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    Review of Traditional and Current Theories of Motivation in ESL

    Curtis Kelly


    Motivation is the great, unspoken problem of English education in Japan. It is

    great because it is probably the most difficult single problem classroom teachers face.

    Whereas motivation is rarely a problem for ESL students studying in English speaking

    countries, it is the major problem for EFL students studying English in their home

    countries (Wigzell & Al-Ansari, 1993). In English-speaking countries, frequent

    interaction with native speakers and a desire to integrate with the local community

    creates a need for language competence, but such stimuli do not exist in Japan. Since

    the benefits of mastering English are distant and uncertain (certain employment

    opportunities and a chance to communicate with native speakers if one goes abroad)

    motivation tends to be slack. Wigzell and Al-Ansari call this problem the problem of

    wastage and low productivity in foreign language courses" (p. 303). In Japan, in

    particular, where college English students are generally considered lackadaisical and

    unmotivated (Wigzell & Al-Ansari, 1993), and where carrot approaches to motivating

    students are preferred to stick approaches (Singleton, 1993), classroom teachers are

    constantly in need of ways to motivate their students.

    And yet the problem of motivation remains unspoken because research has failed

    to tell us what it is. Despite raised hopes in the sixties when identification of

    integrative, instrumental, intrinsic, and extrinsic motivation made the path of future

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    research seem clear, little progress was made in the following two decades. Studies

    based on these concepts not only failed to provide us with new insights, they also cast

    doubt on the validity of these very concepts. Therefore, for the last twenty years,

    motivation has been pretty much abandoned as an ESL research construct. Until

    recently, that is. New approaches of psychology have led to new models of motivation.

    The purpose of this study will be to examine both the traditional and current theories

    and suggest possibilities for future areas of research.

    Methods of Studying Motivation

    Motivation is a soft construct it only can be inferred rather than observed

    directly. Pintrich and Schunk (1996) list a number of research paradigms, including

    correlational, experimental, qualitative, laboratory, and field; and also a variety of

    motivation indexes, which include choice of tasks, effort, persistence, and achievement.

    Self-reporting through questionnaires by far the most common method used to assess

    motivation in language students (Crookes & Schmidt, 1991), but as a number of studies

    have shown (Cameron, 1988; Davidman, 1991), self-reporting methods are not always

    reliable. This especially seems to be the case with when assessing motivation with

    Japanese students (Teweles, 1996). Therefore, although questionnaires are still widely

    used, English achievement rates might be more reliable. Students who choose to

    engage in a task, expend effort, and persist are likely to achieve at a higher level

    (Pintrich & Schrauben, 1992; Schunk, 1991) (Pintrich & Schunk, 1996, p. 16).

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    Definition of Motivation

    Despite the divergence of the approaches used to study motivation, its definitions

    are surprisingly uniform. In simple terms, motivation, based on the Latin verb for

    move, is the force that makes one do something. It is a process that involves goals,

    physical or mental activity, and is both instigated and sustained (Pintrich & Schunk,

    1996, pp 4-5; Williams, 1997). It is characterized in terms of direction, duration and

    intensity. Earlier theorists, such as behavioralists, tended to portray motivation

    mechanistically, related to needs satisfaction (Altman, Valenzi, & Hodgetts, 1985;

    Maslow, 1987; Owens, 1987), while the more recent cognitive psychologists portray

    motivation as a product of conscious decision (Williams, 1997).

    However, the definition of motivation used in second language (SL) studies is less

    uniform. As Crookes and Schmidt (1991) point out, even though almost every text has a

    chapter on motivation, it is used more as a general catch-all rather than a precise

    construct. They quote McDonough in pointing out that motivation is used as a

    general cover term a dustbin to include a number of possibly distinct concepts

    (Crookes & Schmidt, 1991). Whatever the case, it has been traditionally equated with

    and measured by proficiency. It is also defined as producing engagement in and

    persistence with the learning task (Crookes & Schmidt, 1991) This is especially true

    amongst teachers rather than second language researchers, who would describe a

    student as motivated if he or she becomes productively engaged in learning tasks and

    sustains that engagement, without the need for continual encouragement or direction

    (Crookes & Schmidt, 1991, p. 480).

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    A summary of definitions offered by Mitchell (1982), even though he is not an SL

    researcher, is succinct, modern, and seems to cover the definitions offered in both fields.

    It is, in fact, quite similar to the definition offered by Williams and Burden (1997), who

    are SL researchers. Mitchells definition is: "Motivation becomes those psychological

    processes that cause arousal, direction, and persistence of voluntary actions that are

    goal-related" (p. 81).

    As the definitions of motivation in the field of second language education do not

    always conform with those in psychology, neither do the theories. Therefore, the

    theories in these two fields must be examined separately. Schisms also exist, in both

    fields, between current and recent views. Theories of motivation have changed

    drastically in the last ten to fifteen years. Therefore, the examination of theories of

    motivation has four parts: traditional theories in psychology that dominated the field

    up until the mid-eighties; current theories in psychology; traditional theories in second

    language education; and current theories in second language education.

