - 31 st May, EnglandEvent 5 20 -24th July, Sweden,(Swedish O-Ringen)Events 6 & 7 12 - 15tb September, PolandEvents 8 & 9 17 20th September.SlovakiaEvents 10 & 11Events 12 & 13

27 - 2-b September, Estonia1 - 3rd October, Finland

10 Vlelrish Orienteer

The events are open to In ~tional Teams of 6men and 6 women with points being accumulatedfrom each event. A total of 10 individual events(6 best to count) and 3 relay events (all 3 tocount) are used to accumulate the scores.Irelandwill be hosting a Classic distanceindividual event and a Team Relay event.

While tbe rOA are the organisers of Events 1& 2they bave appointed CorkO to act as localorganisers to do most of the groundwork. CorkOhave decided to run the annual Shamrock 0-Ringen 3-day event in oonjunction with tbeWorld Cup weekend so everyone travelling to seethe event can take part on the same maps, on thesame day, and using some of the same controls asthe elite international runners.

TimetableThe proposed timetable for the events is asfollows:Friday 22nd May 13.00hrs Classic Qualificationrace followed by Day 1 of the Shamrock 0-Ringen at Crohane Lake, Loo Bridge, Glenfiesk.Saturday 23rd May IO.OOhrsClassic Final racefollowed by Day 2 of the Shamrock O-Rtngen atCrohane, Glenflesk.

Sunday 24th May 10.00hrs Day 3 of theShamrock O-Ringen at the Black Lakes, LooBridge. Glenflesk.

Monday 25th May 10.OOhrs World Cup Relayat Muckross, Killarney.

For those of you not familiar with the areaGlenfiesk is located on the main Cork - Killarneyroad (N22), 16km from Killarnev. The eventcentre will be the Glen Eagles Hotel in Killarneyand special rates are available by contactingDestination Killarney at +353-1-8742949 (@Clcry's department store in Dublin). There willbe a prizegiving ceremony / Banquet (of somesort!) and Ceili Mor in the hotel on the Saturdaynight

For this unique event all clubs are expected togive a band and so far the offers of help fromaround the country have been most encouragingwith many taking a weeks holidays, CorkO have

a special sub-cox .:Jttcc set. up to organise theevent and at the m~fuent its main emphasis is onthe maps and Sponsorship - this is an expensiveundertaking for the lOA, if you have a goodcontact let us know.

Wbo'swho?For the record the following are the keypersonnel who have been appointed so far:International Controller Oyvind Holt, NorwayEvent Director Ken Griffin, CorkOPlanner Day 1 Justin May. 3ROCOrganiser Day 1 Noel Donagh and Nigel Foley-Fisher, MNavController Day 1 Alan Shaw, ThomondPlanner Day 2 Bernard Creedon, CorkOOrganiser Day 2 Sean McSweeney, SOController Day 2 Alan Shaw, ThomondPlanner Day 3 Pat Long, LeeOOrganiser Day 3 Dave Hyland, ThomondController Day 3 Rory Costello, KerryO andKevin 0' Dwyer, SOThe mappers are Marcus Pinker. CorkO, Days I& 2 and Barry Dalby, 3ROC, Day 3.

MapsThe maps are complete with final checking beingdone over the Christmas period. We have had twovisits so far from our international controller,Oyvind Holt of Norway. He is very pleased withprogress to date and was particularly impressedwith the finisb location for the Classic Final. Inthis open hilly terrain spectators at the finish canfollow the runners over the last few kilometres.Those of you who were at tbe recent LeinsterLeague event in the Curragh would have had anopportunity to tryout one the electronic timingsystems were are considering for the World Cup.At the time of writing this system has not yetbeen approved by the lOF.

Over to youSo now we are looking for offers of help. Mostclubs have appointed a club co-ordinator who iscompiling a list of volunteers. Please channelyour offers through your own club. We areparticularly looking for helpers from theWednesday to help in the advance work. Anyone

helping on the World Cup event will be free totake part in the O-Ringen later.

This is a once. off chance to put Orienteeringin Ireland on the map, to show the Worldlbat we can do it just as well as them if notbeuer, to show our countryside andorienteering terrain off to its best advantage,to do a job that we can all be proud of.

Iknow Ican depend on you!.

Ken GriffinEvent Director.

JUNIOR SQUAD NEWSNext year's Junior Home International event is inScotland in the autumn. There has already been atraining weekend at the Curragh andWoodcnboley just after Christmas, including theuse of the army school of physical education (andinstructors I)The programme for the rest of the year is asfollows:21122 February Connacht Champs/Interprovincial.14/15 March Kilfinnane. Co. Limerick - trainingweekendApril 4th Leinsrer ChampionshipsMay 2nd Irish ChampionshipsJuly-August other training sessions.

CONNACHT EVENT CENTREJust before going to press we learned that theEvent Centre for the Connacht Championshipsweekend on 21-22 February will be the CountyArms Hotel ill Birr. Co. Offaly (0509-20791)

'l'w ....,/ .. a..

LThe Irish Or;enteer II


The International O-Federation iscelebrating the 100th Anniversary of thefirst public orienteering competition fromthe '97 World Championships to the end ofthe World Cup in 1998, so it would be agood year to travel to expand yourorienteering horizons.It's time to preview the major events in 1998which might entice you away for a long weekend,a week or a few weeks to sample orienteering inother countries, or even as far away as Kerry. Isay this every year, but not trying orienteeringelsewhere is like living your whole life in onestreet, never seeing the wider world (or maybeyou're like the old woman from the BlasketIslands who decided to go to the mainland: whenshe got to the top of the crest over Ventry andlooked towards Dingle, she said "Oh, isn't tbeworld a terrible big place" and turned round andwent home again for ever.)

Anyway, you can bring a horse to water etc.

How about some warm weather training inSpain? Scottish O-Tours are running a trip fromFebruary 14-21 to Alicante, and two weeks toPortugal in Marcb including competitions.(0044-13398-81959, email grosslsot@compuserve.com). They also have training in theCzech Republic before Easter and a trip to tbeevent itself (Prague, June 29-July 5). Back inPortugal there are 4 days at Vieira de Minhofrom Feb 21-24 and a two day at Sesimbra onMarch 7/8.

At home, the main events are the ConnachtChampionships at Roscrea on February 20 andthe Interprovincial at Knockbarron on Feb 22nd.Even if you can't make the Saturday, go toKnockbarron: you won't regret it! The LeinsterChampionships are at Trooperstown, near

12 The Irish Orienteer

Glendalough on Saturday, il 4th. There's nonews yet of a Sunday even! to make it aworthwhile weekend for those travelling fromafar, which seems a pity. The irishChampionships at Stieve Gullion should seeLVO at their organisational best, butunfortunately they clash with the British Champsthe same weekend. For the committed, thougb,you could run the Irish on the Saturday, theBritish on the Sunday and the British Relays onthe Bank Holiday Monday.

March has the israeli Champtonshlps (ofinterest to Ajax's Eddie Niland, now based there)on the 6th/7th and two 2-days in Spain andPortugal on 7/8th. There are two-days in Spainand Switzerland on 21122: maybe of interest toCivil Servants and others whose leave year endson March 31st.

Snowdonia beckons for the Jan KjellstrornInternational Orienteering Festival (you can seewby it's known simply as the "JK") at Easter:April 10-13. The usual format: training event,two day individual and relay, all within 5 kID ofthe event centre at Dolgellau, only about 70 milesfrom Holyhead. Entry forms are in this issue, andyou can pay by credit card for the first time thisyear. (internet address http://www.btinternet.com/-p.ribbans/JK98.html)There's also an Australian 3-Days at Easter, and ofcourse the Ballyhoura 3-Day (entry form alsoenclosed).

May is going to be busy, with the World Cup andShamrock O-Rlngen in Killarney from the 22ndto the 24th/25th: you simply must be there if youcall yourself an orienteer. You can follow thecircus to the English Lake District for moreWorld Cup action and open races from 28th -31st: well worth the trip. If you can't make it inMay, how about the Lake District 5-Day inAugust? The terrain is superb, the sceneryspectacular and justly famous: the only probiemis the other million or two tourists with the sameidea. Still, early risers can avoid the crowds. LateMay also has the Belgian 3-Day at Lommel,from 30th to June 1st. Before all that, though,there's the Tiornila overnight relay at Stockholmon 2/3 and a 2-day at La Coruna in Spain,

location of one OJ\i)lworld's oldest lighthouses.

June sees the start in the Czech Republic of theWorld Masters O-Cbamps (formerly the Vets'World Cup) at Novy Bor starting on June 30th.It's open to all' over 35's and there arequalification races to see which final you'll be in.It's cheap, the terrain of huge limestone pillars isremarkable. What are you waiting for? June alsohas the 50th Jukola Relay 7-man overnight relayin Finland on 13-14th, at Lohja, about 40 kIDfrom Helsinki. This is an event which inspiredthe similar Harvester Trophy relay in Britain. TheShamrock O-Ringen has moved to May this year,so you could try the Norwegian O-Festlval atOslo instead from June 26-28th.

'IDe main holiday event season is July. From the7th-11th there's the the 5-Days of the Valle diNon, Trentino, in Italy. At the end of the month isthe Sage Stomp in British Columbia, Canada,from July 25 to August 4. (See the advertisementin this issue). There's a 4-day in Estonia (8-11th), 5-days at Kaunas in Lithuania (8-12), atIkaalinen in Finland (13-18) and at Gavle inSweden (20-24) and there's a 3-Day at Farum inDenmark (17·19).

From August 2-7 there's the Lake District 5-Day in England, based at Langdale. Entries toLakes 5, 221 Hale Road, Hale, Altrincham,Cbeshire WA 15 8DN (http://www.cs.man.ac.uklamuletl staff/douglLakes98/)

Fast-forward to October when the first majorevent to take place on the Chinese mainland is theAsia-Pacific O.Champs from October 14-18 atMiyun, 80 kin from Beijing. Could this beBeijing-a?

Lots of this information (and much more) isreadily available on the internet, if you knowanyone with access. Check out the IOF homepage (http://www.orienteering.org) and go fromthere. lOA and no also have some details too.Tbe January issue of CompassSport will bave theusual summer holiday orienteering supplement

To whet your appetites for summerorienteering holidays, here'sBill Simpson's account of ...

The European TourPart IIThe first part of this report (see no 83) coveredthe French 5-day event in Dijon, where themustard comes from. From there, I headed eastthrough Germany and Austria, pausing briefly inVienna, to' settle for a while in the CzechRepublic.

The BOTAS cup is a 3 day event, the winners ofeach class being judged on the cumulative timeover the whole competition. I travelled fromPrague to the event centre in Budislav on a hot,sunny day. The only way to guarantee goodweather in Europe last summer was to plan a dayin the car. On the other band, the first day'scompetition was blessed with a thunderstorm,which seemed to be a surprise to the organisers,who had not considered that a map bag would beof interest to the competitors.

Some other aspects of the start procedures areworth noting. At 2 minutes before the start line, adigital clock is displayed. That was it! No teamcalling up starters. No ticking names off lists.No instruction'S to move forward. I liked thesimplicity and it seemed to work fine foreveryone. Competitors simply moved forwardwben their start time was displayed. At tbe startline there was a control card check and the mapswere about 50 metres from the line in labelledpiles, but I digress.

