retold by riya, birtee, zeba sashrika and kyra

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Slide 3 Retold By Riya, Birtee, Zeba Sashrika and Kyra Slide 4 Once upon a time, there was a very pretty girl and her name was Cinderella. She lived with her step mother and two ugly step sisters. Slide 5 The two ugly sisters did not like Cinderella and they made her work very hard. She had to do all the cooking and cleaning and all the washing up on her own. She never had any new clothes so she had to wear rags. Slide 6 One day the step sisters were asked to go to a ball at the palace. And Cinderella carried the message in for her step-mother. Slide 7 Oh, I shall wear my best red dress, said one sister. The other sister said, And I shall wear my best jewels. But they would not let Cinderella go! She had to stay at home and work. Slide 8 On the night of the ball, the two ugly sisters set off and Cinderella was left all alone in the house. She was very sad and she started to cry. Slide 9 Suddenly, there was a flash and a BANG! There in the room was a little old lady. It was Cinderellas Fairy Godmother ! Slide 10 She said, Why are you crying ? And Cinderella said, I want to go to the ball. Slide 11 Cinderella ran into the garden and got one. The Fairy Godmother cut the inside out of the pumpkin. Then she tapped it with her magic wand. There was a flash and a BANG! Then the Fairy Godmother said, Bring me a pumpkin. Slide 12 Slide 13 And there in the garden.. was a beautiful coach! Slide 14 Cinderella looked at the coach and said What a beautiful coach! But there are no horses to pull it. So the fairy Godmother said Bring me a mousetrap. Cinderella got the mousetrap and there were four mice inside. The Fairy Godmother took the mice out and tapped them with her magic wand. Slide 15 There was a flash and a BANG! And there in the garden were four lovely white horses. Cinderella looked at the coach and the four lovely white horses. Then she said, Now I have horses to pull the coach but there is no one to drive it. Slide 16 There was a flash and a BANG! There in the garden was a coachman with a long moustache! Cinderella looked at the coach, the four horses and the coachman.Then she said, I cannot go to the ball without footmen. So the Fairy Godmother said, Go look behind the watering can. You will see two lizards. Bring them to me. Slide 17 Cinderella found the two lizards and the Fairy Godmother tapped them with her magic wand. There was a flash and a BANG! There in the garden were two smart footmen! Slide 18 Cinderella looked at the coach, the four horses, the coachman and the two footmen. Then she said, They will take me to ball but I cant go in these rags. So the Fairy Godmother tapped Cinderella with her magic wand. Slide 19 There was a flash and a BANG! Suddenly, Cinderellas rags turned into a beautiful dress and she had lots of lovely jewels and glass slippers! Slide 20 Slide 21 Now I can go to the ball! Thank you,thank you! Slide 22 Fairy Godmother said, Be sure to get home before 12 oclock. Cinderella said I will, I will. Slide 23 Goodbye,fairy godmother! and the coach left off for the palace. Slide 24 Nobody knew who Cinderella was. Even her mother and sisters could not see that it was Cinderella in her jewels, beautiful dress and glass slippers. Slide 25 At the ball, Cinderella met the prince and they fell in love. The prince did not dance with any other girl. Slide 26 Slide 27 Well, Cinderella was having such a lovely time with the prince that she forgot what time it was. Suddenly the clock struck twelve. Slide 28 Ding.DongDing. She ran as fast as she could. But outside the palace there was no coach! Ding Dong.Ding There was no horse! DingDongDing There was no coachmen and no footmen! Slide 29 DingDongDing And Cinderella's clothes were rags again. But she still had one glass slipper! So she put it in her pocket and ran all the way home. Slide 30 At the ball, the prince looked and looked for Cinderella but all he could find was one glass slipper. He was very unhappy, so his father, the king, said to his servants, Find the girl whose foot fits this glass slipper and my son will marry her. Slide 31 So the servants went to every house in town. They asked every young girl to try on the glass slipper. But some feet were too big and some were too small. The glass slipper didnt fit anyone. Slide 32 At last the servant came to Cinderella's house. The first ugly sister tried the glass slipper on but her feet were too fat. Then the second ugly sister tried the glass slipper on but her feet were too thin. Slide 33 The servant said, Is there any young lady in this house? The ugly sisters said, No! But Cinderellas step mother said, Well, there is Cinderella. But she didnt go to the ball. The servant said they had to see all the young ladies in the town. And they saw that Cinderella was young and pretty. Slide 34 So the servants said, Try the glass slipper on, Cinderella. Slide 35 She tried the glass slipper on and it fitted! Then Cinderella took the other slipper out of her pocket and put it on her other foot. Slide 36 Just then there was a flash and BANG! There in the room was the fairy god mother. She tapped Cinderella with her wand and Cinderella was in her beautiful dress and lovely jewels again. Slide 37 The prince was very happy. The very next day Cinderella and the prince were married. Slide 38 And they lived. Happily EVER AFTER!!! Slide 39

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