    Traditional Theories of Motivation in Psychology

    The scientific concept of motivation has a long history. Some early theorists have

    traced it back to Plato and Aristotle (Pintrich & Schunk, 1996), who discuss

    willingness. Nineteenth century scholars associated motivation with will, volition, or

    instinct, depending on how deterministic their worldview was. The theory that all

    behavior was instinctual lost popularity in the 1920s, when it could not stand up to

    scientific scrutiny (Altman, et al., 1985). Volition as motivation concurs with many of

    todays views, but offers no insight into the process of motivation. Motivation is also

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    one of the founding constructs of psychology, where Freud discussed trieb, which

    means moving force. At the time, the term was translated as instinct but closer in

    meaning to drive or motivation (Pintrich & Schunk, 1996).

    Following Freud, a number of theories of motivation arose. Early psychological

    approaches to motivation have been summarized by a number of scholars (Altman et

    al., 1985; Mitchell, 1982; Owens, 1987; Pintrich & Schunk, 1996), of which Pintrich and

    Schunks is the most informative and up-to-date. A modified version of their catalog is

    as follows:

    Early Theories. (discussed above) Early theories include Volition/Will Theories,

    Instinct Theory, and Freuds theory (pp. 27-31).

    Conditioning Theories. All behavior caused by response to stimuli; thus motivation

    is subsumed to response. Conditioning theories include Connectionism, Classical

    conditioning, and Operant conditioning (pp. 31-37).

    Drive Theories. Drive is a force propelling behavior. It is activated by needs and

    deactivated with satisfaction. Its charactistics are intensity, direction and persisitence

    can still be found in modern definitions. Drive theories include Woodworth's theory,

    Systematic Behavior Theory, Incentive Motivation, Mowrer's Theory, and Acquired

    Drives (pp. 38-42).

    Purposive Behaviorism Theory. This approach is based on Tolmans theory that

    behavior is more goal-directed than responsive, the following of cognitive maps based

    on expectancies. Learning can occur without reward (pp. 42-43).

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    Arousal theories. Motivation is construed as emotional arousal, affective processes,

    and thus neither behavioral nor cognitive. Arousal theories include James-Lange

    Theory, Optimal Level of Arousal, and Schacters Theory of Emotion (pp. 43-48).

    Field Theory. In Lewins Field Theory, behavior is a mechanism for restoring

    homeostasis in psychological and physical needs as an individual interacts with forces

    in the environment (pp. 48-49).

    Cognitive Consistency Theories. Cognitive Consistency Theories assume

    motivation results from an need to establish consistency between cognitions and

    behavior in response to a tension. They include Balance Theory and Cognitive

    Dissonance Theory (pp. 49-51).

    Trait and Humanistic Theories. These theories are based on the concepts that all

    individuals are evolving and striving towards actualization, or completeness.

    Motivation is more than a response. It is the continuous everpresent condition that

    defines life. Trait and Humanistic Theories are based on Allports Functional

    Autonomy of Motives and Rogers Client-Centered Therapy (pp. 51-57).

    Although Pintrich and Schunk covered dozens of theories, they were rather brief on

    one, Maslows theory, and left another out altogether, an early Expectancy-Valence

    Theory. These two theories were dominant in the eighties (Altman et al., 1985; Bolman

    & Deal, 1997; Owens, 1987) and are still taught in many education and psychology

    courses. Both will be discussed below.

    Maslows Needs Hierarchy Theory. Abraham Maslows needs hierachy theory

    spans arousal and trait theories. It also represents the content approach to

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    motivation,what motivates people, versus the process approach, describing how

    behavior is initiated, redirected and halted (Altman et al., 1985, p22). One reason for

    its popularity was that it deviated from simple stimulus-response mechanism at the

    same time cracks began to appear in the monolithic behavioral approach.

    Maslow (1987) identifies a hierarchy of five needs: physiological needs, safety

    needs, affiliative needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs. Basically, lower

    level needs obscure or even restrict upper level needs until they are satisfied. Thus, a

    hungry person will focus on food rather than safety, esteem, or actualization. The

    theory has been confirmed by research, but also criticized and modified (Altman et al.,

    1985; Owens, 1987). Porter (Porter, 1961) added an additional level between esteem and

    self-actualization, the need for autonomy. Alderfers ERG theory (Alderfer, 1972;

    Alderfer, 1977) simplified the model into three categories Existence Needs (Maslows

    physiological and safety needs), Relatedness Needs (Maslows social and esteem

    needs), and Growth Needs (Maslows self-actualization needs). Alderfer also

    incorporated the concepts of frustration and satisfaction, and delineated a more

    accurate series of relationships between the levels.