Fortunately I was prepared for the weather andonly the east edge of the map was disintegratingas I packed it into my own plastic bag. The firstleg was not suited to my normal technique out ofthe start, running hopefully down the nearesttrack while trying to work out a route. I was 100metres past the optimal point for leaving the pathand plunging into various shades of green by the

The Irish Orienteer 13

time I had sorted out the soggy map. So I dog-legged back into the first control and resolved tosettle down as I squelched out across the terrain,which turned into one enormous seasonal marsh.It was gently contoured runnable forest and apartfrom some problems in the green bits roundcontrols 4 and 5, I bad a steady but damp runaround Vocbomurka.

It was still raining on day two, but not as beavilyas before. The organisers had reconsidered tbeirattitude to plastic bags. Again, I was slow gettingbrain into gear, and ran to the wrong knoll. butprobably only lost about 50 seconds on this one.The first few legs were straightforward inrelatively Simple terrain and then we crossed theroad into glorious mature pines growing onintricate spurs and re-entrants interspersed withimpressive sandstone cliffs and boulders. This iswhat Continental orienteering should be like.Unfortunately the planner seemed to prefervariety over quality and after 3 enjoyablekilometres we were taken back through somefairly unpleasant thick forest and undergrowth. Itwas the last thicket before the finish thatdelivered a scratch on my eyeball that threatenedmy run on the following day. After a period ofdoubt at 5 a.m. J finally concluded that to runwould be more fun than visiting the local RedCross station.

It was a good decision. The sun shone. We weretaken straight into the best terrain and stayedthere for two thirds of the course. I had a cleanrun apart from some slight hesitation on the 6thleg. I should have been more positive, given thatthe control feature was a 10 metre boulder. Thebiggest problem in the circle was deciding whichside of the boulder to run round. I finished in 21stplace overall out of a field of about 50. All of thecompetition was Czech, but) IUn bound to saythat the Czechs are good orienteers. Well, Iwould, wouldn't I?

All that remained to be done in this stage of theholiday was to pick up the rest of the party inPrague and head for Scotland and that story willhave to wait until the next episode. Hasn'tsomeone else covered the Scottish trip?

11 The Irish Qrienleer

Letters£etters on ail orlenturinB suDju::tsun4er tIie sun are ruefcome. 'Want to8et itoffyour c/iutp tJJo it IienJDear Editor,The new Leinster Fixtures List which I received acopy of at the recent event in Glencrec raises acouple of issues.

All the grid references are four figure references.It amazes me that despite being orientecrs someof us apparently do not understand the nationalgrid reference system. I know this issue wasraised in 110 a few years ago but people stiLIdon't seem to have grasped it so I think its worthmaking the point again. If you give a four figurereference you are specifying an area Ikm square.If you give a six figure reference you arespecifying an area 100m square. Now thepurpose of supplying grid refs is to allow thecompetitor travelling to the event to accuratelylocate the assembly area.I don'tkoow about you but when I'm relocatingI'd rather be witbin 100m of the point I'mlooking for rather than being within Ikrn of it.For example the grid reference for the upcomingRaven's Rock event is given as 01918. This isthe grid square conatining Glencullen which is 00the opposite side of the mountain to Raven'sRock itself. Now imagine you are a relativenewcomer to Orienteering who probably hasn'tbeen to Raven's Rock before. Where would yougo?Then there is the grid reference for tbe next eventin Ballinastoe, 0 17 08. This is the grid squarewhich includes White Hill. This is in the middleof the map. Do we enter the forest from the Eastor West side?This is just sloppiness. It only takesabout a minute to accurately read a six figurereference from the map. I would suggest that thereference given should be the reference for thepoint where one enters the forest as people can beeasily directed by signs from there. And it should

be six figure refc,_Je so that the correct pointcan be located wilJ ~asonable confidence.

The fixtures List is clearly aimed at noviceorienteers and should help encourage greaterparticipation. Most of the events listed arc inLeinster with one or two exceptions. The WorldCup event in Killarney is mentioned but makes itquite clear that this event is only open to thenational team, However why is there no mentionof the Shamrock O-Ringen which is running inparallel with the World Cup probably the bestorienteering event held in Ireland each year andopen to EVERYONE! To mention one withoutthe other seems a bit churlish.

Paul Smyth



The International Orienteering Federation (IOF)is the world governing body for foot-orienteering, ski-orienteering, mountain bikeorienteering and trail orienteering. The lor wasfounded on 2l May 1961, in Copenhagen inDenmark. Today the 10F is a growing, dynamicfederation with 49 member federations.

The supreme body of the IOF is the biennialGeneral Assembly. The basic structure of thefederation is formed by the Council together withfour discipline committees, three otherpermanent committees and the Secretariat.

The main objectives of the IOF are creation of ahigher profile for orienteering. an increase in thenumber of countries where orienteering is

practised. a stronger IOF, and disciplinedevelopment

The Official IOF Events

* World Championships in foot-orienteeringand ski-orienteering every other year

* World Championships for 20-year-oldsand younger in Ioot-orienteering and skiorienteering every year* World Cup in foot-orienteering everyother year. and World Cup in ski-Orienteering(starting in 1999) every year* World' Masters OrienteeringChampionsh ips for 35-year-olds and olderveterans in foot-orienteering. and in ski-orienteering (starting in 1999), every year

* the first World Championships formountain bike orienteering and trail orienteering

will be organised in the near futureThe first World Orienteering Championshipswere held in Finland in 1966. Competitors fromII countries participated in those competitionsand medals were won by oricntecrs from fourdifferent countries. In the 1995 woe,competitors from 37 countries participated. Ninecountries won medals.

Junior World Charnplonships have beenorganised since 1990, and as many as 312 juniorsfrom 32 countries competed in Denmark in 1995.

About 2,900 veterans from 35 countriescompeted for the World Champions' titles in1996.The first World Championships in ski-orienteering were held in Hyvinkaa, Finland, in

1975. Ski-orienteers from 9 countriesparticipated in those competitions and medalswere won by four countries. Ski-orienteersrepresenting 23 countries took part in the 11thWorld Championships held in Norway in 1996.

Since 1989, the World Cup in ski-orienteeringhas been organised every second year. The firstJunior World Championships in ski-orienteeringwere organised in 1995 with 16 participatingnations.

The Irish Orienceer 15


How old is orienteering? That is not so easy totell, because it is very much a matter ofdefinition. It has, however, been agreed that thetime for the first public event be considered thebirth of orienteering. That particular event wasorganised in Norway in 1897. and thus the sportcan now celebrate its hundredth anniversary.

The 10F bas decided to celebratie the Centenaryof Orienteering. The celebrations will last for awbole year. beginning at the 1997 WorldOrienteering Championships in Norway andending at the 1998 World Cup Final in Finland.

The centenary will be highlighted at all the majorIOF orienteering events during the above-mentioned period. i.e. the 1997 woe in Norway.the 1997 Veteran World Cup in USA. the 1998World Championships in ski-Orienteering inAustria. the Junior World Cbampionships in ski-orienteering in Russia. tbe World MastersOrienteering Cbampionships in the CzechRepublic, and at all the 1998 World Cup events.

Previous to the first public event in 1897,orienteering bad been practised in the army. In1886 the word 'Orienteering' was used for thefirst time to mean crossing unknown territorywith the aid of a map and a compass. In 1895. realorienteering competitions were tben held by tbemilitary garrisons in Stockholm and Oslo.

Orienteering as a sport in its own right started todevelop in the Nordic countries at tbe beginningof the century. By 1930 orienteering had becomefirmly established in Finland, Norway andSweden. witb meetings and co-operationbetween these three countries already a regularfeature.

The first international competition was held in1932 in Norway. between teams from Norwayand Sweden. Apart from a break for the war theNordic competitions continued. at first between

Finland. Norway and Sweden, witb Denmarkjoining in at a later stage. In 1946 a Nordic bodyfor co-operation (NORD) was founded.

The international spread of orienteering becamemore and more a topic for discussion. The sport16 The Irish OrieTlteer

was growing in other co' ~es. above all inSwitzerland. Eventually •J:>RD asked theSwedish Orienteering Federation to arrange aninternational conference. This was held inSweden in 1959 with delegates from 12countries: Austria, Bulgaria. Czechoslovakia.DDR (East Germany). Hungary. Switzerland,West Germany. Yugoslavia and the four Nordiccountries.The following year. NORD proclaimed aninternational federation but the real InternationalOrienteering Federation (lOF) was founded at aCongress held on 21-22 May 1961 inCopenhagen, Denmark, by 10 members:Bulgaria. Czechoslovakia. Denmark. DDR.Finland, Hungary. Norway. Sweden, Switzerlandand West Germany.

The first World Orienteering Championshipswere held in Finland in 1966. Junior WorldOrienteering Championships have beenorganised since 1990. and the first official WorldCup was introduced in 1986. The first VeteranWorld Cup was held in 1983.

The first World Championships in ski-orienteering were held in 1975 and tbe firstJunior World Championships in 1995. Beginningofficially in 1989. the World Cup in ski-orienteering has been organised every secondyear. The first World Masters Championships inski-orienteering will be organised in 1999.

The youngest member of tbe 10F, tbeOrienteering Federation of India, was accepted inApril 1997. India included, the InternationalOrienteering Federation today counts 49 nationalmember federations, (Ireland bas been a fullmember since 1975, if my memory is correct -Ed.)


The International Orienteering Federation hasintroduced a World Ranking List for EliteOrienteering to start this year. The scheme hasbeen formulated by the 10F and will beimplemented by the Norwegian company N3SPORT AS which will operate the IOF WorldRanking List at the web sitehttp://www.n3sporl.llo/ from February 151.

Ranking points cr gained at any of more than50 designated eviJ:reach year and fmal rankingplacings will be determined by the best six resultsfor each competitor. Rinking events will includeWorld Championships individual races. all WorldCup individual races and all 10F Elite Events.now to be known as lOP World Ranking Events.The Ranking list will be updated after eacbranking event.It was recognised that the status of the old-style10F elite events was somewhat ambiguous and itis hoped that the new IOF ranking events willattract much more interest, both fromcompetitors and the media as a result of theranking list.

There has been much debate about the methodused to generate ranking points. especially wheretbere will inevitably be great disparity betweenthe strengths of field and also the spreads of timesat the different events contributing to tbe scheme.The formula to be used is mathematicallysophisticated and takes both these factors intoaccount. The scheme will be started by usingresults from the 1995 and the 1997 WorldOrienteering Championsbips. and the 1996World Cup."We bope that the lOP will be proud of ourservices, and that orienteers world-wide will findtbe 10F Ranking List attractive". says OyvindStene. president of N3 Sport AS.1998 will be a trial period for the Ranking list andchanges may be implemented during and at tbeend of the period.


The 19th IOF Congress takes place at Sintra,Portugal from July 7 - 12th next. At its meetingon 11 and 15 August 1997, the 10F Councildecided to call an Extraordinary GeneralAssembly to be held prior to the 1998 OrdinaryGeneral Assembly (on the same day). The onlyitem on the agenda of the Extraordinary GeneralAssembly is a proposal for revision of the 10FStatutes. principally the matter of voting at tbe10F General Assembly.According to the 10F Statutes, 10F memberfederations shall have the right to send threedelegates (including interpreters) to the Ordinaryand tbe Extraordinary General Assembly.Delegates shall be citizens or residents of Lhecountry represented. Associate members maysend up to two representatives.

Proposals to the General Assembly:Please note that proposals from memberfederations shall reach tbe 10F Secretariat inwriting at least four months before the GeneralAssembly (i.e. by 10!b March 1998).

Nominations for the [OF CouncilAccording to the 10F Statutes, nominations forthe Council shall be submitted in writing to theSecretarial not later than two months before theGeneral Assembly. Additionally. we wouldappreciate it to receive your nominations for 10FCommittee Steering Groups at the same time,


COMPASSSPORT can be yours for only STG£17.50 for one year,STG£34 for two years. Send cheques or credit card detail~ to TI<?