    Other content theories inlude McClellands Need Achievement Theory

    (McClelland, 1985), in which he identifies three basic motives for behavior:

    Achievement, Power, and Affiliation; and Hertzbergs controversial Two-Factor Theory

    (Hertzberg, 1971; Hertzberg, 1982). Hertzberg, as a result of his research on engineers,

    discovered that motivation is derived from two sets of factors. He termed experiences

    that made the engineers feel good about their job as motivators, which include

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    recognition, advancement, achievement and other factors. Experiences that caused

    dissatisfaction with a job, such as working conditions, salary and relationships with

    peers, did not correspond to motivators and so, were named hygeine factors.

    Hertzbergs main contribution is the notion that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are not

    on a continuum, but separate and distinct: two different attitudinal feelings based

    upon different dynamics and different origins (Hertzberg, 1982).

    It is important to note that while the content/needs approach dominated research

    on motivation in the sixties and seventies, according to Pintrich and Schunk (1996), it

    has been pretty much abandoned today. Research on needs is plagued by the same

    problem as research on instincts. There is no scientifically acceptable way to determine

    what a need is, or how it is linked to behavior. The logic of using needs to describe

    behavior eventually becomes tautological.

    ...almost any behavior can be referenced to a need as the cause of the

    behavior, and in turn, when someone has these needs, they cause thebehavior. The logic is circular and does not provide any real explanationof the behavior (p. 207).

    By contrast, process theories, focus on goals, expectancies and self-efficacy instead

    of needs, and tend to analyze the strength of the motivation. Traditional process

    theories include the Goal-Setting Theory, Equity Theory and the Expectancy-Valence

    Theory (Altman et al., 1985; Mitchell, 1982).

    Goal-Setting Theory. In 1979, Latham and Locke reported two studies in which

    specific goals were set for loggers and productivity increased. Based on these findings,

    they presented the Goal-Setting Theory. The basic premise is that conscious objectives

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    will influence an employees work behavior. The goals must be specific, as opposed to

    doing your best, short-term rather than long term, challenging rather than easy, with

    feedback on performance, and without punishment for failure. Goals not only fit the

    current cognitive and social orientations towards behavior better than needs, they are

    also better research constructs, and the results of numerous studies have supported the

    Goal-Setting Theory (Latham & Yukl, 1979).

    Equity Theory. The equity approach to motivation is homeostatic. People are

    motivated by a sense of fairness (Mitchell, 1982). If a person perceives and inequity

    between the amount of effort they are providing (inputs) and rewards (outcomes), they

    will be motivated to do more, or less, work (Adams, 1963). Key components of the

    theory are that internal comparisons occur and that they are based on perceived rather

    than real values. Although somewhat simplistic, this approach opened discussion on

    the cognitive aspects of the intensity of motivation; in other words, why we make some

    goals stronger than others.

    Expectancy-Valence Theory. Expectancy theories continued this discussion, the

    best known of which is the Expectancy-Valence Theory (Owens, 1987). The Expectancy-

    Valence Theory was based on the earlier work of Tolman and Lewin, but is generally

    associated with Vroom, Lawler, Hackman and Porter (Altman et al., 1985). Basically,

    the theory says that people are motivated to do something if they see something in it

    for themselves (Altman et al., 1985). Effort, or motivation, is presented as a

    relationship between three factors (Lawler, 1969): expectancy x instrumentality x valence.

    Expectancy represents effort-reward probability (Lawler, 1969, p. 161); in other words,

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    the belief that a behavior will result in a first-level outcome. For example, a clerk might

    believe that working harder will result in better sales. Instrumentality represents the

    strength of correlation between a first level, or immediate, outcome, and a second level,

    or ulimate personal, outcome. Better sales might result in a pay raise. Valence

    represents the degree of preference that one has for a potential outcome (Owens,

    1987), or how highly the ultimate result is valued. The relationship is multiplicative

    rather than summative, meaning that if any factor is low or absent, motivation will not

    be present (Lawler & Porter, 1967). Although eclipsed and transformed by modern

    theories, this theory was popular until recently because instead of contradicting other

    existing theories, it provided a means to bring them together in one model.

    Since process theories focus on goals, choices and social influences rather than

    needs, they are more compatible with cognitive, social cognitive (Pintrich & Schunk,

    1996), and social constructivist (Williams, 1997) theories of psychology. Most current

    theories of motivation are based on process models.

    Current Theories of Motivation in Psychology

    Current theories include the impact of self efficacy, attributions, social conditions,

    classroom factors, and provide a better understanding of the role of goals. Since they

    are based in cognitive psychology, they focus on purposeful rather than elicited

    behavior (Pintrich & Schunk, 1996), and since they are related to social cognitive and

    social constructivist theories (Williams, 1997), they place a greater emphasis on self-

    efficacy and social influences.

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    Expanding on a model devised by Atkinson in the late fifties, Eccles and Wigfield

    offer a social cognitive expectancy-value model of motivation composed of the

    following relationships: Influences from the social world (cultural milieu; socializers

    behavior; and past performances and events); cognitive processes (perceptions of social

    environment; and interpretations/attributions for past events); and motivational beliefs

    (goals interacting with task-specific self-concept and perceptions of task difficulty to

    create task value and expectancy); interact to result in achievement behavior(choice,

    persistence, quantity of effort, cognitive engagement, and actual performance) (Pintrich

    & Schunk, 1996). As with the expectancy-valence model, expectancy and task value are

    the key predictors, but a difference can be found in how expectancy and task value

    originate. The model adds the important factors of self-efficacy, attributions, and social


    Self-efficacy is the perception of ones own competence, a construct that Bandura

    recognized was of critical importance and plays a major role in his social cognitive

    model of behaviors (Pintrich & Schunk, 1996; Williams, 1997). Efficacy theory also

    includes the construct, outcome expectations, which refers to the expected rewards or

    punishments for performance. The interaction of these constructs shapes the type of

    behavior one exhibits. For example, high self-efficacy with low outcome expectations

    will result in protest and grievance, while low self-efficacy with high outcome

    expectations will result in self-devaluation and depression (Bandura, 1982; cited in

    (Pintrich & Schunk, 1996). Research has shown that self-efficacy plays a critical role in

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    both motivation and achievement, especially in relation to learning (Pintrich & Schunk,


    The question of how self-efficacy beliefs arise is answered by the attribution theory,

    a theory to which Bernard Weiner made the greatest contributions in the eighties. The

    theory, which describes processes directly linked to expectancy beliefs, is summarized

    by Pintrich and Schunk (1996): The theory makes two assumptions. First, it assumes

    that individuals are motivated by the goal of understanding and mastering themselves

    and their environment; and second, that people use meta-scientific methods to

    understand the causal determinants of their own and others behavior, in other words,

    why things happen. The reasons an individual construes for an event are the

    attributions, whether they be ability, luck, effort, fatigue, or any one of an infinite

    number of other possibilities. In the attribution process the perceived causes might be

    influenced by antecedent conditions of environmental factors and personal factors,

    which might be social norms, causal schema, etc. Once made, the attributions have the

    psychological force to influence, first, expectancy for success, self-efficacy, and affect,

    and thereby, behavioral consequences, such as effort or persistence.

    There is no limit to the number of possible attributions, but they can be aligned to

    three causal dimensions: stability, locus and control. Stability refers to how stable an

    attribution is over time; locus refers to whether the cause of the event is perceived as

    internal or external; and control refers to whether it is perceived as controllable or

    uncontrollable. Attributional theory and research have shown that it is the stability

    dimension that is most closely related to expectancy for success (Weiner, 1986; cited in

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    (Pintrich & Schunk, 1996, p.111). In other words, a student who continues to think he

    or she is weak at math, despite high scores, is likely to have low expectations for success

    later as well. Esteem seems to be related to locus; so one feels proud if one believes his

    or her own efforts caused a success. Social affects, such as guilt or shame, are related to

    the control dimension; one feels guilt for events that one perceives could have been


    As Pintrich and Schunk (1996) point out, attributions themselves do not explain

    motivation, but they provide insight into the key factor of motivation, expectancy

    beliefs. In addition, the theory is well-suited to research and theory-building. First, the

    number of possible attributions are unlimited, allowing new theories to arise, but the

    number of dimensions are small, allowing comparison. The theory is particularly well-

    suited to studies on achievement.

    The impact of social effects on motivation is another recent addition to the theory of

    motivation and is related to social cognitive theory. Social cognitive theory focuses on

    how people acquire strategies, beliefs, and emotions through their interactions with and

    observations of others (Pintrich & Schunk, 1996, p. 195). Social influences such as

    modeling, social comparison, conformity and compliance seem to affect motivation

    through self-efficacy, while other social influences, such as social facilitation, social

    loafing, and cooperative learning seem to affect motivation directly (Pintrich & Schunk,

    1996). One result of the social cognitive theory is that researchers have been inspired to

    examine group motivation as well. After all, we live in a world of relationships. One

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    can no more separate the influence of peers or teachers from motivation than influence

    of the goals themselves (Williams, 1997).

    Related to social influences, but little researched, are cultural influences. People in

    different cultures have vastly different construals of self and others. These construals

    can influence, and in many cases determine, the very nature of individual experiences,

    including cognition, emotion and motivation (Markus & Kitayama, 1991, p.224). How

    the concept of self influences motivation is especially pertinent to Japanese. The

    Japanese concept of self is interdependent rather than independent, as with Americans,

    and thus influences self-efficacy and goal orientation.

    Latham and Locke have done further work on their Goal-Setting Theory,

    considering the role of self-efficacy. More recent research has shown that specific,

    proximal (near future), and high goals have a positive influence on motivation (Pintrich

    & Schunk, 1996). Researchers have also discovered that goal committment, mediated

    by personal and contextual factors, has a positive effect on achievement.

    Contextual factors often studied are classroom conditions. Numerous studies

    (Clment, Drnyei, & Noels, 1994; Olshtain, Shohamy, Kemp, & Chatow, 1990; Pintrich,

    Roeser, & De Groot, 1994; Wigzell & Al-Ansari, 1993) have found that teacher attitudes,

    teaching styles, materials, means of assessment, individual vs group work, and other

    classroom context effects influence not only achievement, but also many aspects of

    motivation, including goal orientation, self-efficacy, task value, and mastery vs.

    performance orientations.