Orienteering World (IR£14) and the Scientific Journal of Onenteenng(lR£9) are also available through The Irish Orienteer.

The Irish Orjenleer 17

although it is not required by the Statutes.Detailed information about accommodation andcosts, deadline for registration, optional extraactivities, such as excursions, etc., will be sentout shortly by the local organiser, the PortugueseOrienteering Federation.


Following the Presidents' Conference held inAugust 1997 and work previously done, the IOFCouncil has announced measures to strengthenthe organisation with a view to achieving thedevelopment needed in order to reach the goal ofgetting each of its four orienteering disciplinesinto the relevant Olympic Games.

Olympic Project Steering Group formed- To strengthen the organlsation leading our workon development towards the Olympics, the lorCouncil bas decided to enhance the previousOlympic Project. The new Olympic ProjectSteering Group will include representatives ofboth lOr member federations and the eliterunners. The Steering Group is to be led bySenior Vice-President Ake Jacobson and isdirectly subordinate to the lor Council.

Development Assistant appointed- Following a decision taken at Council's Aprilmeeting, the lor has also appointed a full-timeDevelopment Assistant. The extra member of thelOF staff is Sigitas Stasiulis from Lithuania. Hestarted work on lst January 1998. Stasiulis willbe subordinate to the JOr Secretary General andbased at the lOr Headquarters in Helsinki. Thejob of the Development Assistant will focus onincreasing and strengthening IOF membership,geographical spread, and the development of theorienteering product. lie will play an importantpart in coordination of the project,says Sue Harvey, lOr President.

Until recently, Stasiulis, 26, was employed by theLithuanian State Sports'Oepartmcnt, where hewas dealing with international sports affairs andanti-doping activities. He had been witb theSports Department for the past three years, sincegraduating from the University of Vilnius with a18 The [risb Orienteee

bachelor's degree in Gee )hy and PhysicalTraining.

Jorgen Martensson to be IOF ConsultantIn addition to employing a full-limeDevelopment Assistant, the lOr has decided touse consultancy services for specific tasks andprojects. One of these consultants providing theIOF with experience, contacts and new ideas. isthe multiple world champion Jorgen Mru-tensson.The full details concerning his involvement willbe defined at a later stage as the concrete plan ofaction is developed.IOF President Sue Harvey comments: - I believeincreasing and strengthening the organisationwill enable the IOF to make better progress withdevelopment towards the Olympics. In particular;I believe that involving the federations and tireelite runners more closely in the work will be aneffective fo1711 ula. I also feel that lire combinationof a full-lime Development Assistant and theexperience and contacts provided by JtirgcnMartensson will prove extremely success fill.


CONFUSED COMPASSThe Silva compass that we are all familiarwith,has for some lime now. been manufactured bySliva AB In Sweden and marketed by JWA(JohnsonWorldwideAssociates) Inlhe U.S. underthe 'Silva' trade name. SlivaABand JWAhad afailing oul aller Silva AB acquired Brunton andJWA no longer sells product manufactured bySilvaAB.However,JWAstilihas the rights to the'Silva-trade name inthe U.S.!SO...The 'original' SilvaABcompasses are nowbeing sold as the 'NEXUS' brand by Brunton (Iknow...this sounds likea MelrosePlace episodeI).For example, the NEXUS Scout N23LUis theexact same compass as the former SilvaHuntsman#23P (as theywere both manufacturedby SilvaABinSweden). Iapologize to you It this isallvery confusing!3rd Marble has dropped the Sliva (soon to bemade by Suunlo) lineof corrpassas Infavorof theNEXUS(used to be sold as Sliva) compasses. ttrust that you will be very sallsfied with thetraditionalNEXUS(SilvaAB/Sweden)qualityI• from a search for Silva on the intemet


William A gustineMulligan: The (almostforgotten) Father ofIrish Orienteering.Aongbus OCleirigh CNOC & DFO

When and where exactly was Ireland's firstorienteering event held? A half page articlediscovered by Pal ]lealy in the ClonrnclNationalist newspaper dated 19 April 1969describes in detail the newly found sport andreports on the first event organised in thiscountry (recorded in print or otherwise) - acompetition planned and run for members ofthe 3rd Motor Squadron (rCA) based illClonmel.

The newspaper reports that on Sunday April J 3th1969 at Harney's Cross ncar Clonmcl, 44members of the 3rd Motor Squadron took part inthe first orienteering event for FCA personnelover a 7-mile cross-country course from BoolaBridge to the Raven's Rock and back through theforest to Harney's Cross. (The currentorienteering map of Kilsheclan covers some oftbe terrain used for that cvent.) The squadronwas divided into district teams for thecompetition - Clonmel, Rathgorrnack, Carrick,Kilcash, Fethard, Lismolin and Mullinahonc.Competitors ran in pairs; the three winning pairsin the various categories were Corporal WmHarty and Trooper Wm Byrne. Trooper WmMcGee and Trooper Devine, and Sergeant I)

Fahey and Trooper Dargan. Clonmel took thedistrict team prize. The "Clerk of the Course"was Corporal Tom Hannon, one of those whosephotograph appears in the newspaper article.

Commandant William Augustine (GuS)Mulligan, commanding officer of the 3rd MotorSquadron in Clonmel, had encountered the sportwhile serving in Cyprus with the United NationsPeacekeeping Force. He was introduced toorienteering by a Capt N. Engrist of the Swedish

Battalion, and on his return in 1968 be passed ontbe sport to his unit in December 1968. In aseparate article published in the March 1969edition of An Cosantoir- the Defence Forces in-bouse publication - Gus Mulligan describesorienteering as "excellent military training,combining practical use of the map, compasswork, physical fitness W1dintelligence." He addsthat "the fastest does not always win as one maydefeat a faster runner by skilful planning". Thereis "nothing new in orienteering. as it is practisedin all armies of the world with the aid of aprotractor, map and compass." He attributes theadvent of the Silva compass (which combinedprotractor and compass in one unit) as greatlysimplifying and demystifying navigation.

The early maps used for military orienteering inIreland were of scale 6-inches-to-one-mile.Since there were few photocopiers in those days,copies were produced by first tracing the mainfeatures of the map on to a foil and thenreproducing uie traced image using the Gesteuierprinting apparatus (a mainstay of every DefenceForces Orderly Room of that time).

Where docs Gus Mulligan's event fit within thecurrently accepted history of Irisb orienteering?'Ibe re-discovered newspaper article places theKilsheelan event as the first organisedorienteering event in this country. The secondorienteering even! held bere was the competitionorganised by Michael Lunt in Autumn 1969 inThe Devil's Glen. A following event was run inthe Glen of the Downs by Paddy O'Leary. Irishorienteers today arc indebted to these. and manyother pioneers of Irish orienteering - both civilianand military.

~(Copies of the source articles from The CloumelNationalist und An Cosant6ir have beensubmitted to the editor ofTIO).(I'm delighted that Aonghus managed to unearththis article. I saw it some years ago and tried tofind it again for the lOA's 25th Anniversarycelebrations, but without success - Ed.)

VIe Irish Orientecr 19

CoachingCornerBy Frank Ryan, lOA Coaching Officer

1. Courses for CoachesThe action plan forthe coming year is to progressthe coaching award scheme by inviting selectedpersons to progress to level 3 by attending a level3 course in 1998. This will probably involvecourse contact time of about 3 weekends.Orienteering Level 2 Coaches who are interestedin doing their level 3 should contact me early inthe new year. Coaching Award Certificates werepresented at the IOAAOM to 25 persons who hadcompleted all their requirements and a further 34people have been certified and accredited as level1 or level 2 in November as follows:Level 1 - Una Coghlan, John Fitzsimons,Raymond Holohan, Brian Keogh, MaryMcOeady, Niamh McOrath, Patrick Neeson,Jeanne O'Gorman, Richard Phelan, MartinaProut. Mary Taylor, Mick Tracey,Level 2 - Liarn Convery, Ailbhe Creedon,

Round the Clubs ...

GENNEWSAt our A G M in December we selected ourcommittee without too many changes wewelcome Andrew Butterfield and Simon MeCormack as our new recruits. Jane Watt hasfinally retired despite our best efforts to retain herservices J D Clarke.Brendan Doherty andAndrew O'Mullane have also taken sabbaticalsso we soldier on without them. We did manage topersuade our treasurer Jackie to continue but onlyfor this year !!! !..which reminds me anyone whowasn't at the meeting and have not paid their subits now due so send it on to Jackie post haste.We are still having problems getting a permitfrom Coillte for Ballinasroe so the Inter ClubChallenge wiIJ be run in Pine Forest on Feb Ist,we will need everyone along to help and run on2Q The Irish Orienteer

Deirdre Creedon, 'in)' Curran, Noel Donagh,Timmy Flavin. Nlt;t!1 Foley-Fisher. MichaelGrant, Padraic Higgins, Kathy Kirwan, Ted Lucy,Rory Morrish, Conchur Muimhneachain, LindieNaughton, Robert O'Connor. DiarmuidO'Donghalle, David O'Donovan, ToniO'Donovan, Breda O'Farrell, Ita O'Hanlon,Daire Osborne, John Walshe.

Coaches have been sent their Coaching badgesand they are encouraged to wear them on tracksuit top, sweatshirt or pullover. Certificates willbe presented to the above at IOAAOM in 1998.

2. Courses for OrienteersIn co-operation with Coaching Officers in eachregion I intend to organise a coaching course fororientcers which will be open to everybody. Themost suitable dare has yet to be decided.

3. Incentive Award Colour Badge Scheme1'11e lOA Training and Coaching board hasdecided to launch an Incentive Award ColourBadge Scheme which will be aimed principally atyoung children and it is my hope that we canlaunch this some time in 1998. The aim of thescheme is to encourage persons to take uporienteering in school and continue byprogressing up the colour ladder.

the day, if you can help contact Paul NolanChairman and Organiser on the day at 2605792after 6p.m. If you cant help or be there contacthim anyway with your excuse as he is expecting afull turn out of club members. Congratulations toNick and Audrey on tile birth of our latest MlEoin who made his orienteering debut on StStephens Day and used it as his excuse to visitLamb Doyles like the rest of us see full details inOenology. We extend our sympathy to DavidQuinn on the death of his mother. Finally I wishyou all a very Happy New Year see you 011 FebIst.Nora LalorSecretary 0 E N

Ajax Flash!Happy new year to all our members and welcometo any new members who are now getting too

numerous to name indiv''')Jly (a very healthysign) . This should prove ,,;0 be a pretty eventfulyear for Ajax, I'm sure you will all agree. Thingshave been pretty active during last year and willcontinue to be.We have a few maps being re-done, currentlyMarley Park and KilIiney Hill are ready to print,and we have definite plans for Saggart andCloghleagh early this year, and who knows laterin the year. Our next event is in early January onKilliney Hill, and after that we are running aLeinster league event in Cronybyrne in April.Many thanks to all of you who came out in greatnumbers to help out with the event on Raven'sRock in November despite tbe severe elements.We are still training every Tuesday night,meeting at the running track in Belfield at 18:50,and taking it from there. Every standard iscatered for so please don't be afraid to comealong, the numbers are averaging 10111 so far thisyear so why not make it 15/20 as a new yearresoulution.We have just established a web page: see it athtlp:llireland.ioJ.ie/-obrienbrl

Finally if you are on the orienteering superhighway, please let us know ...Mail BrendanO'Brien at BrendanO'Briel1@AnPost.ie

3ROCNEWSHappy New Year to all our members and toorienteers everywhere.Our next events are the Phoenix Park on January18th (planner John McCullough), the night-Oevent at Phoenix Park on Tuesday February 3rd(planner & organiser John McCullough), and theLeinster League events at Carlingford (March22nd) and Glendalough (May l Oth). As always,helpers are required for these events,Interval training continues every Tuesday at6.30 pm at Mcrrion Cricket Club, AngleseaRoad; circuit training every Wednesday at 7 pmat Sion Hill sports hall, Mcrrion Avenue, intervaltraining again on Thursdays at 6.30 pm atMerrion Cricket Club and hill training someSaturdays at 11.00 am at Killiney Hill car park (ifthere isn't a Business Houses cross country raceon). Details from Nina 2605792) or Lindie, orjust tum up.Mapping: Revisions of Phoenix Park and a tidyup of the Pine Forest before final printing:contact Peter O'Neill for details.Welcome to all our nrc members andwelcomeback to Justin May and Una Creagh whohave returned from Englund and to Una Coghlan.back after a sojourn in Finland.Finally, the bad news: your annual subscriptionsare due! Expect the knock on the door in the deadof night ... and if you pay up you should begetting another ROCKet pretty soon too.