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    Goal Orientation Theories were developed specifically for explaining achievement

    behavior. Motivation to achieve is far more complicated than the explanation given by

    the simple behavioral reinforcement model. Feedback, competition, and group factors

    play roles in motivation, rewards sometimes decrease it, and even mood must be taken

    into account (Pintrich & Schunk, 1996). The two dimensions of goal orientation

    intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are widely used constructs. Intrinsic motivation is

    related to engaging in an activity for its own sake, for mastery and learning purposes;

    while extrinsic motivation is related to engaging in a task as a result of external rewards

    or punishments. For a student, this means a concern about grades, pleasing others, or

    besting others (cf. Dweck & Leggett, 1988; Harter, 1981) (Pintrich et al., 1994, p. 141).

    Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is also associated with performance vs. mastery goals:

    ...the concept of goal is itself more complex than might at first appear.Cognitive psychologists have come to make a distinction between twotypes of goal orientation, which have variously been described as

    performance vs mastery goals (Ames 1992),performance vs learning goals(Dweck and Leggett 1988), and ego involvement vs task involvement (Nichols1979). Although there are differences in these approaches, they areessentially similar in distinguishing betweenperformance, where the primeconcern is to look good, or, at least, not to look stupid, and learning, wherethe goal is to increase knowledge, skill or understanding. (Williams, 1997,p. 131)

    In short, in prior decades, the directionality behind motivation wasseen simply as needsatisfaction. However, the more recent construct ofgoal,from cognitive psychology, which has replaced need, is far more robust.Not only can more dimensions be attached to goals, but they are also moreeasily researched.

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    Traditional Theories of Motivation in Second Language Education

    Instrumental and Integrative Motivation. Second Language (SL) research on

    motivation has followed a different track and has been dominated by one theory in

    particular (Clment et al., 1994; Crookes & Schmidt, 1991; Gardner, Day, & MacIntyre,

    1992; Ramage, 1991). In 1959, Gardner and Lambert divided the motivation to learn a

    language into two types, instrumental motivation and integrative motivation. Integrative

    motivation is characterized by a positive attitude towards the speakers and culture of

    the target language, while instrumental motivation is characterized by learning the

    language for practical purposes, such as gaining employment or passing a test.

    Integrative motivation is highly correlated with achievement, so of the two

    orientations, integrative motivation has usually been held as superior (Crookes &

    Schmidt, 1991). This is not necessarily Gardners position since he states the social

    context might make an instrumental orientation better in some situations and an

    integrative orientation better in others (Williams, 1997). Au (cited in Crookes, &

    Schmidt, 1991, p. 473) notes that the theories related to integrative motivation, most of

    which imply its superiority, can be summarized as five hypotheses:

    1. The integrative motive hypothesis: an integrative motive will be positivelyassociated with SL achievement.

    2. The cultural belief hypothesis: cultural beliefs influence the development of the

    integrative motive and the degree to which integrativeness and achievement arerelated.

    3. The active learner hypothesis: integratively motivated learners are successfulbecause they are active learners.

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    4. The causality hypothesis: integrative motivation is a cause; SL achievement,the effect.

    5. The two-process hypothesis: aptitude and integrative motivation areindependent factors in second language learning.

    Gardners theories have influenced virtually all SL-related research in this area

    (Crookes & Schmidt, 1991, p. 471), but have also been criticized, especially in regard to

    the integrative motive hypothesis and the causality hypothesis. Interpretation of the

    empirical data from research to validate these theories is controversial, since various

    studies have produced different results. Clearly, other factors impinge. Some factors,

    such as age, can be controlled for, but others, such as cultural values, cannot. Gardners

    chief critic, Oller, suggests that the relationship between affective factors and language

    learning may be an unstable non-linear function of high variability (Crookes &

    Schmidt, 1991) p. 48].

    In his 1988 defense of the theory, Gardner indicated that across a large number of

    studies, there have been significant corellations between integrative attitudes and

    language proficiency, and in his own later study (1992), he found a strong correlation

    with the learning of vocabulary items. Integrative motivation has been also correlated

    with persistence; Ramage (1991) conducted a study to find what relationship exists

    between various motivations and the likelihood of a student to continue in a program.

    She found that an interest in the foreign culture and in learning the language, but not

    for instrumental reasons, thoroughly distinguished those students who would continue

    in a program from those who would not.

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    The strong correlation between integrative motivation and achievement implies

    causality, but, as in all correlations, making such an assumption is speculative.

    Integrativeness and achievement might both be products of another, not yet identified

    cause. Savignon and Strong (cited in Crookes & Schmidt, 1991, p. 474), have even

    proposed that the causality might work in reverse as well. Rather than a positive

    attitude towards the target language leading to proficiency, proficiency and success in

    the second language might cause a positive attitude, while failure produces a negative

    attitude (Crookes & Schmidt, 1991).

    So where does the theory stand now? Gardner has recently attempted to expand

    upon the original theory to include other factors. His socio-educational model is

    operationally defined in terms of a composite of variables including measures of

    integrativeness, attitudes towards the learning situation, and motivation (Gardner et

    al., 1992, p. 198) but most scholars still associate his name with the original dichotomy.

    Others, such as Clment, Drnyei, and Noels (1994), have concluded that integrative

    and instrumental orientations are entwined rather than separate, and that to attempt to

    pose them as antithetical is fruitless. Whatever the case, there is still a widespread

    agreement that integrativeness is one of a number of factors closely tied to achievement

    and proficiency (Benson, 1991; Clment et al., 1994; Crookes & Schmidt, 1991; Gardner

    et al., 1992; Ramage, 1991; Skehan, 1991; Spolsky, 1988). Even in a context where

    foreign language learning is largely an academic matter, student motivation remains

    socially grounded. (Clment et al., 1994, p.421).

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    Current Theories of Motivation in Second Language Education

    Other Interpretations of Social Factors. The social grounding mentioned above,

    has become one of the major directions of SL research on motivation. Spolsky, a leading

    authority on language learning, indicated that a key factor in the learning is the social

    context (Spolsky, 1988). Included in his definition of context are exposure to language

    roles and a general perception of the value of language, for these factors influence

    learner attitudes in two ways: attitude toward the language and motivation.

    Language also plays an important role in socialization. It is an expression of who

    we are. It is related to learner empowerment. "Language experience provides options,

    expands the range of what speakers can do, and of what they mean" (Savignon, 1995) p.

    13]. These influences might be stronger with Japanese youth, whose psychosocial

    adaptation is highly dependent on the social context. According to Hiroshi Kida,

    former director of the National Institute for Educational Research, rather than having an

    identity that is socially defined, Japanese youth develop a "flexible, portable identity

    and set of skills" (White, 1987, p.174).

    A Call for Revision. Although during the sixties, the decade after Gardner and

    Lambert introduced their theory, a large number of papers were published on SL

    motivation, the discussion markedly dropped off in the seventies and eighties (Crookes

    & Schmidt, 1991). The issue of motivation was often avoided by using the term

    interest in its place. Likewise, literature in the field of second language acquisition

    generally abandoned motivation as instrumentation and established a new base of

    knowledge on the behavior and attitudes of good language learners (Crookes &

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    Schmidt, 1991). In the nineties however, the discussion on motivation is becoming

    lively again (Williams, 1997, p. 118). Weaknesses in the instrumental - integrative

    model, and new theories of motivation from cognitive psychology, have led key

    scholars to call for a new theory that better fits L2 education (Crookes & Schmidt, 1991;

    Skehan, 1991; Williams, 1997). Two new models that integrate a number of factors other

    than integrativeness have recently been proposed: (1) Clment, Drnyei, and Noels ILA

    model (1994); and (2) Williams and Burdens social constructivist model. These will be

    examined later.

    It was earlier stated that integrativeness is one of a number of factors closely tied to

    achievement and proficiency, but what are the rest? A number of factors have been

    suggested by various scholars, but they are not aligned along the same dimensions.

    Some are affective, some are attitudinal and some are social.

    Affective and Attitudinal Factors. Crookes and Schmidt (1991) counterbalance

    psychosocial factors of motivation with attitudinal factors, particularly those found in

    the classroom, such as attitudes towards language study, or affect. Krashens well-

    known Monitor Model of Second Language Acquisition fits this orientation, since

    motivation is considered a part of the affective filter. Research on classroom attitudes,

    stemming from Good Learner Theories in second language acquistion (SLA), have

    identified positive classroom behavior as related to achievement and more importantly,

    the relationship of self-image and task engagement (Crookes & Schmidt, 1991). In

    particular, learners tend to avoid tasks that they perceive as too challenging or not

    challenging enough. These latter views parallel the self-efficacy and goal-related

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    theories in psychology. Most of the current theories of SL motivation include self-

    confidence as a construct (Clment et al., 1994; Crookes & Schmidt, 1991; Gardner et al.,

    1992; Spolsky, 1988).

    One study (Benson, 1991), conducted on Japanese college students, expanded the

    instrumental - integrative motivation model by adding personal motivation, which is

    neither integrative nor instrumental. Japanese study English for the pleasure of being

    able to read English, and the enjoyment of entertainment in English (p.36 ).

    Social Factors. Giles and Byrne (1982, cited in Crookes & Schmidt, 1991, p. 476), in

    their Speech Accomodation Theory, introduce the ethnolinguistic vitality and the

    relationship to the learners self-concept, thereby expanding social factors to include

    group identification and boundaries. A study by Pierce (1995) found that social identity

    has a strong relationship to motivation, although she prefers to call it investment

    rather than motivation (p. 17). Finally, as mentioned above, Spolskys social context

    (1988) also introduces family, home community and state as factors as well (Pierce,

    1995). Ellis (cited in Williams & Burden, 1997) even includes friendship as a motivating

    factor and Bailey notes the influence of competitiveness (Crookes & Schmidt, 1991, p.