Report on the use ofsrostuo« ELECTRONIC

PUNCHINGby Simon Errington and David Rosen

This does not contain a full system description ofSPORTident. For more information, see theexcellent analysis by Oliver Burrows (Eryri) orlook at the SportIdent Web page:http://members.aol.comlibriaes/ol-pun.htm .As co-ordinator of the World Cup 1998 in theLake District, one of David Rosen's concerns isto select a suitable electronic punching system.Electronic punching, wbilst not mandatory, is thenorm at World Cup Races.

WOC 99 in Scotland have similar concerns andSimon Errington has been asked by Tim Pugh,the woe '99 Co-ordinator, to oversee electronicpunching there.

Both Simon and David have other hats whichhave a bearing on electronic punching. Simon isthe Cbair of the BOF Technical Committee andDavid is a member of the IOF Event StandardsCommittee which is the body that can grant lOPApproval for new punching systems.

In July 97, a small demonstration set ofSporlldent equipment was sent to David Rosenand some testing was done on it by Lakeland Oc.A demonstration was set up at the Scottish 6-days.

The Irish Orienteer 21

Simon and David were present at WOC 97 inNorway. The Emit (formerly called Regnly)system was used for the WOC races and theSpectator races. and presentations were givenduring the week by both Emit and SportJdent. Itwas clear that although alternative systems wererumoured to be in the process of development.Emit and SportJdent are the only two that are farenough advanced to bave a chance of being usedat World Cup 98.

The Emit system is in widespread use in Norwayand is clearly a useable system. However. it hasnot spread to other countries as quickly as mighthave been anticipated.

It was agreed that we would test the Sportldcntsystem at LOK's short distance event at Wisleyon December 13th. 111is would be one of u seriesof Test Events in various European Countriesusing Sportldent equipment, including one at theCurragh the previous week. Sportlderu hope that,following these, they will obtain IOF approvalfor their system at the lor Event StandardsCommittee in January '98. It was later decided totry the equipment at the Euromeet event at GreatTower.

2. FACILITIES AND "~QUlPMENTWe used two PC's networked together and a fastlaser printer. For back-up purposes. all resultsprocessing was duplicated on a portable PC. Twoother PCs and a spare printer were also availablebut were not required.

Ideally. each runner's splits are printed outimmediately after they finish. However. it wasreported from a previous event that this hadoverloaded the printer buffer. Therefore. wedecided to usc one PC (the faster one) simply as aPrinter Server.

Only in mid-October. Sportldent said that theirtwo Swedish representatives wanted to come andhelp with the event. On Wednesday October 29th.Gunnar Larsson and Jan Olov Olsson arrivedwith the SportIdent equipment.

There were just two courses: Meo 4.6 killwith 15controls and 260m of climb. Women 3.9 km with22 Vie Irish Orienrecr

11 controls and 27 III 'Pf climb. 7 controls werecommon. so 19 control sites were used. Bothcourses were of a similar shape. and included twocrossovers. This would have required at least onemanned control if a conventional punchingsystem had been used.

It bad been envisaged that we would only placeone SportIdent Control Unit at each site.However. since tbey had enough, we actuallyplaced two at each site. The control flag was hungon a trestle which normally had two pin puncheson top. One of these was removed, and replacedby a Sportldent box. This was not entirelysatisfactory, (IS the top bar of the trestle was toonarrow to support the box. We had not had accessto the trestles in advance. so had not had theopportunity to test this mounting. However, wehad anticipated that this might be a problem andJan Olov had cut 19 blocks of wood. These werebound to the bar and the box could then bestrapped on reasonably securely. This was a bit"Heath Robinson" and not recommended for thefuture. One of the needle punches was left on thetrestle and competitors could have punched theirmap had they found that the control box was notworking, The second box at each site wasattached to a special Sportldcnt metal trestle.

A test course with four controls was set up in thevicinity of the assembly area for competitors totry tbe system before their run. Jan Olov was onband to provide explanation.

SportJdent supplied 199 E-cards - small fingersof plastic with the chip embedded and a loop ofelastic to secure it to the finger. Each is labelledwith the serial number.

Sportldcnt Equipment:49 control boxes, 38 used as controls, 2 as

Start Units, 2 as Finish Units, I as a Clear Unit, 6for the test course. The boxes are 130 x 65 x 55

nun3 in size with a hole right through in whichthe E-Card can be inserted. 199 E-Cards. 1interface box. 19 metal stakes. Software: OL-Einzel, Ol.-Codc, Siman.

We were very fortunate to have the facilities at

Great Tower Scout Carr he finish was at tbeeo trance to a large open-sided shelter with aconcrete floor. This had tables. mains power andlights. At one end there was a large noticeboardwhich was used for pinning up the results sheets.

ADVANCE PREPARATIONOn the Thursday evening. the list of entries wasreceived bye-mail from Graham Macintyre.Using OL-Einzel. David first prepared a start listwith 110 men's and 89 women's spaces. lie thenentered the names and countries which tookabout 90 minutes.

The control codes for each course were entered,and the control units were programmed via theinterface unit. With one person plugging andunplugging the units. this process took onlyabout 15 minutes to program all 49, '[be unitswere programmed to wake up at 10.00 a.rn. thenext day. and switch off at 5.00 p.m. (We actuallyalso did a lest run that evening to check that theywere all working OK and that the courses wereprogrammed in correctly).

We prepared one envelope for each teamcontaining some simple instructions and aquestionnaire for each competitor. along withtheir E-cards and a list showing the number of theE-card to be given to each person.

MODE OF OJ'ERATIONThere are several different ways to operate thesystem and the software,One can simply use the system for punching, anduse manual timing for start and finish. If one doesthat, it is preferable to have a finish unit in tbefinish funnel which is used purely for sequencingand carries out the function often done with raffletickets.One can use a punching start and a manuallinish.One can use ordinary start and punching finish.One can use full electronic timing, with apunching start and finish. This has thedisadvantage that competitors have to punch asthey finish, rather than sprinting over the line. butbas the great advantage of simplicity. Nointerface is needed between a manual timingsystem and the Sporlldenl one - when acompetitor has finished. all the timing datu is

held in the E-card.

David decided, for this first ever major trial inBritain, to go for simplicity. Full electronicpunching also meant that software does not needto be told the start times.

LATE ENTRIESA few local orienteers turned up to test run thecourses. They started from [ p.m. whilst theEuromeeting runners started from 2 p.m. to 3.30p.m. These late entries were taken by the resultsprocessor who entered their names and ticked themon-compcutlvet flag.

STARTThe start interval was one minute so there was aperiod of about an hour with one man and onewoman starting at each minute. At the start,competitors were called up at -2. At -1 theymoved Iorwurd and were made to clear their E-card, a process that takes about 6 seconds percard. This clears all punching and timing data.and. in the mode we were using. writes the card'sserial number into the start number field. At thestart bleep. the competitors punched the start unitwhich blecpcd and they then took their map andset off. The start unit writes the start time into thecompetitor's E-cnrd.

A manual back-up timing system was beingoperated by Graham MacIntyre. To ensure tbatthis had some meaning, the start official actuallytook the competitor's finger with the E-card andinserted it into the start unit for them at the startbleep. It was slightly inelegant but it worked OK.

The start arrangement was not ideal for a numberof reasons. 'The main problem was that thewomen's start control was on the left of thecompetitor. Since most runners carried the E-cardon their right hand, this meant that to puncb thestart control you had to reach across your body.At the same time you were trying to pick up yourmap from the table in front of you, using your leftband. This felt very awkward. A better solutionwould be to leave more space around each startcontrol. so they can be accessed from either side.and to place the maps a few metres after the startline.

The Irish Or;enteer 23

It would also be more satisfactory if thecompetitor was allowed to punch at the startcontrol without interference from the startofficial. Competitors will soon work what to do,but it was felt that for this race it was importantthat there were no problems with competitorsfailing to punch.

All these issues associated with punching at thestart are only a potential problem when thesystem is also being used to time the runners. If aseparate timing system is in use, or if start timesare read from the start list rather than the E-card,then there is no need to punch at a start control.

The system relics on a competitor carrying thecorrect E-card. It is not clear that this was beingchecked at the start. Such checking must berigorously enforced.

ATEACH CONTROLAt each control, the control unit writes thecontrol code and the time into the E-card. Itactually does this in 3 stages: Read the card, writethe information into the next available memorylocation, and reread the card to verify theinformation. After this, it bleeps and flashes alight to indicate successful punching.

Observations of runners punching showed thatthey found the system easy and quick to use.

A problem arose with the punch unit at the finalcontrol, when the strap became loose and the unitslipped round to be vertical rather thanhorizontal. This was cured by tightening thestrap. However. this seems to indicate thecompetitors do apply a significant force to thecontrol unit when punching. The problem will besolved when a standard mounting unit isdeveloped.

All controls were configured to produce a bleepand a light to indicate a successful punch. Mostsaid that they took absolutely no notice of thelight. The bleep is usually easy to hear. andprovides a clear indication.

Standing 5 metres from the final control it was24 VIe Irish QrienlC(!r

not possible to hea·m") bleep when a competitorpunched, even with tilatively little backgroundnoise. The chances of being led into a control bythe bleep therefore seem very small.

FINISHAt the finish, two control boxes were placed on awooden trestle provided by Sportldent. This justsat on the ground which was useful as tbe finishline was on tarmac. An official supervised thefinish control to ensure that competitors didindeed punch. Sportldent say that the accuracy ofthe internal clocks is good enough to allow twofinish clocks to be used in this way. They weresynchronised (to the PC clock) the previous nightand had been kept in identical conditions sincethen. It would be reassuring to see some data onthe accuracy of the internal clocks.

Some competitors found it difficult to stopquickly enough at the finish control. It didn't helpthat there was a sharp bend in the run-in justbefore it. Ideally. a punching finish would be atthe top of an uphill run-in. It should also havespace behind it.

RESULTS PROCESsrNGAfter the finish line, an official relieved tbecompetitor of map and E-card. Several runnershad used tape of various sorts to fix the E-card totheir band. or in one case, to a compass.Removing the tape could take some time.

The Evcard was then handed to the resultsprocessing official who placed it in the interfaceunit. The computer automatically reads the cardand indicates straight away whether thecompetitor has punched OK. After every five orsix competitors, the print icon is clicked toproduce a print-out of their split times. Aboutevery 15 minutes, a complete results list wasproduced.

As a back-up, the E-cards were also read into aseparate PC. This was running the Simansoftware, but it was interfaced to the SwedishlSpeaker Softwarei that SOFf has issued to everySwedish club.

This result processing official was actually Jo

Smith who had turned 11 minutes before thefirst start and asked if she could help. After only afew minutes instruction. she was able to take lateentries and operate all the results processingincluding hanging the results. There was no needfor the normal time calculation and punchchecking team.

Results were stapled onto wooden boards. Thiswas not ideal, and some thought needs to begiven to a suitable results display system.

We hadn't fully understood about the evaluationpart of the software. This enables one to look indetail at a competitor's E-card and to see anypartial punches. The OL-Code software providesthe printout of split times and shows any mis- ordouble-punching. We have suggested to StephanKramer, the author of the software. that a smallimprovement would be to take the second of twopunches as the definitive one.

The data for an event can be backed-up in amatter of seconds to a floppy disc or a networkedcomputer.

COMPETITOR FEEl>nACKA total of 81 men and 60 women took part in therace (not counting the non-competitive runners).The field was extremely strong. with elite teamsfrom Norway, Sweden. Denmark. FinlandSwitzerland. New Zealand and Ireland, a verylarge British team. and representatives fromAustria, Czechoslovakia, Australia, Bulgaria andSpain. Amongst the famous names were LucieBohm, Jorgen Martensson. Steve Hale and YvetteHague.

At the finish, the conversation was about themistakes that had been made out on the course -most people seemed to accept the punchingsystem very easily.

33 questionnaires were returned. The majoritywere very positive. The Swedes and Danes inparticular liked it; the Norwegians were the leastkeen. The small size of the E-card wasappreciated and most liked getting the audibleconfirmation of punching. A few felt that thesystem is ltoo slow! to register a punch.

Close analysis of the data in the E-cards showsthat about S people punched twice at a control- insome cases only partial data was present from thefirst punch indicating that they had removed theE-card too quickly the first time. One person wasdisqualified for visiting the wrong control (andfailing to visit the correct one).

Three people (one British man, one Britisbwoman and one Swedish woman) weredisqualified for failing to register a punch at acontrol (a different one in each case). They wereeach interviewed and each admitted that theymay indeed have not waited for the bleep. In nocase did they wish to claim that they had heardthe bleep which might indicate an electronicfailure. This level of mispunching perhaps is tobe expected on the first exposure for competitorsto a new system. It is certainly important toemphasise to competitors that they must get thebleep to be sure thnt they have punched correctly.

CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONSThe system was given a very severe test andproved that it is indeed a viable alternative toEmit, Sportldcnt arc using the result of this eventand the other test events this Autumn to makefinal improvements to the software and hardware- the pieces of equipment we used wereesssentially prototypes. In December, they intendto start producing tbe final versions of tbeequipment.

For events up to and including Badge standard,the full electronic timing option is very suitable.A back-up timing system is probably notnecessary - one can tell immediatcl y if the start orfinish units stop working as they will no longerbleep. It is probably sufficient simply to have aspare unit in reserve. For more prestigious eventsand relays where it is desirable that competitorsrun through the finish. the system can just be usedfor sequencing. At the start, a start unit is notnecessary provided the start times are entered inthe software, and that all the timing systems aresynchronised.

This event supported our view of the potentialsuperiority, on balance, of Sportldent over Emit.

V,e Irish Qrjenmer 25

The event at Wisley will provide furtherexperience of the system, and provided that issuccessful and that no major insuperableproblems are uncovered at any of the test events,we suggest that (subject to the system gainingIOF Approval in January) we proceed to use theSportldent system at World Cup 98 in the LakeDistrict. Between now and then, we should takeevery opportunity to practice using theequipment at events.

We have considered the two systems, and in ourview, Sportldent has more potential than Emit.The main advantages are:

a significant cor lIi')ration if a large-scale Resultsof VeDa ey ), Berfield, Dublin. 5 TMcCormack GEN M45 39.15adoption is anticipate1t, because of the lower cost ] 2tb Qs:oh20e[ ]22Z. 6 J Fitzsimons 3ROC MaS 40.24

and longer life of the E-cards compared to the7 PMcCormock GEN M55 41.09

Emit bricks. SHORTCOURSE8 Eamon McGinley AJAX M21 42.04

1 ConorShort CNOC M5 18.14 9 Kevin Carey 3ROC MaO 42.28

2 Rualrl Short CNOC MlO 18.40 10 Gordon Elliot! 3ROC M21 46.07

Possible disadvantages of SpOltldent compared 3 Elmear Fitzsimons 3ROC Wll 18.45 11 A Butterfield GEN M35 47.11

to Emit are: 4 JasonM OBCS 18.5212 Robert Boyle Stano M17 47.34

5 Sam Brady OBCS 18.5513 JonDean UCDO M21 51.01

Sportldent takes longer to punch. However,6 Dominic OBCS 18.57

14 Brian McArdle 51.47

7 UNKNOWN 20.3515 SOiShea GEN M35 55.33

because Sportldent punching is simpler, the 8 Jonathon Lynch Inchlcore 21.3716 BGreene 3ROC M18 55.53

throughput may be very similar. 9 MCarrigan Inchioore 21.3717 David Madigan 3ROC 56.54

Emit is a tried and tested system.10 OrlaHowe Inchicore 21.45

18 Brian King 61.05

The Sport Ident control box is larger and less11 oMullen Inchicore 21.45

19 Deirdre King 61.06

12 Nicola Halford Inchicore 21.4520 Hazel Grahom 63.31

robust than Emit's equivalent. 13 Eve Talbot Inchicore 22.2021 Deirdre Murphy UCDO W21 64.00

The Sportldcnt system does not yet have lOP 14 DO hEafa MlO 23.4622 SMoEvoy AJAX W21 66.22

approval.15 COhEafa MlO 26.24

23 Niall English UCDO M20 66.48

16 Ian Connolly 29.2824 Luke McCormack GEN M14 70.03

17 Laura Botes OBCS 30.2625 Paul Dunne Vl/EGO M40 76.16

Simon Errington 18 Alison Mansfield OldBown 31.2726 0 UIGholbin GEN W21 82.19

19 MKeHy GEN 36.SO27 Gareth Lawlor M25 85.21EOiConnor DNF




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MARCH 31, 1998


LONG COURSE1 David Brennan 3ROC2 Peter Mork3 OQuinn GEN4 BBeIl GEN

Sporlldent gives positive feedback of successfulpunching to the runner (in the form of a bleepa.nd/or a light).Sportldent punching is rotationallysymmetrical - unlike Emit where theebrick' has to be placed in the correctorientation. This means the Sportldcntpunching process involves lesscontortion to ensure that the brick is theright way round, The Sportldent systemcomes with some excellent software

packages.The Sportldent E-card (equivalent to theEmit "brick") is very small and simple.It has no battery, the power beingsupplied by induction from the controlbox. Thus, once encased in plastic, itshould have a virtually indefinite life.The control units have replaceablebatteries. Compare this to the Emitcontrols and bricks which have sealed-inbatteries which run down in about twoyears. The units then have to bereplaced,The Sportldent manufacturers are verykeen to improve and develop theirsystem in response to comments from

testers.The Sportldent box has the potential tobe linked to a radio transmitter which SAGE STOMP '98could automatically transmit C/O Orienteering Association of BCinformation about the progress of each 1367 IN Broadway Vancouver BC V6H 4A9 CANADArunner. .' f. 604-737-6043 Email: ss98entry@oabc.l:c.caThe total cost of the system IS expected ite Reqistrauon: ss98 oabc bto be lower than for Emit. This becomes ,.,. c.ca26 DIe Irish Orienteer

MEDIUMCOURSE1 C Corey 3ROC2 Patrick Roycroft Stano3 Alan Mooney4 o Gordon5 Tom Keane6 Jennifer Butler7 Susan Dempsey8 Ted McCormack GEN9 Laura Murray10 M Reid11 Toni Buller 3ROC12 Roymand T DLSO13 Garrett Greene DLSO14 Delrdre,Yvonne,JaneGEN15 BCaffery NJC16 KMcEvoy NJC17 Jean Mullen 3ROC18 Peter Larkin 3ROC19 TommyBreen20 Aimee Doyle Vl/EGO21 Ronold Weedle GEN22 MJoyce23 R,H & H Knott24 Niall Brennan25 SRelily26 Danny Madigan27 Hannah Scaife28 Ronan ScaifeRoymond TraynorPaget McCormackClaronChristopher Bond





18,15 1 RLynam CNOC W40 35.20

18,24 2 Michael Galligan 35.49

19.173 Wyn McCormack GEN W45 39.49

21.37 4 Don Short CNOC M40 40.22

23.145 A McCormack GEN WSO 52,01

25.38 6 AlneJoyce GEN W21 53.07

27,327 PCooke AJAX W60 54.29

27.368 JMcElwaln 3ROC W21 54.38

28.479 N Lalor GEN W40 56.37

31.2210 John Crowley 57,27

32.4511 SMcCormack GEN W20 66,55

34.2012 Mary Burke 69,08

36.45B HOllinshead MP12 3ROC M55 37.38

37.25Fachtna Healy MP19 SET M21 43.01

37.55Simon McCormack DNPGEN MIS 45,19

37.57Michael Buller DNP 3ROC M55 SO.04

39.37 R~~!.IIt~~RQ~ ~Y!i!Dt39.42 ~I~EEQRE~,40.42 2~LIQL~ZLelDster League 242.5744.55 BROWN44.58 1. MaO J,May 3ROC 73:51SO.30 2. M21 B.O'Brlen AJAX 76:1652.51 3. MaO B.BeIl GEN 87:3252,51 4. M21 MJlynn AJAX 87:3559.27 5. Ma5 P,Gargan AJAX 100:0459.27 6. MaO K,McDonald AJAX 100:51

MP5 7. M21 B.O·Connor AJAX 102:22DNF 8 MaO G,Brady CORKO 103:12DNF 9. M20 P.McNamara DUO 103:24DNF 10 P.HeUstedlus 106:25

11 P.Molr 113:2312 M16- l.Crawford 3ROC 114:49

32.37 M40 S.O'Boyle CNOCDNP2034.07 M21 Ed,Niland AJAXDNP 1735.42 M21 l.Donovan AJAX MP 161736.27 M21 lJoyce AJAX DNF

Th!!.ld~l! Qdc.alef:.r. 2Z









30 W21 D.MUrPII' UCDO 119:03 11 W50 D.Power 111:23 9 ?Knott

BlUE 31 W50 AMcCol,.,· ck GEN 119:38 12 M65 P.Cooke AJAX 112:3642:25

10 S.Dempsey 49:51

1 M21 ALaw10r 76:50 32 W21 AJoyce GEN 154:13 13 M20- N.English UCDO 155:49 l1 W18 J.Butler 3ROC

2. M40 D.Coshln AJAX 78:27 B. and D. King 119:15 P.Swifi / R.vanRijswljk52:10

73;21 12 RWheedle GEN 59:33

3 M21 P.Casey GEN 79:52 W21 C.Bul1er DUO MP7 B.Heerey / N,Relnhart 96:20 S.& D? larkin 3ROC 32:22

4 M21 AThin UCDO 82:44 M45 J.Fiizsimons 3ROC MP2 A.Mooney / K.Mooney 105:20 E.&H.Jones/C.Maguire 44:27

5 M18 AQuinn 3ROC 87:14 M60 ABonar-Law GEN DNP 14 E.Zweep, R.Urha DNPI E.&CMcCuliough3ROC 49:48

6 W21 E.Glanvilie 3ROC 88:16 RWall, M.McDonald, RMcDonnelL MGalllgan, Petra ?, AHameilnk, R.Oolvink DNP5 B. and C.Mangan 58:38