    Post-behaviorist psychologists of the eighties, such as Keller; Maeher and Archer

    associate motivation with choice, in terms of (1) direction, (2) persistence, (3)

    continuance and (4) activity level. They also identify motivation with needs, both

    external and internal, as in intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (Crookes & Schmidt, 1991).

    Although previously, the emphasis has been placed on researching intrinsic factors of

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    motivation, since research showed the ineffectiveness of extrinsic factors, such as grades

    (Crookes & Schmidt, 1991), some current theorists hold that intrinsic and extrinsic

    factors are interactive rather than separate. Popular writers like Underhill (1997)

    suggest the external classroom atmosphere we create causes internal psychological

    changes in students. Humanistic attitudes, empowerment, feedback, creating relaxed

    alertness, playfulness, humor, and other classroom behaviors must also be considered

    as factors of motivation.

    Cognitive Factors. Interest in a cognitive approach to motivation is growing

    (Williams, 1997) and as the cognitive theories become more refined in psychology, we

    can expect their implementation in SL research. Cognitive theories focus on choice,

    goals and styles.

    Within the last ten years, extensive SL research has been done on the relationship

    between achievement and learning styles (also referred to as learning strategies). A

    number of studies on learning styles show correlations with attitude and achievement

    (LoCastro, 1994; Oxford, 1990; Reid, 1987). In a study done by Ellis, for example, the

    learning styles seemed closely connected to a positive affective orientation (p. 259)

    towards language study. Although the relationship between learning styles and

    motivation has so far only been implied, it is safe to assume that since achievement and

    motivation are closely related, and since discussion on motivation is increasing,

    learning styles will soon be recognized as an important factor.

    As the above discussion indicates, whereas once motivation was generally

    considered along two dimensions, as being integrative or instrumental, recognition of

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    other factors has made the issue much more complex. Within the last few years, two

    models have been introduced that try to incorporate these additional factors in the

    theory of SL motivation. Past models of motivation tended to be formed along two

    tracks: either by pure theory and review of the literature, as in Maslows Hierarchy of

    Needs; or by experimental research and analysis of the results, as in Hertzfields two

    factor Motivation-Hygiene Theory. The two theories below follow these tracks as well.

    The ILA model is based on the results of a specific study while the Constructivist model

    is a compilation of other theories.

    The ILA Model. Clment, Drnyei, and Noels (1994) conducted research on

    motivational factors and created the ILA model from the results. SL motivation consists

    of three interacting components: (a) integrative motivation, which is not separate from

    instrumental motivation; (b) linguistic self-confidence, defined by attitude and effort;

    and (c) appraisal of the classroom environment, noting that group cohesion leads to a

    positive appraisal. Their research confirms the power of the integrative motive, and

    also shows that it is connected to linguistic self-confidence, but they also found that

    both of these components are separate from the students evaluation of the teaching


    The ILA model is powerful because it is simple and parsimonious. It might be

    weak, however, in that it does not consider all the factors discussed above as separate


    The Constructivist Model. Williams and Burden (1997) take social constructivist

    position, in which it is assumed that each person is motivated differently and choice

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    plays an important part. They reviewed the current theories in cognitive psychology

    and integrated them into a process-oriented theory with the decision to act at the center.

    Influencing the individuals decision are two sets of dimensions, internal factors and

    external factors. The internal factors interact dynamically in a non-linear fashion, and

    affect the level and extent of learners motivation to complete a task or maintain an

    activity (Williams, 1997, p. 137). These factors, while affecting each other are also

    subject to influence from the other set of dimensions, external factors, where again, the

    interaction is dynamic. Both sets of factors can be seen in Figure 1.

    Figure 1. Willams and Burdens constructivist model, slightly modified (Williams,

    1997, p. 140).

    The strengths and weaknesses of the constructivist model are just the opposite of

    those of the ILA model. The constructivist is more complete, but weaker in parsimony.

    Research on Japanese English Students

    Most studies of motivation done on Japanese focus on integrativeness and use a

    questionnaire approach. In 1996, Teweles did a comparative study with Japanese and

    Chinese college students studying English. Their motivational levels were assessed by

    questionnaire. Japanese scored higher than their Chinese counterparts on integrative

    measures, with 75% showing high levels of motivation. However, he also found that

    general tests of English were a better predictior of performance than motivational

    assessment. This reflects Chihara and Ollers well-known study in 1978 (Teweles, 1996,

    p. 221), in which the weaknesses of attitudinal surveys were uncovered. These two

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    studies throw the validity of using questionnaires to assess motivation into question, at

    least when conducted with Japanese. Crookes and Schmidt at the University of Hawaii,

    however, and thus familiar with Japanese students, support the intuitive approaches,

    such as self-reporting and questionnaires (Crookes & Schmidt, 1991).