7 M35 ATucker 93:15 K.Burten.... J.Russell/ B.Barrable DNF M.Nienweher MP5 A and E.Hobson 60:53

8 M21 AO'Mullane GEN 95:56 ?.McCormack GEN DNF Kelly Family 70:38

9 M35 B.Cryan 3ROC 96:43 UghtGreen B.Walsh, MJones DNF ?Rlvney DNP3

10 W40 R.Lynam CNOC 102:18 1. M14 D.Healy GEN 35:11 S.Reilly MP6

l1 M35 MMangon SET 103:51 2. W55 H.Convery 3ROC 43:47 ORANGE

12 M21 B.Jones DUO 106:16 3. M45 B.Power SET 50:45 1. M14 A.Burke GEN 25:03

13 M21 J.Dempsey 107:09 4. M18 B.Greene 3ROC 52:49 2. M14 ABell GEN 28:26

14 M45 E.Nlland AJAX 111:33 5. M14- N.Walsh 3ROC 52:56 3. M12 lMcCormack GEN 32:17 Results of Ravens Rock LL.November 23,15 W21 ACreedon DUO 114:52 6 W21 J.McElwoin 3ROC 57:16 4. M21 D.Fard-Yazdani DUO 33:55

16 M20 F.Buckley DUO 115:25 7. M55 J.Clarke GEN 61:18 5 P.Fiizgerald 35:05 ] ~~Z. Q[gg[)i:i~d bv Algx Qd~DI~~[~

17 M21 AAyling DUO l19:40 8. W45 F.O'Nelll SET 66:26 6 lFlanagan 37:15

18 M35 D.Brennan 3ROC 121:39 9 M17 C.McMahon 66:46 7 C.O'Mahoney 44:19 Brown Course 8 krn, 300m

19 M50 B.Doherty GEN 122:30 10 M18- S.O'Sullivan 67:12 8 B.Herlh¥ 45:51 1Colm Rothery AJAX M35 73.22

20 M21 E.Dunne 3ROC 124:36 11 W14- S.Nowlon 3ROC 67:57 9 Ml0 R.Short CNOC 45:57 2 JustlnMoy 3ROC M40 78.01

21 M35 AButterlield GEN 139:01 12 W18 B.Bent SET 68:46 10 M21 J.Stock DUO 46:10 3 J.McCullough 3ROC M40 89.05

22 W21 D.O'Nelil FIN 144:02 13 W21 C.Morrison AJAX 69:31 11 W19 MHayes DUO 46:15 4 H. McLindon 3ROC M21 97.40

rdc M45 P.Heoly CNOC 125:51 14 W35 C.Corey 3ROC 71:54 12 W18 MGlynn DUO 46:16 5B. Bell GEN M40 99.39

n/c W16- D.Heoty CNOC 129:53 15 M65 S.Rothery 3ROC 73:09 13 D.Monoghon 47:09 6 Leo Donovon AJAX M21 108.01

M21 R.lyons DUO DNPI 16 M21 J.Kulimann UCDO 73:12 14 M21 S.CoHey DUO 47:37 7G.Brady CORKO M40 113.28

M21 G.Elllott 3ROC DNP 15 17 M35 G.Rlce SET 74:36 15 W20 R.Naughton 47:53 8 Denis Reidy AJAX M45 140.44

M21 D.Kelly FIN DNP 17 18 W21 K.Thompson DUO 76:30 16 S.McDonnell 49:12 9 John Devitt 7FAR 144.25

D.UIGholbln, M.O'Rourke, M.McLeon, B.Lawlor, 19 W55 M.Higglns SET 77:55 17 W20 MMlddleton DUO 50:12 Dove Doron M21 DNF

E.O'Sheo, D.Quinn, C.Burns, G.Butler, P.Ldior, 20 W21 AM.C-Kelly FIN 79:38 18 G.Corney 50:29 Sanon O'Boyle CNOC M40 MPll

10'Keele, D.Engllsh, C.Fletcher, J.Keotinge, 21 W45 C.McGrath 3ROC 83:07 19 M12 D.Nlland AJAX 50:37 Potrick Cosey GEN M14 MPll

ACoord, RWolioce DNF 22 M35 s.o'sneo GEN 86:14 20 M21 lMoher 51:59 PoulNolon GEN M21 MPll

23 W55 C.Wolsh 3ROC 87:01 21 W19 l.Cheun DUO 58:13

GREEN 24 M50 B.O·Neili SET 87:33 22 W14- l.Hughes 60:30 Blue Course 6.2 krn. 225 rn

1. M55 P.McCormock GEN 54:41 25 W21 N.Hutchlnson 3ROC 87:47 23 C.Short CNOC 64:20 1D.Cashin AJAX M40 63.37

2. W35 O.Cooke AJAX 58:42 26 M70 J. Lynom 3ROC 90:50 24 C.EUls 66:16 2 Andrew Quinn 3ROC M19 64.54

3. M45 J.deLacy AJAX 63:17 27 W50 lButler 3ROC 101:12 25 P.O·Brien 69:16 3 Colin Burns AJAX M21 75.00

4. M45 B.McGrath 3ROC 65:55 28 B.Chambers 105;03 26 D.Corney 75:59 4L1omQuinn SET M35 77.02

5. W45 W.McCormock GEN 67:05 29 W55 V.Murtogh 3ROC 139:31 J.Tully?/ASodler/D.Wolsh 41:05 5 John Dempsey GEN M21 82.00

6. M50 T.McGroih 3ROC 67:57 30 E.Doly UCDO 149:54 G.Goern/P.Loss/Bourdet 43:35 6 Nigel C-Crowford 3ROC M50 85.23

7. M V.Andersson DUO 68:23 R.Mooney / D.Qulnn 66:39 D.Brennon / ACulien 44:13 7 Poddy O'Brlen AJAX M45 86.13

8. W50 J.O'Neill FIN 69:09 P.ond P.Lorkln 81:55 M ond SGrennon 44:41 8 Dovid Brennon 3ROC M35 86.39

9. M35 D.Wickham AJAX 71:59 J. and M. BuggleCNOC 82:04 D.Dillon / B.Traynor 47:49 9 Mlck Mangon SET M35 90.02

10. M50 HWhlte 3ROC 72:06 M.lrvlne I G.Cohili 107:36 S.Megles I AHosson 48:1,3 10Tom McCormaCk GEN M45 90.05

11. M40 V.Jones FIN 72:22 E.ond J.Chombers 123:34 AClavin I M.Costelio 48:19 11Gerord Butler 3ROC M18 90.44

12. M35 A.O·Clelrlgh CNOC 72:44 B.McArdle DNP2 R.Hughes I R.lysaght 53:42 12Ruth Lynom CNOC W40 91.00

13. M40 K.Carey 3ROC 74:06 S.Dempsey DNP2 D.Ryon/T.uiM 60:08 13Eoln Dunne 3ROC M21 91.36

14. W18- S.Healy GEN 75:35 M35 P.Fox MP8 M.Uppelschoten/M.Vagel 60:22 14Joe Lolor GEN M40 95.36

15. M21 C,Nugent UCDO 78:48 l.Qulll, lKeane, N.Doherty, S.Kennedy, l.Bates, S.Culien I M. and R.Ellis 60:41 15Joan Flanogan AJAX W35 96.01

16. W50 C.Bent SET 84:14 AKelly, D.Dare, ? Connolly, R.Kleporis, D.Borly, I.Meiling / k.Nogusdewalie 62:45 16Don Short CNOC M40 97.00

17. W40 AM.McKenna AJAX 87:06 James W?? DNF Whyte Family 69:57 17F.O'Brlen AJAX W21 97.32

18. M35 P.Donlon 3ROC 87:42 E.&LPye 71:48 18Paul Dunne WEO M40 101.16

19.. M60 M.Dooley CNOC 87:53 RED E.Donlon DNF 19Brendan Cryan 3ROC M35 102.30

20 M40 J.Froncis 88:45 1. M18- P.Roycrofi STANO 37:00 20Gordon Elliott 3ROC M21 103.40

21 M55 M.Butler 3ROC 88:51 2 M21 J.Dore 50:12 Yellow 21 Monica Nowlan 3ROC W45 107.12

22 M60 PWolsh SET 89:10 3 M18- C.Blan UCDO 51:35 1. MlO S.O'Boyle CNOC 22:33 22S0'Heolo AJAX M35 108.44

23 M45 S.Murroy SET 92:38 4 M18- D.Jones DUO 57;33 2. M14 G.Green DLSO 30:14 23 Jim O'Donnell 110.12

24 W50 G.Power 3ROC 95:01 5 W F.lynch SET 62:06 3. M14 RJroynor DLSO 30:28 240'Donnell 110.12

2q M50 E.O·Sullleobhain 3ROC 95:02 6 J.Murphy 62:20 4. MlO P.McCormock GEN 30:53 25 Richard Lowe 110.12

26 M45 D.Barry GEN 95:37 7 D.Brennan 86:22 5. W20 S.McCotmack GEN 32:22 26 P.Lolor CNOC M55 112.22

27 M55 J.Bent SET 96:04 8 M.Borry 86:53 6. WlO K.Power SET 37:18 27 Brendan Doherty GEN M50 113.07

28 M21 T.Farrell 100:28 9 J.Nealon 88:06 7. W12 D.BeIl GEN 39:30 28 JoneWott GEN W45 115.45

29 M55 M.Keliett GEN 110:04 10 W40 R.Reidy 108:44 8. M14- C.Bent SET 39:59 29 N.Cormack CNOC M21 116.08

28 The Irish Orieniesi: rhr:.lr.il~bQrienl~er 29

30Deirdre O'Neili RN31Davin Butler CNOCA Goddard 3ROCRory Wlilace AJAXG. Evans CNOCAndrew O'Muilane GENM21Susan Reid GENR. Garrett 3ROC



Green Course 4.7 km,16Om1B.O'Neill CNOC2Orla Cooke AJAX3 Luke C-Cravvtord 3ROC4 Niall Wllsh 3ROC5 R.McDonnell GEN6 P.Healy GEN7 R. Russell AJAX8~n CNOC9 Ted McGrath 3ROClOW. McCormack GEN11Mid Kellett GEN12Niall Browne13A Bonar Law GEN14UzBut1er CNOC15Claire walsh 3ROC16John Francis DFO17Alne NIShuilleabh3ROC18 Keith Daly19 Frank McCormack CNOC20 O'Hearcaln AJAX21 Trevor Fisher CNOC22 D.O'CoImaln GEN23 Jean O'Nelll FIN24 H. Dooley CNOC25 B. Lawlor CNOC26 Michael But1er 3ROC27 Kevin Roche CNOC28 A McKenna AJAX29 C. Lally DFO30Ger Power 3ROC31Colm McMenamy32 Debet/Donavan France33 John Brown34 Alne Joyce35 Nadya DunneL. NaughtonTom ClearPaget McCormack GEN


Ught Green Course 3.7 krn. 125m1Mory O'Connell 3ROC2 Jemy O'Connor Shack3 SyblUMcCormack GEN4 Sheila Nowlan 3ROC5 D. Nagle 3ROC6 Stephen Doorley UCDO7 Luke McCormack GEN8 David Dora9 Sarah Butler CNOC10Andrea McCormack GEN11Sean Rothery 3ROC12 Jim Borrett CNOC13Helene Maclnerney CNOC14Claire Wlish 3ROC30 The Irish Orienteer

W21 128.01MSO 134.19MSO DNFM21 DNFM21 MP10MPIOW1SMP12.13M40 MP3


M21 71.51M45 72.12WSO 72.48M60 73.08W21 80.12M55 81.29M21 82.16W40 65.35M21 86.20W45 90.52M35 92.36W21/M3596.58M21 103.43W21 113.53W21 121.40W40 DNF

MP14,15M55 MP9


W35 51.16W21 55.05W20 57.00W14 60.15W45 65.01

65.17M14 65.20

65.33W14 66.45WSO 66.46M65 70.04M60 70.35

70.49W55 73.46

15 Nora Lalor16J. McElwain17P.Fox16Mauro Higgins19T.Flanagan20 Vera Murtagh21 Damian Leonard22 Derek GuUfoyie23 Nicola Simpson24B. Herlihy25 Toni But1er26 John ChamhanNora DohertyM. ReidRonan KernanMalread JoyceB.Greene



Navy3ROC W55




W213ROC M16

Red Course 4.3km.13Om1Des Higgins2 P.Cooke AJAX M603Mchael O'Shea4 Mck Galligan M35 76.10Gavin HegartySimon McCormack GENMary O'Colmaln GEN W45Graham Porter GEN M45

Orange Course 3.3km. 90m1J. Grace AJAX M212A Bell GEN M123 A Burke GEN M124G. McQuillan AJAX M185 P.Drennan AJAX M186 Sean Hassett SET7 June O'Neill CNOC W146 Niall Stringer AJAX M219 Conor McMenamin AJAX M1610Stephen Devlin GEN M1211Tony Devlin GEN M4512Nlamh Lalor GEN W1413Ted McCormack GEN14Chick & Guy (I)15Maeve Barry16Ronan Dorrepaal SET MlO17Brian Larkin MID16Noel Larkin M35Shane Lynch M16

Yellow Course 2.5km.75m1Garrett Greene DLSO M142 Claire O'Neill CNOC W123 Conor McMenamin AJAX M184 N.Stringer AJAX M215J.Grace AJAX M216 Drennan AJAX M 187G. McQuillan AJAX M186 Christopher Bond DLSO M149 David O'Dwyer DLSO M1410Ben Redohan MID11C. McDonaghByrne DLSO M1412H. R. Leah AJAX13Elizebeth Chambers WID 56.5214B.Chambers









15Seamus O'Soyie CNOC.16C. Cashin A".17 Stephen Larkin 3ROC16Daniel Carney19Gavin Kearney20 A MurnanneChris RedahanMory Healy GENDonny MPISara MPIE. Hobson MPIAobheann Hobson MPISean Redahon MIOPeter Larkin 3ROCPaget McCormack GENNial Quinn SET

MIO 57.07Wl0 59.52M5 62.43




Brendan O'ConnorJohn de Lacy

Organlser:Planners:Kieran McDonaldController: Brendan O'Brien

Thanks to the land owners & Coillte for access, andto all who helped on the day: Pal, AnnMorie, John,Kieran, Jimmy, Damlen, Donal. Calrlona, Martin,Joan, Pel9!, Paddy, Calm ..... and a spsclol thankstotheAA for rescuing me from Ihe forest at 7.15pm ISO'C.

Lelnster Leqgue event. Currogh, Co,Klldqre, Dec 7th 97,

The flrsll 0 on the Brown course hove their split timesdisplayed - the first figure Is Ihe lotal time, then a splittime for each leg. The complete results ran to manypages. Contact Noel Donagh bye-mall or send astamped, self-addressed envelope If you'd like acopy. Noel Donagh. Borrybeg Lodge, Barrybeg,Alhlone, Co. Westmeath)

BROWN1 B.O'Brien 45.411.42 1.39 1.20 0.51 1.161.55 2.14 1.35 0.43 1.20 1.16 2.09 2.56 2.042.16 3.531.38 1.32 1.47 1.31 4.40 2.45 1.2111.04 0.Q72 J.Feehan 115.461.57 1.39 1.23 1.00 1.121.26 2.04 1.34 1.44 1.31 1.31 1.43 2.50 1.312.15 3.56 1.40 1.36 1.111 1.34 4.117 2.45 1.161.02 0.073 C.Rolhery 47.00 1.52 4.42 1.01 0.53 0.572.10 1.56 1.32 0.44 1.29 1.15 1.26 2.45 1.2112.12 4.051.31 1.34 1.44 1.32 5.12 2.37 1.260.54 0.074 P.Nolan 49.24 1.35 1.51 1.06 0.58 1.103.35 1.1183.09 2.04 1.11 1.16 2.03 3.00 1.442.34 3.41 1.46 1.34 1.36 1.1114.39 2.54 1.2110.59 0.065 M.Flynn 54.59 1.57 1.59 1.30 1.00 2.171.24 2.10 1.56 1.18 1.51 1.53 2.22 3.59 2.082.37 4.472.06 2.00 2.27 1.49 5.11 3.09 1.561.03 0.086 J.McCuliough 57.042.01 2.12 11.41 1.06

1.42 2.00 2.10 1.1190.52 1.52 1.46 3.36 3.112.03 2.34 4.182.03 1.59 2.12 1.47 5.11 3.081.34 1.10 0.077 G.Brody 57.41 1.53 2.07 1.113 1.15 1.364.01 2.24 2.49 1.35 2.09 1.32 2.16 3.30 2.042.57 4.01 3.03 2.06 1.39 1.46 4.41 3.50 1.281.06 0.088 J.Cosey 59.263.55 6.01 2.41 1.06 1.162.07 2.35 1.58 1.03 1.32 1.26 3.31 3.34 1.372.28 4.00 3.39 1.40 1.46 1.42 4.47 2.32 1.191.03 0.069 P.McNamara 60.00 1.41 2.31 1.39 1.191.42 1.56 2.45 1.57 1.03 3.46 1.47 3.31 4.212.14 2.59 4.212.58 2.09 1.53 1.48 5.19 3.171.43 1.12 0.0910 B.Delaney 61.382.19 3.10 2.23 3.22 2.081.05 2.19 5.10 0.56 3.09 1.40 2.18 3.59 1.462.30 4.30 3.30 1.34 1.47 1.37 5.01 3.08 1.110.57 0.0911 D.Weston12 T.Joyce13 B.BeIl14 J.Muckian15 Holey Fisher16 P.Brennan17 D.Doron



Blue 7.100 km lSOm 16C1 A Quinn 44.212 D.Cashln 47.253 AO'Muliane 47.274 P.O·Brien 48.265 AThin 51.066 AAyling 52.277 P.Casey 52.358 C.Burns 52.529 D.Brennan 55.3810 D.Quinn 56.4211 B.Jones 56.5812 S.Cotter 57.0813 T.McCormack 57.1014 T.Lucey 59.0615 F.O·Brien 59.2816 E.Nlland 60.0417 S.Healy 62.1118 N.C-Crawford 64.0319 R.Lyons 64.3920 J.Dempsey 65.0121 B.Cryon 65.2022 V.Jones 65.2723 AMarlindale 66.3224 J.Lalor 69.3225 G.Elliot 70.0326 N. Dobbs 72.1527 P.Dunne 76.0328 D.Kelly 76.0929 KenGrltrin 81.1830 D.Bulier 61.2731 F.Buckley 61.5632 N.Curran 84.5333 J.Flanogan 66.5434 D.Short 91.5035 D.O·Neili 105.44

The Irish Otienteer 31

Peter Gargan dwcRWaiiace dwc

Green 5.100km 150m 13C1 K.Carey 38.252 P.McCormack 49.453 N.Foley Fisher 49.524 P.Murphy 50.095 AButterfield 51.246 R.McDonald 54.497 B.Hollinshead 54.578 R.\Na1l 55.089 J.O'NeUI 56.0210 H.Whlte 57.0211 B.Foley Fisher 57.4712 N.FoleyRsher 57.58


13 C.Nuttoll 58.3514 D.Nugent 59.5915 D.Healy 60,12


16 W.McCormack 62.1217 P.Conroy 62.3018 ANI Suilleabhaln 64.1619 AM.McKenna 67.4320 F,Ryon 68.3421 M.Butler 69.5422 J.O'hEofa 75.5623 J.Russell 79,2224 C.McASoy 79.3225 M.Keliett 80.2426 F.Whlte 86.2927 D.Horkln 89.28J,Froncls ,E,Butler, M.Bohon, AB,Law, G. Powerdwc

UghtGreen 4.000km 70m 16C1 M.O'Connell 45.592 D.Lorge 51.323 C.Young 52.114 AMcCormock 54.575 C.Corey 56.346 P.Fox 59.367 D.Nagle 60.138 J,Kuliman 62.519 McMenamin 64.4810 F.O'NelII 67.3811 D.Corrie 69.4512 K.Doly 76.1913 N.Strainoer 76.2914 N.lolor 76.3715 V.Murtogh 90.4816 N. English 147.37AButier dnfCWalsh, B.O'Nelll, R.Armstrong, N.Phillips,B.McCormack ,B.Green dwc

Orange 3.300 km 45 m 12C1 C.McKenna 36.302 R.Moynahan 38.173 J.loughran 41.374 ABell 43.295 ABurke 45.586 A Joyce 65.157 D.Ryan 68.588 Ryan Family 73.0832 The Irish Orientee"

9 F.Graff ,n~ 3810 DWalsh ~8.4011 N.Lalor 106.40C.Foley Fisher,IMcCormack dnfN.Brennan, L.Doyle, AO'DonneU, Aine JoycedwcYellow 1.900 km 45 m 7C1 Holey Fisher 22.212 C.O'Neili 23.163 D,Niland 25.024 C.Francls 25.485 R.Short 31.396 S.O'Boyle 32.007 C.Shart 33.108 S.Muckian39.299 M.Qullian 55.0310 S.Sulllvan 55.0911 D.Carney 57.1612 G.Carney 59.0213 C.Cashln 86.4614 P.Mc Cormack 90.18S.Sherlack ,C.Staunton, C.Clynch, S.Stenson,O-Dwyer /Byrne, lrenner / Bond, J.MullendwcRed 4.450km 70m 14C1 R.Russeil 48.522 J.Schannell 57.063 D.Osborne 62.254 ASOddller 74.045 D.Murphy 77.256 M.Brett 95.547 E.HIli 97,308 A Clavin & M. Hayes 125.44P.Roycroft,I.Coughlan, J.Russei dwc

(Thanks to Brendan O'Brien for analysing the dataand graphing It. Unfortunately It didn't work out froma computer viewpoint. Maybe next time,) I assumethat 'dwc' =Disqualified In German? -Ed.

RESULTS:Please submit results In as simplea format as possible to reduce theamount of re-worklng for publication,On disk or bye-mail isbest, If they havebeen produced by computer. Please listcourses under one another rather thanside by side as the columns can getjumbled up and confused totally,

Isn't it alarming how people fail to fill intheir control cards properly? Imaginecaillng out the rescue services for" Chick& Guy", "Petra" or "Cloron"? Theproblem lies mostly with novices but forsafety they should give full details,Including their mode of transport.


Format is: date, location, distance (Ian), climb(m), time, location details.