    In a questionnaire study done with 311 Japanese college freshmen, Benson (1991)

    also found a high level of integrativeness. Results show that the top two reasons the

    students said they study English were closely related to foreign travel. Number one, at

    18.25%, was, Knowing English makes it easier to get along in other countries while

    number two, at 15.35%, was Knowing English allows me to understand how foreigners

    think (p. 41). Note that these reasons ranked well above school or work-related

    reasons. In fact, Passing exams,reading textbooks, and personal satisfaction were

    firmly rejected as reasons.

    Benson also identified a third type of motivation, termed personal, which he

    claims is neither neither instrumental nor integrative, although the interpretation might

    be his alone. Examples of personal motivation are the pleasure of being able to read

    English, and the enjoyment of entertainment in English (p.36), reasons implying

    intrinsic motivation as related to self-concept. Benson also cites Chihara and Ollers

    1978 study in 1978, when it was observed that Japanese value integrative and personal

    reasons the most highly, rather than instrumental reasons. He also cites a 1989 study of

    Japanese freshmen by Berwick and Ross, in which the overall intensity of motivation

    was found to be low. These latter authors also note a high level of interest in studying

    abroad (p.37).

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    In 1993, Kitao also conducted a questionnaire study on Doshisha students preparing

    to study abroad. She found the number one reason Doshisha students signed up for the

    program was integrative, to make foreign friends and the number two reason,

    instrumental, to improve English ability. A more recent study (Ono, 1996) shows that at

    least from the students perspective, these goals can be achieved. Upon their return,

    the 23 third year students who spent twelve weeks in Canada became more positive

    about Canadians, their English ability, and English as a subject of study.

    Student Types, Classroom Conditions, Motivation, and Achievement

    Most studies on motivation address what conditions influence motivation and how

    motivation effects achievement, but recently, some interesting research examines

    motivation from the other direction. In what way do learner characteristics, such as

    cognitive ability, L1 linguistic aptitude, mastery orientation, etc., influence motivational

    beliefs? Pintrich, Roeser and De Groot (1994) found that students who focus on

    learning and mastery are more likely to have higher self-efficacy, less test anxiety, and

    show higher levels of motivation. Even more important, they are more willing to study

    in ways that lead to deeper learning:

    ...students who had positive motivational beliefs, which included a generalintrinsic orientation focused on learning and mastery, positive perceptions of ofinterest and value regarding course material, and high self efficacy beliefs, weremore likely to report using self-regulated learning strategies that will result indeeper processing of the material and better understanding. At the same time,students who reported higher levels of test anxiety were less likely to be self-regulating." (p. 155-6)

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    In asking whether positive motivational beliefs drive cognitive engagement or

    whether it occurs the other way around, the researchers found that these two factors are

    probably reciprocal. Of even greater import was their finding that both of these

    conditions are not fixed learner characteristics, but can be influenced by the classroom

    context. Interesting materials, some choice of tasks, good explanations, and the chance

    to work with other students was more likely to result in the students focusing on

    mastery and learning. In other words, teachers can influence motivation.

    This perspective slightly differs from one proposed by Wigzell and Al-Ansari, who

    claim that "High achievers are usually driven by a strong inner desire to learn and

    generally learn successfully in any kind of learning environment" (p. 313), but this latter

    point of view comes from personal observation rather than research. What Wigzell and

    Al-Ansaris research did find, however, concurs with Pintrich, Roeser and De Groots

    findings. Low achievers, however, tend to be much more sensitive variables in their

    learning environment, such as teacher attitudes, materials, means of assessment, etc.

    They suggest that successful instruction requires the teacher to give less attention to

    managing the environment and more attention to fostering a desire to learn (p. 313).

    Olshtain, Shohamy, Kemp, and Chatow (1990) examined how cognitive variables of

    aptitude, L1 ability, IQ, and other individual features influence EFL achievement. In

    particular, they compared disadvantaged students based on an Israeli govermental

    classification with regular students. Their research found that certain types of

    English test items, such as error completion, synonyms and register were more useful

    for distinguishing between these types of learners, which, to some degree, supports the

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    view that L2 achievement is strongly influenced by L1 aptitude. It also supports, to

    some degree, the deficit theory, which states that poor language ability reflects poor

    cognitive ability, especially in relationship to the specialized type of language used in

    schools (elaborated code) and the way L2 proficiency is measured: discrete item

    language tests that measure syntactic accuracy rather than basic communication skills.

    In short, in the L2 classroom, even native language proficiency must be considered a

    factor of motivation and achievement.

    These studies indicate that if future research is continued along these lines, and the

    relationship between cognition, motivation and achievement brought into focus, that

    whole new sets of dimensions for the motivation model might arise. Neither cognitive

    dimensions nor the previously described cultural dimensions of construal of self, are

    included in any of the current models, even Williams and Burdens expansive model.

    Obviously, the question of motivation and where it comes from is far from settled.

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