22/02198 Killiney Hill8.0Ian, 152m 12.00 brsKilliney Hill, Car Park, Co. Dublin10/03198 Irish Schools Champs, 2.30pm, St.Columbas College, Rathfarnham, Co. Dublin.29/03198 Dart to the Head 10.0Ian 274m12,00 hrs Bray Promenade, Co. Wicklow.19/04198 LugnaquillaICIILC1 10. 1Ian 71801Camara, Glen of Imaal, Co. Wicklow, 12.00 hrs22/04198 Hell Fire Relay 3.4 km 85m7.30pm, Rathfarnham, Co. Dublin25/04198 Knockdhu International 7.6 km 448m 1.00pm nr. Lame Co. Antrim29/04/98 Goal Flash 4.5 ken 2oom7.30pmLamb Doyle's Pub, Snndyford, Co. Dublin06/05/98 Hell rire Flicker LLl 3.4 km 85 III

7.30pm Hell Fire Woods, Rathfarnham.13/05/98 Sugarloaf Rush LL2 3.7 Ian 213m7.30pm, fanner Calary Filling Station.17/05198 Round Mountain LC2 8.0km 335m12.00 Hrs Lumpers Pub, Off Dundalk/Newry Rd20/05/98 Howth LL3 4.8km 183m 7.30pmOAA Club, Dungriffin Rd .•Howth, Co. Dublin24/05198 The Djoucc Rocket 8.9k.m 427m12.00 Hrs Lake Car Park. Djoucc Woods.24/05/98 Nagles Mount~ins MCI 11.3km335m 2.30pmNear Kilavulleu, Co. Cork27/05/98 Three Rock Dash LLA 4.8k.rn 198m7.30pmTicknock Car Park. Sandyford.31105198 Carrauntoohill IC213.7 Ian 11260112.00 hrs, Breanlee, Lough Acoose, Co. Kerry.03/06/98 Bray Head LL5 5.0Ian 274m7.30pm07/06198 GIcndalough LC3 19.0km 854m11.30arn UpI' Lake Car Park, Co. Wicklow.07/06198 Doon MC2 8.0kl11335m 2.30pm 2Miles From Doon, Co Limerick10/06/98 Blue Light LL6 5.5Ian 326m7.30pm Blue Light Pub. nr Sandyford.13/06198 Croagh PAtrick IC3/CCI 7.7k.m762m 2.30pm Murrisk, Westport, Co. Mayo.14/06/98 Nephin Ce2 8.0km 6l0m 12.oohrsnr Castlehill, SIan Crossmolina. Co. Mayo17/06198 Corrig LL7 5.6km 305m 7.30pm,

signs from Stone Xlsallinascomcy, Co. Dublin21106198 FIagslaffLC4 17.6km 925m 12.00Hrs Flagstaff Car Park, off Newry/Dundalk rd.,Co. Down. Grid Ref: 10620021/06/98 .Secfin - BaUyhouras MC3 8.0Ian427m 2.30pm Glenosheen, Co. Limerick24/06198 Scalp LL8 6.4Ian 244m 7.30pmDublin Sport Hotel, Kilternan, Co. Dublin28/06/98 Claragh Mountain MC4 6.2km352m 2.30pm Millstreet, Co. Cork.

For more information contact Douglas Barry(01-2868180). e-mail imra@iol.ieor visit theIMRA website.


NIFRA are changing to a new Championshipformat with Elite athletes doing 4 out of 6. Allother athletes must do 6 out of9. Hill & DaleLeague evening races start 19.30 hrs.

15March Slieve Gullion Start 13.00 3.5 mls,lOOOft. Grid Ref: 024 229. West Of CamloughWood. Killeavy, Near Newry21 March Rostrcvor - Newcastle Relay Start12.00 20 Mis· 2 X Road 2 X Fell1April Cavehill Start 7.30 3.5 Mis, 1200ftGrid Ref: 330 792 North Car Park9 April Hill & Dale: Moughanmorc16 April Hill & Dale: Casllewellan30 April Hill & Dale: Slieve Muck7 May Hill & Dale: Hen & Cock14 May Hill & Dale Meelmore &Meelbeg16 May Spclga Skyline Start 12.00(11.30Ladies) 12 Mls 4500ft Spelga Dam Car Park,Mourne Mountains21 May, Hill & Dale: White Plains4 June Hill &Dale: Loughshaunagh6 June Rostrevor 7 mls, 2500 ft11 June Hill & Dale: Rocky18 June Hill & Dale: Binuian (to top ?)21 June P1agstaffTo Carlingford Start 12.0011Mis 3000ft Grid Ref: 106 200 From FlagstaffCar Park, Ncar Newry26 June Hill & Dale Drinahilly

The Irish Oricnteer 33


1697. Entry form enclosed.10-13 JK'98. Dolgel/au. Wales. Entry form enclosed.11-13 BAllYHOURA THREE-DAY: Dundrum. Co. Tipperary, Balyhea. Co. Cork &

Galbally, Co. Tipperary. BOC. Entry form enclosed.18 BELFASTCASTLE, LVO Sprlnt-O 2. GR J 33 79.19 GLENANAAR. Co. Cork. BVOC Ballyhoura League, GR R6513. 11-2.19 SCARTNAMUCK. Bandon, Co. Cork. LeeO. W475594. 11-1,30.19 SAGGART. Co, Dublin. AJAX. 11-1. GRO 02 23.25 SPRINGWELL. Co. Derry. NWOC. NI Series 3. GR C 76 25.26 KNOCKACAREIGH, Co. Cork. CorkO score event. 11-1. GRW 360343.26 ROCKMARSHALl. Dundalk. Co. Louth. FIN. Start 11 - 1. LL11. GR J 1208.26 BOFNATIONALEVENT2, Bristolarea.

January25 DONADEA, Clone. Co. Kildare. CNOC. start 11 - 1. GR N 84 33.25 WARRENSCOURT, Kilmurry, Co. Cork. BOC WL. start 10.30-2. GRW 380660.

February1 KILCORNAN, Clarlnbrldge. Co. Galway. UCGO. CL6. GR M 415 200.1 PINE FOREST,Rathfarnham. Co. Dublin. GEN. Inter-club challenge. GR 01322.1 FARRAN, Ovens, Co. Cork. BOC Wl. Start 10.30-2. GR W 480715.1 SHIPPooL, Co. Cork. CorkO. BML. Start 10.30-2. GR W57 54.7 CAIRN WOOD. Dundonald, Co. Down. LVO sprlnt-O. GR J 45 76.8 BOTTLEHILL, Co. Cork. CorkO BMl. Start 11 - 2. GR W 61 86.8 CURRAGH WOOD. Midleton, Co. Cork. BOC Wl. Start 10.30-2. GRW860768.8 HELLFIREWOOD. Kilakee. Co. Dublin. SET.start 11 - 1. GR 01222.14 IRISH STUDENTCHAMPIONSHIPS, Glengarra,Co. Tipperary. UCCO. GR R92 20.14 NI SCORE CHAMPIONSHIPS, Downhill, Co. Derry. NWOC. GR C 75 60.15 GLENGARRA, Cahlr. Co. Tipperary. CorkO ML4. Start 10.30-2, GR R92 20.15 THREEROCKWOOD. Dundrum. Co. Dublin. DUO. Start 11 -1. LL7. 0 17 23.21 CONNACHT CHAMPIONSHIPS, Golden Grove. nr. Roscrea. Co. Tipperary.22 INTERPROVINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIPS, Knockbarron. Klnnltty. Co. Offaly.22 BALlYCONNERY. Co. Waterford. WATO Introductory event.22 DROMDEERWOOD. C. Cork. BOC BL. Start 10.30-2. GR R6350SO.

March1 CRONYBYRNE. Laragh, Co. Wlcklow. AJAX. start 11.-1. LL8. GRT 1992.1 ROSTElLAN. Whltegate. Co. Cork. Lee 0 event. GRW875665.1 BOFNATIONALEVENTI/Concorde Chase, Star Posts,BerkshIre.1 KNOCKREER, Killarney. Co. Kerry. KO. SL3. GRV958907.1 MY ROSSWOOD, Leap. Co. Cork. BOC. WL7. GRW200368.7 SlIEVE MARTIN. Rostrevor. Co. Down. LVO. NI Series 1. GR J 1918.8 CURRAGH EAST.Co. Kildare. CNOC. Start 11 - 1. LL9. GR N 7812.8 GLENANAAR, Shanballymore. Co. Cork. BOC ML5. GR R6513. 11-2.14 RUPPULAGH. Kilfinnane. Co. Umerick. BOCWL8. GR R703202. 11-2.14 THOMASTOWN. Kilfinnane. Co. Umerick. BOC Nlght-O. GR R682205. 7-8.30 pm.15 DJOUCE WOODS, Ennlskerry. Co. Wicklow. SET.Start 11 - 1. GR 02012.15 DROMDEER. Doneraile. Co. Cork. BOCWL9. GR R635030. 11-1.15 MAHON FALLS.Co. Waterford. WatO. S323070.21 CASTlE ARCHDALE. Co. Fermanagh. NI Series 2. FermO. GR H 1758.22 BAlLYNOE. Midleton. Co. Cork. CorkOscore event. W955850.22 CARLINGFORD. Co. Louth. 3ROC. Start 11 - 1. LL10. GR J 18 11.22 KNOCKAROURA, Mourneabbey. Co. Cork. BOCWL10. GRW565951. 11-1.22 MOUNTLEADER. Millstreet. Co. Cork. BOC. Cork Champs. 10.30-1.30. GR

W265896.22 MUCKROSS. Killarney. Co. Kerry. KO SL4. GR V970863. 11-1.29 COUMSHINGAUN. C. Waterford. WatO. GR S314104. 11-1.29 MOTEPARK. Roscommon. FWAR score event. 11-1. GR M 91 61.29 SUGARLOAF. Kilmacanogue. Co. Wicklow. UCDO event. GR 0 2413.11-1.

May2-3 IRISH CHAMPIONSHIPS. Slieve Gullion and Markethill. Co. Armagh. LVO.3-4 BRITISHCHAMPIONSHIPS.Aldershot.10 BANNA STRAND. Co. Kerry. KO ML7. GRQ 7523.11-2.10 GlENDALOUGH. Co. Wlcklow. 3ROC. Start 11 - 1. Lelnster final, GRT 1196.16 CASTlEWELLAN. Co. Down. LVO Sprlnt-O 3. GR J 32 37.16-17 LOWE ALPINE MOUNTAIN MARATHON, (Wlcklow?).17 GlENCREE. Co. Wick low. GEN. Start 12.00 Mass start score event. GR 01914.22-25 WORLD CUP, Killarney. Co. Kerry. National teams only.22-24 SHAMROCK O-RINGEN. Killarney. Co. Kerry.30 BURREN. Co. Fermanagh. FermO. NI Series 5. GR H 09 37.28-31 WORLDCUPRACES, Lake DistrIct., Incl. BOFNATIONALEVENT3. HIgh Dam

Cork Business Houses League: BOC. Thursday evenings.April 2 Currablnny, start 5-6.15 pm9 Farran Wood. start 5 - 8 pm.16 Currablnny. start 5-8 prn.23 Curragh Wood. Mldleton.start 5-8 pm.30 Knockaroura. Mourneabbey. start 5-8 pm.May 7 Garrycloyne. Waterloo. start 5-8 pm.14 Bott1ehlll. start 5-8 pm.21 Lyradane. Grenagh. start 5-8 pm.28 Warrenscourt Wood. Kilmurry. start 5-8 pm.

A Cork 0 Inter-Firm League starts on June 2nd on Tuesday evenings. Details In nextTIO.

For up to date fixtures information check with the organisers, the lOA Inf-O-line (01-4569099) orthe NIOA «0044)-01399-873281)

In many cases the Information given here includes a contact phone number • startimes and an Ordnance Survey grid reference. lOA fixtures are only listed If the even'is registered with lOA. Start times are generally 11.00 to 1.00 pm unless otherwisestated.

34 The Irish OrieTlleer The Irish Orienteer 35

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